January 3,1978 CC A regular meeting of the Council of the Ci n of Hopkins, Minnesota,was held on Tuesday,
January 3, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., in the Co .'1 Chambers in the City Hall.
illt Present were Mayor Miller, Councilmen McDo .1d, Milbert, Slaton, and Lohmann, also City
Manager Craig, City Clerk Richardson, City 1 •'neer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson,
Operations Director Beecher and City Atto - Vesely.
Reel 131 Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. M Do .1d seconded the nation, that the two items
Side 1 under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be .pp oved:
3 -6
1. Minutes of the Decanter 20, 197 , Council meeting;
2. Renewals of 1978 misc. lice e pplications. (see list attached)
A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr.
Slaton, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; . A Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously.
* * * * * * • * * *
Action: Mr. Lohmann moved, and Mr. McDona • s conded the motion, that expenditures
6 -10 dated January 3, 1978 under Warr. t . 526 in the amount of $222,051.32 and
Warrant No. 527 in the amount of 87,775.12, be approved and authorized for
payment, with the exception of I # under Warrant No. 526, until the City
III Manager has an explanation re thi- it m. A poll of the vote was as follows:
Mr. Lohmann, yea Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea and
Mayor Miller, yea. Notion carried *usly.
Item: 78 -1 -R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. 1 ' •- t seconded the motion, that Resolution
SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY" be adopted, and Mayor Miller be designated as
Director and John Strojan a- Alternate Director. A poll of the vote was
as follows: Mr. McDonald, y :.; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr.
Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Mil er,. yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Item: 78 -2 -D. Mr. Lohmann moved, and Dr. 'la seconded the notion, that the HOPKINS-
25-29 NQNNETONKA SUN, be designated e official city newspaper for 1978. A poll
of the vote was as follows: 1., Lohmann, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert,
yea;Mr. McDonald, yea; and .yor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously.
Item: 78 -4 -R. Dr. Slaton moved, and Pt. • seconded the motion, that Resolution No.
LIGHTING ON BLAKE ROAD ", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows:
Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Ni •:rt, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea;
and Mayor Miller, yea. Nbti•n harried unanimously.
lip Item: 78 -5 -R Mr. Lohmann moved, and Dr. •laton seconded the motion, that the request
55 -77 by staff to go to bids for . garbage truck, be granted. A poll of the vote
was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, y a; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr.
McDonald, yea; and Mayor Ni 1 , yea. Notion carried unanimously.
Item: 78 -6 -Z. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. • seconded the motion, that the reccninenda-
77 -137 tion from Zoning and Plann' g or Council approval of a request by Mr.
William Jasper of Action •-.•dy Rents for a variance fran the required 15
feet to 3 feet of alley se ..ck to construct an addition to the rear of
the preset building, be gr.nt with the exception of a change under "a"
in memo attached; to 15 fool ; under "c ", delete trees, etc.; and
delete all of "f ". A poll if vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea;
Mr. Milt yea; Dr. Slat. , yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea.
Motion carried unanimously.
Item: 78 -7 -Z Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. 4 seconded the motion, that the recanmenda-
137 -165 tion fran Zoning and Plann' g or Council approval of a request by Mr.
Paul Steiner for a Conditio .1 Use Permit to construct an office - warehouse
building at 1615 Fifth Stre:t uth and a side yard variance from 20 feet
to five feet, (see attached granted. A poll of the vote was as follows:
Mr. Lohmann, yea; Dr. Slato , ea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea;
and Mayor Miller, yea. Moti.n carried unanimously.
Minutes of the January 3, 1978, Council -= tir}g, cont. Page 2.
Item: 78 -8 -A. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. 'Inn seconded the motion, that the Mayor's
165- appointment of Dr. Herman Dail the City Health Officer for 1978, be
approved. A poll of the vo.- was as follows: Mr. McDonald, nay; Mr.
Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, y=a; r. Lohrrann, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea.
Motion carried.
Item: 78 -9 -A. Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the Mayor
- 185 be appointed the Weed Ins. -. •r for 1978. A poll of the vote was as
follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; m .!$laton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald,
yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. .ton carried unanimously.
Item: 78 -10-D. The Council at this time t•.k up the discussion of the proposed sale
185- of the old City Hall site. No formal action taken.
Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. .1bert seconded the notion, that the meting
- 237 be adjourned. Motion carrie..
c;" %, eA • /
Dorothy M./ Johns n, - re - to Council
• ME
,9 • /
Je / e A. Miller Mayor