CR 96-66 Auburn North/South Housing Revenue Bonds \ 1 Y p G � i� i April 10, 1996 y��� �� Council Report 96-66 � P K ` N � "- ItEFUNDING , =- AUBURN NORTHISOUTH HOUSING REVENUE BONDS Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to ap�rove Resolution 96-32, authorizin� the issuance sale and deliverX of Multi-family Housing Refundin�Bonds in a�gate princ�al amount in four series not to exceed $8 931 494 (the "Bonds"� authorizin� the execution and delivery of related documents and�roviding for the securities rights, and remedies of the holders of the Bonds � This is the final action requested by the City Council on this item. It is understood that with this action, staff is allowed to make minor changes to the loan document, provided the overall issue does not exceed the amount as de�ailed above. Overview In 1983, the City of Hopkins approved the sale of $5.6 million in tax exempt housing bonds to finance construction of the Auburn North and South residential projects. In 1988 and 1991, the City Council approved action to facilitate the refunding of the existing bond debt. Late last year the owner of this project again requested City action to refund the e�sting debt. In November 1995, a public hearing was held and preliminary approval of the sale was granted. In - February, the Council gave final approval to the issuance, in an amount not to exceed $7,800,000. However, the applicant, for various reasons, never completed the sale of these bonds. The financing has now been restructured and the applicant is asking approval for issuance of the subject bonds. The total amount of the subject issue would be $8,931,494. Primarv Issues to Consider o What was the problem with the previously approved issue? o What is the purpose of this financing? o Does the project meet the requirements of the City policy regarding taxable/tax-exempt financing? o What are the implications to the City regarding this action? o Has legal counsel reviewed this matter? Supuorting Documents o Resolution 96-38 o Application from Auburn Limited Partnerslup o Letter from Parsinen Bowman Kaplan & Levy, dated �pri18, 1996 o Letter from Park Avenue, dated November 27, 1995 ;-_ o L.etter from �hlers & Associates, Inc., dated April 10, 1996 ` �-' , � � ,,- James D. � Director�of Planning and Ec nomic Development Council Report 96-66 - Page 2 Primarv Issues to Consider � o What is the purpose of this financing? Loca1 units of government are authorized to issue tax exempt and taxable revenue bonds to facilitate projects, which it is felt will be beneficial to the community. The tax exempt portion of the issue is able to secure a lower interest rate, and, therefore, make a project more "financially feasible." o Does the project meet the requirements of the City policy regarding tazable/taz-ezempt financing? The City of Hopkins adopted a policy regarding revenue bond financing in 1991. The approval criteria within this policy, for the most part, relates to new canstruction projects. At the time that the original bond was sold for the Auburn North/South Project, the City did not have an application process nor policy regarding revenue bond financing. It is assumed that the staff and City Council, as part of the hearing process at that time, felt sufficiently comfortable that the project, as proposed to be undertaken, served a benefit to the community and, therefore, approved the bond sa1e. o What are the implications to the City regarding this action? � These bonds and a11 such revenue bonds are secured by a pledge of repayment strictly from the proposed project. The City is not liable to make any payment should there be a default. The City is acting only as a facilitator in tlus process. The City has not been informed that the owner of the subject project is in a default of payments to bond holders. It should also be noted that a condition of the application process requires the applicant to pay all City legal and administrative costs. o �as legal counsel reviewed this matter? The City Attorney has reviewed the various documents as relate to this transaction. . Furthermore, the City has been represented by Stepharue Galey, Holmes & Ga1ey, as co-bond counsel. o Other Issues Only the tax exempt bond proceeds will be used to refund existing debt on the project. The taxable proceeds will be taken as equity by the owner. In the past, the City has never used the revenue bond process to finance equity. However, Q staff is recommending approval of this issue based on the following: • The project revenues are adequate to handle the additional debt. This finding is based on a review by an independent financial consultant. � � � � � Council Report 96-66 - Page 3 � • Will assist in the estate planning process of the owner, as detailed in the letter from � Park Avenue dated November 27, 1995. The total amount of the issue will be $8,931,494. Of this total amount, there will be three series of bonds. Each will have different levels of security for the bondholders. o What was the problem with the previously approved issue? From what staff has been told, the following items prevented the applicant from issuing bonds, based on the previous Council approval (Resolution 96-08): • Contingencies in the financing that were unacceptable to the applicant • Loan amount that was able to be secured through FNMA was less than originally anticipated Alternatives The City Council has the following alternatives regarding this matter: 1. Approve the action as recommended by Staff. This will a11ow the applicant to proceed forward to prepare the necessary documents in conjunction with this transaction. 2. Deny the approval for the sale of the bonds. With this action, the Council needs to detail why � their position has changed from the previous action on this item. 3. Continue for additional information. � � a � � � � Q CITY OF HOPKIN5, MINN�SOTA RESnt,UTIUN NU 9f-32 AU1'HORI'L1NG 7'HE ISSUANC�, SALE AND D�LiV�RY Or M[JLTIl�'AMILY HOUSINti REVLNUE BONllS IN THRCE S�ItIF,S 1N AN AGGRFGATE PRiNCIPAL AMOUNT NOT '1'U EXCEF,D $8,931,494 (�T'HL "RONDS"); AUTHOIt17ING TI�iL EX�C;UTION AND DL�LIV�RY OF It�LAT�1) DOCUII�NTS; AND PROVII)1N� 1�OR THI-; SEGUIZiTY, RTGHTS AND REM�DIES UF THE HOLDF,RS OF SATD 130NllS WI3�1ti;AS, tiic City of Hopkins, Minnesota (thc "Tssuer") is autliorized by the taws of tha State c�f Mirinesoia, parlioularly Minnesoia Statutes, Cha�ters 462A and 4b2C, a� ainended (the "Act"), to carry out the public purposes d�scribed therein a��d eontemplated thereby by issuing its revemie 6onds to defr�y, in whole or in part, tlie development casts of a multifamily rental housing devetc�pment, or io rcfund any such revenue bonds, aud by enterin� inlo any agreements mac�e in connection ihei�ewilh and pledging them as sect�rity for ihe payment of the principal of and interest on any such i�evenue bonds; snd Q WI3�REAS, pursuant to a Trust lndeniure dated as of June 1, 1991, between the Issuer and Natiorial Ciiy l3ank of Minneapolis, ihe Issuer issued its Multifamiiy I�ousing Revenue Refunciin� Bnnds (Aubum Aparlments Project} Series 1991 ui the aggregate principal amount of �5,195,()40 (the "Pri�r Bonds") and used the proceeds of lhe Prior Bc�nds to provide for lhe finaneing c�f a I3b-unit muliif�mily rental housing dev�l�pment located within the jurisc�ietion��l bounar3rics of the Issuer {th� "Project") far the benetit of Aubur�l Limiied Parhiership, a Minnesota limited ��rtncrship (the "Uwner"}; and WI irREAS, it h�s been rcpreseut�d to the Issuer by the Uwner anci Miller & Schrneder Financial, lnc. {the "Underwriter") thal adequate srra�igcments have been or will be made with all holders of the Prior Ronds to perntit redetnpficm and prepayment of tlte Prior Bonds; and Wl I�R�;AS, the Issuec, by passag� of Resolutic�n No. 95-1 U3 on I)ece�mber 5, 1995, adopied an ainended and restated housin� pro�;rant with respeei to the Project (the `°Progt�m") pursuant to and in ecmformity wiih the Act after public hearin� thereon and afler publication of notice in a newspaper circulating generally within the �urisdicliona] bounc�dries �f the Issuer, ai least fifteen (15) day bei'ore ihe date of'the h��ring, as rcquired by the Act; and WIiER�AS, on or pri�r to the date of publication of such notice, the Program was submitted tu tlze Metropolit�n Council, �nd the Metropolit�n Council presented its favorable comments to thc Issuer, by letier dated November 20, 1995; and no �naterial chang�s or ch�ul�es � inconsistent will, tlie Metropoiitan Council's comments were made to the Program; and Q WHEREAS, the Issuer proposes to refinance the Project by the issuance of (i) Multifamily Housing Revenue Refunding Bonds (GNMA Collateralized Mortgage Loan - Auburn Apartments Project) Series 1996A (the "Series A Bonds"); (i'i) Taxable Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (GNMA Collateralized Mortgage Loan - Auburn Apartments Project) Series 1996B (the "Series B Bonds"); and (iii) Subordinate Multifamily Housing Revenue Refunding Bonds (Auburn Apartments Project) Series 1996C (the "Series C Bonds") (together the Series A, B and C Bonds are hereinafter referred to as the "Bonds") under the Act pursuant to this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Bonds will be issued under an Indenture of Trust, as hereinafter defined, and the Series A Bonds and Series B Bonds will be secured by a fully modified mortgage-backed security (the "GNMA Security") issued by the lender referenced in the Loan Agreement, as hereinafter defined (the "Lender"), and guaranteed as to timely payment of principal and interest by the Government National Mortgage Association ("GNMA"); and payment of the Series C Bonds will be secured by the issuance of a note (the "Series C Borrower Note") by the Owner pursuant to the Subordinate Loan Agreement, as hereinafter defined, and a second mortgage on the Project pursuant to a Subordinate Mortgage, as hereinafter defined; and WHEREAS, it is intended that interest on the Series A Bonds and Series C Bonds (the "Ta�c-Exempt Bonds") be excluded from gross income of the holders thereof for federal incorne tax purposes; and Q WHEREAS, the Bonds and the interest on said Bonds shall be payable solely from the revenue pledged therefor and the Bonds shall not constitute a debt of the Issuer within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation, nor shall the Bonds constitute nor give rise to a pecuniary liability of the Issuer or a charge against its general credit or taxing powers and shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the Issuer other than the Issuer's interest in said Project; and WHEREAS, the GNMA Security will be backed by a mortgage loan insured by the Federal Housing Administration (the "Mortgage Loan") made by the Lender to the Owner; and WHEREAS, the owners of the Series C Bonds shall have no right, title or interest in the security provided by the GNMA Security; and � WHEREAS, in order to comply with the requirements of Section 147(� of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, on December 5, 1995, the City Council held a public hearing, after publication of notice thereof in a newspaper of general �circulation in the Issuer at least fourteen (14) days before the hearing and adopted a resolution providing preliminary approval to the issuance of the Bonds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, T�INNESOTA, AS FOLLOWS: � . . -2- Q 1. For the purpose of refunding the Prior Bonds and for paying certain costs of issuance in connection with the issuance of the Bonds and thereby refinancing the Project, and in order to provide funds to finance the payment of interest on the obligations of the Issuer with respect to the Project, the establishment of reserves to secure such obligations, and the payment of a11 other expenditures incident to and necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of the Project, there is hereby authorized the issuance, sale and delivery of the Series A Bonds, the Series B Bonds and the Series C Bonds, the proceeds of which, together with funds provided by the Owner and held under the indenture for the Prior Bonds, shall be applied to redemption of the outstanding Prior Bonds and payment of costs of issuance in connection therewith. The Bonds shall be in such principal amounts, shall bear interest at rates, shall be numbered, shall be dated, shall mature, sha11 be subject to redemption prior to maturity, and shall be in such form and have such other details and provisions as may be prescribed in the Indenture of Trust, to be dated as of April 1, 1996 (the "indenture"), between the Issuer and First Trust National Association, as trustee (the "Trustee"), substantially in the form now on fiie with the Issuer; provided that (i) the aggregate principal amount of the Tax-Exempt Bonds (together with any proceeds from a sales premium on any series of Tax-Exempt Bonds) shall not exceed the lesser of $ or the outstanding principal amount of the Prior Bonds and the aggregate principal amount of all Series of Bonds shall not exceed $8,931,494; (ii) the maximum interest rate on the Series A Bonds shall not exceed 8.50% per annum, the maximum interest rate on the Series B Bonds shall not exceed 10.00% per annum and the maximum interest rate on the Series C Bonds shall not exceed 9.00% per annum; (iii) the final maturity of the Tax-Exempt Bonds shall not be later than 35 years from the date of issuance and in no event shall the average maturity of the Tax-Exempt Bonds exceed � 120% of the remaining average reasonably expected economic life of the Project; and (iv) there shall be maturities or mandatory sinking fund redemptions of the Bonds so as to result in approximate level debt service throughout the term of the Bonds. The Mayor and the City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to confirm the principal amount of the Bonds, the final interest rates and maturities thereof and the premium or discount on the �onds in connection with the issuance thereof. The Bonds sha11 be special obligations of the Issuer payable solely from the revenues provided by the GNMA Security and other funds pledged pursuant to the Indenture. The Bonds are not to be payable from nor charged upon any funds of the Issuer other than the revenues pledged to their payment, nor is the Issuer subject to any liability thereon; no holders of the Bonds shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the Issuer to pay any of the principal of premium, if any, or interest on the Bonds; the Bonds sha11 not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the Issuer, and each Bond shall recite that the Bonds, including interest thereon, are payable solely from the revenues pledged to the -payment thereof and that no Bond shall constitute a debt of the Issuer within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limita.tion. The Bonds sha11 contain a recital that they are issued pursuant to the Aict and such recital shall be conclusive evidence of the validity and regularity of the issuance thereof. The Mayor and City Manager are authorized and directed to prepare and execute by manual or facsimile signature the Bonds as prescribed in the Indenture, to affix the seal of the Issuer manually or by facsimile and to deliver them to the Trustee, together with a certified copy of this resolution and other documents required by the Indenture, for authentication and delivery to the Underwriter. � -3- � 2. The City Council of the Issuer hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and City Manager of the Issuer (the "Mayor" and "Manager" respectively) to execute and deliver the Indenture, affix the seal of the Issuer thereto, and to deliver the Indenture to the Trustee. All of the provisions of the Indenture, when executed as authorized herein, shall be deemed to be a part of this resolution as fully and to the same extent as if incorporated verbatim herein and shall be in full force and effect from the date of execution and delivery thereof. The Indenture shall be substantially in the form on file with the Issuer, which is hereby approved, with such necessary or desirable and appropriate variations, omissions and insertions as do not materially change the substance thereof, or as the Mayor, in his discretion, shall determine, and the execution thereof by the Mayor shall be conclusive evidence of such determination. 3. The Mayor and the Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Loan Agreement (the "Loan Agreement") to be dated as of April l, 1996 by and among the Issuer, the Trustee, the Lender and the Owner providing for the loan of the proceeds of the Series A Bonds and the Series B Bonds. All of the provisions of the Loan Agreement, when executed and delivered as authorized herein shall be in full force and efFect from the date of execution and delivery thereof. The Loan Agreement sha11 be substantially in the form on file with the Issuer which is hereby approved, with such variations, omissions and insertions as to not materially change the substance thereof, or as the Mayor, in his discretion, shall determine, and the execution thereof by the Mayor shall be conclusive evidence of such determination. � 4. The Mayor and the Manager aze hereby authorized and directed to execute the Subordinate Loan Agreement (the "Subordinate Loan Agreement") to be dated as of April 1, 1996 by and among the Issuer, the Trustee and the Owner, providing for the loan of proceeds of the Series C Bonds. All of the provisions of the Subordinate Loan Agreement, when executed and delivered as authorized herein shall be in full force and effect from the date of executivn a�d delivery thereof. The Subordinate Loan Agreement shall be substantially in the form on file with the Issuer, which is hereby approved, with such necessary or desirable and appropriate variations, • omissions and insertions as are not materially inconsistent with the form on file with the Issuer or as the Mayor, in his discretion, shall determine and execution thereof by the Mayor shall be conclusive evidence of such determination. The forms of the Series C Borrower Note (as defined in the Indenture) and the Subordinate Multifamily Mortgage, Assignment of Rents and Security Agreement (the "Subordinate Mortgage"), each executed by the Owner in favor the Issuer are hereby approved and shall be in the form on file with the Issuer, with such variations as shall be permissible in connection with any modifications� to the Subordinate Loan Agreement as approved in accordance with the preceding sentence. � - s 5. The Mayor and the Manager are hereby authorized and directed �o execute the Escrow Agreement (the "Escrow Agreement"), by and among the Issuer, the Owner, the Escrow Agent (as defined therein), and the Trustee, to be dated as of April 1, 1996 relating to the applica#ion of the proceeds of the Tax-Exempt Bonds to the redemption and prepayxnent of the Prior Bonds. All of the provisions of the Escrow Agreement, when executed and delivered as ° authorized herein shall be in full force and effect from the date of execution and delivery thereof. The Escrow Agreement shall be substantially in the form on file with the Issuer, which is hereby -4- � approved, with such necessary or desirable and appropriate variations, omissions and insertions as are not materially inconsistent with the form on file with the Issuer or as the Mayor, in his discretion, shall determine and execution thereof by the Mayor shall be conclusive evidence of such determination. 6. The Mayor and the Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Amendment Number One to Regulatory Agreements relating to Auburn North and Auburn South, respectively (together, the "Regulatory Agreement"), to be dated as of April l, 1996 by and between the Issuer and the Owner. All of the provisions of the Regulatory Agreement, when executed and delivered as authorized herein shall be in full force and effect from the date of execution and delivery thereof. The Regulatory Agreement shall be substantially in the form on file with the Issuer which is hereby approved, with such variations, omissions and insertions as do not materially change the substance thereof, or as the Mayor, in his discretion, shall determine, and the execution thereof by the Mayor shall be conclusive evidence of such determination. 7. The Mayor and the Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Bond Purchase Agreement among the Issuer, the Owner, and the Undervvriter relating to the Bonds (the "Bond Purchase Agreement"). All of the provisions of the Bond Purchase Agreement, when executed and delivered as authorized herein, shall be deemed to be a part of this resolution as fully and to the same extent as if incorporated verbatim herein and shall be in � full force and effect from the date of execution and delivery thereof. The Bond Purchase Agreement shall be substantially in the form on file with the .Issuer, which is hereby approved, with such necessary or desirable and appropriate variations, omissions and insertions as are not materially inconsistent with the form on file with the Issuer or as the Mayor, in his discretion, shall determine and execution thereof by the Mayor shall be conclusive evidence of such determination. 8. The Trustee is hereby �appointed as Paying Agent and Bond Registrar for the Bonds. 9. The Mayor and the Manager of the Issuer or either of them are hereby authorized to execute and deliver, on behalf of the Issuer, such other documents and certificates as are necessary or appropriate in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds, including without limitation, assignment of the Borrower Notes, Subordinate Loan Agreement and Subordinate Mortgage to the Trustee and/or the Lender, request and authoriza.tion to the Trustee to authenticate and deliver the Bonds, a Tax� Certificate and a Letter of Representations to The Depository Trust Company ("DTC") for appointment of DTC a[s securities depository for all Bonds or any separate series of Bonds as provided in the Indenture; and such other certificates, instnunents, and other documents as are necessary, customary, appropriate or necessary to establish the validity or enforceability of the Bonds, or are required by Bond Counsel to establish the validity or enforceability of the Bonds or the exclusion from gross income of interest on the Tax-Exempt Bonds for purposes of Federal and State of Minnesota � income taxation. -5- � 10. The Mayor and the Manager of the Issuer are hereby .authorized to execute and deliver, on behalf of the Issuer, such instruments as may be necessary and appropriate to effect the funding of the Mortgage Loan and the purchase of the GNMA Security by the Trustee. 11. The Issuer hereby consents to the distribution of the Preliminary Official Statement relating to the Bonds, substantially in the form on file with the Issuer. The Issuer hereby consents to the use by the Undervvriter in connection with the sale of the Bonds of a final Official Statement, substantially in the form of the Preliminary Official Statement described above. The Preliminary Official Statement and the Official Sta.tement are the sole materials consented to by the Issuer for use in connection with the offer and sale of the Bonds. The Issuer has not participated in the preparation thereof, has not made any independent investigation of the information contained therein and shall have no liability in connection with the contents of or use of such offering materials. 12. All covenants, stipulations, obligations and agreements of the Issuer contained in this resolution and the aforementioned documents shail be deemed to be the covenants, stipulations, obligations and agreernents of the Issuer to the full extent authorized or permitted by law, and all such covenants, stipulations, obligations and agreements shall be binding upon the Issuer. Except as otherwise provided in this resolution, all rights, powers and privileges conferred and duties and liabilities imposed upon the Issuer or the City Council, or such officers, board, body or agency thereof as may be required or authorized by law to exercise such powers Q and to perform such duties. No covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement herein contained or contained in the aforementioned documents shall be deemed to be a covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement of any member of the City Council of the Issuer, or any officer, agent or employee of the Issuer in that person's individual capacity, and neither the City Council of the Issuer nor any officer or employee executing the Bonds sha11 be liable personally on the Bonds or be subject to any personalliability or accountability by reason of the issuance thereof. No provision, covenant or agreement contained in the aforementioned documents, the Bonds or in any other document related to the Bonds, and no obligation therein or herein imposed upon the Issuer or the breach thereof, sha11 constitute or give rise to any pecuniary . liability of the Issuer or any charge upon its general credit or taxing powers. In making the � agreements, provisions, covenants and representations set forth in such docuxnents, the Issuer has not obligated itself to pay or remit any funds or revenues, other than funds and revenues derived from the Loan Agreement and Subordinate Loan Agreement and related security instruments . which are to be applied to the payment of the Bonds, as provided theredn and in the Indenture. Except as herein otherwise expressly provided, nothing in this resolution or in the aforementioned documents expressed or implied, is intended or shall be construed to confer upon any person or firm or corporation, other than the Issuer or any holder of the Bonds issued under the provisions .of this resolution, any right, remedy or claim, legal or equitable, under and by � reason of this resolurion or any provision hereof, this resolution, the aforementioned documents and all of their provisions being intended to be and being for the sole and exclusive benefit of the -6- � � Issuer and any holder from time to time of the Bonds issued under the provisions of this resolution. 13. In case any one or more of the provisions of this resolution, or of the aforementioned documents, or of the Bonds issued hereunder shall for any reason be held to be legal or invalid, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect any other provision of this resolution, or of the aforementioned documents, or of the Bonds, but this resolution, the aforementioned documents, and the Bonds shall be construed and endorsed as if such illegal or ir�valid provision had not been contained therein. 14. The Bonds, when executed and delivered, shall contain a recital and such recital shall be conclusive evidence of the validity of the Bonds and the regularity of the issuance thereof, that all acts, conditions and things required by the laws of the State of Minnesota relating to the adoption of this resolution, to the issuance of the Bonds and to the execution of the aforementioned documents to happen, exist and be performed precedent to and in the enactment of this resolution, and precedent to issuance of the Bonds and precedent to the execution of the aforementioned documents have happened, exist and have been performed as so required by law: 15. The officers of the Issuer and its attorneys, agents and employees are hereby authorized to do all acts and things required of them by or in connection with this resolution, the aforementioned documents, and the Bonds for the full, punctual and complete performance of all the terms, covenants and agreements contained in the Bonds, the aforementioned documents and � this resolution. In the event that for any reason the Mayor of the Issuer is unable to carry out the execution of any of the documents or other acts provided herein, any other member of the City Council of the Issuer shall be authorized to act in his capacity and undertake such execution or acts on behalf of the Issuer with full force and effect, which execution shali be valid and binding on the Issuer. If for any reason the Manager of the Issuer is unable to execute and deliver the documents referred to in this resolution, such documents may be executed by the Assistant Manager of the Issuer with the same force and effect as if such documents were executed and delivered by the Manager of the Issuer. 16. On February 6, 1996, the Issuer adopted its resolution providing for the issuance of bonds, the proceeds of which were intended to refund the Prior Bonds. To the extent provisions or actions provided in such prior resolution conflict with provisions contained in this resolution, the provisions under this resolution supersede those provisions contained in the prior resolution. , � -7- __ ___ __ _ � � 17. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. � � � Adopted this day of April, 1996. Mayor Attest: = City Clerk GP:273939 v4 � � -g- � _ � _ -� _ _ 1 � C � � � °'�� CITY OF HOPKINS �� c /� � � 1010 FIRST STRE..T SOUTH - � HOPKINS ,�'�IN 5� 3 4 3 //'� � ��� �s.�-�C� ,.!� OFFICE USE ONLY: � .��.� G� '�z.L�c_ /����. Date Received: i �� 3� 7 _ 3L Received by : � Type of Request: � Taxable Bond Issue � Tax-Exempt Bond Issue Refunding of Previous Bond Issue x APPLIC�TION FOR TA%ABLEJTA% E%EMPT BOND FINANCING OR BOND REFUNDING � (Complete as appropriate) � � � � APPLICANT INFORMATION 1. Applicant/business name AUBURN LIMITF.D PAR'1NFRSHIP � Contact person: James E. Fier � 742 Twelve Oaks Center Address : 15500 Wayzata Blvd. � City: Wayzata State: t�i Zip: 55391 Q Teiephone: (work) 475-1700 (home) � Fax : 475-9015 Interest in property: � 2. Applicant' s legal counsel : Jack Rosberg � F irm : Parsinen BoWman Kaplan & Levy � ' � � Address • 100 So. 5th St. Suite 1100 � � Minn lis l�i 55402 City: �Po Stata: Zip: � Telephone: (work) 333-2111 (home) � Fax : 333-6798 � � 3. Applicant's architect N/A � Address: � � Q City: State: Zip: Telephone: (work) (home) � Fax: � � 4. Applicant's contrac�or: (If selected): N/A u Firm: Address: City: State: Zip: S Telephone: (work) (home) Fax: 5. Property owner(s) of record: � L � TT � P � H � 742 �elve Oaks Center Addresses : 15500 Wavzata Blvd. City : Wavzata State : r�1 Z ip : 55391 Telephone: (work) 475-1700 (hame) Fax : 475-9015 6. Appl.icant's business form (corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, etc.) and state of incorporation or organization: • Partnership, i.ncorporated in Minnesota 7. If the applicant is a corporation, list the officers, directors and stockholders holding more than 5% of the stock of the corporation. State their name, address, telephone and relationship to the applicant. (If a corporation is not formed, list the potential officers, directors and stockholders): N/A _. • � J � 8. If the applicant is a partnership, li=t the general partners � and any limited partners with more than 5% interest. (If the � partnership is not for.ned, give as much data as possible concerning the potential partners): �� General Partner: R. Neslimd Co_ � Limited Partners: Mabeth Neslund i � Richard Neslund � , 3 � � � � � � � � s' � 9. List any cities to which you have previously applied for = taxable/tax exempt bond financing within the last five years: � ' Fdpn Prairie � I0. Has the applicant ever been in bankruptcy? If yes, please = explain: = No 11. Has the applicant ever defaulted on any bond or mortgage commitment? If yes, please explain: No ` � PROJECT INFORMATION I. Pro j ect name . AUBiJRN � 2. Legal description of the site: Lot l, Black 1 Auburn North and Lots 9 to 74 and Outlot A, Block 1, u; City o H ins, Hennepin County, Minnesota 3. Brief description of the nature of the business, such as , principal servic�s or pr�oducts, etc.: Residential renta]. property 4. Amount of bond issue requested: $ 8,500,000.00 5. Who is lending interim financing, and in what amount: NoNE � BIISINESS INFORMATION 1. Number of employees in Hopkins? FuI.I Time Part Time A. Before this project: I 2 B. After this project: 1 2 2. Projected annual sales: $ 1,570,000 3. Projected annual payroll: $ 50,000 4. Is the project associated with an existing Hopkins business? A. Yes X B. Na • g . , = � � • � 5. If this project is associated with an existing Hopkins � business, which of the following apply: ; A. Relocation � Q B. Expansion C. Rehabilitation = D_ Refunding of a previous bond issue x - 6. Will you occupy this project after completion? A. Yes = B. No X - 7. If no, state name of future lessees and status of commitments _ or lease agreements: Cisrently 129 of the 136 units in the pzoject are occupied bv _ residents under leases that generally are one year in duration. 8. Estimated date of construction N�A Completion N/A Q 9. Will any public official of the City, directly or indirectly, to the best of your knowledge, benefit by the issuance of the City's tax-exempt financing for this project according to Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.87? �, If so, please explain: FILII�1rG REOIIIREMENTS You must provide all of the following items with your application, unless the Director of Planning & Economic Development waives a requirement: l. If the project requires approval by the Zoning and Planning Q Commission, you must apply for these approvals prior to or with this application. If Zoning or Planning Commission approval is not required, you must submit a list of property owners and their addresses, for your property and for all properties within 350 feet. An abstract company must certify this list. Abstract companies are listed in the yellow pages. _d 2. A written opinion, with supporting justification, from an p expert acceptable to the Director of Planning & Econamic Development, to document that the development will not adversely e£fect similar, existing developments. This � requirement may be waived if there are no similar developments in the area of your project. 3. A public hearing notica and resolution of preliminary approval. Yvu must have �hese items prepared by the City's bond counsel. 4. An application fee of $5,000. Make your check out to the City of Hopkins. This Fee is not refundable and is separate from the Bond Counsels', City Attorneys', or closing fees. PROC�DIIRE 1. Return this application to the Community Development Department. 2. The City Council will hold a publ.ic heari.ng and decide whether to approve your application. City staff will notify you of the meeting. REQIIIREMENTS FOR TAR BOND FINANCING �^ Your application must meet the following requirements for approval o� taxable/tax-exempt bond financing: 2. The project shaZl not require a significant amount of pubiic money for City improvements if the City CounciI. determines that the site is premature for development. 2. The notes or bonds shall be for an issue not less than $250,000. 3. Construction must begin within one year of preliminary approval. The City Council may grant a time extension if just cause is shown. 4. Contractors doing work on projects funded in whole or in part by tax-exempt financing: a. Shall not discriminate in the hiring and f iring of � employees on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, disabil.itv or . the need for public assistance. � b. Shall pay employees as provided under the United States �� Code, Section 276A, as amended through June 23, 1986, and ; under Minnesota Statutes 1985, Sections 177.41 - 177.44. � � � _' , c. Shall employ Minnesota residents in at least SOo of the - jobs created by the project. In addition, at least 600 or = these employees shall be residents of the seven-county = metropolitan area. Residential status shall be determined � as of the date of the project's approval by the City = Council. However, if the contractor can show that these = quotas are not possible because of a shortage of qualified = personnel in specific skills, the contractor may request a - release from the City Council of the two residency = requirements. These requirements shall continue for the = length of the construction project. = d. Shall be active participants in a State of Minnesota apprentice program, approved by the Department of Labor - and Industry. e. The above requiraments shall apply to all subcontractors working on the project. 5. You must use the City's Bond Counsel. 6. The project must involve an existing business that the City � wishes to expand or a new business which the City wishes to attract. A business is the manufacturing, distribution, sale, storage or making of any merchandise, real estate, produce food, housing or services which will produce income for one or more individuals. An existing business is a commercial project that has operated for at least one year in the City. A new business is a commercial project which does not qualify as an existing business. a. Existing business criteria: The City will consider any expansion, relocation or rehabilitation of an existing business for approval. b. New business criteria: The City will only consider a new business for approval if it: (1) Offers at least 400 hours per week of new, year-around employment, or (2) Involves the rehabilitation of a vacant or scheduled to be vacated structure, or (3) Is within a designated development or redevelopment target area, and a (4) Has a low potential for creating pollution. 7. The project must exceed minimum code requirements by including at least five of the following features into the project: a. Brick . . b• Building design should be a distinctive, non-generic style. c. A noticeable increase in the size and quantity oi. landscape plantings over what the City normally require� d. Underground ir�igation af all landscaping. e. Open space, other than required setbacks. f. At least 10% more parking than code requires. g. Walkway along street frontages. h. All parking stall widths at least ten feet. i. AlI signs shall be at least 20% smal�er or fewer than allowed by code. � 8. City staff shall review compliance with the appropriate request fvr refunding of previous bond issues. o�.-e - 9. You must pay an administrative fee to the City of percent of the bond issue with a maximum of $10,000 at closing. The City will credit the application fee against the administrative fee. � �-¢�2-� S 00 0 � AGREEMENT I, by signing this application, agree to the Foliowing: l. I have read and will abide by a11 the requirements of the City for taxabZe/tax-exempt financing. I wi11 alsa commit all contractors, subcontractors and any ot2ier major contributors to the project to all segments applicable to them. I am aware that failure to comply by myself or any of the above can result in cancellation of the resolution. 2. The above information is true and correct. 3. I agree to pay all costs involved in the Zegal and fiscal review of this project. These costs include the Bond Counsel and City Attorney, and all costs involved in the issuance of the bonds to finance the project. 4. I understand that the City reserves the right to deny final approval, regardless of preliminary approval or the degree of constructian completed. AUBURN LIMITm PARTNERSHIP by R. Neslund Co.� a MN Corp., Partner = �'� .,,� �_ . -.�� •.� � r s � ; ;�, - � S � � ��� Applicant Date by James E. Fier, Vice President financap � 86123336798 PARSINEN BOXXAHa�APLkN 04/08196 11:19 P,002/OOZ � _ s i � ' = �� PARSIN�N BOWMAN KAPLAN 8� L�W P.A. � _ � � otromeys dt rQw i � � ' � _ oa,ras n[s4wnna,w Apri18, 1996 �ac1c A. R05betg - 10HN P/1���NkN � � _ (612) 34Z-03dZ P.06R�A LEW � ' LII�NEY kAF✓�N . NCI, i+. RC15Rr"RC - JOHW F B4NNLF b[ �• 7aznes Kezr�igan �j� �QC��� Q� �� s �� _ „p�,� � Economic Development Directar 935-1834 ra�ewa�w�,��uaSE�� City of Hapkins 1010 First StreeC South l ����' c �� �opkins, MN 55343 ro��tt� r� 3C����cws� � ,°""" n°r �" Re: Aubwc�t Apartnnents Bond Refunding - _ E BUPKh H�NO$ �ownFO � Rua��+ Deaz Jim o.:v�a A oPaisrc�u _ �,�N�, �,�,r Stefanie Cyaley indicated that you xequested soxne clarifiicatioa as to why Mr. Nes�und t�,oY a�,�y, has eiected to proceed vvith an FH,A bond structure ratheX than FN11�A. � `ufE�ENR ��Ar_ n,� f .���t : Generally, there �'e two reasons. The FNMA underwriting process moved extremely ��N� M�,,tNS slawly and, when proposed commit�ents were �nally isscted, they were subject to HkUt'Cf,alnrcpqryig m�ay unaccepta.ble qu��ifications, zncl.uding sevetal m�tters wluch Mr. Nesluatd �R, M M,�rA, be�ieved he �iad reached prior app�ovat aa with FNMA., �n additian, the FNM,4, �oan ,�.�.Y,•.,�o�,�, amiounts were substantia�ly below Mr. �1'esiuQd's ex�ectatio�s. The FHA structu� aMVm+,wr:,s,;Nr•qr.n solved bot� of these problems az�d Mr. Neslund made the election to move forward with FHA. �.e.n+��eN� wvu�� f�`t.�."��R" I� you ha�ve further questions, please call. vnwoa Gou�r+ IEFfREr R JOKrdS�N V ery � � 7 a�.�ou.'ra c�E�rK�k cwor i:,rrE�e ���� � Jack A. Rosberg rAR:e�c cc: Stefanie Craley Jim Fier � south fitFh st►ee) svile i 100 minrteapotis minneso�� o1303G4A1 55A�2 teI 612 333 2111 tpx 612 333 679& A�MRFft7FCl�MMEfr_enj{awpfFK7aYF5 AWC7FLOway[,�FfylJw7147flOPA10.°FFJJVtNiLAWFfRnit __ __ _ _- _ � .� � 3 - � � � P�K AvE� _ �rF �vn�'/.nt��. 1�t'• - . 7{2 TW@LVE OAKS CENTER � 15500 W4YTATA S�YO. � WAY24T4, MN 55�91 ' PHQNE 6i1/�J'Y17Q0 • F4I 612/47$-9015 _ NpvembAr 27, I99S _ Mr. ?fm $�t3g,sn . �► of 1Topkiai 2QI0 F�tat S`�taet 5wt� � Sap�as, b�N SS343 R�: Aubaxn Townhomo� � Drar Mr. Y.c�ig�n: This ie�er � iotedt�ed es s follo�v-up Lo our dL�cassion wi� yau on Novembar 2U, 1995 �d t� � wa provic'lod ta ytou tl�att daY rnga�g t�8 abo�ve- nfeteaced mattct. Yt is oar w�era�vadi�g th�t tt�e City t�f Hopkias �s a� apprppriat,n 000cern �g tt�a p�cblic pu�pora 6ehi�d iasuante o�f t!� pxopostd 3eri� B Bonds. �Ve wu�r�and t�t tbi� is an tmusustl circumstaac4 a+beto Mt, Nesluad and Auburn 1,3mit�ed �mea�h�p a�e reqtus�; �SSUanc� of the S�es B $onds fa� the p�rpase � leYera�ing ax financ�t►g out a poxtion of the equity oa thc P�� F'irst kx me 'b�gin bY x�umiag m you tt�t i! iu nat our int�mt ro ia a�ay .�- waY J�P�� t6o fma�cial s�abili#y of tt�c pro,jat b�t this fu�anciag. I beticve that . �u �vill fmd d�a fi�nc'r� imfo�rmation whic� �+e havo provided and whictt yout fi�cal coaault�at rrill ievi�w confirms w�r po�0ic�n �t thz ptajoct caa suppart ttu fiaancing uadar a co�++ative a�al�rsis. Oac a�odvstiou u drivca by e�a�e aad �ifi tsx ptaanic�g, i�n i maaaet evhich a+�1i ��an+e trie P��'� �8 �ts a�bitity as s qt�liry to�►n�o�tc� �evelopmeot wtth�► ffia c.it�y ot Sop�da�. As �t of Mr. Ne�hu�d's e�tate pla�auia$ prooes�, we ideati�ied tbat t�er+s wa�d be si�tifrr�ut � fOr � faaea b�.ged upAn � riet eqvity poaition in t$ia Ps'Qja;t, tip� bis d�6. Mr. N�sl`und aad bis vwcious iuve,� � Lavc � a �� � �y o,r g��� �h► �-t��y �� �3� ��cnm t� � ciry of �opbns and odt« soburbau commu�es. Yt is Mr_ xes[und'� goat and Qesi�na to see contimtity 9n tt� maimtenan�e of A,uburn �s a quatitY Pro1� �d in t�e quauty of n�a�cnent au�d owne�p. oiuta�.oi ._. . . _ - - E. lvsr. r�nn �ccrig�t � Nove�nbe�c 27,1945. �z Nt�r. Nwluad in concarned tf�t i� t�e eveut. of his �, tii:t he�rs m�gta be fv�ea i�o a rapia s� of rl� proJect iu ar�er ta raiae mo�cy to pay es�te ea�c� �bfe ta hia oqcidty #lwein. Th�s could r+e.wit {a t6e sala of tha pmject to �n aper�tor tl�t ww�d not �n or de�vet tl� same qwliry. A�ativeiy, it migbt be poas�'b�e �or �}�t tp r�a�sot thc proja� at t�at timc tn isi.st cash with ar� �o pay �tch t�xea. Finweva�r, d� term� of such P�ng m�bt not be aa favorable ss is piesea��► avsil�bl�. lbis miE6t ir,sult iu ie,� futute s►tability fa�r tb� project aAd $� 1�� mainf�iaing the quaiity c� the pc�oject tq ahicb t�e city has gr�wn soa��u. By iu�ui3ng tbe Ser},,es B 8and�s, Mr. �+iestwaci caa �ve�rage a�t ttte rqwity in tbe proJect oq �avozabk te�ms. w�d comp�'omisiag the finattcia�l iu�grity af the A�y�. BY �8 � na eq�ity i� �he pea�ea, ic then be�ccomes possibk fo�r Mr. rtsestund o� tta�sfex aubs�ntia�t it�reSt ttrereYa tio tl�e A�uburA I.iutited �rshi}� witba�t si�iPlcagt giflt ta�c conseque�ea. Siace aubsta�tia� 4wn�'9hip wllt 8lteady liave b�oea► !�'�ns� chuir�g M�t. Nesiund's liftkime, tho� in�te�sb wou�d be exc�ttided fz+om �uc estalt at de� and wau,ld not be a�tsjcx�r �a estata ta�xes. � We b�ILC.we tb�at a�al pablic interest is servod by aPprovi�g thit finat�eing, �a o�cd�sr �u aeeure t�e loqg term t�as�c3at atability di tbs ptojact wd co�+dauity a�ad . Lbe qual�y a� ita m�a�gem�aoi and oQetadon, Yowr c�s�deratioti i� g�'eat�Y aFP�ciatecl. Since�aly, a�,,....i,,� '� . ..�"� � , �llmCi �. F1Gi OYt�104.0I � Ehlers and Associates, Inc. � LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE April 10, 1996 T0: Jim Kerrigan, City of Hopkins FR: Mark Ruff RE: Auburn Townhomes Refinancing We have reviewed preliminary financing documents for the proposed Auburn townhomes refinancing. Based upon the information provided to us, it appears that the cash flow for the project meets industry standards and that the refinancing should not materially affect the viability of the units, based upon past performance. Please ca11 with questions or comments. � � OFFICES IN MINNEAPOLIS, MN AND BROOKFIELD, WI 2950 Norwest Center.90 South Seventh Street. Minneapolis, MN 55402-4100 Telephone 612-339-8291 . FAX 612-339-0854