Offense Report- Knutson LiquorOFFENSE ORIGINAL OFFENSE REPORT Hopkins f olico Dop. rlrnonf TIME COMMITTED 1953 REPORTED BY K. D. SORLIE- HEPKINS POLICE TIME REPORTED 1 953 REPORTED TO D HOW REPORTED OFFICERS ASSIGNED 05 55 PERSONS ATTACKED LIQTJOR LAW VIOL? ICN Phon. In Parson I�igruor S tore PROP T Y ATTACKED Thrs case n declared NFOUNDED LEAKED BY ARREST CEPTIONALLY CLEARED ACTIVE (not cte.rad) M DATE 12 -12 -81 PHO M DATE 12 -12 -81 R•dio Mail INVESTIGATION REPORT NAM OF COMPLAINANT 110'KTNS POLL C ADDRESS ?hone 1010 lt. St. S. IlCPKINS, NN 55343 Bus. 11 930 -2885 PLACE OCCURR NCE KNUTSCN LIQUOR -812 W. Excelsi HO`Y. ATTACKED Sell to minors MEANS OF ATTACK OBJECT OF ATTACK TRADE MARK VEHICLE USED DETAILS OF OFFENSE (Stet. Fully All Other Cocumatencet el This Oltenia and it it In.ert.gat,on, Acton Telen W,tneu.s Inter.,.wed, Etc Juvenile female observed leaving Knutson Liquor with two twelve packs of beer. Reserve Officer Hill and I were driving through the alley behind the store when we observed three juvenile females standing around by their car. I drove through he alley and pulled back into the parking lot on the south side of the Hopkins Liquor Store. We were able to see a juvenile female cane out of Knutson Liquor with a twelve pack of Michelob and a twelve pack of Miller. She met with the three girls waiting in the alley, and gave them the twelve pack of Michelob. Reserve Officer Hill detained the girl who had been in the liquor store while I stopped the other three. I placed them in my car after determininq they were all juveniles. Reserve Hill was detaining 714 WW1 u NTKA, MN 55343. DOB 8- 25 -64, I took Tole back in the store and asked her which clerk had sold her the beer. She pointed cut Arhando Dicicco, 4136 19th Av. S., MPLS, NEI 55407. D B 11- 12 -24. V✓ and Dicicco both told me that has been in the store before and that she has had identification showing her to be of age. The previous night 12 -11 -81 at 2000 I checked cut at Knutson Liquor to explain to the manager that I had just stopped a 17 year -old female as she cane out of the store with a twelve pack of Lone Star beer. She also had told me that in (over) FJ O IJ f J ■D (D OIr,C.r s S,pn.tur• the past she has had identification showing her to be of age. Because of this she was not required to show any I.D.. I explained to the manager at the time that he was going to have to start checking identification better since this girl had used someone elses on her prior visit. I told both the manager and the clerk that I would use this first time as a warning since they have not been in business that long. The manager assured me that they would remedy the problem. They obviously have not done this. Juvenile contact card were filled out on the other three girls in my squad. The two twelve packs were tagged and placed in Property Roan A Bin E -4.