Five Year Capital Improvement ProgramDate January 20, 1982 To Zoning and Planning Commission From William P. Craig, City Manager Subject: FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 0 Each year, it has been my practice to furnish you with an outline five- year capital improvement program, at the January meeting. An exception was made in 1981, due to the presence of such a program in the 1990 Comprehensive Plan. The plan gives "distant early warning" of necessary projects and expensive equipment replacement (vehicles are handled on a separate replace- ment schedule) The capital improvement program also gives the advisory and policy making authorities of the city an opportunity to plan and direct long- range improvements, beyond the narrow scope of the annual budget process. The program itself, however, has no legal force the final word belongs to the Council through normal budget and vote procedures. 1. Alleys It has been City practice to pay 20% of the cost of concrete alleys from general tax revenues. Seventy- eight (78) concrete alleys have been installed since the program began in 1965, about two dozen asphalt alleys of varying condition remain, and a handful of unpaved alleys. 2. Seal Coat The City tries to maintain a regular schedule for seal- coating paved streets with asphalt and crushed stone, since experience has shown that the chief cause of pavement failure is water penetration of the asphalt surface. The City has been maintaining a six -year seal coat inter val, and thus must average six miles of seal -coat per year to keep current. 3. Smetana West of llth Avenue South This section of proposed roadway is on the 1969 thoroughfare plan, but has never been built. It seems likely that when the 45 acres in the southwest corner of the city are proposed for development, the potential access streets will be 7th street (extended south), 10th Street South, and Smetana (11th Street South) On the chance that Smetana might be chosen, it was included in the (previousl. approved) State Aid plan with a 1982 date. Such construction would require cooperation and cost sharing from Minnetonka. Consequently, 1983 would be the earliest such work could be done. 4. Route 18 Based upon County estimates of City contributions necessary to keep the project on schedule. Apparently, City payments will principally involve site drainage 5. Bike Trails This program has been on the C. I. P. for some years as seed money funds to be used to match grants, etc. Unfortunately grants are at a low ebb. 6. Shady Oak Road Since we suspect the County intends to improve Shady Oak someday, we need to note the possible expense on the "distant horizon" Perhaps when the Crosstown is extended the volume on Shady Oak will no longer merit a project. 7. Signal, llth and 5th South We check this for volume to meet State Aid signal warrants. and to date it does not. However, it should be kept on the program, for volumes may increase, or industries may petition to pay for it by assessment. F:ve year capital improvement program, continued. 8. Parks The Park Board has not, to my knowledge, recently prepared a capital budget with specific expenditures for each park. Unfortunately, major capital improvement in the parks may have to await. a bond issue, a grant program, or the sale of unused property. The former capital program does note a desire for the purchase of the two homes and one lot now immediately. adjacent to Hilltop Park; thus the figure 'used. 9. Water Tank Renovation The Moline tank was thoroughly recoated in 1977, and the Blake tank in 1978. Such work is usually scheduled for seven- year intervals. 10. Loop Lines Although most of the line "looping" to boost water pressure and volume will be completed in 1982, it appears that flow from the big treatment plant (behind Elmo Park) could be improved by install- ation of an additional main from there to Highway 7. 11. Storm Sewers By policy, Council has devoted $65 ,000 annually from taxes to the Storm Sewer Fund. 12. 5 Million Gallon Tank This has long been part 'of the overall water system improvement plan, increasing overhead storage by 500. The year selected is somewhat arbitrary, and could be changed. The tank would be constructed at the Elmo Park treatment plant site. 13. Emergency Power #4 At present none of the City wells have an emergency generator for power outages, although #5 runs on natural gas and #4 has a direct -drive diesel which is regarded as unreliable and dangerous. A generator for the #4 well site would be a wise investment, and could possibly be cycled to operate the treatment plant also. 14. New Computer The present City mini computer will need replacement, we project, &at that time, a complete review of computer use, and possible solutions, will be necessary. 15 Public Works Garage By 1983, we will be in the position of complet- ing the garage facility in a series of steps, as outlined to Council at the time the contract was awarded. 1983 1985 expenses would be funded with the interest from the P.I.R. fund principal. 16. Tree Program Elimination of state tree disease control aid has been a serious blow. However, at a minimum, we must continue to remove diseased trees as they are found, or the disease will overcome all the trees in a very short time. 17. Remodel Police Station The Superintendent has some ideas to improve the dispatch area and have a 24 hour public entry point without leaving the main door open. 18. CBD Plans These are not listed in this document, since they are currently being prepared for separate passage, and will rely to some extent on private enterprise participation to "trigger" city action. This explanation is necessarily brief; as usual .I am available to answer questions, and will make presentation at public meetings as necessary. Ideally the Commission will be able to forward this to Council by late February,, so that they may review, amend, etc. prior to 1983 budget preparation. Res ectfully submitted, W P. Craig, Clt.y Manager 9 CAPITAL BUDGET WORKPLAN Threshold $5,000 0 Projects 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Source Streets Transportation Alleys 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 General Fund Seal Coat 53,000 58,000 64,000 70,000 77,000 General Fund Smetana W of llth 137,000 State Aid Rt. 18 125,000 Storm Sewer Fund Bike Trails 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 General Fund Shady. Oak 200,000 State Aid Signal llth 5th Hilltop Water Sewer Tank Renovation Loop Lines Storm Sewers 5 mg Tank Emergency Power #4 Public Property 7th Street Extension 100,000 Assessments 25,000 State Aid 75,000 30,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 50,000 January 1982 110,000 Water Fund 40,000 Water Fund .65,000 65, -000' General Fund 500,000 Water Bond Sewer Fund New Computer 35,000 Revenue Shar Public Works Garage 59,000 56,000 50,000 Real Estate Fund PIR int., Comm dev, State levy Tree Program 80,000 88,000 96,000 105,000 115,000 General Fund Remodel .Police Station 15,000 General Fund