Petition from SO. Hpks residents re: Knox Lumber & Country ClubThe following signuatures represent two complaints from the South Hopkins Area residents: 1. The speakers from Knox Lumber and Country Club Warehouse are entirely too loud. These companies should not be allowed to use their speaker system or they should be made to turn them down to a level where you cannot hear them blocks away. The noise from these speakers has been reported to the Hopkins Police Department on many occasions (The speakers are going at all hours of the night and all weekend long) but it seems that the police department cannot do anything about it. 2. With Buffer Park on <ih Street being set up for the use of Little Leagers, the semi trucks using that road are a hazard to our childrens health. Trucks are traveling along 5th Street with no speed in mind making it any even greater hazard to our children's health. Signs should be posted prohibiting trucks from traveling on this road. MUST A CHILD BE CRITICALLY INJURED BEFORE SOMEONE DOES SOMETHING ABOUT IT. diA „et loY -104sA: 47 1 ILLY/7 A? L■ /17/7"PC(C2e ‘Z-v-r- e 44) 27 ie L.., 4 -11 t if' !Tor (r) 2' f_)( CLA- 641 1 0 el 7 (4. 61hTLJ 7 1 ria,(0 7/ 0 4 7(----mi