CR 94-38 Auth for Professional Services Public Works Expansion � � Y O
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February 10, 1994 y° P K�� Council Report: 94-38
Proposed Action.
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: "Authorize the
Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement with Bonestroo,
Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. for professional services for
the Public Works Building expansion.°
Adoption of this motion will allow for the signing of a contract with
Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. for professional
services, and allow time for the project to be completed this year.
In 1988 the City entered into a Landfill Closure Order agreement with
the MPCA concerning the Seventh Street landfill. The agreement
provides MPCA regulation of pollution migration measures, monitoring
of gases and groundwater, and site maintenance. Under current
standards the City's garage on the Seventh Street site used as a wash
• bay and secured storage area does not comply with regulations and
needs to be removed. Late last year the Public Works crews had to
discontinue its use of this building due to nearby methane levels. A
replacement facility therefore needs to be constructed and a feasible
replacement is an addition to the current Public Works building.
The 1994 CIP includes an expansion of the Public Works building as a
replacement for the building on the Seventh Street landfill site. The
total project cost including engineering is estimated at $260,000.00,
and will be paid out of the Refuse Utility Fund. The engineering fees
proposed by Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. are
reasonable for a project of this scope.
Quoted cost for professional services:
Phase Cumulative Base Fee
1) Design Developments $ 7,000.00
2) Construction Documents (13,900) $ 20,900.00
3) Bidding Assistance ( 1,600) $ 22,500.00
4) Construction Inspection ( 4,000) $ 26,500.00
Staff feels that the quote for $22,500.00 plus the estimate of
$4,000.00 for Construction Inspection is competitive and reasonable
for the work requested.
� -
Council Report 94-38
Page 2
Primary Issues to Consider.
o Is issuing a contract for professional services to Bonestroo,
Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. in the best interest of the
Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. are a reputable
firm and have done several large projects for the city.
Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. were the
architects for the ice arena/pavilion project in 1989 and were
the original architects for the Public Works building that the
proposed addition is being added to. Also, Bonestroo, Rosene,
Anderlik and Associates, Inc. did a preliminary study for the
Public Works addition in early 1993. By awarding the contract to
Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc: we would not
need to duplicate the work that already has been done. Staff
feels comfortable working with this firm from past experience and
feels awarding the contract to Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and
Associates, Inc. will be in the best interest of the city.
suuvortinq Information
o Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc, proposal.
• G ��
Lee Gustafson, blic Works Director
, T H. 6 A M� R 1 C A N ! N 3 i' f'C i1 T B 0 F A R C R i T B C'C �
� �
. �
AIA Drxutnertt 8141
� �#����r� ��r� �f A�reer��r�fi Betenr��n
� C����r ar�d Ar���te�#
1987 EDITI�N
AN ATT���.� IS �fY t C�tiRAGED tt�ITli RES�F,GT Tr ,�7�5 C�:L�PLE7'Ip� 0,4 tifOLIFIC�T10.'Y.
• m�d� as of t4�e i 5 th day oF ��b�a: �^� in the year of
Nineteerl Hundred and ti'inetv-`o�ar
�- �E�JE=�1 the Gwner Ci�y o= Ho�kins Phor.e. 9?.5-84%y .
(,vanae arsd address; 1�1a � lz'S4 St��°t
�io�kir.s, '��i 5534�-i�73
an� the Areritect: Bor.esurco, Rasene, A^:d�='_,.k & nsscciates, =-:c.
(rVd1f3P tfyfl dddR'SSj �33 � T�tieSt Hi�t1Wa�' J� � .
5�. �au' , ��? ��113
�or the following Project:
(lnclude detattert de+sr*�;;tton of f'►aJact, lacattor:, cxtdrrss and sccpe.)
�E� F�'`C.rllr?7. � A
S The Owner and A:chttect agree �s se; focth below,
Copyrtph; S9;', I?�6, 1449.195�, t953, t438, i9tSt, 19cS3. 1966, i�i' 19?0. f9'4, i977,¢?198"byTht�in:ericmin!dtute
'�. of Archttetts, I?35 New Yprk Av�nue, y W., �'�.shtngton, D.G 2000�, Reprpducdon of thC m�ccrt�P ubtettl ot suWtantl�!
quocaron ot ics provisiane wtthouc wciuKn pe:ml�fo� of �rie AU �Ioi�cea Rhe copyrtgh: lawa al �he t;nited Scatta And �i�1 bt
sub1ect tc, legal praxcut�on.
TH$ AMBRICAN lNSTITIT° OF AiICHiT8GT5, i'» N8G' YOAK AVQ4�8, N.�V , WASNINGTON, D,C. 20006 B� �� •1l1S� 1
, � .�'
� `'-'
ARTiCL� i schedule ar cnnstructlori budget tht Arthitect sh�IS prepare,
ARCHIT�CT'S RESP�NSl81LtTiE3 for �rc�val by the �aner p�sign Develapment Dcxumen�s
c�nst�dng c�f drawings and ocl:cr dcrcumcnts tca !ix :ind descrit3e
� 1.1 J�ACMITECT'S $ERYIC�S ��� '� �d �ha�zt�er of the Pmfect a3 to architezsunl, acn,c-
tur�l, mechnnica� attd ei�ciriral systems, materials and such
± � 1.1.i The Archicccc's services consiat oE ,t;osr services per� other elements tis m7y be �ppmpriatr,
formed hy the As'chiteCt, Archicert's tmplcay arid ACChItGi't
cansultants a,� enumeraced in Articies 2 and ? of thia ��;eement ����� The Archicecc 9ha1) adviye che Owne� oF yny ad�ustments
� „ co che prclfminary eacim�ct of Cons�ruc:lon Coa�.
j �n� any othcC 9ervlCes inCludcd 1n .1s'tlCle ,.,,
1.t.2 Tnc �cchitec,�s sc;-vrces stzstl be performed �,4 expcdt• 2.�i CCN�TR�ICTION DOCIIMFT�iTTS PHABE
� tlC1UiIV �,i IS �t)l19l wirh nrofes,Rlon�i �kiil and �are and the
+ orcerly osagres9 nf thc Work Lpon request oi the Oa�n�r, ehe �•�� 81sed on ch� a�or�ved �esign fiics pc�cu�
Archicect sha11 submi� for the �a�ner's agprov a SChC� for me�ta and ariy furth�r ydjuscmenss !n the scope �r quai�cy aF
thc performarce of she Arct�icecs's servirts whlch m�y be �he Project ot Jn the consttuccion budgGt �uthorized hy the
ad�u4ttil a.4 !i�e Prc>;ecc proceec:s, and shall Intlude aiia��anees ��'nu th� Archttecc st;aft nrepare, For �ppro�•zl by i;c Qwner,
i ti7r perinds of ;ime � tc;u�red it�r the Owner'4 rev�cw and fUr ��'��s�cti�n t7ocuments canai�cing oF �rnwtngs and Speritit7-
i a�prov7! c�f suhm:ts;ons hy authorirles hav;ng �ui'isd;cticm ovcr t�or,; sCttiri� forth In d�ixtt the ':quirements !or tht constn:t•
the Pr�ie� Ttme Itmits rscabHs hy this schedule anprc��ed ��on of thC Prn}ecc.
hy chc Uwr.�r �rx�: �c�t, exr_;,c �or ��,a�n7b(e cau<c, he ex�ecdeci 2.d.� Thc Arehittct shall Z�,��sc :he �wner i� ±he J�rcrzratic�n rt
hy ;he ,�rcnl�e �,r Owncr, the :�e�CS,s�ry blddln� ;�f�;R;pc:r,n, niddlreq forms, the CpnG+i•
� 1,1 Tr,e ur����cs :uverecl �y this ,�Freement src 4Ubject t<} �t�t�3 nf thr C��ntraCt, and :hc rOt?1 �i 4�fCCfY1°S71 tJC(tiCC!1 tf'lC
;he .unc 1'smi::cicti^s c��ntalneci in 5ubparagrsph 11 �.1 �R'!�et tind CAntrac�o�.
� 2.�i T+�e Archltc'Ct Jh :i; ad�•i�r che e�arser ofsny sdlu+tm�rtc�
� qR*���g ;� tc prcvioua prcllminary ess:mates vf Cvnstrutt!on C<�at indl•
ca;ed by changes in requirtme:;:� or general markec :ondi�ior,s.
2.�,4 'I�ic Ar�hitcct shaE1 as.�l.0 ;h� �wr,er In conr.crtir�n a�ith
`"' 2.� GEflMIT10N �"t Owner'a r��r,sibility .`'or fiiing dcxumencs rcqt�ired ic��
, ;he �pprnvat al governmen:al authvrities having �ur(.scilctic�r.
�.1.f The ,�r:;:i:eci's �astc �eti�icPs tcrosist c.�f tho� desct�:bet! u�er tlte P���ecc.
In AaraRra{�h� 2.2 rhrrwRh Z.0 and any �th�r �etviceg icientified
!n Ar�tr!e i 2 as Y�rt of �asic Ser�itrs, at�d in:i�:de ���;mal scrue �.S 81t9DItVG {7R �lEfii:TtA710N �4lA$E
turxl, mech�r��czl and eltc;ric�1 enginccring �.rt�i[Cs
2.6.1 The Architect, Fnitoa�ing ;ht Owntt's �ppmv�l c�f the
2.2 RCH�MATfC 1?��I{3N �tiA$� Cor�scruccion Docume;,cs u�d oi che {uesi pr�E;mi.^.�ry escimace
2.2.1 'Chr Arc�ucet sk all r-vicw thc ptogr�m Eurni:hed by the �f G�nsttuciion Casc, s:��IS assist che Owner in o�t:�ning bi�
Owrer to ascertain the re�Lire^?tnts af the Prh�ccc �.nd �i�zll �t Z�Hptiat�d propaslls 2t'sd �slst ltt aw�irding ;,nd pren�rlr�g
arrive at � muc;;�i und�rstz�:d:ng pf �uch requirt.^.:encs aith thc t�n�rzcts for ccnatruetion.
�.�.Z The .tr;nt sh�lI prov{dt a prrliminary e�alua;�oR c�f p� �� ��yg���JGttON CONTRACT
, the pwntr'; prograrn $Ctl�G�l7�C snd construction budgtt
;equirernencs, each �n ccrms of tht other, sub�tc; �� !rc !imita- 2,6.1 �'he Arcnieecc's respans�bility to providt Bzsic Sen��ces
ttona stc forch in Subp�ragraph 5,2,1, fcr che Conscruet�on Phase vn�cr cM� Agreemcnc commrnKrs
n�tth the award af the Cancracc for Cosutruetian and cerm�naces
. Z.2,� 'The Architect shaU review with the Owner u;emacive a� ;he tar(ier oP che !ssuyrsce to the Gwner of che flna( Cc�nific7ce
nppro.thts to design ard �ons:ruction �f the �rojeet. for Pzymcnt or 6U days a;:er the daee vf Subs[anc;�! Campfecion
Z.4,4 Bzsed on t:ye mutuaiiy �g[�ed-upon progrzn, sr�tduir of :h: Work, unless extended under 3he terms oF Subpangraph
aad canatnaction budget rtquirements, iht As'ChittCt Shall '��
prcp�rc, For aontc�al by thr �r�aer. Sche�at�c *-3cs�gr, Uocu• 2.p,Z '�ht Architett shal: provjdc adminlsrrat�on of the Cor,•
ments consi�ting qf drawing� anr3 oth�r docum;nts li{ttst;at�ng �� � � �y gct fortll txlow a�4 in the �didon of
the sc�le ind :�factanship o; Project comF*onen:s ,1;q poeumenc A2o1, Gener�l Cund;tlons of che C�ncrnct fc�r
3.2.3 The .�,rchitecc 9hall aubmlt to the a�rc!iminary� ��rs��cdon, currant as vf the date �f chis Agreemcnt, n�l�a
tstUn7te of Constns�tiG�r. Cost L^ased on current area, �olume or ��ncrw�e prr�vidcd in this �grcrmr.n:. �,,
other unit cc�sts. � Q,�,� Duties, reapqnsibllft�d �r:d Itmttations af aut"oritv �( the�
�.3 DE91GN DE�ELQPM�lNT PRiASE Atthittct shall npt be restrlc�ed, madifled or extend�d wkhaut
R•ritten agr��ment of the Ca�r,er u1d Archftecc wi�h �unsent �f
�..� 3.3.1 Based on thr �pp;oveJ 5chcmtidc Ccs!g� �c.rumcncs tl�e Coniraccor, which conser,� sh�ll noc be u�rcuumbly
and any �d�ustments authariud hy tho Ow�er �n �he �rogr�m, a•�thhefd. '
AIA �?4`�IML?�fT �11t • S)WNBR ARCIIiTFC7' ,4Gli$EMI;NT � FOl'A1'BE'VTH EDiT:ON • AIA• � �.''19ft7
1'H!i A�f6RICAN 1NSTiTIlTB OF ARCHISECF5 i7;5 !rEw 1•URx A�'EhL'E, "t.v�'., vrA31lING70N, D G. 200od $y4�•��5� �
: -. , ,
_ _i_. - - _ _
� �,4,4 ,'Tha Arehitere shsll be x repre5entative oland shall advise yuu�dty of thc Work, {2) cevia.ved conatructton means, rs�ech- _
and consult aith tho Ownct (i) during conscructlon untit f�n�t ods, techni�ues, sequencea or procedw�es, (�) revkwed copi�
payment to the Cantrictor is due, utd (2) as an �dd�ctonai 5cr- of ca�ufaltlona reccived From Subcontractora arsd materhi sup�
vtce ac zhe Owner'a dlrection From tlme to tlme during ehe cor• ptkrs �nd other data reyuaated by �he d.vnrr to aubscantlatt �
re�tlon perlod described im the Contr��i for Constructien; The the Contractor's right ta pa}nnent or {�) ascertained how or foc
Architect ahall have auRhority co �ct on behatf af che Owner whx purpvse �he Conccac�er haa uaed money previoualy pald
only co she extcnc provided En thia ARreement unlesa ctherwtse on account of the Gontraet Sum.
modit3ed by written lnstrumenc. �
Z.d.11 'T'he Arehtteet aha11 t�ve aucharity t0 ceject Vvork which
�.!!�S The Archit�ct shalf vlsit the site at lnut'�ale appropripie does nai eonform to the Gontr�tct Do�uments. Whettevtc tht
eo che scage of constructlUn or � atherwise zgreed by chr Arc.�ice.t eonaidess !t nece�asry or ndvfsable for Implemsnt�-
Owner and elrchftect In wricfng :c� becnme generaily familtar cion af the incent oi the Contrut bocumant�, the Arehitect wt!!
wiih th� pCOgr�ss tind qu111cy oE the Vvork compkted and to ha�� �UthOi1[y tO requle� RddltiOtlAl !lISp�CtlOft 03' tCSt1Rg Of thG
determir�e in generai !f tht Work ie t+sing pecfarmtd in a man� Wo: k iss 7CCOtdatlte with the provt�iocis ot the Gontract Uoeu•
ntr !ndlc�ting that trie Work wt�cn �ompkRed wi!! 2x itt �CCOt- _ men«, whether pr not 3uCh Work is hbtlt�ted, ltlstyitd or
danre cvf�h ihe C�ntract �ocument�, H�wever, che Architecc ccmpleted, How�ver, nef�her chls autharity af tht Architect nar
sh�ll not be requfred co make er.h�usclvt or continuous on-elte a dec:sion mado in good f�ith efcher �� exereise �r noc co exer•
inspcceiona to check �he avallty or quan�lcy of the W'ork. On cise such luchvcfcy sha11 give :ise to a duty or respon�ibllfty of
�he b�sls of or,•slte ob5e.^.•at4ons a� an �c�hit�tt, �he Archiccct thr Architeet ca the Conuaczor, Su6zoncrncca�s, materlal and
sn�11 keep the Owner inFcrmtd �f the pragresa �nd uu�lity oF equ±pment suppliers, cheir ageZCS Rr employets or other per•
�he Wcrk, and shatl tn�eavcr ro guard thc t�wner �ga�nsc ser.a performtng portions of :h� Wotk.
dcfcc�s tind deflcScnclea in the Wvrlc, (Mora Rxrensiue slte Z, � �� • i - hC ACChItCCt 5hz11 review znd a rovo or take other
represer►t�zt(on ma;� 6e agrepd to as att Addtltonal Set V�lce, as �P
descr�bs�d trt paragrapl� 3.1.� a�proori�tt actlon upon Con;:actor's submittals such zs Shop
przwu�g�, Product Llata and Samples, bvt oNy far che limlted
2.d.8 Thc Archicec[ shal! ro[ ?�avr r_ontrol ouer �r ch�rge of pucpose of ct�ecking Eor cor,formance wlth lr:Iormation givsn
and shall ros tx :espor.i:�le fot eonstructlon means, mttr,e�sJs, �"'� :''ie clesign conce�t expressed tn �he Concract D�c�cuments.
cechniaues. ;SeGaenc:s t�* �rr.cedure�s, nr for yafen� p,:cauNons The Archic�cs's actton shti; tx czkcn �ich �uch ,- e�onable
and prngrams in ron�ecr.on with tha ���rlc, sincc chcse are F�r::r a� co ra�se no delay !n the Work or 1n the con-
sole;y ;he Con:ractor's res;sor,sibi;icy unc>er che Contrace fvr ��ruc:;nn t�f the Owner or of 5ep�r7te CDritl'�CtOCS, whtle �Ilclw
� Canetn�et!on. The Architect shall noc he respansible Por ehe ing �uffidenc cimt in the .lrchlte:t's prof=�sionai �ucigment to
�p^i.•ZGK,C sChcdulGS or iaf?ur; f0 C3SSV UU� :hC �'CfK in atcor per�r.i� :iCiGt�UittG ;eviea, R�view of such 3ubml��als is nc�t con
�ance wieh che Concracs ucxumcnta, The Archite�: shail n�t due�e:s for the purpose of de:ermining the accuracy and cc��n•
' have conrr<.yl �ver or rn :f�C Of �Cl9 Ut OlT1186�0�5 Of thG CC17ttAC• P<< ��"-� of o�her det�lls such �s dtmensians and quanticics or
�c�r, 5ub�antr�ctors, �r �h�;r agc�tg or employees, o^ oF any 1�?' °u�; s�ar.t�a�tng ins�rucelc:ns for insea;Jation or pe :formu�ce o( �
other �xrsons perfcrming �orc+vn9 of �hc Work. Cq�'p"ztnt or systems dcsigr.ed by tne C�ntcsc:c�r, a!i af wh�ch
rer���r chc r��ponsib!licy �f the C�n:rsc:or co che exten:
2,$.7 The arcnieec! shal! ac zif clmes have �ccess co che �F'ork re�a::�d by :he Cor.:r�ct LbcuT�en;s, Tho Arch�sece'a review
where��er !t fs in nrep:r�clon or prcr,�ress. sha:: ^ot consdiuce appro�al of sa�tcy precautlons or, wi�es
, othe; w'tae s}xci@tatly sttitcd by thr �rch3tect, of eonsccuct�on
2.$.� �xccpt as may otherwise hc provlcled in thc C<�ntraCt me�.5. ��ethUC:s, t�Gh;�ique�, xy:�t OC pCOCCG�UCG3. ThC '
Doc�lmenca ar when d�rect commuricatiora ha�•e hetn spe- Arc.".�:e.�'s approvat af a speci8c lcem shzll not lndlc�ce
ci�i�y auch�r+zed the Ow r;er an(1 �Ont:�a�tOr shal( con,munECaee ��;;; �va! of an asaembly c�f whieh ;he ieem is a compnne�t,
cnrough chC Architccc. Communiracions by an:i with thc Archi� �re� prc�fessional certiflc�Hon of pecf�rmance :haracteristics
tecc's :onsultant� sh�li be through the :lrehitect. of materi��a, syscems or equ�pmer.c s r�quired 6y chc Cvntmct
�.d.9 Based on the Archi;ec R()hS�NRt�Ot19:3i7CS es�:�uation9 of ��amenta, the Atthitect sh�R bt entitird to rrfy u�on sutri
ce^if?cacion to establish ;hst che macerizls, �yscems oc eyuip�
the Cvn:ractor's Aopllcaticns for P7yment, che Architecc sha{I menc wi1! meec cht perfarmnnct cri;er�a requircd by �he Cern
review and teniFy the amaunW due the Con�r�c�ur. ;�r, Lbcumcnts.
a.a.10 The Architece's ctnitica�lon for ��aymcr.t shzli cnnsti� �,b,i� �ri !�rchicecc shali prea�ce Char�ge prders and Can•
�u:c a rcpresenc�tion cc che Owner, baa�u an th� �irchl!ecc's scr�e;ion Ch�n�e Directives, wich supportlrg document�cfon
obstr� �asiona �t the sic� as �;ovi;.�ect fn 5ubparsgra�h z �.5 and znd d3:s If deemed ;+ecesszry by the Nchttect �s providtd ;n
on the data ccmprf5ing the tioncracsvr's Apgiicac+:an for p�y• Su:^;s�r..graphs 3.1..+ and 3•3.3, for the Owner's anproval and
rne�e, tha� the V6'oric ha� progrc:ased t� che point ir:d!eatld artci execa::on !n accordance with ahe Contcact Dotumrnts, and
that IO tht bt9t Cf Iht AtChfICCt knowiadge, ln[�irmaHon xnd ����� �uthorfu minor ct��nges ln th� Work nos invoiving an
belief, quallty of the Work is !n a�eordance with che Gr,ntract ad�i:.:mcnt it� thc Contrac: Sum or zr. cxttnsion of the Contra�t
. Dcxumencs. ; he :`oregomg rcprescntatiUn� are subitcc «� an Tir.-e s��hich ue not insonsistent wlch che intene of ch� Cancntt
tv�luAti�tl of the �'otk (ot ConFormance Rlth the Contr�et Dacuments.
Documenta upon Suba«n�iai Compiec�on, ro resui ()� 9Ub5C
� �uenc cescs �nd inspcc:�e.^,s, :o minar devjatic}ns F*om ?tse Con- 2.9.14 'Tht ArchlRect shaU :onciuc! !nsp�ct,on.c to det�rmint
tract DoCUtrients cUCre pN�r t<> compfetlun anzf t�.; s�• thc tl•aec crr da�rs c�F Suhritanti��l ConPie ar�d the aace uf tlnl!
cific qunlitic�ttc�r�� ex{�re�,�ed by the APChit�ct. The {�,4uan�, ��f 1 cc��r.�?e�l�m, �hali recd�e and forwar� co the Owner ��r che
Ccrt!(Ic�t� fr>r Pay m�nt �hati furthcr rcmvtitutc a rc�rc<cttt�ui<��1 Uur��'.v rc•vicw ;irZCl rc:ur:l� w�ii�crt w,��r,tntics ��nc! tcl:�tt,l
�hac the C�ncractar i� ehci�lcd t<� �+aymes�c in che ��nnu�� eerd� �1�>;�met�ts reyuirsc! by the CcmtraCt :]ocumcn�s �nd �acem•
fied H�wever the Is.suance ,�f a CertlticatC fc�r ?aymcr�t shali 51:c1 hy thc f„mtr�c�c�r, an:! shall is.sue a;lnai Cerditc f�r Pay�
not ��+e a rrprescntatton ch�S eht Ar�hitett has (�1 macle extiaus• me.^,: utxm CUR`pl��nce wlch ,he rcqulrements Uf the Contract �'
tiv� or cc�nclnueus nn�sice Inypectiuns :o check th: quality or Dcxumcnts
AIA OOCUMENt 61�1 • f)VV Nea��RCtr�T�cT �G RREMENT • POURTlENTTi BDI'E'ION + AiA� + a t4P7
3 �1a����7 TIIE At«SfiRtCAN iNti1'1T111'H C)P �4RC�iITECTS, I?j3 N8W YOR1C A�'$NUE. N.�., �'A�li{NL;TON, D.C. SU(IOCi
i ,
Z.Q.1� The Archicect shall Intcrpm and decide maccers con- 3.Z,� 7'hcough the observadons by such Pro�cct Repreaen- „
ceming performance of tht dwner utd Conteactor under ttte tadYts, che Juctiftecc ahall endeavor to pc+ovlde Nrthec prote� '
requiremeats af the Cantcact Documents on wcltteh request of tbn for tht Qwnar against defccca and defldencies in che V7oi1c, .:,.
1�. either the Qwner or Cottttl�tor. The Archltcct's response co but che Nmiahing of such pro�c repreaentation aMll not `
such reque�ts ahall bt mad� with reaaonAbk promptnesa ss�d modify the rlghta, resportaibillcies er abifgutiona ef the Architect
wi�hfn any timc iimi�s �greed upon. �s deseribed daewhece in thia Agrrement.
Z,6. Intecpretatians and deci;i�ns �f the Architcct ahaii he 3 3 �ONTINt3EN7 ADClTi�AL BL�RVI�ES
consiacent wich the lntenc of and reasonably inferable from tht '
Cnneract D�cumenes arsd shall be in writing or tn the !arm oF 3.3.1 Ma}cing revislans in prawings, 5peciflcadons or etha
drawings, When making such interpretatfons and inldal dcci- documenes whe� such revlelans zre:
siana, the Arehltect shalt endeavor to aecure faichA�l perEor-
mance by bnth Oaner �nd Contr�ctor, shall not show partlaJity ,1 incvnslstent with spprovals or instrt�ctian5 prevlausly
�_ co cf�hcr, and shali nac be liablc for resufts of Incer�:re�acions or givtn by the Owner, �nc!uding r�visions made neas-
� deelslorls .qo re:�dered in gQOd fafth. �ary• by adjustment� In th- Owner's progr�rn vr Frv�•
Z.a,17 The Archicect's decisfons oa ma�terg reJating to aesthe• ett budget;
tic effect shall tx 8n�1 if const5tent with th� in�ent �xpressed !n .2 required by che enactmene or revlsion of eodes, laws
chc Concract bc�curnencs OC fCgtll�t10175 5ub5equ�nt �o ihe prepa�ation of such
dOCUt11C�U1; OL
��a.j� Tht AtChItGCi 5h411 fGt1C1CC wflttell dtCISIAf15 wllhlfi a
ecasonable tlme on �lt claim3, dlaputes or a�her matters in ques• .3 due to ch�nges rtquirtC zs a:esvit af the Owne-'s fii!•
�ion betu��er che Oaner and �cntractor relating co thc execu- ure �a ronder detlaians �n a elmely mar�ner.
tf<�n or progress of the Work as provtdec! ln the Concract
- Dacumencs. . 3,3.2 Providing services requlred beeause of signitle�nc
a.6.19 The Archicec�'s dedtiOn� un claim9 dls utes or other changes tn the Pro�ect including, b:;c noc limitcd tv, sizc, yuaI•
� ��y, camplexity, che Own:r's schec�le. or the met�:od of b1d�
mattcrs tnduding thasc ir �ucstlo:: bctwe�n the C1w:�=: an�1 �{nA or negoti7tittg and ccntr�cttng rer coststructiQn, exce�t fo:
CcmttaCtnr, exce�t for th�z,e relaNnR co aes�hecir eifcc� � r�t� g�ry{ce� re<�ulred under Suh�sat2Xrapn 5.2.5
�'iciccl in SuLG�araKra��h ;?.G 17, vh:�li he sul��tc't tc� arhi!ra:i��n a:s
providCd in th;s and in ;he Canuact L�ncumer;s, 3.3.3 t�reparing'Jrawings. Specifications �nd other documez�
tallort and suppvrcing dats. ev�iunc,ng Cantrutor's proposals,
and providing ocher servfees in :onnectlon aith Ct;�zge ""
ARTICLE 3 Ordcrs znd Cdnstruccion Ghange Direccives �
AdDITiONA�, 3EfiViCE� 3 �3.4 Prc;victing sorvlees in conne.;ion with tvalU�ting suQSti•
� t�tit>n4 propc>�ed by che �oncracror and making subseq:icnt
3.1 QENE�iAL rcvi,iic�ns ta Drawings, Specific�i;v�s :nd ather �lacumentation
I resulting therefrom,
3,1,1 The scr��ices dcxr�bcd in this Articl� 3 arc no� fnc.lucieG 3.3.b Providing conault�tion conccmir,g replacemmc of Wvrk
fr, S�.vic Sen�lces unfe�s �o ldentif3ed in Article � Z, and chey shsi�
be paid Eor by thc Oa�ncr ds providtd !n th?s Agre�men:. in d��g�� �y �re or other cause during constraction, ard �r-
addicion ro che c�np�rsat►or� f<�r Basic Serviees. i he sen�ices n�hing �ervices reguirtd in c�nnc.:te� with the repizcement
descnbed under Par�gca�hs 3•� and 3,4 shal( only be pro��idcd �f such Work.
iF atuhorized or cnnfirmed in writing by thc C?wr,c* lf srr��ites �.�,a p;oviding services made ;te".asary by the deFiult oF eht
de�cribed urci� C:oncir,�er,t Aaditional Servic;.s ln Par�grxph C�ntractar, by ma�nr dcPeccs or de�cianc:es in che WUrk of �he
3.? �re t'tquired due tc7 Cireum5tznees heyonu �he .lrchitect's Conts�ctor, or by Failurt of �erformance of Nthar che Q�rner or
concrol, chc Archiccre sh711 nocif�� chc O�+ner prior �o cam• Gontractaf under the Gpntract for Gcnstructlpn.
mencing such s�rvices. If the Oaner deema th�t such ser��lces
descr�bed under Paragrarh i.3 are nat rcyuircd, thc oA�ner �.3.T Pcovidfng servires In ev�fu�r:�g nn extcnsivc nurnber of
sh�ll �f��e pn>mpt n•ritten no.lce co the Arehlt�ec, 1f che Q��na claims submitted by the Concrxter or others in conneccfon
, fndicaces in A�riting th�t all or part pf SuCh Gcmtingenc Add'.• a'jth the Wvrk,
I tional Scrvicc� are nvt rcquircd, tht :4rcttit��t ahal! havc no obli• 3,3.� Froviding servlces in conneccion wlth a pubHc heanng,
i ga�lon ta provEde th�se strvlces. arbitrat{yn proeeeding or Iega1 prvicecding exeept where the
3.� PROJECT REPRE8�NTATION BEYONQ BASIC Archlsect +� pzrty therc:o.
SERVtCL�8 3 ,3.9 Preparing dorumcnt5 For al:crnate, se�arate or sequcntial
'� 3.2.1 lf mc�re ex�engive ��rCgentatlr�n at �he sic� ehan ;4 h�us c�r nravicting servltes !n rnr,nection wlih hlciding, neg,otia-
! cle5crlbeci fin Subpzr.graph :,6,5 �� reqtiired, �hc Architect shall t1�m or �t�nRttt�Cdon pripr tU the CL�m�ICdpr1 c-f the Cc�nstruc•
j proviae ane or ;�vrc Project ftepresencatives to�st fn �arn�• �iun Ikxumcns.a Phase
' in� aut such �ddicion�l on•slte res�nsibilldcs.
�.2.2 prc>Jcct Rc�rescnt�th�ea Rha1l tx aelected, cm��ic�}�eci ancl ���'
dlrcctcci hy the Architect, afld �he �rchitecz shzll be ci>n��n- 3.4,1 E�r;��•uling anx{}° af tht C�w^er's neecis anc! prog^am• �'
sattd theref�r aa a�rccd by thr Owner and Ar�hitect. ;'he ming chc requirement� of the Pcojec:.
du�ieg -e9(xmslhUide+ anc� Hmitaci��na c�f author�c�• c�F Um;cce 3,4,2 1'r�f��iciing financiai Pea�Ib:Ile� ar other ��ec!�I seuJic..
Itepresentatfvcs 9ha11 be a.g descrihtd tn the edlticin �f AIA
`-" Dcxumenc Ai S2 currcnt aq of thc date of this Agr:emcnt, ur.le�,9 3.4,3 Pro�•idfng planning �urveya, sice eva�uacivns or com•
� v� a c i a«f re s•ctivc sitcs
otherwise agr:cd. � arati c, t� c1 e, p� Ex.
� ; � -- _ _ _ :
� 3.4,4 Pmviding apcdal survcys, environmental �studies astci 4.Z The Oancr ahall eetabliah and update an ovent! t�,adget fnr
sul�mL�.dc}n� reqtiirrci for :�j���re�valg c�f gc�vernmeniql auc11e7�ttics thc Ptv�CCt, IncludiAg the Ctm�tsvetkm Gu�t, the Qane['6 dthCc
or ochers having 1u�lccic�n over the ProJeec. cost� utd res�ssonablc contingtncles related W �tl �f thac Carts ;- . j
3.4.b Providing serviccs relative to t�tuce Eacilities, systtms 4.3 lf reqyestGd by th� Archicect, the OwatC ahall ftimmist� evi•
and equlpment. cter►ce �.ltat flnancl�l �rr�gementa have (xen macic co ful8ll t3�e
9.4.8 Providing gerviccs co Invcstigate exlstinA rondicidns or �wr�er's obliga�iona under [hi� Agreement.
fac�li�ies or to makr me�sured drawings thereof. 4.A Thc Oatte! shatl desip,�t�te � repr�sentative autharizcd to
3,4 PTOV{S�1RA SCfYI�CS [U yCftfy chc �ccuracy oF d.awings or act ors the Owner'a behalf wt;h respect tv the Pro�ect. The'
ochcr in(a:maN�n furniFhed by the Daner. Qwner or sueh auth�riud representative ah�li ttnder ciccisions
tn � timely manner pertntning ta documenta �ubmitted by tite
3.4.� Pro��;cling coc�r�inaticfn �f cc,nstrutsinn perfc�rmed by Archttec� In order to avoid unreasc�nable dtlay in thC otdcrly
separ�ee eantracco�s or by the Owner's own Forcos and coc�rdi• and seq�:cntial progresa oF the Archicect's serviees,
natian of scrvicca rcquircd in connccdan with constructfan
perforr�el �nd cquipmens suppiied by the Jwn�r, 4.3� Th= Owner shall fu�nlah wrveys de�cribing physEc�!
char�cte:istics, legai llmttuions u�d uttlity locations for the site
3,d.9 Provid3ng sen•iees in c�rr,ection wich ihe work oFa con• of the °rolect, and a written kgal descr�ptian af che sice, �e
stnaction manager or se�arate consuicanca ret:in�d by che sur�eys utd iegsd informatlon sh�ll lnclude, � applicabte,
pwner. gnde9 �nd lines of screeta, alkys, pavemente u�d ad�ofning
3.4.�0 Pr�viding detailed cstimatcs of Con�truct:on Cose. praperty utd 8t1'uCttlte9 ad��eent dralnage; rights-oPwny,
reatrtc�lons, e�a�menta, �ntrosChment�, zoning, cteed reatric•
3.4.11 Praviding dccaiicd c�u7n:ity surveya or im�cntcrics of tfons, boundadca u�d c4ntoucs Of khe site; locatfons, dlm�s��
m�tcri2L cquipmcnt ar;d lntx�r. slons and nccesaAry� +,_xt'tzinlrtg to exlstis5g building5, othcr
3,4,12 �;o4�iding ar,alyscs c>f owning anr� �perticirg costs, impmvrments ar�d trcea; a�d Informatlon conceming avut�bie
utQi,y services �nd lines, ba�h pubiic �ncf private, �hc��e su�d
3.A, �3 I'!()VS(ii Ine:ric�r �r,d caeher .iimllar �en�ices hclow, fncludin$ Inverts and depths. A11 the tnformzclan
requ�red fc�r or �n conr.ectfon with the �eicction, procurement on t'.':e SurvEy a:t11t be etfcrenced ;a z project benchmatk.
ot instaliatio� af 9ttniw�e, furrishings ond relaced equihmcnt.
4,8 7'he pa•ner sh�Jl furnish the s�rvices vf geotechnlcal engi-
3,�.�4 Fro��iding s�;�iccs for �lann�r�g ctn7nt �,i ;r:�c�l s�:�GS. nE= a:hen suCh setviea are requtsted by th� Architect. Such
� 3,+1,1� titait�ng !nv�t►�tl,sr�o, tnven:cyrf� c�f macer:�s c:r cqui�r scrviccs may include hut at�e not Ilmited to test burtnRs, tesc
mer�c, or valuadons and det�Ued apprais�19 of exigt�zg �ciliticg. p�«� dC:trmfn7cions of soil be�rfng valucs, percolation tests,
evatuaclons of haaardoua m7ccrials, graund corrdsion and ces�
�.�{,18 °reparing a set of re�*oc�vcible record d�aR� show• civt�y t;s�s, inclusiing necrssary ogeracions For antici�a::ng sub• �
ing significanc changes in ch� �'ork mad� during c� rscrut4ton soi; conditions, a�icn rcpor�s and approprlaie profe�:onal
btised on marked•up orirsts, d;�Winga and other daca iumished cecommendatiar�s.
hy tht Cvncr�ctor to the Arch►tec:. q,B.S The pwn�r sh�tl �tn�sh tht serviees of othet tonsul•
3.4.i7 nroviding usise�re !n che u:lliiacton of tquipmenc �r c�ncs w'r,en suCh 3Crviees are cczsort�bly �e�ulred b�• �he scoFe
systems sucy as ;est;ng, �d;u�ttng and 'oala�cing, Qre� arat��n vf of :he Pt;�{ect usd are requcsted �y thc Aret;itcct.
operacion and maincenance mznua�s, training personncl For 4� T�� Owntt sna11 �urrish structur�, mechanical, chemirzl,
operacion �nd matnrenznce, �n� e�nsu}t�tio� durirtg Qpetat�on. y � r �y� watcr pcttudan test�, tesc� fer hs�zzardoua mxterials, ��d
3.4,1s Ptoviding secvices sker isyuance to thc Qwncr of the e�the: iubor�tory u1d environmencal te�ts; inspecelo�s and
finai Certificac� for Paymrnt, or in che �bsence of a t3r,a! Cor- repe�rss �equiced by law or the C,oncr�et Doevments,
ciflcate for Paymenc, more than � days aiter the d�te af 5ub•
stantlal G�mpletion of t� Wvrk, A,8 i he Ownec sh�ll !ltrni5h ali legai zcctiundng �d insuru�cc
3.�,i0 Provid�n srrvlccs of consuicanes far c�cher chxn acch!- cuurtseltng gervices as may be necessary+ at �ny time for th�
cectu:�l, structural, mechanlcal and etcccricai engtneer�ng pQ:• P�o;�ct. including auditing services ;he Owner may requlre �o
verify che Concruccar s Appllcatlons for PAyment or co �scenaln
tioas of �he Proiecc prvvidcd s a parc af Saslt S�rvicrs, ho�v or far wh�i y�urposes thc Cori�r�cror hps used tht money
3,�i.2� Providing zny acher secvlces not c�theRVise inducied in p�id by or on b�half of the awnr:.
th�s Agreement or noc CuSt4mArilY fumished m�cccrdance
wich grner311y acccp:ed archtteccurxi practiee. 4.9 The serv�ces, lnformation, sur++eys and re�orts required by
Pars�ranh� 4.5 through 4,8 sh�ll tx ti�:nfshed �c the dwner'a
cxRcnse, nnd the Ar�hftect vh¢ll tx cnUded to rely u�n the
accar�cy �nd eom�lctenesa thereof.
ARTICI� 4 �•1Q Frompt writtert nodce shalllx given by the Oa�net to tht
Architect IF the Owner becomes aa�re of any f�ult or defect in
� C}W�V��t'8 RF9PQN$181LiTIES the Pr�;eCt ar noncPnform�nte with the Cont�'act Uo�umtnts.
4.) Tht Owne� shali pro�tde fu11 fnfarmac;on reg�rciing 4.11 `he prApbsCd 1�r!guzge of �ettiApte�S vr centflCationd
rcqulrcmcnu for thr Praicct, inrluding z program which shalt re�ue�:ed af the Archltect �r Archltect'a consultants shali be
sei torth !he Owner's obfecti��es, scheduke c�nscraincs �nd cr� submia�d cc� che Archttec� for rev{cw �nd approval ac ic�sc i4
;ari�, inc;uding space requt .mencs �nd reladonships, flexi• days prtor to executio�s. The Owner shall not requeet cenitica• �
bi!!ty, expu+dabiliry, special equfpmont. systems xnd slct ' Nons [h�c wovld requirc knowledge vr �ervtces beyond :he
requiremen�s. scope of thVs Agreemeac,
6 8����»E�T THE AMERICAN INST'1TL'TS OF ARGF{1TbCT9. 17jS NEW YORK Av6Ni:8, N'R/, v7A9HINGTON. p:C. 20C)6
ppT��� � .a if tha Pro�ect is abandoned term�nate i� xcordancr
with FarnBraph 8•3; or
G�AISTRUCTlQN COST .� ��te in cevlalag the ProJect acclp� and qu�lity
�"' rcqufted to t'ecluce the Constructlon Gvst:
�.1 DEFINtT10N .
3.1.1 The C:mstnsrcion Coat ah�il be che coc�l cUSC or es�h �'Z'� If tK� Qwncr. chcx� tc� pto�ted ttnder Cl�u�e,
mettd tUtu to the �wncr of ali citments of the Pro1ect desigtted the Architeet, wlthout additiqnat chuge, �halt modify the Con•
or sperit�ed by che Archltcct. teaCt Documente aa rieresaary to Comply with the flxed lfmlt, if
c�t�bDshed as a rnadt�icm of this Agreement. The modltkation
�.1 �2 The Gcnstrucnc�n Cost 9ha11 inctude the cost �t tt�frent of Concracc Doeumrnts sha�} be �he Hmic of rhe Architect's
� maricet rxte� nF �ah�r and m�terfals furrlRheti by the t)wncr �nd res}xmslhllity arlving Uuc of che ostabllshment oi a fixrd ltmic.
i ec�uipmcne clesigncrJ. �}�eClfled, �tiectet! pt speciallV prc�vidcd Thc Architett shpil be entltled tc� cor-pensation in accvrcltince
� fdt hy ?he �rchkect, plus � re�.acanabic �ltowancc fnr the Lon• aith thi9 Agrcemerlt fc�r �ll setviees perfUrmed whether or not
� tractor's a��cthead and proGt. in �ddt.ic}n. � ft�,�vn�ble alltsw- the GAnatructipn Phas� is commented.
ante far ctmt�ngcncies sha!! bt kncludtd for markct conditions
at the time nf hid�+;ng �nd Eor changts In tht Woik du�tng
. conscruccion. qp���,� g
8,1, Cnnstr�ctian Cc?�t does riot includ ; he tc�m}�ensation o( US OF ARCHIT��rB DRAWlNGS� �
che Archttec; �r,p trchitcct consu�tancs, cl�e c�sis caf she �and, $p�GIf1C�TI0NS ANii O�H��i DOGl1MENT$
I riphts-nf•9vay, financing or c�ther costs whfeh arc thC KS(X�rn
+ albjllty c�f �he Ow•rer as �rovidcd in �+rticl� 4. 8,1 'I'he Drawieg,�, 5pecific�tlons and other documents .prc�
b,2 RESPONStBILlTY ffl�i �ON$TRUCTiON �JBT Pued hy thc ArChltcct !or this PtU}ect pre instru�tttnts of :he
Architcrt's xr�let fot use sn(e(y wlth respect to :h�s Pro;ect
�.2.1 �valu�tior,s vf the Owre� s Projec; buciget. P�eitminary and, ttrtless ocherwi_�e provided, the Atchltecc shnll be cieemed
cstim;,tes c�f �e�rctrticttcm �:c»t and tietaiied esNmatc,� e>f i:�>n- t}ie �uthc�r c�E the5e c�c�tuments anci �haH rttaip al! mmmem law�,
ssrucdon {;usc. �f �ny, �repar�c3 by the Ar�hitect rcpreSCttt e;�c Statutcuy anci �ther resertied rlgh;s, 3r.clu�iing t�e cvpyrigi�;.
Archiccct's �rsc !ad$menc � a design p;of,sslonaJ f�m�fi�r wieh 7he Owner sha11 he permttted eo recaln eopies, iriclUding recra
the �t)[tfii!'lt� industry. it ;3 teCt�gtiiaetf, hc>wevcr, chat ne� duc+hle cc��ties, af thG AfChit�zt'.4 b�WiT1g5, S�ieC ;:ieations an�i
cher the Arcnut�; n��r the nwner I�as c:sncrol over el�e cosc af cuhrr cicxuments fea� infurm�cic�n �ncl reference if� conneccic�n
labc.r, mate:;als ar equipmenc, avcr che Ccmi�c methods wlth the Owner's use 1nd octupancy of the �ro�crt, The Arehf•
of determining bid o^icca, �r ovcr competlt!�•e b�ddmg, mxrkKt eect's �rawings, Sprc;fe�tions or e�ther da�umertts sh21i ncc ;-e�+�
or ne�c�tiatinF ennditions. Acce�rtfingty, ti�e lrchitecc rannot uaet! hy the �wner ot oihers or. other pra)eets, Eqr additlons �
and docs nat war;.nt or represe�t chac hids �: nc�c?ciated �rlces this Projc�t or for completion of this Pro{ect by others, unEtss
'�-- Rii! nc�� v„r�� F tiatt7 thC Cawner�5 PTC1jGCt l;tt(1RC c:r frc�m any chc Arc:hltect is ad►udged ;n he in detault uncicr this Agceem-^t,
cstimate of Conscru�ticr Cost or cva;uat;an pr��-area ar agreecs cxccpt by agrc=mcnt in �uriting xnd with appr�priitc wmper,•
ta by chc Arch�cccc. sxtion ta cha Archlcccc.
6,�.2 tio fixtd l �11�t t1E GQrtStTUCllc7f: COSk 5�alf bc cstahH�hed �,2 5uhmission ¢r distributfon of dt�cuments to mett off:clal
as : cor.dlt;ors o:` :his �grecmrrt by ch� furnish�nq ai��'io9�1 nr regui��o�� requlremtnu or far simHar purpo�es !n ecnntcc;e�
cst�bN.shme.^,t of : Prc�}tct bu�get URIt59 ;urh �3xtti Ilmit has with thc !�ro�aet i3 not :o be con4tcti:Cd a5 pub13C1tiCr, in deroga•
heen agreec! u��n in wilting anc� sign:d by the part;e� herccc�, If r���n pf the ,�rciili.ct's reserved �+gh�.
su�1� a flxect limir has becn estah(ishcc�, thc Ar�l�itcct gh;�i Lic
pesmitted co include conttngeneles Eur design. Uldding ancl
�rice escalatson, to detstmine what m�terials, ec�u�rment, Com-
ponent syscems and sy�-,cs of construccic�n arc cn !x included �n
- the Cnntract tk�cUmen�s, tc� makc rcaso^ahle ac1►ustmerits fn ARTICLE 7
. ihe acv�e of �r.e �rv�cct snci tr� �nc�ude �n thc C<mtrxct Rc�cu• AA8ITRATION
mcnts �itcsna�e bids to adjusc chc Canscrurtion t'usc co che Sxed �
limtt Fixed llm�ts. ff any, shali be inc:�sed in the amnunt of an 7.S C�aima, dlsputts ot othet matters in qucstlon betwt�en the
- �ncre�.se i f t�:e Contraet Sum oc�urring aRcr txetuclon af thc n�«�� tc� th{s Agccement arisi�g out of oc reiating ro thls Agrce�
; ;Y.�r.eract .or ConsttuctJvn, meni or brtactt thereat sh�l! be subf e�t to an� c�er;ded Dy ar5!-
5,Z.9 [f the BfddGzg ar h 'egotixtion Phase t�� nac cc�mmenrc�i tration �n accordutee with the C.or.sttuctlon dnduatry Arbitra-
wlthin 90 azvs ahrr tht Architacc submlts the C�nstruCtion cian Rules of th� Americut Atbl:tatiort Aasoeiati�n eurrcntly in
�. Daeumenes :o she Owner, uny Proicct budget nr flxed tlmit of effect untess tht putles mutuatiy �gree othcrwLse,
Construction C�� t sh�l! tx ad)usteC to rttlett changcs in the �,2 f'}emand itar arbitrzttt7n shali tx t1l�d in writinq avlth thc
gtnctal ievei <,f pr,c:s in thc ccan4crt:ctk�n ►ndustrv h�tween the Uth¢r �i:ttty tn th�s Agreemer� �nc! with chc Amerlcan Ar�iira-
daca of sub^:i.�ion of [hc Conscruccion D<�eumcn�s �o ;he ��p� �yya A�3emand for �r�itracian sh�li be mxf� within
Owner usd ehe dzca an whieh proposzls zcc se�ughe, � r�on�ble ctme aRer �he claim, dispute or other m�ttcr tn
5.�.+t tf a:'ixtd iL�lt of Conatcttccion Gosc (ad�usced �,a pro- yutstlan has arisen, in no �v�ne shali the demand fvr nrbCtrscion
.. vided in gu4p�:�gczph 5•Z.3y Is cxcceded ��• che towcsc bc�nA be made afcer chc datc when Jasttcutscm of 1rg�! ar eqult�'
na� btd or negoc� ,�ropqsa;, tht Owner at�.�i't, proCCedings b�6ed on such claim, dispute or other m�tter
,1 gi�e uri�ccn spprvv� of an lncre:ise !n such lixect qucstk>n aoulcf t�e hartrti by the s(�Ilt�bie smtutcs of llmltsttk;n�
limit, 7.3 No �rbltration atising out oF pc tKizting to thls �gce�emcr.t
� �"� .3 auehociu rebldci�ng or renegotiac;ng of che Fra1eet • shalJ Include, by consoEidacton, iolnder or ln any vther m�nn�r.
within ti ccasost�ble time; an �ddltivnal }xrson or rntity not z pxrty to thls AgteemCnt,
TH8 AMQAIGA.4 ;NSTfl'UTE 04 ARCH(TECT3, 17j� NB� YORK AVBNUE, N,W„ WAa!lfNBTON, D G, 20006 8f ���f ��7 a
. ..--`::--�:. .- � . - � E .. - - - --- �- - .
_ __ _ _
except by wrltten consef7t cantaining a spedFit refcrence co ,� 7ei1 percens oC the tota{ compe�3Atto� fvr Bask �nd.
� thl� Agretment �igncd by the Owner, ArchltoCt, �nd Rny other Addltionai Servkd eamed to d7te If tetminatl�m ,
peracm c�r ctttlty anught to be jolrfed. Ccrosenc to acbitrattan ' occuta durtng ehe Deatgri DeveIopment ph�e; o�
involving an addltlonal par�on c�r encity shall nac conaeftute ,3 Five perCent of tht toa! mmpeasatloc� for 8aaie utd `�' <'�
conaent tq Acbitraderi oi �ny oiatrn, dispute or other matter !n Additlon�l 5eiv�Ce3 eamcd to d7�te lf terrnfA�ot1
gu�sUon noc dtscribcd in che writeen conaent ar wieh � peraon occum durlrig any xubaequent phaae.
vr encity noc nuried or descrtbed chereln. Th� foregoing agrco-
ment co arblcrace and vther agreemer,cs co arb�trnte wl�h �n
additlonal person or endty duly con�ented to by the paRles to A ��� �
thia Agreemrnt shall be speciflc�lly trtfortcable in accordnttte
atch zppllcaole �aw �n any cnurc hav�ng �u�iad�cdon thereot. Mi$CELLANEOUB PqOViSION$
T.4 The awsrd Lerldered by the arbltrator ot �rbltratvn sh�li bt
Elnal, and 1uCgmen� may �� entered u�ion t� in accorcianc� with ��1 Unless othcrwiae provided, thi� Ag�eemrnt 9h�11 be gav
aopJicable 1aw ;n any tourt having jurisdictlon th�revf. crned by the 1�w of the p�ineip�t pi�ce of business of the
�.Z Terrns in th#� Agreemrnt aha11 have the same mr�ning ns
AAT�CLE a tllase ln A!A Documcnc AZO1, Genenl Condidons of the CAn-
crzc� for C�nstruction, currcrrt ae of the date of khia AgreemGnt.
THRMlNATlON, $USPEN810N OR A8AMa0NMENT � , 3 �zv� af action between the pzrtir.� 'co this Agreemenc
$.t 7'his Agreement m�y bc �esminated by tithGr Parey upon pestainfng tn aCCS Qr fallura co zct shall be deemed tc have
not ie5s than aeven d�ys' wr{ttetl notice should �yc other party ��crued and the applicable sttitutes of limft�dons sh�11 com•
f�t! sub�tanctalky to pe*form In �ccord�ncc wlth the tcrms of �his mcnce to run noc iatrr than either che date of 5ubscar.:i�) Com�
,�preemen! cltirough no faut[ of the �,�.�y inl�lating che :e;minacion, �letion for �ets or failur�a to act ac:urring prlor to Subscuitial
Complecian, vr the date of lssu�nct of the flnai Cenificyte far
8.2 ;F th: Pro is su5pended by thc O�ner fo[ mc�ct tran �� }'aymer,t Po� a�t5 ar f�iiurrs to ac; �eturcing after Su�st�nU�l
consecudve da}�s, the ArcSitect sha11 tx compensatet� !nr xr Complecipn.
��ices p�rfnrmed prlqt to notice oF 5uch sus�"rtnsion. Vc-'hen che
Prolect is resumcd, the ArChlteCt's campeneatlon sh all b^ �UL' 9,� The Owner artd Archlt�t a�ive �11 Nght� �gunst erch
t�bly adlusteci to prUVidc for expe^ses �RCUCred in the ince�rup• ��her and againat che cantr:ccor�, conau{tznes, �ge:sts nnd .
� tion and re,sumpUUn Uf the Archltect's ScrvECes. rn}�loYee.� of the othe� fo: dam�ge�, but only tn ehe �xcer.t tov�
ered by prc�perty lnsurance during cnnstructton, �xcrpt auch
�.3 Thls Agrecment may ;x termirascd hy the f?a•ncr upon rights ».� they may h�ve :o che proceeds of auch insursnt= as set
� not less tha� 5even days' �ritie� notlte to thc ArCh�reCt in the foreh ir eh= �didnn of AlA Doc::mc:;c AZO1, Grner�t Ccndiclons
evenc that che ProJect is �e:manently abu�dontd, if the Pro)tc; of the Corcract for Censtruc;fon, c:�r*ent � of the dace of �his `-�
is �bandoned by che pwner fvr mc�re than 9U cnnsecuuve days, Agrceme,^,�. The Cwner and Archicc.t each ahail require simllar
tht Architec! may terminatc thls Agreement by givir.g wr{tcen a'alvers from cheir cor.rscto�'s, :o.*.suicants and agcnis,
nodte, g,6 The O�•ner nnd ArChiteCt, respectively, hind themaelvts,
�',4 Failure of tne OR•ner to make p�yments to the Archi�ec: in thefr ,pnr:�e�s, �uccessc�rs, �igna xnd iG�I ['C�]��8t`I1titIVCS LO
accordance wl�h chls �;ccmcnc shall he Cc:nsldtted �ubstantia! che vcher par,y co �his Agr�emern and to the p�ccners, succes-
nortperformance anc; cau�e for te rrrinacsan. sors, Zssigns and 1�g�1 rcpresentptivt3 of such qthet patty with
e,6 if the On�ne; Fails c� rrake a•ment whtn duc thc A;chi• ���ci to nll cevenanu of chis Agreement. Neichcr ORmer nar
cect for aervices and expense�s, thc mav, upon !ever. ��h��ecc shall Zssign this Agreement w±thoui the wtitten eon•
days' written noticc to the Uwner, suspend �'itrFormance t�f sen sent of the echer.
vlces under ehis Agreemen:. Unles� payment ln f�ifl fa [ectiveci 8.0 Thls Agrcement represrncs �he entire and Ince�raced agree•
by the Archicccc wiehin seven days of �he d�c� uf che noeice, ,he rncnc becwten che pwner an� �rcticect and supersedes ali
s�pension shaft t�kt effcct wlthc�ut further nnllee. 1n ehc cvcnt �rior ncgotiatfons, ce�rCSCntatfons or agretmcnts, eicrer w�t-
of s s�antnsfon Uf �ervices, the Archltcct shal( hav� nc3 Ilabt:it}• tcn �r erai, Thls Agre�ment mxy be amend�d only by wrttte:t
ro the C�wner Fot dtlay or damage cauaed tht Owrer becausc ic�sttumcnt signed bp both Owner �nd ACChiteCL
afsuch suspe�.4ion of services, �,7 N��hing conealned In zhis Agreement shall creace � cantr�e•
S.Q 1n [he evenc U, termin�ti�n nos the fault c�f che Archire�t, wa1 relationshlp with or a cause oi aetlon tn Eavor of a thl;d
che Arc:�Itett sttai! he c��mpengaced for servfCes �erfc�rmed �rinr p�rty ag�lns: eleher �he awner �r Archicece,
ta termin�tfon, t�gethcr with Fteimhtttsable ExpCnSCQ th�n ciue
znd at! Terminatlun fix�crxs as d�iir.ed in P:tragr�nh 8,". 8 .e L'nleu otherwlse provided !n �h�s Agreemont, the .�rchieect
ond Architect's consuit�nts sh�ll hs4�r no rcspoasibility far �h�
�.T TerminaN��n Expenses are In adcliNe�rs to rc�m�cr,sadon le�r dlsrnvery, pre.+enee, handiing, remc�v�l or dlepeasa! oF�r expo•
Bfi3IC +1t1� AGldlilOn3l SGfV{C`�3 ar.d Include expenscs which are su� of p ersons to h�rirdaus matarizls in any Form at the Pre;ect
dlrtc!ly actribucabk co !crminzdon Termination Exncn�es sha!! sae, including bu� not llmised ro zsbestos, �t�cos products,
� he com{�uted as 3 pertentaRe �f the tc�t�l com(xn�xticm far pc�lychlc±rinatrd bfphtnyl (PC8) nr n;her toxk sut�tsnccs.
Ba4ir 5ervices ane! Acltlitional Scrviccg e�med to th� titttc caf ur•
mirsaclon, zs fo!{ows; 9.� The ,tirthltcct sh�l) h�ve the �1ght ;o inciude rcpresenc�•
uc�ns c�f �hc destRn of thc ProJecc, inciuding phQtvgruphs t�f tht
.1 1'w�nty perrcnc ��f che total rnm4'�cnsation Fcx 3;�si� exterlot �nd in�eriar, among the Architect's promo[Iun�l and
znd Aduitl�n�l �es'viCts carn�c4 tt� �l:tle If terrt��natiem pmfeagior,�! ntatcrials. 7'he Archieec�'s materials shnl! noe
oceurs txfvre or during ehc predeaign, slte analysis, or Inrlude the t7wner's conFldcnciyi vr propdetary InForm�tlon Ii `''�
Schemacic Derign Fha�rs; or the Owner ha,g prevfouaiy advlaed �ht As�ehitect in wrtting of
7 81,� THE AMBR((;A;� iV�T1TUTd OF ARCH1TP,i:7S, l7js NHW YOAK �V&NUB. N.�., WAbHINGTON, p C. 10�I16
i • c
the epediic Infocmat�an wn�Idomi by tt�e Own�r to b� cont!- 10.8 PAYMf�lTS ON ACCOUt�t� Of 9A81C 8ER'VICl� .
( dt�ti�l �r proprfet�ry. 'The bwtter shail provide profe,�+ionu �,�u
� credlt fnr the Archlttct on the cons�n9ctlon sign utd in sht pro- �0.3.1 M lnitlai pAymettt as set �orth iri Par�tgr,tph 11.1 i� the �
�, modon�t materlala for ;he Project� mlr�imum payment undtr thla Agreameat.
i 10.9.� Subaequenc paymenta fos Saaic Service� ahatl be m�de
monthly and, a►here spplicab{e, �h�ll b� i� proponlos� ro aer•
I j AfITlCLP 10 v ias performed withln e�tc}z p�se of xrvkc, on the baaia aet
tocth in Subpacagtaph 11.2.2.
� . PAYMENTS TO THE ARCHI'TRCT 10.3 lf tittd to the extent that the tlme INdally tstablished in
10.1 DIR�CT P€ASaNNEI EX��NSE Sub�ph 1i.S.t of thia Agreemrnt !a exc�eded oc extended
ttuough no fauit of �he Arc.�sltect, campensation Eor any ser•
j 1Q,1.1 Dltect Personncl Expen� is deflned as the direct v�ces rendered during the �ddition�! periad of tlme ahall ix
; salaries of �he .�rehitett s peraonnsl eng�ged on thc Projcet utd campuced tn thr m.anner set fotth !n Subparagraph 11.3,2,
I the porclon c>f :he c�sc of chcit mansiatocy �nd customary• cvn• �p,3.4 When eompens7tian ss b�sed an n percentnge of Can•
tributinns and ben:ti�s related chereco, such 1s c;tspioymsr�c
i StcuCtian CQ9t �T1d zny partlons o[ the Frojecc are deieted cr
ta�ces �nd ochcr statu,ory cmployce bcncflts In3UCx�Ct slck
� ;eave, hetida}•s, var��ans, vensions and similar coneribusions ether�vise not consttuctcd, campensatlan fcr those porNons oF
I �nd bcncRt�. tn� Prolect shall be p�y1Dlt to the cxtent 5erviec3 are pet-
; lormed on thox porcivna, fn ucordance with the schcdule aet
� i0.� REil418UR9bHLE F.3(P£N9E9 .`orth in Subparag�aph 11.2.2, b�sed on (1) the lowesc bona fide
I bid or negotl��cd proposal, or (2l !f no such oid ar proposal is
I 10,a.t RCItTIhUfidble Expcnses are in additio� co compenaa- srceived, the most reccnt pretlminsn eaNm�te o{Constructior.
j don for Batiic and Adclitian�k Services tind �nc;ude ex nses �� �r detailed c�t :;riAtt Of COr15tCUCi10n C�st for such por-
i Incurred by the Architect and Archlte�t'� employzes and ton- tlons of the ProJect.
� suitan in thc intrrest �F thr. ?rG�ect, a� icien*.ified in t;;t fo!!ow � p,� pqyp��H�g �N ACCOUN* 0� d�OG1TI0NAL
ing Clauscs $EFIVICES
10.Z.i.1 Expe��e �;F �;�r,�}'�'�rcasican En c�nr:ecci<m ��ch �h� 10.�.1 Paymen�e cn �ccount et t; e Areh;:ece's 3ddicionai
ProJeCt: cxpenses in c�nneetfon wlch auchorized �!ut-nf-rown Sen•+.ces and for Relr�bursab}e Ex� sh�tf be made rnonthi�•
cravd; lang-dtstance .ommun�c�sions: tind Fecs paid for sccur• �,,�On �resentatien oi .he Archi:ece's �tate:n�nt af scrvices re::•
ing appra�a! of zutno; it;e� hpvtng ;ur�sdiz?lpr� pvts' :he °macct Ccfcd or experi5c5 .ncurred. ;:;,;,
�'� E< n=e t,f ;e^r«d+:c c�gta e 2nd harsllinQ «F ���'
� � S
I. - 10,� P�►YMENTS'NlTNNELb
I, Drawings, Spcc�ficar.cns and othcr documcnts.
� 10.�.1.3 !f auc^� r±z°� ,, � O,S.1 No d�tfu�c3nns shall be .^.�ade fmm ;he .�rc�itect z:c�r-
' � .i ir, zdv�ncr hy che �R�ner, exp��s.• of ,-{nsa�lan on accoune af pen�l�y, iiquidaced �am�gey �r o�her
� overtime work rea��i-'.^g highcr t;ian �cgu(ar rates. c,im� withneld from paymtnt� te t�ntt'�c:or�, o: on a�Ct?unt nf
1Q�1,1�4 �xrcn.� or ;rrd�nrtg,.5, rrr�cicl,s �d mckk•u� rcy;s�tcc! :he cnst �f charges !n �he Wc�:k �ti cr tha^ U�osc for which c�.
by tl�e v�+ntr. �rchitect has been found to tx ;,zble.
' id.7.1,5 �xpcnsc o; actc;iLlcmai insur�ncc ca��craRc r,r ;+m�.;�, 10,E AR�HITEC�'$ �CCOUNTIh'S� �Ei.QfiDS
lncludln mfe�i�^�l llabitlty lnsurance, re uesied hy the
Qwner l�n xces.g �` c�at nosmall,v c�rrfed by !he Are:;iee:t �rd SO.d.� Rerc�rcis c�f Rcimburszb�e Expense� anci expenaes xr-
' Architect's consulcar.�s. cainmg ta Addl:len�l Serv!ces �nd servicrs rerfvrme� on ;he
_ �asis of a mvltiple oF Direct Personnel Expcnse sh�il tx avn�t•
. F,xpcnse of computcr•aidcd des+gn an:i dr�fting �blt tc� the Owncr or the pwner's authcci7.ed cepsexntacivc �t
equipmenc time �rhe� used in c�nneccic7n with che Yro�c�t. r,utuatly c�nver,fenc cimcs.
� AFiT1CLE 11
The Owner shal! rampensace :he �rchltrcc � Fc11oMS.
11.i Air' INITIAL P.�YMENT o[ N/A Dollars (3 }
sh�1! t7e mzde u�r. execuciQn of thi� �:greernen� anct ereciiced to t�. O��tier's accoune a: t�nal pa}•man�.
' 11.1.1 FOR 8A�1C SERV�CE�, a.s �'estri!�td In �etic;t 2, and ariy �:hc: scrvir� indudcd in Articfc I� 1s par: of 9asic Services, B�sc
Compcnsation ehal! b�e computetl 7is foliows�
. (Insv+r �ir aj cc�+Jx+esri:+_�n. rxtiuding iri�vtared tu�+u, multrplc�.e nr ��r� awr �rM+trn- pbasa m kvxb parrrcWa� Mvrbats of :n.^y�o+tsa'rloM u/!pfY. (f �
; See Articie 12
i � •
• THR AkHA1CAN tHST1TL : E �P ARCHITECTS, 1'ji N6`x' YORx AVEYUE. N�A•, �ASHiNGT4fY, Q.C, Z0006 �� 4�•1 �$� �
� -E ---�- — -- r __ --
t 1.�.Z wttcre com}�en.*,ation 1� hased on � sdpulatcd aum �r herrentage of Carn�cntctbn Ct�at, progreaa payments for Bae� Sccvtcq
� in cach phase sh�l1 tot�l the Wlloaing petcent�ges of She total Saaie Compens�tion pay�bls: .
(lroaa►t mfdlftrMaf /iba,� m rtp/rmprfat�.J
See Ar�_c:.e 12
Schematic Design ph�sc: p� t g��
• Dsai� pevelopmen� Pha9c: ��t � gb�
Cnnatn�ctkan Dauments Phase: peceent ( 96)
�idding or Negotiailon Phase: perecnt ( 96j
ConEtruction Phiac� perccnt ( %)
TotalBasic CamExnsztton: ane hundred pereenc {10096j
11.3.! FQR PRO;�CT REFRESE�I'TA7'IQ� SEYO�U I3A51C S�RVIC�S, ss descrilxd (n Paragraph 3,i, compensativn shalt be com-
puttd �s fvllows:
an an re�1y ba�is in ac�o� wi� �:�i::,i� B, Biiiir.g Ra�e Sc?:edu?e.
: 11.3,3 Fdl2 AbCITICNAi, SER�'IC85 OF 'TH� A�C;HITECT, ag desccibed In Aecic!es 3 and 12, oth�r �hxn (1) Addi�laaal Pro!ec;
Re�rearntation 15 CiC9CTaht(� !n Paragra�:h 3,Z, and (2) scrvices inclucled !n �utick i2 as part af AdditJcna! Services, but !zcludfng x�•
� viccs nf ccrosul:an+.�, cc�m�ensatlr�n sh�il hc cnm�iu�ccl as fc�ll��wis;
!Mtert hruJ< nf �nw,,�x hrclratnR rNrrd d��dMr m:�(tlt�l�a �,f tNrrcr �'ers!nrrrel 'r:y^a�rse,t; ��,y,krrara a.u! Pnrproyyus. ar.d rdr•rrrf Pn'rtcipefs end ctau;rY
. eTpins�es. �J requtrw trtr,�ryr st,or{�r� aemises ;�� w hf[b prirl�ek�` »+�re+,rts r j cau+/�+:sar np/Ny ff pKlSldt�
Q:"+ c921 :�G'�iV �3.�i.5 :L:7 3CC'J"'�I18�.° °rTl�.� �C�':1�:� 3� Bill�.ng R�.L° Sw!:�1L.8�
11,3.3 FOR ALD17I0�IAL S�RViGES OF CONSL't'"a►NTS. ir.cluding �adltlonal struaut�l, mechanlc�; ar7d eiectrk�i engineenng
services and those pro�ided undcr 5ubpar�3r�ph 3,4.19 or idencificd in Anlcte 12 aa pact of Addiuonzi 5ervices, a multlplt of
one i 1. �) eimcs the amounes bi'ted to the rU'thitett ,�r such senlCes.
(ldentt��+ rprcfftt t}pes cj' ccnau(lants m �rr1s1� t1, tJ rvquJrrrt.1
11.4.1 FQR R�I:+SBL'RSABLE £XPENSES. as dcscribed !n Paragraph 10.�, and any other lccma �nciuded (n Anlcle 12 as Re�mbur�sable
Expenxs, s multipie v± pn� � 1, �} cL^nes ths cxpcnses }neurre� by tht Archltect, che Archltec:'s
� emgloyees and cOnsulc�nts in the I�terest af che Projer..
11.b.1 IF TH� BASIC SERviC,ES ccavered by thfs .agrrcment have r.ot !�een cc�mpitted wlthin ���
( j 2 ) monchs ot �he date her�F, [hraugh no faule vf :he Arciucect, rx;crssion of the U�ehltect's xr�icrs bryvnd that tlrrie ahaf! be
Compeqsated as ptovided h 5ubpnrtgraphs 10:3,3 �nd 11.3.2,
11.6 P�ymCncs .rc duc �.nd payab(e t�?�=�y ; 30 } day from �hC d7ce of �he .�lrchitect inveice. �
� Amouncs unpaid �„'�i� tV t 3 C ���Yg after t�e ir.vokr date 3hall �c interrst �s �ha r�ce en�ered be:ow, or
In the absence the:rof at chc !eg�! r�te prevx�Il�g Erom time �o clma 7t ;he principal pl�ce of �uslne�s of ehe ,tirchlteet.
(lnaest natr oJ fa�+aY7r aR+�d u/fnn.)
10�s per arir:Lnn
(Uaury lau�t artd rrqu�+w»nxts uhdn t1.w p'ederp! ?5z�lb (x Lend+n,q Acr. jlmNar upN R� ;r�cat Cc+�t�Hrnvr c�ltt tr�u+a aet�d o!be+ rvgulatscrss ae rbe c7raa�r'f and �1Kbr• ,�
ercr'� pWnupaf plaas � bva;nes�, :er �nea�ron of r4r Y•otWCr and et�e Eere may ar(jzcr rba :,v1;df�y o/ rbri prvv�s�on. Sprc:/rc kgai ad�ar seoee(d b� obrai�w�d a�,rb
rrajiecr to drb�(ox� or n+prtrftcalroru ar�t ars� npqa.dirr8 �rqur„nn�na suca ar w+rr ��++ �13CMsu�'s or uaRVrs.)
� i �
11.5.� Th� rates �nd muttlples se[ forch for Addtuanat 5rrvke� ahait !x annually ad�ustcci fn accordance wlth normaf �a1�ry review
prarc�cc� of �he �tchicecc,
. `...
� . ART(CLE 1�
�n��ar, �,�rrnrr�»�� �, j �rthcr rentices, idrrrt(�y ,�r�ditlurra! Sen�rres n�Nuded u-rrbin L+aalt Co�prresaHun atrd mrx/fffcaefnns 1� r6e /uryrnl�+ drd conepeweltnn lerne
(arli�tlect (n tLr� Axirc�mrrrf.)
Se� �ag� :I.
• �k�'
�'his Agrtemtnt c�te:ed incv as af t�:c dati anc� year first writ;e,^. �bove,
ovtrvE� City} c� �i�pkins �RCHtTEe'r Bcnes �roa, �sene, tir.�erlik &
Assoc., I�c.
!Slgnarurv) �l :�e t :�ayor lrrynaru►v)
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IPNr+rh#�rea+�+e�n+atstA�j :�vzager (Pnnterd ,ra►nr aMd rrttej
AlA D001iAA3M'f St�! � OwNg� �RG!ttT�c:T AGREPMEV �� FUURTf•SN Y}� EDIT:ON � AIA• � m IQe7
THE AMlR1CAIr iNSTITI.TB OF ARGNIT�CTS, 17�5 N��' YORK AveNUB, N.W . vD'A3HINGT�N, p.C. 200t76 B� 4� -19�7 10
._. _ __.. I _-.: __ . .
� _ .. . _..�.. . ._
� Article 12
Other Conditions or Serv�ce�
12.1 Scope of Architcct's Sarvices
I2,1,1 Scope af ?.rchitect's Basic Services shall consist of Sections 2.3 through 2.6:
2.3 Design Development Phase
2.4 Canstru�tion Documents Phase
2.5 Bidding or Negoti�tian Ph$se
2,6 Cans#ruction Phase--Administration of th� Construction Coniract
12,1,2 Scope of t�he Projec; shall bc as set forth in Exhibit A,
1�,1,3 Aachitect's servi�es are modified as follaws:
:} Bef�re Architect may praceed to the sueeee�ing phase af Basie Se�rices,
the awner's writt�n approval is requircd at Owner acceptance of:
* I��sign development dacuments
� * CanstruGtion docuxnents
2} �rchitect shaIl r�spond to oniy written (?wner insuvctions and review
casnment�� and anly as su�mitted by the Owner's designated
3) Architeet shajl fotlow• the r�quiremencs of the State and lacal building
cad�� and Iaca; zoning ordinar.ces, Owner must notify tho P.rchittct in
w;iting �f any other r�gul�tions that may apply ta the Project,
4} df ros�uosta� by Owner, Architect shall b� available to attend the two
�pwner Cauncil meetings wt�en pl�ns ar_d specifications aze approved for
bid and when the construction contract is awarded,
�) During the Design Dbv�lapment azxd Canstruction Dacur.ients phases,
:4rchitect shall meet with tt�e Owner up �a four times ro discuss ?roject
pr�gress, The meetings wiil alternat� between Owner ar.d Architect
�ff'��e locations.
12.2 Compen�ation
� ? 2,2.1 For Basic Se: vices con�isting of those services described in Section 2,3 through
2.5 ("Desig.�a" phases), �w�ner shall pay Architect as a fee the stipulated surn of
i 522,508. ,��
_' �,�
! 12.2.3 Progr�ss payments on the design fee shall be made in proportion to services
' p�rformed. The cumulative fee for Design �asic Services due upon completion
� of each Pha�ce shail be as specified in the tabte below, tess ariy portian of the fee
� previously paid.
; Cumul�tive
' Phase B� �
j I ) D�sign develoFment �7,QQQ.
� 2) Canstruction documents 20,90�,
3} Bidding assistance 22,SOQ.
� 1 L.2.4 For Basic ��rvices cQnsis�ing of those described in Sectian 2.6 (Construction
� Phase), (}�ner shall pay Archite�t on an haurly ba�is in ��cordanc� with Exhi�it
C. Hourly Billing R.ates,
� > Ir.voices f�r s�rvices r�nder�d and cos#s incurrod rnay be issued to the Owner
mon�:ly for the value of s�rvices completed �v-d�te glus eosts incurred for
rcir;c�u.rsable exponses. If back�up data for invaic�d reimbursable expenses is
r�quested, it will be pro��ided far an administrative f�� of � i 00 per invoic� �l�.:s �,H
S 1.0� per cogy �f back•up data suppli�d, �
I�.2.6 If �vvr►er fails ta pay .�rchit�ct all amounts awing puxsuant �o the tenns of this
.�greement, t�wner agrees to pay, in adc�itic�rc to all other amounts awing, all
casts af' coll�etion, in: tudi�g r��asonabt� attarney's fees,
1?,3 Omissior.s �� Ar�hitect
12.3.1 ina�v�rtent omissions by Architect in the 4�ut�er-approved Construction
�acum�:�ts may t�equir� additidns or changes to the Froject ar►d/or the
Construction Documents during car,struction. Inadvertcnt omissions do not
inciuda ihe circumstanc�s described in Section 3.3. Salutions to address
inadversen� �xnissions w111 b� negotiated with tho Cantractor as Change Ctrders
for approval by �he O���ner. The canstruc►ion �ost af th�se Change Urders,
wh�ther o: not �;omp�nents of tho C�ntractor's ariginai bid, shall be paid by the
�wner and not by tp:e Architect. Axchite�t's solc liability ta the Owner for
inadver�ent ornissions shall b� to prepare Change Qrders as a part of Basie
5ervices �nd not as Additional Services.
t 2.4 Limitauan of Liability
Architec:'s liability t� �?wr��r for any and all clairns lasses, expenses or damag�s arising �'
. �2
:: : - , - ;
, _ __
� aut of the Project or this Agreement from aay cause including� but not limit.�d to the
Architect's negligence, enors, ar omissions sh�atl not exceed the total �um paid on
behalf of or ta the Architect by th� Architect's insurera in sattl�ment or satisfaction of
�wner's claims under the terms and conditians af Architect's insurance polieios
applicable thorcto,
12.5 Insurance
12.s.1 ArchitECt agrees ta maintain a prafessionat liability insurance policy, insuring
gaym�nt of �amages for l�ga! liability �rising out of tha performance of
p*ofessional services for the 4wner, in thz inaured's capacity as Architect, if
such iegal tiabilfty is caused by negligont acts, errars ar omissions of t3ie insured
or oi any persan or organizatian for whcm the insured i5 legally liable and
responsible, to an amount af not more that� $1,0�0,000 for e�ch cl�im, subjeot
ta a limit of $1,000,004 annua3 aggregate, on a elaims-rnade basis, as Iong as
such ir�ur�nce is reasonably available undor �tandard policies at rates
cemparable to those currently in effect. Such insurance cannot be cancele� until
u`�::�y days after th� �Owner has received written notiee of the insured's intention
to cance! �he insurance.
1 Z.5.2 The Arc?�itect shatl mair.tain:
� 1} S�at',rtary wvrk�.*s eom}�nsation a�d employers' liability insurance
coverage. �
�; �:�mprohensive generai liability insurance covesgge and automabile
liability ins�.r�.�ca cov�r�ge in r�he swn of not less than �1 ,OOQ,Q00 per
policy. �
• Eahib�t A ,�";��
Scope of the Project
This Exhibit is compris�d of the following und�rstanding of the Project scope, as illustrated
by th� attacheci layouts and drawings previously preparsd for the flwnor. 'The Project is an
addition (40 ft. by 61 �t. 4 in.) to the Owt�er's existing PubIic Works building, including
ancillat�y irnpravement� �s further described below and ss illustrated hy the at�ached layauts
and drawings,
l. New sewer servico.
2. Move thre� �verhead doors each i4 ft, b 14 R.. from th� existin buildin ta the new
� Y } g �
addition and replaca with new doars with �wo panels of fuIl light.
3. Four skYlights.
4, ReLainin� wall 18 in hi�� ana a�out �o ft long,
5. Relocate a make-up air unit.
b. Exter.d an� add Co-Ray-j�ac radiant heating (existing burn�r i� considered to havc
adequa.te �apaoity},
! 7. 12 in, wide trench drains.
; �. Power conne�tior., hct �nd cold wat�r ar.d brac��t� ior �3wner's v�hicle wash
( equipment.
� 9. Footings for bridge crane. Ow�ner sh�lt tempar�rily brace erane during canstruction and ,��
extend crane when construc:ion is campletrd, �"''
14, Reldcate steel storag� rack. �
11, Metal halide lights in new addition.
1�. Rep?ace low ligh�s at benches in existing bu:l�ing wzft� new lights and provide simiiar
ne�� lights at new be:�cne� in addicion.
I3. R�locate east wall, if possible,
l�, N��Y �: in. �ancr�te block wa11 �erween shop and wash bay�
15. 10 ft. by t 2 in. well at grease bay,
1�. FrQVide pawer to gate. Owner shstl erect fence and gate under a separate contract.
1?, Gwner witl do aIl othe: site wcrk (design and constructian).
- , - ; - ; , -- _ ,
Exhibit B
1994 gilli�� Rate Schedule �
Labor C1asslflcAtlon Hourly Rate
Seni�r Principal $85,00
Principal ! Project fNanag�r 75.0�
Ra�isterad EnglneerlArchit�ct 65,40
Project EngineerlAroh�teot 55.50
Graduate c��ineerlArchltec�'Fieid Sup�roiscr 5�.�Q
Senior Drafter 45,75
Senicr Technicianlins�ec#or(Drafter 42.bQ
Te�hnl�ian 29,25
Ward Pracessor 30.00
Clericai ! Printtng 23,50
Th�$e rates ar� adjusted �n�tu�lly �t the first of th� year E�
accordanc� wl#h the normal review �rocedur�s df Bonestroo,
Rasene, Arderiik and Assoclates, lnc.
R�6mbur�able �xpense$�-At Cos�
� '` Reproduction, printing, duplicating
* �ut-of-pccket ex�ense$ such a$
field supplies, teiept�one calfs, etc,
' Trave!
� RATEIMN94.YVQ 1 15