Agenda -HRA � ' APRIL MAY S M T W T F S S M T W T F S MAXWELL 1 2 3 1 BRAUSEN • 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HALVERSON 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ROWAN 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 YOUAKIM 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 GETSCHOW 30 31 ELVERUM HOPKINS ARA REGULAR MEETING April 6, 2010 7:25 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. OPEN AGENDA - PUBLIC COr�NTS � (Public must fill out a Speaker Request form. There is a three minute limit for each person.) -• III. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approve minutes of the March 2, 2010, regular meeting 2. Approve disbursements through March 31, 2010 3. Schedule special HRA meeting for April 20, 2010, 7:15 p.m. to approve amendments to the Marketplace & Main agreements Recommendation: approve consent agenda Board Action: IV . ADJOURNMENT Board Action: � -- � ' ������1���� • MTNUTES OF EiOPKINS fiRA R�Gi7LA�t L�LEETING Niarch Z, 2010 A regular meeting of the Hopkins Housing an.d Redevelopment Authority was held March 2, 2010, at Hopkins City Hall. Present were Chairman Eugene Maxwell and Commissioners Rick Brausen, Kristi Halverson, Bruce Rowan and Cheryl Youakim. Also present were Executive Director Rick Getschow, Assistant Executive � Director Kersten Elverum and City Attorney Jerry Steiner. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m. ' II. OPEN AGENDA - PLT�LIC CO�N`�'S No one from the public came forward to speak. �II. COIVSENT AGENDA 1. Approve minutes of the February 1, 2010, regular meeting 2. Approve disbursements through February 28, 2010 • Commissioner Halverson moved, Commissioner Rowan seconded, to approve the consent agenda. The motion was approved unanimously. T�T. I�7E�T Et7SINESS ITEM 2010-04 Operating Budget for 2010-2011 Ms. Elverum presented the recommended Operating Budget for the HRA-owned pub�ic housing, Dow Towers, for 2010-2011. She explained that it was a requirement of HUD that an operating budget be adopted, including the Operating Subsidy Calculation. She detailed budget items that were increases or decreases over previous years. - Commissioner Brausen requested more information. regarding the contract costs under Ordinary Maintenance and Operations and suggested that additional discussion take place at a future work session. Commissioner Rowan moved, Commissioner Brausen seconded, to adopt Resolution 468, approving the opera�ing budget for the period ending 3/31/11. The motion was approved unanimously. ITEM 2010-05 Option Agreement-Park Nicollet • Ms. Elverum explained that the City of Hopkins has developed a viszon for redevelopment along Eighth Avenue that would en�ance the connection between the proposed SW LRT station,at Eighth Avenue/Excelsior Boulevard and.Mainstreet. i � U��OFF1�1�� . � � ' HRA Minutes, March 2, 2010 - Page 2 � A key parcel in the redevelopment plan is the Park Nicollet site, which was vacated in August 2009 and is now available for purchase. Park Nicollet has agreed to give the HRA the � option to purchase the property. City Attorney Jerry Steiner recommended three changes to the proposed option agreement as follows: � l. That Section 3 of the PurcYiase Agreement exhibit to the Option Agreement be modified to require Park Nicollet to remove any liens that attach to the property between the date of the Option Agreement and the date of closing. 2. That Section 11.3 of the Purchase Agreement exhibit be modified to allow the HRA to terminate the Purchase Agreement and have the earnest money refunded if any of the inspections performed during the 60 da.y inspection period disclose adverse conditions not acceptable to the City. 3. That Section 12 of the Purchase Agreement be I modified to provide that all of the earnest money will ,�� be refunded to the HRA if the property is damaged or destroyed before closing and the HRA elects not to proceed with the acquisition of the property. Commissioner Youakim moved, Commissioner Brausen seconded, to approve the Option Agreement between the Hopkins HRA and Park Nicollet Clinic, subject to the three changes suggested by � counsel. The motion was approved unanimously. � ' � v. ��a��� • Commissioner Halverson moved, Commissioner Brausen seconded, to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. i The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. i i Eugene J. Maxwell, Chairman I i Richard Getschow, Executive Director , �� ; i i , : ::: - � -� .. - i � _ _. _ - � 3/16/2010 12:97 PId � A/ P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 ACKET: 01556 HRR 3-16-201D "VENDOk SET: O1 BF�DTK . HRA HRA WELLS FARGO . CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR 1QAME / I.D. . DESC � TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOULQT NO# P.MOUNT 27629 ACME GENERAL CONTRACTSNG R 3/16/2010 011769 915.00 02010 BARTLEY SALES CO INC R 3/16/2010 011770 96.19 03165 CENTERPOINT ENERGY R 3/16/2010 011771 3,981.22 03316 CITY OF HOPKINS R 3/16/2010 011772 8,007.77 27279 CITY OF HOPKINS R 3/16/2010 0117�3 1,022.20 05725 WAYNE ESS R 3/16/2010 011779 200.00 07681 W. W. GRAINGER, INC R 3/16/2019 011775 12.72 07711 GREAT GLACIER INC R 3/16/2010 011776 13.52 08004 HANCE HARDWARE,'INC R 3/16/2010 011777 60.51 __ _ . . _ .___ _ _ _ _. _ __ ___ 27200 HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE R 3/16/2010 011778 95.19 13172 METRO ELEVATOR, INC R 3/16/2010 011779 350.00 - �6 MIDA'EST MAINTENANCE & MECHANICAL INC R 3/16/2010 011780 220.36 14040 C. NABER & ASSOCIATES R 3/16/2010 011781 290.00 14160 NEY.TEL WEST CORP, R 3/16/2010 011782 96.00 26965 OCE IMAGISTICS I1�C R 3/16/2010 011783 112.00 162H8 PHADA R 3/16/2010 011789 120.00 17806 QWEST R 3/16/2010 011785 180.79 18564 ROOT-O-I�ATZC R 3/16/2010 011786 295.00 22000 VAIL PLACE R 3J16/2010 011787 1,1B8.00 23008 SdASTE N�AI�AGEMENT - SAVAGE R 3/16/2010 011788 581.05 25080 XCEL ENERGY R 3/]6/2010 011789 2,225.75 � f 3/16/2010 12:97 Pli A/ P CHECK REGISTBR� PAGE: 2 CKET: 01556 HRA 3-16-2010 " VENDOR SET: O1 � BA14K . HRA HRT� WELiS FARGO � CHECK CHECK CHECK� CHECK VEIQDOR NRN,E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOU1dT A1�70UNT N0� A1�OU14T. ** T O T A L S ** NO;f , DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL PPPLIED REGULAR CHECKS; 21 0.00 19,563.22 19,563.22 HA14DA�RITTEI4 CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE—WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 IVON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIOI�S: 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 i REGISTER TOTALS: 21 0.00 19,563.22 19,563.22 I I O1AL ERRORS: 0 TOTAI, h'ARNINGS: 0 � �i� . � � 3/16/2010 12:47 P1�7 A/ P CHECK REGISTER� PAGE: 3 � ` KET: 01556 HRA 3-16-2010 ENDOR SET: O1 . ' � . � ; �g , HRA HRA WELLS FPRGO . . , � � . CHECK CHECK CHECK CH$CK �, i 'EIQDOR I�AME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT FSIOUNT 1Q0¥r AMOUNT ** POSTING PER10D RECAP ** FUND PERIOD Al✓�OU1dT ------------------------------------------- � 001 3/2010 19,563.22CR . 1 ___________________________________________ ! p,�L 19,563.22CR � � . � . �lii ��. i i � ._ _ _. __ ._____ � -;--: ,: . . _ _ __ _._ _ _ . _ .___ _ _ . :..-[ . _ . ..:I : . __-__ _-__ . - - . ___. _ ......:... . . . . _,_.__ _ _ _ _ _._ . . ._..._. .. l