Cond. Use Permit-Blake SchoolJune 17, 1997 Supporting Documents. o Analysis of Issues Site Plans Resolution RZ97 -14 Nancy S. Anderson, AICP Planner T Y CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT= -BLAKE SCHOOL Overview. The applicant, Blake School, is proposing to construct an addition to the existing ice arena. The ice arena is located; on the west side of the Blake School. property. The proposed addition will be located on the north side of the existing ice area. The addition is approximately 122' x 41'. The addition will be for four additional locker rooms, showers, restrooms, coaches' offices and a weight room. The applicant is required to receive a conditional use permit because the cost of construction is over $150,000. Planning Report CUP97-6 Pronosed Action. Staff recommends the following motion: Move to approve Resolution RZ97 -14, recommending approval of an addition to the ice arena. Primary Issues to Consider. What is the zoning of the property, and how has the Comprehensive Plan designated the subject site? What are the specifics of the development? Primary Issues to Consider. CUP97 -6 Page 2 o What is the zoning of the property, and how has the Comprehensive Plan designated the subject site? The site is zoned R -1 -C, single family. A school is permitted in residential zoning districts. The Comprehensive Plan has designated the subject site as a school. o What are the specifics of the development? Landscaping The site is heavily wooded in some areas and landscaped throughout. The applicant will be adding four Scotch Pines and two Basswoods in the location of the proposed addition. Public Works The Pubic Works department has reviewed the preliminary plan and is concerned with the use of the fire access road. The fire access road is being used as access for other uses. The star is recommending that a condition is added that the fire access road on the west side of the property is used only for fire access, controlled by the Hopkins Fire Department. Nine Mile Creek Watershed District will have to approve the development. Fire Marshal The Fire Marshal has reviewed the preliminary plans and found them acceptable. Parking The parking will remain the same. Parking for the ice arena is located on the south side of the site. Access The access will remain the same. Access to Blake School is from Blake Road and Excelsior Boulevard. Exterior The exterior of the proposed addition will be rock -face concrete masonry. Lighting The architect is proposing to have wall packs for lighting. The exact locations have not been determined, but there will be lighting at the entrance/exits. Setbacks CUP97 -6 Page 3 The Zoning Ordinance requires a 50 -foot setback for all school buildings. The ice arena is more than 50 feet from the west property line. Surrounding uses The ice arena is surrounded by the school on three sides and residential to the west. Alternatives. Recommend approval of the conditional use permit to construct an addition to the ice arena. By recommending approval of the conditional use permit to construct an addition to the ice arena, the City Council will consider a recommendation of approval. 2. Recommend denial of the conditional use permit to construct an addition to the ice arena. By recommending denial of the conditional use permit to construct an addition to the ice arena, the City Council will consider a recommendation of denial. If the Planning Commission considers this alternative, findings will have to be identified that support this alternative. 3. Continue for further information. If the Planning Commission indicates that further information is needed, the item should be continued. CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO: RZ97 -14 RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO THE ICE ARENA WHEREAS, an application for Conditional Use Permit CUP97 -6 has been made by Blake School; WHEREAS, the procedural history of the application is as follows 1. That an application for a conditional use permit was made by Blake School on May 27, 1997; 2. That the Hopkins Zoning and Planning Commission, pursuant to mailed and published notice, held a public hearing on the application and reviewed such application on June 24, 1997: all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard; 3. That the written comments and analysis of City staff were considered; and 4. A legal description of the subject property is as follows: Commencing at the most Northerly corner of Lot 82, thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly line thereof 150 feet, thence Southeasterly at right angles 100 feet, thence Northeasterly at right angles 123 8/10 feet to East line of said lot, thence North 103 37/100 feet to beginning, Lot 82, Auditors Subdivision No. 239. That part of Lot 81 lying North of the South 125 feet and that part of South 125 feet of Lot 81 lying East of the West 38 feet thereof, Lot 81, Auditors Subdivision No. 239. Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 82, thence Northeasterly along the Northwesterly line thereof to the Northwest corner of Lot 83, thence South to Southwest corner thereof, thence East to Southeast corner thereof, thence North to Northeast corner thereof, thence Northeasterly along the Northwesterly line of Lot 82 distant 289 feet, thence Southeasterly at right angles 100 feet, thence Northeasterly at right angles 123 8/10 feet to East line of Lot 82, thence South to Southeast corner thereof, thence Northeasterly at right angles 23 8/10 feet to the East line of Lot 82 thence South to Southeast corner thereof, thence Westerly along the South line thereof to the Southwest corner thereof thence North to beginning, Lot 82, Auditors Subdivision No 239. Lot 83, Auditors Subdivision No. 239 Lots 1,2,3, and that part of Lots 7 thru 19 inclusive, lying East of the West 10 feet thereof, including adjacent one half of streets and alley vacated, Block 19, West Minneapolis Center 0 That part of Lots 1 thru 10, inclusive, lying east of the west 10 feet thereof including adjacent one half of streets vacated Block, 37 West Minneapolis Center. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application for Conditional Use Permit CUP97 -6 is hereby recommended for approval based on the following Findings of Fact: 1. That the proposed development meets the requirements for a conditional use permit. 2. That the proposed development meets the zoning requirements. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that application for Conditional Use Permit CUP97 -6 is hereby recommended for approval based on the following conditions: 1. That the Engineering Department approves the final stormwater, drainage and grading plan. 2. That Nine Mile Creek Watershed District approves the site plan. 3. That the fire access on the west side of the property is used for fire access only and is controlled by the Hopkins Fire Department. Adopted this 24th day of June, 1997. Bill Schumacher, Chair J 11•_ Aitlf IIt i 0 S. Onta 4 Pot t( II' 3 12 1 G Ian I a6 e L15tel7 l L FRB 12 eon n',r. Gat n a u 1 0w It* 3 t PMSKD•I�! to LOCATION MAP LEGAL DESCRIPTION Satiiarm THE BLAKE SCHOOL UMW. OCSOUOT10M OP GL4KC SCr00t MO.KINS CMOws Coeeenetng at to test mnrtorly corner of Lot O2. tone. 3eutfaosterty 4 1005 the MOrttresttrlY loo troop? 130 fat, hence 30eto. t *1.241 a.glas 100 foot. 12enn. o Mert.starly at flight angles 123 S/10 foot to Cast 11Er er sot4 101, Manes earth 103 37 /too fort to be lnntng. Let O2, anitors 3uarhlsLon ma. 231. T part of Lot St lying Mirth of w South 123 foot anal trot part of Mouth 123 foot of Lot 01 lying Cast 0f trio root 30 foot [female, tat 31. aaltars Subdivision me. 233. OerMlaetno at No MertEroot earn.? of Let 82. 1244001 prtMOSterty /atop No MOrtrulstnly line Margo? to ono MCrtM earner Of Lot O.T. then0e 3pt2 te SOMt08n1 corner toro.f. Lomas Cast to 3041.1241 earner thereof, thongs North to eertriooss earner shoo.?, tones Ms ?thoast.rtt alep eo Mertroosterly tint of tot 02 4istart 219 rare. Monte 300Mratt.rtY 01 right «p4■ 100 tort. thane. mert easter111 at •1001 .nr1ar 123 G /10 foot to Cant ltto of tot 02. tome. Soo. 3st dome! tOor.Gf, tne M M0'O.sy n rly at ela ./e1ar 123 o 3 0/10 fart t0 the fast lino of tot 02. Marco 3eutn te Southeast earner thoroef, Miles *sc•ee, 4 1005 NO SOON lino Norma to ere 30.12re.t corner Marmot. treats north to 0eolnntn0, let 02. halters 3uedivt.tp me. 231. lot G3, 14010. s AEOttvlsien MO. 231. Lets 1,2.3 ate that part of Lett 7 Iry 11 inel,nlar. lying Cast Of to opt 10 fart 'horror. including 041at001 one elf of streets ant alloy wasted. Stook 11. wart 'Unmoor/1s Canter That part of tots l Mau 1O. 100luslw, Tying oast of to wt 10 foot torpr inelodins sdl.t.nt ono olt of streets v0eats0. Gloat 31, wart 0100.w11s Center. The BLAKE SCHOOL r ELR ORATE POLE AND 0 SIRES (SE 9.31.5 x/ x 9282 1 �l ANTICIPATED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT. INCLUDING SILT PENCE TRECTION, GROUND BREAKING, DEDqu710N: SITE GRADING AND ESTI41 IUSHMENT COMPLETION: SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: O STING PAVEMENT SHE 8 CK �'�MT o PROTECT COOL t&. UNIT 8 REMOVE SEC 1 P tatiie LFir WATERMAIN M TO AW DUCTS MECHANICAL SAWCUT AND REMOVE SAWCUT AND REMOVE PAVEMENT PAVEMENT x FLR 942.512 FLR, 442.81 CGM PETE WALL sum TYPICAL ICE ARENA TOPOGRAPHY REMOVALS PLAN MIOJULY, 1337 MID-OCTOBER. 1001 DECEMBER. 1007 x Flit 442.44 x AREA TABULATION ASPHALT PAVEMENT AREA (REMOVEOX BUBONIC ADDITION AREA GRAVEL PATH AREA: CONCRETE PAVING AREA: TOTALAODRSONAL HARD SURFACE: SCALE: 1' 0 20' APPROX 4.000 SQUARE FEET (0.11 ACRE) APPROX. S.760 SQUARE FEET (O.I3 ACRE) APPROX 3.200 SQUARE PEET (0.06 ACRE) APPROX 600 SQUARE FFeT 10.01 ACRFI APPROX 2.320 SQUARE FEET (0.12 ACRE) 951 x OTECT EXISTING TREES X K TENCH M�Jaf: TCP MIT HYD. 45573 FT. WATER SERVICE LEE COOL DE 7 961 WATER SERVICE Af'PrIGDL LOCATE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 6. 7. 6. S. 18. GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES GRADING DRAINAGE PLAN LOCATE ALL tommes BEFORE DIGGING. EXPOSE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC, IEL3P140NE. CABLE. ANO GAS AND COORDINATE ANY NECESSARY RELOCATION WITH APPUCABLE UTILITY COMPANY. COST OP RELOCATION 70 82 PAID P0387 CONTRACTOR. INSTALL SILT FENCE BEFORE BEGINNING EXCAVATION. MAINTAIN ANO REPAIR FENCES (INCLUDING SILT FtEMOVAL) UNTIL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE AND VEGETATON 31ESTA3UEHEO. REMOVE SILT FENCE SUBSEQUENT TO TURF ESTABLISHMENT. FLAG UNITS Of TREE I BRUSH REMOVAL REMOVAL LIMIT% AS FLAGGED. *137 82 REVIEWED A160 APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CLEARING. CLEARING SHALL SE LIMITED TO THE AREAS PROPOSED 70 86 GRADED AND A3 NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCTING PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. MAINTAIN DUST CONTROL DURING GRADING OPERATIONS. MAINTAIN ADJACENT PAVEMENTS 1INCLU0ING PUSUC =errs ARO PARKING LOT) CLEAN OF CONSTRUCTOR DIRT AND DEBRIS. NO FINISHED SLOPES SHALL F.XCEED 3 HORROWTAL TCII VERTICAL 13:1). PROPOSED CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS S$01•01 *33 70 FINISH GRADE. PROPOSED ELEVATIONS SHOWN TYPICALLY 34.303 34 MAU. BE UNDERSTOOD TO WAN 134.3 OR 634. PROVIDE STRIPPING OPERATIONS ANO REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE ANDIOR 630153 308.3. ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSWE THE BUILDING PAD VOUCH ARE NOT DESIGNATED TO RECEIVE GRAVF.L SHALL RECEIVE AT LEAST r OP TOPSOIL. 4.7...0.0••••70.9.81.• SCALE: r 20* VITO airtits.0 eSeawbeeirmonl•••••■>/e011•••• Salmitio..e..a les.r..•••■•••••••■.11. ENGINEERED FILL Cat.wen011 0,0•••■••••■••/..L. 1.••■•••1:11011•••1•014•1 (11) SILT FENCE Smlin••••■•••■■3 cosmos*. /0/2/* KO. •■•■■••Oes% 1.111•• RELOCATE WIRES 5 mans 01101spw•Immots••■■•■••■•••14010s•In MIMIC ••••..fs ••••••LSWIAILSONSIWIS/n wailli••■■•••••••••••• 9J i4 259.4 A FLA. 942.55 FL. 942.51 3928.2,' 7, 1 (7. Hw 1 Ifir SITE DIMENSION ESTABLISHMENT PLAN go. oyes 1;4•04.4 rw.S.4.118•614•.• 4:11.1.118 NW Deo. c■•••••••• :Fib DECIDUOUS TREE RELOCA CONCPETE WALL EIRACE. TYPICAL IRA 8 COOLNC 3.24T AND GLICTS CONCRETE (4" TRICK) ICE ARENA 1 „stof f yANO SEED ED *Dins\ EVERGREEN TREE FL*. 942.42 x SCALE: 1" 20' n .111.•61.1.•.S.1.114. .111.1..st Woe C.4•11. 'NI Manta, sswoao 1/2t CA4. 13513) 22' RELOtATM ROLE AND WIftES PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CITIKIRTP I in CN1 1 0 O 0 cn Cr) ILi Z Z 0 E w (6 c 0 annommom■ines e, 7 M••O' W-O 4: Ip..y bb' INd p; 5 4 2 IA LCCKEIA ROOM 'A' I6' 5'x3n' -0' EXIST WERIOR MELANICAL WIT comDcR o' ;ICE EMT. ZAMECN1 ROOM li LOCKER ROOM 5' Ifs- EN3O -1 I 0 FLOOR PLAN SO/LA. 1/0' 1'C' OFFICE 9klI 4,443 T AREA 4'- V43-4' APPROX. 122'4 16.4. yeeant ROOM le -1 NEN LQ'X.ER 3.^OM AREA ADDITION P011514 P-CCR EL T6' -Q :NATCN E <ISTJ J AN NOT• -4 0' L I. LOCKER ..00M '-00ITION APPROX. 6050 30. PT. 2. 2XTEQlOR. WAi.LS TO ee !Y CNN .;POCK PAGE Pi9t9N, EXTERIOR TO 5E PAINTED TO MATCH EXI5TIN6. 9. INTERIOR 'WALLS TO 8 c V 30AR N6 4 NON 5.EARRA5 PARTITIONS, PIN154 TO 0E PAINTE_ t `XY FU. n0 i, 4 .OGR P!NI°_+s TO BE RUCCC MAT TYPE TYAZCL'G-f4OUT. EXCEPT SMOWER5 F!N154 TO 0.T_ 5. ALL 0EILINi0S TO EO PAINT. END ROOF 5TRLCTLRE. 57E5. 5AR JOIST OR (PRECAST PLANK ALT ib915). lE ACC T10N f EXIS'. .ARENA r 1 OFFCE 5'.N• .008 LOCKER R00M 'C' EXIST, AR_c1A AREA FINISH P OCR E lb -0' 5905 :C.qe -a' :POLO 51'G'40.5, G.T. MtiR WALL f Era. 0EIL:fU RESTROOM li'Q'CC' 0100 0• MAT PLO0RR16, TrPGAL"\ 4! ARE I:N0 I 1 004.0.24 0RF'C_ :;,^•RRICO4 L' -5• 106 1 161 4 OvE EXIST. LONER) 12' Gti ;99 004T5 r0 R:TOP) E:<457. ::2c# R4. COL. 0000 I2 I Ni !20 CEPCEE 14 13 LOCR RRCG4 0' 16'- 5 a 4 REIGSTID Ylf sotia :eii ?1'olessional Engineers 192 West 9th Street Suits 200 SL Paul. 19anawta 55102 1 hereby certify that this plan, s00CalCCtion. ar re0ort ..a. prepared by me or under nay direct Supervision and that I am a duly registered Professional Engineer under the Ions of the state of Minnesota. Signed R•YI.Iene Ne. Oats Description TeL 512- 292 -1125 Paz 512 292 -5015 Oats: Registration No. Prel.at Tltt• BLAKE SCHOOL HOCKEY ARENA LOCKER ROOM ADDITION HOPKIIdS MINNESOTA COD DrflO AL USE FIBMEr EVE .11131/ =I chest Ti /l• FLOOR PLAN Issue Oat.: Project No: Drawn 9y: Engineer: S9••t Number 97 -062 MOS (MR T. 0. PRPT. EL. 112'-tr FN. FLR. EL. 100*-0 DUSTING ICE ARENA. EXISTING MECHANICAL ROOF-TOP UNIT. PREF1NISHED METAL PARAPET CAP FLASHING. nrazo. INSULATED GLASS IN PAINTED HOLLOW METAL FRAMES. T. 0. PRPT. L. 112*-0* ROCK-FACE CONCRETE MASONRY. PAINTED. EXISTING GRAOC FN. FLR. EL. 100*-0 EXISTING MECHANICAL UNIT EAST ELEVATION 1 /8" 1 —0" NORTH ELEVATION 1/8" WEST ELEVATION 1/8" EXISTING ICE ARENA NEW ADDITION EXISTING ICE ARENA NEW ADOMON, EXISTING MECHANICAL ROOF-TOP UNIT. EXISTING ICE ARENA. BEYOND. PREF1NISHED METAL PARAPET CAP FLASHING. TINTED. INSULATED CLASS IN PAINTED HOLLOW METAL FRAMES. ROCK-FACE CONCRETE MASONRY. PAINTED. EXISTING GRADE. EXISTING MECHANICAL ROOF-TOP UNIT. EXISTING ICE ARENA. SEYONO. PREFINISHED METAL PARAPET OAR FLASHING. MATCH EXISTING T. 0. PRPT. EL 112•-0 ROCK-FACE CONCRETE MASONRY. PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTING EXISTING GRADE. FIN. FLR. EL. 100•-ti REIGST1D 61ssoeintealac Professional Engineers 192 Mast Oth Street Suite 200 St. Paul. 111onesata 66102 I hereby certify that this pion specification. or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that 1 am a duly regieterec Professional Engineer under the laws of the state or Minnesota. Signed: Tek 612-292-1125 Fes 612-292-8015 Dote: Registration No. FI•v1•1 oo• No. Dote Dueription rreieet Title BLAKE SCHOOL HOCKEY ARENA LOCKER. ROOM ADDITION HOPKM, MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE Mgr ISSUE 5/22197 3p.:•1. rift EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATKINS Issue Dotc Project No: Drawn fly: Engineer: 9h••• Number 97-062