Water Tower Maintenance ProgramPublic Wo& Deponent
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
CC: Mike Morrison, City Manager
From: John R. Bradford, City Engine
Date: August 13, 2013
Re: Water Tower Maintenance Program
At Tuesday's Work Session, we will be discussing a comprehensive maintenance program for our
Moline Standpipe and Blake Water Tower.
Typically, the City spends about $1.2 million painting our 2 towers every 10 to 15 years, depending on
how well the coating system is holding up to the elements. This large expenditure puts a single year
spike in water fund expenditures that impacts rates and capital planning. Typically we would have to
sell bonds to finance the work. The work is warrantied for 1 one year and 15 or 20 years later, we repeat
the process.
We are proposing to institute a comprehensive maintenance program that will even out expenditures,
provide annual inspections and maintenance that will extend the life of the coating, and will give the
City a 10 year warranty on the next painting.
Joining me at the work session will be Jason Sprague from SEH, Inc. to go over the specifics of the
program and answer any questions you may have.