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V.1. Approve Lease with Hopkins Historical Society; Mornson (CR2015-100)
/ December 15, 2015 �\� Council Report 2015-100 Approve Lease with Hopkins Historical Society Proposed Action. Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Motion to A�rove the Lease with Ho�kins Historical Society and Authorize the City Mana e� r Si n� ature. Overview: Attached is the Lease between the City of Hopkins and the Hopkins Historical Society ("Historical Society") that has been reviewed by the City staff, City Attorney and Historical Society. Staff is requesting City Council approval of the lease and authorization for the City Manager to enter into the lease. The term of the lease is for twenty-five (25) years with an option for an automatic renewal for three (3) additional twenty-five (25) year terms. The Historical Society hired a consultant to assist in obtaining grants for funding improvements to the building prior to moving into the facility. Granting agencies will not provide funding to the Historical Society without a lease to use the building. The lease would also allow the Historical Society access to the facility to start planning their move from the Activity Center to the Masonic Lodge. The City closed on the purchase of the Masonic Lodge in May. By purchasing the Lodge and offering the space to the Historical Society more visibility will be provided to the Historical Society. Mayor Maxwell and City Manager Mornson have been meeting with the Bob Miller and Rick Brausen who serve as Historical Society representatives throughout the process. Primarv Issues to Consider: • Approval of the Lease will allow for the Historical Society to obtain grants to make the necessary improvements to the Lodge. Supportin� Information: • Lease > , �� � �� � � �,�, ��,� , � � ��,' '� � ��u � � Michael J. Mornson City Manager �. , � � � ., . ,. . �, ., _ . ,»� �u . � », . ,�. r, ,� ,� . �M � ' _ . „ . , . „�► w ;. . . . l. - r , r w. , .. - n . � : . � r . �. �w•. r .. �. . .�, .�u r. . � . �r ... . , r , k .; . - �. � wr �►r�. w .� � "�'N�EIREA�, th�� Il.�ssa�° i� ��u��icipal c�r������ar� of the 5t�t� �f �Rin�r�s�ta �nd f�e ��rn�r �a� c�r��in real p��pe�y �a��t�ed ir� tl�� Ci�ty �f ���kins, C�unty a� He�r�epin �rrrd ���;�� �f �1inr�e�r�ta an� �e�alNy �t��rot�� in re� on �"xh,��i�t � �tta�cl��d �ner�t� an�! ��de a��r� her��f, i�clutlr,r�g ��I b��uildin�g� �and s�t� imp�r�veme��� p���t�d �� ��� Mai�p S��eety H�pkins, �1n�d�n�sa�� 5��4� (N�erein�f��� m�%r��d t� �� i�� "1��°��iis��'"); an� '�"i-��RE,�,�, ��� Les�e� is � Minn��sota nc�r°r-pr��� ����a��ati�� �a��rator�g a h�s��ri�al s�acMety 1�a� sh�r�c�s�� the histar� �f tF�� �ity caf H��kems, �`h�� L����� �as b��en �per�tam�� f�� yr�a�s r�it�'�n �h�e Act�vity ��mt�� �fi tfae IL�ssam. iE�� s�rvu�s p��w���d �y the ILe���e g��atly enl�anc� ��� I'ivabil�iQ�r �f ��� city �f I��p�nr�� a�d is ��n�fi�a�l ta tM�� L���er and ihe g�r��ral' pu'�I��; ���� 'u�H���A,�, �h�e L�s��r d�sii��s �� B�a�� �o th�� �.�s�e� �u��i t�� L�es��� �e��r�s ta l�e�s� fr�m the I�ess��r the ��ailding I�cat�� �n �I�� I�r�r�uses �h�r�in��t�r r�ferre�d t� as th,e '"L�emAsed �re�rises°"� fi� all�� �or kh�� rel�c��ivn and c�a�r�ti�nu�a��i�n� �f t�e his��r�ic�� s�ru���s pr�vi�'�d �y �..�ss�� tc� ���t��r ���re th� l.�ss�� anc� the g�n�r�l p�a�Vic, • .' � ,�. � � M ,� - �r � �tT'���aE'TH: �. �i �R�I: F�r ain� in ��n�si�d�ratb�� c�fi �h� r�r�ks, addi�i�rn�l rent�, t��m�p �prc�+�isia��s �md �ov�na�ts h�r�irr ���u��in��, l.e�sa� I��re�by ��ts, I�a�s�� �r�d �demis�s �h� (�emised �remis�s f�r tk�� ��e�n a� fQ91��+s: tN�� 6r��tiaR te�m �fi t�n� �.e�se s��@II k�� �v��n�y��v� �2�� ye�rs (her�inafi��r referre� t�a as the "`�ni��al �'e�n°,� �am��n���n� �rar� fih� �ifi�c�k�ve C��t�. Th�e I�niti�l T�r� sh��VB ��rmun��� �m tN�� tw��nk�-��tfi (��k�) �mnive��ary �a� �h� Eff�ct�ve [�at�, �anles� ��rli�r termim����d, �� arovwd�d f�r ��rei�n. �ur� th� ca��it���s t��t Le��ee i� i� ca�mpli�r�ce �iti� �h� t��m� �ndl �b9i�ati��ns �f t�is Leas�e ar�d �I�� Le�s�e Ih�s r��t bee� ter�ui,r�at�d, t�is� G��as� v��VB ��t�am�tu��fly ren�� far thr�� ��) additian�d ����tiy-f'rv���5� y��r d�¢ms �her�inaff�r ref�r�+e� t�a� �s� �h� "°F����v�a� T�u�"'; t�� l�na�i�l T�rm �nd ���h� ind�wi�lu�l If��n��r�9 Te�m r�aa�r s�m�tiem�� �a� referr�d t� �s �h� "Ti �rcn�")a up�� the ��r�e f�r�ns and ca�n�'M�i�n�s �� t�bs Le�se, �unl��s Less�� n�ti�ie� Le���r in ��itwmg �� '�.�s�ee's snt��r�tna� �n�� t�a ���rr�w t�ai� �.��s� �t I�e�s� si�ct� ���� d��s p�i�r� �� kh� �xpir��#i�an a� tA�� pnit��l i�r�u ��r �my ��n�w�l fi�r� �h�rv ir� ��fe�i, 2. ���E R��T: L.�s��r r�se�u�� �n�' (��ss�� sfi��ll �ay L�ssc��, a t�t�V r�r�t�l �� y��rly i�sta�Nm�r�ts af ��n� an��! V��a11'�� �lc�ll�r� ��1.���n c�mm�nci�n�� c�r� th� �ffective [��fie �n�d �c�ntine�dr�� �n �he first �ay �� e��k� an� e��r�r Na�e�b�r �h��e���r f�� th� n�xt ��c���ding year� du�rin� ��� b�N�n�� �f ��� �'er�r (�n������ft�r sc��etiim�s r�f�r��d t� as t�ne ,°���� �t�nt""�. �"�� ���� ��r�t paym��t sl�all als� 'rn�l�d�, in �dd�ioc�n�, �any �m�runts Iis��� he�ein �� "Ad�iti�nal ��nt"". �'� �" � ",' ` • • • �. - :. •'� �•�- M. � � � - . * i� �w r � r r . � . . . , +� . ,, r ., . . � ., .. • 1� . , � . � . w , • � °'' �� � - �" � 4. �ITIiLIi'I��; ��s�s�� shall �r��rGd,e r�ain:s �r�� c�nduat� t� s�up�ly vuat�r, g�s` el�c#�n�city ar�d sa�i�ary ���rr�g� t� th� P�er�i�es, ���s�� �I�aIA p�y, �aN��n �d�ed a19 �i��r��s ���° s�u���° us�ge �r r�n�tal, g�:rba�� di�p�as�V, refus� re�mava9y �r�t�r, �lectracity, ���, ���I �il, L,P. g�;�s a���l�rr �t��r ��ility s��vi��s ar �r���gy ���rce fu�aus�ed k� Q'�� C��e+�a�� Pr�n�is�s dura�g tl�� T'��m �� �his IL�as�, �r� t�e ca�n���i�� t��t such ukilnky usa�� �n thne �enrna��d P�°emises by t�� L�s��� �s �y�ic�l �f Permitt�d 4�'s�s �Vla���'h���eir�„ in t�e sal� �et�e��r�i�ati�� �f ttl�e L�ss�r. In� the �v�nt su�N� �u�s�g� Ms d���rmir��� �� t�e Les�r r�pt �� b� ty�ical t�en �'�� L,ess�� s��ll �p�y to L����r a�oa� ar���ant� �s�r �kh� �xcess, a��pic�l us�g�e, �up�an tl�ee�an�, r�hi�� �ny un��aid am��nk� s��ll �e Ad���i�naq �,en,ts. �. CA�� a�P�D R�P�41R �►� ���s��E� RF�'��I��S: Les��e� sha�Wl� at all tGm�� t�r���l��atu� th� t��m �� thd� L�as�, ar�d �t it� s�le e�p�n��, ke�p �n�' m�ia�t�in th� ��mis�d �'�'er�i�es, u� ��le�n, ����, s�u�itary and �irst �I�s� c�nditqan and in ��mp�iamc� with �III �pp�N��bG� I�uvs, c�des, ��dinances, r�les �r�� r��ul�tpa�ns. ��s��u� ��d L.�es���e shadl vw�rk t�a��t�r�r in ga�� ��i�� ir� m�l�� t�� P��mis�s liu� c��nplua�ce r�ith all A�,� requ6r�r��n�s.. L�ss�r shall r�p�i�, �t ik� ���r�se, tN�� stru�t�ral ��eti�r�s �f the IB�i��fl�g, pr�vided hvr��veir r�here strr�cku��9 r�p�ir� �r� r�qu�r�d t� �a� rnad� by� r��s�an c�� t�e �ct� ro� L�sse�e, th� r�sts the�e�� s��YV �ae b�r�e �y ILess�e and p�yabl� �y L�sse� �� I��s�a� up�� dem�nd> �hictl� �r�y unpaid am��r�ts s��ll be A�ddit��n�N ��nt. Th� L�ssar sh�ll b� ccsp��ar�si�l� f�r all ��ts�d� r�aA�t�nan�� �� �he D�r�is�d �rer�is�s, in�lud�r�g ����c��ds and parkir�g a�r���, �rr� �nav� ar�d ice r�mawal. AYI s�c� ��i�te��ra��, �ul�uc9� is �he r�sp�rnsibi��ty �f tN�e �.�s��re sl��Mq k�� prc�vid�d �� rea��nab9y r��cess�� t� the ���nf�a�a'�I� us� ar�d ����pa�cy �� C�em�s�� �e�r�u��s durHn� b�sin�s� h��rs, exc�p� ��tur�ay�, �undays �n� �c�l�t�ia�s, up�sn th� ccc�ntliti�� t��t �h� L�ss�r sI��VN na�t b� liabae f�r d��nag�� fc�� f�ANure t� �a sa� �u� fi� ���ses b�y�nc� i�� �c�r�tr�!1. 6. �V�NS�� A¢�y si�n, V�t��eri�rg�, ppct�ur�, �r�ti� �r �dv�rtus�rr�er��k kns�t��f�d arr, ar �� ��y �art af, �h� Pr��is�� �n� vi�ib�e �ra�r�u th� �xt�ri�e afi �he buildin� �� tR�e �r�c�is�es, �ar w��abl� f��rri �xt�ri�r af tih�� ��m���� �r�r�nses, sk��IV b� �u��ect t�a tY�e r�vde�r ��� ��pr�v�! �f t6�� L�ss�u° �nt� inst���ed b� �.�ss�r at Le����'s ex�ens�. arr th� eve�nt �f � vi�l��i�r� af th� fa�`�g�ir�g by L��s��, L�ss�� rr»� i�°nmedi�t�ly ��m�ve t�� s��uu� �i�!h��t ar�y iu�bol�ty� �c�d may ch�rg� td�� �xp��se ira�u�rr��' by su�l� re�u�val t� L�ssee, w�ich ��s� shaal', k��� A�di�i���� ��nt. 7, �LTE '�'����, 1�l����.I,��"iC�N a�d FIX�'U���y �x��pt �s heo�ein�aft�r prc�vicied, �.ess�e sh�NY n�� u��k� �r�y �I�e�ation, �d�n��c�ns �a� irraprove�er�ts on ar ta ��re I�emis�� P'r�m�s�� ar a�d, �ist�arb �r an �rty ��y �hang�e ar�y p9�rr�bin�� �� �aririn� tN��rei�, withc���t tYt� �r�a� �rr��t�n c�nsent c�f th� I��s�r. In t��e �v�nt alieratic��s �r� r���a'flre� by any g�r��rr�m�r�t�� ���a�cy by r����n af kh� �us� ar�d n�cup�¢�cy �f t�ne f���nis�� Pr�r�i�e� k�y IL�es��e, L�s��� �nd L�sse� ��all n+�g�tiate i�� �,�o�l ��i� u��ga��'�ng �u�ci� alter�trans. ,�,I��er�ti�a�+s �ar �d�ifi'��ns �ry� l�e�see ��i�t ��� ����er���c.i �� by L�s��r �nust �� ��i�t �� ��mpli�n�� wit� �aSM Va��, ordA��o�ces �nd g�aver�rmeru��� ����ol�twans a�fi�ctunc� k�� P�°�mis�s �nd Lesse� sh�lq ���r��t �� �����r kh�t al'� s�u�� �It�rati�ns, a��i�ions ar �r�pr�w�ments �h�kl �e �r� steHct ��mplfan�e wwtFu �II relev�n� ���s, �rd�r��r��s, ��v�r'�m�r�t�M regulat��rrs �nd °uns�r�ar��e �e��uire��nen��, �orast�ucta�n �f s�c� �q��r�iAar�s �r add�ti�r�s� s�all c�amr��n�e���ly �apar� L�ss�e �b�ainin� a��d �xh,i�i#ir�g to L���ar t�h� requisr�� ��pc�vals, 6�c�ns�s �r��d permits �s�d V�d�mni���atic�r� ag�in�t Ni�a��� AIA a�it�ra��i¢�r�s, ��sta1l���i�ns, phy�i�l adtliti�n� �r i�p�°�+r�m�n�� �� �he De�d��� I�renni�es nrM�ad� �y L���ee sh�a�V �t onc� ����m� ��� �r�p�rk� �f Lessar ��nd sh�d� b� sa�rr�r����aed k� L�ss�r up�n t�� t�erruin����ar� �f �his L��se', pr�vi��c�r ���r�v�r, this c�a�s�e shual9G n�t �pp�y ta rn�avabl� �q�ipm�n� �r furnn�u�e ���rr�e� �y ��ss�� �h�i�6� rrr�y b� r�m�vec� t�y� ��s��e at �h� �nd ��` the Te�rr� af �his �.e��� if L����� is not th�r� in d�faukt. L�ss�r and �..�s�e+� sh��l9 n�g�tuat� in g�ad ��i�h �e�a��'Mc�g th� paymed�t af t�� ���ts �°el�t�d� t� irr�p�r�v�m�nts �� madi���tu�r�s t� ��� L��r�i�ed Prer�ises ��q�aired a�u' ��c�ssar� t� �amptiy �wc�h the Ar�uerica�� �it� C1�sabiliti�s Act �af 11�q �A�Y�}, �� simi�ar sta�uk�s �r Ia�r, 6. P��S�E��I��; Ex�ep� �s �r�r�in�i��r �r�vid��, L�ss�r �h�ll ��eliv�� po�����ian �� the B��mi��d Pr��u�es t� �e�s�� un the �r��it��n re��a�ired by tk�'�� Le�s� �rn tl�e �fifie�tiv� D�t�, �a�rt delia��ry �� �as�s�ssi�n pri�r ta a� l�at�c th�n su�� �ff��tiv+� Ciat� shualV e��t ��f�ct t�e �"�e�n ��` the ��,�i��atian dat� �f ihis L����e� T�e F�ent and A�diti�rral R+�nt sh�ll co�m�r�c� �r� th�e� d�te �hn��u p�ss�ss��o� �f tN�� I�+�m���d �rer�i��s is �tleliv�r�e�, by Less�� tp L.ess�. Ac�y� �c�up�an�y k�� I�.�s�� �r��r �� �he kaegun�ning �� th� ierrn shalY y� al�l r��p�cts b� �h� sar�� as �,at a� a L��s�� ur�d�r khis� L�ase. ��ss�r shall h��v� n� re.��ansibilli�y or li�bolli'ty f�c I��s �r darria�� �� �ixiu��s, f�cilitue� Qr �qu��ment �r�st�bBed ��r lef� �rn �h� �emAs�� �r��aiis�s. �. SE�UI�Ifi'1' �,N� ���1�,�� �� ��IT': Na�n�, 1�� �R�E: �ka� f��r�is�� P���ibses �h�9u be �used �u�ad ��cui�i�� �y �Le�s�� s�l�ly f�� �he purp�v��es �� �tiv�n�in� th:e in��rnt af t�� H�plk�rus Wi�t��ica1 �€��i�ty ic� pr�vidin�� hi�ta�i�a� infor�r��u�n�n �n� hi�k�rb��l ser�ic�� ���v��asnng �he I�i�st���� �� the ��i�y �� �flc��pki�rs� it�� ci��uze��s, ���ir��ss��� �nd ��r����ni��a���ans �Ih����in��fr�����r r��e�rr��i ta as tP�e� "��rc�ii�t���l I�s��'"'). �h�� ID���+^rnise� ��e�rnds�s �h�fq �nt�� �� us�� �y �r�y ath��r �,�ers�a� �r entity, �xc�pt by th�� �r�i�fi�r� c�r�s��� a� �h� L�ssar, ��t�ide star��e �� t�� P�°�rm�is�s �� ��y ��pe a� equaip��r��„ ��°����ty� �� r�ai�rials ��rr��� �r us�d �n� �he �'�r�m�is�� by �.�ess�� �r it� ��stc�r�e�s a�d suppi��r� �h��ll n�t k�e p�rmi�t�d u�it��u�� �ri��e�a cc�ns�nt �f L��st��, Tkn� �I'a�qu�� �� ��� ,�I��r� �ilk� I����� th�� is c�ur��ntly ���ave t�i� �nt�an�e tl��r sh�ll ��main An �V��� a� if t� b�� rem�a�v�c�, t� Ib� p9�ced in a�r�rmir���nk �r�d vn���bl� I�����i��ra suib���� ta� th� r�ui�� ar��d ��pr�v�l �f tl�� ���sr��r�. �`h��� Le��s��� shal'�U aUs� �r��an�e ��d ma��t��� � permar��r�t di�play� ��� c�� fl��e ,�Bb�rt I�ik� �.ad�g�, w�icl� ,�6ber� P'i�Ce L��g� �i��r9�y s��bll b� �r�c��d �r�tN�i�n t�� fpr�� (1��� ye�� �ff the ��i�ial T��m, 11. ,�G�E�� T�1 �M��iI�FG� �"I��I�IS�S� �i h�e L.�ssee ag���� �a per�r�it th� L�ssar ��n�l th�� �►��h�ri�e� r���es�nRa�i:v�s �f th�e L�essar �� er�t�� tk�� I��m�as��l �re�nr�es at alM �im�s �uri�g s�su�l busrness ha�u� f�r �h� p�rpQ�s� �� �u��pe�tirug th� s�r�� andl rm�ai�ir�g ar�� nec���ary� r�p���s t� t�� [��rm�is�tl 'P'��mi��s and ��r�a�mir�g a�� �r�r� ��r�r�in ��naf o��� � a�e��s�ary t� cc�am��ly �u�h ��a� I�ws, ardin�r��e�„ ��u�les„ e��ul�ti�n�s �r �°�quirerr��r��s �ff �n� �ubli� au�h�rity c�r Qf tl�� ���rd �af Fi�� 4��t�e�uwu°i�er� �r� a�y siu�i���r b��y �r �hat the L�ss�r m�y d��rra necc�ss�� t� pr�w�rnt �u�st� �r ��teriar�ti�� an car�n������ �i�h t�e �l�rni��d �r��ises� In add'ufi�n�, �h� L����r may �r�t�� ��� C�erm�iis�� P�e�mis�� a� �19 ti�t�e�s ��r �e��rg�r�cy repa�ir°�, �� d����r�li���d �y tN�� l.�ssa�. I� su�h � c���, �h� ��ss�r sh�ll ��t��np� t� �ravi'de n����� t� Lessee. ��thin� huer�G� s8�all �rr�p�y au�y tl'caty� ���an �I�� ���t �� th� �.��s�� �� �� ��y such r��rN� �r�i�'h, umder �ny pr�wi�i�r� �� �hiis L�a��, th� �es��e �r��� b� u��r�ui��d ��a p�er��rmn ��� t'�e p�rf�c�na�c� CM�er��fi b� fih� IL�����r st���V r��t ���asti��at� a�aiv�r �� t�� �.���c�"� de�aul� irn ��iling t� ���f��rr tG�� sar�r�. T�e Ires�r�� m�y, �lu��ing th� prr��re�� �f any r�c�rk in �he I���rrui's�d �re�i��s, ke�p a�dl st�re u��r� tl��e I��rmis�� F�re�i�e� �I� �a��e�sar� mn�t�raal�, k��rls an� �qu�ip�me��. Th� L���ar sh�ll n�� An �ny� ���er�� be ��albl� fa� i���nv�r�we�c�, �,rrr�a�an�e, I��s d� ����n���s �r ��N��r d�m�ge �f �he I��s���, by r�a���r �� m��ci�� �epaiir� �ar tl�� p�rfc�rn��nce �f ��n� w��k ir� tN�� De��mis�d �e��mas��, �ar a� �cc�u�rwt �a� t��ungiir�� �ate�i�,l�, su�p�i�� �md e��ui�r��c�t int� �� t�rau�t� ��e L�emn�is+�d Pee�dus�s du��ir�g kl�� �ours� �h�r�caf �r�d tFu� ��Id��t�s�r�� �f the �.e�see u����r �hi� L�ase ��all r��t ��ere�y b� �ff��t�d fl�n �any m�r�r��� �+wrh�t���v��. 12. ��I��G� �R C���"�RI��iIC�N. Cn th�� �v�nt ��� ar�y �arrrage �ar de�t�cti�s� t� th� P'rernises by� fir� �r �t�aer ��u�s� ��urin�g the k��rm Ih�r��f, �h� f�lla��rin� p�ar�r��i�n�� shalt appVy: ��. �f the C��mi�ed P��rr°Mi'��s is d�m�g�d �y �re �r ��y ��h�� �a�use t� �uch ex�e�� t��t �he �st of r�s#�r�ti��, �s reas�n�bl� ���imak�d ��r L�ss�r, �uill equa� �r �x�c�etl �hi�rt�r ��er�r�� ����/�� �f the re�ia,��men� v�lu�� �� ��e ��mis�ed Pr��rd��es �e�cl�sive �� f�aun�c��ti��w�) ���� prM�� ta� ��e ac��rr�r��� �f �h� da�a��e the� L��s�su� ma�N r�� later tha�r t�h� spx��ef�n �(�a�� d�� fc�ll'��+in� k��e dar���e, �ive L�s�ee r�ritt�n n�c��ic� �f L�s��c'� �I�c���r� tc� �ermin�te tV�is l.e�a�e.. b. Ilf tY�� �a�� o� �'�skr��ati�n� �s �stur��t��d by 'L�ss�r �rill e�q�a� �ar �ac�e�� fi�r p�rc�n� (5��'/a� �� s�id r�pl�c�m�r�� v�lu� �� �h�e �l��ua�as�� Pr�rt�is�s an� if tl�e D�emise�l Premi��s �e� n�� sui���Ne as � r���ut �f s�id �tl���ge f�r t�e pu�rpas�s f�r �hi�lh t��y ar�e �emi�� ��r�und�r, Nin tN�e r�a��n�b�� �pirau�n �f L��see, t'h�r� Less�� m�y, r�v I�t�� th�n �h�� s��tlieth ��d��� d�� f��l!��ri�g th� d�ma�e, g�ve I��ss�r� a�ri�f+�� ��kic� c�� eNecti�n t� t�rmi��t� tl�is ��ase, �. Pf td�� ���k af r�st�r�t�a� � �s�irr��ted �ry Gess�r �R��CP� a�m�a��� �a� le�� �ha�r� �hirty p����n� (3b°la) af ��u� r��l���m�c�t v�B�u� �af �he I��nnis�� �r��i��s@ or ��, d�spite td�e ���t� �..��s�ar t�c��� m�t �I�c� t� t�r�ni���� th�i� IL����, �.ess���� shap� r��st���'�� the �u�a�ding ��d th�� a�mi��i�� �r�m��i��s�� w�rth r��a��aru�a�l� ��t�nr��tm�s�s�, s�bjjec� �a d�i���� k�����r��d �.��s�r"s car�t��l� �rnd d�lays i� th�� ��ki'�g �� ��nsuran�� �djustmer�ts �y L�s���r, �nd L��s�e s�alf �cat � re�pansGbl�e �c�r res��r��� �r ���airing Iea�eh��ald ��up���r�m�r��s �f �� L��s�:. P��� � af � dR In �h� �ve�nt �a� �ithe� �� �h� �I�cti�n� �� te�°min���, ��r�� ���ss� �h�IV �e de�a��d' �� t�ru�an�k� �� �e r�ate �f �e rec�ipt cr� tk�� n�Qtic� of el�ctaa�n a�d �a�p Re�t �n� AdditNa�nal ��a�t �Imalll Ib� paid �p t� fih�t dat�, �.�ss�� sl���l V��v� n�a �p�ir� �g�in�t �e��a� f�� kh� v�lu�� o�' a�y u��xpore� T�rm �f t�a�s L�as�. e. an any cas� w�t�r� d�a��gie t� t�e D�mis�c! ��'�r�i;ses, ���II �materi�,l�y af��ct t�e C�emise� P'remis�s s� as tv r�n�'er 1��m us��untab�e in ww��l� �r in part fo�° tA�� purp���s f�� +�hich t�h�y �r� ��nnis�d ��r�ur�der, ��en, u��l�s� �u�� d�strue�ic�n ww�s w,�k��ll�+ �r ,��rk�,a91y c��asec� b� t�� �eglige�� or br���h �of ��� terr�s �i this �.�ea��� by �.�ssar, yts �r�pl�y���, ��ntc�ct�ar� �r Aicen��es, the L.es��� sh��1 �� r���onsib�'e �or tG�e c�►st �� ��id' rep�ir� �n� shaNl r�ak� p�yrryer�� �� t�v�e L�s�� �p�� t��rnan�, u+�l���� c�st sh�Nl� k�e A�dditi�an�l 6�e�nt, 1�. �CA�S�I����"Y II�l�U��N��; a. �..�ss�� ���VI �t �Id �Nrr�es duueic�� t�a� t�r� rof tkn�s �.��s�, �� its �xp�ns�, r�aint�i� a p�li�cy a� �aNuci�� ��� �ns�arar�ce �r�th �r�miums pai�l in ad�r��nce i�su��ed �y a�r Hu�s�r�r�c� ��a�rrpan�r I��nsed ta� d� b�s�r��.s� ir� t�e ��at� of �inn��ota in�urur�g the I�err�ds�d �'r�m�s�� �r�air�st la�� �r �anr�ag� b� �r�, �xpk'�si�u� a�� ��h�r �ns�ar��c� ha��rd� aru� cantin�e�eci�� �ar the f�ai1 r���a�r���t v�lu�, �ravided thaf �e�s�� sN��ll n�t b� �bli����� ta i�a�uir� �n�+ f��nit�e�, eq�ipm��fi, ��chirw�ry� c��ads �r suppYie� ��� c�v�r��d ��r �I�i� �.e��� �r'�ich� L.�s���� u�ay b�°n�ig upa�n the C�e�is�� �'r��nis�� �r �ny addit���al �i�aprov�m�rats �rhi�� Less�e ma� c�a�sR�°uc� t�� i�st�11 ��� �� L�er�is�d ��`��nis��. b. L�sse� si�al'I r�at car� �n� st��� �� ���a�'s a�r �� �nyth�ng in ��' ��au� �h� f�e��s�� �r�mis�s �rhich �iN! �ru any w�,y impaNr �r ur�v�l��'�t� the ��li�a#ioru af t�e ins�rer u��'er° an� p�li�y �f insuranc� r�quir�d �y �hi� Le�se. �. 1,����r he��by wm�ive� ar�� ��le���s a1N �I�im�, I��bility �nd �a�s�s �f act��� ��aira�� �..�s��� a�� it� agen�s, ��r�ants �nd �mpVo���s for 9ass �r damag� �o, c�r d�str�c�6�m �f, the iP'r�►�es�� �� an�r p�r�a�� ther�of, uncl�u��ng k�� buildir�g� an� �t��� q����aa�em�cot� sii�a����7 tN�er���, ��suNt�ng �rc�� �r�, exp�os��ac� a�ad ��Fuer p�ri�� pncl�d�� in sta��d�rd �x�e�de� c�v�rar��e i��u�rau���, r���tt��r ���s�� by �f�� raegli��n�� �� ��ny af said pees�ara� ar �tl��rwi�e. Lipce�Ns�, L�ss�e h�re�� �ai�es �nd r�lease� �III �IairrbsH Vi�b�di�i�� an�' c��ses �f actq�rr �g�Ar�s� L�es�vr ��d its a���nts„ sec�rants �nd �mplay��s f�r I��s �r ��m��� to, o� �est���i►�rr �f, amy af �he i�m�ra�e�ents„ fixtur�s, �equipm�r��, suppli�s, `��rct��a�di�e ar�d ��h�r pr�per�, �hetN��r ��a� a�f �.��s�e �r �f �ath�r� in, u��n a� ���u� the Pr�mi��s r�sul:t�r�� f�arr� fir�a ��plc�sian �r t�t� �t'��� perils inc��d�r� in standar�d �xte���d c�v�rag� Nns�ranc�, uahet�rier cause� �� th� ��glig�r�c� af any �f said ���sa�ns �r ath��is��. The uuaiver sh�ll rernain �in f�a�°c� v�hetk��r a�� n�� �� �,e���''� Gr��ur�r ���II ca�ra��r�t #��r�to. 1�. PU�iLI� �OA�'�ILI"GY I'�S� N�CE: L��see �h�a�l dunric�g th� t�er�n ��r����, �ee� in fu��l f�rc� �nd �effe�t at nts �xpense a��kicy ae ��aC�ic��s �f c�a�mmerciak li�b%lity i�usurance �r6th respec� t� �I�e T��m�s�� P'remis�s �r�� t�e b�sir�e�s af �.��s��, �c� u�hi�� L����� sha�YG b� na.m�i �s �� add�tia�aal i���red vui�Fr tlu�nit� �f Nu�biNi�y not Ge��s th�n the L��s�r� u��ni�uurr� ��rt �i��6likr� urrd�r �1inc�, �t��. ��. 4���. ���ach ,��N6c� ��r p�al'Aci�s ��i���� �r���id�� kh�t ter� ��0� ���s �r�it���n m��tic+� m�ast be �ive�n ��a �essa� pric�r �a �an��ll������ hereof. L�ss�e sh��� f�rnNsh �vi��e�n�e ���is�ac��r�+ tn Le�sar at the iime a�f ��s �,��s� is �xec�w�ed ���t sucl� c�v�r��� is ir� fulG f�r�e �n� ��f��ct and �h�ll pr�vdd� �vid�nce �� s�ch ���nt��ru�d c�v�rag� annu�lly with t�� a�m�nuaN �e�t ��d A��dGtipnal IRent p�yrrnenfi. �5�, ��'�E�AN�°� T'� �9��.1� MAI��LE�;�: �Jrn��s� th;e �iabal�ty f�r dacr�ag� �r lo�s i� ��a�us�d �y t�� n�gligi��nc� a�f L�ssv�r, its a�ew�t� ar �r�playe�s, Les��� sh�ll in�d�mni�+, d�fe�d a�d h�ld h�o�le�s L����r, i�� eq�ct�tl �ffi�i�ls,. ��fa�es�, ���N�ye+�s a�d a��n�s fr�m �n+� li�akroility f�� dam�g�s t�� �ny pe�s��r ar prap�r�y in �r �p�;n th� [��r�uws�e�d Rr�r������ �nd ihe �a��m'��s, �nc6�u��u�� th�e p�r��� a�n�d tq�� p��perky af ��s��e ar�� Nt� ��a��c�yee� �and all �e�s��� ir� �h� �emgs�tl P��rtti�es �t it5 �m the�r n��rit�ati�ar� u�t• ��#��r�az��e, ai��i �n��a�rr al� ���rwa�e� �°e;s�lGta�a� frcaz�� L�sse�"s �ailur� x� p���t��r� �1�� �;aver��nss �,f i��� C,e�s�. ��l �ar-��act�y k��, dnan��t��n�d ��° st��r�� crz� th� ��n�i��,c# �'r�aa�i�c;s slaall b� ��a k�.pfi, �ti�ic�ta�ner3 c��° �t���ed at k9�c s�a;l� r'usk crf Less�.�.. Lcssc� a���e.� t�a pay �11 s�n��s �fznc�n�y ��e��e�t c��'any 1akro�r, ser�i�;�y r����ri�NS, suppl��� ar equip�uen� fu��is��d �r a9��g�tl �a ha��� been f�urnish�d t�a �.�s��� ir� �a� ���ui t�� Premises, ��d n�4 Pag�4�f9 furnush�� �n� ard�r �f ��ss�r, v�h�a�ch r��ay �� s��u�'e� by a�ny I�e���ni�'s �1���ri�ulm�n's ar a#h:�� li�� ta �� �asc�ar��d �� t�a� tli�e Ip��fi�rm�u��� af �iny �bli��tian s��c�rr��il tb��r�b� m��u��s, p���wd� ���t L+�ss�e r�ay ���t�st �u�'� Ilien, ���� ii� �uc� �i�n is �e�u�d' �� f'dr��l judgm�r�h a�d if ��ch� ��dgm��� �r p�r�sc�s� t�rer��am� is not �t��ed, �r if st�iy�d a�nd said �tay �a�pA��s, �h�r� ��rd i� �ac� �ucN� e���t, Le�se� sI���B forth�rith p��y �nd d��ch��r�� said jiudr�m�r�t. ��ss�r s��ll �av� ��� u�i�gl�rt ta p��t an�l main�k�i�r� c�� tf�� ���r�is�ed ���mus�s �n��i�c�� �f na�-r�sp�r����ility� u�rrd�� the I�°�s �f t�� ���te �� I�ar�n�s���, ��. �4�•LIA�B�LII�'Y': �ub���t ta th� k��ns �o�d c��dit'i�ns �af A�NcI� 13 her�r�f, L�ss�� s��ll n��t b� liabl� f�r ���uu�ge �� �ny pr�p��y ��' Lessee an� �h�� �re�nis�s, no� f�r t�e Iass �fi �r �amage to any pr��p�rky af Le��se�� by kh�ft �� �t��w�i�e. Le�s�r sq�all �r�a� b� lia��� ��� ��ny injur� ��r d���a�g� ta p�rs�ns �r p�ap�r� ���ultin� �ra�u Fr�„ ex����i�n, �r�y� icap�ur� ��� ���ag� �� per��rw� �r p��p�rt� resuNtir�� fm��rr� fire, �xpl�siar�Y faNllu�� pl�st�r, st��m, ga�, e�ec�ric�ty, �w�k�r, r�ir� �a�r sr��a�r �r I��aks� frarra au�y� p���t �f t�� ��r�rrads���� �r Fr�m tN�e� �ip���,� ��p�i���:s�, a�r �du��a�i�n�i v�r��rk� �r fi��m the u��f�, s�r��ti ar s�t�s�u���� af fr�r� ar�y +�tl��r �la�� �� b�r d�:mpn�ss �e by� ��� su�c'� clar�age ��usetl by aRl��r L�sse�s �� ��cs�r�� in� the Pr�mis�s, a�cupar��s �f �adj�ce�� �r�pe►��r, �� the ���I�tli,r�gs, �R �I�� �uik�lic �� c�used by �p��ati�n� i� caw��t��a��ic�r� �r�f �m�y �riwrax�, �u��fic a� qu���s�u-p�Ik�Uic �uv�rt�l�. 8��ssa� s�h�19 ���fi ��� liak��� ft�r �am,� la���r�t ���fect �ru th� &��mi�ed P��mis��. AVN pr�pe�t�v af Less��� k�pt c�r st�r�d �n t�e C�e�ra����� ���r����s s��Ul b� s� I�e�� o�r �tore� at th�e ri�k �a� L��s������ or��� �as�d Le��s�� sh�ll I�a�ld L�s��� �a��rrnl�ss fr��n� a�� c9�,ir�s� ��'isin�� ��t �f d�m�g� ��� ��� s�rm�, wn�doa�ling su�br�g��a�n cl�a�rns by I���s��"s ansu���n�e c�rr�e�. �17'. �S��i�GN��P�� ��i �IIB�I�TTi f1��: L�e���� ag�e�� ta u�� ��ruc� acc�up�y th�e ����is��' Prerri'r�s�� tN�r�ug�r�ut th�e entire� �f�rm I�er��f f�r tlh� pu�rp�s�� h���a�r �pech��d ar�d �a� nc� n�h�� pu�rpc��e�, �� th� r�anr��r, ar�d �� s�u�s�ta�at��al�y fihe �xte�nt a�ow ir�te����, �nd �uat �c� k�a�sf�� ar �s��gn this Leas� �r ��bM�t ��dd ��m�is�d �r��mis�es, �r ar�y par� �I�ere�af, r����h�� by �alu��rta:r� ac�, ����°�,ki�an �f I�var, t�d' �t��r�is�, �ritN��u� �r�t ���a�u�ing tN�c prb�r �s��tt�n �ns�r�t �f L�ss�r �n ��ch 6��ka�c�, L.�s���� s�h�4l ���k �u�N� �n����� c�f �es��a�r by a�rrni��ru r�t�u��� t���efc���, s�t�iing f�rth� s�a�N� i�wfa�°��tiar� �s l.�s�ar m�y de��rn rr�cess��r. �Ywt�uV� L��s+�� sub�et �i� ��c�arda�n�� v�N�h tN�� �'erm,s �f t�i� Le�se, fu�r p�rc��t (5��°,!a� �f any incrreas� n�n r�nt�l ��ec�aved by L�ss�� a�a�� �h� rer�ta� rat� �hic� is ���ng p�dd �ay ���se� sN��ll �e ��r��r��tl ta ��� re�ahn��d b� IL�ss�r, w�h�ch incre�s� shakl �� �ddi�i��r�aG Ren�. 1�. �TT�R�li�EP�Ta In khe e��nR c�� �a ��Be c�� �ssi�rr��ir�t �f �es��ar's in��r�st i� tl�� Pr�mises, ar t�� ��mis�d P�emises a�� I�cat��', �r #h�is L�a�e, �� 'a� the Pr�rmi�es cam� inta �►�st�d� ��° pr�s���so�a� af a m��ga���� �r �ny ��h�r p��ky, °�h�et�n�u� be��use �f � ir��r���g� f��ec��su�e �rr �t��m�is�e, L�e�see �I�al# �tt�rn ta s�c� �s�sig��o��, ar c�z�er pa�y, �n�d re�c�niz� su��h part�r �s �.��s�r her�ur��d�e�y prc��ride�il, Ih�w�v�r, IL�s��ee"� p�a���t�ll� p�as�ssi�n �uill r��t �e dis������ �a n�ng �s L�ssee �a�th�ully� ���f�r�ns i�� �bfag��i�ns ur���r th�s Le�s�e. L�s�ee s�r�ll �x�c�ot�, up�n ����nd, any �ttarn��e�t ���ee�n�nt ��quir�d k�y ��y su�n party �a b� �x�cut��, �art�taA�irr� �ucf� �r�visp�ns a� s�u�� ��m� m�� r���ire. 1�. �IJ�CEa�'��� ��a �S'�I��I�a Th�e t�rrn�, �cawe��r�ks and c�md�t��n� h�r�af, ��all be b��dinc� up�r� ��d �nur� �a� th�e �u�����rs a�dl a�si�r�s �f t�e �part��e� h�r�ta. ��. �U��"T E��Ii�Y�IE�Ta L�s��r �r�r��n�s �'I�at i� h��� fwll rig�h� i� e�e�ufi� a�d �� ��rfarm� 4N�is Le�s� �nd ta gr��t tl�e �s��ate ������d� and �h�� Le���e, up�r� p���m��nt �f th� r��ts a�tl �th�r �rm��a�t� d�u� a�nd tl�� p�r��rmanc� �f �II t�e Qe�ms, c�r�dit'a�ns� c�ver�an� �cad �gr��rme�t� �r� L��s��"� �art t� b� �b��r��d �c�d p�r��r�ned �u��'�� t�is �.ease, m�a�r p���ablly �c��i q�'retly �rrjay ��� ���mise� Premi��s f�r tN�� �usin�ss u�es ��rrnitt�d he���a�der, ��bj���� n��v�r�N�eless, ��a tk�e t�rms and ��ndd�f�n� a� �I�as iLea�e. ��. ���'�1�DU� P��Y�I��T'S: �Il �ani�� �c�u�� under this L��se ����� ILe�s�� �� Les��r s���l be� dlue ��r derm���d, �anle�s �th��r�i�� sp��if�e� and if ru�t �a�i�d �h��n �i�u�, sh�ll u��sult an tF�� i�ap�s�itii�u� a� � se�aic� �h�rge f�ar ��c� ��te �a�m�r�t �o� tl�� �rrn�umt af �aa�� hundm�� perc�ent �1 ��Q�%� c�f �h� ar�a�n� dr���. �2, ��'�I���C��F�: �i� th� e��ir��i�an �f t'�� T�r'�n ar up�n fihe i�r�in�ti�m ��r°��ff up�m� ��ay �x'���r than �6��e �x�air�ti�n af tN�� Ter�, L�s��e ���II p��c��blly s�r��nd�r th� ��rrn�s�d �r�mis�s br��a�-cl�ac� i� g��tl c��d��, ��ndi�i�n arrd e�p�i�, r����n�b�� ��r �n� te�r �a�Vy �x��p�e�'. Q�, �r ��f���, tN�� ex�ir��ian �a� t'�� Term, �r° u�crn t�r�ni���i�r� �� thus �.��se �n � d�y �th�r th�r� the expirati�rw �� th� 7'er�xn, ���s�e sh�llo a� its �xpe�as�, r�m�a�� ala t���'�e �ixt�ar��, p�rs�nal �r��r�y �r�d equ�i�me�nt ��� s�gn� �r�prw �9�e I�e�M���l P���ise� ��d �ny pr�pert�+ nc�t re��a+�d sh��ll �� de���tl t� h�v� bee� ���r�d�ned. A,�y dam���e ��u�etl �rr� the �em�Qv�l �� s��h i���u� �ha61 �� �ep���r�� �y Less� and at its �x����e, �11 �Ater���ns, �d�ntian�, ir�pr�v�m�r��� an�d �ixtures ��th��r tha�ro fir�d� �x�ur�s) �hi�h sh�ll ��u� �a�en r��d� �r inst�ll�d �y l.�ss�r �ar L�s.��e up��� �h� I��mi��d Prernis�s and �dl f���� ����°ir�g s�r� �nstall��i shal� r��a��n �a�o� �nd b� ��rr�nd��`e�tl �ai�h ii�� [��m�s�d ���rnis��� a� a par� �h�re��, wi����a� dis�urb��n��, m���s�at��wn �r in���, a��tl �rit��ut ��a�g�, a�� �1�� �xpir�ti�c� af t+�rmir���i�n af fiq�n� L�a��. If tl�+� G��mi�ed Pr�mi�e� anre ru�t surr�n��er�ccl �u� t6a� �xpi�a�ion �at� �r th� ��te �f ��mr�irc��h�rrp IL��se� �hadE indeminif� �.ess�� �g�inst ���s or liability, cl�im�, �itl�aut limit��u�n, �ad� by ar�y �u����er�sn� I�s�e f�ucrded o� �uc4� tl����. Less�� ��all pr��p�ly ��rr��d�r� al) k�y� foe �h� �e�is�d ���mises t� �.e���r at �tl�e �al�ac� th�n �x�� %r ��yrr���t �f rent ar�d sh�ll inf¢�r� �.es��r �� �mbinati�ns af ar�y locks �nd ��fes �r� k�r� D��nh��d P�emis�e�. ��. H��.�MII��� f�V!��: dn thn� �v�n� �f a h�Nd�r�� ave� �y ��ss�e a���� �xpiratio� ar t��rr�F��taan �fi ti��s Le�,s� w�th�a�� th� cans��:t wr� �rr���ng �f I��sso�, L�ss�� �h��[ �b� �e�m��i �a k��se� a� suf��r�nc� a�d �hal4 pay r��t f�r s�ch �ccupancy at the r�ate �f t�ric� th� I�st-cu�r�n� �ggre�a�� Base. �x�p� as �t�r�ru�ri�e a�gree�d9 any �naldir�� a+��er writl� tt�� °��itt�n carrs�nt �f �..�ssa� s�a�C� ca�s�itute Lesse� � rrdanth-��a-�n�nth �e�s�e. ��. �#�AND��N�IE�Ii: lr� t�e �v��t L�ss� s�r�ll r�r�av� i�s fixtu�res, e�uipm��nti v� m�chin�ry+ �r shaB� vaca�� thn� D�o���ed P'��mises, �� �ny �ra�t the�ea��, pri�r �� �9�� Exp�rati�ar� d�t� �f tl�is �.�ase, �r �h�alb disc���tnrau� c�c su�sp�md th� �p���at'A�� �f its bus���ss co�t�d�u�t�tl on t�� ��mised Pren��se� f�r a p�cu�d �f r��ore t�an thirty (3��� ��n�cu�iv� day� (�xcept tlu�rin� any tu�e �h�r� t�n� D��rnis�� �remises r�oay b� rer��e���� �nt�na�tfia�le �y reas�r� �� f�re �� �t��� c�su�af��, ��er� ir� an�� ���i� �v�nt �ess�e s�a�ll �� ���m�� tt� hav� ��an�a�n�l fi�e ��r�is�� �r�r�is�� ��d �.�ss�� sN�al� be i� defautl� u�d�� ��e ��r�s of t�is �.��s�� �,_ ; �- . . ; ,, � ��. �_ .�, . , . .� . , . , ., � ,.�� . , . . � . - « ..� . . , . ,. � �6e N�►TI���. An� �r�ti�� req���r�� �r p�rn�i�t�d u�tler tf�n� Lea� �h�ll b� d��m�� �u��iciently� giv�r� �r s��ur�� if sen� �y re�i'�stered c�r c�rkifi�d r�turr� re�ei�� mail �c� �es�ee �t �Q7 P��in 5�r�et, H�pkins, �9Mr����nt� 55343 �nd t� l.��sar at tk�� �dd���s then �as�d f�r t6�� p��cm�e�t �� rer�� �s pr�v'a��� in �arag�apN� ��f thi� L����, an� �i�h�r par�y rnay, by �Ek� vk+ri�t�r� �oti�e, �t any time d��i��at� a dc�ffe�'�r�t adtlr�ss ta w�ichn r���ic�s s�rafl subs�r�t�ent�y �e sent �r r�nt �c� be p�id. ' �7. G���V� �: i'h� �e��� d�es n�� �r�a�e ��e r�l�ti�r����p �f p��inci,�al ag��t ��° �f �art�er�hip �r �f j�int ver�tuc� �r af �roy ass�ci��i�n� ���n �e�s�r and l�essee, tl�e s�le r���tR��rsh�p Ib�t�r�e� khe p�r���s ��r�ta'��ing� t��t c�f I��ss�r �r�d Les�e�, C�� w��i�r�r a� a�ny de����t �� �es��e h�r�unci�r �h�ll �� �r��V6ed frc�m any a�i�si�� by IL�s��r t� �a�e �n� ���i�n �� a���u��n� �f su��h �'�f�u�t i� su�c�u �efau�0� p��ists, ar is re���a�te�, and ma �xpr�s� �aiw�r �haNC ��f�ct �ny �i�f�u�N� ��h�� than t�e ��fau�t s�a�c��r�d in �h� �xpr�ss �+aiver �nd, that �raly far th� tim� an� t� th� �xter�t thereir� �t�ted. t�r�� �r �mor� wa��+��rs� by ���s�ar �h�,ll n�t ��n �� �oo�sRr��� �as � �r�iu�r �� a ��ubs�qu��t �r���h ��'t�� sam� car��n��c�k, t��m ar candukaan. �h� cc�€�s�nt �� �r a�pr�val by Les�c�r �� arwy �ct by �.�ss�� r�quirdu�� Less��'� ��n�er�� a�e �ppr�val s��ll ��t +�ai�r� �� r�nder ur�r�ec�s�ary Les��r"s c�nsen� t� �r �ppr���l af �ny sa����qu��t �imi��r act by Le�see s�ald c�ns�r�ae� to �e b�t� a�av�nant �nd ��nd�iti�r��. �J� a�ti�r� r��quir�� �r p�rmi�t�d t�a be t�k�� �y �r �n tae�al� �f L�ss�r �a��'�r �he� fi�rrns �r pr�vp�i�rus �f ihi� �.��s� sh�all be d�e�rn�ed ta ��ru��ufiuke �r� evicti�n �r disturb��� �f L�ss�'s ���s�ssiarn �f the� C�e�i�ed P��mi��s. All pr��innir�a� n��gati�tnons are rrn�r�e�' �n�a a�d in�c�rp+�rat�d i�n �his L�ase. �"h� la�r� �afi th� �t�t� �� �'anme��t� s��ll ��v�rn t�� valpd�tyr pe�fa�m�nc� �n� �r�f�r��r��rnt �a� thi� �.����, � . �. w . ,N y •. �. i"hi� ����e au�tl t�� �x��bn�s, if a�y, ��ta���� h�ret� a�� ���rr°rA�n� � pa�r� h��ir�af, r,�u���ifiaafie �'�e �n�tir� �gr��m�c�t ��turr��n IL�ss�� ��d I��ssee a�fiecting �1�� �l��u�s�di ��e�r�is�s ar�d ih�e�� ��� �� a�h�� a�r��rr7�nfis, s�a��e�ue�rt a'�t�r�ti�an, ao��md��nt char��� �r �dditG�rr ta thos L��s� �Naall b� bi�tling up�� �.�ss�u� �r Le�see unless r�d�u�e� i� u�rH�i�g a�d' �xe�uted liun th� sar�� f��r� ar�� m�r���r ir� +�I�'u�h ��is V��as� �� ���c�ute�d. bo af �ny ��r:�r��rat, c;ttav�r��n� ��° candi�i��� �� t�is �.�as� �r t�� appl'ic�fii��rn thert��� t� an� ��rs�n �r c�r��am�t�n�� sk���p, �a ��y ex�ent, �� ir�va�llid o� uu�erwf���ce��d�e, khe r�r�aind��� af th�s L����, �r th�� ��plic,at��� c�f �uch �gre�m�nt, �v�rn��ra ar c�anditia� ta peirsans a� cir�uimst�n��s �tC��r �f�an �h��s�� �s tca w�r��l� it i� h��elld q�v��ud �r u�en��c���bq+�, sl�al'I m�t b� ��f����� ���r��� ar�� �ach ��g!r��r�e�tt, ���a�n�ant �r c�n�'�t's�n a� �his l.��s� sh�ll �e v�l'id �md �� e�fa�ced i� �he fo��Ne�Q �xte�t p��mutt�d by �aw� 28. H IR��U� ���"��I��: �. �'he [��mase� Prennii�es h�r�by I�ased s�a�pl �� u��d' by ���d��r �� th� su�fe�ar��� c�f L�ss�� c��rrly fo� tih� F��r�i�ea�' tl��� �md! ��r �d�� �the� pu�����s, �.�ss�� sl�all nc�t us� ��� per�rmit �hue us�e �� ttn� Cw���s�tl Prermi��s i�a �r�y m�nn�r° th�� �rNl:l t�nd ta c��at� ���t� �r � nuas�n�e, �r �+ill ��n,d t� �ur�re��ar�aubl'y distc��b ��he� L�ss�s in tl�� ��u�us�t� Pr�rr��i�es �r tt�e Premis�s, L��s��, ik� �mplay�es �r�tl a�ll pe�r��s vasit�mg �r �'��nng ��u�ir��s� �wi�h �e�s�e u�a tN�� C�mised' Ip�re�m�is�� sh�alN be bauun� b� a�ndi shaNl �bs��r� ti�� �'e�����aka�e �r�Nes a�d r��na�ati�r�� m�d� I�y �es��r rel�fi6ng k� �h� �lemised! �r�m��s��, tk�� �er�as�� Pr�rt�Y�s�s Buildi�g �r �h,� F'��r�use� af r�F�ich n��tic� �� �ratir�� sh�dl be giv�r� �� th� L�s���, ar�� �fl sr�ch rn�l�� �r�d r��u��kn�a�s s�u�ll �� d��aed t� b� in���r��rat�etl int� �,n�i� far�r ��a�t �af t�i� �.��s�. b. L��sc�� arr� L�sse� �aven�an� �Ihrc�ugt� �h�� Le�s� Term, �t l.��s��'s ��I� c�st �r�� ex�en��, pr�r�p�tly �c� ����Iy �ai�kh �II ���ws ��n�f� �rdinances a�r�d tY�� �r�i�e��, ru�l�� an� r�egula���ru� ar�d r�quir��n�nts �f �II ���era�l, st��e a�n�! nr��n�ci�a� g�v�er�r�,er�ts ��d appropr��t� c��pa�m�r�ts, c�mr�issiom, b��rds, �nd �ffi���rs tl�erea��, �a�� il�� �ard�r�, real�s �n� ��egui��atu�r�s r�f tl�� B�a�� �afi Fir� U�d�c�rr���rs ��r�r� tN���e �e��sed P'���ris�s �ar� �'r�uated, a� �ny �ath�� botly n�� �r �erea��te� a� w�ll �� �x�raa�din�a�y, and �het�e� ar nat the �ame requ���e stru�ctu��al ����irs c�r ��t��aN��ns, wvk�uch m�y �� ���lic�ble �a �la� aemised P��rrbis�s, �r t�e s�se �� r�a�ne� a�f �s� c��' R�n� C��mi��� �'r��n�i��s. Le����� �ru¢l Vik��rise ok��er�e �nd' �ar��ly �r�i�k� ahe r�qui���m�r��� of ��I pali�u�� af p�bl�c li�bili��, ��me �nd �II atk�er p��nci�s af in�uranc� at �ny tim�� in f�r�e ^�iti� c�s�e�t t� �he b�ail�inc� �ntl irrn��r�v�r�er�fts �r� the C��mised P��mi�e� �n� �h� eq�i�m�n�� th�r��f. c. In t�� ev�n� �ny H�z��d�u!s M��e�aa1 �h�r�i�after de����d� is br�ug�t �r c��sed �� b� br��u��t ir��� �r �n�� the De�a���� ����is�� �rr t�ne P��mise� �y �.�s�e�, L��ss�� �h�alB R��n�dVe a�r�y su�h ma�eriall in c�aw�p�ua�c� �it� a�ll �pp�ucafla�� feder�p, ����� �n�',��rt I��cali reg�uR�tia��s� �'�r purp����s �f �his Artpclea �°H�azard�us Materi�ul" rrneans a�rd iir��Pi�ud�s au�� h�a��r�lous, k��ic �ar ��ng�rc�us �u�s��, sub�starrc� c�r mr��i�rial defin�d as� s�u�h� d� (�r f�� t��e puu�{�s�s �� �h�� ��a��p�eh��n�irre I�r�u�ir��nument�l �t�sp�rr��e, �or���erns�ti�r� a�nd k�iabilit� �,��, aray s�.���0ed "�����fu�r�d"" �r ""���p��° Par�, ar a�y ���9�r�1, stat� �r P���al stat���, I�w, �rc�in�nc�, ca�d�e� r�le, regud�t��o�, a��d�� d�c�e� r�gul�twa��g, re��tin�g ��, a� ir�p+�sin� �iabirity �� st��da��ds �af c�rr�u��� ����rrn�ng, a��� h�a������s, t�xic a� ����ngier�u�s wast�� ���a����n��e �r r�rv�t�ri�fs, �s r���r ar �t any ti�e N��r���k�� in ��ff��t, �.�ss�e sh��ll sub��t ta IL�s���r, �n an� a�nnu�� b�sis, ��ps�s af i�s apprav�� h�z�u�dla��a� �iaterials ca�rr�r��nic�4iar� �I�n, ���VA �a�ifi�riru9 pGanp an� ��rmits req�ir�d by th� F�e���ar�� Rec�ver� au�d �vnser�ata�n A,ct af 1�7�� 'nf Le�s�� lis req�,uur�dl �� pr�pare, fil� �� aka�a�ru ��y su�h� pN�r�� �� g�rm�ii��. L��ss�� �r'rll d�d�rm�n��y �u�� ha�d ��r�nl��� Les�or f��m any+ Ic��s�s, Niabili�a�s, d��n��ges, �c�sts ar ����n�s�s� �u�e�lu�ing r��sa��oabl� attr�u�r�ey�' �e�s) �u�uuch ��ss�r mai�r su�f�� e�r in�cur as a re�u�t a� L��s��'"s i��tr��d���d�n �mt� �r �rrt� t�� �1��,i�e�l �r�mis�s, buildi�g t�n th� P��mise� �r Pr�r�is�es �f �r�y Haz�m�o�s Ml�t�ri�l, rth�s �u���l� shatll' su�i�� �he �x�i��ti�� �r s��r��er terr�in�ti¢�� a� tN�n� L�ase. 2�. �A'�T�pN�, T�e cap����n� a�� pnse�t�d �r�l� �� a ir��tt�r afi c�r�wenier�c� a�d ��o� ��f�re�ce, an�9 in n� +��y d��n�N �'imi�t ��r d�s�rib� tlhe s��e af t�ni� L�ea�e n�r t�� n�nk�n� �r an� ��ovisr�n tY���e��. ,�,��. + , 4� f ,, � �,, yy � r � � N � ��� i � � � : � . w 1 1 � . r ' ., 1! . �M� . '� �1 p� » � « � . y, � ,. � ,. y � � . ,; � . , . » .. ,M. MM . . ` � ;, ^ �. �^ `M "" '^ , "" �1 1 N�I "� � � '� � �i � • ....... r M!" 1` �� i A 1•,��.�M � i�' � 1"�• N � ♦ • .i � � �;, � �' •� � » � �` . 1 ►" II iM MN. �V M' .M. A�y »� . i M VI . 1 4` • . M •!` �1. aEF�Ak�LT: ,P��I rugh�s �r�d �m�li�s �� L�s��r B��re�n �nu�er�k�ed sh�dB b� cumukativ� �nd r�c�ne ��al! ��clur�'� �ny ath�r rig�t �r r�r��9y �I�nu��e� t�y ��r�. 6t i� agr�ed th�t in th� ���nt: a. �'I�at hhe �.�s�e� sh�l� ���il„ m��l�ct �� refuus� �� pay any E�+�n� c�r Addit���al I�eint �t the time an� ir� th� ama�rnt �s ����ir� pr�vi�ed, a�� t�a p�ay �r�mptl'y aro� �t�er c��or��y �gree�l ��r it �wV��en tl�� �am� sV��CI I����rrte ��e„ �r b. �'b�at t�� '����� sN�all ���um� insal�r�r�� r�� �h� I��sei�ald �nt�re�t of tk�� �.�s��� shall be t���c� �n c�c��u�tian �r ath�er pr�c�ss �f f�w, a� i� th� Lesse� sh�lE ra��ke �n �ssi�rnrrti�nt �a�� tl�e ��nefi� �� �red'��a�r�, ��r if � p�titi�n b� fiUed �ay a� ����m�t it t� fi�v� it adjudicat�d a�ankrup�, ar G�` Le�see i� ��c�ught into 9i�ui�'at�or� by a�y r��e�n� �ahat�oew�e, �r �f the Lessee �h�Vl wac�t� tl�e P'r�mi��s �r �,band�� th� s���e durin� th� �err� �� this '���s�; �r . �. T��t fih,� �.�ss�e sta�ll �aol, negle�� ��r r���as� �� ke�p �n� p�rf�rrr� �ny �f �f�� a�ther ��ve�a�n�s, �or�ditions, �ti�u�lati�n� a�r a�ree�er�ts herein ��n�ain��' ���r unl�s�� ��h�rter ti�ae is �a�h��rris� pu°t�uid'e� tl��r�f�re, in the �e�er�t ar�y s�uck� �defa�6� shall ca►�tu�nu;e fi�� a pericad �f m�re tha� thir�� (�(l� �a�s �fter n��tic� th�re�� in �arii�ng is �iv�n t�p tN�e Les��ee �y th� Lessar; tR��r� the l.�ss�e d��� h��e�y� aut��ri�� the Le�s�� t� �r���er ant� th� D�rr�i��tl Pr�mi��� �ana� tak� fu1� �nd ab��lut�e po�s�s�si�n �f L�es��e's ���p�r�y I������� �r� t�� �P�'e�i�� vrit6��ufi ���ch r��r�try ��using a��rfeit�ure ofi the R�nt �ar a4d�'iti�n�l ��ent �� b� �aid o�r t�� ��v�r�ar�t� t� �� perf���� by the Lesse� I�er��nde� for �he full� T��m �� ti�is L���e. �r� su�� c�se, th� L����r ma�� I�e�s�� �r s�blea�e �r sub�tlnvide tl�� �r�r�is�e� ��r �uc� r�u�ial as L�s��r m�yr �r�a�an�b�� ��t�in, cs'�ditir�� Le�s�e ��t� th� R��r� �c� �b��Gn�d �f��r �'��uctin� th� c�sts le�ss�r r�asa�wably inc�urs by s�ch� r�- ��te�, I��asing �r s��ml��sing� ar th�� �.e���r, at u�s op�i��a, m�ay ��rrnina�� �his L��s� and r�e-�r�te� �nd tak� fu�P, �r�� abso��ut� p�ssessi�r� of t�� ��anis�d IPr�mises fr�� �r�r� �ny f�rthe� r�ghk �� c8�ir� by fi�a� L��ss��. Ira a�ddit'r�c�n, �ruy� �ast ��ad 8a�e R�nt a�nd Addeti�nal ��n�t an� ath�r m�r��y d�a� �r�der th�ns Lea�� ���I'� b� im�m�e�N�t�ly �u� a�►�d ��ir�� ta L��s�� frar� Le���e �ui�� �nt�r�st �f e��lh� perc�ru� (�%y pe�r �nrn�nn f��m� th� r�at� t'�� �bligatia�n fi,r�� ar�a��, It �s agre�d tf�at af��c the ���ri�e �f n��ice c�r ��� ��m�r�ce�oe�t �f s�afit, �m afte� fina� ja�dg��n� for �pc�s�e�ssian �f #h� C�emis�d �'rem�s��, the L��s�r m�� r�c�av� an� c�Mle�� �ny �as� I��nt, �d�i6�d�n�� F�er�t and �t��r r��an�� du� un�'�� tl��s Le�s� with�ut �rej�dic� ��, roar ��aver �f �r e�fect upvn the said na�nc�, �u�t �r ju�gr��n�. . � . � - . �M . �-�► M;' , , . �i°� r . , � � i •M �� r .. , �. ,. � � ,. r ' . . � . -� • �~ N � •� +�. r„ i � w. • .�� � . - „ -:' • „4► ,„,� �r � i � � ,�., x , � ,, . � . y . .. �?� . • r �r,�.� i. �; � .,� ,� �. • •r �. • ' " , ' . M � `- �� ' ; ,r �° r ,� � � � ^� � �, � • � r �w » . . � ' �� �r . �^ ^ M � « � , . e �. .� ,:■ �. . r� . � -, ,w , . � . M � . . � ., , . -. . . . �r '� , � i . . 4 • - �l � �r � w . r . . . « . �M �r » « ^ » ^ , , r � � r �r . ' ^ � r , 1 � � � �, • I � �, • ,� ;� � r w . �A N � � » �r � R 1 " > '�, Y . M i � �1 M , M # . 1 " . ' " � 1 • i N "" i ;; � •, I ' 1 � + w ' , 1 w � r . . � ;' rw" • - 1, . II ' w Ii'' ,N . ! '� .., ��, ... �.� N ti � � � � , � � � t.r � �. - . �»; � w.. .." . .'I,. � .�:.� . •.�.. . 1 • ,'" �. y ,...+, . �.w� * w � . � � � �� � » �. , � . � . M� A � , ' ' � �+ d. ' , � ? � �� d I! �. � • • � � .IY • »� w . �- . �. � ,. . �.. .. ., ..i . . .. w �. • � i 11 . � �:.... • .� 'M N.. •.. •� .� ....' +"" �^��•,��""�. w�l+ �.. 1M * ;�,� »,:� � �� A ., �I ..� �...: � �. .. • �1 �1�� . : M '� • �� # i ' ! # �'� M .. N; � � i , ., � � , I W � , � �, � . r . . N M �, » � � ., �. c� TN��� L�ss�r sh�l� b� ��sp�r�s�ibl�� f�r �al@ �xt�er'u�r �w�ur�t�c���,n�c���, �r�c�'u�di�r� m��r+r���, s�nra�r r�e�r��w�a�, M�I'i��y �de�ar�ti�r�s �r�d �la��crs p�ur�u�nt t� Secti�c� � r�f t�m� L�ease. d. �'I�e Less�ar �h�ll b� r�sp�nsi��� ��r t�e fall��rin� utili�y ��st�: el�ctr��, natur°�II g�s, ^�ate� �nd s��+�r �n� HV��' �osts a�r�tll m�in��r�anc� pu�rsu��cnt t� ��cta��n ��� th�a� L���� • r :��- �� ,�. �wra . � � •�- � . r • • � �i � ��J 1��TIW��� '�HE��t�F, t�ue Less�r �r�d �h�e L�ss�e h�v� ca�sed �h��� �r�s�r�ts �t� b� ex��u��� i'e� fa�rr� �r�� �m�,m�ner su��ci�nt ta �air��d �I��rrn �t I�� as �� t�e �a� �nd ��ear �rst ab�v� �ri���n, �r - �G�rt� �a� I�a�p�r,r�� � i'�111f����7�r� r}"NUf�ICp(�c�l GQf(JC7'f��1�7F� : � • � � � w I� „, , - r . • �r * r � r . M » ��� r� , I���.�.s� ` —� -�:� ��" � ,�; �r�^ I�� >