HRA MinutesUNOFFICIAL MINUTES OF HOPKINS HRA REGULAR MEETING June 5, 2012 A regular meeting of the Hopkins Housing and Redevelopment Authority was held June 5, 2012, at Hopkins City Hall. Present were Chairman Eugene Maxwell and Commissioners Molly Cummings, Jason Gadd, Kristi Halverson and Cheryl Youakim. Also present were Executive Director Mike Mornson and Assistant Executive Director Kersten Elverum. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. II. OPEN AGENDA - PUBLIC COMMENTS No one from the public came forward to speak. III. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approve minutes of the May 1, 2012, regular meeting 2. Approve disbursements through May 31, 2012 3. Schedule special HRA meeting June 19, 2012, at 7:20 p.m. Commissioner Halverson moved, Commissioner Gadd seconded, to approve the consent agenda. The motion was approved unanimously. IV. NEW BUSINESS 1. ITEM 2012-06 Public hearing: Purchase and Development Agreement between HRA and Klodt Development Ms. Elverum gave a brief overview of this key development that will create an inviting corridor from the future SW LRT station to the downtown, and explained that the terms of the agreement generally reflect the conditions previously discussed with the HRA. Because the City of Hopkins acquired the site in part with grant funds and redevelopment projects are typically undertaken through the powers of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, the City must transfer ownership to the HRA before the property can be sold to the developer. Commissioner Halverson moved, Commissioner Gadd seconded, to approve the purchase and development agreement between the Hopkins Housing and Redevelopment Authority and Klodt Development, LLC, contingent upon the City of Hopkins transferring ownership to the Hopkins Housing and Redevelopment Authority. The motion was approved unanimously. HRA Regular Mee__ 2. ITEM 2012--'- Stacie 012-_- Stacie K,7 _ - consistent generally less commission=- seconded, ommission seconded, interfund s S connection The motion 3. ITEM 2012-'1- Ms. Kvi1JGr - a_ --- _ a negative loan will _ Fund. Commissions_ C, -o . �� _-- adopt Reso__ - - �o - _ _� __,� _ _ .- �r-��_ loan in No. 2-6. V. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner adjourn the - _. - meeting adjou - - _. UNOFFICIAL M,71Tj ZS 07 7P-,0PK NS KRZ SPEC 7 Y:1, MZZT NC- June 19, 2012 ec1a1-ng-ng of the C k 1 S r:Q'uS11ig ai �:ed ✓elCl :eI1L Ltr1C%] 1t_ p - - was held ur!e 9, 2 0 % a C Hopkins City Hall. Present were Clmair : an G -LLge !e 1!lax�rde_I 1, CO rSSlone1"s i`7Clly ClSLT 17C7S, �aSGl1 aO.d, h.l'l st-! Ha ! Ve?`SOli and _h,eryl Youak�m. Alse pre Sent were Fxec-,.aD1= eCtflr T1ik_e Monsen, 'P --a b 11 c H o u s i ng Mianager" Stacy Unow+skv, and Cita; Attorney err`,' Stei ner. 1. CALL TO 0RDI ER Th e eetll�g was Ca led to order" at 7. 20 p.�. II. NEW BUSINESS 2012-09 Adoption of resolution regarding the Dow Towers elevator loan from MHFA Ms. Unow++sky provided an overview of the Dow Towers elevator loan from MiHFA. The HRA Board asked several questions related L the ter?Tls . I`1s . Unowsky and Mr. Steiner answered the ques ti ons . Commissioner Halverson moved, Cc= ssioner Cummings seconded, to adopt Resolution 488, approving the MIHFA loan in. the amount of $200,000 for the elevator work at Dow Towers. The motion was approved unanimously. 2. ITEM 2012-10 Approve operating _reserves litigation Ms. -0nowsk-y explained the operating funding status for 2012 and the goals for the operating reserves litigation. The HRA members indicated they would like regular updates regarding this issue and further information on both NAHRO and PHADA. Ms. Unot+ask_y will provide updates as the litigation efforts move forf,,7ard: Commissioner Youakim moved, Commissioner Gadd seconded, to adopt Resolution 489, approving the support of the Operating Offset Litia.J at on. The motion was approved unanimously. !!I. ADJOURNMENT RNMENT Coif issi cher Halverson moved, Co=isslones Gadd seconded, to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. Eugene J. Maxwell, Chairman Bike Mornson, Executive Director