Minutes - 3/08/11 Work SessionPage 1
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Raspberry Room - 6:30 p.m.
The meeting was started at 6:35 p.m. Present were Mayor Maxwell and Council
members Kristi Halverson, Cheryl Youakim, Bruce Rowan, Hopkins City Manager Rick
Getschow, Activity Center Coordinator Susan Newville, Public Works Director Steve
Stadler, Community Development Coordinator Tara Beard, Director of Planning and
Economic Development Kersten Elverum, City Engineer John Bradford, Virg
Evanstad, Fran Hesch, Butch Johnson, Diane Bangerter, Judy Elling with
ResourceWest, Cathy Maes with ICA, Ann Beuch with BRCC and Gretchen Nicholls
with LISC.
Marketing Update:
Ms. Beard stated that 2007 was the first year of a city -led marketing committee and
the resulting promotional campaign known as Think Hopkins. She stated that since
then City staff has been facilitating a marketing committee which serves as an
• advisory group and is comprised of local businesses, residents, and HBCA members.
Ms. Beard stated that the City of Hopkins hired Citylmage to create a Branding and
Marketing Stategy for Hopkins in 2006. The three distinct audiences are:
• Residents, business owners and employees
• Visitors (Shopping, Dining and Arts Patrons).
• Prospective Businesses and Developers
There was discussion on the accomplishments of the marketing committee since
2007. The group then discussed projects planned for 2011.
Council recognized the Marketing committee for a job well done and stated that
they would like the marketing committee to continue with their plans for the future
and updating the Council with the plans as they happen.
Blake Road Corridor Collaborative Update:
Ms. Elling stated the accomplishments of the BRCC committee include youth
• programs, National Night Out, the cleaning up and lighting of Cottageville Park and
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• cleaning up of the Blake Road area.
There was a discussion of all of the accomplishments and the goals for 2011 which is
to ready the neighborhood for light rail, find a gathering place for the residents to
hold functions, keep and maintain affordable housing, find ways for Blake Road
area to connect to downtown area safely and look at lighting and banners on Blake
There was a great deal of discussion and Council recognized the collaborative
efforts and asked that they continue to find ways to improve the area.
2011 Sidewalk Improvement Discussion:
Mr. Bradford stated that a public information meeting was held on February 16, 2011
for the 2011 Street Improvement Project. The topic of the meeting was a resident
proposed sidewalk along 4th Street North between 12th and 17th Avenues North.
Mr. Bradford stated that he would like to discuss this meeting with Council as well as
the 14th Avenue North sidewalk.
After a great deal of discussion it is agreed to fill in the sidewalk on the west side of
14th Ave and extend the sidewalk on the south side of 14th Ave from the regional
trail to Maetzold field.
Council also recommended doing a comprehensive plan for the sidewalks and
trails. This is part of the current City Strategic plan.
• City Manager Getschow stated that Masons got a shredder truck and will
be holding an event on the same day the city is having our "Earth Day
Event" at the Depot. He stated that the shredder will be behind the Albert
Pike Lodge from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and recommends the City cross
promoting both our Earth Day Event and their event.
• City Manager Getschow stated that because of all of the snow that we
are getting we should consider doing what St. Louis Park is doing which is to
have residents park their cars on one side of the street only. Steve Stadler
will look into this.
With no further business to discuss there was a motion by.Rick Brausen and a second
by Bruce Rowan to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m.
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Debbie Sperling, Secretary