CR 10-062 - Rezoning 7630 Excelsior Avenue•tune 29, 2)1 CV ` K i Council Report 10-62
Proposed taction
Staff recon mends the following motion: Move to adopt Resolution 10-33, anprovii7�
Ordinance 10-1024, rezoning the prctperty at 7630 Excelsior Boulevard frons 1.2, 6eilcral
Industrial, to Business Park. for_first readin+-.
At the Zoning and Planning meeting, Mr. Jenny moved and .Ms. Flynn seconded at motion to
adopt Resolution RZ10-9, recornn�en{ling approval of C)r'dillanc 10-1021, rezoning the
property at 7630 .Excelsior Boulevard from 1-2, General Industrial, to Business Park. The
motion was approved unanimously.
The newly approved Comprehensive Plan has designated several sites within the City
differently than Currently zoned. The City will now go through a process to .rezone these
sites. One site is the office building at 7630 Excelsior Boulevard.
This parcel is in both. Hopkins and St. Louis Parr, the east 30 feet of the property is ill St..
Louis Park. The majority of the building is in Hopkins. The building is an office and
• warehouse Ilse.
Pripia-ry Issues to Consider
0 What is the Comprehensive Piandesignation')
a What is the existing zoning of the subject site?
* What does fc; Business Dark zoning allow,?
e What has St, Louis Park zoned and guided their part of the building?
0 Should the site be rezoned fiom I-2. to Business Park?
0 What was the discussion at the Zoning and Planning meeting?
Sul2porting .Documents
a analysis of Issues
a Business Park Ordinance,
0 Resolution 10-33
0 Ordinance tO-1024
1�?ancy . Anderson, AIC.1'
FFinanCial Ir7ll�act; `. I _Budgeted: YIt 1 : Source:
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, e:t:e):
He �.._ i„ �tiz
_..._ _............... ....._...... ............. ........ ... .... _....... Selected Parcel Data Date Printed: 6/17/2020 P,
€ � Parcel KD- '-10-117-2-1-32-0004 Current Parcel Date. 6/3/2040
, _ Owner Name. QPTII ISTTC GLC
� Parcel Address; 7630 E'LYFE. , 11-11„I S t°,Pd 653 €3
Home -stead. MON-HOMESTEAD
Area (sgft): 62073
Area (acres): 1.43
Market Tpial: 5,360,000,00
Tax Trtar, $46,775.03
Safe Price. S.?,a.a0,000,0a
S_ le Date. 05/2004
Sate Cede:
II. Inn-us/14C Prop ei-YN-tap." acator.aspx 06,''17; 010
Hopkins City Code (Zonin.-) 541.03 (d)(3)
(Ehechve 6/30/98)
3) -clar Yard 20 J%,et
50 fcot abuttina0 residentW district
floor arca ratio 1,00
f) minimurn parking setbacks,
front yard: 20 fed
50 feet abuffing residential district
2) side yard: 10 feet
50 feet abutting residential district
3) rear yard: 10 feet
50 Itct abuttina residential district
(If the development involves a parkin structure, the building setbacks apply to the parking structure)
• g) lot coverage: Maximum lot coverage shall be 35 percent amd shall be calculated to include
buildings footprints; parking areas; driveways; loading, storage and trash ar is and other areas covered by
any inipeiwicussurfacc,
541.04. Parking and loading area.s. Subdivision 1. Off-street parking amd loading areas must conform to
the requirerrients of Section 550 with the following additional requirements:
Subd. 2. Curbs. All parking and loading areas, a.islcs and driveways shall be bordered Avith.
raised concrete curbs approved by the City:
Subd. 3. Loading docks. All loading docks shall be located on the interior of the site or shall be
screened from the public right-of-way.
Subd. 4. Buffer. A -phintingy buffer screen shall SUM). all cuff -street parking. This buffer shall
include a berm at ,I mininimn height of three mid one-half feet and landscaping adequate to screen the
parking lot
Sub& 5. Traffic. The project shall be designed to minimize traffic impacts to any adjacent
neighborhood. A traffific study may be required to demonstrate compliance N-vith the requirement.
4541. 05. Trash. The trash areas on the site shall be consolidated. Trasb, recyclable materials, and
associated handling equipment shall be stored within the principal stnicturc or in in accessory structure,
attached or separate from the primary structure, consixucted of buildinIg material compatible -\N-,itli the
principal stnacttire.
Section 541 Page 2
Hopkins City Code (Zoning) 341.07, Subd. 3
(EH.1f ctive, 6;30i98)
Subd, 3. PreSet 'I-<<tiui7. A reasonable attempt shall be rnade to preserve as many existing trees as
is practicable and to incorporate than into the site plat). A. plan shall be submitted to the City showing the
step to be undertaken to preserve the, existing trees.
Subd. 4. Size. All new overstory trees shall be balled and burlapped or gloved fronn the growing
site; by tree spade. Deciduous trees shall have a ininiawni caliper of 2 1/2 inches. Coniferous trees shall
be a minimum of six feet in heilaht. Ornamental trees shall. have a minimum caliper of 1 1/2 inches.
Subd. 5. Ground.,_ cover. All site areas ;lot covered by buildings, sidewalks, larking lots,
driveways, patios or similar hard surface materials shall be covered %with sod or .ui equivalent ground
cover app.roved by the City. This requirement shall not apply to site areas retained in a ,1 atural state.
Stibd, 6. 'Iiji'_jation. In order to provide for adequate maintenance of landscaped areas, an
underground sprinkier system shall be provided as pari of each new development. A sprinkler system
shall be provided for alf landscaped areas except areas to be preserved in a natural state. The sprinkler
system is required to have a sensor for an automatic shut-off to prevent the system from operating when it
is raining.
Subd. 7. Parking areas. Parking areas shall be landscaped and planted: throughout the lot to the
extent of at leFst 5% (ex.cluding landscaping abu ting the parking area <znd any public right-of=-,vay) of the
actual surfaced area.
Subd. 8. Internal plans. `Dile landscape plan shall also show the patinvay system both interior and
exterior, width and materials, screening fences �vitll details, lighting system, recreation features, if any.
541.08. Architectural Standards. It is not the intent of the City to restrict design freedom unduly when
reviewing project architecture in connection with a site and building plan. However, it is in the best
interest of the City to promote high standards of architecture design and compatibility with surrounding
structures and neighborhoods.
a) architectural plans shall be prepared by an architect or other qualified person
acceptable to the planning department and shall show the following:
1) elevations of all sides of the building;
2) typeand color of exterior building materials;
3) typical floor plan;
l) dimensions of all structures; and
5) die location of trash containers and of heatinc,; ve:ntiia ion and air
conditioning eTtipment..
Section 511 Targe 4
CR 10-62
Page 2
Prilp Lry Issues to Consider
What is the Comprehensive Plan designatioO
The Comprehensive Plan has designated the site as Business Park.
0 What is tile existinu zoviing of the subject site?
The site is zoned 1-2, General Industrial.
What (loes the Business Park zoning allow?
The Business Pall-. district allows office and a limited an -count of warehouse. Limited
retail is allowed if the product is manufactured onsite.
What has St. Lonis Park zoned and guided their part of the building?
St. Louis Park has guided the parcel IG, General Industrial. The parcel is zoned IND,
• Should the site be rezoned from 1-2 to Business Park?
The 1-2 zonim0 , is an industrial zoning. The existing use of this building is an office and
warehouse use. With the proposed LRT to the north it is perceived that this site would have
a higher case than an industrial use. The current uses can remain in the building. The new
zoning will. be triggered either when the site is vacant for a period of one year or the site is
What was the discussion at the Zoning and Planning meeting?
t� 0
Ms. Anderson reviewed the rezoning with the Commission, No one appeared at the public
hearing regarding this rezoning.
1. Approve the rezoning. By approving the rezoning, the Property will be rezoned.
2. Deny the rezoning. By denying the rezoning, the property will not be rezoned. If the
1-1 C,
Planning Commission considers this alternative, findings will. have to be identified that
support this alternative.
3. Continue for further inforinat ' io,.,. If the City Council. indicates that further inforniation is
needed; the iteni should be continued.
4. Minnesota Statutes Section 473.865 requires that The City of Hopkins' zoning Code
shall be amended kvitbin nine in.ontlis following the adoption of the Comprehensive
Plan so as not to conflict therewith,
5. That with the rezoning to Business Park zoning g classification and an.Aendment of the
official Zoning neap to designate the Property as being within a Business Park
zoning district, the zoning and th.e Cornpreher)SiVC Phan desi iation. flor the Property
a �91 I
will not be in conflict and will be consistent.
Adopted this 6th day of July 2010
Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor
...- ... . __.............. . . ..........
Terry Obei-maier, City Clerk