Febuary 15,1977 CC . . . . _---- -- --- --- - ---- -�- ---- - - -- , 9 • --- . . .. _ � � A g�slar meettng o! ttr Cormct2 0! the Citg of Hopktns, Ktnneaota, vss held cri ?uesdsy, i r rutry 25, 1977. �t 7r30 p.s., !a th� Cound2 C1�anbes�r tn t6e City BaZZ. ; !!�"j P sent �+ere alayor 1rtZler, Counctlmn 1ycDanald, Kilbert, Pakorny enQ Slato�, alio Citq ' . � �•l ger Craig. Ctty Clerlr Rirhnrdaon. Ctty tngiaser stnojm, �1aat. ' O tsona L�izrctor Beecber Buildin Zns ��+�r, Aodersan, eec e g pectar lCOhnea. Co�ty Deaelopmnt Ofltcer . t . rigsa aad actin9 C1tq Att�s�g Otto.. A�ae�t C3ty �Ittoa�eq ye�Ig. : f .�lt thia tim in the maeting rrayor MSIIer �ntroduaed !o ths Gbrmdl aad aadtenae. Lhe 1 ��J 1'�+�9�r. ]I1r. NSI2�sa P. Crafg, vl�o atarted bis datier aa City Xanager an Tueada�, 25. 1977. - � Z 2Z2 Nr. Xtlbert moved, and Xr. 1�ICDanaZd seoc�ded the sotion, tJat tLe b+v itear � Si 1 �der the CQAtsBNT CALEIV�711e, be appzvvedr . - � ! 6- • - 1. xinute� of the February 1. 1977, Counc�l �etfng. ; . • � � ?. llddittanal 2977 mtsc.. 1laense appltcatians. (see Z1st aftacbed) .� ; 11 poZ1 of tlr vote was as foZlowss Kr. !lcDmald. geaJ ltr. X1lbert. 9eet Ltr. SIatan, � " � 9�t a[r. Pokorny, yenr md lyayor lltlier, yea. llottoa carrted •m�ri�•us1y, � • � r • s � • � • * -.. -- 11 ans Xr. Pokorny m�ved, and Dr. Sletoa seoonded tbe m�tiaa, that ttr erpendttures dated . -4]l February 15, I977, Warrant �/o. 497, fn tbe amv�mt of $2?0,655.3d, be appzoved ; aad authortzed for payment. 11 po2l of the yvte vas as fol2wrs: 1lr. pokorny. yeat . ' , Lfr. Slatan. 9ea: Xr. Xilbert, gear 1�: XcDimald. 9eaj aad xayor lltller, yea. J�lottan lo ' carr3ed �mantmoasly. : Z : 77-Z2-R. 1Kr. ytlbert anved, end Mr. Pokorny seoonded tlie m�tioa, that Resolatfon so. 41 S 77-2557, �RESpLUTIpp gST,�yzSHIPG 1! Pi78LIC PARIC 217 TEE CITY OF HOPKIAS ABD . 1lDTEORTZIIVC �1CQUISITION OF SITfi Tf�RSF�R 1WD T� COXSTRpCTION AHD T6S DSVELOPI'�NT TXEREOF', be adopted as amended,by deleting the foIloaino fzn�s paragrapb 4,"tt being imderstood that such premises s}u12 not be used for . D • sports, athlet�c cvatests or gaar_s or other s�mt2ar p2aygro�d purposes'_ A po1l of tl�e vote was aa follows: Xr. 1lcDOnald. 9es: Xr. XiZbert, yea; Dr. Slabon, yeaJ 1yr. Pokorny, yea; and xayor JVi11er. gea. Xotion carr�ed tmantmously. � Zte : 77-2?-R. Dr. Slaton moved, and !!r. KiZbert sernnded the IInt3on, that Resolvtiam 1Yo. ' - 65- 77-?558� 'RESOLUTIOA A�TT60RIZING THS CITY OF HOPKSIITS YD ENTER IN'!10 A1V - AGREEI�dT WITg Tgg STAT6 OF MINNESOTA ZIEPARTXEMI' OF SIGf1WAYS FOR REVISIOb ' • ' . OF EXISTI7VG TRAFFTC SIGNALS ON TRITNIC gIC�FlfirAy /7 AT 17TH AVENUE. NORTB. 22� �• _' a... AVENUE 1VORTB, ST6 AVENUE XORTS AND TXEIR ZNTERCON111ECTION Zb SFADY QA1C RQAD `' ;�•�.:;';: IX BOPICIPS, XIXNESOTA'. . _ be adopted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be - ,• authortzed to sign tLe accoag�anyi.ng Aqreement. A po11 of the wte was aa . . � : followsr lfr. Pokorn9, yea: Dr. Slabar�. 9ea: Kr. KiZbert. yeej 1�tr. XcDav�ald, � , � yeat and Xayor Xtller yea. .�totiarn carried imanim�usly. Itea 77-23-R. !!r, Plflbert an"ved, and Mr, gcDonaId seCdnded the aot3on, that Resolvttov� vi . e IVO. 77-2559, "RESOLUTION DESIGNATING AIITHORIZED SIGNATURES ON PAYROLL ACCOfTC2' Z�O BE DRAWN OB TAE NORTHWESTERN IBATIONAL BANK OF HOPJCIAS, XINIVF.SOTA°� bE • ' adopted. A po11 of the wte was as follows: !!r. AcDonald, yea: Xr. !liZbert, - yea� Dr. Slaton, gea; Xr. Pokorny, yeaj and l�layor 1�Ii11er, yea. Xot3on carried ' unantm�eLSZy. �. Iteml. 7.7-14-R. !!r. 1ycDt�nald mov�ed. and llr. Plilbert secaaded the mot3pn, that Resolution Ao. 77-2560, 'A RESOLiITIDN ESTABLISHING AUTBQRIZED SIGNERS ON A CHECKING ACCDUNY' AT T� FZRST JVATIONAL BAN1C OF HQPKINS, XINNESpTA�, b� adopted. A po21 of t?ie wte i+as as fol2ows: Xr. Pokorny, yea;Dr. Slatoa, yea; �lr. yilbert� yeat 1Kr. 1NcZbnald, yea; and Xayor !liller, yea. lbtion carrfed unanim�vsly. _ Items 77-?5-R. Xr. pokorrnl moved, and IYr. X�Ibert secanded the m�tier�, that Resolvt3on No. �' 77-2561� "A RESOLUTION ESTABLISAING AUT90RIZED SIGNERS ON A CHEC7CING ACGbUXl AT TXE XORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BAIVIC pF yDPKINS, XINNESOTA', be adopted. A polj . i of the wte was as folla+s: IYr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Kilbert, yeaJ Dr. SIaton, � � yeaj Xr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Kt11er, yea. lilotion wrried �manimously. � . ; • -