Final AgendaHOPKINS CITY COUNCIL FINAL AGENDA Tuesday July 10, 2012 7:30 am THIS FINAL AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE UNTIL THE START OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Schedule: HRA Meeting — 7:25 pm Work Session - 6:30 pm 1. Update on BP Site; Elverum 2. Art Dedication Fee Discussion; Elverum City Council Meeting starts at 7:30 pm I. CALL TO ORDER II. PRESENTATION 1. Mid -Year Goal Review; Morrison III. REPORT 1. Zoning and Planning Report; Aaron Kumia IV. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes of the June 19, 2012 Council Meeting 2. Minutes of the June 19, 2012 Work Session Following the Council Meeting 3. Appoint Election Judges for 2012; Luedke (CR 2012-071) 4. Approve Resolution to Renew 5 -Year Contract for Chemical Assessment Team; Specken (CR 2012-067) 5. Approve Temporary Liquor License for Hopkins Elks Lodge; Luedke (CR 2012-070) 6. Ratify Checks for the Month of June; Harkess (Memo) 7. Approve Abbey Bryduck and Caroline Rinker to the Park Board Commission; Mayor Vote: Youakim _ Gadd Cummings Halverson Maxwell QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? ASK THE CITY! Call (952) 939-1421 Ask the City is the City of Hopkins voice message system) V. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public Hearing on Issuance of CIP Bonds and CIP Plan. Adopt Resolution Giving Preliminary Approval to Issue CIP Bonds. Approve CIP Plan; Harkess/Stacie Kvilvang (CR 2012-074) Vote: Youakim Gadd Cummings Halverson Maxwell VI. NEW BUSINESS 1. Conditional Use Permit — Daycare 8353 Excelsior Boulevard; Anderson (CR 2012-068) Vote: Youakim _ Gadd Cummings Halverson Maxwell 2. Zoning Amendments for Section 515.03 Intent and Purpose; Anderson (CR 2012-069) Vote: Youakim Gadd Cummings Halverson Maxwell 3. Approve Ordinance 2012-1051, Renewing Cable Franchise for Comcast, for First Reading; Genellie (CR 2012-072) Vote: Youakim Gadd Cummings Halverson Maxwell 4. Approve Ordinance 2012-1052, repealing Ordinance 99-792, cable regulatory ordinance, for first reading; Genellie (CR 2012-073) Vote: Youakim _ Gadd Cummings Halverson Maxwell 5. Approve Resolution 2012-046, Declaring the Official Intent of the City of Hopkins to Reimburse Certain Expenditures from General Obligation Improvement Bond Proceeds to be Issued by the City of Hopkins; Harkess (CR 2012-075) Vote: Youakim Gadd Cummings Halverson Maxwell VII. ADJOURN OPEN AGENDA — PUBLIC COMMENTS/CONCERNS (Public must fill out a Speaker Request Form. Three minute limit for each person) During this time, anyone wanting to address a topic not listed on the agenda may do so. QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? ASK THE CITY! Call (952) 939-1421 Ask the City is the City of Hopkins voice message system)