CR 11-121 Approve Resolution Revising Legislative Policy 6G, Fund Balance PolicyDecember 20, 2011 Council Report 2011-121
• City Of flopkim
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to adopt Resolution 2011-070 revising
Legislative Policy 6-G, Fund Balance Policy.
Approval of this motion will revise the language in Policy 6-G to bring us into compliance with GASB 54
which promulgates new standards for Fund Balance reporting.
In February 2009, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued GASB #54 Fund
Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions. The statement substantially changes how
fund balances are categorized. It clarifies and/or modifies how some of the governmental funds are
presented and classified and enhances the usefulness of fund balance information.
GASB 54 establishes fund balance classifications that comprise a hierarchy based primarily on the extent
to which a government is bound to observe constraints imposed upon the use of the resources reported in
• governmental funds. The new classifications are defined on the following page.
GASB 54 also includes the specific requirements and parameters of a fund balance policy. Generally a
fund balance policy should focus on the portions of fund balance that are not included as non -spendable
and restricted. A comprehensive fund balance policy should include the following items:
• The appropriate level of unrestricted fund balance that should be maintained in the general fund.
• The circumstances in which unrestricted fund balance can be spent.
• The policy for replenishing deficiencies.
• Should describe the specific circumstances in which resources accumulated for contingencies or
emergencies (rainy day/stabilization amounts) may be spent.
Primary Issues to Consider
• Effective Date and Transition - The requirements of this statement are effective for financial
statements for periods beginning after June 15, 2010.
Supporting Information
• Resolution 2011-070
Christine M. Harkess, CPA, CGFM
Finance Director
Financial Impact: $ none Budgeted: Y/N Source:
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes:
• Overview — Additional Information
The new classifications are as follows:
• Non -spendable — amounts that cannot be spent because they are either not in spendable form (i.e.
prepaids, inventory, long-term receivables) or there is a legal or contractual requirement to be
maintained intact (i.e. corpus of a permanent fund)
• Restricted — externally enforceable limitations of use (i.e. limitations imposed by creditors, grantors,
statutes, etc...)
• Committed — self-imposed limitations set in place prior to the end of the fiscal year. These limitations
must be imposed by the highest level of decision making authority at a local government (i.e. City
Council, County Board). Must also have a similar formal action by the same level of decision making
authority to remove or modify the commitment.
• Assigned — self-imposed limitations of fund balance resulting from intended use. These limitations
can be established after year end, up to the date of issuance of the audit report and the authority to
determine assigned fund balance can be delegated to someone other than the governing board.
• Unassigned — is the residual classification for the general fund and would include any negative
amounts in other governmental funds.
GASB 54 also clarifies the fund type definitions for governmental funds, as follows:
• General Fund — should be used to account for and report all financial resources not accounted for and
reported in another fund.
• Special Revenue Funds — are used to account for and report the proceeds of specific revenue sources
• that are restricted or committed to expenditures for specific purposes other than debt service or capital
• Capital Projects Funds — are used to account for and report financial resources that are restricted,
committed, or assigned to expenditures for capital outlays, including acquisition or construction of
capital facilities and other capital assets.
• Debt Service Funds — are used to account for and report financial resources that are restricted,
committed, or assigned to expenditure for principal and interest.
• Permanent Funds — should be used to report resources that are restricted to the extent that only
earnings, no principal, may be used for purposes that support the reporting government's programs.
Hennepin County, Minnesota
WHEREAS, In February 2009, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued
Statement of Governmental Accounting Standards, No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and
Governmental Fund Type Definitions; and
WHEREAS, GASB 54 establishes fund balance classifications that comprise a hierarchy based
primarily on the extent to which a government is bound to observe constraints imposed upon
the use of the resources reported in governmental funds; and
WHEREAS, GASB 54 also includes the specific requirements and parameters of a fund balance
• policy; and
WHEREAS, The requirements of this statement are effective for financial statements for periods
beginning after June 15, 2010.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Hopkins hereby
revises Legislative Policy 6-G, Fund Balance Policy to reflect the changes promulgated by
GASB 54.
EFFECTIVE DATE: This amendment will go into effect on December 21, 2011.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins this 20th day of December 2011.
Kristine A. Ludke, City Clerk
Eugene Maxwell, Mayor
1.01 In February 2009, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued GASB
#54 Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions. The statement
substantially changes how fund balances are categorized. It clarifies/modifies how some
of the governmental funds are presented and classified.
1.02 This policy will provide a cross reference between the Pre -GASB #54 Fund Balance
Classifications and the Post -GASB #54 Fund Balance Classifications.
2.01 Pre -GASB #54 Classifications of Fund Balance
2.02 Post -GASB #54 Classifications of Fund Balance
Not available for appropriation
Non -spendable
Not available for spending, either now or in the future, because of the
form of the asset (e.g., inventories) or a permanent legal restriction
Available for appropriation but intended for a specific use.
Constraints on spending that are legally enforceable by outside parties.
(e.g., debt retirement)
Not available for appropriation.
Constraints on spending that the
government imposes upon itself by
highest -level formal action prior to
the close of the period.
Available for appropriation.
Resources intended for spending
for a purpose set by the governing
body itself or by some person or
body delegated to exercise such
authority in accordance with policy
established by the board.
(general fund only)
To provide a stable financial environment for the City of Hopkins's operations that
• allows the City to provide quality services to its residents in a fiscally responsible manner
designed to keep services and taxes as consistent as possible over time. This fund
Legislative Policy Manual — Chapter 6-G
• balance policy is meant to serve as the framework upon which consistent operations may
be built and sustained.
4.01 Fund Balance
Fund Balance is the difference between assets and liabilities in governmental funds (i.e.
general fund, special revenue funds, capital project funds, debt service funds and
permanent funds).
4.02 Non -spendable Fund Balance
Describes the amount of a fund balance that cannot be spent because it is either not in
spendable form or there is a legal or contractual requirement for the funds to remain
Policy -
At the end of each fiscal year, the City will report the portion of the fund balance that is
not in spendable form as Non -spendable Fund Balance on the financial statements
(prepaid items, inventory, long-term receivables, etc).
4.03 Spendable Fund Balance (Overview) -
Describes the amount of fund balance that is available for appropriation based on the
constraints that control how specific amounts can be spent. Typically, a significant
portion of a government's spendable resources can be spent only for specified
purposes. The following categories define the revenue source and the level of force of
the constraint on spending.
Categories should be supported by actual plans approved by either the governing body,
an appropriate officer, grant providers or enabling legislation.
A. Restricted Fund Balance
The restricted fund balance category includes the portion of the spendable fund
balance that reflects constraints on spending because of legal restrictions stipulated
by outside parties (e.g., encumbrances for goods or services with outside parties -
creditors, grantors outstanding at the end of the year), Also, any legal restrictions
based on state statutes or grant requirements placed on the use for specific purposes.
Policy -
At the end of each fiscal year, the City will report "restricted" fund balance for
amounts that have applicable legal restrictions per GASB #54. In addition,
encumbrances or funds restricted by enabling legislation will be reported as
B. Committed Fund Balance
The committed fund balance classification includes the portion of the spendable
• fund balance that reflects constraints that the city has imposed upon itself by a
Legislative Policy Manual — Chapter 6-G
formal action of the city council (for example, an ordinance or resolution passed by
a city council). This constraint must be imposed prior to year end but the amount
can be determined at a later date.
Policy -
Prior to the end of each fiscal year, the City Council will take action to commit
resources for specific purposes, as necessary (these are nonspendable based on
revised guidance).
C. Assigned Fund Balance
The assigned fund balance is the portion of the spendable fund balance that reflects
funds intended to be used by the government for specific purposes assigned by
more informal operational plans. In governmental funds other than the general fund
(special revenue funds, capital project funds, debt service funds and permanent
funds); assigned fund balance represents the amount that is not restricted or limited.
The authority to "assign" fund balance is delegated to the City Finance Director.
Policy -
The assigned fund balance category will cover the portion of a fund balance that
reflects the City's intended use of the resources of governmental funds other than
the General Fund. The action to assign a fund balance may be taken after the end of
the fiscal year and cannot be negative.
D. Unassigned
This is the residual classification for the government's General Fund and includes
all spendable amounts not contained in the other classifications and, therefore, not
subject to any constraints. Unassigned amounts are available for any purpose.
These are the current resources available for which there are no government self-
imposed limitations or set spending plan. Although there is generally no set
spending plan for the unassigned portion, there is a need to maintain a certain
funding level. Unassigned fund balance is commonly used for emergency
expenditures not previously considered. In addition, the resources classified as
unassigned can be used to cover expenditures for revenues not yet received.
Policy -
At the end of each fiscal year, the City will strive to maintain Spendable —
Unassigned portions of the fund balance for Cash Flow equivalent to a minimum of
five (5) months or 42% of the prior fiscal year General Fund operating
expenditures. In addition to cash flow needs this accommodates emergency
contingency concerns.
Legislative Policy Manual — Chapter 6-G
5.01 The City Manager and Finance Director shall annually prepare the status of fund balances
in relation to this policy and present to the City Council in conjunction with the
development of the annual budget.
When both restricted and unrestricted resources are available for use, it is the City's
policy to first use restricted resources, and then use unrestricted resources as they are
When committed, assigned or unassigned resources are available for use, it is the City's
policy to use resources in the following order; 1.) committed 2.) assigned and 3.)
A negative residual amount may not be reported for restricted, committed, or assigned
fund balances in the General fund.
Established 10/20/2009
Revised 12/20/2011
City of Hopkins
Legislative Policy Manual — Chapter 6-G 4