July 5,1978 CC i A regular meeting pf the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Wednesday,',July 5, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall. • Present were Mayor Pro Tem Milbert, Councilmen McDonald and Lohmann, also City Manager Craig City Clerk Richardson, City Engineer Strojan, Operations Director Beecher, uilding Inspector Kohnen and City Attorney Vesely. Absent: Mayor Miller, Coun�ilman Slaton and Asst. Engineer Anderson. Reel 136 Mr. McD nald moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that Side 2 the two items under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved. 2-5 1.Minutes of the June 20, 1978 Council meeting. 2. Addit' nal 1978 misc. license applications: JAY'S FAMILY RESTAU- RANT, Vending Machine; LINCOLN HOUSE 49EST, Food Establishment. (10 - 3th Ave. So.) A poll of � e vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor M lbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * Bills: Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that the � 5-9 expendituXes dated July 5, 1978, under Warrant No. 542, in the amount of $316,304.35, be approved and authorized for payment. A poll of t e vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Appearance: Reque t by Mr. Dwight Yerxa to appear before the Council re: 9-77 parki g hours on the old City Hall site to accommodate his cus- tomer .(Vic's Red Door). No formal action taken by Council. Item: 78-116-Z. M'. Lohmann moved, and Mayor Milbert seconded the motion, 77-92 t at Council concur with the recommendation by Zoning & P anning for modification of a Conditional Use Permit dated J',ne 8, 1967, eliminating Stage II, based on input from resi- d+�nts, and the application by the Church of St. Johns E�angelist. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Mr. McDonald abstained, and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion c�rried. Item: 78-91-0. Mr« McDonald moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that 92-98 Ordinance No. 78-448, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 370 OF THB 1977 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS", be • acaepted for the second reading thereof and according to law sa�e to be ordered published. A poll of the vote was as foljlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Milbert yea�. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 78-102-0. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that 98-114 Or inance No. 78-449, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 810:60 OF'�THE 1977 CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS AS TO HO RS OF OPERATION FOR 'OFF SALE' SALES OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR ON FRIDAYS", be continued to the July 18, 1978 Council meeting. A oll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Mr. Mc onald, yea; and Mayor Milbert,yea. Motion carried un- an ously. Item: 78 Mr. Lohmann moved, and Mr. lulcDonald seconded the motion, that 114- Re� lution No. 78-2699, "RESOLUTION ORDERING ENGIYIEER'S REPORT ON' ETITION FOR CURB CUT AT 201 - 7TH STREET SOUTH", be ado ted. (Petitioner Paul C. Janke). A poll of the vote was as ,follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Mil�ert, yea . Motion carried unanimously. �Item: 78-107-R. Mr.�McDonald moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that 137 Resblution No. 78-2700, "RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT OF CUR� CUT AT 201-7TH STREET SOUTH", be adopted. A poll of the votie was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Ma�r r Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. i Minutes of the July 5, 1978, Council meeting, cont. Page 2. Item: 78-108-R. M�. Lohmann moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that �37-140 rQquest by Jack Yee's Restaurant for renewal of their set-up license from July 1, 1978 thru June 30, 1979, be approved. A pQll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. L�hmann, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried un- a imously. Item: 78-109-0. M'. McDonald moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that 140-198 O dinance No. 78-450, "ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING THE C�NDUCT OF BINGO AND OTHER AUTHORIZED GAMBLING DEVICES WITHIN T�E CITY OF HOPKINS", be accepted for the first reading. A p 11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Mr. M Donald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried un- a imously. Item: 78-110-0. M. Lohmann moved, and Mayor Milbert seconded the motion, 198- t at Ordinance No. 78-451, "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DIS- P AY, POSSESSION, TRANSFERENCE, AND CONSUMPTION OF INTOXICA- T NG AND NON-INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR OR BEVERAGES IN CERTAIN P BLIC AREAS", be accepted for the first reading. _ • Action: Mr. McDorta"�"d inov�a; �ar�Ct' Mr. to amend the origi;nal motion by adding the words under Section 850: "as de- fined in',Section 850.05,Sub. 1". A poll of the vote was as follows: lulr. McDo ald, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried nanimously. Action: Mayor Mi then called for a poll of the vote on the original -239 motion. 'The poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Mr. McDonald� yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 78-111-A. M. McDonald moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that 239-259 C uncil authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign the A reement with Hennepin County and the City of Hopkins for v hicle fleet maintenance. A poll of the vote was as follows: M. McDonald, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. M'tion carried unanimously. Item: 78-112-A. Mr,. McDonald moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that 259-291 Cduncil authorize staff to seek bids for Para-Transit services within the City of Hopkins, and these services to expire on August 31, 1979. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. • Lahmann,yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 78-112-R. Mri• Lohmann moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that 291-308 Co�uncil authorize the sum of $1400 to raise the Community D�velopment commitment to Para-Transit Plan from $10,600 to $12,000. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, y�a; Mr. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried u animously. Item:78-113-Z. Mr Lohmann moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that 308-378 Co cil approve the request by Mr. Anthony R. Tempesta for a Co itional Use Permit to construct 8- 4 plex's at the south- we�t corner of 7th St. & 9th Ave.So:,and the conditions set fo� h the Watershed DiStrict.a�.d as recommended by the Zon- inc� and Planning Commission. (see attached) A poll of_the vote wa� as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mil ert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 78-114-Z. Mr. Lohmann moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that 378- Cour�cil approve the request for a Conditional Use Permit to � construct a two story warehouse addition at 21 Harrison Ave.No. and a front yard varianc�� granted because of the uniqueness of the shape of the lot/t`h parking is no longer a problem, as set forth in Zoning & Planning recommendation attached. A poll of !the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. I ii Minutes of the J�ly 5, 1978, Council meeting, cont. Page 3. Item: 78-115-Z. I � I ��r. Lohmann moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, `-568 i that a Conditional Use Permit be granted to build a 4 story, � unit apartment building on the old South Junior High ���nnex site in accordance with the plans as submitted by Mr. i inkel. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; i r. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert yea. Motion carried i nanimously. Item: 78-98-Z. ��. McDonald moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that 568-617 alvariance be granted to Mr. R.H. Gardner to the front yard ��t back requirement to construct a single family home in ��e R-1-C District, as set forth in the Z& P Minutes attached � poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. L hmann, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried un- a imously. Item: 78-118-R. M�. Lohmann moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that 617-642 R�solution No. 78-2698, "RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVAL OF E�CHANGE OF PROPERTY BETWEEN THE CITY OF HOPKINS AND MODERN M�2RCHANDISING", be adopted subject to approval by the City A�torney as to form. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. • Ldhmann, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. M tion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. Loh ann moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the 661 meetingl e adjourned. Motio carried. i� Dorothy M Johns n, Secretary to Counci: � COUN L N: f I r, I l i �% v'-'CJL� C\ � Y��� LX�'L.1 L��- . , i I I • ATTEST: , f �, 1 , �' ��� �� � ��- � �/�,� ���f Donald J. Milbert,IMayor Pro Tem il l � �� � � � . �, �� � I � �i