Memo - Discusion of 525 Blake Rd s+ �
To: City Council and Zoning and Pianning Commission
From: Nancy Anderson
Date: April 22, 2009
Subject: Discussion of 525 Blake Road
525 Blake Road is a vacant gas station located on the corner of Blake Road and
Cambridge Avenue. This property is currently zoned B-3, General Business. The
General Business district is the business district that allows the most uses. Gas
stations, fast food, and drive-ins are allowed in this district. Staff has been discussing
the idea of rezoning this site to B-4, Neighborhood Business.
At their January meeting the Planning Commission discussed the existing zoning and
the possibility of rezoning the property to B-4. The Commission indicated that they
• would not recommend rezoning of this property.
The staff has been receiving inquiries on fast food and pharmacy uses
Tonight's discussion is to revisit the possible rezoning of the site.
Attached is the business section of the Zoning Ordinance with the uses ailowed in all
the business districts and an aerial indicating the location of the site.
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� Hopkins Ci� Code (Zonii��) 535.01
(Revised 10-29-08)
SeCt1011 535 - zOLllil�: bU51I10SS CIiStT1CfS
535.01. Business dish�icts. Subdivision l. Description. The business (B) districts are in four categories
designated as B-1, B-2, B-3, and B-4. (Amended Ord. OS-951)
Subd: 2. The pennitted uses of any latid or structure iii a B district are those uses indicated by the ma.rk
"X" and shall be fuitller subject to those certain s�ecial lin�itations, requiremei�ts a��d regulations pertaining to
those B district uses specially desiblated by the following n�arks: (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). (Amended Ord. 07-
490) �
(1) meai�s that the use is prollibited ozi the �rouud floor;
(2) means that a conditional use is required;
(3) means not more than tlu•ee devices allo���ed;
(4) ineans that the use is limited to 5,000 square feet �er business; (Amended Ord. OS-951)
(5) means that the use is not allowed ��itiiin 500 feet of a public park, public or private school,
cliurch, daycare, nor the Hopkins Center for the Arts. {Added Ord. 07-990)
Subd. 3. Capital letters followin� any °X° mark iudicate that the use or uses penn.itted are subject to and
are set fortl� in the provisions of separate parab aphs contained in Subsection 535.03, which corresponds to tlie
� capital letter oz• letters set �orth in this subsection. The peiznitted use upon any land or i�i any structure ui a B
district is considered the princi�al use. (Amended Ord. 639) (Asnended Ord. 96-787) (Amended Ord. OS-951)
1. Adult-oriented busii�ess, as X X
joverned and regulated by
Chapter 1165 of the City Code.
(Amended 95-762)
2. Airport X X
3. Amusement device (3)X8B (3)XB�3 XBB
4. Appliauce store (Azneiiaed Ord.06-977) Y X (2)XFF
5. Art sliops - pictures X X X
6. Auction - public or private (1)X X
7. Auto repair X
8. Auto accessory aiid parts (1)X X
9. Auto sales and/or lease (2)XA
10. Auto wash subject to pei7nit X
11. Annoiy, auditoriuin, exl�ibit I1a11 (2)XB (2)XB
12. B akery X X X
13. Banks, savings and loan X (2)XV X
14. Bar - Tavern Y X X
15. Beauty or barber shop X X X X
16. Bed a�ld breakfasts (Added Ord. 08-1OQ0) (2)XHI�
17. Bike sales (Added Ord. OS-951) (4)X
• 18. Boat - marine sales X
'� 19. Books - office supplies X X (4)X
20. Bottling plant ilot in excess of 6,QQ0 sq. it. X
21. Boutiques (2)XJ X (2)XJ X
Section 535 —Fage 1 1
; Hopkins City Code (Zonin6) 535.01, Subd. 3, 22.
(Revised 10-29-08)
' 22, Bo«lii�g - table tentiis, pool l�all (2)XU X X
; 23. Broadcasting (T.V. - radio) X X
; 24. Bus and otlier t�•a�lsit X X
, 25. Business school (1)X X .
26. Cabinet - electrical heating, plwnbing, X
upholstery, air conditioning, provided
the operation does not exceed 6,000
sq. ft.
27. Camera - photographic X �:
28. Carpet and floor covering X X ��
(Amended Ord.�6-977)
�9. CI1ttIC5 X �' �' ' �'i
30. C�othi��g store X (2)X
31. Clubs (private - non profit} (1)XC (2)XC
32. Coin and stainp (Amet�ded Ord.06-977) X X 1�
33. Cominercial �•eei�liouse (Z}XD
i 34. Costume & fonnal wear rental X X
35. Currency Exchange (Added Ord. 04-920) (2}XEE
36. ° Cycle sliop and sno��vmobile (2)XW X
37. Bay nurseiy (Amended Ord.06-477) (2)XE (2)XE (2)XE f 2)XE �
38. Beiicatessen X X :K
39. Deparhnent store X
f 40. Dez�tal - Med. Lab � (1)X X �
� 41. Damestic animal day care facility (2)XII
� (Added Ord. 08-1002)
42. Drive-ins (non food) (2)XF (2)XF
43. Diy cleaning and laundiy (2)XG X X
44. Dry cleaning and laundty pickup X X X
45. Employment ageilcy X X X
46. Essential �ublic se�vice & utility X X Y:
47. Fabric and sewing store (2)XI X
48. Fixit shop (2)XY XY XY
49. Florist X X X X
50. Fut7iiture store (Amended Ord.06-9%7) X X (4}X
S 1. Garden and landscape (2)XZ '(2}XZ (2)XZ (2)(4)XZ
(Aznended Ord.06-977}
52. Gifts and novelties (2)XJ X (2)XJ X
53. Glassware, cllina, pottery X X X
54. Glass and min�or installation X
55. Grocery fruit, vegetable X_ X "
56. Hardware � X
57. Health clubs - studio X
58. �-Iobby - crafts - instruction X X X
59. Hotel - motel (2)XK (2)XK
Section 535 - Page 2 2
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• Hopkins City Code (Zonin6.} � 535,01, Snbd. 3, 60.
L (Revised 10-29-OS)
60. Interiors - decorating studio X X X
61. Jewehy X X
62. Karate, healtli club, dance studio (2)XL (1)X X X
63. Leather goods - lu�gaDe X X
64. Libraiy - public or private X. X
65. Liquors X X
66. Locker �lan - 6,Q00 sq. ft. iz�aximum X �
67. Locksmith and fixit sl�op (2)XY (2)XY X
68. Lun�ber• and �•elated items X
69. Meats X �
70. Mortua.iy . X � X
71. Motors repairing X
72. Music store X X X
73. Ne«sstand X
74. Offices (2)XN X X X
75. Open sales lot (2)XO (2)XO (2)XO.
76. Optical jewelry infg.(Amend.Ord.Ob-977) (1)X X X
77. Orthopedic - medical supplies X
. (sales aud manufacturing)
78. Paii�t and wallpaper(Amended �rd.06-977) X X X
79. Parking ramps and lots X X
80. Pawn shop - antiques - used materials X X
81. . Pet Groon�iug (Added Ord. 07-985) X
82. Pet Store (2)X
83. Phaiznacy - drug store X Y
84. Pliotography - studio - X Y X
85. Picture fraining - art sl7op X X X
86. Pipe - tobacco shop (Amended Ord. 07-990) �(5)X
87. Post office X
88. Print sliop (2)XP X X
84. Public auction (see auction) X ,
90. Records, TV, radio, sound, photio X X (4)X
(?�inended Ord.06-977)
91. Religious institutions, etc. X (2}XCC (2)XCC
92. Rental service (2)XQ
93. Researcli Iabs (2)XT
94. Resideiltial 2)XH (2)XH (2)XH (2}GG
95. Restaurant - traditional �i X X X
96. Restaurat�t - carry-out and delivery X
97. Restaurant - drive-in (2)XR
98. Restaurant - iast food (2)XS
99. Roller riFik - ice arena X
� 1�0. Self-service stat'ron • (2)XDD
101. Service station (2)XM
102. Shoes - boots store X X
Section 535 - Page 3
I .
� Hopkins City Code (Zoning) 535.01 Subd. 3, 103.
� (Revised 10-29-Q8) ,,,:,
; 103. . Sporting goods (Amended Ord. 06-977) X X (4 jX
1 Q4. Stationery - card shop X X � (2)X7 X
' 105. Stone monun�ent sales � X
106. Tailorin� X X X
107. Taxidei X
108. Taxi tenninal y,
109. Theater - non-drive-in X X ,
110. Tires - battery, accessary & recap X
111. Trade school (1)X X
112. Transient tnerchants (Added Ord. OS-947) X
113. Tivck - trailer sales (2)XAA
114. Variety stores X � X
115. Veterinaiy clinic X X X.
116. Video - sales, rerltal ? X X X.
117. Warehouse - 16,000 sq. ft. maximum, not
abutting Mainstreet (�nended Ord. 2Q00-841) X
� �
. Sectioi� 535 — Page 4
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� Hopkins City Code (Zonzng) ' S35.01, Subd. 3
(Revised 10-29-08)
Uses �ermitted in any B district categozy subject to the following miniznum floor and Iot area, lot widths,
yard requirements, aud building heights, in feet: (Amended Ord. 05-95I)
B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4
Lot area - sq. ft. _ 5,000 - 3,000 -
Lot width - ft. 50 20 25
Floor area requirement - F.A.R. 1.0 6 1.5
Front ya� 7_0 1 1 1
Front yard - P.U.D. 20
Side yard 10 0 0 10
Rear yard 10 10 I S 10
Requirements for lots fi state
and county roads, as foliows:
�ront yard 20 1
Side yard 10 1Q
Building Ileight 25 45
Froiit yard of B lots abuttin�
R dishict 1/2 of the required R dist�ict
. Side yard abutting R district same as R district
Rear yard abutting R district same'as R district
Rear yard from alley 20 10 15
Building heigirt 25 70 45 60
535.03. Conditional use requireinents. Subdivision 1. The requirement of a conditional use pen��it u� coimection
with any use in any B district is indicated in Subsection 535.01 by ap�ropriate capital letter (A, B, C, etc.), ��Thich
letteis refer to tl�e appropriate para�•aph in this subsection beaxing the same capital letter.
Subd. 2. Conditional uses withiil S disi�
A) Ne�� auto sales including sales lot and tnajor auto repair provided:
1. tlie sales lot sllall not be Iar�er in square footage than the square footage of the
building devoted to the relatzd business;
2. a 20-foot front yard setback in which there shall be iio auto parkizig. Witl�iii this
20-foot setback titere sha1l be a pennanent ban�ier of lai�dscapzn�; (Ainended Ord. 90-672)
(Ameizded Ord. 94-747)
3. liahtulg of the sales lot shall be totally from indirect lighting;
4. sllould the lot abut an R district an acceptable desi�i of screening fence five feet
'rn height sl�all be coiistrucied along the abutting lot line;
5. tlie auto sales lot sha11 not include vehicles over a 9,000 lb, rated weight;
6. no vehicles which are unlicensed and/or iiloperative sha1l be stored on tlle
premises; (Added Ord. 96-787)
• 7. aII repair, assembly, disassemtily or maintenance of vehicles sliall occur witliin
2. CIOSeCI vUlId1I1� eXCepf I11I110T 11131I1te112.I1C�, IIICIUCIIII� t1I'8 II1�3tI011, addina oil and wiper
__ replacemeiit; (Added Ord. 96-787)
Sectio�i 535 — Pa�e 5
Hopkins City Code (Zoning 535.03, Stcbd. 2, A) 8.
(Revised 1 Q-29-08) ���-
. �
, 8. no outside stora�e or display except vehicles for sale or rez�t; (Added Ord. 96-
, 78%)
9. no public address systein; (Added Ord. 96-787)
I0. no test driving of vehicles ail local residential streets; (Added Orc!. 96-787)
11. used car lots shall be �einlitted only w11en an integral part of a nev�� car
dealersl�ip. (Added Ord. 05-941)
B) Ani�oiy, auditorium or e�ibit hall in the B-2 business zone provrded:
1. it is an accessory use to a�l existin� pei7iiitted business;
2. one off-street Ioading dock is provided and ir� the B-3 bnsiness zone;
3. fhe facitity has frontage on a major tl�oroughfare as sliown on tha adopted
thoroughfare plan;
4. l�as one �arkin� space for eacli �'ive seats of rated capacity;
5. has ai� off-street loading dock for the first 5,000 sq. ft. and aiiother for each
additional 10,000 sq. ft, up to tluee docks;
6. has an ofF sh•eet traffic design for dropping off and �icking up pedest�-ians .
outside of the required yards and public right-of-way;
7. aIl fi on a public st�•eet shall be considered as front yard.
� C) Clubs (private von-profit) provided: �
` I. when located iti a B-1 business district said b�ildii�g shall Ue 20 feet or inore from all R
residential districts, sliall have a screening fence of acceptable desib i betv,�een parking and R resideirtial
districts, building sl�all not e�ceed 5,000 sq. ft.;
' 2. when located in a B-3 business district said property shall have a 15 foot minu�.nuin front ya�•d
� and if abuttinj a side st�•eet a 10 foot miniinum yard and all yards sliall be landscaped,
3. «hen located in a B-2 district, clubs are pernlit�ed an the first floor at a site Iorated at Ieast I50
feat fi•om Mainstreet. (Added Ord. 03-896)
D) Commercial ��eeilhouses provided: �
l. provisiotis are made to store all aoods and equipzl�ent it�side a build'uig except for t� which
shatl be stored in coiltainet•s screened from tl�e public view.
' E) Day care facility provided:
1. said operation shall be licensed. (Amended Ord, No. 93-722}
F) Drive-ins (ilon food) provided:
1. ti�e site is designed and constructed to liatidle parkiizg and fra�c flo�� accordi:ng to a plai�
submitted to and approved by tlie city;
2. the site drainage is desi�ned and consti according ta a plan submitted to and approved by
the city, � �,H
3, that screenit�g be provided along the propez�iy lines to control headlight beams when abuttin�
.: an R residential district;
4. that the front yard and side sireet yard shall be landscaped and not less tilau te:n feet in depth;
Section 535 —Page 6
- -- � - : �
� Hopkins City Code (Zonin�) 535.03, Subd. 2, F) 5.
(Revised 10-29-08)
5. the lighting shall be accomplished in such a way as to Ilave no direct source of Ii;Iit visible
fi the public right-of or adjacent land ul an R residential district;
6. that an on siie vehicular storage lane of su�cient capacify to accommodate 15 minntes of
service be provided for each seivice station;
7. ���hen the sife is located in the B-2 busiiiess district it shall abut either First Street S.outh or
First Street Norti�.
G) Dry cleaning and laundry provided:
1. the site shall have a loadinj and unloading facility to accomnlodate a minimum of three
vehicles which sliall not be parking spaces;
2. an on site parking space in addition to the above for eacil vehicle to be used as a part of tlle
3: an approval fi•oin the ciiy engineer retative to sanrtary sewer and water supply
H} Dweliing units not occupying first floor provided:
1. one off-street parkin� space for eacl� unit;
2. aIl dwelIi��gs must have an enf�•ance leading directly to a�ublic sh•eet;
. 3. the density allowed shall be R-3.
I) Fabric and sewin� store provided:
1. the square footage of tiie store does not exceed 3,000.
.n Gifts and novelties and boutiques and stationa.iy �rovided:
1. aIl merchandise is contained withiii a building and said business shall not exceed 3,000 sq. $.
K) Hotelhnotel provided:
1. the site sliall contaiii not less thali 600 sq. ft. of lot area per rental unit;
2. should the hotel-motel eontaitZ seivice buszness, said business sha11 only Iiave access froin tlie
tobby area;
3. wllen located in tile B-3 business district, the site sha111iave fror�tage o�i a znajor thoroughfare.
L) Karate, health club or dance studio provided:
1. tIie building shall not exceed 3,000 sq. ft.;
2. the hours of operation shall fall betweezZ 7 a.m. and 10 p.m.;
3. that screening be provided along tIie properiy line to control headiight beatiis when abuttii�►g an
R resideiitial dish
• M) Seivice station provided:
, 1. tiie site shall be consfructed for drairlage according to a plan submiited and approved by
___. the city eilgineer and �ire marshal;
Section 535 —Pa�e 7
_ ___ _ __ .
Hopkins City Code (Zoning} 535.03, Subd.. 2, Ivn 2.
(Revised 10-29-08) �;;�,,,
� 2. the entire site not covered with building or landsca�ing shall be hard surfaced;
3. the lighting sl�all be accomplished in such a way as to llave no direct source visible from tile
! public right-of-way or adjacent land in the R district;
� 4. no drive�uay access is less tl�an 40 faet from a street intersection;
� 5. any other business operated on tlre site shall confonn to this code;
'; 6. tl�e site shall be constructed for parkul� and traffic accordin� to a�lan submitted and
7. staeking for gas pumps sha11 be provided for at least one car beyond the pump islasld ii1 eacli
direction in which access can be gained to the pump. Tl�e required stackii�g shall i�ot uiterfere ��ith
� internal circulation pattenls or with desi�lated parking areas and shall not be pennitted on aiiy public
ri�ht-of-way, private access easement or witl�in t11e required parkiiig setback; (Amended C►rd. 96-787)
8. the fi•oi�t yard sl�all be landscaped and ten feet in depth, if station is non-conforming a curb
sl�ail be const� to sepa�•ate tha drive fiom public walk;
9. no vetlicles which are unlicensed and inoperable shall be stored on �remises f;�;cept in
appro�riately desigued and screened storage areas; (A.mended Ord. 96-787)
10. all repair, assembly, disassembly and maintenance of vel�icles shall occur witl►in closed
buildings e�cept nlinor maintenance, including tire iilflation, addition of oil and wiper replacement.
(Amended Ord. 96-7�7}
N) Offiees �rovided:
1, that not n�ore than 30 percent of tlie floor space is devoted to stora;e, repair, f�ibricating or
assembly of goods.
O) Open sales lot provided:
1. the lot is �•aded and surfaced according to a plan subinitted and appraved by t:tie city engineer;
2, the assembly, repair or mauufacturing of �oods sha11 be prohibited;
. 3. a1I lof lines abutting a R distriet shall l�ave a six foot fence of aeceptable desig,n erected along
file line except abuftizig a required front yard;
4. there is located on the site a t�uilda.z�g devoted to and used in conjuiiction witli the open lot,
Ilaving a gross squai foota�e as large or larger with the open sales lot;
5. tl�at the stora�e on sucli lot be so organized that a space not less than 15 feet in width and in
such condition to accomnlodate vehicular travel betvr�een such storage aisles and storage shall not exeeed
a deptll of 50 feet;
6. the height of sucli storage shall uot exceed ten feet;
7. tl�e li�hting shall be accomplished 'rn such a way as io Iiave i�o direct source ef light visible
from tl�e public right-of-way or adjacent Iaud in the R dist�ict;
8. any portion of the lot which is to be used for open storage shall be screened fi-oizz �ut�lic view
by an acceptably desib led fence;
9. if the lot is located in the B-2 or B-3 business distric�, a ten foot lai�dscaped fi-ont yard and side
street yard shall be provided.
P) Print sllop provided:
1. the sho�'s Uusiness is prinzarily fi•om the general ��alk-in public.
Section 535 — Paae 8
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� Hopkins City Code (Zonii�g) 535.03, Subd. 2, Q)
(Revised 10-29-08)
Q) Renial sezvice provided:
1. the lot is a•aded and surfaced according to a p1an submitted and approved by city en�ineer;
2. the lighting shall be accomplished in such a way as to have no direct source visible from tl�e
public z or adjacent land in ttla R district;
3. tl�e front yard shall be laudscaped and not less than ten feet in depth;
4. the exterior storage area shall be according to a plan submitted and approved;
5. the site s1�a11 provide off-street loading facilities to accommodate custoniers.
R) Restaurantldrive-irt provided:
1. confonilance to all conditions stated in subsection fl of this section except 4 a.nd 7;
2. tl�at provisions be made to pick up tlle adjacent neighborl7ood daily relative to inaterial
initiated at the site; �
3. that tIie front yard and side yard shall be landscaped witli the front ya2•d not less than 20 feet
and side yard not less than tezi feet.
S) Restaurant/fast food �i•ovided:
]. confonna.nce to all conditions stated in subsection fl of tliis section except 4, 6 and 7;
� 2. that the front yard and side yard shall be laaldscaped with the front yard not less than 20 feet
and side yard not less than ten feet;
3. that provisions be made to pick up the adjacent neighborlZOOd daily relative to material
initiated on the site;
4. drive-througli address systems shail z�ot be audibie from atry resideiitial parcel. (Added Ord.
T) Research laboratoiy provided:
1. the husiness sllall be contauled within a building.
U) Cornnlercial recreatioii sucit as bowling alleys, pool and billiard halls, miniature golf, archery range,
�un clubs, �rovided they are operated witliin a building.
V) Banks and savings and Ioan institutions, provided the Iand to be used for such purpose abuts or is
separated oiZly by a public right-of-«ay from tlle B-2 business dist� �
� Cycle shops aiid siiowmobiles provided t1�e busiz�ess is conducted witl�in a building, provided tlle site
Ilas ozi site Ioadin� facilities and provided r�ot more tlian 30% of the building is used for repair and mait�.tenance.
Y) Fix-it shop providing aIl work and storage is conducted witliin a building.
Z) Gardezi and landscapitZg when all or a portion is outside in the B-1 or B-3 district provided:
1. a fence zlot less tl�an 3Q" shali se�arate fhe required 15-foot front yard froin the sales and
• service area;
2. off street loading sllall be provided;
3. a trash disposal plan shall be provided;
4. inechanical equipinent stored oi� the site shall be screened from ri� ht - of - way ; WIflllll tllE B-Z
disirict all of the operation shall be within a building.
Section 535 — Page 9
Hopkins City Code (Zonin�) 535.03, S�zbd. 2, ?�}
(Revised 1Q-29-08) ,r:'�
� AA) Truck and frailer sales iots provzded:
� 1. the sales lot shall not be lar�er in square foota�e than t�uo times the square of the
� building devoted to the truck and trailer sales business;
i 2. �tlle sales lot shall have a 20-foot front yard, which shall be landscaped accordizi � to an
approved plaii and be contii�uously maintained;
� 3. tlie sales lot shall be constructed according to a drainage plan approved by tlie city;
4. the sales lot shall be suiiaced to conirol dust;
5. lightin� s1�a11 be accomplished according to a plan approved by the city;
6. should the location abut a residentialiy zoned tot, a fenca not less than six feet in l�eight sliall
' be constructed and a 2S foot Iandscaped buffer shail be co�lstructed according to a�lan ap��roved by the
7. signs and parking in confonnance witl� this code and the City Code,
SB) The o�eration of amuseinent devices may be allowed pursuaYlt to proper city permit or liceiise
tl�erefore in B districts, except that not more tllan tlu-ee pinball machines or related ai�iusen�ent devices
shall be peilnitted or operated in any locatioii in azry B-1 and B-2 use districts.
CC) Religious iilstitutions provided:
1. That tl�ere s1ia11 be no pernzaneiit or temporaiy living units on the property excf for tlle
parsonage; ;; „�
2. Tilat there is adequafe screening or bafferin� provided fi abutting residenti,�l dist�•icts;
3. That tl�ere is adequate ofF street loading and service enfrances as detailed iii section 550.09;
4. Tl�at there sl�all be z�o religious institution within 350 feet of an off sale or on sale liquor
5. That there sl�all be no religious institutions withiu 350 feet of an adult oriented business;
6. That the building occupyin� tlle reli�ious instituiion sliall maet tlie building or,capancy codes;
7. That a religious iiistitution located 'ui the B-3 distr shall comply witli the parking
requirements of Section 550.05. (Added Ordinauce 93-725)
DD Self-service station rovided:
) 1�
l. confoi7naiice to all coiiditioz�s stated in Sui�section M of this section except 9 and 10. (Added
Ord. 46-757)
EE) Cun exchange provided:
l. The use shall be located at least one thousand (1,000) feet fi•om ail existing currency exchauges,
secozldhand goods stores, pav,�nsliops and missions;
2. The use sl�all be located at least t�vo hundred (ZQO) feet frozn a residentiat or instiiutional
3. The usz shall be Iocated at least three l�ut�dz•ed fifty (350) feet from ai� off-sale liquor
�. Back-Iigtlted signs, back-li�hied awnin�s, poi si�ns, temporary si�is aiid fieestandin� si�ls
shall be prohibited;
Section 535 — Page 10
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• Hopkins City Code (Zoning) 535.03, Subd. 2, EE) 5.
(Revised 1Q-29-08)
5. The w'rndow and door area of any existing first floor facade tl�at faces a public street or sidewalk
shall nof be reduced, nor shall cl7anges be made to suclt windows or doors that bIock vie��vs into the
building at eye level;
6. For new constructiot�, at Ieast thirry (30) percent of the first fioor facade tl�at faces a�ubIic street
or side�uaik shall be windows or doors of clear or 1i�11tly tii�tad �lass that allows vie��s ulto and out of the
buildirig at eye level;
7. Tl�e use of bars, cl�aii7s or similar security devices that are visible from a public street or
side��valks sl�all be prol�ibited. (Added Ord. 04-920)
FF) Appliance store provided:
1. That the square footage is limited to 5000 square feet;
Z. That the retail area is at least.40 percent. (Added Ord. OS-951)
GG) Residential provided:
l. Tt�at residential dwelling units abatting a ri�ht-of-way of 50 feet or more in width can not
' occupy tl�e first floor; (Added Ord. 06-977)
2. Tllat there is at least one under� pa.rking space per unit;
• 3. Tliat all dwellings must have an entrance leading d'u•ectly out of the building;
4: That the density allo«�ed sl�all be R-5. (Added Ord. OS-951)
I� Bed and breakfasts provided:
1. Owner or manager shall be required to accupy tlte property;
2. Off-street parking at a ratio o� one space per guesi�•oom plus two spaces for the residence;
3. Only breakfast shall be seived, and seivice shall be restrictad to guests only, not tlie geiieral
4. Food and/or alcoholic beverages may be furnished by and to special event guests provided aIl
necessaiy local, state, and/or federal pennits, licenses or authorizations l�ave bzen obtained atid the
facili� contains a licensed coinmez•cial kitchen. (Added Ord. 08-1Q00)
II) Domestic aiiinial day care facility provided:
, 1. The Iiours of operation shall be Iimited daily from 6 to 9 p.m.;
2. The animals may be groomed, trained �XeI'C1SeC� 3I1C� SOC1311Z8C� but not ke�t or boarded
oveizli�ht, bred, sold or let for hire;
3. There must be sigtit-obscuri��g fencing for all on-site, outdoor recreation a�eas. The fence
shall provide fiall contaiiiment for the animals. The fence structure shall be deep enough and secured
to ihe groui�d to prevent escape and high enoti�h to prevent the anunals fiom jumping or cliinbing
4. The facility must cont�ol odor, dust, noise, waste, drainage and security so as nofi to cons�itufe
a nuisance, safefy hazard or health probleli� to adjoiniiig properEy or uses. The operator inust
. provide a plan of op�ration demonst�ating tliese provisions cazi be met;
5. The outdoor recreation area shall not abut a residentiat zoning district. (Added Ord. 08-1002)
Section 535 — Page 11 �
.� ,
Hopkins City Code (Zoning) 535.05
(Re�ised 20-29-08) �;,:,
535,05. B districts: pennitted accessory uses
a) Si�is
' b) Fences
c) Buildings temporarily located for purpose of coustruction
d) Decorative landscaping
e) Trash containers provided they are screeiied and do not occupy a requu•ed parking space, froirt
yard or loading area
fl Loadi��� docks ��hich do not face tlie public street in front aud as regulated ii� tllis ord'ulance
g} Bicycle racks
li) Flag poles
i) Walkways
J) �
k) Private swimmina pools, teniiis courts and related uses
I) Repairs, manufacturii�� and assembly as a secondary use when necessaty in the coziduct of a
primary allo��ed use
m) Marquees and awnings orl private or �u6iic properry subject to the City Code
n) Otiier uses customarily associated «ith but subordinate to a perniitted use, as allo�n�ed by the
Czty (Ainended Ord. 639)
o) Off-street parkiu� and loading
p) Cigarettes, cigars, tobacco aiZd all related products fot• the use of tobacco must be 25 percent
or less in square footage of the sales area (Added Ord. 07-990)
Sectiou 535 — Page 12
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