Access Concerns- 49 5th Ave So--(y DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
320 Washington Av. South
Hopkins, Minnesota 55343
Mr. John Strojan, P. E.
City Engineer
City of Hopkins
1010 First Street So
Hopkins, MN 55343
Dear John:
Re: Access Concerns at 49 5th Ave. South
935 -3381 March 22, 1982
Our department has investigated the complaint and request of residents of
49 5th Avenue South concerning access onto 5th Avenue South from the
apartment garage.
The residents are concerned that the close proximity of the driveway to
the CSAH 3 5th Ave. So. intersection, particularly the westbound CSAH 3
right turn leg, is creating a hazardous traffic condition. They have
requested, through the property management agency of M. B. Hagen Realty,
that remedial steps be taken to help alleviate the hazard. The suggestions
are to add a new curb along 5th Ave. So. to divert traffic into the center
lane at the driveway location and to post additional warning signs including
stop signs which would stop the westbound CSAH 3 right turn movement at
5th Ave. So.
The residents have noted two accidents at this location, both occurring
during the summer of 1981. Both were evidently minor since the Hopkins
Police Department investigated neither mishap.
As you know a very heavy volume of traffic makes the turn from westbound
CSAH 3 to proceed north on 5th Ave. So. This heavy movement is due certainly
in part to the termination of CSAH 18 at CSAH 3. Vehicles existing CSAH 18
onto CSAH 3 are making this movement to continue their trip to destinations
to the north. We are of the opinion that confining or "necking down" 5th
Ave. So. to one lane as suggested would have detrimental effects on the
capacity of the roadway. The full width of 5th Ave. So. is necessary to
accommodate the traffic demand.
It would be very difficult to justify the installation of stop signs on
the CSAH 3 westbound right turn in view of the heavy traffic making this
movement. The inbalance in traffic volume between the right turn movement
and vehicular activity at the driveway would place the right turn movement
an equal opportunity employer
under an unrealistic handicap if stopped. Stopping the right turn would be
inconsistant with general practice where a "free" right has been established.
All such situations on the county highway system are handled with yield signs.
Motorist anticipation would be for a yield condition as he /she approaches
and proceed through the turn. Motorist compliance with a stop regulation
would be expected to be low.
While warning signs such as requested could be placed, we question their
effectiveness. To be effective they must convey a real meaning to the motorist
and fully describe a potential hazard ahead. Motorists using this route may
pass here numerous times without encountering vehicles attempting to enter
or exit the driveway. They will quickly become immune to the isgn and ignore
it. Secondly, and probably more critical, would be the false sense of security
such warning signs may instill in the minds of the driveway users. They may
place undue reliance on the sign which may or may not offer adequate protection.
Our recommendation is to not change the existing traffic control at this
location nor install any additional warning signs at this time. We do recommend
that emphasis be placed on controlling the westbound CSAH 3 right turn by double
signing the yield condition placing a yield sign on both sides of the free
right turn leg and by oversizing these signs. We can proceed on these improve-
ments if the city concurs.
Should further information be necessary or should you care to discuss the
matter further, please give me a call.
Yours truly,
.t 1.2Ga 4
Dennis L. Hansen, P. E.
County Traffic Engineer
DLH :de
cc: Herb Klossner
Dave Swenson