Ordinance 83-527 - License Feesr .ak CTW OF HOPICa4S Hennepin County. Minnesota CIlinamm No. 83 - 527 AN CIEUG"M AMEND= CHILI M V, SHLITON 500:00 OF THE CITY (3F HOPKIM 1977 OODB OF OFWYMI= RE: LIq[= UC L PWS AND VARIC S LASE FM BE IT OFMADW by the City Cohmcil of Hopkins as follws: • That Chapter V. Section 500:00 of the 0 1977 Code of Ord inances cEtheCity of Hopkins 'be and is hereby amended as to those certain license or pe=t fees in the Subdivi sim numbers herein appearing. m follows: Subd• No. AMOS@¢N15 7k= of Li��e Conditions F .101 Bingo-Gmd),lin9 (Special 7 dakY) $50.00 .102 Bowling Alleys per Year per alley $175.00 $15.00 .103 Dance Halls (Public) per day $30.00 .104 Juke B®aes Per Year per year $150.00 $55.00 .105 Mechanical Amusenent Devices s Pinball machines each $90.00 .105a plus imnestigation fee if four or more at am location $250.00 .106 Pcol and Hilliard Tables 1 to 6 tables $85.00 each additional table $10.00 .107 EMR Roller Ska Rinks per Year $100.00 .111 3.2 m - intodcant on sale 1 day $10.00 .112 3.2 non- intoxicant on sale per year $550.00 .112a plus initial inves foe $750.00 .313 BUST Off Sala per year $50.00 .114 Refuse CDl lectors per Year $45 plus 58 vehicle • .115 Auctiomw per year $180 p— day $30 7 Movers per year $40 .11 _ Car Nosh Per Year $65 .118 Car Nash - min operated per year $65 .119 Cigarettes vending machines per year per m- i.w $30 Cigarettes not by ma per Year 530 .120 Cline sbmticns per year - first pulp $35 each additional pump $10 .121 PAetw2ehm Storage Bulk per year $90 .122 Motor Bike Rental per year $65 .123 Motor Street Vendor per year $75 .124 Motor l Adele - sale of Class A $365 Class B $210 .126 C �,. y� Paddler A Hmdr - vehicular per year $B .127 8caven ar' per year $35 .128 Taxi Cabs per year - each cab $20 .129 Taxi Cab Drivers first year S30 each renewal $10 .130 CCs Burner, installation of per Year $25 .131 FNTERTAUW4W Oil Burner, installation of per Year $25 .132 Carnival and Circus minima 3 days $190 each additional day $60 .133 Skating Rinks per year $50 .134 Theatre - legitimate 1st 3 consecutive perfcwwx es no fee e .135 Theatre - movie per year let Ahditorihm 1700 seats or more) $375 per year 1st Auditorihm (lom than 700 mate) $170 per year addl. auditorihm sane building $80 r .ak - -2- Subd. No. POW 7we of T.irw.r.- oonditiQn s Flee .140 Milk Per year $10.00 .142 Catering Foci Vehicle For year $115.00 .143 Bakery Food Vehicle per year $40.00 .144 Readily perishd9a food vehicle per year $25.00 .145 Vending mach- packaged flood Per year $25.00 .146 f Vending machine - -9-kagaged per year Vending Machines- $25.00 .147 .148 others Per year Retail Cw* shop - Tin $25.00 operating in connection with another food e.tablisfsent per year $15.00 .149 Itinerant food establishsast per year $40.00 .150 Fat grocery, confectionery atones 6 soft drinks: 10,0DO sq. ft. or less $55.00 h47Ce than 10,000 sq. ft, but act sure then 15,000 sq. ft $75.00 hoes then 15,000 sq. ft $105.00 .151 Fleet nwaimts and butcher shwas 5,000 sq. ft. or less $40.00 More tlah 5,000 sq ft. $55.00 .152 Food establishsuents, ishcluding restaurants, cafes, dining roan, caterers and boarding hoasees $20 per edieduled Fire Dept. duct inspection, Plus 2,500 sq. ft or less 75.00 More than 2,500 sq. ft., but not sure than 5,000 sq. ft $105.00 M ore than 5,000 sq. ft. $160.00 .1S3 Drive -in restmzants $9S.00 .154 Pan mwaufactumrs and distribu 10,000 al• £t. or less $75.00 10,001 sq. ft, and larger $170.00 .156 I tine r ant Truck or other vehicular food vendor (Separate Permit required each Iced plus in%pecricn charges) $®0.00 LZg(10R IIrTax1=71G .167 Club License Per year $550.00 .168 Off Sale per year $200.00 . n 4ation few $750.00 .169 On Sale per year $7.500.00 .169a Investigation fee $750.00 .170 Sunday Sales ptx year $200.00 .171 SOL-Ups, Cosmissinner's psnadt per year $300.00 .172 Rine Licenses, On Sale per year $600.00 .172 a Plus initial in vestigation fee $750.00 ANIMALS .174 Dogs per year $6.00 For any keirae1. covering all animals kept daring the year. $85.00 hio flee shall be required from any Hite Society or Veterinary Hospital. Upending Fees (1st offenes) $15.00 Upend change 2nd and succeeding offenses shall be nu ber of boom animal irpouded in calendar year, time fee. Transfer t $2.00 Daily fee. per currant contract .175 Sideaalk benches and oFl�r sidondk or boulevard cooLvation per year $20.00 .176 Sauna and Massage Parlors per year $900.00 .176a Plus initial investigation fee $750.00 Hams. K RIMS AND HOUSES .181 11btels, hotels and Lodging Houses per year/per unit $3.25 .186 admaisg Pool Outdoor (per year) $90.00 Indoor (pea year) $135.00 • Subd. No. Type of License Conditions Fee 5IQZS •229 Y Sign $15.00 CITY MTER PER4rT5 .603 uaaer turn -off per valve $20.00 MUM .707 Concept Toviev (to be applied to C.I).P app lication ) $33.00 .800 Peddlers and Solicitors $10.00 .801 TLwident Merchants $20.00 First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Hopkins held September 6, 1983, and finally read, approved, adapted and ordered pmbUshed at a special meeting of and Council of said City on September 20, 1963. J. 90= FMWE NEW F. MILLER City Clerk iftypr J0671?S C. VERW City Attorney r. •