Prospects for City GaragePROBLEMS WITH CITY GARAGE, 17TH 1. Maintenance area does not comply with Federal and State OSHA standards; cannot perform certain heavy maintenance which must be sent out. Maintenance area too small only room for three trucks. Some vehicles are found to need parts, and have to remain in place. 3. Large maintenance garage has essentially no insulation. Present "false ceiling" will not support insulation. Building used by Park, Water Sewer crews has inadequate insulation. Third structure (the "Barn is neither heated nor insulated. The wooden building has essentially no insulation, and only an electric heater. Supervisors are isolated from the people they oversee. Beecher and Cedar work from-City Hall, Cooper has his shop at the garage but has to do paperwork at City Hall. 5. There is no central dispatch center for public works service and comp- laints the task is split up between four people. No one knows, or is in a position to know, the location and status of all public works units. 6. The diesel fueling facility is grossly undersized for a. public works yard (500 gal. vs. the 5 -8,000 we should have). The electrical systems within the buildings do not meet standard. Due to the decision to use the "Barn" structure for skating several hun- dred thousand dollars worth of equipment has to sit outside in the winter, The.present buildings systems. 10. Oil storage area is inadequate (drums sitting on very dangerous in a fire. 11. Some trucks must be based at the landfill due to inadequate storage spac( results in supervision and maintenance problems. 12. Floor of maintenance area is so badly pitted that creeper cannot be maneuvered. Most of the above can be summed up by saying that the existing garage facility is costing you a fortune to maintain and operate. Its heat bills are almost as high as those of the City Hall, which has over 32,000 square feet of heated space. Its inefficiency is reflected in high vehicle main tenance cost and low morale. It must be repaired or replaced without delay. have neither fire detection nor fire suppression the' floor by the wall) MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION Apparently successive managers have been facing a Catch -22 situa- tion on the City garage problem for years. The present garage site is zoned for high density apartments (the 1990 Plan confirms that zoning), but no one wants to precipitate the issue by selling the land for that purpose. On the other hand, unless the land is sold, monies are not available for a new garage. Unquestionably the City garage does not meet the zoning, and nonconforming uses should not be expanded. So we remain in place year after year. Examination of the estimated numbers the variables involved in site selection. plan to build the needed facility new, on If this is not approved, the present site new maintenance bays and personnel areas, buildings as unheated or partially heated on the following page shows My plain advice would be to the County Highway Dept. site should be upgraded by adding refitting the balance of the storage. If you are hesitant to make a decision of this magnitude, one al- ternative is to take it to the people. Plainly state that one course of action or another must be followed, and that the one yielding the greatest long -range savings will require a bond issue. A vote for the bond issue is a vote for the new garage, a vote against it is a vote for remodeling the existing garage site. If it is so presented and understood, few will be able to contest the outcome of the vote. As you know, the City has the funds available within the Real Estate Sales Fund to meet the net cost of rehabilitating and adding on to the present garage. Q CITY GARAGE OPTIONS There are three principal sites that should be considered for a modern city shop and garage facility the present site, the former landfill, and the County garage site All three are currently tax exempt and reasonably centrally located. The following simplified chart is presented to show the various elements of the decision. EXPENSE Land Cost Soil Correction Building Rehabilitation Assoc. Costs (fuel area, fencing, blacktop) Total INCOME Property Sales present site Landfill Present Site 384,000 100, 000 16,000 110, 000 Landfill County Site $264000 $200,000t $1,000,000-' 3 $1,000,000 100,000 $500,000 $1,•300,000 $1,320,000 300,000 Net Cost $390,000 $1,000,000 910,000 Allows fire Truck south of tracks Meets city plan zoning 1. 4 acres at $1.50 /sq. ft. 2. 80x120 ft., at $40 /sq. ft. 3.:40,000 sq. ft., at $25 /sq. ft. 4. Insulating and repair of current: buildings. 5. For constructing 150 units at $2,000 per unit. 6. 2400 sq. ft. bldg., $10 /sq. ft., equals $24,000 plus for acres at $.50 per sq. (approx. $86,000). 60,000 300,000 110,000