August 15,1978 A regular meeting�of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, Augus 15, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall. I Present were Mayo� Miller, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, Slaton and Lohmann, also City Manager'!Craig, City Clerk Richardson, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson; Operations Director Beecher, Building Inspector Kohnen, and City Attorney''�,Vesely. Reel 138 M�j. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion that Side 1 t'e items under the CONSENT CALENDAR,(with the exception of 59 - I em 4, which is referred to the City Manager & Police for a',report),be adopted. 1. M nutes of the August 1, 1978, Council meeting. 2. A ditional 1978 misc. license applications. (see list attached) 3. R quest by Knights of Columbus for renewal of their bingo p;rmit for the months of July, August and September 1978. 4. request by the Jaycee's for a beer permit to be located o', the Gerard Property on Highway #7, date for which will be� dcltermined later. A poll',�of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; D. Slaton, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion',carried unanimously. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Action: Mr. McDo�ald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the -103 expendit'res dated August 15, 1978, under Warrant No. 545, in the amount o$172,628.08, be approved and authorized for payment. A poll of he vote was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milb rt, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried nanimously. Bid: Pursuant to'notice bids were opened on August 8, 1978, at 10:00 a.m., for furnish�ng various insurance to the City of Hopkins, and the followin� bids were r�ceived: (see attached) Action: Mr. Lohma'n moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the bids 103-182 for furni� ing various insurance to the City of Hopkins be continued to the sp�cial meeting of the Council to be held on August 21, 1978, for furth�r study. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. 'ilbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Miller, y�a. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 78-124-P. I r. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, • 182-214 at the Engineer's recommendation re petition for installa- ion of stop signs on Boyce Road at the intersection of Homedale Road in Interlachen Park, be approved. (See report ttached) Mr. Lohmann, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, ea; Mr. McDonald, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 78-146-R. r. McDonald moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that 214-315 � e request by the Bellgrove Neighborhood Association for a Council resolution backing their Association to the Metro- litan Council opposing the establishment of a regional trail rough the Bellgrove community, be referred to staff for a � port and brought back to Council for a resolution to be � nt to the Metropolitan Council backing the Association. A �a 11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. ilbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor iller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. .M � Minutes of the August 15, 1978, Council meeting, cont. Page 2. Item: 78-147-R. M. Lohmann moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that 315-669 R solution No. 78-2711, "P.ESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS FOR H NNEPIN COUNTY PROJECT NO. 6742, CSAH #18, as recommended � b Zoning & Planning, be continued to the special meeting of t e Council �n Auaust 21, 1978, for further information from t e Count�,and City staf�, re this improvement. A poll o the vote was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Dr. Slaton, y a; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, y a. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 78-148-R. Di . Slaton moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that 669-864 Rl solution No. 78-2712, "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION al CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN THE SOUTH HOPKINS INDUSTRIAL RE- DI VELOPMENT DISTRICT BY NEGOTIATION, PURCHASE, OR CONDEMNA- 'I+ ON IN_EMINENT DOMAIN FOR AND IN BEHALF OF THE HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. M lbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor M ller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 78-149-A. M. Milbert moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that 864-1247 C uncil approve the resubmission of the Small Cities Multi- Y ar Community Development Program application to HUD. A p 11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Dr. Slaton, • y a; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, y a. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 78-150-R. D. Slaton moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that 1247-1291 R solution No. 78-2713, "RESOLUTION ORDERING HEARING ON PRO- P SED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS", be adopted and the hearing date s' t for September 19, 1978. A poll of the vote was as f llows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; . Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un- a imously. Item: 78-151-A. M. Lohmann moved, and NIr. Milbert seconded the motion, that 1291-1333 t e Agreement between the City of Hopkins and the Hopkins P lice Sergeants Association for 1978, be approved and the M yor and City Manager be authorized to sign same. A poll of e vote was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; . Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. M tion carried unanimously. Item: 78-152-R. I . McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that 1333-1400 R solution No. 78-2714, "RESOLUTION SUPPORTING CITY OF RICH- • F ELD LAWSUIT CONTESTING PELRA COMPULSORY BINDING ARBITR.ATION P OVISIONS", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: M�. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton abstained; M�. Lohmann, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried. Item: 78-134-Z. M. Milbert moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that 1400-1414 O'dinance No. 78-452, "AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PART OF F'RST STREET SOUTH LYING WEST OF THE EXTENSION ACROSS IT OF T E EAST BOUNDARY LINES OF BLOCKS 23 AND 33, WEST MINNEAPOLIS C NTER AND THAT PART OF THE NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY ABUTTING UPON B OCK 33, WEST MINNEAPOLIS CENTER FROM THE EXTENSION ACROSS I OF THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF LOT l, BLOCK 33, WEST M NNEAPOLIS CENTER TO THE EXTENSION ACROSS SAID ALLEY OF THE S UTH LINE OF TRACT C, REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 1143, EX- C PT EASEMENT",(Super Valu) be accepted for the first reading. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Dr. S aton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor M ller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 78-143-R. D. Slaton moved, and Mr. Lohmann seconded the motion, that 1414-1428 R solution No. 78-2702, "A RESOLUTION REQUIRING THE CONTIN- � U NCE OF THE SERVICES OF THE HENNEPIN COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS PURSUANT TO M.S.A. SECTION 488A.01, SU DIVISION 9(b)", be adopted. (cont. p. 3.) I Minutes of the Aug 15, 1978, Council meetin cont. P F� g, age 3. Item: 78-143-R.,co A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. P�Iilbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. * Item: 78-144-A. . McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that 1428-1472 t e request for Council approval of sale by Hennepin County o tax forfeited lands in Hopkins: Plat 36919, Parcel 9997; P�at 37025, Parcel 1625, Plat 37690, Parcel 2960, be con- t nued to the September 5, 1978, Council meeting and the C, ty Clerk to provide more information re these parcels. A p'll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Lohmann, yea; Dr. Slaton, y a; Mr. I�ilbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, y'a. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 78-145-J. D�. Slaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that 1472-1485 t e request for Council approval of the list of Election J dges for the Primary Election to be held on September 12, 1 78, be gran�ted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. M'Donald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Lohmann, ye�a; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously.(see a�tached) Action: Mr. McDdnald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the 1485 to meeting'�be adjourned. Motion carried. end of tape. • I � ; � �'i.� Dorothy M. J nson,�Se retary to ' ? Council �i, \ ' CO CIL N: , ' t, � t ; .. �, � `<< � v y %`-„ i �"'� � �� I • � , /'` TTES ��� � ` L��. � � J re A. Miller, Ma or / � �I � �