Agenda - Work SessionTuesday, October 19th, 2010 Raspberry Room 6:00 P.M. 6:00 - 6:40 pm Klodt Development 6:40 - 7:20 pm Cornerstone Development 7:20 pm Adjourn M- Page 1 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION Tuesday, October 12, 2010 Dow Towers - 6:00 p.m. The meeting was started at 6:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Maxwell and Council members Kristi Halverson, Rick Brausen, Cheryl Youakim, Bruce Rowan, Hopkins City Manager Rick Getschow, Director of Planning & Economic Development Kersten Elverum, Housing Officer Stacy Unowsky, and Cassandra Carlson Stepan and Warren Ortland of Live Smoke Free. Update on Smoke Free Policy Discussion: HRA staff distributed a smoking survey to all Dow Towers residents following our work session in August. The results of the survey were passed out at the meeting. Ms. Unowsky distributed the survey results, a copy of the three phases, a proposed time line, the Smoke -Free Policy for adoption on January 1, 2011, a sample letter to notify tenants of Smoke -Free Building Policy and a lease violation warning letter. Live Smoke Free provided their expertise at an educational resident meeting on September 29th regarding the dangers of second hand smoke in rental properties. The session was a great opportunity for factual information to be shared and for questions. Approximately, one third of the residents attended and all of them left the meeting with a better understanding of the dangers of second hand smoke and how the overall health of everyone is being negatively impacted currently due to smoking within Dow Towers. Ms. Unowsky stated that out of 76 tenants there are approximately 27 smokers. Ms. Unowsky stated that the cost of refurbishing a rental unit where a smoker has lived is approximately five times the expense of a non-smoker. Council member Brausen would like to see some figures in regard to that. After much discussion, the conclusion is that on November l st Ms. Unowsky will notify the residents that the Board approved a smoke-free policy and now is the time for them to review the proposed policy details and provide written comments. She stated that she will provide residents with written 60 day notice of policy change and an opportunity to sign lease addendums early if renewal is not up yet. On April 1 st, 2011 is when she would like the policy to be in effect. She stated that only those residents who are grandfathered in until lease renewal period are allowed to smoke in their units. By June l st, 2011 every lease renewal will need to include a smoke-free addendum. n U Page 2 Mayor Maxwell suggested putting in an 8X8 concrete slab with benches on the side of the building for the people that do smoke. The Council and Mayor went out to look at this area and agreed that it would be a good location for smokers. They also agreed on the timeline above so that by June 1 st everyone lease would reflect the policy. Ms. Unowsky also stated that a police officer with canine went out to inspect the property per complaints on suspicious activity. Economic Development Update: City Manager Getschow and Ms. Elverum provided an update on the following projects: • Mayon Plastics building • BP gas station on Blake Road • Camille's restaurant site • Decoy's restaurant site • 8th Ave Redevelopment Project • SWLRT Steering Committee with Hennepin County Community Works • Shady Oak Road Reconstruction Other: • City Manager Getschow handed out a flyer in regards to Southwest Transit Corridor Policy Leader Mobile Tour and Workshop which will be held on Wednesday, November 10th. City Manager Getschow stated that Debbie created a flyer for the City of Hopkins 2010 Step To It Celebration Event. This flyer will be e-mailed out to about 85 people who participated in the Step To It Challenge in 2010. The participants will be invited to Loudon Wainwright III Concert which is part of the "Take Five Tuesday" Concerts at the Hopkins Center for the Arts on Tuesday, November, 23 at 6:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Debbie Sperling, Secretary m m Rib] Page 3 CITY COUNCIL ATTEST: Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor Wl Page 1 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION Raspberry Room Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Mayor Maxwell called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Present were Mayor Maxwell and Council members Kristi Halverson, Rick Brausen, Cheryl Youakim, Bruce Rowan, Hopkins City Manager Rick Getschow, Planning and Development Director Kersten Elverum, Financial Consultant Stacy Kvilvang of Ehlers and Associates and Police Chief Mike Reynolds. Electronic Sian Discussion The City Council met with the Zoning and Planning Commission to discuss the electronic sign proposal from Holiday. For the past several months the Zoning and Planning Commission and the City Council have discussed a proposed electronic sign ordinance. After much discussion, the Planning Commission recommended a twenty minute interval between change in electronic signs. Discussion then centered around the location of the signs. There have been proposals for the electronic signs to only be allowed in certain zoning districts and/or on state and county roads. City Council decided that further research is needed regarding the location of the electronic signs. Holiday agreed to allow the item to be continued. 8th Ave Redevelopment Proiect: The City Council discussed the 8th Ave Redevelopment proposals that have been received. The Council previously interviewed three developers based on the RFP's that were submitted for 8th Ave Redevelopment. The Council then toured the projects that the three developers had undertaken. Following extensive discussion on the proposals the Council discussed setting up second interviews with two of the developers in the near future. Police Department Initiatives: Police Chief Reynolds discussed five main initiatives that he and the department have undertaken since he began employment with the City in June. They include: 1. Improved crime statistic reporting. 2. An enhanced police relationship with juvenile probation in Hennepin County. 3. Stepping up city-wide enforcement of curfew and truancy. 4. The development of city sectors, whereby, sergeants are assigned a certain sector of the City to better track public safety initiatives and concerns. The City Council welcomed these new initiatives and look forward to continuing progress on these items into the future. u 0 Page 2 Other: Council member Brausen discussed the SWLRT Steering Committee meeting that he had attended. He stated that the entire Council, Planning Commission, and city staff are invited to an upcoming mobile tour of other LRT station areas along with presentations by experts in the field of Transient Oriented Development. City Manager Getschow stated that, unfortunately, we are not the winner of an NCC City of Excellence Award this year. We have been a award finalist two years in a row for our Blake 'Road Corridor efforts. With no further business, motion by Youakim, second by Brausen to adjourn at 10:10 p.m. Rick Getschow, Secretary CITY COUNCIL ATTEST: Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor R m Page 1 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AT CONCLUSION OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, October 5, 2010 Mayor Maxwell called the meeting to order at 9:20 pm. Present were Mayor Maxwell and Council Members Brausen, Halverson, Youakim, City Manager Getschow OTHER: • City Manager Getschow stated that the October 9th City Council Work Session will be held at Eisenhower in conjunction with a joint meeting with the Hopkins School Board. Mayor Maxwell asked the fellow Council members if there are any other items for that meeting that would like to be discussed. He stated to bring those to a future meeting. • City Manager Getschow stated that the November 23rd Work Session will take place at the Hopkins Center for the Arts, whereby, the City Council will take in a .Take Five Tuesday concert. City Manager Getschow stated that he is working with the folks with the Step To It Challenge to also include a Step To It celebration that evening. • City Manager Getschow distributed the monthly Economic Development update provided by Kersten Elverum. • City Manager Getschow stated that plans are now underway for a Citizens Academy Alumni Event to be held at the Hopkins Center for the Arts in early December. More details to follow. With no further business, a motion was made by Youakim, seconded by Brausen to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 pm. Rick Getschow, Secretary CITY COUNCIL U m Ma n M