Minutes of the Works Session on 11-20-2012MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Raspberry Room — 6:15 p.m.
The meeting was started at 6:15 p.m. Present were Mayor Maxwell and Council members Molly
Cummings, Jason Gadd, Kristi Halverson, Cheryl Youakim, City Manager Mike Morrison, Director of
Planning & Economic Development Kersten Elverum, Concord representative Peter Fitzgerald,
Hennepin County Commissioner Jan Callison and Hennepin County Representatives Michael Noonan
and Rex Holzemer
New business:
Hennepin County Discussion on Well Fargo Building
Mr. Morrison gave an overview on the plan and steps taken so far for a possible location of a Hennepin
County Hub in the Hopkins Wells Fargo Building.
Commissioner Callison gave an overview of the reasons Hennepin County would like to regionalize the
services that the county provides to its residents. The County feels the Hubs would improve the quality
of life for the people the county serves by providing better service and the ability to partner with
community resources. The County would like to move forward on the project and is looking for support
from the Hopkins community.
Mr. Holzemer provided the Council with a map of potential locations for Hubs within Hennepin County
with the Hopkins site as the smallest Hub. Mr. Holzemer gave an overview of client counts by area,
categories of client eligibility and types of services that will be available at Hub sites. Hennepin County
would like to bring its services into communities where people live, making them more accessible and
integrating services into one location.
Mr. Noonan gave an overview of the numbers of staff on-site and daily visitor loads at the current
Hopkins location. The proposed location will have approximately 14,000 sq ft of space with a projected
additional 80 staff on-site and 66 visitors over the course of the day. Mr. Noonan explained that the
Hennepin County Hub is a no smoking building with on-site building security and the County will
install security cameras in the parking ramp.
There was Council discussion regarding the new Brooklyn Center Hub which is seeing higher than
projected daily visitor loads and how the County will respond if Hopkins sees significant increase in
daily numbers. Mr. Holzemer explained that the higher numbers at Brooklyn Center are due to staff
falling behind in processing of cases and they anticipate numbers dropping as staff catches up and as
clients become educated in how to access Hennepin County services online. Mr. Holzemer gave an
overview of the future Hub and Satellite site locations. Hennepin County realizes it is important to move
forward on all six regional sites and to improve the process for clients to access services electronically
thereby reducing site visits.
Ms. Callison gave an overview of the budgeting process for the Hub/Satellite sites and stated that the
Hennepin County Board is committed to the concept of regionalization of services.
There was much Council discussion regarding the Wells Fargo building, current tenants and concern
that the entire building would become part of the Hennepin County service system. Mr. Noonan
explained that the Hopkins Hub would be the smallest one and that taking over the entire building is not
part of the County's business plan. Mr. Noonan gave an overview of the staff & payroll the County will
be bringing into the Hopkins Hub with the potential economic benefit of dollars being spent in the
community. The County and building landlord are proposing close to 2 million dollars in renovations to
the Wells Fargo building. Hennepin County has explored the impact on existing tenants at their other
sites and has found positive impacts.
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Mr. Fitzgerald gave an overview of the building owner's commitment to maintain a professional, multi -
tenant building. Wells Fargo is planning on downsizing and the building owners support the Hennepin
County plan to expand their square footage. Hennepin County has been a good tenant for 20 years.
There was much Council discussion regarding staff & visitor parking. Mr. Fitzgerald provided
information regarding number of current parking permits purchased with an anticipated need for
additional 5-10 more permits for staff parking. Mr. Holzemer provided information regarding the
average length of client visits and the new service delivery model has reduced the average visit. Client
visits vary depending on the time of the month and most visits are early or later in the day.
There was Council discussion regarding the number of clients parking in the ramp. Mr. Noonan projects
an additional 8 clients parking in the ramp at various times throughout the day.
Mr. Noonan gave an overview of possible timetable and next steps for the project. The County estimates
a September, 2013 opening of the Hopkins Hub site.
Mr. Fitzgerald gave an overview of the Wells Fargo site improvement process and the building owner's
commitment to the community.
Ms. Elverum suggested that the County add into their lease agreement not expand to additional spaces
within the building. Mr. Noonan addressed the County's commitment to the first floor of the Wells
Fargo Building, opening of Satellite locations; ten-year lease and the greater role technology will play in
servicing clients.
The Council expressed concerns about parking and would like the County to encourage use of the
parking ramp. The Council realizes there is a need to regionalize services and increase efficiency. The
Council thanked the County for giving Hopkins the time to explore the process, answer questions,
address concerns and stressed the importance of working together.
Hennepin County representative will continue to provide the Council with periodic updates.
Ms. Callison & Mr. Noonan addressed the County's interest in potential sites in the Hopkins community
or western suburbs for a HCMC primary care clinic with a possible opening in 2014.
With no further business to discuss there was a motion by Council member Halverson and a second by
Council member Gadd to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Debbie Vold
Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor