CR 11-030 2011 Street and Utility Improvements• City of Hopkins April 19, 2011 Council Report 2011-030 ACCEPT BIDS, DECLARE COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDER ASSESSMENT HEARING 2011 STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT No. 2010-10 Proposed Action Staff recommends approval of the following motion: adopt Resolution 2011-18, accepting bid.- Resolution id:Resolution 2011-19 Declaring Cost to be Assessed and Ordering Preparation of Proposed Assessment; and Resolution 2011-20 Resolution for Hearing on Proposed Assessments, 2011 Street and Utility improvements, City Project 2010-10. This action continues an assessable project for street upgrading. Overview • The bid opening for the 2011 Street and Utility Improvements was held on April 12, 2011. The low bid was $1,834,714.35 submitted by Midwest Asphalt Corporation. In all, 5 bids were opened indicating a competitive construction market. Assessment calculations will be prepared based on the low bid and include a 5% contingency and 25% indirect cost. Staff recommends accepting the bids and ordering an assessment hearing for the project on May 17, 2011 followed by award of bid. Primary Issues To Consider Supporting Information • • Results of bid opening • Project costs and assessment interest rate • Schedule • Recommendation hn R Bradford, P.E. City Engineer • Abstract of Bids • Consultants Recommendation • Resolutions: 2011-018, 2011-19, 2011-020 Financial Impact: $ 1,834,714.35 Budgeted Y/N Y Source:S.A. PIR, CI, Utility ds Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): CII' Feasibility Study Notes: \\Lisa\engineering\Council Reports\2011\CR2011-030 Accept Bids Order Hearing 2011 Street Recon.doc C� • • Results of Bid Opening Midwest Asphalt Corporation Kuechle Underground Northwest Asphalt Bituminous Roadways, Inc. GMH Asphalt Corporation $1,834,714.35 $2,071,603.00 $2,094,123.61 $2,165,949.50 $2,230,277.00 All bids were submitted with required bid security made by qualified contractors. Midwest Asphalt Corporation is a reputable and responsible contractor and has completed similar projects in Hopkins. • Project costs and assessment interest rate Based on the low bid, 25% overhead costs (engineering, admin, legal), and a 5% construction contingency the total estimated project cost is $2,408,000. The assessable amount is calculated based on 70% of the assessable roadway costs of $1,834,638.15. The total amount to be assessed on this project is $969,379.10. Staff recommends applying an annual interest rate of 5% to this assessment. This interest rate is based on recent bonding rates received by the City and is scheduled to be reviewed every 3 years. Staff also recommends adopting a 15 year term for the assessment as discussed at previous Council Meetings. The following table shows the anticipated assessment rates: RESIDENTIAL Segment Feas. Assessment Rate (uncapped) Final Assessment Rate (uncapped) Final Proposed Assessment Rate 14th, 15t , & 16'h Avenues North* $6,102.20 per Unit $5,640.80 per Unit $4971.80 per Unit 3'd Street North $2,987.40 per Unit $2,371.20 per Unit $2,371.20 per Unit 4 th Street North $1,344.75 per Unit $958.10 per Unit $958.10 per Unit South Service Dr. $516.50 per Unit $482.00 per Unit $482.00 per Unit COMMERCIAL 14th, 15 t , & 16` Avenues North $91.12 per ff $83.43 per ff $83.43 per ff 3 rd Street North $49.79 per ff $39.52 per ff $39.52 per ff 4 th Street North $24.45 per ff $17.42 per ff $17.42 per ff South Service Dr. $10.33 per ff $9.64 per ff $9.64 per ff North Service Dr. $0.17 per SF $0.15 per SF $0.15 per SF * Includes 1612 3`° Street North and 1412 3r" Street North \\Lisa\engineering\Council Reports\2011\CR2011-030 Accept Bids Order Hearing 2011 Street Recon.doc �1 LJ • • • Schedule Accept Bids and Order Assessment Hearing Assessment Hearing/Award Contract Begin Construction Construction Complete April 19, 2011 May 17, 2011 June 2011 October 2011 \\Lisa\engineering\Council Reports\2011\CR2011-030 Accept Bids Order Hearing 2011 Street Recon.doc 0 0 0 BID ABSTRACT 2077 SiAEET a UITLITY WROVEMEKM CITY OF HOPKINS, MN CTI PROJECT NO. 10.10 MM PROJECT NO.T1&102570 Sicker agaves b pedmm A d Me sotK described In as, CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ler the folmssig unit pica. Side shat include sale les and al applicable lazes and hes. BIDDER mug M M un0 Prices, in rummale. make eaerRion for eadt item, and row. CU YD (EV) - Cubic Yards, Ezcwa%d VoWne CU YD (CVT -Cubic Yards, Canp ted Vdune (Messurec In Phm) (P)- PMmed Cuantlly Basis d Mwwuarnenl 1 2 3 4 5 ENGNEERS ESTIMATE MIDWEST ASPHALT KUECIA.E UNDERGROUND NORTHWEST ASPHALT BRN UMOUS ROADWAYS OUR, ASPWILT CORP. APPROX. UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 111E ITEM GUANT. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT PRICE AMCkW 1 MOBILIZATION 1.00, UMP SUM 975.000.00 375.000.00 $65.000.00 S65.080.01) W.000.00 349.000.00 3143.795.00 3143.796.00 $.000.00 $0.1000-00 $110.000.00 5110.000.00 2 CLEAR AND GRUB TREE (1) 15 EACH $500.00 37.500.00 8055.00 53.825.00 3380.00 $5.750.00 9250.00 SIM.00 $450.80 $6,750.00 $315-00 94.725.00 3 REMOVE BIMMNWS CURB 2710 LN FT 5250 $6.775.00 VIAS $121950 51.00 $2.710.00 $1.00 $2.710.00 31.55 3420050 $am 91.355.00 4 REMOVE CONCRETE BLOCK CURBING 755 LN FT 5250 31.68730 $250 $1.88750 MAO $1.510.00 5250 51.0730 $4.50 $3.39750 $3.60 92.64230 5 REMOVE 8618 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER (1) 5510 LN Ff $SX 319.620.00 8030 $18.312.00 80.10 $13.734-00 $250 $18.35OA0 IMN $29,430,00 33.50 M2b9OA0 6 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL -DEPTH) 29250 SO YO $225 65929.M $2.00 380.512.00 51.25 448.570.00 $2.50 $73.14OA0 $1.90 538132.80 $1.75 $51.196.00 7 MILL WWNOLUS PAVEMENT (V DEPTH) 880 SG YD $5.00 W"m $GAO $8.800.00 34.80 $2.760.00 $5.00 $3.450.00 $5.80 $314" 2.10 NA98.00 e REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT GRIVEWAY&?RAIL) 980 SG YO 8030 13.437.00 $3.00 $2948.00 92.10 $2.06220 8030 $M37A0 $am $4AI9A0 $3.65 13.604.30 9 REMOVE CONCRETE PAVEMENT(WALKIDRIVEWAYIVALEY GUTTER) 2323 SO YD $4.80 $929200 5&00 $13.938.00 $2.20 $5.110.60 54.80 $9.292.00 $250 35.60750 $11.40 $28.480.20 10 SAW -CUT BMMNOA PAVEMENT 70 LN FT MAO 80285.00 80.00 422MAO $1.90 $1.43430 53.00 $22115,0 3250 31.0750 $3.00 &2.265.00 11 SAV44W CONCRETE PAVEMENT 1178 LN FT $430 35.801110 $SAO $5.890.00 80.00 $2.351 $4.80 S4.712A0 $4.80 94.]12-00 5430 55.301,0 12 BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE (STREETS) (SPVVEB340C) 80 TON $85.0 97.60-00 $100.00 $9.050.00 $mw $7,020-00 SlOE75 2924730 $70.80 $71020.00 0120 $7.308,M 13 BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE (STREETS) (SPWEA240C) 2850 TON &59.0 $156=00 $85410 $172,250.00 $70.00 $10300.00 $69.75 $184.0730 $57.00 5164.300.00 SM45 $10.957.50 14 BITUMINOUS NON WEAR COURSE( STREETS)(SPNWB290S) MI) TON $56.00 $197.120.00 $54.00 3190.00.00 355,00 $204.10,00 36736 $202576.00 moo 310.560,00 $5850 510.880.00 15 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT 1780 GAL $3.00 $520-00 MAO $5.2110,00 80.50 $4.400A0 M.00 620-00 $3.00 $6280.00 $2X $4.928.00 18 3'13TTUMNOUS DRIVEWAY B TRAIL PAVEMENT(SPWEA240C) 716 SO YO $25.00 $17.900.00 $29-00 SIGASIL00 $21.00 $15.00.00 139.15 $28.01,40 51830 $11314.00 $17.80 $12.744.80 17 TEMPORARY BITUMINOUS CURB EDGE TILWSITIDN (6) 1040 LN FT SIM $1.040.00 $5.00 6.200.00 $3.75 $3.800.00 $5.00 6.200.00 $4.50 $438&00 190 56.218.M 18 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 1930 TON $13.00 $252.187-00 $750 $145.49250 $1620 $294.88190 $12.75 $24739725 $1730 1339,482.50 $14.50 $281.26.0 19 AGGREGATE BASE GASS 2(ORNEWAY B TRAIL SURFACING) 138 TON $17.00 112.380.00 $30.00 $4.140.00 80&00 $SAWN $21.15 $2.918.70 $24.00 13212.00 $50.0 6.982.0 20 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV)(1) 2470 CUYU $15.00 07.050.00 $lam $44.50.00 $15.00 447,00.00 $15.90 448273.00 $17.00 $4190-00 $14.0 sn,w.00 21 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION (MI) 2470 CUYD $11.00 $27.170.00 $12.00 809.640.00 $7.10 $17.537.00 511.00 $27.170,00 $17AD $41.990.80 $1695 341.16.0 22 COMMON EXCAVATION IEYI 1028 CU YD $13.00 $142.07740 $11.76 5129.415.75 $7.10 $77.53690 $1 i.M $/20219.00 S17.00 8185.793,00 $16.6 $181.07.6 23 EXPLORATORY EXCAVATION 11) 32 HOUR 3150.00 514.400-00 $110.00 13320.00 360.00 $17.60OA0 650.00 $1120-00 $350.00 $11250.00 $12500 $4.000.00 24 MODULAR BLOCK REMNNG WALL (1) 70 SG FT 340m $2900,00 $41.00 WORLD() 530.0 $2.100A0 530.0 12.10DA0 $26.00 SlAmo0 $20.00 $1.400.00 25 CCONCRETE WAIL( ism SG FT $410 $82884,00 9350 64.08,00 39.84 $0.88894 3520 61.3101P1 $8.66 354805.10 SiLm $89.6T7.M M 8618 CONCRETE CURB B GUTTER 8980 INR $1500 $134.00.00 $9.30 69.WM 414.00 $89.SWM $BAB $79.0120 $10.70 294.198-00 $1230 $112375.00 27 9518 CONCRETE CURB a GUTTER- SPOT REPLACEMENT (1) 1381 LM FT $24.00 599.144-00 3/8-00 $24.60.00 $14410 $1999440 $14.00 $19.354.00 $16.00 $V-ose80 32200 130.30.80 20 018 CONCRETE CURB 3 GUTTER- WATER SERVICE REPLACEMENT (1) 1429 LN FT $24.00 $3420-00 $1&00 $25960.00 fta.DD $2900.00 $14.45 80039125 $18-00 3229M.00 803.50 $99.48730 29 W RESIDENTIAL CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT 96 SD YD Ssom $48250A0 moo $41.86.00 $4740 SOA75.00 $43.03 44890275 $4570 $422250 66.50 622030 80 r CONCRETE CROSS GUTTER 36 SD YD 6&00 S5.100.00 550-00 $4.250m 3611,00 $4.780-00 $"80 13.eo8A0 6&0 $430.80 30-00 6.100.00 31 r COMMERCIAL CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT 20 90 YD $0.80 31336.00 $52,0 $1o98&oo 360.80 $112" 66.4` 81136.05 60.80 $1128&0 s0.90 $12.540.00 amn. drvaC•r+ala297o OBNon---111,Mlssha atl AFRSto • BID ABSTRACT 1011 STREET S URlTY WRGVEMENTS CIT'OFHOPIWS, MN CITY PROJECT NO. 10.10 SN PROJECT NO.T16,102570 BMtlar sprees W pwi- a1 W 040 lwak macri5ee In eb CONTRACT DOCUMENTS for oN blbwii9 u picas. aft shag imk ft sobs tae am am w1 aw. lazes Wd fees BIDDER min N In un6 piosa in num ralc make n¢aaion br each Ibm, and total. CU YD (EV) -Cohn YaMs, Eaoar d VOPome CU YD (CV) -Cubic Yer09, Corlpacb6 Vonme (l.4 and ki PlroI (P). Pbmmd OaanaN Bans of 14aa4 nnnnl LINE REN 32 10' CONCRETE STREET PAVEMENT 33 ADJUST CASTING 34 NEENAH R-1733 SANITARY SEWER MH CASTING ASSEMBLY 35 NEENAH R-1733 STORM SEWER MH CASTING ASSEMBLY 36 NEENAH R4N7V STORM SEWER CB CASTING ASSEMBLY 37 NEENAH R-2540 STORM SEWER CB CASTING ASSEMBLY N NEENAH R-3482-8 STORM SEWER CB CASTING ASSEMBLY 39 TRAFFIC CONTROL 40 P BROKEN LINE YELLOW-EPDXY 41 CSOLID LUNE YELLOW-EPDXY 42 4' DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPDXY 43 1r SOLID LINE YELLOW - EPDXY K CROSSWALK BLOCK WHITE-EPDXY 45 TRUNCATED DOMES (PEDESTRIAN RAMPS) M ORANGE CONSTRUCTION PENCE VU POSTS 47 SILT FENCE 40 INLET PROTECTION 49 PREMIUM TOPSOIL BORROW 50 LAWM TYPE SOD 51 SALT RESISTANT SOD 52 sEED MIXTURE 240 53 SEEDMIXTURE2MI 54 CATEGORY 1 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET 55 CATEGORY 6 EROSION CONTROL BLA80ET 50 PRIVATE LANDSCAPING ALLOWANCE (SPRINKLERS, TREES, MISC.) 57 DECIDUOUS TREE- r B&B (SUGAR MAPLE) 58 DECWUOUS TREE -r BML(WHITE OHIO 59 DECRXX=TREE - 2' B68(PARKWAY NORWAY MAPLE( W DECIDUOUS TREE -r B&B (RED OA19 61 DECIDUOUS TREE- r 80IGREENSPME UNW4 $2 DECIDUOUS TREE -2'B6B ICATHEDRALELM - DISEASE RESISTANT) arra HOPlaNs•nalmsro APIs& $DRO OBMM abw4[ kpielt, A RMYawIwa40 2 3 4 5 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE MIDWEST ASPHALT KUECHLE UNDERGROUND NORTHWEST ASPHALT BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS GM H ASPHALTCORP. APPROL US UNIT T UNI NIT LIMIT UNIT WANT. UNIT PNCE AMOUNT PNCE AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT PNCE AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT ONCE AMOUNT (4)(5) 45 CU YD 5350,00 314400.00 $255.00 $102a0.00 528.00 $8.80040 $297.00 llmlao.o0 $316.00 s12600m IN35m E17,4W.W 17 EACH s200m $3.400.00 $95040 $11,050.00 $moo 118.500:00 $moo 55.95040 $500.00 $3500,00 sham $1.970.W 8 EACH 5550.00 515.96040 695040 $2755040 $450.00 $13,05040 $835.00 $2421540 sa00.00 $0200m s930m 524,070.0 15 EACH $550.W 58250.00 $800.00 612,00040 $430.00 $3.45040 smw $997540 $850.00 s1ky" 5880,00 s9,900A0 20 EACH $350.00 $115o0.W 11500.00 $10,000.00 $420.00 1111.40040 $500.00 S10,00D40 $850.00 $13.000.00 M00.W 516.000.0 4 EACH $550.00 $2200,00 s550.00 $2200.00 s4W.00 ..980.00 $75.00 $2900,00 $800.00 $3200.00 $740.00 22.980.00 2 EACH $550.00 $1.100.00 :650.00 f19Wm $Boom $1.20040 $675.00 $1,35040 $750.01) $1.500.00 s$50.00 $1.700.00 lm LUMP SUM 320.000.00 $20A50m 5680040 B4AW.00 $10,000.00 $10.00040 V,4001W $7,40040 :101000.00 $10,000.00 $18,000.00 $18.000.00 480 LN FT $1.50 $720m so.10 $".00 20.10 54840 $1.90 $91240 $201) $9w.W $2.10 $1,008.00 140 LN Fr $1.50 $210.00 $0.0 558.00 $9Ao $56.0 stm $8840 $200 $250.00 $720 $1,008m 142 LN FT $2.8 $31940 som $113,80 SILI0 5119m $9,80 $529my" 36SILM 5750 51565.00 50 LN FT $950 $Isom 5550 a250,W $6W $8040 $9.8 $48750 $10.25 $21250 s23.W $I.IN.W 49 EACH $90.00 $4,41040 $5040 $3.9840 $75.00 $3,675m $9650 64.72&50 $100.00 $4,900,00 $99.35 $4,574.15 CM $0 FT $5040 321200.00 $3040 $12,720.00 s35,W !14,84040 $29.00 812298.40 $35.00 $14,61050 $4740 $19,928.W $3o LN FT $150 $1245.00 $225 81.88750 s6W 1112,/8040 $150 $120.550 $192 $1,09540 $120 $998.00 2812 LN FT $340 $8,43650 $3.00 $8.43600 Sim $4,49820 $1.70 B4,780AO $140 54,49920 $1.40 83,936.60 59 EACH $300.00 $17.700.00 $140.00 $8280.W $300.00 $17,70040 $15600 s8,850.01) s225m $1327640 $127,00 li?, 3.W ICY) 1800 CU YO $17.W 53080050 $1340 $23,400m $22.00 $360040 $2600 $50,40040 $40m sn,"40 $26W $46,M.W 8770 SO YD 64.00 $2758040 39.80 $8.728.00 $256 $17,33120 6290 $15571.00 $250 $1692580 $325 $22,W2.50 400 SO YD $425 $1,91250 s0.W f18Wm $4.74 $2,13340 $2.50 $1,125m 2250 111.125.00 87.40 $3,3WW W LE slow $800m $3.00 sm.00 $3.00 $240.00 $250 s2W.00 $275 $moo 6390 $284-W do LB slow $1,10040 6250 $28100 $9.00 $30040 M05 $2850 S25o $2moo $3.10 5341.W 2718 SO YD $140 2271600 5250 $0.795.0 $1.06 11285940 111,00 $2,716.40 $1.00 $2-71600 $190 $31539.0 962 SO YD $1.50 SIA4340 $%go 2286600 $136 $12$3,70 $1.40 $194480 51,50 21,14$00 $925 $0,89850 (3) 140 LUMP SUM $26000.00 $25m6W f25,0Wo0 28.000.00 s8,000.00 s8,000m $8.00600 $8.00080 $258D0.00 28,000.00 $8,000.00 $8.000.00 (1) 3 EACH "KOO "MOD 22moo $81040 $2D600 $80040 241080 $1290.00 $250.00 $750.0 $2W.00 $S4o.W (1) 3 EACH mall "Imm $moo $810.00 $200,00 "MAO 242"0 fumoo 835040 $1m0m $moo $540.00 (1) 3 EACH $300,00 $90050 $24600 $7850 $100.00 $9Wm $450.00 $1,11ma 1117540 $82550 s80m a750.W (1) 9 EACH $300.00 $90050 $moo 881040 $200.00 11180040 642580 5127600 sasom sim0.00 smog $840.00 (1) 3 EACH s6W40 So" $250.00 s750m $200.00 !800.00 6950.00 $1.050.00 s3Wm "MAO $20.00 $7W.W (1) 5 EACH $30040 $150040 s270.W Nmam $190m "Nux, $ moo $2,00a.00 $501m 1118Wm $mm $1975.W arra HOPlaNs•nalmsro APIs& $DRO OBMM abw4[ kpielt, A RMYawIwa40 0 0 9 BID ABSTRACT 2011 STREET f UTLLMfY IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF HOPKI NS, ARl CITY PROJECT NO. 10.10 ON PROJECT NO. T16.102570 Bkdm agree: Inpedonn all of the work desclWd in 4b CONTRACT . DOCUMENTS forme lolioWN unit pries. Bks aka/ induds sales w and all applicable tens and f9 BIDDER moM M m unit prices in mmmMa. make ekeneun Tar each brn, and k mL CU YD (EV) -Cubic Yards, Eneasamd Vobne CU YD (CV) -Cubic Yards, Compacted Volume (Meesued In Race) (p) - Plvrrrsd OuanNY Basis d Meawremant 1 2 3 4 ENG ESTIMATE MIDWEST ASPHALT KHLE UNDERGROUND UECNORTHWEST ASPHALT ONMINOUS ROADWAYS GMH ASPHALT CORP. EN5 APPROX UNIT INT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT LEE REM QUANT. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT PNCE AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT 13 SALVAGE A RENSTAL TRAFFIC SIGNS 1.00 LUMP SUM 51.50.00 $1500.00 $4.40,00 $4.4090 $4.6N.N 94900.00 13.000.0 55.00,00 $3.500.00 1350.0 $7,50.0 $2.50.00 64 RELOCATE PARK LIGHTING ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL 1.0 LUMP SUM $1.50.0 $150.0 5250.00 $2500.0 53500.0 33.500.00 32.400.0 52.40.0 53.500.0 3350.0 33.50.0 33.60.0 65 REMOVE SANITARY MANHOLE 9 EACH 5500.0 $4500.0 1390.0 53210.0 580.0 55.40.00 $880.0 86.12090 $500.0 $4.500.0 $375.0 $3.375.00 66 REMOVE SANITARY SEWER MAIN 280 LF $5.0 $1.40.0 5390 $840.0 514.0 53.920.00 $5.0 $1.40.0 $2.00 9580.0 $2.70 $758.0 67 8'X8' PVC WYE (2) 12 EACH $150.0 $1,80.0 MOM $1.020.0 9220.00 S2M40.00 $263.0 $3.15690 $175.0 52.100.0 188.0 $1,032N W 10'XB'PVCWYE (2) 1 EACH 120.0 9200.0 $150.00 510.0 1350.0 $M,)0 $400.0 s4O.00 5275.00 227590 5150.00 S1S0.O 86 T PVC RPE SEWER SERVICE (SANITARY) (2) 435 LF $30.0 $13.050.0 523.0 $10.005.0 541.0 $17.935.0 530.96 $13.467.60 522.00 $9.670.0 S23.90 510.353.0 70 9' PVC RPE SEWER (SANITARY) (2) 296 LF $40.00 $11,800.00 f22.O 56.40.0 344.0 $12.90.00 $29.65 13.746.75 $30.O 13.850011 522.50 $6.637.50 71 IT PVC PRE SEWER (SANITARY) (2) 10 LF 540.0 $400.0 $105.0 51.05090 5230.0 52.30.0 535.94 1359A0 $50.O 900.00 $107.0 $1.070.0 72 W DI PRE SEWER (SANITARY) 20 LF 550.0 51900,00 $41.0 $52090 $12&0 $2.520.0 598.67 $773.40 $50.0 31.00.00 $43.0 $960.00 M 46' SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 8 EACH 59.00.00 324.000.00 $2.00.0 31920.0 54.60.0 536.90090 $1.747.0 $53.9'.6.40 $2.50090 920.00,00 $2.525.0 52020.00 74 90' SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 1 EACH $4.00,00 54AN.00 SLOEX0 $4.00090 $6.10.0 $6,1090 5203.00 $2.66390 $4,0090 54.000.0 34250.0 $420.3 75 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PPE 20 EACH 58090 516.00.0 511090 5220.0 $70.0 515.00090 $680.0 $13.60090 $80,00 $16.00090 $11090 52200.00 76 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SERVICE PIPE 14 EACH 5150.00 32.10.0 213090 $1.820.00 $740.0 310280.0 limon 59.52098 $10.0 32.10.00 $13590 $1.890.0 77 W PVC SERVICE CLEANOUT 3 EACH $450.O $195090 #10.0 SM.00 $300.00 390.00 $200.0 s8O.0 5/50.0 $450.00 321590 $645.03 78 RECONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLE INVERT 2 EACH $1,0090 $2.00.00 568590 $1.390.0 5470.0 $94090 $70.0 $1.400.0 $23090 f5O.O $70.00 $1.40.00 79 REMOVE HYDRANT&VALVE 13 EACH $5090 3650090 $280.00 $3.30.00 $370.0 $4.810,00 $250.0 13250,0 $300.00 $3.900.0 $2.70,0 $3,510.00 80 REMOVE MAINLINE VALVE 9 EACH 550.0 $450.0 861310 5459,0 $7/0.00 32.43090 $10.0 $9UO3O $300.00 $2,70.0 55590 $ 9 w 81 REMOVE 3 -SERVICE VALVE 1.0 LLAT SUM $390.0 $3.00.0 $1.00090 $1.00.0 $370.0 $370.00 $MO $88090 $325.0 $32590 91,10.0 51,10.0 82 REMOVE WATERMAN 257 LF $8.0 5205&0 $1.0 $257.0 $14.0 $3.0890 15.0 $1.240.00 $6.0 5154200 $150 $385.50 13 REMOVE E)w NG CORPORATION STOP 11) 5 EACH $4090 $2.0090 $2090 $1.300.0 $5090 $2.750,00 $10.0 $50.0 $00.0 $1,0090 527090 $1.350.00 $4 ADJU53' VALVE BDA( 4 EACH $200.00 SO0.O $186.00 $740.00 $300.00 $120.00 S27$N $1.10.0 $250.0 $I.000m 3210.00 s940.O 95 CONNECT TO EXISTND WATEALNW 0 EACH $1.000.00 $20.000.0 $310.00 $7.130m .$730.00 f16.7O.0 SBO.O $15.09090 $120.00 927.800.00 $325.00 $7.475.0) 86 HYDRANT 14 EACH $2500.0 $86,000.0 5350.0 $49.00.0 $3.80.0 $63.290.O 5&820.0 $0.901D0 53.40,00 947.600.0 $3.750.0 552.500.00 87 6' DI PIPE WATERMA 4 598 LN R $40.00 $23.92098 92290 513.15890 339.0 $23.322.0D 52959 $17.096.82 1320 519.139.0 $29.00 513.754.0 86 6' GATE VALVE & BOX 24 EACH 21.0090 324900.0 $19" $3720911 $1.70.0 $40.600.0 91,114.00 326.73890 $1,250.00 130.000.0 91,450.00 $34.00.0 86 it BUTTERFLY VALVE& BOX 1 EACH $6.00090 86.000.00 3690090 $6,00090 $4200.0 $4200.00 $3AU00 53.43990 $4.00.0 84.000.00 $5.10.00 13.10.0 O TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE 2 EACH $1,0090 SU)" MO90 980.00 $1,00.0 22.0090 3200.0 54,000.0 $1.800.0 $SAN 0 $4090 $OLN 91 1- CORPORTATON STOP& BOX 2 EACH 3225.0 5460.00 $206.0 $410.0 $980.0 $720.00 $220.00 114,10.0 $17590 $95090 $21590 3130.00 92 1'TYPEKCOPPER (1) 3550. LIN FT $2$00 3111,65090 $1950 139=01) $4190 $145550.00 $31.00 $11033490 328.00 $92.3090 $2150 $78226.0 93 1'CURSSTOP&BOX 111 EACH 3225.0 92497590 010090 866.500.O $10,00 $17.740.00 $287,0 531957.0 1225.00 $2497590 3350.0 138950.0 alYawno49-r1a+Na74 APRL0.f0+0 CBNIm &M.4r.ka ]$11,NAIdb RsrwM TOTALAMOUNT9ID 52.09794550 31.334.714.35 32.071.603.08 E2094.!8.a1 $2�.N%10 $ (1) ESTIMATED OIIANTRY ONLY. EXACT QUANTITIES AND LOCATIONS TO BE DETERMINED N THE FIELD AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. NO ADASTMEINT N UNIT PRICE SHALL BE MADE FOR ANY ADJUSTMENT N THE ACTUAL QUANTITY. 12)INEN CLUDES BED ANDIOR ENCASEMENT MATERIAL AS REWIRED. 13) BIDDER SNAIL INCLUDE PREUETERMNED LANDSCAPE ALLOWANCE N THE TOTAL PRICE 80 FOR THE PROJECT. SEE SECTION 02M N THE PROE=MANUAL (4) ESTIMATED PAVEMENT THICKNESS. ACTUAL MICINESS TO MATCH THE EXISTING PAVEMENT THEE ESS. NO ADJUSTMENT IN UNIT PRICE SHALL BE MME AFTER VERIFICATION OF ACTUAL PAVEMENT THICKNESS N ME FIELD. SEE PROJECT MANUAL FOR METHOD OF . (a) INCLUDES DOWEL BARS ATION ND AND RIMA NG AS EE DETAIL I 181 INCLUDES XETALLATON AND RBAOVAL SEE DETAIL N PVNS. anaF lMmws•m1awl NRL0.>mre OBd1m AMYIM 9e 2m1. N IaPrRww..a BID ABSTRACT 2071 STREET& UTILITY 91PROVE EN M CRYOF HOPK NS, MN OTT PROJECT NO. 10-10 . MR PROJECT NO.716.102570 BMOx apeas A Pedmm 11 afire xak deemned In Ste CONTRACT DOCUMENTS far Bre froe+tA9 uN phos. BMs shr indu0a Batu res and r a{pTcWk to- and lees. BIDDER msl BI in unit Pdoes F nummalc, make i Nneion ror each Sem. and Oolr CU YO (EV) -Cade Y -S, ExciumW VaW ne CU YD (CW -Cubic Ymu. CmipwW Volume (Meawred In PNo) (P) - Primed Ou *Buis 0 M-munarA 1 2 34 5 ENDNEERS ESTIMATE MIDWEST ASPHALT KUECHLE UNDERGROUND NORTHWEST ASPHALT BRUMINOUSROADWAYS GRAIN ASPHALT CORP. APPROX. UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT IMT UNIT LINE REM WANT. UNIT PNCE AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT 94 CONNECT TO DOSTNG WATER SERVICE 109 EACH 8125.0 813.6260.0 SM99 832.700.0 5130.00 814.6060.0 6350.00 $38.15000 512.5.0 5/3.680.0 $315.0 234.335.00 95 DUCTILE NON FIRINGS 1648 LBS 85.0 882400.0 $8.0 89.688.0 20.87 28.025.76 SL53 89.1130.4 26.0 89.885.0 26.0 89.8880 96 C POLYSTYRENE INSULATION 308 SO FT 26.0 915400 22.0 56180 $280 26.9320 83.97 81.222.76 24.0 81232.0 8215 266220 97 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM) 950 LN FT. 85.0 $4.750.0 moo $4.750.0 $13.0 812.300.0 $5.0 24.70.0 211.0 85.70J)0 $6.0 95.70.0 98 REMOVE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE 15 EACH SNOAO 24.SMOO 2290.0 83.40.0 820.0 $3.750.0 8350.0 85.250.0 3s90.N 37.500 $2450.0 83.675.0 N RECONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN 4 EACH 250.00 82.00.0 8510.0 82.010.0 848.0 51.880,00 8500.0 22.00.0 $500.0 82.000 8530.0 52.120.0 IW e' PVC PPE SEWER (STORM) (2) 15 LIN FT 830.00 8150.00 295.00 81.425.0 s"Loo $495.0 539.72 350690 942.0 23300.0 397.N 21.465.0 101 12 DI PIPE SEWER (STORM) 131 LN FT 835.00 245e5A0 858.0 87.3380 254.00 87.074.00 $47.82 282640.2 $50.00 26S50A0 88.0 27.3380 102 1T PVC PIPE SEWER (STORM) a6 LN FT 83000 $1,11" 892.00 82.00.0 841.0 82.05.0 2887 22.143.05 $30.00 61.950,00 830.0 21.950.N IM IT RC PIPE SEWER CL V DESIGN SON (STORM) 68 LN F7 830.00 $16.Nom 8990.0 817.855.00 299.00 820.865.0 229.35 815.0155 $30.0 816.050.00 831.08 218.58&08 104 15' PC PIPE SEWER CL V DESIGN 9008 (STORM) 894 LN FT 2320.0 $22208.0 829.08 SISAS .N 541.0 820,4 kw 2m.N !1998720 $3200 222208.00 221.50 214.921.0 10 16' RC PIPE SEWER CL V DESIGN SON (STORM) 170 LN FT 8340.0 $5.7500.0 529.0 34930.N 843.0 717.3100.0 831.12 85290.40 3340.0 85.700.0 827.50 54.67&08 1N 21' RC PPE SEWER CL M DESIGN 3008 (STORM) 22 W FT 238.0 88380 $41.0 MINX 8660.0 $1210.0 838.6 8799.92 $38.00 "OSS 840.0 3880.0 IN CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM PPE 13 EACH 2600.00 87.00.0 $275.00 335moo $6100 $7.930.08 8689.08 88941,00 3500.0 $850A0 82500.0 83.640.0 1N CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM STRUCTURE 5 EACH 31.N0A0 88000.0 9275M $1.850.0 81.2000 $7.2000.0 2880.00 84.080.00 340.0 82AN Ia 82mA0 81.6800.0 10 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN O 4 EACH 21.000.0 24.000.00 270.00 $2.800.0 21.900.0 26.000.00 $11MEN 23Am.0D 22.10.0 85,108.00 2710.0 32.6u.N 110 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN R-1 (2X1) 17 EACH 31.m0A0 80.40.00 $630.0 810.710.0 $1.200 3m.400.00 $750.0 $12.750.0 82.000.0 234A0.0 $80.0 211.050.0 111 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 402047 11 EACH 8080.0 3220ODO $1.1500 812950.0 32ION 329.INA0 21.101.0 $12.111.00 822NAD 8241000.0 81.275.0 214.025.00 112 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 4022 2 EACH 22.0000 84.000.0 $1.150.08 82.30.0 82.10.0 $4.200.0 81.378.43 82.75298 $2200.08 IMA0.00 $1.275.08 82.550.00 TOTALAMOUNT9ID 52.09794550 31.334.714.35 32.071.603.08 E2094.!8.a1 $2�.N%10 $ (1) ESTIMATED OIIANTRY ONLY. EXACT QUANTITIES AND LOCATIONS TO BE DETERMINED N THE FIELD AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. NO ADASTMEINT N UNIT PRICE SHALL BE MADE FOR ANY ADJUSTMENT N THE ACTUAL QUANTITY. 12)INEN CLUDES BED ANDIOR ENCASEMENT MATERIAL AS REWIRED. 13) BIDDER SNAIL INCLUDE PREUETERMNED LANDSCAPE ALLOWANCE N THE TOTAL PRICE 80 FOR THE PROJECT. SEE SECTION 02M N THE PROE=MANUAL (4) ESTIMATED PAVEMENT THICKNESS. ACTUAL MICINESS TO MATCH THE EXISTING PAVEMENT THEE ESS. NO ADJUSTMENT IN UNIT PRICE SHALL BE MME AFTER VERIFICATION OF ACTUAL PAVEMENT THICKNESS N ME FIELD. SEE PROJECT MANUAL FOR METHOD OF . (a) INCLUDES DOWEL BARS ATION ND AND RIMA NG AS EE DETAIL I 181 INCLUDES XETALLATON AND RBAOVAL SEE DETAIL N PVNS. anaF lMmws•m1awl NRL0.>mre OBd1m AMYIM 9e 2m1. N IaPrRww..a ESC L_TC7N & NA EEL N K I N C® « Consulting Engineers & Surveyors t 12224 Nicollet Avenue • Burnsville, MN 55337 Phone (952) 890-0509 • Fax (952) 890-8065 www.bolton-menk.com April 14, 2011 Mr. John Bradford, P.E., City Engineer City of Hopkins 1010 l3' Street South' Hopkins, MN 55343' Re: 2011 Street & Utility Improvements City of Hopkins, Minnesota City Project No. 10-10 BMI Project No T16.102570 Dear Mr. Bradford: Bids on the above -referenced project were opened at 11:00 a.m. on April 12, 2011. There were five (5) bidders for the project; a detailed bid abstract is enclosed. The low bidder on the project is Midwest Asphalt Corporation, from Hopkins. Their bid amount is $1,834,714.35.The engineer's estimate for the project is $2,097,345.50. Midwest Asphalt is a reputable contractor with previous similar experience in the metro area including Hopkins. Midwest Asphalt was the prime contractor for the City of Hopkins' 2006 Street & Utility Improvements. Based on their experience and acceptable bid prices,` following the Public Assessment Hearing next month we recommend the City of Hopkins award the project to Midwest Asphalt Corporation If you have any questions regarding this award recommendation, please do not hesitate to call'. Sincerely, IJ N & MENK, INC. Sarah E. Rippke, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure cc: Marcus Thomas, P.E., Bolton & Menk, Inc. Mike Waltman,, P.E., Bolton & Menk, Inc. • DESIGNING FOR A BETTER TOMORROW Bolton & Menk is an equal opportunity employer. • CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2011-020 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the council on May 18, 2010 the city clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of improving 14th, 15th, and 16th Avenues North between 2nd Street North and South Service Drive; 3rd and 4th Streets North and South Service Drive between 12th and 17th Avenues North; and North Service Drive between 12th Avenue North and Oak Ridge Road, AND WHEREAS, the clerk has been directed to complete the proposed assessment and put it on file in her office for public inspection, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council Hopkins, Minnesota, that: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 17th day of May, 2011 in the city hall at 7:30 p.m. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property af- fected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. • 2. The city clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and she shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. She shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. • The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assess- ment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the assessment clerk, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the assessment clerk the entire amount of the assess- ment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. Adopted by the council this 19th day of April, 2011. Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor Deborah L. Sperling, City Clerk \\Lisa\engineering\Resolutions\2011\R2011-020 Set Assessment Hearing 2011 Street Recon.doc • CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2011-019 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED, AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, costs have been determined for the improvement of 10, 15th, and 16th Avenues North between 2nd Street North and South Service Drive; 3rd and 4th Streets North and South Service Drive between 12th and 17th Avenues North; and North Service Drive between 12`h Ave- nue North and Oak Ridge Road„ and the bid price for such improvement is $1,834,714.35, and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $573,285.65 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $2,408,000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Hopkins, Minnesota, that: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the city is hereby declared to be $1,438,620.90 and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $969,379.10. • 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 15 years, the first of the installments to be payable on or after the first Monday in January, 2012, and shall bear interest at the rate of 5 percent per annum from the date of the adop- tion of the assessment resolution. • 3. The city clerk, with the assistance of the city engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public in- spection. 4. The clerk shall upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the council thereof. Adopted by the City Council this 19th day of April, 2011. Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor Deborah L. Sperling, City Clerk \\Lisa\engineering\Resolutions\2011\R2011-019 Prepare Assessments 2011 Street Recon.doc • CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2011-018 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the improvement of 14th, 15th, and 16th Avenues North between 2nd Street North and South Service Drive; 3rd and 4th Streets North and South Service Drive between 12th and 17th Avenues North; and North Service Drive between 12th Avenue North and Oak Ridge Road, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Midwest Asphalt Corporation $1,834,714.35 Kuechle Underground $2,071,603.00 Northwest Asphalt $2,094,123.61 Bituminous Roadways, Inc. $2,165,949.50 GMH Asphalt Corporation $2,230,277.00 AND WHEREAS, it appears that Midwest Asphalt Corporation of Hopkins, MN is the lowest responsible bidder, • NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Hopkins, Minnesota, that: is 1. The mayor and city manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter a contract with Mid- west Asphalt Corporation of Hopkins, MN in the name of the city of Hopkins for the im- provements noted above according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the city council and on file in the office of the city clerk. 2. The city clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bid- der shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the City Council this 19th day of April, 2011. Deborah L. Sperling, City Clerk \\Lisa\engineering\Resolutions\201I\R2011-018 Bid Acceptance 2011 Street Recon.doc Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor