08-27-1985A regular meeting of the Hopkins Zoning and Planning Commission was held on Tuesday,
August 27, 1985, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall.
Present were Chairman Folk, members Berg, Bourne, Brandon, Janke, Kirscht and Shirley.
Also present were City Manager Rapp, City Engineer Strojan, Community Development
Director Kerrigan and Community Development Analyst Anderson.
Item: Mr. Janke moved and Mr. Berg seconded a motion that the minutes of the
July 30, 1985 meeting be approved and signed. Motion carried.
Case No: Hearing on an application by Honeywell, Inc. to vacate a portion of the
85 -38 North -South alley in Block 3, West Minneapolis Center.
5 -27
Mr. James Williams, Attorney for Honeywell, reviewed the request with the
Commission stating that the purpose for the vacation was to amend the
Certificate of Title and to seek clarification with regard to City and
County records as all other streets and alleys on their property have been
properly vacated.
A letter was received from Precious Metal Platers Inc., adjoining property
owner, that they had no objection to this vacating.
Action: Mr. Berg moved and Mrs. Bourne seconded a motion recommending to the Council
approval of the alley vacation. Motion carried unanimously.
Case No: Request from Walser Leasing of 317 Mainstreet for an easement to place a
85 -39 sign in the public right -of -way.
29 -164
David Thom of Walser Leasing, reviewed the request with the Commission stating
that customers are confused as where to enter the Leasing operation because
the present portable sign is not visible from the East or West.
The Commission and staff stated concerns for snow removal in regard to
damage to the sign, City liability for anything on public property and
visibility when entering the street would be impaired. It was suggested
that perhaps an arrow would serve the same purpose or that a sign on the
building across the street indicating the Leasing operation across the
street would perhaps serve them better.
Action: Mr. Berg moved and Mr. Janke seconded a motion that the request be continued
to the September meeting to give the applicant time to study other alterna-
tives. Mr. Janke withdrew his second. Mr. Shirley seconded the motion.
Motion carried. Mr. Kirscht voting nay.
Case No: Hearing to consider rezoning parcels in Southwest Hopkins:
85 -40
165 -503 The West one -half (W1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW;) of the Southwest
Quarter (SW;) of Section 25, Township 117, Range 22, from R -6 Residential
to B -1 Business.
Mr. Peter Stalland, Attorney for Berglund and Johnson, stated that the
property has been zoned for multiple residential development from 1977 to the
present. He asked why the change had not ocurred in 1982 when the Compre-
hensive Plan was adopted. He stated that an owner has a right to rely on
the zoning of a property and also that a zoning ordinance supercedes the
Comprehensive Plan. The owner has a developer for the property that will
be seeking a Conditional Use Permit very soon for multiple residential
An affidavit of Wilbur C. Robbins, President of the Westbrooke Homeowners
Association, was presented stating that at no time has the Westbrooke Home-
owners Association ever initiated or requested the City to rezone said
property, and that the Association does not object to the continuing
classification of the R -6 zone.
Mr. Richard Bloom, Planning Consultant, stated that the plan supports
medium density residential development and that it is desirable to be
compatible with the adjoining property.
Mrs. Bourne spoke at length about density in the area. She feels that the
Zoning and Planning Commission minutes of August 27, 1985 continued. (2)
area is saturated with multiple housing at present. Mr. Don Taragus of
the Patio Home development concurred with her concerns.
Action: Mr. Shirley moved and Mr. Kirscht seconded a motion to refer the matter to
the City Attorney for review to see what flexibility we have and request a
written response before the September meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
The West one -half (W1) of the Northwest Quarter (NW4) of the Southwest
Quarter (SW;) of Section 25, Township 117, Range 22, lying south of the
northerly 600 feet, from R -6 Residential to I -1 Industrial.
Action: Mr. Kirscht moved and Mr. Berg seconded a motion to close the hearing and
republish for the next meeting to correct description of the land involved.
Motion carried unanimously.
Case No: Hearing to consider amending the sign section of the Zoning Ordinance
85 -41 regarding signs in Residential Districts and overhanging signs.
506 -665
The Commission discussed signs in Residential Districts. Mr. Berg stated
that the Design Committee looks favorably on the overhanging signs. The
Commission discussed the distance from the sidewalk of the overhanging
signs for clarification in the ordinance.
Mr. Shirley stated that all signs in the residential areas should come
before the Zoning and Planning Commission and City Council. He questions
the wisdom of having that section in the ordinance.
Action: Mr. Berg moved and Mr. Janke seconded a motion recommending to the Council
approval of the proposed amendments to the sign ordinance as outlined in
the August 15, 1985 memo, except that 427.42(18) the word "mounted" in the
fourth line is to be deleted. Motion carried unanimously.
Case No: Hearing on an application by Michael Peterson of 22 7th Avenue North for a
85 -42 Variance to construct a garage, with the vehicle entrance 14 feet from the
667 -723 rear property line.
Michael Peterson reviewed the request with the Commission stating that the
present garage is 14 feet from the alley and that the new garage would not
encroach anymore. He also stated that his lot is only 34 feet wide. He
had met with surrounding neighbors and there are no objections to his
Action: Mr. Shirley moved and Mrs. Bourne seconded a motion recommending to the
Council approval of the variance to construct a garage 14 feet from the
rear property line based on the current garage being only 14 feet from the
lot line, and the lot width is a hardship restricting the back yard. Motion
carried unanimously.
Case No: Hearing on an application by the Hopkins Commerce Center for a Conditional
85 -43 Use Permit to construct an addition to the existing building at 1007 -1021
725 -1017 East Excelsior Avenue.
Mr. Marion Neuman and Mr. Mark Youngdahl reviewed the expansion plans with
the Commission. The parking plan has been revised from the Concept Review
and some landscaping has been added as requested.
The Commission stated that they would be in favor of reducing the number of
required parking spaces in order to allow more landscaping and that if the
need for more parking did arise in the future, some of the parking could be
restored. Mr. Neuman was agreeable with the suggestion.
Action: Mr. Berg moved and Mr. Kirscht seconded a motion recommending to the Council
approval of the Conditional Use Permit to construct an addition to the exist -
ing building at 1007 -1021 East Excelsior Avenue contingent on approval by
the Fire Marshal; curb cut approval by the County; and based on the revised
parking plan which could be reduced up to six (6) spaces to allow for more
landscaping and such parking could be restored if the need arises; and signs
in the parking lot to be relocated if necessary; no parking allowed on the
South side of the most easterly building. Motion carried unanimously.
Zoning and Planning Commission minutes of August 27, 1985 continued. (3)
Case No: Hearing on an application by Henry Pokorny of 65 7th Avenue South for a
85 -44 sideyard variance to construct an addition to the east side of the existing
1023- building.
Mr. Pokorny reviewed the request with the Commission stating the expansion
was for storage purposes and that they feel that the present parking is
adequate for their operation.
The Commission spoke in regard to expanding non - conforming uses and that
other variances have been granted in the area which improve the appearances
of these uses.
Action: Mr. Shirley moved and Mrs. Brandon seconded a motion recommending to the
Council approval of the sideyard, front yard, floor area ratio and parking
variances to allow expansion of a non - conforming structure at 65 7th Avenue
South, to be limited to storage and contingent on approval by the Fire
Marshal. Motion carried unanimously.
Case No: Hearing on an application by Dale Egberg for a Concept Review to construct
85 -45 a building at 630 llth Avenue South
1-14 Mr. Egberg reviewed the proposed building plans with the Commission and
Tape 2 stated that they will try to meet all the requirements of the Ordinance.
They can meet the 20 foot front yard setback and the nine trees required
by the landscape ordinance are no problem. They are concerned about the
ingress and egress on llth Avenue South.
The City Engineer stated that he saw no real problem with access from
llth Avenue.
Mr. Tholen, owner of the subject property, stated that there is 50 feet
between the property line and his own building.
The Commission stated that they had no major concerns with the project and
that the applicant should proceed and that complete site plans including
landscaping would be required with application for a Conditional Use Permit.
Case No: Hearing on an application by St. Therese Home Inc., for a Conditional Use
85 -46 Permit to construct a 240 unit elderly residential facility and a 200 bed
16 -227 nursing home at 1001 -1011 Feltl Court.
Mr. Richard Ludwig and Mr. Dan Swedberg reviewed the development plans with
the Commission for 9,.7 & 5 story structures with visitor parking, plantings
and low lighting revised as requested at the Concept Review. They stated
that there is a moritorium on nursing home construction at the present time
so the apartments will be constructed first. If there is not sufficient
need for the nursing home their project can be downgraded to 100 beds. They
have met with the neighbors and met most of their concerns. Mrs. Bourne
still has concern about the large number of people in a small area.
The Commission stated concern of parking in the front yard setback and also
a sideyard setback not being sufficient.
Action: Mr. Berg moved and Mr. Kirscht seconded a motion recommending to the Council
approval of the Conditional Use Permit and Planned Unit Development to
construct a 240 unit elderly residential facility and a 200 bed nursing home
at 100 -1011 Felt] Court with the following conditions: the setback problems
be corrected; approval of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District; the berm
and landscaping be completed with the first phase. Motion carried.
Mrs. Bourne voting nay.
Case No: Request by Centurion Company for revision of their Conditional Use Permit
85 -47 for ponding area on property which is part of the Amhurst Project abutting
233 -490 State Highway 7 and Edgemoor Drive.
Mr. Len Thiel with Centurion, reviewed the original plans with the Commission
and stated that there is no longer need for the ponding area because different
Zoning and Planning Commission minutes of August 27, 1985 continued. (4)
drainage had been worked out. The plans for this area would be for one or
two single family homes and access to these homes would be through Knollwood.
Larry Shiller, Knollwood Association President, expressed concern about access
from the Amhurst development into Knollwood and also that the emergency exit
road would not be redirected onto Edgemoor.
Mr. Roger Hork, past president, stated that the road should be platted but
it was brought to his attention that with an easement they would have better
The Engineer stated that water and sewer is available but that there would
possibly be an assessment or connection charge involved.
Action: Mr. Berg moved and Mr. Kirscht seconded a motion recommending to the Council
approval of deletion of the requirement of a ponding area on the plan approved
by Zoning and Planning and City Council in 1979, and provision that the
emergency exit not enter onto Edgemoor Drive at any time as originally stated
in the Conditional Use Permit. Motion carried. Mr. Folk voting nay.
Item: Annual Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 24, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. unless
staff finds it necessary to start meeting a little earlier due to long
Action: Mr. Janke moved and Mr. Berg seconded a motion that the meeting be adjourned.
Motion carried.
James Folk, Chairman