5-25-1982 �, .. - .Di Z°yL'�3...'' «:°°��'.^.C' .^.f �wl:.°, t:. ...v�..... "u F.'�at::.ir,y n .CY:t\t1JJLV1I�WQJ iEiu tSra iil@aun�(� . .� .. May 25, I982, at 7:3U p.m. in the CounciL of the City Ha11. Present were Chairman McT�onald, members Anderson, Eddg, Lavin, Reinehr and Tz.ckle. � Al�o preser_t �iier� City Mar.ager Craig, Ca:r,:;:unit� Developa2nt Cir2ctor Kerriga.-. and Assistant Community Development Director tdorris. City Engineer Strojan came later in the meeting. Item: Ms. Eddy moved and Mrs. Lavin seconded. a motion that the mi.nutes of the April 27, 1982 �eeting be approved and signed. Motion carried. Mr. McDonald ask�d the Commission if the order of the agenda could be changed having the hearings first. The Commission agreed. Case Nos Hea.rsng on an application by Glenn Thompsc�n £or a Variance to allow a sian 82-1� to exceed thP mascimum square footage as specified in the existing ordinance 27-244 by 118 square €eet at 10 17th Avenue Sonth. Case No: - 82-15 Hear_ing on an application by Glenn Thompson for a C�nditional Use Perzrit to constru�t a sign in the front yard setback at 10 17th Avenue South. Mr. Glenn Thompson, manager of the discount tire warehouse, explained the request to thP Commi.ssion. j Action: Ms. Eddy moved a.nd Ms. Reinehr seconded a motion that Case No: 82-14 and Case No: 82-15 be denied. Motion lost. ; Ms. Reinehr mo�*ed and Ms. Eddy seconded a motion that Case No: 82-14, a . request for a variance to aliow a sign to exceed the maximum squ�.re footage as specified in the exi.sting ordinance by 118 square feet be continued to the June 29, 198? zneeting. Diotion carried. . Ms. Eddy mova3 ar.d N�s. I:e�zrehr secor,d�.�', a�otion "r.hat Ca.�e Nu. 82-15, a request for a Caaiditional Use Perniit tc construct a sign in the front yard setback at 10 17th Avenue South be denied. Motion carried. Case No: 82-16 Hearing on an application by Jerald Barbe� for a Variance to construct a 253-314 Special Purpose Fence at 109 12th Avenue South. Mro & Mrs. Barbez explained the request to the Commi.ssion and presented a letter from the adjoining property owner stating that they were in agreement with the proposal. Action: Ms. Reinehr moved and Ms. Eddy seconded a motion recommending to the Council approval of the variance fora Speci.al Purpose Fence at 109 22th Acenue South. Motion carried. Mrs. Lavin and Mr. McDona2d voting nay. Mrs. Lavin stated that her reason for voting nay was lack af a hardship. Case No: 82-01 Hearing on proposed amendment to the Flood PZain Ordinance pertaining to land 321-350 use credits, continued from the April 27, 1982 meeting. • Mrs. Lavin commented that the draft did not Eulfill the concer*�s that she had and also it affected only three buildable sites. She recommended that the proposal be withdrawn. Mrs. Lanin moved and Mrs. Tickle seconded a motion that the hearing be concluded. Motian carriede Case No: 82-02 Hearing to consider a proposed change in section 427.51(1) and (3) and 427.36H(a) 354-694 of the Hopkins Zoning Ordinance inereasing the number of required car parking areas for certain residential properties. Mr. Ginkel stated concern over the proposed change as the parking requirements would be quite excessive for tne buildings and occupancy types that they have, Suggested that possiblg 1.5 ratio for efficiency and one bedroom units would be bettez. ` . Y . . . . . ... ro{�r �7 ��mgg±,��„ r,F �l,e u..-,L; ZC :' a� ni ' n v11 iilE54'a P. t.._a ..; .. _„ :s .. :g a .., �a :;«n ..:.,:��;.�s�:,r, wa� h2id y. May 25, 1982, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Present were Chairman McDonald, membezs Anderson, Eddy, Lavin, Reinehr and Tickle. • Also present were City Manager Craig, Com�:uni�y Devel�pment Director Kerrigan and Assistant Community Development Director Norris. City Engineer Strojan came later in the meeting. � Itesn: Ms. Eddy moved and Mrs. Lavin seconded a motion that the minutes of the � Apri1 27, 1982 meeting be approved and signed. Motion carried. Mr. McDonald asked the Commission if the order of the agenda could be changed having the hearings first. The Commission agreed. Case No: Hearing on an application bg Glenn Thompson for a Variance to allow a sign 82-14 to exceed the znaximum square footage as specified in the existing ordinance 27-244 by 118 square feet at 10 17th Avenue South. Case No• 82-15 Heari.ng on an application by G1enn Thompson for a Conditional Use Permit to ' construct a sign in the front yard setback at 10 17th Avenue South. Mr. Glenn Thompson, mar.ager of the discount tire warehouse, explained the � request to the Commission. Action: Ms. Eddy moved and Ms. Reinehr seconded a motion that Case No: 82-14 and Case No: 82-15 be denied. Motion lost. ; Ms. Reinehr moved and Ms. Eddy seconded a motion that Case No: 82-14, a � ; � request for a variance to allow a sign to exceed the maximum square footage + as specified in the exi.sting ordinance by 118 square feet be continued to $ the June 29, 1982 meeting. Motion carried. ' i Ms. Eddy moved and Ms. Reinehr seconded a motion that Case No. 82-15, a ; request for a Conditional Use Permit to construct a sign in the front yard ; setback at 10 17th Avenue South be denied. Motion carried. �. Case No: i 82-16 Hearing on an application by Jerald Barber for a Variance to construct a 253-31�4 Special Purpose Fence at 109 12th Avenue South. Mr. & Mrs. Barber explained the request to the Commi.ssion and presented a . letter �rom the adjoining property owner stating that they were in agreement with the proposal. I Action: Ms. Reinehr moved and Ms. Eddy seconded a motion recoitanending to the Council approval of the variance fora Special Purpose Fence at 109 12th Avenue South. Motion carried. Mrs. Lavin and Mr. McDonald voting nay. Mrs. Lavin stated that her reason for voting nay was lack of a hardship.. Case No: _ 82-01 Hearing on proposed amendment to the Flood Plain Ordinance pertai:ning to land 321-350 use credits, continued from the April 27, 1982 meeting. • Mrs. Lavin commented that the draft did not fulfill the concerns that she had and also it affected only three bui.ldable sites. She recommended that the proposal be withdrawn. Mrs. Lavin moved and Mrs. Tickle seconded a motion that the hearing be concluded. Motion carried. Case No: 82-02 Hearing to consider a proposed change in Section 427.51(1) and (31 and 427.36H(a) 354-694 of the Hopkins Zoning Ordinance increasing the number of required car parking areas for certain xesidential properties. Mr. Ginkel stated concern over the proposed change as the parking requirements would be quite excessive for the buildings and occupancy types that they have. Suggested that possibly 1.5 ratio for efficienc1 and one bedroom units would be better.