Update of Dow TowersMemo To: HRA Board From: Stacy Unowsky, Public Housing Manager Date: 10/3/2013 Re: October 8th Work Session Overview Below is a brief listing of possible discussion topics that relate to the Public Housing Program at Dow Towers. I plan to cover a few additional areas, and am open to any other questions or topics you may have. ROSS In 2012 we were awarded another three-year grant to continue this program at Dow Towers. The funding provides for a Vail Place staff person to work full time at Dow to assist our residents. This will be the third grant for this program utilized in Hopkins. We will begin using this new funding in January 2014. Policy Changes I am beginning the process of updating numerous policies that will impact the day-to- day operations and residents. As part of this process, we will have meetings with residents to discuss the proposed changes and a public hearing at an HRA meeting early in 2014. Smoking Update It is now two years that we have been Smoke Free inside Dow Towers. It has made a significant positive change for the residents and has been a positive marketing tool for prospective residents. The decreased smoke damage to the units has improved our turnaround time and lowered expenses in preparing units for new residents. We have heard that the resident in a neighboring home is not pleased with our existing outdoor smoking area. The home was purchased in 2012, after we had already established this area for our residents. The home has both a fence and the alley between it and the Dow Smoking area. Memo to Council, October 3, 2013 Numerous ideas were considered when we determined where the smoking area would be located. Some challenges that exist in the consideration of changing the current layout include the following: • Buried utilities equipment/lines in the area include gas, cable and two sets of Xcel Energy three-phase high voltage electric. In addition, we have in -ground irrigation. Snow removal and parking along the alleyway. When we receive in excess of 2" of snow, the area is used for snow storage. If we did not have it available, we would lose parking, and we currently have a shortage of parking in and around the property. Safety, visibility and accessibility are critical for our residents. The addition of any landscaping or fencing would negatively impact our residents in these areas. Financial & Management Overview The funding for public housing programs has been challenging over the last five years. We have made numerous changes in adapting to this volatile funding situation. I would anticipate a budget revision for this upcoming year related to our expenses in response to bed bugs. The treatments and preventive efforts are expensive, but needed, to continue providing a safe and sanitary environment for our residents. We are collecting 100 percent of our rents, and have only one vacancy to lease at this time. The waiting list will likely reopen spring or summer of 2014. Capital Improvement Projects We completed the parking lot and driveway project this summer. The kitchen remodel project will take place in October and November. We anticipate completing phase 2 of a kitchen project next year. If any additional funding is available for this type of project from the state of Minnesota or other funders we will definitely apply. Lastly, if you have any questions or concerns regarding our Public Housing Program at Dow Towers, I will be happy to answer them during the work session, by phone or email. 0 Page 2