Agenda - FinalSchedule: 7:15 pin - Special HRA Meeting 7:30 pm - City Council Meeting Mork Session after Close of Regular City Council Meeting I. CALL TO ORDER 11. OPEN AGENDA DA — PUBLIC COMMENTS/CONCERN S (Public must fill out a Speaker Request Form. Three minute limit for each person) 111. CONSENT AGENDA I . Minutes of the Goal Set -Ling Day on February 17, 2012 2. Minutes of the March 6, 2012 Council Meeting 3. Minutes of the March 6, Work Session following the Council Meeting 4. Minutes of the March 13, Work Session 5. Approve Overpass Skate Park Operational Agreement with action Sports of Minnesota, Inc., dba, The Third Lair; Ikon Olson (CR 2012-024) 6. Accept hnprovements and Authorize Final Payment on 5th Street South Street and Utility Improvements; Bradford (CR 2012-025) Vote: Yoakim Gadd Cummings Halverson Maxwell IV. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approve Preliminary PIans for Shady Oak Road; Stadler/Hennepin County (CR 2012-027) Vote: Yoakim Gadd Cummings Halverson Maxwell 2. Approve Cooperative Agreement between Hopkins and Met Council; Bradford (CR 2012-026) Vote: Yoakim Gadd Cummings Halverson Maxwell 3. 2012 Goals; Mike Mornson (CR 2012- 016) Vote: Yoakim Gadd Cummings Halverson Maxwell V. ADJOUI QUESTIONS OR COMEN i S? ASK THE CITY! Call (962) 939-1421 (Asir the Cit is the City of Hopkins voice message system)