Variance-Allow Parking Within Frontyard Setback•
September 10, 1985
Case No: 85 -49
Applicant: St. Therese Home, Inc.
Location: 1001 -1011 Felt1 Court
Request: Variance to allow parking within front yard setback.
1. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow parking within the front yard
setback. The subject site is zoned R -4 PUD.
2. The applicant was granted a Conditional Use Permit on September 3, 1985, to
construct a residential /nursing home facility. The applicants approved plan
has 34 visitor parking spaces, with the variance at least 11 more additional
spaces will be provided for visitor parking.
3. Ordinance 427.07 states no front yard required by this Ordinance shall contain
any building or other structure except fencing, ornamental outdoor furniture,
permitted signs and landscaping. The front yard setback for an R -4 District
is 30 feet. The proposed plan shows a setback of 10 feet.
4. The subject plan without the variance has the required parking spaces.
5. Ordinance 427.23 states that variances shall be approved only by circumstances
unique to the property under consideration would cause undue hardship to owner.
The applicant has stated that soil conditions would not permit moving the build-
ing to the east.
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