CR 2014-025 Approve the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act Grant Agreement for the Oxford Green ProjectAm��
March 4, 2014 cit, ofiiopkit* Council Report 2014-025
Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Transit Oriented Development
Program Grant Agreement — Oxford Green
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the Metropolitan
Livable Communities Act Grant Agreement for the Oxford Green Project, subject to the
condition that Prosect for Pride in Living enter into a sub -recipient agreement with the
City subject to the City Attorney.
The Metropolitan Council offers Livable Communities Act (LCA) grant funding for transit
oriented developments that promote moderate to high density development projects
located within walking distance of major transit stops. Projects must be directly
connected to transit via pedestrian friendly streets and public spaces, and offer people
from various ages, backgrounds, and incomes abundant, convenient, and affordable
transportation choices. Eligible projects must be located within an LCA-TOD Eligible
Area and be within'/2 mile of a transit stop. Station stops along the SW LRT line are
considered within the eligible area.
Project for Pride in Living (PPL) has proposed a 51 -unit affordable apartment building at
the southeast corner of Oxford Avenue and Blake Road, within '/2 mile of the future
Blake Station. The project would be constructed on what is currently six parcels
consisting of renter -occupied duplexes. The properties are immediately adjacent to
Cottageville Park. PPL has named their project Oxford Green.
The City, on behalf of PPL, applied for and received $1,600,000 from the Metropolitan
Council's LCA-TOD fund to assist in land acquisition, demolition, and placemaking
within and around the project area.
As part of the administration of the grant, the City is required to enter into a grant
agreement with the Metropolitan Council dictating the terms under which the grant is
provided. Since the City is acting as a pass-through agency to PPL, The City and PPL
will in turn enter into a sub -recipient agreement that requires PPL to perform any
obligations related to the grant. The sub -recipient agreement is being drafted by the City
Attorney and will be approved by the City Council at a later meeting.
Primary Issues to Consider
0 Timeliness of the sub -recipient agreement
Council Report 14-025
Page 2
Supporting Information
- nunities Act Grant Agreement
Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Y/N Source:
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):
Analysis of the Issues
The City is acting as a pass -though agency of the grant, which will go from the
Metropolitan Council to PPL upon completion of certain aspects of their project. The
grant agreement obligates the grant recipient to certain actions, which will ultimately be
the responsibility of PPL. The City Attorney recommends approval of the grant
agreement, subject to the condition PPL enter into a sub -recipient agreement with the
City containing terms acceptable to City Staff and the City Attorney. The sub -recipient
agreement would require PPL to perform any obligations under the grant agreement.
The Council has the following alternatives:
• Approve Grant Agreement subject to condition of approval
• Approve Grant Agreement with changes
• Deny Grant Agreement and opt not to accept the Metropolitan Council LCA-TOD