Memo - LRT Station Study/Discussion; BeardMEMO To: Hopkins City Council and Zoning & Planning Commission From: lk Tara Beard, Community Development Coordinator Date: July 28, 2009 Subject: Southwest LRT Station Area Master Planning Update As you are aware, two County -led initiatives are currently underway for the Southwest Light Rail Transit line planned through Hopkins: A Station Area Master Plan and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). Both of these plans build on previous work, but are still broad in scope. A public open house is planned for August l l to share the progress of these initiatives. The Station Area Master Plan process is coming to an end, and this open house will be the last public meeting before the plan is completed. The DEIS will wrap up at the end of this year, and the open house will serve as an opportunity for an update and to answer questions. Tonight's worksession will provide an opportunity to discuss any significant changes or issues in the Station Area Master Plan process that have come up since the last LRT update to City officials. First, there has been ongoing discussion of the street infrastructure needed to access the Shady Oak Station. Hay Dobbs, consultant for the Station Area Planning, will be presenting the current infrastructure proposal. Issues that will be addressed in the worksession discussion include the design/layout of the infrastructure, including possible phased development, and a dialogue about how such infrastructure costs might be planned for. Other Shady Oak Station topics to discuss are the location of the Park and Ride, and land uses at the Minnetonka/Hopkins border. Secondly, the Downtown Station requires follow up discussion about parking, including whether or not a Park and Ride would be provided and if so, where it would be located. The parking concerns of neighboring uses will also be discussed. Land uses south of the Downtown Station have not been addressed in the Station Area Plan at this point, and input on this is sought as well. Finally, redevelopment around this station is the most crucial, and further discussion about land banking, use of TIF, and other redevelopment strategies will be addressed. There have been no major issues or changes to Blake Rd Station Plans, although between the County, Hay Dobbs, and City Staff we are happy to address any questions about that station as well.