1976_Minute BookA joint meeting of the City Council and the Hopkins Housing and Redeveloprrnent Authority was held on Tuesday, January 6, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Ha11 to discuss the concept of a Downtown Park, Iocation of areas, etc. � �fter considerable discussion and exchange of ideas and concepts, Mayor Miller asked Mr. Robert Harriman, Chairman of the Community Development Citizens Committee, to prepare a report of the ideas set forth for distribution to the HRA members and his Citizens Committee. Mayor Miller then adjourned the joint meeting. (Recorded on Reel 191, Side 1, 7- 513) :�. ReeZ 191 Side 1 513- Action: -SZ7 Mayor Mi1Zer at this time (9:00 p.m.) called the regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins to order. Present were Mayor MilZer, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, S.Zaton and Vassar, aZso City Manager Cotton, City CZerk Richardson, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Operations Director Beecher and City Attorney Vesely. A.bsent: Building Inspector Kohnen. Mr. McDonaZd moved, and Mr..Milbert seconded tne motion, that the 4 items under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved. I. Minutes of the December Z6, 1975, Council meeting. 2. Additiona.Z 1976 license applications. (see Iist attached) 3. Request from Knights of Columbus for renewal of their bingo permit for the months of January, February and March, 1976. 4. Request by Northern States Power Co., to install 23 ornamental street lights in the Hobby Acres area. A po11 of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. S.Zaton, yea; and Mayor Miller yea. Motion carried unanirr�ously. * * * * * * � * * * * * Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that expenditures dated 5Z7-55Z January 6, 1976, under Warrant No. 463 in the amount of $774,793,67, and Warrant No. 464 in the amount of $365,867.37, be approved and authorized for payment. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Appearance: Mrs.Charlotte Dietz, representing the Hopkins-Eden Prairie-Minnetonka League of Women Voters, appeared before the Council seeking support for declaring May Z, 1976, as Hopkins Town Meeting Day, as part of the Bi-centennial year program. - Item: 76-5-R. Mr. Milbert rr�oved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 551-703 76-2475, "RESOLUTION DECLARING MAY I, 1976, AS HOPKINS TOWN MEETING DAY", be adopted. A po1.Z of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Appearance: Mr. Jim Hammill from School District No. 274, appeared before the Council relati ve to the following Agenda Item No. 76-10-R. Mr. Hanmiill expressed concern for the safety of the students using this intersection to qet to Eisenhower High School and asked for Council cooperation to work with the School and the State Highway Departrr�ent concerning the upgrading of the pro- posed intersection. Item: 76-10-R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, to continue 703-835 this request by the Minnesota Highway Department for the City's participa- tion in the cost of upgrading pedestrian indications and signal coordination equipment at the intersection of State Flighway 7 and 5th Avenue to the meeting of January 20, 1976, and the staff prepare a total package of the' objectives of this request not only regarding the City but also the School Districts wishes and also include the breakdown as to where the responsibi- 1 lity lies for the various components thereof. A po.Zl of the vote was as _ follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. � Minutes of the January 6, 1976, Council meeting. cont. Page 2. Bid: Pvrsuant to notice bids for one Stump Cutter were opened on January 5, 1976,_at 10:00 a.m., in the City Hall, and the foZlowing bids were received. (see attached) Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the contract for 835-855 the purchase of one Stump Cutter be awarded to VERMEER SALES & SERVICE of Burns- vi1Ze, Minnesota, in the amount of $4,440.35, as recommended by the Public Works Department. A po1Z of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea, and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-1-R. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the Council 855-865 approve the request from the League of Cities Human Services for Hopkins membership in their organization and the authorization of paying the sum of $50.00 for dues which will entitle each member of the Omnibus Commission to receive a11 publications, etc. put out by the League. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea. Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried unanimovsly. Item: 76-2-D. 865-878 Mr. MiZbert moved and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the Sun Newspapers be designated as the Official Newspaper for the City of Hopkins for 1976. A poll of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor MiZZer, yea. Motion carried un- animously. Item: 76-3-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 878-885 76-2474, "RESOLUTION APPROVING SPENDING OF STATE AID FUNDS FOR IMPROVING INTERSECTIONS OF 1ZTH AVENUE SOUTH AND SECOND STREET SOUTHIN THE CITY OF HOPKINS", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mayor MiZler, yea; and Mr. McDonald, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-4-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonaZd seconded the motion, that the Report on 885-918 Methane Gas Monitoring at the City Landfill, be tabled. A po11 of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-6-R. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the zr�otion, that Resolution No. 918-970 76-2476, "A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE FEDERAL GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND", be adopted, and a copy of same sent to Representative Bi.ZZ Frenzel. A po1Z of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanirrcously. Item: 76-7-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 970- 76-2477, "A RESOLUTION ADDRESSED TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IN RESPECT TO THE IJAYSMITH-TOWAISEND RESIDENCE HALL FOR NURSES AT THE GLEN LAICE SANITARIUM", be adopted. Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded th� motion, that the above Resolution be amended by inserting the word "thorough" instead of "proper" in the fourth paragraph. Nlotion carried. Action: Mr. MiZbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, to adopt Resolution -995 No. 76-2477, as amended. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. S.Zaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-S-R. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, to authorize the 995-1129 staff to write a letter to the PCA indicating the City's interest in receiving technical and/or financial assistance from Environmental Protection Agency on desigrt and construction of inethane gas barrier. A poll of the vote was as fol.Zows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-9-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, to request the Zoning I129-1134 and Planning Commission to review and set a date for a public hearing on the request by Hennnepin County Highway Department for City Council approval of � upgrading the intersection of Covnty Road 73 and County Road 5. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, �ea; and Mayor MilZer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the January 6, Z976, CounciZ meeting, cont. Page 3. Item: 76-11-R. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolution No. Z134- 76-2478, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING AN ENGINEER'S REPORT ON IMPROVEMENTS OF SECOND STREET SOUTH BETWEEN FIFTH AVENUE SOUTH TO EIGHTH AVENUE SOUTH", be adopted. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor MiZZer, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that ResoZution No. 76-2479, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING AN ENGINEER'S REPORT ON IMPROVEMENTS OF THIRD STREET SOUTH FROM COUNTY ROAD NO. .Z8 TO FIFTH AVENUE SOUTH", be adopted. A poZ1 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried unanirnousZy. Action: Mr. MiZbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, thet Resolution No. 76-2480, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING AN ENGINEER'S REPORT ON THE IMPROVEMENTS OF SECOND STREET SOUTH AND COUNTY ROAD NO. 3, BETWEEN FIFTH AVENUE SOUTH AND SEVENTH A VENUE SOUTH", be adopted. A poZ1 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. �ctzon: Mr. Vassar, moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolution No. - 1333 76-2481, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING AN ENGINEER'S REPORT ON THE IMPROVEMENTS OF SEVENTH AVENUE SOUTH, EIGHTH AVENUE SOUTH AND TENTH AVENUE SOUTH FROM EXCELSIOR SOUTHERLY TO THE EAST-WEST ALLEY", be adopted. A po1l of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. 1�9i1bert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-12-A. Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, to continue to the I333-I348 January 20, 1976, CounciZ meeting, the confirmation of the Mayor's appoint- ments to the West Hennepin Human Services Flanning Board. A poZl of the vote was as fol.Zows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the ir�otion, that the meeting -.Z357 be adjourned. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried vnanimously. ', � _� � Dorothy M. Jo nson, Secre ry to the Counci.Z COUNCILMEN � � � TTES�'� �� �i C. �iC/ ,, �-� A. Mi1ler, Mayor j., . . - . . . _ ' • ' 197b Licer.se Council Approval January 6,. 1976 #71+0 Fas Gas Gasoline station 6�ur►ps, •Cigarzttes, t�Ii.Jc. Vending machines 1��0.00� 1 Q15.00, 1 G�25•00 #1L+1 t�ioore �Jay VEr.ding Co. Vending r,�ach��e l C�10.�'0 �. - Hop�cins Botieling Lanes ._ _ . ' #11�? N;oore Wa�r Vending Coe Cigarettes, t�endi.n� machi.nes 1�'1.0�00, Hopkins Dodge 1 �'15.00. #143 Thomas Air Cond. C�. Install gas bt:r�zPrs #141+ C, 0. CarlsonAir Cor..d. Coo Install gas & oil burners �1/+5 Suburban ;'Auto Elect;ric Vendiiig machine 1@10a00 #Il�b Hoglu•nd Mechanical Cont. Tnc. Tnstal.l gas & oil bu�ers #1.1,.7 Servemation T�riri Cities Iizc o Vex�ding macha.rles 3 Ca?1.O.00, 3 c15o0C, 1 C�2.5o0G, Nai,iona� F'�+ods Mi1k, Cigarettes 2 G�Z2o�0 �`T1�8 Pro�ect P�.tun?-�y*�� Coe Tnco Snstall gas burners �11,.9 I.�rwitz Mec:�anical Inc. Install gas & oil burners �#150 Fal:orny Co � Install gas buY�ners ;f' ��. V�kin� P-icne�r Inco Cigarettes g C12.00, Vends.r.g :nachines 8 Q1Qo(�, Red 0�•�l 5�ores 1� C15oC�, 1� C'2�.00 #15� Viking rioneer. Ir�co Cigaret.te�o �Tending r�achi�es 2_@�OQOOP 1�15a00, Fot�rell Inc 2 Q25,OOm �#a53 Vi.}ri.ng P�.oneer Inc. Cigarettes IIo��kins NurSing Home #15l� Vilting Pioneer Inc. Vending machine 1 C�10a00 Northwestern Bank �155 Viking Pioneer Ince Cigarettes 2 C�12,00 Archies �15b Viking Pioneer Tnco Ciga.ei�t�s 2@l� v009 VencL'u•i� *�ach�nes 2@10.00 Henn Co. H�y Dea� #157 �ain Ci�y Ivovelty Pa�l tables, I�echanical amuser.:ent devices 3�60.00 Hopkins �iouse � �f1;�3 Honeys�ell Foad establishment, Vendir.; machines 5�'10s00 #159 Void #1fi0 Ro7_lin B, Ciii.ld Vendi.ng mach�ns 1 C�?10.00 0 t � . . .. ...-- ... . .. . .. _: . ..e. . . .... _. .. ..... 1976 License -� #7.b1 Unc"le John's Pancake 'riouse #16? Yale Inc. #163.R. E. Fritz Coo,. liopkins House #161� i�+ar�k'�y Plumbing �1F5 it�psi Cola Bottlin� Co. . . Ho��t171S Bo���lirig Lanes #16t� Pepsi Cc,la IIottling Coo Henne Co. Hs�� Dept #167 F3erghorst Fiumb, & "r'.eat. #1G8 7.'emperature Contro?�Tnc. #lb9 Preferx•ed Sheet rietal Inco #1970 Re� Door Inco #171 Royal Plumbing & Heating �172 Dorni.no's Pizza #�17j ►�;m. P4c Cay Petroleum Fuels Inc �#171� ;3. P, 0. E�_ks ��227_l #175 Geo Sedgwicic Heat. &; Air Cond. #176 R. E. Fritz Ver�d. Ir.co C P T Corp #177 �� E, Fritz Vendo Inc. Mc Liqco Inc� #178 Suburban Chevrolet #179 Hopk:ins 8purette Council R�proval. January 69 1976 Restaurant, �"i.lk, Vending•�machine 1 �10�00, Cigarettes lnstall g�.s. & oil burners Cigarettes 5 C12o00, Vending machine 1 C�'1.Qo00 Ins�al� gas & oil b�.rners Vending machine 1 �10000 Vencli.ng machine 1 �10v00 Inst.a�l �as & oil burners Install �as burners - Install gas & oil bu��ners On Sale (�on Intoxciating A",alt Liquor, �.eS�.at1T'F::21'ty Mi1k, Cigarettes, Juk� Box Inst�all gas burners � Transfer of License #62 {Restaurant-softi dr.inks) G3S01.111P 1 pump (adjustm�nt of :liccnse na.. 3?- Bulk plant, gasoline 12 pumps) Res�taurant, PZilk, Tnstall gas burners Cigarettesr t►ending machine 1 @10.00 Cigar�ties Gasoline ptur,p Gasolir:e sta�ion l� pumps, Groceries } t�Zilk Self Service . Note: Ringo 1'ermit Jan Feb March fo.r kni�hLs of Columbus .. -:;. �. _ _ _ . . . . ,� ,.. 14'�'6 License Council Approval January . 6, 19�6 #lb'0 BroVnie's Block House On Sale Non Ii�toxicating Malt Lie�uar� Off Sale I�on . Intoxicating I��alt Liquor �3.t�i B& G Serv� ce' Vending ma.chines 2 Q10.�J0, Cigarettes #1£s2 C�onstroms Heat. & Air Cond. Inc e Insta�_1 gas & oil btsners ,�183 I�Iill City Heating &�'�ir Conc� Co Install gas & oil burners �1g1� Blue Flame Contractors Ins#,all �ss & oil burners #1�5 1+g20 Investments Vend�ng machine 1@1Qo00 at Cree!�•rood F�iat;es _ #18G �.$20 Investments �Tending machine 1 @10aG0 Rose Confectio:�s �187 S�aa�r�al Co�trol. Inco Install gas & oil burners 0 Q CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2475 RESOLUTION DECLARING MAY 1, 1976 AS HOPKINS TOWN MEETING DAY WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the City of Hopkins to promote unity and harmony among its citizens; and WHEREAS, engaging creative participation of community residents is essential for the functioning of democracy; and WHEREAS, the nation will soon be celebrating the American Bicentennial; and WHEREAS, historically, town meetings were used to hear citizens' concerns and enable their involvement in shaping the community's future; and WHEREAS, the Hopkins, Eden Prairie, Minnetonka League of Women Voters is sponsoring a one day community gathering; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that May 1, 1976 is hereby designated HOPKINS TOWN MEETING DAY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my;,hand this 6th day of January, 1976. �-� % � � rl �'� ?�L � ����� Mayor of Hopkins (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF BIDS FOR ONE (1) STUMP CUTTER SEALED BIDS will be received by the City Manager at the City Hall, Hopkins, Minnesota, until Monday, January 5, 1976, at 10:00 A.M., and then and there opened and publicly read and as soon as possible there- after, award of a contract will be made by the City for the furnishing of ONE (1) STUMP CUTTER, as per specifications. All bids shall be on the proposal form supplied by the City and shall be in accordance with specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer, copies of which are available from the City Engineer upon request, and shall be accompanied by cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check, payable to the order of the City of Hopkins for ten (_10�) percent of the bid. Bids shall be directed to the City Manager, securely sealed and endorsed upon the outside wrapper with a brief state- ment as to the unit for which the bid is made. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and accept those items bid,which are the most beneficial to the City. CITY OF HOPKINS Published in the HOPKINS SUN, December 10, 1975. �-� � ��� . Cotton, City Manager , • - (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF BIDS FOR ONE (1) STUMP CUTTER SEALED BIDS will be received by the City Manager at the City Hall, Hopkins, Minnesota, until Monday, December 1, 1975, at 10:00 A.M., and then and there opened and publicly read and as soon as possible there- after, award of a contract will be made by the City for the furnishing of ONE (1) STUMP CUTTER, as per specifications. All bids shall be on the proposal form supplied by the City and shall be in accordance with specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer, copies of which are available from the City Engineer upon request, and shall be accompanied by cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check, payable to the order of the City of Hopkins for ten (10�) percent of the bid. Bids shall be directed to the City Manager, securely sealed and endorsed upon the outside wrapper with a brief state- ment as to the unit for which the bid is made. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and accept those items bid which are the most beneficial to the City. CITY OF HOPKINS �_�� P. G. Cotton, City Manager Published in the HOPKINS SUN, November 12, 1975 TABUI,ATION OF BIDS FOR STU.� CUTTER Bids Open�d January 5, 1976 10:00 A.M. Two bids were received: VEkMEER SAL'ES & SERVIC� Burnsvill',e, Mn. Less if paid in 20 days VERMEER SAI�ES & SERVICE AI E West Salem, Wisconsin • $ 4,673.00 232.65 $ 4,440.35 $ 5,565.00 c It is the recommendation of the Public Works DEpartment that the low bid of Vermee-r Sales & Service of Burnsville, Mn. be aacepted. ;. ^ _ � ���-��� Everett E. Beecher Public Works Operations Dir. 0 CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2474 RESOLUTION APPROVING SPENDING OF STATE AID FUNAS FOR IMPROVING TFIE INTERSECTIONS OF lITH AVENUE SOUTH AND SECOND STREET SOUTH IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS. WHEREAS, Second Street South in the City of Hopkins has been designated as County State Aid Highway No. 3, and WHEREAS, 1Zth Avenue South in the City of Hopkins has been designated as Municipal State Aid Street No. 346, and WHEREAS, the City of Hopkins and the County of Hennepin did enter into an agreement, Agreement No. PW Z4-01-73, to improve the intersection of these streets under Hennepin County Project No. 7169. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Hopkins requests permission of the Corrnnissioner of Highways to spend Municipal State Aid Funds in the amount of $6,687.84, for this project. Passed and adopted by the Cou.�ci1 of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, at a reguZar meeting heZd the 6th day of January, 1976. HAROLD E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2476 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE FEDERAL GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND. WHEREAS, the Federal Government has estab.Zished the Revenue Sharing Program to return tax money to the Zocal 1eve1 where it can be used most efficiently in programs designed to meet .Zocal needs, and WHEREAS, the Cities of Minnesota must meet an ever increasing demand for service, and WHEREAS, the Cities of Minnesota are Zimited by 1aw to a six percent (6i) annual tax increase, and WHEREAS, the cost of delivery of service has increased at a rate greater than six percent (6i) annually, and WHEREAS, without the $73,622.00, in revenue sharing funds which the City of Hopkins received in 1975, service would have been reduced considerably, particularly in the area of Public Safety. N06�7 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the Congress of the United States approve the extension of the Federal General Revenue Sharin g Program. Passed and adopted by the Qouncil of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, at a regular meeting held the 6th day of January 1976. HAROLD E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JQSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney � JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2477 A RESOLUTION ADDRESSED TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IN RESPECT TO THE NAYSMITH- TOWNSEND RESIDENCE HALL FOR NURSES AT THE GLEN LAKE SANITARIUM WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners did approve the eventual demolition of the Naysmith-Townsend Residence Hall for nurses at the Glen Lake Sanitarium Complex, and WHEREAS, The City Council has been informed that it has been determined by certain studies that said building is structurally sound and in good condition, and WHEREAS, the City Council verily believes that said building represents a potentially viable site for the location of various state, county, or local programs and services, and WHEREAS, the City Council further believes that proper consideration of the merits of such building was not given by the County Board of Commissioners prior to its decision to approve of the demolition of such building and the City Council deems it thorough and in the public interest and for a public purpose to request the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners to reconsider the demolition of said building: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS THAT the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners be and hereby are urged to reconsider their approval of the demolition of such building and further urges the Board to make additional studies in respect to the potential use of such building and directs the City Staff to assist the County in such studies. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins this 6th day of January, 1976. CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0.�6-2478 A RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF ENGINEER'S REPORT ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS it is ordered by the City Council that consideration be given to the improvement of Second Street South between Fifth AVenue South to Eighth AVenue South by the installation of,storm sewer, curb and gutter, parking lots and street surfacing thereon and the assessment of benefitting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the proposed improvement be referred to John Strojan, City Engineer, for study and he is instructed to report with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvements are feasible and as to whether they should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvements as recommended. -. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 6th day of January, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. �6-2479 A RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF ENGINEER'S REPORT ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS it is ordered by the City Council that consideration be given to Third Street South from County Road No. 18 to Fifth Avenue South by the installation of storm sewers, curb and gutter and street surfacing thereon and the assessment of benefitting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the proposed improvement be referred to John Strojan, City Engineer, for study and he is instructed to report with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvements are feasible and as to whether they should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvements as recommended. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 6th day of January, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, JERFtE MILLER, City Clerk Mayor JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney e CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2480 A RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF ENGINEER'S REPORT ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS it is ordered by the City Council that consideration be given to Second Street South and County Road No. 3 between Fifth Avenue South and Seventh Avenue South by the installation of storm sewers and street repair thereon and the assessment of benefitting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the proposed improvement be referred to John Strojan, City Engineer, for study and he is instructed to report with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvements are feasible and as to whether they should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvements as recommended. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 6th day of January, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2481 A RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF ENGINEER'S REPORT ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS it is ordered by the City Council that consideration be given to the improvement of Seventh Avenue South, Eighth Avenue South, and Tenth Avenue South from Excelsior southerly to the east-west alley by the reconstruction of the streets thereon and the assessment of benefitting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the proposed improvement be referred to John Strojan, City Engineer, for study and he is instructed to report with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvements are feasible and as to whether they should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvements as recommended. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 6th day of January, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE MILLER, Mayor A special meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota was held on Tuesday, January 13, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall. Present were Mayor Mi11er, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, Slaton and Vassar, also City Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan and City Planner Ha��ks. Ree1 192 Si de 1 Acti on : After a lengthy discussion of the amendments to the proposed Zoning Ordinance prepared by Mr. Hawks, Mr. McDonald, moved, and Mr. MiZ:oert seconded the motion, to continue further discussion of this Ordinance to Tuesday, January 20, 1976, at 6:00 p.m. P�otion carried unanimously. 1 ` i �1�� •� '"�,� l ��� � A. Miller, Mayor ` �./( �C�LA. Dorothy M. J COUNCI LMEIJ : , Sec�et�r� to the Council A special rr�eeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, January 20, 1976, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall. This meeting was a continuation of the special meeting of January I3, 1976. Present were Mayor Miller, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, Slaton and Vassar, also City Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan and City Planner Hawks. Reel 192 Fvrther discussion of the proposed Zoning Ordinance and Map was discussed Side 2 in detail, and with full approval of the CounciZ it was decided to hold a PubZic Hearing on the proposed Ordinance and Map on March 9, I976. The meetinq was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. A I; � �� 1 /v_�i/ i Z � li �C re A. Mi1.Zer, Mayor Dorothy M. Jghrison, Sec e ary to the Council r•n�N : d��.� ��� ���,,,�€^� ��� � A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, M innesota, was held on: Tuesday, January 20, 1976, in the Council Chambers, starting at 8:30 p.m. Present were Mayor MiZ1er, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert and Slaton, also City Manager Cotton, City C1erk Richardson, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Operations Director Beecher and City Attorney Vesely. A]�sent: Councilman Vassar and Building Inspector Kohnen. Reel 191 Mr. McDonaZd moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the two items Side 2 under the CONSENT CALEPJDAR, be approved. 1-2 1. Minutes of the January 6, 1976, Council meeting and the Special Meeting of January 13, 1976. 2. Additional 1976 license applications. (See list attached) A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * Action: ��r. McUonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that expenditures 2-13 dated January 20, Z976, under Warrant ��o. 465, in the amount of $123,061.72, be approved an d,.authorized for payment. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. tr'�e Item: 76-10-R. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion,��at.Councilapprove/ 13- request from the Minnesota Highway Department for the City's participa- tion in the cost of upgrading pedestrian indications and signal co- ordination equipment at the intersection of State Hiqhway #7 and 5th Avenue. A po1l of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert y:ea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi1ler, yea. Motion carried un- animously. Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the mo�tion, to request the -312 Minnesota State Hi ghway Department for"No Ri ght Turns�� on red off_of No. 7 in their upgrading of the signals on Highway 1Vo. 7. A po11 or of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanim.ously. Item: 76-11-R. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolution 312- No. 76-2483, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING 01V PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS OF SECOND STRBET SOUTH BETWEEIV FIFTH AVENUE SOUTH TO EIGHTH AVENUE SOUTH", be adopted. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. .McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un- animously. Item: 76-11-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton, seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 76-2484, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARIIJG ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS OF THIRD STREET SOUTH FROM COUNTY ROAD NO. 18 TO FIFTH AVENUE SOUTII" , be adopted. A po11 of the vote was as folZows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un- animousZy. Item: 76-11-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton, seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 76- 2485, "A 12;^,SOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPRO�MENTS OF SECOND STREET SOUTH AND COU�VTY ROAD NO. 3, BETWEEN FIFTH AVENUE SOUTH AND SEVENTH AVEI�UE SOUTH", be adopted. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor MiZ1er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-11-R. Dr. SZaton, moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolution -412 PIo. 76-2486, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ON SEVENTH AVENUE SDUTH, EIGHTH AVENUE SOUTH AND Tr,1VTH AVENUE SOUTH FROM �XCELSIOR SOUTHERLY TO THE EAST-i�EST ALLEY", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as fol2ows: Mr. McDonald, yea. Mr. MiZbert, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-13-R. Mr. 1�IiZbert moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Resolution 412-430 No. 76-2482, "A RESOLUTION DESIGl1ATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO THE SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY", be adopted and that Mayor Miller be desig- nated Director and John Strojan Alternate Director from the City of Hopk.zns. A po1Z of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and h9ayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously � � Minutes of the January 20, 1976, Council meeting, cont. Page 2. Item: 76-14-D. Discussion on sidewalk snow rerr�oval. No formaZ action taken. 430-500 Item: 76-12-A. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Council 500-5I6 approve the Mayor's appointment of Mrs. Virginia MiZ1er and Mrs. June Barron,(subject to Mrs. Barron's approval of her appointrr�ent) to the West Hennepin Human Services Planning Board. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. r9ilbert moved, an d Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the meeting -528 be adjourned. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. �/Dorot_►2y M. /J,bhnson; Sec�`etary to the Council % CI N : 1� �. ��^, ' � 1 -•• % �2 � (S�/�tJ � l .� �� ;I'� ---�'�- �-�-�' °�-- _ _. � 1976 License #186 �ed�cated Movies #189 Bowler Co. #190 B K Vending Co. Inc. Bull Pen #191 H. Conrad Mfg. Co. � #192 Standard Oil-Amoco Oil Co. #]:93 Hopkins Car Wash �19k T. D. Gustafson Co. #195 Allen Christy - Knollwood Tvwers W #19�5 Allen Christy Knollwood Towers #197.Allen Christy Cambridge Towers #19g Hopkins Center Drug #199 INterstate United Corp White Motor #200 Hopkins Dodge #201 Carlson Store Fixture Co. �202 Outdoorsman Inc. #203 Citywide Plumbing & Heat, Corp. #20J� Boulevard Sheet Metal & Htg Co. Council Approval January 20, 1976 Movie theatre{capacity 50) Vending machine l�10.00 Tnstall as burners � � Mechanical Amusement Devices 5. C�60.00� Juke Box � l� Hemote hookup Install gas �urners - , Bulk Storage Car jdash, Gasoline 1� pumps, Vending machines 2@10.00,�� 1 C�15o00, Cigarettes � Ynstall gas burners Cigarettes Cigarettes Cigarel:tes Restaruant, Cigarettes, Milk Cigarettes k Q12.00, Vending machines 13 Q10.00, 9 c�15.00, 3 c�zz5.00 � Class A Motor Vehicle Install gas burners Vending machine 1 C�10.00 Install gas burners Install gas burners CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Hopkins will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on Tuesday March 2nd, 1976, to consider the making of an improvement on Third Street South from County Highway No. 18 to Fifth Avenue South by the installation of storm sewer, curb and gutter and street construction thereon pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is the Chicago Northwestern Railroad right of way in the Southwest Quarter (SW�a) of Section 24, Township 117, Range 22; Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right of way in the Southwest Quarter (SW�a) of Section 24, Township 117, RAnge 22 and the Northwest Quarter (NWa) of Section 25, Township 117, RAnge 22; Lot 8, Lot 26, Lot 30 and Lot 31; Auditors Subdivision No. 242; Tracts A and B, Registered Land Survey No. 396; Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 264; Blocks 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 43, 44, 45, 46 and 47, including vacated streets and alleys; all in West Minneapolis. The estimated cost of such improvement is $81,433.80. All persons desiring to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated January 20, 1976 H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney To be published in the HOPKINS SUN, Hopkins, Minnesota on February 18, 1976 and February 25, 1976. CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO WfiOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Hopkins will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on Tuesday, March 2nd, 1976, to consider the making of an improvement on Seventh Avenue South, Eighth Avenue South and Tenth Avenue South from Excelsior Avenue southerly to east-west alley by the reconstruction of the streets thereon pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is Lots 1 thru 6, inclusive, Block 2; Lots 1 thru 6, inclusive, Block 3; Lots 1 thru 6, inclusive, Block 4; Lots 1 thru 6, inclusive, Block 5; Lots 1 thru 6, Block 6; all in West Minneapolis. The estimated cost of such improvement is $18,056.35. All persons desiring to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated January 20, 1976 H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney To be published in the HOPKINS SUN, Hopkins, Minnesota, on February 18, 1976 and February 25, 1976. 0 CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Hopkins will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on March 2nd, 1976, to consider the making of an improvement on Second Street South between Fifth Avenue South to Eighth Avenue South by the installation of storm sewer, curb and gutter, parking lots and street repair thereon pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is Lots 10 thru 20, inclusive, Block 1; Lots 19 thru 29, inclusive, Block 2; Lots 21 thru 31, inclusive, Block 3; all in West MInneapolis. The estimated cost of such improvements is $58,859.30. Al1 persons desiring to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated January 20, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Clerk City Attorney To be published in the HOPKINS SUN, Hopkins, Minnesota on February 18, 1976 and February 25, 1976. CITY OF HOPKINS Henneoin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2483 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING FOR HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 76-2478 of the Council adopted January 6, 1976, a report has been prepared by John Strojan, City Engineer, with reference to the improvement of Second Street South between Fifth Avenue South to Eighth Avenue South by the installation of storm sewer, curb and gutter, parking lots and street surfacing thereon and this report was received by the Council on January 20th, 1976. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Hopkins, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such streets in accordance with the report and the assessment of Lots 10 thru 20, inclusive, Block 1; Lots 19 thru 29, inclusive, Block 2; Lots 21 thru 31, inclusive, Block 3; all in West Minneapolis for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended, at an estimated total cost of the improvement $58,859.30. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 2nd day of March, 1976, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at :. 7:30 o'clock P.M., and the Clerk shall give published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Hopkins, Minnesota, this 20th day of January, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE MILLER, Mayor � CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2484 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING FOR HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 76-2479 of the Council adopted January 6th, 1976, a report has been prepared by John Strojan, City Engineer, with reference to Third Street South from County Highway No. 18 to 5th AVenue South by the installation of Storm sewer, curb and gutter and street construction thereon and this report was received by the Council on January 20, 1976. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of Hopkins, Minnesota, as follow: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such street in accordance with the report and the assessment of Chicago Northwestern Railroad right of way in Southwest Quarter (SW�) of Section 24, Township 117, RAnge 22; Chicago Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right of way in the Southwest Quarter (SW�a) of Section 24, Township 117, Range 22 and the Northwest Quarter (NW�a) of Section 25, Township 117, RAnge 22; Lot 8, Lot 26, Lot 30 and Lot 31; Auditors Subdivision No. 242; Tracts A and B, REgistered Land Survey No. 396; Tract A, REgistered Land Survey No. 264; Blocks 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 43, 44, 45 46 and 47, including vacated streets and alleys; all in West Minneapolis, for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., SEcs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $81,433.80. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 2nd day of March, 1976 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and the Clerk shall give published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 20th day of January, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk � JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2486 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING FOR HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 76-2481 of the Council adopted January 6, 1976, a report has been prepared by John Strojan, City Engineer, with reference to the improvement of Seventh Avenue South, Eighth Avenue South, Tenth Avenue South from Excelsior Avenue southerly to the .east-west alley by the reconstruction of the streets thereon and this report was received by the Council on January 20th, 1976. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Hopkins, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such streets in accordance with the report and the assessment of Lots 1 thru 6, inclusive, Block 2; Lots 1 thru 6, inclusive, Block 3; Lots 1 thru 6, inclusive, Block 4; Lots 1 thru 6, inclusive, Block 5; Lots 1 thru 6, inclusive, Block 6; all in West Minneapolis for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended, at an estimated total cost of the improvements of $18,056.35. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 2nd day of March, 1976, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and the Clerk shall give published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 20th day of January, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, JERRE MILLER, City Clerk Mayor JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney CITY OF HOPKIl�S � Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2482 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of xoPxr�vs � , Minnesota, as follows : JERRE A. MriiGx is hereby -` designated as a director of the Suburban Rate Authority, and JOHN J. STROJAN is hereby desig- nated to serve as alternate director of the Suburban Rate Authority for the year 1976 and until their successors are appointed. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS. ) � CITY OF HOPxINs ) . I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the City of HOPKINS ` hereby certify that the attached and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the City Council �of CITY OF HOPKI:VS dt its meeting On JANUARY 20, , 1976 , as the same is recorded in the minutes of the meeting of such council for said date, on file and of record in my office. Dated this 22nd day of January , 1976. . . . %��, �,�L<%Gl�i» � . . , - , City Clerk H. E. Ri chardson �SEAL� . Cltx Of HOPKINS - A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, Febzuary 3, I976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Ha1Z. Present were Mayor Miller, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, Slaton and Vassar, also City Manager Cotton, City C1erk Richardson, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Operations Director Beecher, Building Inspector Kohnen and City Attorney Vesely. Reel I93 P9r. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the two (2) Side 1 items under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved: 1-6 I. Minutes of the Special CounciZ meeting of January 20, 1976, and the Regular Council meeting of January 20, 1976. 2. Additional 1976 license applications: ROUSE MECHANICAL, INC., to install gas burners; NAPCO (Judith A. 6�liZliams) Cafeteria; GJENDY'S, Restaurant, lhilk Vending Machine. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously, * * * * * * * * * * Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the expenditures 6-32 dated February .3, 1976, under Warrant No. 466, in the amount of $104,950.92, be approved and authorized for payment. A poll of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. l9cDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the request from 32-Z19 A11ied BZacktop for approval of partial payrnent for Seal Coating be referred to the City Attorney for a 1ega1 opinion as to whether a partial payment should be made,and if so, if it would take away any of our 1ega1 rights with regard to repairs being made to bring the seal coat up to passing inspection by staff. Also.staff should obtain a written commitment from AZZied Blacktop that satisfactory work will be done. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-15-A. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the request I19-228 from the respresentatives of the West Suburban Chamber of Commerce for Council approval of a Joint Powers Agreement between the Cities of Minnetonka, St. Louis Park and Hopkins, in forming a Crime Prevention Committee, be referred to the Police Chief and Police Department for their study and proposals. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-23-Z. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the 228-948 recommendation from Zoning and Planning for Council approval of the con- cept plan to upgrade Blake Road North from E�ccelsior Avenue to Highway No. 7, with the inclusion of "U" turns and pathways, be continued to the meeting of February 17, 1976. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor MiZZer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. vltem: 76-25-A. Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton, seconded the motion, that Council 948- approve the Community Development Citizens Committee Report, dated 1-29-76. A po1.Z of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea . Motion carried unanimous.Zy. Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Uassar seconded the motion, that HRA give the _ 1376 Council a financial report in understandable language re funds alZocated;:and release to the Community De,?�eloprreent Committee t_he sum of $16,000 for interest, or this sum be taken from the Genera.Z Fun d.A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the Council meeting of February 3, 1976, cont. Page 2. Item: 76-20-A. Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the Mayor's 1376-1380 appointment of the folZowing peopZe to the Hopkins Community Development Citizens Committee be approved: Richard Klingen, John Garnaas and Paul Lund. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-16-A. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Council Z380-1409 authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign Agreement between the City of Minnetonka and the Citz� of Hopkins relating to construction of Dominick Drive (Ilth Street South). A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-17-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the request 1409-1422 from Russell and Kenneth Zakariasen for Council approval of transfer of Special Assessments on Parcel 9575 to other said parcels owned by them, be granted. A po11 of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-18-A. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Council 1422-15Z2 approve the Joint Powers Agreement to establish the Hennepin County CriminaZ Justice CounciZ and provide for appointment of rr�embers as set forth in the attached document, and also the Mayor and City Clerk to sign same. A po11 of t�e vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-19-R. Mayor Mi1.Zer moved, and Mr. MiZbert seconded the motion, that the request Z512-1533 from . residents of Harrison Avenue South re: the intersection of Harrison Avenue with Excelsior Avenue, be referred to the Police Depart- rnent for a traffic study of this intersection. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-20-A. Mr.Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the request .Z533- from Fire Marshal, Hvgh Strawn, for establishing Fire Lanes at the Hopkins Lanes and Hopkins Theatre, as shown on attached map, be approved. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-21-A. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the request -Z643 from Fire Marshal, Hugh Strawn, for establishing Fire Lanes at the Pines Trailer Court and at the City Townhouses on 20th Avenue South, as shown on attached map, be approved. A poll of the vote was as folZows: Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-24-R. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the Mayor 1543 to end be authorized to sicrn the six copies of Exhibit A& C, dated 12-3Z-75, of tape. from Northern States Power Company, showing overhead and underground street Iighting system covered under our existing lighting contract of 1-15-72, and affix the City Sea1 to same. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. A�otion carried unanirnousla. Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the meeting. be adjourned. A po11 of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer , yea. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the February 3, 1976, Council meeting, cont. , �..� . ATTE T : ,� � �.,� �j'L �� � 1� f rre A. Miller, Mayor Pa ge 3 . `��` . Doroth� M. Jo on, Sec et�ry to the Council C- CI EN: V I ( , ',�.�.�� - )` ��-���-� , ,, � i''� � ` - � .,, � � �r. �r G -- �.,L- ,�� '�� . ��- T0: Peter Cotton, City Manager FF�M: Hugh Strawn, Fire �larshal RE: Fire Lanes January 29� 1976 The Pines: I am requesting Fire La.nes be designated in the areas indicated on the attached map. The marked areas are too narrow to permit an eight foot wide fire engine to pass through if any cars are parked there. The areas irxlicated are mostly on corners where the fire truck requires a rather wide axea in which to complete the turn. Cars parked in these area would either close the street entirely to the fire trucks or would require the driver to back up, turn a little� pull ahead, back up again� etc. That would waste precious time in a fire emergency. The situation is compounded in the winter by the snow which accumulates ar� makes the streets even narrower. City Townhouse project: I am requesting Fire Lane be d�signated in the area indicated on the attached map. The driveway is easily restricted by cars parking in this area. It is difficult for a fire truck to make the turn into the townhouse parking lot if cars are parked along this area. On one occasion when I checked for congestion in this lot I found it diff icult to even get my personal car� a Maverick, into the lot due to parking on this south curb. Hopkins Lanes: The area marked on the map is directly adjacent to the main entrances to both the bowling alley and the Yellow Subma.rine night c1ub. During t he busy hours cars pull in around this area in effect cutting off the exit ways from the building to the pa rking lot, The club's manager has requested a Fire Lane designation because of the possibility of people being trapped there in an emergency. When the cars are parked arourgl these doors the acce�sibility to emergency equipment and personnel is also limited. Hopkins Theatre parking lot: This lot is painted with yellow lines indicating where people should park. The lines form a wide lane running from north to south roughly adjacent to the area indicated on my map. In the summer peopl�e can see the lines and usually park where they are suppose to. But in the winter the lines are covered with snow and people park in an unorganized manner. The lane running from north to south ceases to exist and access for emergency vehicles is cut off. Fire Department operations would be hampered if this lane was not available to us in a fire emergency either at the theatre itself or in the parking lot. �: 5� � e J����' , �xc�is��,. � .XX = ��r� �� e 1 L ��`� ���� Sc s �. o . l2� . � 3 jC33 � fC1S �IC"7 ��� s�. I � G � /�� s��o roZ � � ���` �`�' � ���� ��i� �� �r1�l��t ��� �N � ____ �'��c. � � 6S� ��� f �. � . . . . . . . .. . . .- ., . . . . � _.� ` . .."_ __ .... _�_ � . ". '� . . . . . . ,_ .. s �� S E C 0 N D ACR�:F..PtENT TO AP11;ND AND TRANSPER CERTAIN SPI,CIAL ASSfSSM1?NTS AND LEVIES PF.R'fArNING TO ANll AFI�I:CTING CCRTATN LAN�S IN TIIE NORTH HALF OP 1'HE NORTIIWEST QUARTI:R OP SLCTION 19, TUWNSHIY ll7, RANGG 21, KNO[•!N AS IIOMIiDALE NURSERY THIS ACRF.EPtL'N'P m�de this 2nd day of January, 1976, by and between 3tllSSELL H. ZAKARIASGN and 1CFNNF,TH L. ZAKARIAS[:N, Co-Partners, doin,g business as HOMEllALE NUP.SERY, par.ly of the iirst-parC, herei.nafter reterxed to as OI,iNE2S, , and CITY OF HOPKINS, party of tlie second part, hereinafter referred to as CITY: IaITNES SET}l : bIkILREAS, The party of the first part is the sole owner of certain lands located in the City of Hopkins, Hennepin County, MinnesoL-a, and described as: 7iiat part of Che North flalf of the Northwest Quarter of Section 19, Township ].17, Range 21 designated on the records c�f the Hennepin County Administration as Parcel No. ' 9563 of P]at �o. 36919; and, WH�REAS, The above 1_ands are encumbered by certain levies here[ofore made and spread by the City of Fiopkins for the following purposes as follows: Hennepin County Levy No. 1353 Sewers ilennepin County I.e.vy No. SSSS Curb and gutter Heonepin County Levy No. 5561 Water mains d�ennepin County Levy No: 5566 Street construction and bituminous surfacing on Van Buren and Lake Street Northeast and, i+THEREAS, Since May 22, 1975, the County of E{ennepin has acquired for public highway purposes the following additional porti.ons of the above mentioned �� land belonging to the OWNERS, viz: All that part of the following described tract: That part of the North Half of. the Northwest Quar.ter of � Section 19, Townshi_p 7.17, Range 21, West of. the Fifth Principal Pieridian, described as foll.ows: Commencing at a point in the South line of said NorLh HalE distant ' 1214.3 feeC West of the SouCheast cor.ner of said North 3lalf; L-hence at riFlit angLes north fr.om sai.d South linc a distance of. 200 Peet; thence at right,�ngles west a dictance of 277.25 feet more or less to the Easter.l.y right- of-w�y ].i.ne of Che Grea[ NorChern Nailway; thence North- easterly alon� said Gasterly right-of-way line to Che Southerly line of Trunk Iligl�way No. 7 as built and operated across said North Hal.f; Chence 1?asterly along said Southerly line 609.25 f.ect more or l.ess to a point midway betuieen the interseclions of said Southerly line wiCh the East line of said North ❑alf and Che Easter].y right-of-way line of the :�' r 0 Page 2 Great Nortl�ern Railway; thence in a direct line to a point in the Soutti ].inc �f said Nortli Il�lf wl�ich is 81.0 feet d'istant measured West on said South line from the South- east corner ther.eof; thence West along said South line to poi.nt of begi_nning, excepC Lhat part t�ken for highway, which lies Westerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 50.0 f.eet Easterly ot the [oll.owing described ].ine: Beginning at the Nor.thwest corner of said NorthwesL- Quarter; thence run easterl.y along the North line of said Quarter for. a distance of 1015.93 fcet; thenc.e deflect right at an anglc of 96 degrees 15 minu�es 17_ seconds for a distance of 11.62.603 feeL; thence deflect right at an angle oF 15 degrees 28 mi.nutes 59 seconds for a disCance of 489.45 feet; thence detlect left at an an�le of 90 degrees for a distance of 100.0 feet Co the actual point of beginning of said line to be described; thence deflect le[t at an angle of 90 degrees for a distance of 14.47 feet; chence deflect right along a tangential curve having a radius of 1909.86 feet (delta anglc 16 degrees 00 minutes) for a distance of 533.33 feet; thence Cangent to said curve for a'di.stance of 1.05.31 feet; thence deflect left �long a tangential curve havixig a radius of 1909.86 feet (delta angle 32 degrees 28 minutes 41 seconds) for a distance of 1082.G0 feet and there terminaCing. Togethex'wi.th all right of access being the right of ingress to and egress from that part of the first above described tract not acqui.red herein L'o County State Aid Ilighway No. 18 and State Nighway No. 7. and, WH�REAS, SucJr acquisition by the County oE Hennepin is to be free and clear of al.l encumUrances including the levies hereinabove set forth. NOW, THER�FORE, It is hereby understood and agree.d by and between the OWNERS and the CITY as follows: That the i�npaid levies and incidental ].iens in connection therewith represented by the above levy numbers may be amended by removing whatever portion or portions oE such levics and liens presently encumber the premi-ses acquired by Hennepin County for highway purposes as here.inabove set forth and � described, and by adding the amount or amounCs �hus removed or cancelled from said Hennepin County lands to the remaini.ng porti.on of said Yarcel. 9563 of Plat 36919 aiter the severance therefrom of the above described County highway land. The CiCy oL Hopki.ns and Hennepin County are hereby disected, authorized and empowered by proper action Co amend and transfer the above descr.i.bed levies to that portion of the OW�IERS' pr.esently owned premises which remains after the acquisition by Hennepin County of the porCion hereinabove described. Th� OtiTNEKS her.eby waive any and all. notices, hearings, resolutions and other procedure which might oCherwise be required by Law in connecti.on with the aUove transfer and amendment. IN TESTITIONY 411IG:tF'OP, .7'he parlies herE:to have hernunto set their hands the day a d year aUovc first wri.CCen. C/77'Y I' FIOPKIP7S ' ;. Russcll fl; 7,akariasen and Kenneth L. l %� � Zakariasen, co-partners, do.ino Uusiness b�'- �" �! '� �'� , � __ as HOhtE ALIi NURSEHY " j,,, �.�� �<<�t�,� }�� �CY � ���� i ���. � h• `�i L? iL' �-------- -� b- .._"__. �c�����2'1 b.5R i5sc11. I�. �k. ri y�r� � (� Y �p�__,n �y i� � ��r��Y�_ � t'� E' �. / /i k� .� � 2�. � K�nneth L. 'Laka-�,ty�:en L/ �� A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, February 17, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City HaI1. Present were Mayor Miller, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, and Slaton, also City Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan,Asst. Engineer Anderson, Operations Director, Beecher, Building Inspector Kohnen and City Attorney Vesely. Absent: Councilman Vassar and City Clerk Richardson. Reel I93 Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the two (2) Side 2 items under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved. 4- 8 1. Minutes of the February 3, 1976, Council meeting. 2. Additional 1976 license applications: Kunz Oil Co., B&G SERVICE, 6 Gasoline Pumps. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea,and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. �r * * * * * * * * * Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the expenditures 8-30 under Warrant No. 467, in the amount of $139,860.67, be approved and authorized for payment. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi1ler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-23-Z. Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. SZaton seconded the motion, that the staff 30-763 notify the County about the concerns and anxieties of the Council re their concept plan to upgrade B1ake Road North from Excelsior Avenue to Highway No. 7, based upon the closing of this street for such a length of time and tr�� question raised as to .the safety of "U" turns and that the CounciZ'wi.1l take no formal action on this plan until the County comes to us with a solution to our concerns regarding this plan. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, �ea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton;_ yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. .Motion carried unanimous.Zy. Item: 76-15-A. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the request 763-824 for Council approval of the concept of the Cities of Hopkins. St. Louis Park and Minnetonka, applying for LEAA Funds for additional Crime Prevention efforts through a Joint Powers Agreement, be granted. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-30-A. Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the request 824-1026 by Mr. Guy Patterson of the Shady Oak Liquor Store, located at I1524 County Road #3, Minnetonfia, and Tweed's Service Garage, located at 2001 - 2nd Street South (Shady Oak Road & County Road #3), for annexation to the City of Hopkins, be referred to the Zoning & Planning Commission for their recommendation. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, year; and Mayor MilZer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-19-R. Mr. Milbert rnoved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, to instruct the 1026-1065 staff to install some type of a pedestrian crossing sign a� the inter= section of Harrison Avenue with Excelsior Avenue to help alleviate some of the hazards of pedestrians crossing at this intersection, since the installation of traffic signals at this crossing would cause more of - a hazard for rr►oving traffic as shown in a study made by the Police Department. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert , yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un- animously. Item: 76-26-R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that staff re- I065-1095 draft Resolution tJo. 76-2487, "RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT UPGRADING OF TRUNK HIGHWAY 12 AND DEVELOPMENT OF FAST LINK TRANSIT", and bring back to the Council for adoption at the meeting of March 2, 1976. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton,yea, and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carrie d unanimously. Minutes of the February 17, 1976, Council meeting, cont. Page 2. Item: 76-27-R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolution 1095-1138 No. 76-2488, "RESOLUTION REQUESTING T�E STATE LEGISLATURE TO PUT ANY STADIUM PROPOSAL TO A VOTE OF OUR PEOPLE", as requested by the City of Bloomington, be adopted, but to amend the second paragraph to read "real estate taxes sha11 not be used as part of the finaZ solution". A po1l of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea;. Dr. Slaton, nay; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried. Item: 76-28-P. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. SZaton seconded the motion, that Resolution 1138-1144 No. 76-2490, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING AN ENGINEER'S REPORT ON PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN ON 16TH AVENUE SOUTH FROM STH STREET TO A POINT APPROXIMATELY Z00 FEET SOUTH TO SERVE SPANTEK COMPANY", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. McDonald moved, to approve the request of AZlied Blacktop for partial 1144- payment of their seal coating contract, as recomrnended by the City Attorney. Motion lost for lack of a second. Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, to continue this -1296 item until the March 2, 1976, Council meeting and that the City Engineer come in with a report as to the condition of the streets in question, before releasing these funds. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-29-R. Mr. MiZbert moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Resolution 1296-I317 No. 76-2489, "RESOLUTION PRAYING FOR APPOINTMENT OF HOPKINS CHARTER COMMISSION", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr.McDonald moved, and Z3I7-1324 be adjourned. A poll Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. unanimously. Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the meeting of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; SZaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried ��_.�. � ✓� ` . G � � Dorothy M. �o nson, ec etary to Council �OUNCILMEN: �' � � �2���-�-�2� -, , ,�. ; , � � , r . � -L �� . , �� / �iL'o� .( �L�i�����. CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2488 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE STATE LEGISLATURE TO PUT ANY STADIUM PROPOSAL TO A VOTE OF OUR PEOPLE. WHEREAS, the Minnesota State LegisZature is now considering the stadium issue, and WHEREAS, public officials and citizens alike are concerned that real estate taxes shall not be used as part of the final solution, and WHEREAS, cities throughout the United States have experienced vast cost overruns, hugh operating deficits, and WHEREAS, at the 1oca1 level government enables its citizens to vote by referendum on everything from schools to hockey rinks, to parks, and WHEREAS, we feel strongly that a11 pubZic officials and citizens would Zike to keep the sports organizations in the State of Minnesota, we also feeZ very strongly that the people should be given the opportunity to vote on this item since cases throughout the United States demonstrate that the pubZic wi.Zl bear the burden if our public officials' estimates are incorrect. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Hopkins fuZly supports this resolution requesting the State Legislature to put any stadium proposal to a vote of our people. Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, at a regular meeting heZd the 17th day of February, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS � NN. February 12, 1976 Mr. Peter G. Cotton City Manager Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 Dear Mr. Cotton: On February 12, 1976, the Hopkins City Council ordered a traffic study of the intersection at Harrison and Excelsior Avenue to be made by the police department for the purpose of determining the need for an automatic traffic control device. The department has made a study taking three factors into consideration. They are as follows: 1) Number of traffic accidents at this intersection during the past 3 years. 2) Impact on the residential area south of Excelsior at Harrison Avenue. 3) Effect of such a device on the flow of traffic on Excelsior Blvd. In regard to the accident rate during the past 'three years, there have been a total of 12 accidents at this intersection, or an average accident rate of 4 per year. Of these accidents, 5 were personal injury and 7 were property damage only. Considering the fact that for the past several years the Hopkins motor vehicle accident rate has been in excess of 650 per year, the intersection has a very low rate of incidents. In regard to the impact of an automatic control device on the residential neighborhoods, it is our belief that Harrison Avenue South will become the focal point of all the traffic moving out of the surrounding neighborhoods and onto Excelsior Blvd., thereby creating a volume of traffic on Harrison Avenue that is unacceptable to the persons living on Harrison Avenue South, In regard to Excelsior Avenue itself, the volume of traffic during peak hours at present is such that it is more than merely just conceivable that an automatic traffic control device at Harrison and Excelsior would back up peak traffic all the way back to County Road 3 and Excelsior. This would have two undesirable effects: #1-traffic would be backed up across the railroad tracks, a potentially dangerous and hazardous situation, #2-would further confuse, congest and £oul up the intersection at County Road 3 and County Road 18 at Excelsior Blvd., which is already confused, congested and fouled up almost to the breaking point. The department does not recommend an automatic traffic control device at Harrisan and Excelsior. Sincerely, i�� Donald W. Bentley DWB/blt Lieutenant of Police 1010 FIRBT BTREET BOUTH • HOPKINEt, MINN. • 612�935-8474 CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2490 A RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF ENGINEERS REPORT ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, a petition has been received requesting the improvement on 16th Avenue South, from Fifth Street to a point approximately 100 feet south by the installation of sanitary sewer and water main thereon and the assessment of benefitting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429,111, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the proposed improvement be referred to John Strojan, City Engineer, for study and he is instructed to report with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvements are feasible and as to whether they should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvements as recommended. adopted by the City Council of the C ity of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 17th day of February, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 76-2489 RESOLUTION PRAYING FOR APPOINTMENT OF HOPKINS CHARTER COMMISSION WHEREAS, The City of Hopkins is a Home Rule Charter City pursuant to the Laws of the State of Minnesota; and, WHEREAS, The terms of all previously appointed members of the Hopkins Charter Commission have fully expired and some of the members thereof have changed their residence from the City of Hopkins or died; and, WHEREAS, It is deemed necessary by the City Council of the City of Hopkins that a new Hopkins City Charter Commi.ssion consisting of eleven members be appointed pursuant to Law as set forth in M.S.A. Section 410.05. NOW, THEREFORE, It is hereby Resolved by the City Council of the City of Hopkins that the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District in Hennepin County, Minnesota, in which District the City of Hopkins is located, do appoint a Hopkins Charter Commission consisting of eleven members pursuant to M.S.A. Section 410.05. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council held on February 17, 1976. JERRE A. MILLER Mayor H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was heZd on Tuesday, March 2, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Ha11. Present were l9ayor Mi11er, Councilmen McDonaZd, Milbert, Slaton and Vassar, also City Manager Cotton, City CZerk Richardson, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer, Anderson, Operations Director Beecher, Building Inspector Kohnen and City Attorney Vesely. Reel 194 Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the four (4) Side 1 items under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved: 6- 9 1. Minutes of the February I7, 1976, Council meeting. 2. AdditionaZ 1976 license applications: WHITE BEAR PLUMBING & HEATING CO., InstaZl Gas Burners; KLEVE HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC., Install Gas Burners. 3. Request by Northern States Power Company for permit to install one power pole on the south side of 2nd Street North at a point approximately 600 feet east of Burlington Northern R.R. Tracks,(work necessary as part of Hopkins conversions relating to removal of substation from Justus, County 18 con- struction). 4. Request by Northwestern Be11 Telephone Co., for permit to pZace buried cable on Zst Street South, 145 feet west of Sth Avenue to serve the Andrews Bui Zding. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * � * * * * * Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that expenditures dated 9-89 March 2, Z976, under Warrant No. 468, in the amount of $178,540.16, be approved and authorized for payment. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. HEARINGS: Item: 76-I1-R. Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. SZaton seconded the motion, that 89- Resolution No. 76-2493, "RESOLUTION ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT ON SECOND STREET SOUTH BETWEEN FIFTH AVENUE SOUTH TO EIGHTH AVENUE SOUTH BY THE INSTALLATION OF STORM SEWER, CURB AND GUTTER, PARKING LOTS AND STREET INSTALLATION THEREON", be adopted. A poZ.Z of tlze vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, nay, Mr. Milbert, nay, Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion failed for .Zack of a 4 to 1 vote. Action: Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, to reconsider the above -547 motion. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, nay; Mr. Milbert, yea;: Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carriec, �� Action: Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. SZaton seconded the motion, to continue the above item 547-565 until the March I6th Council meeting and the staff bring in an updated report on these proposed improvements. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, nay; Mr. Milbert, taea; Mr. -�Vassar, yea;-•-Dr.-•-Slaton, yea; and Mayor MilZer, yea. Motion carried . Item: 76-1I-R(2) Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the rr�otion, that Resolution 565-597 No. 76-2494, "RESOLUTION ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT ON THIRD STREET SOUTH FROM COUNTY HIGHWAY 18 TO FIFTH AVENUE SOUTH BY THE INSTALLATION OF STORM SEWER, CURB AND GUTTER AND STREET CONSTRUCTION THEREON", be adopted. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. M otion carried unanimously. Item: 76-I1-R(3) Mr. Vassar rr►oved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the Hearing 597-725 on the proposed improvement on Seventh Avenue South, Eighth Avenue South and Tenth Avenue South from Excelsior Avenue southerly to east-west aZ1ey by the reconstruction of the streets thereon, be continued to the March 16th CounciZ meeting and the staff prepare a report showing �ow � funds wiZl be available to pay for improvements in the adjacent HRA area. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, nay, Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Mi1ler, nay. Motion carried. Minutes of the March 2nd, Council meeting, cont. Page 2. Appearance: Mr. Robert Harriman, Chairman of the Community Development Advisory 725-SZ6 Committee appeared before the CounciZ re: a parking study. Item: 76-31-D. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the City 816-834 Manager be designated as the authorized Executive Director of the Hopkins Community Development Program. A poll of the vote was as :- follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor MiZ.Zer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-26-R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the rr�otion, that the re- 834-843 draft of Resolution No. 2487, "RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT UPGRADING OF TRUNK HIGHWAY Z2 AND DEVELOPMENT OF FAST LINK TRANSIT", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-35-Z. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that ResoZution 843-863 No. 76-2496, "RESOLUTION WAIVING PLATTING REQUIREMENTS TO PERMIT DIVISION OF LEGALLY PLATTED LOT 2, BLOCK 91, WEST MINNEAPOLIS SECOND DIVISION INTO TWO LOTS", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-36-Z. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Resolution 863-874 No. 76-2497, "RESOLUTION WAIVING PLATTING REQUIREMENTS TO PERMIT DIVISION OF LEGALLY PLATTED LOT 1, BLOCK 2, WESTLING'S ADDITION INTO T5�0 LOTS", be adopted, with the condition that the applicant assume the responsibi- Iity and cost of vacating the public utility easements along the side lot line and rr�ke provision for re=spreading of any existing assessments. A poZ1 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-34-Z. Mr. McDona.Zd moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Council 874- approval of an appZication by Rudy Luther for a Conditional Use Permit to operate an open sales lot in the B-3a District subject to the appli- cant complying with the folZowing: a. that the surface drainage and plan is approved by the City Engineer; b. that a physical barrier be constructed aZong the property line to protect the pedestrian-way according to design described as folZows: c. that no trucks over 9000 lbs. g.w. sha11 be parked next to pubZic walk; d. that a.Zl lights shall be mounted and directed such that the direct source shall not be visible from the right-of-way. Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, to amend the previous motion by changing item "b" to read, "something of a physical barrier - no less than 6" high", A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: A poll of the vote on motion as amended was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; -1094 Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the request from 1094-1096 AZlied Blacktop for payment of their seal coating contract be continued to the March I6th Council meeting. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, �ea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-32-R. Dr. SZaton moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Resolution 1096- 76-2491,"RESOLUTION SUPPORTING HF 2143 (CHANGE IN AID FORMULA)", be adopted. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea,: Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the March 2nd, Council meeting, cont. Page 3. Item: 76-33-R. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the rr�otion, that Resolution -1152 No. 76-2492, "RESOLUTION FIXING BOND FOR ON SALE WINE LICENSES", be adopted. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea;. Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea, and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-37-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that upon the II52-1219 recommendation from the City Engineer, Counci.Z authorize the installation of 4- I75 Watt Sodium Vapor Street Lights on 2nd Avenue South, as shown on attached map. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton yea; and Mayor Mi.Zler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. .��_ . Item: 76-38-L. Mr. Milbert moved,�and Mr.Vassar seconded the motion, that Council approve 1219-1232 and authorize the May'or and City Manager to sign the Lease Agreement for Ieasing of Radio Equipment in the Hopkins Police Department for 1976. A po1.Z of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi1.Zer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-40-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 1232-1280 76-2498, "RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF PROPOSED LEGISLATION PERMITTING THE COUNTY TO SELL THAT PORTION OF LANDS NOT NEEDED FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR OTHER THAN PUBLIC PURPOSES", be adopted. A poZ1 of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mayor Mi11er at this time procZaimed March 17th, 1976, as the first Annual Hopkins St. Patrick Parade and Festival Day. Acti on : 1306 Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the meeting be adjourned. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimc������ ATTEST�:i _ ,� -�2�1;� "Lc�DC�� Jerre A. Mi11er, Mayor , .. ;;i CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2487 RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT UPGRADING OF TRUNK HIGHWAY 12 AND DEVELOPMENT OF FAST LINK TRANSIT. WHEREAS, traffic projections for major corridors in the western suburbs exceed current capacities; and WHEREAS, there is a need for highway improvements to increase the capacity of Trunk Highway I2 and other roadways in the area; and WHEREAS, a six-Zane facility within essentially existing right-of-way of Highway 12 is only a vital part of a total transportation solution which must in- clude transit and other hi ghway improvements; and WHEREAS, the design characteristics of freeways can have a substantial negative impact on accessibility to Iand within and adjacent to the corridor; and WHEREAS, new financing options may become available so that sole con- sideration on the development of I-394 proposal is no Ionger the only alternative to consider; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that the problems are the joint concerns of several municipalities, the Metropolitan Transit Commission, the Metropolitan Council, the Transportation Advisory Board, and the Minnesota State LegisZature; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the.City of Hopkins, Minnesota, that; 1. An exclusi.ve transit facility be concurrentZy planned and con- structed along with Trunk Hi ghway 12 in the corridor general2y represented by the Highway 7 alignment and rail lines running northeasterly and southwesterly to and from Minneapolis and with a western suburban terminus. 2. Trunk Highway 12 be (a) either upgraded as part of the Federal Aid Primary System by providing six lanes from I-94 to I-494, or (b) ,'_ : deveZoped to meet the national interstate system by providing such . design features as grade separations, accessibility to present development and provide for accessibili;ty to future developments within the existing alignment; 3. That other state highways.in-the.area be considered for upgrading by the Highway Department in order to increase their safety and capacity for present and anticipated traffic; 4. ShouZd I-394 not be upgraded to national interstate standards that funds be aZlocated to Trunk Highway 12 as a six-lane facility on the Primary System; 5. In any event; the developrraent of a southwest transit line be constructed in.conjunction with the�Trunk Highway facility; 6. That"additionaZ funds to fulfill the foregoing total transportation needs to this area be sought from both the Federal Highway Adminis- tration and the-Urban;Mass Transpor.tation Administration; and 7. The City Council�lends'its support to the several agencies and munici- palities involved in resolving questions of transportation. - � . : I - 2- � i - Passed and adopted by.. the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, at ' ` a regular meeting held`the 2nd day of March 1976. I ;; . - . i '�- 'H. E. RICHARDSON, JERRE A. MILLER, ' - City Clerk Mayor 'i JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney ' � . I r:, j . �I i . I i CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLTUION NO. 76-2492 A RESOLTUION FIXING BOND FOR ON-SALE WINE LICENSES WHEREAS, The City of Hopkins has heretofore enacted Ordinance No. 75-416 permitting the issuance of on-sale wine licenses pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1975, Chapter 345; and, WHEREAS, The said Minnesota Statutes require that a bond in the sum of not less than $3,000.00 nor more than $5,000.00 be posted in connection with any such license; and, WHEREAS, Hopkins has not otherwise definitely fixed the penal sLun of such bond necessary to be filed. NOW, THEREFORE, It is hereby Resolved by the City Council of the City of Hopkins that each applicant for an on-sale wine license applied for and granted in and for the City of Hopkins shall accompany such application with a bond payable as in the Law provided in the sum of $3,000.00, which bond shall be kept in force for the full duration of such license. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council held on March 2, 1976. JERRE A. MILLER Mayor H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2493 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS, a REsolution of the City Council No. 76-2483, adopted the 20th day of January, 1976, fixed a date for a hearing on the proposed improvement of Second Street South between Fifth Avenue South to Eighth Avenue South by the installation of storm sewer, curb and gutter, parking lots, and street repair thereon, the total estimated cost thereof being $58,859.30, and WHEREAS, all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed ! for the making of these improvements were given ten days published notice of the council hearing through two weekly publications of the required notice, and a hearing was held and the property owners heard thereon on the 2nd day of March, 1976 and continued on the 16th day of March, 1976. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Hopkins: 1. Such improvements are hereby ordered as proposed inthe Council Resolution No. 76-2483 adopted January 20, 1976, with the exception of parking construction between 5th and 6th Avenues and to post this area NO PARKING, as adopted by the City Council in this Resolution. 2. That John Strojan, City Engineer, is hereby designated as the Engineer for these improvements and he shall prepare plans and speicifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 2nd day of March, 1976 H. E. RICHARDSON, JERRE MILLER, City Clerk Mayor JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2494 RESOLUTION ORDERiNG IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS, a Resolution of the City Council, No. 76-2484, adopted the 20th day of January, 1976, fixed a date for a hearing on the proposed improvement of Third Street South from County Highway 18 to Fifth Avenue South by the installation of storm sewer, curb and gutter and street cons�ruction thereon, the total estimated cost thereof being $81,433.80, and WHEREAS, all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for the making of these improvements were given ten days published notice of the council hearing through two weekly publications of the required notice, and a hearing was held and the property owners heard thereon on the 2nd day of March, 1976 and continued on the 16th day of March, 1976. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Hopkins: 1. Such improvements are hereby ordered as proposed in the Council Resolution No. 76-2484 adopted January 20th, 1976. 2. That John Strojan, City Engineer, is hereby designated as the Engineer for these improvements and he shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 2nd day of March, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2496 RESOLUTION WAIVING PLATTING REQUIREMENTS TO PERMIT DIVISION OF LEGALLY PLA TTED LOT 2, BLOCK 91, WEST MINNEAPOLIS SECOND DIVISION INTO TWO LOTS. BE IT RESOLVED that the division of Lots Z, 2, and 3, BZock 91, West MinneapoZis Second Division into the following two parcels; (1) Lot 1 and Lot 2, except the South I1 feet thereof, B1ock 91, West Minneapolis Second Division; (2) Lot 3 and the South Z1 feet of Lot 2, B1ock 91, West Minneapolis Second Division; as the same appears upon the Survey, be and the sarrae is hereby accepted and approved and that the platting requirements therefor be and the same are hereby waived. Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, at a regular meeting held the 2nd day of March, 1976. K. E. RICHARDSON, JERRE A. MILLER, City Clerk Mayor JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2497 RESOLUTION WAIVING PLATTING REQUIREMENTS TO PERMIT DIVISION OF LEGALLY PLATTED LOT 1, BLOCK 2, WESTLING'S ADDITION INTO TWO LOTS. BE IT RESOLVED that the division of Lots I and 4, We�tling"s Addition into the following two parcels; (1) The North 75.01 feet of Lot Z, Westling's Addition; (2) Lot 4 and the South 25 feet of Lot I, Westling's Addition; as the same appears upon the Survey, be and the same is herehy accepted and approved and that the platting requirements therefor be and the same are hereby waived. Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, at a regular meetinq held the 2nd day of March I976. H. E:. RICHARDSON, JERRE A. MILLER, City:�Clerk Mayor JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2491 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING HF 2I43 (CHANGE IN AID FORMULA) . WHEREAS, one of the factors included in the Minnesota Local Government Aid FormuZa is popuZation, and WHEREAS, the population that the cvrrent law specifies that must be used is the 1970 Federal Census, and WHEREAS, a more equitable basis would be to change the existing 1aw so that popu.Zation determined by a Federal Census subsequent to 1970 would be required to be used by the Minnesota Department of Revenue in determining each local share of Local Governraent Aid, and WHEREAS, HF 2Z43, if adopted as law, would a11ow the use of the most recent Federal Census in the formula used to calculate Loca1 Government Aid. BE IT, THEREFORE, RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, that it does hereby urge the Minnesota Legislature to adopt HF 2143. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City C1erk is hereby directed to mail copies of this resolution to this cities' representatives in the Minnesota Senate and the Minnesota House of Representatives and to WiZliam Ke11y, Chairman of the House Tax Committee. Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, at a regular meeting held the 2nd day of March Z976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, Ci ty Attorney JER14E A . MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2498 RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF PROPOSED LEGISLATION PERMITTING THE COUNTY TO SELL THAT PORTION OF LANDS NOT NEEDED FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR OTHER THAN PUBLIC PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the County of Hennepin has acquired the Minnesota Department.of Highways Maintenance Station sites Iocated in the City of Hopkins from the State of Minnesota for public purposes with the intention of using most of the land for construction of County State Highway No. 18, Project No. 6742, and a part of said Zand is not needed by the County; and WHEREAS, Senate Fi1e No. 2Z30 has been introduced to the 1976 Legislature which will permit the State of Minnesota to release the public purpose restriction on said land aZZowing the County to sell the unneeded portion for any use; and City. WHEREAS, a copy of said legislation has been presented to the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said legislation is supported by the City Council of Hopkins, Minnesota, with the consideration that the County will notify the City prior to the time the excess property is offered for sa1e. Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, at a regular meeting held the 2nd day of March 1976. H . E . RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor z t ' " , B4740 R`� ' ' - WG 4748 • � � Messrs. Kirchner and Gearty introduced-- ' s. F. xo. 2130: Fc�i:rre� to tye Cc�mittze o� ���RAL RESOUR;�S AND AGRICULTURE 1 A bili for an act 2 relatin4 to state landsi authorizin9 conveyance of 3 certain parcels of land in ►i�nr.epin caunty. 4 BE IT ENRCTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTAS 5 Section 1• [C0IIYEYANCE: OF STA.TE JeAtvDS � HENl7E??N f. . 6 COUNTY OF�] Subdivision 1. The goYeinor, upon 7 recommendation of the conmissioner oE hi9h��ys, may transEer 6 and convey, by quitciain deed in the form the attorney 9 general approves and in the name of the state of Minnesota, 10 to the county of Hennepinr Minnesota, for any purpose, 11 r.otwithstan.'in9 1�innesota Statutes,.5ect±on 161.44, 12 approxinatelY 4.16 acres of�land in Hennepin county that Ss .13 no lon4er needed for trunk hiqhwaY pnrposes for a 14 consideration of one dollar. The deed shall state that the � 15 purpose of the conveyance is to release any rl4hts arisinq , 16 irom the restrictlon in that �ertain qultclaim deed betMeen 17• the state of Minnesota and the county ot Hennepin, dated 18 November 18, 1975, requirinq the cc+unty•of Hennepin to use 39 the land described in subdivision 2 for a puhlic �urpose. 20 Subd. Z. The land authorized to be conVeyed in 21 subdivision 1, is situated in the state of t�tinnesota� county � 22 0! Hennepin and is iurther de'scribed as follows�. 1 � . 0 � H4748 • � • , . � � " .�A 0 ' 1 All of TraCts A and B described belovrt 2 TraCt A. That part of Section 24, TownsAip 117 North, 3 Range 22 t•�est� Hennepin County, !�innesota, described as 4 f0110�5! Beginning at the intcrsection of the northerly 5 line of the ri�ht of �ray of the hinneapolis and St, Louis � 6 Railroad and the east line of Sectioz 24� Township 117 ; 7 2:orth� Range 22 West, said intersection beinq 94702 ieet 8 nor:h of the southeast corner of said Section 24t thence , 9 nortA along the east line of said Section 24 a distance of � • 10 317.5 feet to the intersection of the� easterly line of the ' . 11 ri4ht of a�ay of the Great Northern Railwayl thence , y . 12 southwesterlY aiong the easterly line of the right ot way of �� + 13 the Great 1lorthern Railway 674.6 feet to the northerly l:ne ;. � . � 14 of the right of way of said Minneapolis and St� Louis 15 RailroadJ thence.easterlY along the northerly line of said 16 last nentioned ri5ht of way 481.9 fect�ic the place of _� li beginning; sub�ect to Washinqton Avenue ranning alonq the 18 east line thereoii the title thereto being registered as � 19 evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 33198. 20 Tract 8. That part of Lots 14, 20 and 23, Auditor�s 21 Subdivision No. 242, accoidinq to the plat thereoi on file. 22 and oi record in the office oi the Reqister of Deeds in and 23 for Hennepin County, Minnesota, which lies westeriy of a 24 line run parallel with and distant 100 feet aorthwesterlY of 25 the northv;estezlY Ti9ht of way line of the Huilington 26 Nozthern.In�. (foimerlY the C.reat Northern RailKay Company)= Z� exceptin9 therefrom that part of said Lot 20 lyinq northerly , , 26 of a line run fron the southeast corner of Lot 19, said Z9 Auditoi's SubdiVision No. 242, to tne southwest coiner of ' 30 Lot 21� said Auditor�s Subdivision No. 242� also excepting 31 theiefrom that �art of sald Lots 14 and 20 described as 32 iollowsl Beainning at a point on the southcrly line oi .. wc A�ae i Excelsiar Avcnue at its intersection wlth the rvest ltne of Z said Lot 14� thence south alon4 the k�est line ot said Lot 14 • 3 foi a distance of 240 feetJ ther.ce east a distance of 275 4 feet along a line run parallel.With the soutt�erly Line of 5 ExcPlsior Avenuef thence north alonq a.line run parallel 6 with the west line o! said Lot 14 ta the south line o� Lot 7 17r said additiont thence west along the southerly line of 8 Lots 17, 16 and 15 said addition to �he southwest corner of ' 9 Lot I5� thence north along the west line of said I,ot 15 to 10 the southerlY line of Excelsior Avenuej theaca aest to the 11 point of beqinnin9. • i2 Sec� 2. This act is effectiVe the day following its 13 iinal enactment. u • 3 �' � (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ZONING CHANGES TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Hopkins will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, March 9, 1976 to consider zone district changes in Hopkins. All persons desiring to be heard with reference to the proposed changes will be heard at this meeting. Raymond Kohnen Zoning Administrator Published in the HOPKINS SUN, February 25th and March 3, 1976. :;�• The foZZowing is a rough synopsis of the Public Hearing held by the City Council of the City of Hopkins on the proposed Zoning Ordinance, on Tuesday, March 9, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall. Present were Mayor Miller, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, Slaton and Vassar, also City Manager Cotton, City Clerk Richardson, City Engineer Strojan, Zoning Administrator, Kohnen and City Planner Hawks. Reel 195 MAYOR MILLER - Introductory Statement: Purpose of Hearing to receive comments re: Proposed Zoning Ordinance - does not anticipate final decision at this meeting. Presentation on history of proposed Zoning Ordinance by James Hawks, Planner: Comprehensive Plan - adopted in 1966 - Zoning Ordinance No. 269. Comparison of new with o1d - Conditional Use Permit - applies to a11 requests for new structures, except 2- 3 and 4 family homes and major aZterations. * * * * * * * * The following excerpts are in order of appearance: FELIX PHILLIPS, Atty. (representing Mr. Kaplan of Elmo Park Apartment Homes Inc.) Property Zocated east of the Hopkins House Mote1 and west of Eisen- hower High School. It is now zoned R-4, proposed to be changed to R-3. These I20 units are geared to moderate incomes and to encourage children. Wish to remain as close to the present zoning as possible, otherwise in favor of proposed ordinance. HERB MASON, representing hirres.�lf, Don Hagen and Inland Construction Co., with re: Gerard property Zocated on Highway #7, 1/2 block west of 5th Avenue. (Refer to his letter to the Council regarding the zoning of this property, dated 9-29-75, and included as a matter of record - re: R-4 to R-3 zoning) JAMES SHIRLEY - representinq Gethsemane Lutheran Church - Minnetonka Mills Road - Question: if rezoned from R-3 to R-1a, would this rezoning affect any future additions, etc., what would be the problems? Would there be a need to appZy for a Conditional Use Permit - 3 story building? Wou1d a day care center or nursery be permitted under this new zoning? If not permitted, the Church Council would not be in favor of the proposed ordinance. -1- DR. RON AXEL - IOth Avenue & lst Street North. Purchased property 1� years ago - for a proposed Clinic which was permitted under the R-5 zoning. The new proposed R-3 zoning does not permit this type of construction. He would still like to build a dental clinic on this property and would like the zoning kept as is to permit this use. Because of a"financial crunch" he has not been able to proceed with his proposed plans at the present ti rrae . DR. JAMES SCHWANTES - owns the Car Wash at 19th and Excelsior, which is now zoned B-3b, a permitted use. New ordinance proposes to rezone to B-.Z or.R-3, which he doesn't quite understand, because of this he, at the moment, is against the proposed new Zoning Ordinance. BETTY DONNELLAN - Owns 70 units on the corner of Sth & Excelsior and some efficiency units on 6th Avenue So., now zoned R-5 and R-3. If changed to R-4, would this affect any future remodeling or expansion of these existing buildinqs? 1�2. HAWKS: Under the present zoninq you wouZd not be able to rebuil d, expand, etc. JACK FITZGERALD - from Action Reddi Rents - 1401 W. Excelsior Avenue. Now zoned B-3b. What effect wi1Z the zoning of B-1 or R-3 have on our business. We wish to remain in our present zoning to aZ1ow us to permit our present use. I guess we wi11 have to wait and see how alI of this turns out. DONALD HAGEN - M. B. Hagen ReaZt�, 10I4 Excelsior A ve. �uestion: Does somethinq Zike this proposed ordinance corr�e into being because of a need - does it start with definite goals or a written staten�ent - if so, - is such a document avaiZable? JAMES HAWKS - Yes, the Comprehensi ve PZan. DONALD HAGEN: In checking - it seems to me you probably have more land zoned multiple than you had before - is there a non-conforming use for remortgaging? According to this you are changing the Hi gh Rise at 7th and Exce.Isior from a B-3b and R-5 to R-4. GENE REILLY - An R-4 with a CUP (conditional use permit) 11 stories - 300 ft. from R-1. - 2- ed BOB HARRIINAN - A CUP is need/throughovt - but it may not be legaZ - leaves too much discretion to an advisory committee - no such thing as a non conforming structure - onZy non conforming use - CUP means just what it says - for a tirrie - should be specific. In general - cities will have CUP for everything - is not a guideline at all - DON HAGEN - instead of a CUP - this is too conforming - leave alone - Does Hopkins Plaza meet the new Code? I'm not sure - does it have Certificate of Occupancy? Does it change if owners change - proposed ordinance may limit housing - may be more expensive and may raise costs above what people can pay - I am not in favor of the new proposed ordinance - with a few amendments to the present ordinance it would accompZish the same thing. HERB WOLFE - 1409 Excelsior Blvd. (Father's property) west of Reddi Rents, and east of Harman Glass. If the Railroad cannot expand , then this property is worthless - I think very unfair. AL SCHMEIDEL - My property is located at 21 - 7th Ave. North (50 x 120) - zoned R-5, now to be zoned R-4. How wi11 this change the value of my property? MR. HAWKS:- It doesn't change it - still can be used for the same use - MR. MILBERT - Do you want an honest answer? It will lessen the value. MRS. PLEUF - 46 - 8th Avenue North - zoned from R-5 to R-4. Will this Iessen the value of my property? MR. MILBERT - Yes. ROGER JEWETT - Administrator, Chapel View Nursing Home - 6Z5 Minnetonka Mi11s Rd. - now zoned R-3. What can Nursing Homes be constructed in? MR. HAWKS - They are not permitted in R-1a, they are allowed in R-3, R-4 and R-5. MR. JEWETT - How would this affect any propsed expansion of the facility? MR. HAWKS - It cannot be expanded - if non conforming. MR. JEWETT - Any expansion plans would then be ruled out? MR. HAWKS - Yes. MR. JEWETT - As you know this a fairZy new facility - our long range plans ca11 for -3- MR. JEWETT,cont. - facilities for the.senior citizens - with.this zoning it knocks out aZl our future pZans. This area is surrounded by the sa�e type of build- ings - churches, schools, etc., and is a buffer zone for Highway #7 and the residential area, and I think this zoning is unjust and unfair. Our plans inclvded not only facilities for a Nursing Home but also for a supportive type of care, such as recreational and senior citizens activities. CHARLENE FREED - I Iive at 29 - 7th Avenue North - I would like to ask Mr. Milbert - our property is being changed from R-5 to R-4, and I understand when a developer buys property for High Rises, etc., it is based on the number of uni ts ? MR. MILBERT - Yes, that is correct. _ CHARLENE FREED - If you decrease the density that wouZd decrease the value of my property, is that correct? 1�. MILBERT - that is correct. DALE FESTE - Z417 Cambridge Street - Mayor Miller has stated that the proposed zoning ordinance is for the betterment of the community. According to the people who have spoken regarding this ordinance - it wi1Z decrease their Zand values - I am.afraid I do not go along with it being a betterment for the community if it lowers our land values, therefore, I am opposed to the proposed Zoning Ordinance. HERB WECKMAN - 27 - 8th Avenue North. I own two pieces of property. I originally pur- chased one piece of property north of the tracks (the o1d tin shed) which at that tirr�e was zoned CorrunerciaZ - and I intended to build a new building. Then it was changed to Multiple to accormnodate the apartment house erected north of it - now it is changed from R-5 to R-4. I then purchased a piece of pro- perty across the street south of the railroad tracks. Now Z am inforrned that the zoning is to be B-2, and I would be in the shadow of a parking ramp - MAYOR MILLER - I know of no pZans to build a parkinq ramp at that site - only in design. I see no reason why you could not build on the west side of 8th. TOM TREARROW - I am located in the buildinq at 27 - 8th Avenue North owned by Mr. Weckman- Q� TOM TREARROW,cont. - my business is furniture stripping and I lease from Mr. Weckman. I am in t:�e process of planning to buy this property. If this is rezoned as you pian, then I would be out of business and it would not conform to this proposed zoning. The town needs new businesses to help it grow - it cannot grow if you keep Iimiting the Iimitations because of zoning changes. I have been in business here for four years - its a business I started myself and I Iike Hopkins and I would Zike to build and expand - but if you change the zoninq - which is now multiple - I would take a loss and would be unable to build. We need sma11 businesses - we've had quite a few take over some of the old homes and rr�ake them into business places - especiaZly on 9th. We have too many aparfinents - especially those like the Hopkins Plaza - we don't need apartments like that. I think the MaZl is fine - but you didn't go far enough. A1so, the traffic should be one way on such a busy street - make Ist Street North one way. MARCELLA KRAL - I am here regarding the property on 20th Avenue North and Excelsior whiah has been zoned CommerciaZ for years, even before we came into Hopkins. This used to be in Minnetonka. Now you are zoning it from B-3 to B-1 or.;;R-3. I would Iike to know what the re3son is behind this codinq? I understand that starting on 14th, 15th & Z6th Avenues it is B-1 and R-3. While 16th & 17th and I7th & 18th is B-3. Then you come up to our block and you make it a B-Z and an R-3 again, which Ieaves two blocks in the center they decide to Ieave Commercial or B-3, which is a good commercial zoning - and change the two blocks on either side of it to R-3 or B-I, thus decreasing the value of the property on both sides of those particular blocks. MAYOR MILLER - Is this a corner Iot Miss Kral� MARCELLA KRAL - No, I understand the corner lot is going to be zoned B-4, but has aZways been commercial. Can you explain to me why they take two blocks and make it one thing and the next two blocks make it better and then another two blocks dividing 20th in the center of the block rather than -5- MARCELLA KRAL, cont. the whole block itself? MAYOR MILLER - I am afraid the PZanning Cornmission has been unable to determine the zone and has left it up to us after these hearings. MISS KRAL - The letter that was mailed out specified that it was going to be B-1 or R-3. MAYOR MILLER - The notice was sent to you to encourage you to attend this hearing so that you could express your thoughts. MISS KRAL - I think most of the Councilrrten that are here now, except for one - wer.e here when Mr. Pokorny stated that there would be rezoning - when the Zights on Excelsior were discussed - he said there would be no rezoning in the west end of Hopkins. MAYOR MILLER - I recall that comment - It is my understanding there has been no determination as to your property. Either leave it as it is or change it - that decision was left to the Council - we may make it tonight - it is a decision that wi11 have to be rnade. MISS KRAL - wiZ1 this go on and on? MAYOR MILLER - I hope not - and whether you believe it or not - a decision wiZ1 be made whether you will like it or not - the decision wi11 be made. ROBERT HARRIMAN - I own two lots on south 7th and south 12th - between ExceZsior and Ist Street So., - as a property owner there, I would voice an objection to the code changes - in that they will ha ve lower density standards and it is my understanding it is R-5 and wi11 stay R-5 - but the effect of the lower density standards wi1Z de-value the property. I have an objection as to the tenor of the �mbership on the PZanning & Zoning Conmeission in that there are only residential owners - there are no multiple dwellinq owners on the Commission, and therefore, do not deal with tenants. Now tenants who have to make rent pay�ents are in reality taxpayers.- and I take the position that lower density means higher rentaZ. I think Mr. Hagen stated that very we11. Further, as a resident of HoZly Road east of Blake School, the Zower density standards as suggested by the new zoning ordinance wi11 probably raise . � ROBERT HARRIMAN,cont. the property taxes on existing property by reducing muZtipZe residence density. Now you have discretionary CUP. I recall a case not too Iong ago where an Antique Shop on 12th Avenue North was denied a CUP because there was no discretion on the part of Zoning & Planning, and you the Council, it did not conform - therefore, you could not approve it. GENE REILLY - What was the basic reasoning for moving from the 1966 Zoning Ordinance to the new? Why are you doing this? MAYOR MILLER - It is the duty of the Planning & Zoning Commission to review from time to time the Comprehensive Plan and to review and update the Zoning Ordinance every 5 to 7 years. Because of the sewer capacity and the population increase in the Z970's, and the forecast of future growth and the increase in multiple family residences - and other factors outZined in the Comprehensi ve P1an it was felt that the ordinance shouZd be updated. JAN FEMRITE - Z406 Division Street - just what does it mean when you are rezoninq us from R-2 to R-4? MR. HAWKS - You would have more density - that is for multiple dwellings. This area should not have been included in the rezoning. JAN FEMRITE - Oh, then we wi11 not be changed? l�fft . HAWKS - tha t i s ri gh t. BART JORDANO - 1819 Excelsior Ave. West - 40' Lot. I think the Zoning should stay the sa� as it is now - B-3, and not be changed to B-1. We welcome more retail stores in this location - we have quite a few now and keeping it in the B-3 zoning wouZd fit in with the present use. STAN FELTL - Feltl Road in Minnetonka. Our 20 acres and 5 acres was changed in 1973 from R-6 to R-3. MR. HAWKS - When the South Hopkins Plan was approved - the Comprehensive Plan was amended and R-6 was created. STAN FELTL - Is the same as R-3 density to permit 6 story buildings. Why are you changing it now to R-3? MAYOR MILLER - this is just a proposal Stan. - 7- GOLDEN SIMMONS - 17th Avenue North - I own a 23 unit apartm�ent there. I was notified that it was R-4 and is now being changed to R-3 - now here tonight what I hear is quite concerting, especially if we had a casualty and a felZow wouldn't be able to rebuild - which is quite concerting to us - and I keep my fingers crossed that we don't ha ve any casualties - if so, gues� I'11 go south: DAVE TECLAW - I'm concerned with the property at 729 Rohinwood Lane - for many years the property north of Robinwood Lane was zoned as Robinwood Lane was - that would be R-4. Now when they want to change from R-4 to.R-3, they eliminated the property right to the north of Robinwood Lane. Now, I feel what you do to Robinwood Lane you should do to the property north of Robinwood Lane. I feel it would cause less dense area to Robinwood Lane - why rerraove the possibility of a large corr�pZex to be developed next door? HOWARD HARVEY - My name is Howard Harvey and I represent severaZ different properties - (Z) one of those properties is on 18th and 18th and ExceZsior - it is 2 Zots - owned by the estate of James Nickodym and it is my understanding that it is corrur�ercial and is being proposed for R-1. MR. HAWKS - IBth and Excelsior is proposed as B-4. HOWARD HARVEY - this is proposed as B-4? MR. HAWKS - Yes. HOWARD HARVEY - What is it now then - B-4? MR. HAWKS - Yes. HOWARD HARVEY - Then I remove my objection after your explanation. (2) I object to the rezoning of R-3 to R-1, for Z7th and 3rd Street. This property is composed of 3 lots - I was toZd it is an R-3 and is being proposed as an R-Z . MR. HAWKS - If you are talking about those 3.vacant Iots - that is right, it is proposed as R-1 . MR. HARVEY - I do base an objection to that. (3) Another property involved i s the Zakariasen property (HomedaZe Nursery) which you are rezoning from B-1 to -8- 1�. HARVEY, cont. R-4. I sent you a letter on a11 of those properties -(4) Rudy Luther's property - Excelsior and B1ake Road - from R-4 to R-3. We object to this as it does not lend itself to residential - we feel it is conm�ercial type property and would like to go on record on that case. (5) The other property is owned by Guy Speaker and I believe it is between I4th and Z6th on Excelsior - it is 4 Iots on the north side of Excelsior - he is surrounded by commerciaZ - a filling station to the east of him - grocery store across the street to the west - and it would be hard to work in residential in that position. We feel it should be either B-3 or B-4. DICK OWENS - I am referring to 914 Excelsior Avenue ( the Nickodym property mentioned by Mr. Harvey) - now if you people don't think zoning affects property - you are very badly mistaken - and I think you will be destroying the business opportunity if you act on what you are considering. I would like to ask Mr. Hawks - were you involved in all of the 1966? MR. HAWKS - Yes. MR. OWENS - you were - oh, you wrote it. The question comes to mind then - are you hired by the City of Hopkins or as a Consultant? hII2. HAWKS - I'm a Consaltant. WILL ENGLER - Hopkins Theatre - according to the Zoning Map we are being changed from B-3 to R-Ic. What they have done is go down the Iine from Burger King and the Dairy Store and right across our parking lot - and ca.Zled everything on the north side of it R-Zc - and everything on the south - B-3. It just doesn't make any sense to me at aZl. Now this isn't the first time it has happened. We own 3 Iots on First Street North as buffer lots - residents of Parkridge think we want to rezone those three Iots - not so - we need parking space and if you keep this Zine as planned right across there it would completely destroy it. The tax value would go down considerably - I think it is unfair to cut this property in half. We've had B-3 zoning for 35 years and I don't think its logical to change it now. Mayor Mi11er - Jim - I am trying to find out what logic the Zoning � Planning Corrmiission used � MR. ENGLER, cont. in zoning this property ( this side of tape ran out) ........ HAROLD FAUCHER - 245 - 9th Avenue North - ................. (drug store, paint store, etc. Wish to remain B-3. Any downgrading from B-3 to any muZtiple is unfair to property owner. DICK BOLLIG - 6th Street & 10th Avenue. Sold property recently - recei ved Zetter that property will be changed from ...... to R-2. Will this have any effect on a building permit that has been submitted? MR. MILBERT - No hold has been put on any Iand - o1d zoning is in effect until changed. PAT TONEY - I am here to object to chaning from R-4 to R-3. (601 -17th Ave. No. - 16 Unit Apartment.) Loss of value by downzoning - will continue to object. CURT AUSTIN - Attorney for Peterson-Hede - 17th Avenue South, south of the Railroad Tracks. This property was annexed from Minnetonka Township. Approximately 6 rr�onths ago they were up before the Zoning & Planning Commission asking for an upgrading of this property. This property is now zoned R-3 and now is going to be zoned down to R-la - I realize we are grandfathered in but there are more and more of this type of business moving in. We are right next to the Railroad tracks and there are commercial buildings to the north of us on the other side of the tracks. 6Ve hope you would leave this property at the R-3 classification. JOE NEUDECKER - 37 - 7th A ve. North - what are we zoned now? MR. HAWKS - You are zoned R-5. MR. NEUDECKER - Can you te11 me what's going to happen here - MR. HAWKS - I see nothing in the next 25 years - I see no reason in changing to R-4 that should affect your property. DENNIS SEIIE'RHOLM - representing the Chamber of Commerce. I am here re the old Moline property which is presentZy zoned Industrial - we would like to see it remain Industrial. This property has been Industrial for many years, I think as Iong as people can remember - we have a number of successful firms in Hopkins and we should think toward their expansion. This particular property has been rezoned R-3, and I ask this remain an I-1. I would like -10- MR. SEDERHOLM; cont. to ask a1so, is there going to be another hearing on this Ordinance? Also, I am here as a resident of Minnetonka and not as the representative of the Chamber - and I think we should Iook at the density - we are going.more and more into redevelopment and rehabilitation - and I should think we would look into the future before changing the densities. Also, I think the people concerned with this ordinance should take another close Zook as it is property owners - we are - or rather they are, losing economically by this ordinance. I do think you are going to open Pandora's Box by goinq into this CUP - it's going to end up a 1ot of work for the CounciZ and it's going to end up a problem for the property owners a1so. I don't think this CounciZ would do anything that would be bad, but future Councils mzght be different. ROBERT HOFFMAN - Attorne� representing Mr. James Lawrence, whose property is commonly known as the Moline site. We are appearing to oppose the suggested re- zoning from I-1 to R-3, and for two principal reasons: 1. Nature of the owner of the property 2. Planning considerations as we see as a community and as a subject parcel - I am going to run through this rather quickly, but I would like to have it put in the record anyway. The owner of the property, NIr. James Lawrence and Cetom Associates, is a long term investor in commercial and industria.Z properties and they have been for many, many years, not only in Hopkins but throughout the U.S., they are not investors in residential type property - they do not buy and sell - they buy existing properties to own or they buy vacant properties to buiZd and own. The reason I rr�ntion that is it is a great concern to them that a parcel of property that is zoned for a use that they are very familiar with and now rezoned to a use they are unfainiliar with, nor are they owners of that type of property. a They have had/long term association in Hopkins as previousZy mentioned when Sth Street improvement was proposed. They did dedicate street right -of-way MR. HOFFMAN, cont. without compensation, which I think is approximately 2 acres, and paid the assessments and with the understanding they were opening that undeveloped industrial property for industrial use. This street is a 9 tori street, has sewer and water, is geared for industrial use and they anticipate developing it for industrial use. As a matter of fact the street being opened onZy about 2 years ago - divided the property so it could be better developed in futnre years. The industrial property suggested to be rezoned will be zoned residential - which would ha ve an adverse impact on their investment plans but would have an impact on another adverse impact on the property they own to the south, which is already industrial, mainZ� because of the setback required in your ordinance, because you have now moved an industrial piece of property next to the remaining industrial. So it has as I previously mentioned a double jeprody type of arrangerr�ent, first the rezoning of one piece and now the impact of the existing piece in the south. They do own a sizeable amount of what is now the undeveloped industriaZ property in Hopkins. For the records they do own about 50� of property that is undeveloped, and I guess that brings me into the plan considerations generalZy as to this piece of property. Jim Hawks has mentioned a couple of times that planning considerations, zoning considerations are designed to have a nice place to Zi ve. We would Iike to add to that a nice place to live and a nice pZace to work, as we think that is part of the planning consideration. As a matter of fact, in Jim's 1966 text of the Comprehensive Plan - i n which it was pointed out that Hopkins didn't have gobs of industrial zoned properties and that is that many communities that you might know go to extensi ve zoning of undeveloped Iand to corrtmerciaZ and industriaZ use which everyone can see puts a corner on the market. In 1966, at least in your Comprehensive P1an, that Hopkins wasn't in that particular category. So, in 1966, you did not have an over abundance of industrial zoned property - so it wouldn't seem likely in Z976, that you would have an over abundance of industrial zoned property = and over the �ears as we Zook at it - if there MR. HOFFMAN, cont. is a suggestion for a change - is two major factors - one is the ori ginaZ zoning in error, or two substantial changes in the area that would warrant the rezoning. Looking at those two aspects in that particular case - first of all was the original zoning an error - it had been zoned industrial for over 20 years, when the city did do their Comprehensi ve PZan in 1966. That plan called for the continual use of industrial use of property. The 1966 Land Use Plan, which was part of the Comprehensi ve Plan, confirrned industrial use as a long term use of the property. There has been zoning changes in the community since then but none of them have suggested a rezoning of this other than industrial. Therefore, up to date no records indicate that there was an error in the original zoning of the property, and particularly in the Compre- hensive PZan which took many months, or years, and which took several hundreds of pages, and confirrrded industriaZ use of this property. If you look at this property and at the surrounding uses, I think you wiZZ find that industrial zoning has been in place to the north and right of the properfy for many, many years, that has not changed, and residential zoning has been to the south, and the east for many, many years, and that has not changed. There has been no change in the zoning in the area until now, of this particular parceZ. In fact, the residential development of the property south and east of this property has been deveZoped over 20 years, which is not a recent event which would cause someone to say - now this property shouZd be rezoned because of sorae recent development in the area. That residentiaZ use existed for over 20 years and was in the Comprehensive P1an as a residential use. To the south, that has been developed in the Zast several years with the knowledqe of industrial prop- erty - No. Z, No. 2- it was definitely in confliction with the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensi ve Plan called for rriore residential development in the south and for industrial use of the property. The Comprehensive Plan itseZf, which we are checking this evening - if there is any concern in Hopkins about the density of residential development - in that perhaps there has been too much residential development. I noticed by an articZe in the paper in 1973, that -13- MR. HOFFMAN, cont. about 36% of the then existing development in Hopkins was single famiZy dwellings, whereas, in Z966, it was 80i. There has been a very substantial change in those several years of the percentage of singZe family dwellings. It would seem the community would be concerned whether there is ample concern for additional commercial and industrial growth. However, pZanning concepts chanqe over the years - the mood today now is to have intergrated communities, rrraybe that's an old fad - we continue to talk today a.bout working.and living in the same area - and though we have ample room for residential in the community we should be thinking about having ampZe room for commercial and industrial in the area so people who Zive there can also work there where you wouldn't have to drive to Bloomington, Minneapolis, or some otl�er surrounding community. I think one of the things discussed tonight was the importance on sewers - I know a few years ago you talked about a popuZation of 22,000 being the capacity - now you are talking about 33,000 and could probably exceed this. On Thursday, of this week, the City of Hopkins wiZZ be before the Metro- politan Council for $443,000, for a Community Development Grant. You probabZy wiZ1 get a positive recomrnendation from the Council for that Grant - but you probably wi11 also get the comment that you haven't filed a Corrr prehensive PZan with the Council. You ha ve a Comprehensive P1an as of 1966, you are now talking about some arr�ndments fo it - and for some reason, it has not been filed with the Council - and this is something on my thoughts of the subject, I wouZd suggest you file that - because the next time around you might not get a positive recormnendation even though this time you wi1Z - but the posture of the Council is that those communities who do not have Comprehensive PZans, or haven't fiZed them, are going to start gettinq negative recomiraendations - and that reason is because of sewage. When you are talking about sewer capacity for 22,000 or 33,000, we don't quite know, the Council is the body that has to deveZop the interceptors in their program - if the Cities and Villages don�t know�then the Council doesn't know. So a1Z this planning concept tends to tie together these aspects. -14- 1�. HOFFMAN, cont. I did get off the subject but I thouqht you should know the City of Hopkins does have a good Plan and I wouZdn't want you to get caught short just because someone didn't file a Plan. I would Zike to spend these Iast few minutes on the planning considerations of this particular piece of property. In the proposed rezoning, which is to qo from an I-I to an R-3, it. is hard to understand as you look at your zoning map. If you Iook at the color map, which is orange, which is the R-3, and the purple that is Industrial, you find that a11 of the south part of Hopkins Industrial abuts riqht next to residential. R-2,R-1, and in some cases R-3. The concept of interjecting an R-3 in here in this particular Iocation does something to this particular area which is hard to grasp when the entire length of Hopkins though residential abuts sorrte kind of Industrial, almost the entire area. Though there is a buffer of some kind we have to ask where is it bufferinq? Is it buffering sorrae residential, most residential, from industrial, and if so, who then adopts the concept of some type of person would live in an R-3, shouZd it be buffering some person who Zives in an R-2 - it doesn't seem to make sense. Therefore, this buffering concept doesn't seem to make sense. As a matter of fact this particular zoning you have is R-4 to the South - R-4 leaves IndustriaZ to the west - and industrial to the north, which are higher uses in a sense than you are proposing - so is it being used as a buffer - as we don't find that as being a valid concern. We are talking about visuaZ impact - peopZe are buying near an industriaZ area - I did bring along a few pictures, and if you are like me, you can't remember everything. This parceZ is developed residential. The concept is that some people who live in this area know this is an industrial area - because it is there - and it is a visuaZ area and usualZy that is the valid reason for planning. Yet the concept is that people driving here on Sth Street for some reason would have a better visual impact of residentiaZ rather than industrial - again look at the map - in coming up Sth Street entirely to the right the whole lenqth continues to be industrial and it is hard to distinguish what is making that -Z S- hII2. HOFFMAN, cont. impact. And this is the view you get when you are coming in on the right regardless of what would be on the 1eft. Therefore, the visual impact we rraentioned doesn't seem to fit this particular parceZ when you are coming in on Sth Street, yet in the Comprehensive P1an of 1966, 5th Street was developed especialZy for industriaZ use, along with residential. It would be more attractive to have multiple there instead of industrial - and it seems what has been said tonight - beavty is in the eye of the beholder: Sorr� see mighty attractive multiple and others industrial - and vice-versa. I think todaz� in some instances - it is how it is done rather than what it is - we have to note that 6th Street, which on the map is multiple and just south of this particular piece of property is a high natural berm which is already there - I presume that industrial could be deveZoped on this property even though there are apartments on the other side ................ It is not what goes on that property - but how it is done - you always have performance standards - such as CUP - and if that does go through we wi11 have strong controls on how to develop industriaZ - what about the traffic? In the 1966 Comprehensive Plan was the mi xture of industrial traffic in a residential area - now if you wi11 look at the map and visualize the R-6 - or the orange, excuse m�e - at Sth Street - the industrial extends both north and south of Sth with obvious exit onto 5th Street and spread out of the residential areas - what Sth Street does is take industrial away from 6th Street - because this property owner - whose property is in the industrial zone, fronted on 6th Street right across from the residential - your industrial traffic would go out Sth Street and on an arterial to somewheTe else other than the residential area. Now you have pZunked a piece of residentiaZ right on an industrial street. Quite contrary to the concept of the 1966 Plan - and if the Plan were amended, I would doubt it would be amended to foster industriaZ traffic into a residential area. I guess we would summarize by saying that the owner is -16- � MR. HOFFMAN, cont. a long term industrial and commercial type investor, is a non speculator, he builds and owns for a long term use and for that reason he opposes this rezoning personally, because years ago he bought the property for industrial use, he cooperated with the City only a few years ago and had an industrial road put in to divide the property so it could be used for industrial use - that road would keep his industrial use off of adjacent avenues - he does not own or develop residential property and if rezoned, he doesn't knowriiat to do with it to be quite frank except go into a force sale - we don't think that is the intent of the City. If it does go that way it will have to go another way because the setback reqvires no such use on other maps ..... personaZly he has those concerns. One being that the originaZ zoning was in error by looking up the City records as of this date - we do not find any change in the area which would now ca11 for a reconsidera- tion of the 1966 Plan as far as that particular parcel is concerned. Then in view of the fact that industriaZ abuts residential a11 along South Hopkins, we don't see the logic between an R-2, R-3 and an R-4 and an R-1 - it's all residentiaZ anyway - therefore, we do not think it shouZd be rezoned, we don't think the buffer concept is applicable, we don't think the visual impact is applicable, we think an attractive industriaZ can be developed - we think that 5th Street is highly geared for industriaZ traffic and as for the impact for the residential residents, whoever they are, we don't think this is supported by the Z966 Comprehensive Plan. Last, I guess I would just like to comment on the use - as Mr. Hawks knows we have known him for many years and we have a great and strong respect for his ability. I have worked with him in density's in other co�nuni ti es . Take Bloomington - BZoomington has been to Court two or or three different times on ConditionaZ Uses and another thought for the Supreme Court Cases - if you don't now have a Conditional Use in -.Z �- MR. HOFFMAN, cont. business you better have some strong criteria set up for the Condition and spe1Z it out very carefully and if you seek it for a parti- � cular use it better fit those conditions. If it does, it almost becomes a permitted use - if it doesn't then you might be ab.Ze to deny it. If you don't have those strong conditions set out for this particular use of a Conditional Use Permit and it was this way out in Bloomington, the Court may well say there is no Conditional Uses, they are a11 permitted uses then you really haven't done it in the right way. I would be a little concerned about how you blanket a Conditional Use - I don't Iike that arrangernent. I would think you might have some problems in the future. Thank you very much, if you have some questions I wi1Z be glad to answer. Mayor MiZler: This Hearing will be continued to Wednesday, the 21st of April 1976, at 7:30 p.m. End of side 2 Note:........,means either a a 1829 9 P in the tape or too scratchy or garbled to transZa te. (First draft typed-3-12-13-14-IS-16/76) (Fina1 draft typed - 3-25-26/76) dmj -18- A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, March 16, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Ha11. �' �Present were Mayor Miller, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, Slaton and Vassar, also City Manager Cotton, City Clerk Richardson, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, and Operations Director Beecher. Absent: Building Inspector Kohnen and City Attorney VeseZ y . Ree1 194 Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonaZd seconded the motion, that the 3 items Side 2 under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved: 2-15 1. Minutes of the March 2, 1976, Council meeting. 2. AdditionaZ 1976 license applications: ZAPATA FOODS, INC., for Restaurant, Cigarettes and Milk; MINNEAPOLIS PARK BOARD (Meadowbrook Go1f Course) for On-Sa1e Non Intoxicating Malt Liquor; Milk and Food Establishment; CONTROLLED AIR CORP., Install Gas Burners; CLARK OIL & REF. CORP. (Gasoline (6) Pumps, Vending Machine, and Cigarettes; (the application for Milk (self service) and Groceries be continued to the m�eting of ApriZ 6, 1976); LOOSEN SHEET METAL, Install Gas Burners. 3. Request from Northern States Power Company for permit to place buried cable on Sth Street North to serve the Hopkins House Mote1 and Restaurant. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr.Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald,yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. �r � * * * * * � * * Action: Mr. vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the expenditures 15-45 dated March 16, I976, under Warrant No. 469, in the amount of $156,264.64, be approved and authorized for payment. A poZl of the vote was as follows: lAr. McDonald, yea; lAr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. l9otion carried unanimously. Appearance: Representatives from the League of Women Voters - requesting funds for the Town Meeting Day as part of the Bicentennial. Action: Dr. Slaton rnoved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the City Council 45-130 approve the expenditure of $300 toward the support of Town Meeting Day. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, nay; Dr. Slaton, yea; and ldayor Miller, yea. Motion carried. HEARINGS: Item: 76-11-R. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Resolution Z30- No. 76-2493, "RESOLUTION ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT ON SECOND STREET SOUTH BETWEEN FIFTH AVENUE SOUTH TO EIGHTH AVENUE SOUTH BY THE INSTALLATION OF STORM SEWER, CURB AND CUTTER, PARKING LOTS AND STREET REPAIR THEREON", be adopted. Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, to amend the original motion to de.Zete the parking construction between Sth and 6th Avenue. A po1.Z of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, nay; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, nay, Dr. SZaton, yea; and lAayor MiZler, nay. Motion defeated. Action: 1'9r. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, to amend the original motion to eliminate the parking construction between Sth and 6th Avenues and to post this area NO PARKING. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. l�IcDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, nay, Dr. Slaton, yea; and Ma�or Mi11er, nay. Motion carried. Action: Mayor Miller caZled for a vote on the original motion, as amended. A poll of -662 the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, nay. Motion carried. Item: 76-Z1-R. Mr. McDonald rrzoved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolution 662-739 No. 76-2500, "RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT ON SEVENTH AVENUE SOUTH, EIGHTH AVENUE SOUTH, AND TENTH A VENUE SOUTH FROM EXCELSIOR AVENUE SOUTHERLY TO THE EAST-WEST ALLEY BY THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE STREET THEREON, AND SUCH IMPROVEMENT BE MADE AT SUCH TIME AS THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE SAME STREETS EXTENDED TO THEIR SOUTHERN TERMINUS��. be adopted. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the March 16, I976, Council meeting, cont. Page 2. Item: 76-23-Z. Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the Hennepin 739-750 County's updated report on concept plan to upgrade Blake Road North from Excelsior Avenue to Highway No. 7, be continued to the April 6, 1976, Council meeting per request by the County. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert;: yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr.Slaton, yea; and Mayor MiZ1er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: Dr. SZaton moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that a partial payment of 750- $19,150.74, be paid to Allied Blacktop for seal coating contract with the City. Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, to amend the origi�nal motion by chanqing the amount to be paid Allied Blacktop to $12,150.74 for seal coating contract with the City. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; Mayor MilZer, nay. Motion carried. -803 Mayor Mi11er cal.Zed for a vote on the original motion as amended. A poll of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried unanimous.Zy. Item: 76-41-C. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the Council 803-869 accept the Contract between the City and Loca1 49'ers for 1976, and the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to sign same. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-43-R. Mr. MiZbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 869-900 76-2499, "RESOLUTION SUPPORTING HF .Z137, INCREASING THE RANGE OF ELIGIBI- LITY FOR ASSISTANCE FROM STATE HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY: PROVIDING FOR RE- VOLVING LOAN FUNAS AND DIRECT SUBSIDIES", be adopted, as recommended by our State LegisZators. A poll of the vote was as fo2lows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action : Mr. McDonald moved, 904 adjourned. A poll yea; Mr. Vassar, ye unanirrpusZy . ! ,� ATTEST 'r `� / Z � ��( `�`�`�/ �.L�� Jerre A. Miller, Mayor �.: and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the meetinq be of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, a; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried S%S�: � �-t L�7-iSY/�:I-/_J'I • � • � � • _' ' -• � ' �\ �' -/ � �•^ f �G'v"`� V/V�-�'�:`� CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 76-2499 A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF MINNESOTA HOUSE FILE N0. 1137 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE City Council of the City of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota: That the House of Representatives and the Senate of the State of Minnesota have and they hereby are encouraged and urged to enact House P'ile No. 1138, which Law would grant the Minnesota State Housing Finance Agency to appropriate approximately 40 million dollars for the purpose of making low-interest rehabilitation loans and grants throughout the State of Minnesota. � Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council held on March 16, 1976. JERRE A. MILLER Mayor H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2500 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS, a Resolution of the City Council No. 76-2486 adopted the 20th day of January, 1976, fixed a date for a hearing on the proposed improvement of Seventh Avenue South, Eighth Avenue South and Tenth Avenue South from Excelsior southerly to east-west alley by the reconstruction of the streets thereon, the total estimated cost thereof being $18,056.35, and WHEREAS all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for the making of these improvements were given ten days published notice of the council hearing through two weekly publications of the required notice, and a hearing was held and the property owners heard thereon on the 2nd day of March, 1976 and continued on the 16th day of March, 1976. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Hopkins: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered on Seventh Avenue South, Eighth Avenue South, and Tenth Avenue South from Excelsior Avenue southerly to the east-west alley by the reconstruction of the street thereon, and such improvement be made at such time as the improvement of the same streets extended to their southern terminus as adopted by the City Council in this Resolution. 2. That John Strojan, City Engineer, is hereby designated as the Engineer for these improvements and he shall prepare plans and specifications for the makin g of such improvements. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 16th day of March, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE MILLER, Mayor A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, Apri1 6, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Ha11. Present were Mayor Miller, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, Slaton and Vassar, also City Manager Cotton, City Clerk Richardson, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Operations Director Beecher, Building Inspector Kohnen, Community Development Officer Kerrigan and City Attorney Vesely. Reel 196 Mr. William Grasavage from the Department of Housing & Urban Development Side Z appeared before the CounciZ to discuss the present status of the City's 6-310 Urban RenewaZ Project. � * * * * * * * * * * * Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the items under the 3I0-325 CONSENT CALENDAR be approved, with the exception of Item 2., for the renewal of Iicense for CLARK OIL & REF. CORP., for Milk (Se1f Service) & Groceries, until approved by Mr. Mood, City Sanitarian. I. Minutes of the March 16, 1976, Council meeting. 3. Request by Knights of Columbus for renewal of their bingo permit for the months of April, May and June 1976. 4. Request by Geo. R. Wolff Post #425, V.F.W., for renewal of their bingo permit for the months of Apri1, May and June 1976. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * � * Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded tlie motion, that the expenditures 325-342 dated April 6, I976, under Warrant No. 470, in the amount of $91,106.74, be approved and authorized for payment. A poZ1 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, �ea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-23-Z. 19r. McDonald moved, and Dr. SZaton seconded the motion, that the City Council 342- approve the preliminary proposal made by Hennepin County to improve the safety conditions for people using Blake Road North, (Hennepin County Highway #20) so that the County may proceed with the acquisition of Iand right-of-way, and that the County come back with final plan which includes consideration in greater depth of Alternates #3, 4, 5 and 7, and a plan for mitigating any adverse impact on property at 434 BZake Road North, as aZlowed by the cooperation of the owners of that property, and a1so, mitiga- ting circumstances, if any, on the Knollwood Tower Apartments, as allowed by the cooperation of the owners. Action: Mr. Mi1Zer moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, to amend the original motion as foZlows: that the County's preliminary plans for Blake Road be approved but to eliminate the construction of rr�dians, except at Hi ghway #7 and Excelsior Avenue, with the understanding that Hennepin County come in at the earliest possible date with a study of a proposed signalization system, as set forth by Councilman Vassar. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, nay, Mr. Milbert,nay; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried. Action: Mayor Miller then called for the motion as amended. A poll of the vote was as -I509 foZlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, nay; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried. BID: Pursuant to notice bids were opened on March 26, Z976, at 10:00 a.m., for (2) Police Squad Cars; (1) 3/4 Ton Crew Cab Pick-up for the Fire Department; and (1) 1/2 Ton Pick-up for the GJater & Sewer Department, and the following bids were received. (see tabulation attached) Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, to award the contract for Side 2 furnishing the City with (2) Police Squad Cars; (1) 3/4 Ton Crew Cab Pick-up for 23-267 the Fire Department and (Z) 1/2 Ton Pick-up for the Water & Sewer Department, to Ridgedale Ford for a total bid of $17,969.88, for the four vehicles as recornmended by staff. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un - animously. Minutes of the April 6, 1976, Council meeting, cont. Appearance: Representatives from A11ied Blacktop re: payment of their bi1Z. Pa ge 2 . Action: Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, to pay the additional $7,000 23-267 due for work completed, to A1Zied Blacktop. A po1.Z of the vote was as fo.Zlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, nay; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried. Item: 76-44-R. Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, t.'�at Resolution No. 267-368 76-2501, "A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FAIR MARKET VALUE FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON 150 - Z9TH AVENUE NORTH, HOPKINS, FOR REHABILITATION PURPOSES", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un- animously. Item: 76-45-C. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the Z976 368-436 Contract with the Hopkins Municipal Employee's Association, be continued to the Apri1 20, 1976, Council meeting. A poll of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Iterr�: 76-46-5. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the proposed 436-438 Management Employee's SaZaries for 1976, be continued to the April 20, 1976, CounciZ meeting. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea: Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-47-A. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the Mayor's 438-443 appointment of Tony Lescarbeau and Howard Marker to the Community Develop- raent Citizens Committee, be approved. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-48-P. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that permission be 443-532 granted for Recreation and Parlcs Department to go to bid for Tennis Courts at Oaks Park. A pol.i of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Mi.Zbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-49-B. Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that permission be 532-545 granted for staff to go to bid on�improvements on 7th and 8th Avenues South and 2nd and 3rd Streets South. (see attached) A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, �ea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-50-R. Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, t.'�at the request by 545-565 the Mayor for Council approva.Z of expenditure of approximately $600 to $800 for 18 pictures of Mayors of Hopkins from 1893 to present, be continued to November 16, 1976. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, r1ay; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried. Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the meeting 565-568 be adjourned. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, y• Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. , Motion carried unanimously ! �" - . i' r i /' �--- :; � `ti �f ��L � _ Dorothy M.�"ohnson, Sec.�etary to the Council � � V J �\ ( " C-..�-�. �/� � (Official Publication) City of Hopkins Minnesota NOTICE OF BIDS for VEHICLES Notice is hereby given that sealed.bids will be received by the City of Hopkins, Minnesota until 10:00 a.m.; March 26 1976 and will then be publicly opened and read. Bids are being requested on the fol�owing: ?i�ro (2) Police Vehicles FJne (1) 2 Ton Pickup One (1) 3�k Ton Crew Cab Pickup in accordance with specifications on file in the office of the City A7anager, 1010 First Street So., Hopkins, Minn. 55343• All bids whall be on the proposal form supplied by the City. All bids shall be sealed, marked "Bids for Vehicles" and addressed to the City Manager. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified cashier's check or bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid price made payable to the City of Hopkins. The City reserves the right to reject an�r and or all bids including any part or individual item contained in the bid. CITY OF HOPKINS J D�/� ��r�1 Peter G. Cotton, City Manager Published in the Hopldns Sun, March 1Q 1976. .� _►� % CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 76-2501 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FAIR MARKET VALUE FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON 150 - 19TH AVENUE NORTH, HOPKIATS, FOR REHABILIT�ATION PURPOSES WHEREAS, The City of Hopkins has by Resolution No. 74-2384 adopted certain policies and procedures for real estate acquisition and improvement; and, WHEREAS, Harriet J. Barnes, the present Vendee in a certain Contract for Deed pertaining to the premises hereinafter described in which Contract Joseph F. Libra and Theresa Libra, his wife, are the Vendors and owners of record, has applied to the City of Hopkins Office of Co�nunity Development for a grant for the purpose of rehabilitating the dwelling presently existing upon Lot 4, and the South 10 feet of Lot 3, Block 11, West Minneapolis Third Division (Plat 37700/Parcel 5930); and, WHEREAS, The said premises were duly inspected as required by law by the housing inspector of the City of Hopkins, and that said premises were found to be in violation of the Uniform Housing Code and in need of immediate rehabilitation; and, WHEREAS, The minimum cost of such rehabilitation would far exceed the fair market value of said dwelling now located thereon, its condition being such that the cost of repairs in compliance with the inspector's requirements are not justified; and, WHEREAS, Said premises have been duly appraised by a competent, disinterested, impartial appraiser in accordance with applicable State laws and procedures and the Department of Housing and Urban Development policies and requirements, and such appraisal has been thereafter reviewed by the City appraiser for tax purposes of the City of Hopkins who has accepted and approved the appraisal hereinabove mentioned in the sum of $9,100.00. NOW, THEREFORE, It is hereby Resolved by the City Council of the City of Hopkins as follows: l. That the dwelling structure located upon the parcel of land here- inabove described, the address of which is 150 - 19th Avenue North, Hopkins, Minnesota, shall be acquired from the owners by the City of Hopkins Office of Conununity Development at the sum of $9,100.00, which sum is hereby established as the final estimated market value of said property. 2. That the appraisal in the sum of $9,100.00 for the improvements located on said premises as above reviewed and approved is hereby determined to be the fair and reasonable market value thereof. r Resolution No. 76-2501 continued 3. That upon acquisition thereof, said�dwelling shall be demolished and removed. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council held on April 6, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER Mayor � April 2, 1976 To: Mr. Cotton, City Manager From: Gordon Pnderson Re: Projects Authorized At the council meeting of March 2& 16, 1976, projects were ordered construci:ed on certain streets as a result of public hearings. These projects would be constructed together with those streets in the HRA area that are ready for construction due to finished redevelopment on the properties adjacent. We hereby request permission to solicit bids as follows: 7th Avenue South - Excelsior Avenue ta Second Street South. S�reet reconstruction, curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm sewers, beautifi.cation and lighting. 8th Avenue South - First Street South to Second Street South. Street reconstruction, curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm sewers, beautification and lighting. Second Street South - 5th Avenue South to 8th Avenue South Street reconstruction, curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm sewers, beautification, lighting and parking lots. Third Street South - Washington Avenue (Co.Rd. #18) to 5th Avenue South Street reconstruction, curb and gutter and storm sewer. Community Development funds would also be used for a bicycle trail on this section. 0 �`� f� ' . �� �� I S T � � � .y'��I Y/ / � �. z � w � . � . � � �i � I �� �� , �� � �� f � �'� - ► � � f �� �::;� � � � �� � �� � s�� � �� �,� �. � ��4� ����;� . � � �I�� - � �_�;;���;; % � �` .�s i�;e� ~� C ��o �\�� � �j /+ .ii- / � . .• / xa�---=���__-- ���� v�.�� o�� 1' � ��i� �� , � � `� i� ;� `/j,,� � %/� ,; � � � 24 19 25 3 0 P�os'c�cr �.�ra irs c� c 0 A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, April 2�,Z976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Ha11. Present were Mayor MiZler, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, and Vassar, also City Manager Cotton, City Engineer, Strojan, Asst. Engineer,Anderson, Building Inspector Kohnen, Opera- tions Director Beecher and City Attorney Vesely, Absent: City C1erk Richardson, Dr. Slaton arrived at the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Reel 197 Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the 3 items vnder Side 1 the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved. 2- 7 . 1. Minutes of the April 6, 1976, CounciZ meeting. 2. Request from Northwestern Be11 Telephone Go., for permit to place buried cable on Sth and 6th Streets South, between 7th A venue and llth Avenue, for growth. 3. Request from Northwestern Be11 Telephone Co., for permit to install a manhole at the foZlowing intersections: (Z) Excelsior Avenue & Tyler Avenue; (2) Excelsior Avenue & Pierce Avenue; (3) Excelsior Avenue and Van Buren Avenue. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. * * � � � * * * * * Action: Mr. Vassar raoved, and Mr. McDonaZd seconded the rrrotion, that the expenditures dated 7-34 April 20, I976, under Warrant No. 471, in the amount of $125,582.72, be approved and authorized for payment. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. S.Zaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. Item: 76-SZ-R. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. MiZbert seconded the motion, that the request from 35-87 Mr. Ryerse of Millwork, Inc., Z40 Washington Avenue So., for a building permit to add office space to front of existing building, be approved. A poZZ of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un- animously. Item: 76-45-C. Mr. Vassar inoved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, to approve the 1976 87- Contract with the Hopkins Municipal Employee's Association (HMEA) and the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to sign same. Action: Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, to arr�end the original motion by increasing two employees by $5/month and one employee by $10/month. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, nay, Mr. Milbert,yea; Mr. Vassar, nay; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, nay. Motion lost. Action: Mayor Mi11er called for a vote on the original motion with the understanding -388 that the Park Superintendent and the Building Superintendent's salary be established at the "D" Step (as shown on attached Chart in attached Contract) effective January I, 1976. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr: Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. Item: 76-46-5. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Council approve 388-467 the City Manager's recommendation for Management Employee's salaries for 1976, and that the Zoning Administrator's saZary be increased by $50/month effective July lst, 1976. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. S.Zaton, yea; and Mayor MilZer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-52-L. Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that CounciZ authorize 467-557 staff to apply to Hennepin County for the City's Iicense renewal appZication to operate our Landfill. A poZl of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. ��� Item: 76-53-P. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 557-562 76-2504, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING ENGINEER'S REPORT ON PETITION FOR INSTALLA- TION OF ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTS ON CAMPBELL DRIVE AND BURNES DRIVE", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the April 20, Z976, Council meeting, cont. ir Page 2. � \ � Item: 76-54-R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. vassar seconded the motion, that the recommenda- 562-574 tion from the City Engineer for a street li ght to be installed at the inter- section of Second St. No., and 21st Avenue, be continued to the meeting of May 4, 1976, and staff notify the residents of this area of the proposed installation. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-55-E. Mr. Vassar raoved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 574-588 76-2505, "RESOLUTION ORDERING HEARING ON INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAINS ON 16TH AVENUE SOUTH FROM 5TH STREET TO A POINT lI8 FEET SOUTH", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-56-R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the staff be 588-609 instructed to send out public abatement notices to affected property owners with Oak WiZt/Dutch EIm Diseased trees on their land. (see memo attached) A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-57-C. Mr. Milbert rrroved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Council accept 609-616 tlie City Engineer's report re: communication from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and authorize the implementation of remedial actions of our Sanitary Landfill. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-58-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 616-635 76-2502, "RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS FOR STATE AID STREET (STH AVENUE SOUTH, FROM 1ST TO 2ND STREET SOUTH)", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonald, yea;, Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried vnanimously. Item: 76-59-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 636-641 76-2503, "RESOLUTION RESTRICTING PARKING ON STATE AID STREET (8TH AVENUE SOUTH, FROM 1ST TO 2ND STREET SOUTH)", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the meeting be 643 adjourned. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. � ATTEST : Dorothy M.��lohnson, �"ary to:the Council Jerre A. MiZZer, Mayor �Shn J. Strojan Richard Wilson Harold Richardson C.P. Nielsen Donald Bentley Everett Beecher Gordon Anderson Ray Kohnen Ronald Schwartz othy M. Johnson James Kerrigan David AuZtfather Robert Mood Z976 WAGES FOR MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES '75 Stanton POSITION Group V Median 1975 Pub. Works Director Park & Rec. Director Assessor-Clerk Finance Director Lt. of Police Pub. Wks . Oper. Dir. Asst. Enqineer Bldg.& Zoning Admin. Asst.Park & Rec. Dir. Management Secretary Communitr� Dev. Officer Intern Sani tari an $23,292 Z8,633 18,682 20,30I Z S, 228 16,800 Z 7, 736 18,825 13,860 9,888 1976 ilncrease $23,000 $24,500 6.6i 20,500 21,900 6.8 20,500 21,900 6.8 19,500 20,800 6.7 19,250 20,500 6.5 17,500 19,000 8.5 Z7,500 19,000 8.5 Jan.l-June 30 JuZ. 1 -Dec.31 16,Z00 I7, 400 + 8.I + 1,450/Mo. I,500/Mo. 14,000 I5,000 7.1 9,900 10,600 7.2 9,600 10,400 8.1 6,600 7,200 9.0 10.58/hr. 11.25/hr 6.0 CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO IJHOP�1 IT MAY COPJCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Hopkins will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on June 15th, 1976, to consider the making of an improve- ment on 16th Avenue South from Fifth Street to a point approximately 118 feet south by the extension of Sanitary Sewer and '1Jatermain thereon pursuant to P4.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is Lots 23 and 24, Block 3, L. P. Crevier's First Addition to l�est Minneapolis and Lot 1, Block 2, Napco Industrial Park. The estimated cost of such improvement is �3,530.50 for sanitary sewer; $5,073.80 for watermain, and $2,125.20 for street improvement. All persons desiring to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated April 20th, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney Published in the Hopkins Sun, Hopkins, Minnesota on June 2, 1976 and June 9, 1976: 0 CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2504 A RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF ENGINEERS REPORT ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS a petition has been reveived requesting the improvement on Campbell Drive and Burnes Drive by the installation of ornamental street lights thereon and the assessment of benefitting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429,111, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the proposed improvement be referred to John Strojan, City Engineer, for study and he is instructed to report with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvments are feasible and as to whether they should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement and the estimated cost of the improvements as recommended. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 20th day of April, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk - JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE MILLER, Mayor � `r Apri1 14, 1976 To: City Council From: City Engineer Re: Street light at intersection of 21st Ave. 6 2nd St. No. It has been City policy to install street lights at intersections. The above intersection does not have lighting. It is .;therefore recommended that a Zight be instalZed based upon the following factors listed for Council consideration: (I) 21st Ave. is a"dead end" at a point approximately 150 feet South of 2nd Street. A light wi11 enable southbound traffic to be abZe to see the sign designating the "dead end" condition. (2) 21st Ave. has a steep grade (12i). The Iight wouZd make the intersection visible to southbound traffic well in advance of the inter- section. (3) A City sewage lift` station Iocated in the southwest.corner of the intersection would be better protected from traffic and vandalism. JJS:dmj Respectfull submitted, ��' � . John J. Strojan City Engineer D O ; • .' , � � ', f � . •�� i°+ 0 a ;• y ., 0 � .� � ��;, .- LAKE SS. N� • ■� `�,. _ w : ,�� ► ��'� � 0 ,�,�:..�,..� , � ----- � , . . � � � � ._1 �. � � � P A R K 0 $ ►�.: � ��,,,� �� ��_ �.. �i � .::�• . �- •• � � � `_ _ � � � �'�' � � �' �� ■ s �� � ���� �„' ��N� 1�1�1 ��� � � CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2505 A RESOLUTIOPJ RECEIVI�VG REPORT AND CALLING FOR HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Restolution No. 76-2490 of the Council adopted February 17th, 1976, a report has been prepared by John Strojan, City Engineer, with reference to the improvement on 16th Avenue South from Fifth Street to a point approximately 118 feet south by the extension of sanitary sewer and watermain thereon and this report was received by the Council on April 20th, 1976. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Hopkins, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such street in accordance with the report and the assessment of Lots 23 and 24, Block 1, L. P. Crevier's First Addition to West Minneapolis and Lot 1, Block 3, Napco Industrial Park for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $3,530.50 for sanitary se��ver, $5,073.80 for watermain and $2,125.20 for street improvement. 2. A oublic hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 15th day of June, 1976, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and the Clerk shall give published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, P4innesota, this 20th day of April, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE MILLER, Mayor RESOLUTION N0. 76-2502 APPROVING PLANS FOR STATE AID STREET (8th Avenue South, lst to 2nd Street South) WHEREAS, plans for Hopkins Project No. 132-353-02 showing proposed construction together with specifications and special provisions for the construction of Municipal State Aid Highway No. 353 within the limits of the City as a State Aid Project have been prepared and presented to the City: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED: That said plans, specifications and special provisions be in all things approved. Dated this 20th day of Apri1,1976. CERTIFICATION State of Minnesota County of Hennepin City of Hopkins I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed, adopted and.approved by the City Council of Hopkins at a meeting thereof held in the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, on the 20th day of April, 1976, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. Seal: � ��� � H. E. Richardson, City Clerk � RESOLUTION N0. 76-2503 RESTRICTING PARKING ON STATE AID STREET (8th Avenue South, lst to 2nd Street South) M.S.A.P. 132-353-02 (8th Avenue South) from ist Street South to 2nd Street South in the City of Hopkins, Minnesota THIS RESOLUTION, passed this 20th day of Apri1,1976, by the City of Hopkins, in Hennepin County, Minnesota. The Municipal corporation shall hereinafter be called the "City"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the "City" has planned the improvement of MSAS 353 (8th Avenue South) from ist Street South to 2nd Street South WHEREAS, the "City" will be expending Municipal State Aid Funds on the improvement of said Street, and WHEREAS, said improvement does not conform to the approved minimum standards as previously adopted for such Municipal State Aid Streets and that approval of the proposed construction as a Municipal State Aid Street project must therefor be conditioned upon certain parking restrictions, and WHEREAS, the extent of these restrictions that would be a necessary prerequisite to the approval of this construction as a Municipal State Aid project in the "City", has been determined. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: That the "City" shall restrict the parking to motor vehicles on the west side of MSAS 353 (8th Avenue South) at all times. Dated this 20th day of April 1976. ATTEST: � �1,ui�i / H.E.Richardson, City Clerk City of Hopkins, Minnesota ✓� erre Miller, Mayor A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, May 4, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall. Present were Mayor Miller, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, Slaton and Vassar, also City Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Operations Director Beecher, Building Inspector Kohnen, City Attorney Vesely, and City Planner, Hawks. Reel 197 Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the three (3) Side I items under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved. 647-664 Z. Minutes of the April 20, 1976, CounciZ rr�eeting. 2. License applications: CLARK OIL & REF. CORP., INC., for Milk (self- service) Groceries (approved by Mr. Mood on 4-17-76); VIKING PIONEER, INC., for Modern Merchandising; Cigarettes, Vending Machines; TWIN CITY NOVELTY, for Hopkins House, 1 mechanical amusement device; CHAMPLIN PETROLEUM CO., for 4 gasoline pumps; DUANE HENKE, for the City of Hopkins, Auctioneer License for one day, May 22, 1976; COUNTRY KITCHEN OF HOPKINS, INC., for restaurant, cigarettes, milk, vending machine; ALICE BARTON CHEESE HOUSE, itinerant food establishment - 1002 Excelsior Ave. (Mini-MaI1) 3. Request by Minnegasco for permit to install 220' of qas main on Atwater Street (part Zocated in Hopkins), to serve Minnetonka. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un- animously. * � �r �r * * * * * * * * Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the expenditures 664-690 dated May 4, 1976, under Warrant No.472, in the amount of $I76,272.93, be approved and authorized for paymentr A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-23-Z. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, to reconsider 690 to Hennepin County's preliminary proposal of Blake Road for signalization end of tape system of Blake Road, Highway #7 and Cambridge. A poll of the vote was Side 2 as folZows: Dr. Slaton, nay, Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, nay, Mr. 1-124 McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, nay. Motion lost. Item: 76-73-Z. Mr. MiZbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Council 124-189 approve the preliminary plans for Magoo's TabZe Tennis C1ub, to be . located at 317 W. Excelsior Avenue, as recommended by Zoning & Planning. A po11 of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-72-Z. Dr.Slaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, to accept the 189-212 recommendation from Zoninq and PZanning for approval of preliminary plan for a Cricket Photo Pickup Store to be located across the street east of Rossi Imported Auto Parts - I021 E. ExceZsior Avenue. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor �Ii11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-46-5. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, to continue to 2I2-225 the May I8, 1976, CounciZ meeting, approval of the City Manager's, the Police Superintendent's and the City Attorney's salary for 1976. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, nay; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Ma�or Miller, yea . Motion carried. Item: 76-54-R. Dr. SZaton moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, to accept the re- 225-240 commendation of the City Engineer for installation of a street Iight at the intersection of 2nd Street North and 21st Avenue. A po11 of the vote was as folZows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, nay; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried. Item: 76-60-0. Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton second the motion, that Ordinance No. ,� 240-.323 76-423, "AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING SUANAS AND MASSAGE PARLORS" be accepted for the first reading. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, nay; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried. Minutes of the May 4, 1976, Council meeting, cont.. Page 2. Item: 76-61-A. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that request from 323-330 the West Hennepin Human Services Planning Board for CounciZ approval of Amendment #2 to the Joint Powers Agreement, be granted. A polZ of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. (see corr¢nunication attached) Item: 76-62-C. Mayor Mi1Zer proclaimed Tuesday, May 18th and Wednesday, May 19, 1976 330-335 as "Hypertension Detection Days" in the City of Hopkins, as requested by the Kidney Foundation of the Upper Midwest, Inc. Item: 76-63-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the request 335-34Z from Hugh Strawn, Fire MarshaZ, for fire lanes at the Hopkins Plaza Project, as shown on attached map, be granted. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carrie d:unanimously. Item: 76-64-P. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 341-349 76-2508, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING AN ENGINEER'S REPORT ON PETITION FOR A CONCRETE ALLEY IN BLOCK 8, GIBB's FIRST ADDITION TO WEST MINNEAPOLIS, BETWEEN ZSTH AND I6TH AVENUE, SOUTH OF FIRST STREET NORTH", be adopted. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, nay; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried. Item: 76-65-P. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Resolution 349-354 No. 76-2509, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING ENGINEER'S REPORT ON INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE CURB IN FRONT OF 340 AND 346 - 11TH AVENUE NORTH, AND ALSO A ZS FOOT SECTION AT 346 - ZITH AVENUE NORTH FACING 4TH STREET (OLD DRIVE- WAY)", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor i�liller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-66-R. Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 354-362 76-2506, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE BY REMOVING CERTAIN INFECTED ELM AND/OR OAK TREES ON/OR IN BLOCK 7, BELLGROVE", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Uassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un- animovsly. Item: 76-67-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 362-397 76-2507, "A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FAIR MARKET VALUE FOR VARIOUS PARCELS OF LAND FOR PUBLIC RECREATIONAL SERVICES", be adopted. A po11 of the vote was as foZlows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-74-Z. Mr. MiZbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the request by 397-521 Mr. Finke of Advance Packaging Corp., for clarification of his side and front yard property lines for purposes of expansion be,that Harrison Avenue is the front yard for the purposes of determining setbacks. (Mr. Finke's property is located at 21 Harrison Avenue North). A poZl of the vote was as fo.Zlows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-68-Z. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the prelimin- 521-530 ary review of plans for a Conditional Use Permit by George W. Rybold, to construct a 43 unit apartrrtent building (approvedin 1970) to be located at the southwest corner of 7th St. & 9th Avenue South, be continued to the first meeting in July of 1976. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDoanld, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-69-Z. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the request 530-537 for a sign variance in a public right-of-way,by J's Pizza, 62I E. Excelsior Avenue, be tabZed. A poll of the.vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the May 4, 1976, Council meeting, cont. Paqe 3. Item: 76-70-Z. Mr. MiZbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the rnotion, that the County's 537-543 proposed upgrading of the intersection of Minnetonka Boulevard and County Road #73, be tabled, per request of the County. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried�unanimously. Item: 76-71-Z. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Resolution 543-565 No. 76-2510, "A RESOLUTION WAIVING PLATTING REQUIREMENTS TO ALLOW DIVISION OF LOTS 3, 4 AND 5, BLOCK 1, DRILLANE,"(known as 617 and 707 Dri.Zlane Road), be adopted. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. McD�onald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the meeting be 565-568 adjovrned. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonaZd, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. 41 �� �� • /� ��,J �•'y'L/i. ;7�/��113"'l tary to �ie Council (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of EquaZization of the City of Hopkins in Hennepin County, Minnesota, wi11 meet in the Council Chambers on Wednesday, June 2, I976, at 7:30 p.m., in the City Ha11 for the purpose of review and correcting the assessircents of said City for the year 1976. A11 persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessments or who wish to complain that the property of another is assessed too .Zow, are hereby notified to appear at said meeting and show cause for having such assessment corrected. No compZaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agents, sha11 have been notified of such complaint. H. E. Richardson City C1erk May 4, 1976 To be pubZished in the HOPKINS SUN May 19, 1976. (Official PubZication) NOTICE OF MEETING OF HOPKINS CITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER TAKING ACTION TO ABATE NUISANCE CONSITING OF DUTCH ELM OR OAK WILT INFESTED TREES LOCATED UPON BLOCK 7, BELLGROVE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City CounciZ of the City of Hopkins will meet at a regular meeting to be held in the Council Chambers of the Hopkins City Ha11 located at ZO10 First Street South, Hopkins, Minnesota on Tuesday, Jurle I, 1g76, at 7:30 p.m. to consider taking action to abate the nuisance consistinq of certain trees infested with Dutch E1m or Oak Wi1t and existing upon Lot 4, Block 7, and Lot 7, Block 7, in Bellgrove, which trees have been and now are marked by the Hopkins Forester. This Notice is gi ven pursuant to Hopkins Ordinance No. 73-382, and Resolu- tion No. 76-2506,and to the Laws of the State of Minnesota pertaining thereto. The action proposed is to remove and destroy all infected trees upon said premises. The estimated cost of such abatement is $200/tree. It is proposed that a11 costs of such action and abatement sha11 be borne by the owner or owners of the premises involved, and sha11 be assessed against the property involved or be otherwise ordered paid by appropriate action at Law or equity. The Council sha11 hear all property owners with reference to the above matter. AND THE HOPKINS SUN The Notice sha11 be published once in the newspaper FINANCE AND COMMERCE / not less than one week prior to such meeting, and a copy thereof, together with Resolution No. 76-2506, sha11 he maiZed to aIl affected property owners by First Class Mail. Dated: May 4, 1976 H. E, RICHARDSON, Ci ty Clerk (Published in FINANCE AND COMMERCE, May 26, 1976) (Published in the HOPKINS SUN, May 26, 1976) - �_ � � . west hennepin human services planning board �_ �' �. I -�:"''� 41st and Vernon South / St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55416 920-5533 � 'I � MEMO T01: WHHS Member Municipalities FROM: I' Nancy Wilson, Director, WHHS �� . RE: Amendment �62 to the Joint Powers Agreement DATE: I ppril 22, 1976 - - � , Atliits April, 1976, meeting, the WHHS Board of Directors approved the attached amendment to the Joint and Cooperative Agreement that creates the West Hennepin Human Services Planning Board . ' The purpose of the amendment is to make all municipaTities within�lthe planning area eligible to join.WHHS, rather than just those listed in the Joint Powers Agreement. (At present, the nine members are listed.) , � � Article IV, Sections 1 and 2 further amend the Agreement so that the size of the Board niay be increased when new�members join � an.d also additional "provider" members may be appointed by the Board . � - Wh'i�le we anticipate only one or two more- municipalities joining WHHS in t.he next year., amending the Joint Powers Agreement at thi;s time will hopefully make it.usable for the foreseeable future'�. I'will appreciate your City Council corisidering this amendment as sooh as passible. It should be filed with the City Manager of St. Lo�,uis Park together with a copy of the resolution authorizing . such ajction. • • � i. . . i . i :� ' C�t n�-�� r�;r„•;F�,� ��J;r���R T��lo Tu ..lJ:I',i Ai1:i CO��YF'�;^,T'I'JF; �1�".REE�,,R:;'C `:JT?S:' fiE;?•1"t^yli�! P„!"tAi�:' SI.�;�`>'iC':S r�L�'I'�II"7G ROl1Ril 1. ,�rt.icl�� ITI, Se�Li�n 1, i� �*�;znct�d �o re��r.i: , Sec�,_��n 1. Ti:e �^ur:ici.pa.'.itir:s cii.�;•It�le �o bc�co=�c p�zrties t;o t!:i_� , �??1'�!":�:1":t. ;i"c. 8�.). %:�O�i'. !.",UTI'.C].t:1�.�.�j�.S �:}]c:'t: ii1'�.^_ �CC2:i: .i •d wi t �: n t;��. i�u:ana_�r_. :� : �;t` t:..� : � � d:�t •U:�UCDc � Pl�a.yr�+n^; Ar��:; a:� e�;tal�list�td , �3Tl:i •�E.'.rit]i_C_' U.', �!'1`= .'?%a�) Oi� t::'s:);, area �i���C�"ie�� �C: '..'i'i7.� aC'I'v'��".lf,'llti �:S :;:�lb'_t a �. i:t"'r 1.4.' � �? Tj/ � S'4?.^.%�.Ori: 1$il:j l� i t'C� '.f1ttY?CiP,ii tCS !'�3Y3CJ : "��c'._:n 1. �l��. �?cverr,3.��,-; bqci; of ti.}, �_:r:,��rci s:'.all b� its �o,:r;� ,�i' cii��ecL-�r•:,. ;:acl; , e�:he�• s'-,all appazr�t rv.�o ;3ic�•ecCar� b� .�e:� n � � . v �r bad 'G11:f:2O C;S' � .• � r ,r,- + , " ,�' -C��, ;' • �'�C[1 ^lt?"I��ni" .}.... c'.f:i�i:.�.� t ,� f:WG C ::s'�;eti} �J��1Ci. !';U:3� �t' t;Y.�i'Ci;S�� fCl �LCSOYI ��' t'acl� d�t'E:(„�Ut' �t 50�:t:'ii ,..-•;:�ti:� ,. ,:u::l�� r3ppcint;men�,s yt;all. bA for � � �.c.r•..s ��i �;��;� years and ?!['i.. ;. i .tl:�: '.! �,^t;(:tOf �: � S1ICCES�r%.^;" ?t`f.' _iE'.I�:C:tC'.(.a. �� � n�� f'l�. , ;illfl��� P.?C— _F:;>,: �;;at tf.•- ;'irst :i1.r•;;ct��r� ���all be apero�>>�Nd !�ti: :�;;ct� .�ember so r, i-; ..': t It �.., t� ..�:, c: e r, e G? r e c t o^ � r\pl} �S o!l J3rlu.i+^y .i.l. 1�(�� .�f1C� t::.. ` - . .:!� �'__. ��i;i)'::i" ui :`t''C1:Ul" f"'�.L:'�:_ 02; ��a31':::3t'J ��.1 . 3�� .��`. �:1 Jc112 � u r •r :�� .�'?'�'t' ;1".•1 Ci�'1�::'. :�i:lU.�ry there.:lr t�r� f,'::Cil .T7C1'.15t'1" �t]�.L!_ 7�:.Ki: O1�E? � e;�,.l.::r a,::�:��<:in�.:!�e;,��; af' one dir�c�ctor whosn ter•r��s z�Y;al��_ bc :'or tc.a �:r .. :� ��� c, r� �,bru:, r ;� �mr: cir,. •, �,', z i�,t pi' t�,��� yF.,�r �i:}�vi..t�.d. Ar•« ,; ^�.�r..i �.i;..,�.lit bc;��.oc�+n, a�e3:n��•r aft:e�r ,Ir:s�u�.rJ, 1�'; �� .;h.�:11 ini.ti�liy a f;�;c,.rt i.�a �..i i r�:�c��r��, on� Y c sc.rve ur,t i� tt�e f��ll aY�i.>:;- �,.�na�ry 31 ,-. , �',, •th,�r .: �a . . E �, u s�rve an anc:itiona� yc�ar f:,�m t �a1;e. ilirc:�.• n 1. ? � (. L'c��•:, ;�r;:ly be •rt�au�;oini;�d and si;��ll �erve .��i�.haut con�pNn::ation fro�� t'r<e �;o:�r•a �-�i� t.i+i;> :;���a�l not prev�nL a member fz�t,.: pro��idin::c com- �:+=t;.`:�Ft 1�0:: i;0 1.Gs direceOt`: �O1^ s!�rvin� OCl tl;t: �0�:'fj 1� �UCil CO�Y!�?il— s.:t ci: is �Ut'�uri�z_��:! t:y suc!i rrer�ber an�i k�y law. c`�ti_or: 2, T'h�� �rrr�c�nrs elected t,�y t.::e counci).s 3}�all �,]cc:t r_d-iit. io!:...1 dir��ci;or^ at the Pirst r.^.eetins; oi' �t,e board, an�! i�, ��'ebrt�ar•,• o�' e��ct�: yF��.r ti:erE�iter. 'I'l�e �.:�;iiti�:�r=�1 dirr�ctor�� �i:�:�.i si.�rv� i'�r c��}� yr:•�; . i.�r��il t�e:�r� :�uccessc�s �r� a;:p�7interl. Thc� ne:�'�rJ�i` 01` �,d��i}ional d�.rectars �lect?•9 sf:all k>e eci�al to t'�? 17iJ1'1�'t�C' Q'F r;:::���+�er' C;GC?Cr;UC��tXGS. 't���]'.?P. ft Il`•lJ 111t?.'Ti;c',!' .)Glt7: ��'li;3 a,rl"(?�?�. fnc:t;: , r,��E t:��•tJ .�.t�(�I.L10YtF,� ��:1T'@CtO:' ��111� �� �1%��� 'C�, �O y•";T"`�'e etnt.L? t;i�e i'c;Iir;�:::_�;:, ['et�ru7r•��, iP�r;se addit�or.ai dir�ci-_.�r^ r.eca nat he ;"!?..., .�'r.l':L: G, y!]� ti:C^if�iUT;).:' 7.Q.. f.�a?: 2.C�' '�!;'i�'rE?t'� Ot� �t?_ :; :.t?1'C�Tt::!'1% 1::� ._�lectir:.�; tl.t� «ddltiuna.I dir�.c.ors� ihe riir�ctor�. ��c�r.t:�d r.y t;�.-, co�:r.c�.�:, _��:a11 rrivt �o;�:ii;erati.o7 to t�:�e r�c�.;or:: st�� fnr�t��: �!�! .��Ci,l:il� r iJ.. ��Tr..l(:i.�' �.�.i ,:jr.d SilUl� :f��..��! t•il $•^_-rL;t+c. 3! ��iC?�iI'�::fi.� f'(.. r�c�r':. i se f�r� k�i� b�:ir� . 'a':;:: board rna� rero:�ve at ar��; �im� c�i di.�«<;-- t,vr : e1����.F.d :7x t!`f: 1»�,: ;:. .i. �i'i?_:: il,^:F;'1r1:1E'��4 ��1c1�.1 OE:CUf;1E'._.nF� �Ct.LV'.. a.`. 7f ��!P. 4d''t�.F' 'Ji: ��rYii ���: t:�e ?:..::� ci' �':e pr��.:?r:t �r:em��er�? fi les ar� f::.er.�:t �ci c��4 y��f t.�:�.., .,.r;ar,�.;..,•:rii: ►�it�. ti�r �i�v Ftanar;er of t,�e C�.Ly �,i' ;.��. Lo,ias P�yrk, I; tflC'.I"' b1:ii.''! b(.:O!i�7 U� t.f'.('_ !'f.a...�3C��l�:1.C�!1 81It:�:O.^1"..'�:.`if' ��f��C}; 3C�:1.rJ1':. :i�,l:.:, i��i�: ..,:�t.i;..�i i.l�� ��3C.F'(j 1.1!)�.1'1 ��';�' �ct�it�. �3'"C:,ld"!li.,in`.. f�l �.f.',c1� �$ OJ' t,�lE'• U�?LE: UI i�;, `�:..fiC!:•'� Fl..^.0 c}'::i��] CQ219r•1�']�8 f.!'�C.' Lj�i:.+.' O; sLI1t1a. � i : `; �', . .; T .: i :.i ,�.' U i� �_._._ �r.._.._.__...�«.� ., f 1 fj .� ( � �' 'ii'F: �-�i: ,�: °'�_` ;): . t.�'iCVE'r;�c;,�r.+:.a� ':r,i' ) --- ------._.._._. _._.__ _..,....._ ._ - - - ---_....__�...._ _ 4 y M _.�._..�. ._......�.._._._..�.____._.. ..__. - - .._.._..�..�.�._____.r_____ - --- �Y _---_____.---_._._._._.__ � � , A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF ' AMENDP�iENT NUMBER TWO TO THE JOINT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WEST HENNEPIN HUMAN SERVICES PLANNING BOARD BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY nF that the'i and are auth�orized to execute on behalf of the City, Amendment Number Two to the Joint and Cooperative Agreement, West Hennepin Human Services'Planning Board, permitting additional municipalities to . become.members. � �� Adopted by the City Council . 1976 Mayor -- . � Exnibit A ----------------------------- — — � __--- --- ' NEPdP�Ef� 1 P� COUNTY 197�'� CE��SUS TRACTS �." _. i � ._. � t I i - r� 'J 6rwn11.b -�: ' c�ad _�__...._.� � f� 27� r; � -- i: �� r� � - e., W , �. +; i.__J 1. • � �: . �r,. �. ....,,�,�, .lL...,,� � � ''� 5UE3URBAN PLANNING AREAS .,x�. �ses� `," , SS►r�,. r` �lr �� %� '� ' < � `' ���.;"�,� -,..,�i ' � < f} 1 Northwest r :: { �.o� � �'�' ,�-' ' �,;. _�. 2 W e s t �7 ti2 � ��� � ; : �.. ���.Qa � � �� � �� . �� t �"' , ��. �:.� �, �! 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I " lit Q� � _ !'7t2�% � ^ _��-A-;;, �� It2T2.Q��"'.. , 274 .,.e-• 261 .O1 7;q .. %� -- � ..� � °"�` �•, � _ e - zs2.a2 - , `'° _1 °° - �m �n� ,�, - ,�,:, xn.....1 � 'l..J ��� v „o ,�i � �. • � ' ` ` 252.Ot -' ' �`�" � (` �,. � '�t�.S.vT' I � � � f; 15jOb v^ 2F2.03 � i ?" ^ `7?S �, '�; , ne �+v .., I�� '�� '-� r .e�. .,�.r .y'.�__ �. 235.n." , :�� � ; � p. . . .r � � � s s�,�,,,. _ l' 275.02• r, I v J 1� 252.0�1 �' � 261.02 \ 73� ;.�._ �,�. ,��• � - iai n�" �'- � - '-'.\�'d�Y s.a...s.a �1� � � , .; ' `' ' y _._ .. . � , N+ �.4U � �4 � ' r ' .' '� .�:. , , . ^ i _ y�7 ��.,.. . . . N . ' -� . . '� J 2vt2 4f �� " �R �.o � I 2` Yb�p3 `i . � r6O7...:N{. ' ��u ..F�o7� . :���1� rf- 1� _Yrhl',. � �fr• � '/ 'J� � ��.r6 �.`Nr i �� � •' _ �L' . � w•: � _ ��. , � � jSr, D'1. 7� . F: o }?a�j 1 �� .260 ;A2 - . �; ,•�.•�. � :,,. ', �j a � . 9 P97A�.� ,i ,, : �� ' ,; ; , o a �i � �' M �s � r25q,9 .rr� UP ' 2%.OIS . ' OFFICERS Chairman ol the Board Mrs. S. G. Kraft President John M. Burns. M.D. Vice Chairman Thomas D. Mensing Treasurer Ralph E. Young Secretary Lois Fuller Chairman, Medical Advisory Board Robert C. Andersen, M.D. FUND RAISING CHAIRMAN Rudy Boschwitz BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mrs. James Anton Shane Bartleson Robert L. Biernat Mrs. A. R. Birnberg Mrs. Austin Boulay Lois Burck Gretchen Burckhardt T��•�n K. Estlick '<. Heimann auy Hole Mrs. John F. Jakway Morton Johnson William J. Johnson, M.D. Robert J. Kressel Mrs. Donald Lambert Rev. Norman E. Lidke Jeanne Lindgren Michael E. Lynn Thomas M. Madison Allen W. Moberg, M.D. Carol J. Murman William E. Murman Robert Randall Mrs. O. G. Reiersen Ole G. Reiersen Dorothy L. Rose Everett R. Selle Richard O. Tryhus George F. Waters Edward J. Wyner Mrs. Alphonse Zecca National Kidney Foundation President James C. Hunt, M.D. HONORARY MEMBERS Governor Wendell Anderson Eugene Hedlund Hubert H. Humphrey Les C. Kouba Eugene O'Brien 'UTIVE DIRECTOR y McGrew KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF THE UPPER MIDWEST, INC. AN AFFILIATE OF THE NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION 1821 University Avenue Phone: (612) 645-8606 St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 April 15, 1976 Ma.yor Jere Miller 1010 South lst Street Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 Dear Mayor Miller : On 'I�esday and Wednesday, May 18 and 19, the Kidney Foundation of the Upper Midwest and participating 'Dairy Queen" stores in Minnesota. are sponsoring a statewide hypertension campaign. The campaign agai.nst hypertension or, high blood pressure, is certainly one of the most ambitious public service programs ever underta.ken in Minnesota. Quite simply, every person who comes to a'�airy Queen" store on either May 18 or 19, ma.y have his or her blood pressure ta.ken by qualified personnel free of cha.rge and without further obligation. In addition to this ma.jor public service program, all participating 'Dairy Queen" stores will donate one third of their sales during the two day campaign to the Kidney Foundation of the Upper Midwest. Al1 proceed.s will be used to support the Corrmiunity High Blood Pressure Pilot Test Program now being conducted in Minnesota.. The Nationa.l Kidney Foundation estimates tha.t more than 300,000 Minnesota.ns and 23 million Americans currently ha.ve hypertension, ha.lf of whom are not aware of their disease. Overall, 15 percent of the adult population between the ages of 18 and 69 in your own corrur►unity probably suffer from high blood pressure. If untreated, hypertension can lead to kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, and other medical problems. The Kidney Foundation of the Upper Midwest and "Dairy Queen" believe this campaign is a most worthwhile public service program. Mayor Miller, the very na.ture of this program encourages us to ask for your help and support. The Kidney Foundation of the Upper Midwest and Internationa.l I�.iry Queen, Inc., have scheduled an intensive public awareness program throughout the state concerning the May 18 and 19 campaign. The support we are rec�uesting is not particularly to gain recognition for the Kidney Founda.tion or 'Dairy Queen". Ra.ther, support through your office is needed to inform people in your community that this program will ta.ke place and to encourage them to take this opportunity to ha.ve a blood pressure screening free of cha.rge. !lA�i�fCAL ACJVi5t3RY �+C3f�Fi[) Rol3ert C. Rndersen, R�.D, Minneapolis. MN Car! F, Anclerson; M.Ci, Rochester, MN Kari iti. Andersan, M.D. Excelsio€, l4�!V Johra fiA. Burrts. M.D. St. �auk. fd3hE Theodore Buselmeie:. M.D. iViinneapaEis, MN Donald Duncan, M.D. Minneapolis, MN Roberf E. Hansen, M.D. Hibbing, MN A. J. Hartzeit, M.D. Sioux FaNs, SD Ciauda R. ttit.r,htOck, M.D, Minneapoiis, MN Thendore urahn5or, tUi.C7. Duluth, iV�l� Wiiiiam J. ,}ohnson. isti.D. RochesAer. NIN Carl Kjellstrand, M.U. M€eaneapclls, MN Russell Knutson, M.D. Fargo, Nt7 Igbal Krishan, M.D. Rochester. MN Arthur Leonai�d. IVt.€�. Minneapnlis, Mh1 Donald Masler, M.Ct:: Minneapoiis. 11AFt Aflichael Nf.3uer, M.�. Minneapoi�s, i�Atv A9!r,�c� F. Michaei, �t.D. E11'snneapotis, MN Jcashua Mi{lar, M.Q. Minneapatis. MN ,Rllerz Moberg, P11.D. �i�nnea��lis. llfit� Wii4ard Pet2:son, M.C�. "�:ilimar. N!N H.ert�ert Pofesky. M.D. fUEinneapoli�. MN Jack Resnick. M.d. �i�!innea�qlis, MR! Ffugh Scanion. M.D. L�tlfe F�IIs. Mhi Fre� L. Shapiro, F�9.t3. Nti»n�apofis, MN i#€uh�2r'�I l.. Sirttmoras. I!li.L`, iVfinneapalis, MN 4ienry T. ��a'sth, MA.E�. Pliir�nea�aolis. MN CaT+ero�t Strong, (V�.D. �;erchest�:. P�IIN Don P. Swensen, M.�. 67uiuth, NiN � Robert Vernier, M.D. N{inneapfllis. MP! Ronald Wathen, f��.D. Ea9inneaFalis, Mtv R�uerf Weibert, P�!aan.D. Mew Brighton, N!N John Woc��s. M.�. Rochester, IVIN Norsl Zincke. Nl.G. Rochester, Mld 6 � -z- We are certain that you and your staff can think of many ways to encourage the med.ia to "}ielp spread the word", however, one suggestion we find particularly interesting. Would you consider declaring Tuesday and Wednesday, May 18 and 19, "Hypertension Detection Days" in your corronunity? We believe that this declaration would certainly impress upon connrnulity m�nbers the importance of Ma.y 18 and 19. Another suggestion would be for you personally to have your blood pressure checked at your local participati.ng "Da..iry Queen" store prior to the campaign, for publication during "F-Iypertension Detection Days". This would be an excellent beginning in our joint efforts to publicize the promotion. � We thank you in advance for your help in this most important ma.tter. If there is anything we'or our staffs can do to assist your consideration or efforts in this matter, please feel free to contact us. urs respectfully, /rl. �,� o Burns, M.D. , ' President Kidney Founda.tion of the Upper Midwest Inc. , G ('���� � James C. Hunt, M.D. President Na.tio 1 Kidney Foundation •c.�'.�:C�Gj'o Harris Cooper President Interna.tional Dairy Queen, Inc. « : ; �-r � April 6, 1976 T0: Ed Lundgren� Don Bentley� John Stro jan� Jerre Miller� Peter Cotton� Fire Chief m%�'���� LT, H� O AC City Engineer Ma.yor City Manager F�M: Hugh Strawn� Fire Maxshal RE: Fire Lanes� Hopkins Plaza Project The inclosed map indicates (in blue pen) where I feel fire lanes should be designated in the Hopkins Plaza Project. These lanes are chosen with fire department access in mind. The lanes within the paxking lots are designed so fire department equipment can have enough room to turn. The lanes in the paxkinglot near the garbage areas are designed so fire equipment can be brought in close enough to the apaxtment buildings to be operable. The lanes extending onto public streets and parking lots are again designated so fire fighters will be able to get their equipment as close as possible to the structures fa�r fire fighting purposes. Mar�y of the townhouse residenves are not readily accessible to the fire department. The tactics required to fight a fire in some of the townhouses would require laying more than 200' of hose from the street. Such distance is within the capability of our pre—connected hose lines on our pumpers. But that requires getting the truck a� close as possible to the townhouses. The fire lanes near the sidewalks will permit us to be able to use the sidewalks if necessary far� quick acces� to a fire in the townhousese If you have any questions please give me a call. � �. P � h' p� '. V 0; 9� 5 1 � t ,h_ � Mt11T[D —' ::.t ; M�Ma ' - F �y'� . __ �� -J . ne�� oo `nra� � �oa' - � ... . �a oo . , r�e oa V ` " . . � xno 00 '. �' :'. �.1t� p� -; as• oc � '� - �QV"70�Itl5 > nr• Oo ane co ��i, ,-. " °' PLA�A . - ��� ' ]MA 00 - If3• p0 ��,'�.:•� !16• OCl il0• pp _ . . 81 CO � 1M0 W 313� • 00 ElYdiN �YE. SO. • -• � ��1I� 161 116MTM 11VE. BO. NOPI[�IIl. Yf1N. '".`.� . JNO O� 1L•0 = - O� E6��i ]MO 00 TUU CP .'. - � ]6 q7 � '�<. „�. oa �po � ��� � _ = 5 • :,,, -�.� r�. � ���� - -- - -- „ � ,�,. � ;y _ . � �.��, ��. � _ _ t" '.; II ItD�I � T1Bf 00 - �'�- �� GFda7p ` � roe=oo mor on �. - t . . �,1:.�:•_' ' ��'. �meo � .. .:.. L. h — ��az� � �, u ..�. — . , �._ :� - ' tOpA 7C7 %RA � �r � • :r. ]OE� 00 ]O/A �p �. � CINIMO �: " -': _ ti � i0l4 00 f0�� [O - �''_� � �� _ ,oee oo nse w I'-� A�- . %:. 61 00 , D�]0 Ca 30.59 OO ��� ' ��� xee oo �oae on _ I.� wio�r �'�� tU• 00 1MA 0� ��, . ` � ' OS CD ' ., I''i i li . Lr , NIA CO ]D]A W � � l',�; � fM� OO ]0�� OO I:� I 9m1100�1 LIYIMO eo W ��: +tae oo wim oo ;I� . <`I :1'j ' , mm oo w+e oa �� _ ' . ., , y ��� - '�{. DIII�W .�. . .:. l'�`��^�" r� aoze oo w�e oo .. . ' �'_"� ��L � 4 AiClF.N � VOO��,�I I� N\`O_ p ^�t �y �,. _ _ ,�� ` K� Fi � 1 . . i a St. S�' Zn H ' 2 � e� �rytl10 . 7 �, t h ���� ,,,,, RITCM[N p -- - v B e-- -- --- - ��« sow� �m�ro emnoo� ` ou�uio KIiOtLI R� ' _ __ __ B•9 --� - o.� �ry�� , OOBII oiw��o u - N — .,� RITCNIII �� ) � � �r. z-w�xi:_a-�--•.:..m-.srn-� va CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 76-2506 A RESOLUTION ORDERING ABATEMENT��DF NUISANCE BY REMOVING CERTAIN INFECTED ELM AND/OR OAK TREES ON/OR IN BLOCK 7, BELLGROVE WHEREAS, pursuant to City of Hopkins Ordinance No. 73-382, and pursuant to M.S.A. Chapter 18, and pursuant to Chapter 4, Ru1es and ReguZations of the Depart- ment of Agriculture (AGR I01-120), the forester of the City of Hopkins has found conditions indicating the presence of Dutch Elm or Oak Wi1t infestation exist and have existed upon Lot 4, Block 7, and Lot 7, Block 7, Be.Zlgrove, and has deli vered appropriate specimens or samples thereof to the Commissioner of Agriculture for analysis; and WHEREAS, such analysis has conf'irmed the findings of said forester; and, WHEREAS, notice of such findings has been given to the owners of record of the premises; and, WHEREAS, no part of said infected trees has been removed or otherwise treated. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Hopkins as follows: That the premises of said infected trees, which are eleven in number and have been and are du.Zy marked and are located upon Lot 4, Block 7, and Lot 7, Block 7, Bellgrove, constitute a public nuisance as �re fu11y set forth in the provisions of Hopkins Ordinance No. 73-382, M.S.A. Chapter 18, and Rules and Regulations of the Departrr�nt of AgricuZture (AGR 101-I20), and such nuisances are hereby ordered to be immediately abated by the cutting and removaZ of a11 such infected trees thereon. It is further ordered that a Notice of the intention of the Council so to abate said nuisance shaZl be published once and a copy thereof mailed to the affected property owners, which Notice shall specify that action upon this Resolution shall be taken at a special public meeting of the City Council to be held on June 1',1976, such publication to be not less than one week prior to the date of such m�eting. The Council at such rreeeting sha11 hear all property owners with reference to the above matter. It is further Resolved that a copy of this Resolution shall he mailed irrmrediately to the owners of the property involved herein. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council held on May 4, Z976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor m CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 76-2507 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MARKET VALUES FOR VARIOUS PARCELS OF LAND FOR PUBLIC RECREATIONAL PURPOSES WHEREAS, The City of Hopkins has adopted, pursuant to Resolution No. 74-2384, certain policies and procedures for real estate acquisition for public purposes; and, WHEREAS, The City Council has decided to acquire certain parcels of land hereinafter described to be used for public trail and pathway purposes by pedestrians and unmotored cycle traffic; and, WHEREAS, It is necessary that the City Council approve and establish fair market values therefor. NOW, THEREFORE, It is hereby Resolved by the City Council of the City of Hopkins that the following described parcels of land which have been or are to be acquired by the City of Hopkins for the above purposes be and there is hereby approved the following fair market values for each of said parcels consistent with the requirements and procedures of the Department of Housing and Urban Renewal, viz: DESCRIPTION OF PARCELS TO BE DESCRIBED FAIR MARKET VALUES Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northeast $ 3,300.00 Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence South 234.8 feet; thence deflecting to the right at an angle of 57 degrees 10 minutes, 341.5 feet to the centerline of Nine Mile Creek; thence Northwesterly along said centerline to the North line of the Northwest Quarter; thence East to beginning; and also, Commencing at the Northeast corner of the South- west Quarter of Section 25, Township 117, Range 22, thence South along the East line thereof 234.8 feet to the point of beginning; thence deflecting to the right at an angle of 57 degrees 10 minutes, 341.5 feet to the centerline of Nine Mile Creek; thence Southeasterly along said centerline to the South line of the North 554 feet of the Northwest Quarter; thence East along said South line to the East line of the Northwest Quarter•; thence North to beginning. The South 20 feet of the West 500 feet of the East $ 2,500.00 900 feet of that part of the West Half of the South- west Quarter of Section 13, Township 117, Range 22, corresponding to Lots 4, 5, 6 and the South half of Lot 3, Souba's Subdivision, now vacated; and also, 0 Page 2 The South 30 feet of that part of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 117, Range 22, corresponding to Lot 6, Souba's Subdivision, now vacated, lying West of the East 900 feet thereof. The Southwesterly 30 feet of the following de- $ 1,050.00 scribed tracts of land: Commencing at a point in the East line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 117, Range 22 distance 554 feet South from the Northeast corner thereof; thence West at right angles 147 feet to the center- line of Nine Mile Creek; thence Southeasterly along said centerline� to the East line of the Southwest Quarter; thence North to beginning. The Westerly 10 feet of the following described $ -0.00 tract of land: That part of the East Half of the North 3/4 of the Northeast Quarter of the South- west Quarter of Section 25, Township 117, Range 22, lying East of the West 33 feet thereof and Southwesterly of Nine Mile Creek. The Easterly 10 feet of the Westerly 43 feet of $ -0.00 the East Half of the South Quarter of the North- east Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and of that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter lying North of the plat of Westbrooke IV: and also, The Westerly 10 feet of Block 1, Westbrooke IV; and also, That part of the Northwest Quarter of the South- east Quarter of Section 25, Township 117, Range 22 lying East of the West 160 feet thereof and Southwesterly of the centerline of the Nine Mile Creek and lying North of the plat of Westbrooke V. The South 30 feet of the West 650 feet and the $ -0.00 South 20 feet of the East 320 feet of the following tract of land: That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 117, Range 22, and also the West 15 rods of the Northeast Quarter, all lying North of State Highway No. 7. That further, said market values are based upon the review of one independent submitted appraisals for each of said parcels, which appraisals have determined the market values as hereinabove set forth. � � Page 3 Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council held on May 4, 1976. JERRE A. MILLER Mayor H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney April 21, 1976 Case No: 76-09 � Applicant: JoAnn Elston and Estate of Shirley P. Chernoff Location: 707 and 617 Drillane Request: Waive. Platting Regulations to permit the exchange of property along a side lot line of two developed properties. STAFF FINDINGS AND COT9MENTS � 1�. The two property owners involved and a third party desiring to purchase . 617 Drillane are in agreement to the proposed property exchange according to a letter submitted by Mr. John Rogers, attorney for the applicant. 2. According to the survey submitted the home located at 617 will have a front . yard and side yard in excess of the required in the "R-1" Single Family Zone • after the exchange has occured. 3. 707 located on Lot 5 and with the exchange, a part of_ 4 will have an area and frontage und�r t::e present zoning ordinance that would permit 2 loi:s. However, under the proposed zoning ordinance it would only be one lot under R-1-D. ' 4. When a property exchange between two developed lots is proposed which permits both to conform to yards and area requirements it is appropriate to consider a waiver provided a lot survey is submitted and recorded which is prepared by . a Registered Land Surveyor. d . . ' . .' ' . . . . . . . .. PATRICK ,J, O�CONNOR �itE0Ei71CK W. TMOMAS� JOE A. WALTERS � THOhl.iS A. KELLER ID MICHAEL E. McGUIRE NENNETFI 0. JONES, JR. ROBEHT J. GHRISTIANSON� JR. CHARLE:.B.FAEGRE FRANK J. WALZ - JOMN W. ROGERS DONALD C.�vILLEKE JAMES R.DORSEY ' . ANDREW J. SNEA - . DOUGLAS M. McMILLAN � CMARLES D. qEITE � Y/ILLIAM R. M�Gi7ANN WALTER C. PARKINS MICFI�EL M. WHA�EN ' KENT E. RICHEY JOHN J. SOMMERVILLE � JAMES A. RUOENS7CIN WILLIAM C. KELIY (191g-1970) O'CON NOR � HAN NAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW THIRTY- EIGNTH FLOOR, I D S TOWER 80 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 - � � (6t2) 341-�BOO � . � TELEX:29-OSB4 . . 7ELECOPiER:612 34t-3800 (256) MADRID OFFICE NNTONIO SAN ROMAN+ ORENSE 10� SU�TE 17J MADRIO 20� SPAIN (91) a55 42 00� Zoning and Planning Commission City of Hopkins � c/o C�:ty Hall Hopkins, DZinnesota 55343 Re: G17 anci 707. Drillane Dear Sirs: N�arch 23, 1976 1747 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. N.W, WASMINGTON. D.C. 20006 ' (202) 7O5 - 8700 � ' WILl1AM T. HANNAN • � JOMN J. FLYNN - . ' M. ROBERT HALPER • JOSEPH E. DILLON TNOMAS H. OUINN • ' HOWARD G.FEIOMAN• � DA.VID R. MELINCOCF • � ' DEIANCEY W,OAV15� � PMILIP q, HOCHdERG • � JAMES D. MCKEVITT • � RICHARD G. MORGAN • � . DOUGLAS M. CnRNIVAL • � . TERENCE P. BOY�E R � BRIAN P. PHELAN • � HOPE S. FOSTER • . - � � MICHAEL J. CONLON* . MICH4El PATRICK-GEORGE • . . � .RALPH F.BERIOW (1923-1972) OF COUNSEL � � � ' � JOSEPM F. CASTIEllO • _ �FREO D.TMOMPSON+ , tNOT MCHlCN O� M�nNCSOTA BtR We represent JoAnn Elston, fee owrier of 707 North Drillane Road and the Estates of Louis I.� and Sh'irley P. Chernoff, deceased, owners of 617 North Drillane Road. These properties are registe.red under the Torrens Act.. I am attaching a:sur.vey map of these two adjoining properties. The Estates are attempting to se11 617'North Drillane Road and have found a Buyer, who is wi.11ing to purchase the property, excepting the portion colored in bl.ue on the attached map. (This has been staked arid�we. are waitirig for the legal descrip- tions to come from Schoell & Madson. The stated diriensions are, however, accurate.�) � The Buyer desires also to buy the portion o� the 707 property, colored in red on the�attached map, from JoAnn Elston and she is willing to convey the same to them. (This also has been staked and we are awaiting the legal description to come from Schoell & Madson. The dimensions as stated are accurate.) This letter is a request to you to waive the platting require- f TO: Zoning and Planning Commission March 23, 1976 � Page 2 ments of the City of Hopkins so that the sale can be closed without the delay invoTved in a new plat or re-plat. Thank you for your consideration. JWR:�nj 1 Enclosure � Cordially, John W.� Rogers ,'t'-' t -- -- - 1'.�L,��p �,"t.._'�:,�;,^� , y a� � J�li� , i '�' 'fr�: � ��i- ',�r,�';�;': W'��e Fence �`'' .• .. �� �;'�.'; .. I,: ;'�,! .�� �}.. ,� i;" ;� � �n: ;; :;. �;�!: ��a � �'�'���i; �� �� ; ;;������pr ,� ������ m ,,� ,,E;.,l�,� ;� ��.1 a��� ,� ' � ' f.;: �����.�,�rf'.��o.� v . ��;�,.;�r' 'a�; �`�� �1 � `' I r�'. J I• � � 1 � � �• � ��'�i ,,�'f�7 (;, ,j � ; ; ; � r, �, �, ' _� � ; , , l:l �i�5'T ;J/'v<�JJ' �S/ ���.��, :1r.,;<,�.�.� r� .(i/7 .0 �,U��' �;��� �;� �1 � � , � ,'�. � • �, y � �� ���. �.. ,- � i � �,.'�'.�� �o!✓er �o% '! :i I;'iil.�;�,,. I co��ec f re;�resen ta- of Lot 4, e mrp or � zhe vffice Co un t y, :nrr;Qn: s, i f anY� �der ry direct oYer-heao� �owe� ond,,,� �' , d O � � t�� N°' . '� p�o,�Ert� -� �� ��' �n � _ � o Y I_ \ .� r n�� t ( II V ►t 33_3¢ _ I • •>i I �.� I + I �I � � %a 57 �i U Ci' !' Z '� I ��;,� of G�� I" � � I -'� . ?°f°;j� • .n-.. r . �. �S. lii�e of Lo� 3 � CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2508 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF ENGINEERS REPORT ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, a petition has been received requesting the improvement of the north-south alley between Fiftheenth Avenue North and Sixteenth Avenue North, south of First Street North by concrete surfacing thereon and the assessment of benefitting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to P�.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs, 429.111, as amended. N04J, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the proposed improvement be referred to John Strojan, City Engineer,�for study and he is instructed to report with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvements are feasible and as to whether they should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvements as recommended. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 4th day of May, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, JERRE MILLER, - City Clerk Mayor JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney � � � � CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, P�innesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2509 A RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF ENGINEERS REPORT ON IMPROVEMENTS I�JHEREAS, a petition has been received requesting the improvement of the property at 340 and 346 - llth Avenue North by the installation of concrete curb thereon and the assessment of benefitting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, P�INPJESOTA, that the proposed improvement be referred to John Strojan, City Engineer, for study and he is instructed to report with all convenient sneed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvements are feasible and as to whether they should best be made a� proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvements as recommended. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 4th day of May, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2510 A RESOLUTION WAIVING PLATTING REQUIREMENTS TO ALLOW DIVISION OF LOTS 3, 4 AND 5, BLOCK 1, DRILLANE. BE IT RESOLVED that the division of Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 1, Drillane (known as 6Z7 and 707 Drillane Road) into the following two parcels; Parcel A Lot 5, Block 1, and Those parts of the following described property: That part of Lot 4, B1ock .Z, Zying West of a Iine drawn parallel with and distant 50 feet East measured at right angles from the West line of Lot 4 and the sarree extended; That part of Lot 4, Block Z, lying East of a line drawn paraZle3 with and distant 50 feet East measured at right angles from the West line of Lot 4 and the same extended, Which lie westerly and northwesterZy of a line described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 4; thence easterly along the north Iine of said Lot 4, a distance of 86.00 feet, to the beginning of the line to be described; thence southerly, def.Zecting to the right 98 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds, a distance of 100.72 feet; thence south- westerly, to a point on the southwesterZy line of said Lot 4, distant 56.30 feet southeasterly from the southeast corner of Lot 5, in said Block Z, and said Zine there terminating. A11 in "Drillane" according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Registrar of Title in and for Hennepin County. Parcel B � The west 33.34 feet of Lot 3, Block 1, and Those parts of the following described property: That part of Lot 4, Block 1, lying West of a Iine drawn parallel with and distant 50 feet East measured at right angles from the West line of Lot 4 and the same extended; That part of Lot 4, Block 1, lying East of a Iine drawn para11e1 with and distant 50 feet East measured at right angles from the West line of Lot 4 and the same extended. Which Zie easterly and southeasterly of the following described line and its extensions. Said line is described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 4; thence easterly along the north line of said Lot 4, a distance of 86.00 feet to the beginning of the line to be described; thence southerly, deflecting to the right 98 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds, a distance of 100.72 feet; thence south- westerly, to a point on the southwesterly line of said � Lot 4, distant 56.30 feet southeasterly from the southeast corner of Lot 5, in said Block 1, and said Iine there terrrr ina ting. AZI in "DriZlane" according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Registrar °f Titles in and for Hennepin County. as the same appears upon the Survey, be and the same is hereby accepted and approved and that the platting requirements therefor be and the same are hereby wai ved. Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, at a reqular meeting held the 4th day of May, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, JERRE A. MILLER, City Clerk Mayor JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney A special meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, May 11, 1976, in the Council Chambers in the City Hall. This meeting was a continuation of the Public Hearing on the proposed new Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map, held on Apri1 21, Z976. Present were Mayor Mi11er, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert and Slaton, also City Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan and City Planner Hawks. Absent: Councilman Vassar. also Reel 198 City PZanner Hawks reviewed the proposed arnendments to the ordinance� in- Side 1 and cluding the FZood PZain brdinarice into the Zoning Ordinance, and after Side 2 considerable discussion - Mr. P9cDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion,: to continue this Hearing to Wednesday, May 26, 1976, at 7:.30 p.m. Motion carried. i ����-- �'�%�'' � �r�� Peter G. Cotton, Acting Secretary to the Council (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC NOXIOUS WEEAS MUST BE DESTROYED IT' S YOUR LAW YOU ARE REQUIRED TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS ON YOUR PROPERTY Notice is hereby given this 12th day of May, 1976, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1971, Sec. Z8.27I, a11 owners, occupants, agents, and public officials in charge of Iands in Hennepin County, Minnesota, that noxious weeds standing, being, or growing on such lands sha11 be destroyed or eradicated by effective cutting, tilZage, cropping, pasturing, or treating with chemicals or other effective methods, or combination thereof, approved by your local weed inspector, as often as may be required to prevent the weeds from blooming and maturing seeds, or spreading by roots, root stocks, or other means. The noxious weed Zist may be obtained from your County Agricultural Inspector. BY ORDER OF THE MUNICIPAL WEED INSPECTOR OF HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA. ROBERT G. ANDERSON MunicipaZ Inspector City of Hopkins, Minnesota To be published in the HOPKINS SUN, May Z2, 1976. A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, May 18, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Ha11. Present were Mayor Miller, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert and Vassar; Dr. Slaton arrived at the meeting at 7:35 p.m.; also City Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan, Assistant Engineer Anderson, Operations Director Beecher and City Attorney VeseZy.Absent: Building Inspector Kohnen. Reel 199 Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the two (2) Side 1 items under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved. 2- 7 1. Minutes of the May 4, 1976, Council meeting. 2. Additional 1976 Iicense appZicati on: CHECK REFRIGERATION, INC., to instalZ gas burners. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. * � * * * * * * * � * �r Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that expenditures, dated 7-61 May 18, 1976, under Warrant No. 473, in the amount of $13I,Z86.88, be approved and authorized for payment. A poll of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Bid: Pursuant to notice bids were opened on May 18, 1976, at 10:00 a.m., for Street Surfacing and Storm Sewer, and the following bids were received: (see attached) Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the contract for 61-75 Street Surfacing and Storm Sewer be awarded to Burz� & Carlson, in the amount of $Z3,742.75, as recommended by staff. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-60-0. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Ordinance No. 75-85 76-423, "AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING SUANAS AND MASSAGE PARLORS", be accepted for the second reading thereof and according to law same to be ordered pub.Zished. A po11 of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonald, nay; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried. Item: 76-76-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 85-99 76-2511, "RESOLUTION DECLARING COSTS TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARA- TION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS", be adopted. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Mr.. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-78-H. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the Public 99-146 Hearina date be set for June 1, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., for vacation of portion of alley between 8th and 9th Avenue South, North of First Street South in the Urban Renewal Area. (see attached drawing.) A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-77-I. Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the selection 146-I1I4 of a Consultant for the proposed Central Business District Parking Study, be continued to the June 1, 1976, Council meeting. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, nay; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried. Item:76-46-5. Dr. SZaton moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the Police I.Z14- Superintendent'•s salary be set at $22,000.00 per year for 1976. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, nay, Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried. Minutes of the May 18, 1976, Council meeting, cont. Page 2. Item: 76-46-5. Dr. SZaton moved, that the Cit� Manaqer's saZary be set at $25,300.00, Side Z for the year 1976. Motion lost for lack of a second. Action: Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that this item end of tape be tabled. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, na�; and Mayor MiZler, nay. l�lotion carried. Action: Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the salary for Side 2 the City Attorney be set at $?0.00 per hour beginning as of June 1, Z976. 1-53 A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; and Dr. Slaton, yea. Mayor Mi11er abstained. Motion carried. Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the meeting be adjourned. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. `.' v" 'r `r � v ' ( (J_" Dorothy M. Jo nson, Sg�r tary to the Council C NCILMEN: V �, '� o � � �� � ATTE`S . � ! �� � � � � � � Jerre A. MiZZer, Mayor Lf , (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA SEALED BIDS will be received by the City Manager at the City Hall, Hopkins, Minnesota, until Tuesday, May 18, 1976, at 10:00 A.M., local time, and then and there opened and publicly read, and as soon as possi- ble thereafter, award of a contract will be made by the City for the above work. Approximate major quantities are as follows: 800 Ln. Ft. Street Surfacing 200 Ln. Ft. Storm Sewer Plans, specifications and further details are available at the office of the City Engineer. Each bid must be accompanied by a Cashier's Check, Certified Check, or Standard Bidder's Bond written by a corporate surety certified by the Minnesota State Insurance Commission, at ten percent (10�) of the total bid price, payable to the City of Hopkins, as a guarantee that the bidder will, if successful, promptly execute a satisfactory contract for the faithful performance of the work covered by this specification. The successful bidder must, within ten (10) days after his bid is accepted, execute a contract and bond for one hundred percent (100�) of the full amount of the bid and guaranteeing for one year the entire pro- ject free of defective workmanship and material. Upon the award of the contract the checks or bidder's bonds of the unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them, and upon the filing of the contract and performance bond, the check or bid bond of the successful bidder shall be returned to him. The City provides proposal forms which are to be used. Each proposal must be plainly marked, "PROPOSAL FOR THE FURNISHING OF LABOR, TOOLS, EQUIP- MENT AND MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR THE INSTALLATION OF STORM SEWER AND STREET SURFACING", and addressed to the City of Hopkins, Minnesota 55343. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids or pa�ts thereof. Any incomplete bid will be rejected. In case of default the City may have the work done by others, and hold the original bidder or contractor liable for increased costs. CITY OF HOPKINS ��[/ _" �� Peter Cotton, City Manager To be published in the HOPKINS SUN, May 5, 1976. • - �.. _ y -�_._-; � — -r---�--L�.-x�=�r't .'t� � � .�• �' �' � ,,�� P i..C. ���—..----.—,_ `o r� � r,i . �. ��� �� ��G�� � .f�E ��i ��� i I , � � ��7i1 �I� I ��- 1 ci �� : 9 a, ��-- I E a. d�4 -,- i Ik ,f:._.. _.�..a�..- ., —.:",�--o..a. _ , �c `� -. .- '• ' m^'._ _ .e�.. e- �""'"�'�-_r-- -- - �•i+LlYs'�q� . .__ e_ ��-•• .� , �:°_^�' =i�-.� T � . .. _ _ - . 101 O FIRST STREET SOUTH � HOPKINS, MINNESOTA 55343 • 61 2/935-8474 Memo to Peter Cotton, City Manager from Gordon Andersonr Subject: Bids for Street Surfacing and Storm Sewer. On September 7, 1972, the City received a lel:ter from property owners south of 7th Street South, requesting t{�e imj�rovement of 9th Avenue South from 7th Street South to Westbrooke Way. Resolution No. 72-2221 callecl for an Engineers Report dated September 19, 1972. A second Resolution No. 73-2274 dated May lst, 1973, covered approximately the same improvement. A public hearing was held on tl�e 3rd day of July, 1973. The Council by Resolution No. 73-2305 ordered the improvement constructed. The improvement ordered in was for base construction and bituminous surfacing and concrete curb and gutter and storm sewer. On August 9, 1973, the City entered into a contract with Metro Contracting, Ince for muck ex.cat�atior� and insta>>atien of grar.�+�lar ard asphalt hase or that part of �th Avenue from 7th Street South to Nine Mile Creek. 9th Avenue South in this part of Hopkins is built on a peat bog. Streets constructed on this type of material have a tendency to settle after initial construction. In the two and one rialf years since this portion was constructed, we feel the street has settled enough so that the final base preparation and the surface can be put on the street. Bids were opened at 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, May 18th, for the installation of storm sewers and street surfacing on 9tri Avenue South. 7 bids were received. The Engineering Department recommends the award of the contract to Bury and Carlson, in the amount of $13,742.75. Bury an�+ Carlson is a very reputable contractor that has been in business in Golden Valley for at least 20 years. Previous work done by that contractor in Hopkins have been on 5th Avenue South, south of County Road 3, and on llth Avenue South, south of 7th Street South. The original estimate on this project was $27,640.00, of which $$12,504.00 remains. 5/18/76 . TAB[JLATTON OF BIDa STORM SEWER AND S�i'REET SURFACING 9th. Avenue South. May 18, 1976 Bury and Carlson $13,742.75 Bituminous Roadways _14,632.50 Hardrives T4,899.40 Alexander Construction Co. 15,210.50 W;�st Suburb�n Util'ities 16,980.75 C. S. Mc Crosson 17,720.00 N. W. Bituminous 18,845.00 Engineer's Recommendation: Bury and Carlson < • . CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE N0. 7h - 423 AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING SAUNAS AND MASSAGE PARLORS BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Hopkins as follows: Section 1. DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this Ordi- nance, the following terms s all have the meanings hereinafter set forth. (a) MASSAGE means the rubbing, stroking, kneading, tapping or rolling of the body for the purposes of relaxation, physical fitness or beautification, and no other purposes. (b) MASSEUR means a male person and the term MASSEUSE means a femaleperson who practices massage. (c) MASSAGE PARLOR means any premises at or in which massage is advertised, offered or performed to or for members of the public. (d) SAUNA means and includes a steam bath or heat bathing room or quarters used for the purpose of bathing, relaxation or reducing, utilizing steam or hot air as a cleaning, relaxing, or reducing agent. Section 2. LICENSE REQUIRED. No person shall engage in the business of operating a sauna or massage parlor, either exclusively or in connection with any other business enterprise, without first being licensed as hereinafter provided, except that no license shall be required of any person licensed in the practice of inedicine, surgery, osteopathy, chiropractic, podiatry, physical therapy, barbering, beauty culturists, athletic directors and trainers, or nurses who work solely under the direction of any such persons. Section 3. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. Applications for licenses shall be made upon forms provide y the City. Each application shall contain but not be limited to at least the following information. (a) Description and address of premises to be used. (b) Name and address of owner of premises and lessee, if any. Page 2 (c) Name and address of all operators and manager thereof. (d) Dates and places of any convictions for any felonies, crimes or misdemeanors by applicant and any employees for such in- stitution, other than traffic offenses. Section 4. LICENSE FEE AND LICENSE YEAR. The annual license fee is $I50,00. T e license, unless revoked, is for the calendar year or part thereof for which it has been issued. In the event that the license, once issued, is revoked, cancelled or surrendered, no part of the annual fee shall be returned to the applicant unless by City Council action. A separate license shall be obtained for each place of business. The license shall be displayed on a prominent place in the licensed premises at all times. Section 5. CONDITIONS OF LICENSE, (a) Licenses shall be issued only if the applicant and all of its owners, managers, employees and agents are free of convictions for offenses which involve moral turpitude or which relate directly to such person's ability, capacity or fitness to perform the duties and discharge the responsibilities of the licensed activity. (b) Licenses shall be issued only to applicants who have not, within one year prior to the date of application, been denied licensure, or who has not within such period had its license revoked. (c) Licenses shall be issued only to applicants who have answered fully all of the information requested in the appli- cation, have paid the full license fee and have cooperated with the City in review of the application. (d) If the applicant is a natural person, a license shall be granted only if such person is 18 years of age or older. (e) Applicant shall employ no person who is under 18 years of age in or about the licensed premises. (f) Licenses shall be granted only to establishments which can meet the safety, sanitary and building code requirements of the City. ���� l b.e--�e�.�e�e� ���—m,e-- - � -- �-- TR � �n,,,�= „ =�b � - Section 6. RESTRICTIONS AND REGULATIONS. (a) The licensee and all persons in its employ shall comply with all applicable regulations and laws of the Gity and State relating to safety and morals. Page 3 (b) If the licensee is a partnership or corporation, the applicant shall designate a person as manager and responsible for the conduct of the business, which person shall remain respon- sible until another suitable person has been designated in writing by the licensee. The licensee shall promptly notify the Hopkins City Clerk in writing of any change indicating the name and address of the new manager and the effective date of such change. (c) Licensee shall at all times be responsible for the safety and operation of the business and licensed premises and shall furnish the City Clerk with a list of all current employees including their names, addresses, dates of birth, and other required qualifications. The licensee shall promptly notify the City Clerk of any change in the list. (d) The licensed premises shall not be open for business rior shall any patron be permitted therein between the hours of 2:00 AM and 8:00 AM of the same day. (e) The licensee shall permit and allow the inspection of the premises during all hours by appropriate City employees and City police. (f) Upon demand by any police officer, any person employed in any licensed premises shall identify himself by giving his true legal name and his correct address. Section 7. CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS. (a) Al1 sauna rooms and all restrooms and bathrooms used in connection therewith shall be constructed of materials which are impervious to moisture, bacteria, mold or fungus growth. The floor to wall and wall joints shall be constructed to provide a sanitary cove with a minimum radius of one inch. (b) All restrooms shall be provided with mechanical ventilation with 2 cfm per square foot of floor area, a hand washing sink equipped with hot and cold running water under pressure, sanitary towels and a soap dispenser. (c) All rooms in the licensed premises including but not limited to sauna rooms, massage rooms, restrooms, bathrooms, janitor's closet, hallways, and reception area shall be illuminated with not less than 30 foot candles of illumination. (d) Each establishment shall have a janitor's closet which shall provide for the storage of cleaning supplies. Such closet shall have mechanical ventilation with 2cfm per square foot of floor area. Such closet shall include a mop sink. 0 � Page 4 (e) Floors, walls and equipment in sauna rooms and in restrooms and in bathrooms used in connection therewith must be kept in a state of good repair and clean at all times. Linens and other materials shall be stored at least 12 inches off the floor. Clean towels and washcloths must be made available for each customer. (f) Individual lockers shall be made available for use by patrons. Such lockers shall have separate keys for locking. (g) Such establishments shall provide adec{uate refuse receptacles which shall be emptied as rec{uired. (h) The doors to the individual massage rooms shall not be equipped with any locking devise and shall not be blocked or obstructed from either side. Section 8. RrVOCATION AND SUSPENSION OF LICENSE. The license may be revoked, suspen e or not renewe y t e City Manager upon a showing that the licensee, its owners, managers, employees or agents have engaged in any of the following conduct: (a) Fraud, deception or misrepresentation in connection with the securing of the license. (b) Habitual drunkennessor intemperance in the use of drugs, including but not limited to the use of drugs defined in either 26 USC S 4731 or MINNESOTA STATUT�S, Section 618.01, barbituates, hallucinogenic drugs, amphetamines, benzedrine, dexedrine, or other sedatives, depressants, stimulants or tran- auilizers. (c) Conduct inimical to the interests of the public health, safety, welfare or morals. (d) Engaging in conduct involving moral turpitude. (e) Failure to fully comply with the requirements of Section 6 and 7 of this Ordinance. (f) Conviction of an offense involving moral turpitude by any Court of competent jurisdiction. (g) Engaging in any conduct which would constitute grounds for refusal to issue a license under Section 5 herein. (h) The licensee may appeal such suspension, revoca- tion or non-renewal to the City Council. The Council shall con- sider the appeal at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting Page S on or after ten days from service of the notice of appeal upon the City Clerk by the certificate holder. Hearing on the appeal shall be open to the public and the certificate holder shall have the right to appear and be represented by legal counsel and to offer evidence in behalf of certification. At the conclusion of the hearing the Council may order: (1) The revocation, suspension or non-renewal of the license. � (2) That the revocation, suspension or non- renewal by the City Manager be lifted and that the certificate be returned to the certificate holder. (3) The City Council may base either suspension or issuance of the certificate upon any additional terms, conditions and stipulations which they may in their sole discretion impose. Section 9. Every person who commits or attempts to commit, conspires to commit, or aids or abets in the commission of, any act constituting a violation of this Ordinance, whether individually or in connection with one or more other persons, or as principal, agent, or accessory, shall be guilty of such offense; and every person who falsely, fraudulently, forcibly or willfully induces, causes, coerces, reauires, permits, or directs another to violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance, is likewise guilty of such offense. First read at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins held May 4, 1976, and finally read, approved and adopted and ordered published at a regular meeting of said Council on May 18, 1976. H.E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney __JERRE A. MILLER . Mayor i , , . �,t��.. j � -c �� �� �� c'- �� �r � . CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2511 RESOLUTION DECLARING COSTS TO BE ASSESSED A"�D ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS WHEREAS, certain improvements, all as more fully described in Exhibit A. hereto attached and hereby made a part hereof have been previously ordered and completed: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, as follows: 1. That the cost of each such improvement to be specially assessed is hereby declared to be the cost or the amount to be assessed, whichever is greater, which appears in said Exhibit A. 2. That the City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for each such improvement against every assessed piece or parcel of land within the various districts or locations affected without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessments in his office for public inspection. 3. The Clerk shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessments, notify the Council thereof. Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, P�innesota this 18th day of May, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor _ Mr. Cotton: The following is a list of projects that are completed and are proposed !� to be assessed as per Resolution 76-2511. EXHIBIT A Project 75-02 Hobby Acres Street lights, total cost of the project being $10,230.00 of which all is proposed to be assessed. Project 74-04A Sanitary Sewer on 21st Avenue North, total cost of the project being $10,464.20, of which all is proposed to be assessed. Project 74-04B Water services on 21st Avenue North, total cost of the project being $603.75, of which all is proposed to be assessed. Project 74-04C Street surfacing on 21st Avenue North, total cost of the project being $13,613.95, of which all is proposed to be assessed. Project 74-04D Storm Sewer on 21st Avenue North, total cost of the project being $5,295.75 of which none is to be assessed. Project 74-03 Concrete alley on Monroe Avenue South between lst and 2nd Street South, total cost of the project being $7,322.54 of which $5,895.81 is proposed to be assessed. Project 75-04 Concrete alley in Cottageville Park, total cost of the project being $8,671.54 of which $7,146.78 is proposed to be assessed. E.Kerber 5-14-76 . A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, June 1, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall. Present were Mayor Miller, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, Slaton and Vassar, also City Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Operations Director Beecher, Building Inspector Kohnen and City Attorney Vesely. Reel 199 Dr. Slaton rr�oved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the items under Side 2 the CONSENT CALENDAR be approved with the exception of License #229, 161, and 65- 134.(see list of Licenses attached) 1. Minutes of the May 18, 1976, Council meeting. 2. Additional Z976 license applications with the exception of the 3 mentioned above. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. vassar seconded the motion, that the request for Wine Licenses by Panco, Inc., /Uncle John's, #161; and Neztreg Inc.,dba J's Restaurant, #134, be approved. A po1l of the vote was as follows: Dr.SZaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion , that Iicense application #229, by Pep Services, Inc., d/b/a ChampZin Service for Off Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor (240 BZake Rd. No.), be denied. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. * � � * * * * * * * Action: l�r. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the expenditures dated -176 June 1, 1976, under Warrant No. 474, in the amount of $165,206.93, be approved and authorized for pay�nt. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-79-R. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 176-702 76-2513, "A RESOLUTION DETERMINING A NEED FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND PLANS IN THAT PART OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS LYING NORTH OF EXCELSIOR AVENUE AND SOUTH OF FIRST STREET NORTH AND BETWEEN 8TH AND ZZTH AVENUES NORTH, WHICH PLAN IS OTHERWISE KNOWN AS CBD/NORTH COMMERCIAL AREA PLAN", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, nay; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, nay; and Ma�or Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried. Item: 76-66-R. Mr. Vassar raoved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the iaotion, to table the Hearing 702-753 on abating the nuisance consisting of certain trees infected with Dutch Elm or Oak Wi1t, as the property owners toQkcare of the problem themselves. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mil.Zer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-82-0. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Council approve 753-817 the request of Town Taxi for increasing their per mile rate to $.60 and grantin g a variance in the present Ordinance covering group .Zoading, and the City Attorney amend the present Ordinance to cover these changes. A po11 of the vote was as folZows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonaZd, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-83-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonaZd seconded the rr�otion, that the request 8I7-862 from Alice Barton (who operates a carry out food establishment in the Mini Mall) to install four benches on IOth A venue South, next to the lOth Avenue Mini Mall, be granted. (see sketch attached) A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried unanirnously. Appearance: Mr. Jim Justus, Chairman of the Hopkins Parks Board appeared before the 862-1199 Council concerning upkeep an d improvements for Shady Oak Beach. Minutes of the June 1, 1976, Council Meeting, cont. Pa ge 2 . Item: 76-86-Z. Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the request for 1I99-I422 a sign variance for the lOth Avenue Ma11 located at 1002 West Excelsior Avenue, be denied, as recommended by Zoning � PZanning. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimous.Zy. Item: 76-87-Z. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Council approve 1422 to end of a variance to the set back requirements of a sign from 15 feet to 6 feet tape with the amendment that they stay within the allowable square footage for Side I lettering for the Hennepin County Library, as recorr¢nended by the Zoning and 2-.; Planning Commission. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, nay; Mr. Milbert, nay; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi.Zler, yea. Motion carried. Item: 76-88-Z. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Council approve -90 a ConditionaZ Use Permit to construct a special purpose fence along the north property Iine of the parking 1ot at the Library 60" hi gh and made up of solid panels, as recommended by Zoning and Planninq. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea;: Mr. MiZbert, nay; Mr. Vassar, nay; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried. Item: 76-80-0. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that 90- the proposed vacation of a portion of the North-South a11ey between 8th Avenue and 9th Avenue north of First Street South, be approved. A poZl of the vote was as foZlows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-80-0 Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Ordinance No. -127 76-424, "AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF THE NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY IN BLOCK 4, WEST MINNEAPOLIS", be accepted for the first reading. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonaZd, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-77-I. Mr. Vassar moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the selection 127-346 of a Consultant for the proposed Central Business District Parking Study, be continued to the July 6, I976, Council meeting. A po11 of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDona.Zd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried t�nanimously. Item: 76-8I-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonaZd seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 346-349 76-2512, "RESOLUTION CALLING FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS", be adopted. Hearing to be held on August 3, 1976. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, �ea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor 1Niller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-85-A. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the Mayor and 349-355 and City Manager be authorized to sign the Passenger Waiting Shelter Co- operative Agreement with the Metropolitan Transit Commission. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-89-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the request by 355-360 Dr. Dean Olson (Professional Building) for posting the east side of lOth Avenue North from First Street to the Chicago-Northwestern Railroad for 2 hour Parking, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., except Sunday, be granted. A po.ZZ of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea;, Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-90-P. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, to authorize the 360-373 posting of the west side of 17th Avenue between First Street and County Road #3 for 2 Hour Parking, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. except Sunday, as petitioned for by residents in the Z00 block of 17th Avenue South. A po1Z of the vote was as foZlows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the June 1, 1976, Council meeting, cont. Page 3. Item: 76-91-R. Mr. MiZbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the request 373-378 from Fire Marshal, Hugh Strawn, for designation of the area in front of the two exit doors on the north side of the Minnesota Employment buiZding at 135 Shady Oak Road as Fire Lanes, be granted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the meeting 378-379 be adjourned. A poll of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanirrnousZy. _ 1« ;_ Dorothy M. Joh son, Secr a y to the Council i � � A TEST : ` � ,. ����� �,�� Je e:`A. MiZ1er, Mayor 1976 License Council Approval 1, 1976 #225 Pep Services Inc. Cigarettes, Self—service milk, groceries Cham�lin Service � a �y #229 Pep Services Inc. Off Sale Intoxicating Malt L�.quor Champlin Service (21�0 Bla%�e Rd No. ) #230 Owens Services Corp. Installation of gas burners #231 B& C Heating Coo Installation of gas burners #232 Yoid _. _ . #228 7 Eleven Stores Off Sale Non Inioxicating Malt Liquor, Cigarettes� (1617 Excelsior Ave W.) Milk, Groceries #161 Panco, Inc.�IJncle John's Wine License-On Sale # Town's Edge Ford Inc C.l�.ss A Motor Vehicle, Gasoline 2 pumps #134 Neztreg Inc. dba Wine License-On Sale J's Restaurant � � 0 0 � CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 76-2513 A RESOLUTION DETERMINING A NEED FOR REDEVEOPMENT PROJECT AND PLANS IN THAT PART OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS LYING NORTH OF EXCELSIOR AVENUE AND SOUTH OF FIRST STREET NORTH AND BETWEEN 8TH AND 11TH AVENUES NORTH, WHICH PLAN IS OTHERWISE KNOWN AS CBD/NORTH COMNIERCIAL AREA PLAN WHEREAS, Application has been made to the City Council of the City of Hopkins for the redevebpment of the following described premises situated in the City of Hopkins,,which plan for development is otherwise known and hereinafter referred to as CBD/NORTH CONIlKERCIAL AREA PLAN, viz.; Commencing at the Southeast corner of Block 77, West Minneapolis Second Division, thence East along the South line of Blocls 78, 79 and 80, to the Northeasterly right- of-way line of the Chicago Northwestern Railroad right-of- way; thence Southeasterly along the said Northessterly right-of-way line to the West line of Block 66, West Minneapolis Second Division; thence South along the West line of Block 66, West Minneapolis Second Division to the Northwest corner of Lot 12, Block 66; thence West along the North line of Lots 8 through 13, Block 67, Lots 10 through 15, Block 68, and Lots 10 through 15, Block 69, to the Northwest corner of Lot 10, Block 70, West Minneapolis Second Division; thence North along the East line of Block 70 to the point of beginning, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and, WHEREAS, Such application has been accompanied by a redevelopment plan and a statement of the method proposed for financing the project; and, WHEREAS, By previous Resolution of the City of Hopkins a public hearing upon such plans has been authorized and ordered to be held on June 1, 1976, at the Council Chambers of the City Hall of the City of Hopkins at 7:30 o'clock PM, and due notice of such public hearing has been duly made and published in the HOPKINS SUN on May 19, 1976, and in the MINNEAPOLIS STAR AND TRIBUNE on May 17, 1976,-both newspapers being of general circulation in the City of Hopkins; and, WHEREAS, Such determinations and notice has been made in conformity with MSA Chapter 462.411 to 462.711, as amended, otherwise cited as Laws 1947, Chapter 487; Laws 1955,Chapter 565; and Laws 1957, Chapter 810, all as amended. 0 Resolution No. 76-2513 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, It is hereby Resolved by the City Council of the City of Hopkins as follows: 1. That the land and area which is involved in the above redevelopment project would not be available for redevelopment without the financial aid pro- posed in said plan. 2. The redevelopment plans known as CBD/NORTH COMMERCIAL AREA PLAN for the redevelopment of the area hereinabove described will afford maximum opportunity consistant with the sound needs of the locality in the City of Hopkins as a whole for the redevebpment of said area by private enterprise. 3. Said redevelopment plan is hereby found to conform to a general plan for the development of the locality as a whole. IT IS FURTHER HEREBY Resolved that the redevelopment plan known as CBD/NORTH CONIMMERCIAL AREA PLAN for the redevelopment of that part of the City of Hopkins described as follows: , Commencing at the Southeast corner of Block 77, West Minneapolis Second Division, thence East along the South line of Blocls 78, 79 and 80, to the Northeasterly right-of-way of the Chicago Northwestern Railroad right-of-way; thence Southeasterly along the said Northeasterly right-of-way line to the West line of Block 66, West Minneapolis Second Division; thence South along the West line of Block 66, West Minneapolis Second Division to the Northwest corner of Lot 12, Block 66; thence West along the North line of Lots 8 through 13, Block 67; Lots 10 through 15, Block 68; and Lots 10 through 15, Block 69, to the Northwest corner of Lot 10, Block 70, West Minneapolis Second Division; thence North along the East line of Block 70 to the point of beginning, is hereby approved. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council held on June 1, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER Mayor � / �: /� ` � �• � , , � �, � i� ; . . , • � i ` / ! i / �, �• � . .. , �! i / ' , , / � _ / / ;i � � � `' '� � ,/ � � :• � � , � - i, � i / , ., • .• / ' ,� / � �� - � 1 i � � / .,i % , � �•, �r I :� // i. %"� ' '' - � . � � � . / �i � � � ,� / � , / •� / / ' � '' � . ► , �, . � � / / , /6.���, �4Q l�y 30 ��,�.� � � a o' x� Z" ;,;; � ;; '� �.P � 4 ; . .�G,'.. ' ;, / ; , `r � �J CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2512 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS bVI-�REAS, by Resolution No. 76-2511, passed and adopted by the Council on May 18th, 1976, the City Clerk and Engineer were directed to prepare proposed assessments of the costs of improving various streets, avenues, alleys and thoroughfares in the City of Hopkins, all as more fully described in Exhibit A. hereto attached and attached to said Resolution No. 76-2511 and made a part hereof, and WI-�REAS, the said Clerk has not�fied the Council that such proposed assessments ahve been completed and filed in his office for public inspection, NOtiV, TE-IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TE� CITY COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, as follows: l. A hearing shall be held on August 3rd, 1976, in the Cowlcil Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., to pass upon such proposed assessments, and at such time and place, all persons owning property affected by such irrrorovements and assessments will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessments. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a Notice of the hearing on the proposed assessments to be publihsed to be at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the Notice the total cost of each of such improvements Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, this lst day of June, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. I�IILLER, Mayor E X H I B I T A �'roject 75-02 Hobby Acres Street lights - Total cost of the project being $10,230.00 of which all is proposed to be equally assessed against 61 parcesl in the amount of $167.70 per property owner. Project 74-04A Sanitary Sewer on 21st Avenue North between 3rd and 4th, Total cost of the project $10,464.20, of which all is proposed to be assessed at $7.3911 per front foot for 8"lateral and $149.50 for 6" pipe to property line for each lot being served. Project 74-04B Water Services on 21st Avenue North between 3rd and 4th, total cost of the project being $603.75, all of which is to be assessed 2 services assessed to 300-21st Avenue North and 1 service assessed to 310-21st Avenue North @$201.15 per service. These properties were in the City of Minnetonka when the watermain was installed, therefore, they could not be assessed at that time. At the time of hook-up these properties will be assessed according to th� Ordinance No. 73-391 for the watermain. Project 74-04C Street Surfacing on 21st AVenue North between 3rd and 4th, total cost of the � project being $13,613.95, of which all the cost is proposed to be assessed at $11.0347 per foot of average width of lot. Project 74-04D Storm Sewer on 21st Avenue North, total cost being $5,295.75, of which none is proposed to be assessed. Project 74-03 Concret alley on Monroe Avenue South between lst and 2nd �treet South, total cost of the project being $7,322.54 of which $5,895.81 is proposed to be assessed. One half of the cost to be assessed to Super Valu and one half to be assessed at a cost of $5.8239 per front foot plus $1.265 per square foot for asphalt patch to benefitting property owners. The City will pay the balance out of General Fund as per City policy established in Resolution No. 1597 dated May 16, 1967. Project 75-04 Concrete alley in Cottageville Park, total cost of the,project being $8,671.54, of which $7,146.78 is to be assessed at a cost of $.042958 per square foot (or $5.9281 per front foot) plus $1.265 per square foot for asphalt patch to benefitting property owners. THe portion abutting Cottageville Park will be assessed to the City and paid from recreation funds. The City will pay the balance out of General Fund as per City policy established in Resolution No. 1597 dated May 16, 1967. The Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, sat as the Board of Equalization on Wednesday, June 2, I976, and continued the meeting to Wednesday, June Z6, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room in the City Ha11. Present at the June 2, 1976, meeting were Mayor Mi1Zer, Councilmen McDonaZd, Milbert, SZaton and Vassar, City Clerk-Assessor, Richardson, Deputy Assessor Hromadko and Robert Martin from the Hennepin County Assessor's Office. Present at the meeting of June Z6, I976, were Mayor Mi1Zer, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert and SZaton,/��y C1erk-Assessor, Richardson. (Absent: Councilman Vassar) After considerable discussion the folZowing motion was made by the Council: That the Assessor's values wouZd be upheld and the petitioners to be notified of the County Board meeting. Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the meeting be adjourned. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried vnanimously. �%��„-����- -z �-�.��., _ Harold E. Richardson, Acting Secretary to the Board. ERS�: : �'� ��`LC ���a-� � �i;� 9 , �2 ��'-�.� ' �;��� „ ��1 , .�-.-, , ��� �l .. /,% v A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, June 15, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Ha11. Present were Mayor Mi1Zer, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, Slaton and Vassar, also City Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Operations Director Beecher, Building Inspector Kohnen, City Attorney Vesely and City Planner Hawks. Ree1 20Z Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the 3 items Side 1 under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be•approved. 2-6 1. 1�7inutes of the June 1, 1976, Council meeting. 2. Additional 1976 Iicense applications: Lance, Inc., HOPKINS STANDARD, Vending Machine; Lance, Inc., TONI CLEANING, Vending Machine; BOSTROM SHEET METAL WORKS, INC., Install Gas Burners. 3. Request from Minneqasco for installation of 2" gas main on Sth Street South between ZSth and 16th Avenues. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * � * * * Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that expenditures dated 6-31 June 15, I976, under Warrant No. 475, in the amount of $95,678.58, be approved and authorized for payment. A po11 of the vote was as fo.ZZows: Dr. Slaton, �ea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor.Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, to add to the Aqenda, the 31- appearance of Mr. William DeFore, a representative of Packaging, Inc., for Council approval of a variance to the rules and regulations governing our City Parks. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonaZd, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: D.r. Slaton, moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that a variance be granted -168 to Mr. DeFore, to erect a tent on Burnes Park on Ju1y 4th, in the event of rain, to accommodate a large gathering of people who wi11 be using the park facilities on that date. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, nay; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, nay; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried. Appearance: Mrs. Barb Abbott, representing the Raspberry Festi val Committee, appeared Z68-263 before the Council to inform them of the various functions planned for the Z976 Raspberrz� Festival. Item: 76-93-R. Request from Mr. McArthur, owner of the Block House (formerly known as the 263- Liberty Bar), for an On Sale Intoxicating Liquor li cense. (Said use of license contingent upon permission to remodel said premises). Action: Mr. Vassar moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the above request be -365 continued to the July 6, 1976, Council meeting. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonaZd, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. Item: 76-28-H. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 365- 76-25Z6, "RESOLUTION ORDERING IN THE IMPROVEMENT ON 16TH AVENUE SOUTH FROM FIFTH STREET TO A POINT APPROXIMATELY 118 FEET SOUTH BY THE EXTENSION OF SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN THEREON", be approved, with the understanding that the owners of Lots 23 and 24, pay for said improvement. Action: After considerable discussion and upon the recommendation of the City Attorney, Mr. McDonald and Mr. Vassar withdrew their motion. Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, to continue the Hearing -429 on Resolution No. 76-2516, to the Ju1y 6, 1976, Council meeting, and that the staff be instructed to notify the owner of Lots 23 and 24, that .this project will be ordered in if they would bear the fu11 cost of the improvement. A po11 of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the June I5, 1976, CounciZ meeting, cont. Page 2. Item: 76-96-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the rr�otion, that the request 429-672 by MTC for Council approval of proposed express routes and proposed van routes to implement the Community Centered Transit Demonstration Project, be granted, and to instruct the City Manager to noti fy MTC of Council concurring with this request. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonaZd, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-95-R. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the recommenda- 672-939 tion from the Community DeveZopraent Citizens Committee for CounciZ approval of the construction of tennis courts and the renovation of the ice skating barn, in Central Park, in the amount of $89,000 for the tennis courts and $22,000, for the barn, said monies to be paid from the Community DeveZopment funds, be approved and the Committee approach the SchooZ District with the possibility of obtaining Zand from them for the proposed tennis courts. A poll of the vote was as folZows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Vassar,yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonaZd, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea;. Motion carried unanimously. Bid: Pursuant to notice bids were opened on June S, I976, at 10:00 a.m., for the con- struction of Tennis Courts (Double), and the followinq bids were received. (See tabulation of bids attached-Zocation Oakes Park) Action: Mr. MiZbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the contract for 939-990 the construction of Tennis Courts (Double), be awarded to Carlson Lavine Co., in the amount of $22,979. A poll of the vote was as folZows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. Item: 76-80-0. Dr. Slaton moved that Ordinance No. 76-424, "AN ORDINANCE VACATING A 990- PORTION OF THE NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY IN BLOCK 4, WEST MINNEAPOLIS", be accepted for the second reading thereof and according to law same to be ordered published. Motion lost for lack of a second. Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the above Ordinance -1013 be continued to the July 6, Z976, CounciZ meeting. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi.ZZer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-82-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Resolution 1013-1026 No. 76-25I4, "A RESOLUTION FIXING TAXI CAB CHARGES AND RATES IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS", be adopted. A po11 of the vote was as folZows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. • Item: 76-82-0. Mr. Milbert, moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Ordinance No. 1026-1056 76-425, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TAXI CAB ORDINANCE SECTION 475 ESTABLISHING DEFINITIONS OF TAXI CAB SERVICE", be accepted for the first reading. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. McDonaZd, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried un- animousZy. Item: 76-92-R. Mr. McDonaZd moved, and Mr. Mi.Ibert seconded the motion, that the request Z056-1097 from Panco, Inc., dba UNCLE JOHN'S, for a non-intoxicating malt liquor Iicense, On Sale, be denied. A poll of the vote was as folZows: Mr. - McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-94-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. SZaton seconded the motion, that the request for Z097-I125 Council approval for submission of Grant Funding of the MHFA Horr�e Improve- ment Funds, be qranted. A poll of the vote was a s folZows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried. (Councilman Vassar was.absent during the ro11 ca1l) Item: 76-97-P. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 1125-1Z34 76-2515, "RESOLUTION ORDERING AN ENGINEER'S REPORT ON INSTALLATION OF A CONCRETE ALLEY BETWEEN 7TH AVENUE AND 8TH AVENUE SOUTH FROM 7TH STREET SOUTH TO STH STREET SOUTH", be adopted. A po11 of the vote was as folZows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried. (Councilman Vassar was absent during the roZl call) Minutes of the June I5, 1976, CounciZ meeting, cont. Page 3. Action: Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the Hearing on the II34-1429 Zoning Ordinance be continued to the Ju1y 6, 1976, Council meeting and that the map showing proposed changes be prepared by City Planner Hawks and that the text be gi ven to the City Attorney to be put into 1ega1 form. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-99-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Vassar seconded the motion, that the recommenda- Z429-I452 tion from the City Engineer to post the east side of 17th Avenue South from First Street to a point 250 feet south for NO PARKING ANYTIME, be granted. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-98-R. Mr. Vassar moved that Council caZl for the resignation of Peter Cotton as 1452 to end of City Manager as of September 30, 1976. Motion lost for lack of a second. Action: Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the Mayor appoint Side 2 a s ub-committee of the Council to in vestigate the charges brought by Councilman 1- Vassar, and to review these charges and report back to the Council at the meeting of JuZy 20, 1976. Action: Mr. McDonald caZled the question. A poZ1 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mayor Mi1Zer then called for a vote on the motion to have him appoint a sub- corrmtittee of three from the CounciZ to review the charges brought by Councilman Vassar and bring their findings to the meeting of Ju1y 20, 1976. A poll of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and N.ayor MiZ1er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the meeting be -48 adjourned. A po1l of the vote was as follows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Vassar, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un- animously. � � Dorothy Nl�///Johnson, S�cr�tary to the Council - - - - - --• .-��, � ATT ���� / v " L �t./ `� — ` ��f A. Mi1.Zer, Mayor (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF BIDS FOR LABOR AND MATERIALS TO CONSTRUCT ONE DOUBLE TENNIS COURT SEALED BIDS will be received by the City Manager at the City Hall, Hopkins, Minnesota, until Tuesday, June 8, 1976, at 10:00 A.M., local time, and then and there opened and publicly read, and as soon as possi- ble thereafter, award of a contract will be made by the City for the above work. Plans, specifications and further details are available at the office of the City Engineer. Each bid must be accompanied by a Cashier's Check, Certified Check, or Standard Bidder's Bond written by a corporate surety certified by the Minnesota State Insurance Commission, at ten percent (10%) of the total bid price, payable to the City of Hopkins, as a guarantee that the bidder will, if successful, promptly execute a satisfactory contract for the faithful performance of the work covered by this specification. The successful bidder must, within ten (10) days after his bid is accepted, execute a contract and bond for one hundred percent (100�) of the full amount of the bid and guaranteeing for one year the entire pro- ject free of defective workmanship and material. Upon the award of the contract the checks or bidder's bond of the unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them, and upon the filing of the contract and performance bond, the check or bid bond of the successful bidder shall be returned to him. The City provides proposal forms which are to be used. Each proposal must be plainly marked, "PROPOSAL FOR THE FURNISHING OF LABOR, TOOLS, EQUIP- MENT AND MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ONE DOUBLE TENNIS COURT", and addressed to the City of Hopkins, Minnesota 55343. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts thereof. Any incomplete bid will be rejected. In case of default the City may have the work done by others, and hold the original bidder or contractor liable for increased costs. CITY OF HOPKINS �1 �� ���y�'�7 Peter Cotton, City Manager To be published in the HOPKINS SUN, May 26, 1976. To be published in the CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN, May 28, 1976. � _._ _ ��._ __...�.. I I�OPKylOTS • NdINNE�ONKA RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT A D M I N I S T R A T I V E O F F I C E S 1010 FIRST STREET SOUTH � HOPKINS, MINNESOTA 55343 PHONE: 935-1788 DATE: June 10, 1976 TO: Gordon Anderson, Assistant Engineer FROM: Richard Wilson, Recreation & Parks Department SUBJECT: Oakes Park Tennis Court Construction I have reviewed the Oakes Park Tennis Courts bids and recommend the Hopkins City Council award the bid on the "alternate construction" to Carlson Lavine Co., for $22,979. This recommendation is based on: 1. This type of surface construction was installed at Covington Park in Minnetonka in 1975. The Hopkins Park Board and I visited these courts on June 8, 1975, and consider them very adequate. 2. Carlson Lavine Co. constructed the Covington Park Courts, the Burnes Park Courts, and, of course, many others in Minnetonka. 3. My only familiarity with Bituminous Roadways is the service they performed for Hopkins on a contract awarded to them in 1973 for the resurfacing of the Burnes Park tennis courts. The resurfacing should have been completed in 6-10 working days. However, in spite of beginning on September 11 and thereby rendering the courts inoperative at that time, the contractor did not complete the job until spring of 1974. We considered the delay in 1973 unnecessary, and the workmanship poor. I know of no reason to risk an award to Bituminous Roadways, based on this past performance. Approx. Quantities Item 2000 Cu. Yd. Common Excavation 2000 Cu. Yd. Common Borrow 1500 Cu. Yd. Haul fill TOTAL BASE PREPARATION Lump Sum Tennis Court complete with 4" Asphalt Base and 1�" Laykold leveling course TOTAL BASE BID Alternate Lump Sum Tennis Court Complete with 3�" Asphalt Base & 1�" Asphalt Surface TOTAL ALTERNATE BID BID TABULATION Oaks Park Tennis Courts June 8, 1976 CARLSON LAVINE 0.65 $ 1,300 2.20 4,400 1.15 1,725 $ 7,425 $18,009 $25,434 $15,554 $22,979 BITUMINOUS WARRENS BURY & H J A HENRY O. ROADWAYS EXCAVATING CARLSON CONSTRUCTION ' MIKKELSON CO. $ 0.57 $ 1,140 $ 1.10 $ 2,200 $ 1.26 $ 2,520 $ 1.60 $3,200 $ 1.90$ 3,800 2.28 4,560 2.82 5.640 2.73 5,460 4.30 8,600 3.06 6,120 1.60 2,400 .82` 1;,230 1.05 1,575 .90 1,350 1.69 2,535 $ 8,100 $ 9,070 $ 9,555 $13,150 $12,455 $17,85.6 $25,956 $14,785 $22,885 $17,261 $26,331 $15,293 $24,363 $18,670 $28,225 $15,590 $25,145 $19,059 $32,209 $14,860 $28,010 No Bid $18,810 $31,265 Recommendation of Park Department: Award the bid on the "alternate construction" to Carlson-LaVine Co. for $22,979. (see attached) � CITY OF HOPKINS �PIN OOI7N'I'Y, MINNESOTA RESOLUTIC�T NO. 76-2514 A RESOLUTION FIXING TAXI CAB CHARGES AND RATES IN TI� CITY OF HOPKINS WHF�.EAS, pursuant to Section 475 of the 1973 code of ordinances of the City�of Hopkins, the Council of the City of Hopkins may, by resolution, fix and provide for taxi cab faxes and rates for taxi cabs licensed. by and in the City of Hopkins; and, WI�REAS, by previous action of the City Council a license has been granted to Town Taxi Co. Inc, to furnish taxi ca.b service in and for the City of Hopkins and surrounding areas; and, . WHE��EAS, application has been made for the reconsideration of the rates charged by said Tawn Taxi Co. Inc. for said services. NOW, THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved by the City Council of the � City of Hopkins as follows: (a) That the fare for the regular conventional cab service initiated anywhere in the City of Hopkins sha.11 be the sum of.75� at the crnrrnencanent or flag down of the taxi cab engag�nent plus the simi of 60� per mile, or any fraction thereof thereafter furnished. (b) That the fare for a special demand taxi ca,b service initiated anywhere in the City of Hopkins sha.11 be the rate or swn authorized and published by the Metropolitan Transit Corrmission to be used for Corrmunity Center Transit System taxi cab service, subject to the approval thereof by motion of the City Coun�il. Passed and adopted at a regulax meeting of the Hopkins City Council held on June 15, 1976. JERRE A. MIT,T F'.R" Mayor H. E. RIC��ARD.SON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney � CITY OF HOPKIidS Hennepin Count,y, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2515 A RESOLUTION ORDERINu PREPARATION OF ENGINEERS REPORT OPJ IMPROVEMEPJTS I�JHEREAS, a petition has been received requesting the improvement of the north-south alley between Seventh Avenue South and Eighth Avenue South from Seventh Street South to the proposed Eighth Street South by concrete surfacing thereon and the assessment of benefitting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to ��1.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. �VOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKI�dS, MINNESOTA, that the proposed improvement be referred to John Strojan, City Engineer, for study and he is instructed to report a�ith all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvements are feasible and as to whether they should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvements as recomr�ended. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Plinnesota, this 15th day of June, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, Ju1y 6, I976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Ha11. Present were Mayor Pro Tem Milbert, Councilmen McDonald, and Dr. Slaton, also City Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Operations Director Beecher, City PZanner,Hawks, and City A.ttorney Vesely. Absent: Mayor Mi11er and Building Inspector Kohnen. Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Council accept the Reel 201 formal letter, as presented and read by former Councilman Vassar, stating his Side 2 resignation from the Council as of June 2Z, I976, because of his change of 5I- residency outside the City of Hopkins. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. McDonald �ved, and Dr. SZaton, seconded the motion, that Resolution No. - 80 76-2517, "RESOLUTION ACCEPTING RESIGNATION OF CITY COUNCILMAN JAMES L. VASSAR", ' be adopted. Copy of Resolution 76-2517, signed by Mayor Mi11er, be sent to former Counci.Zman Vassar. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * � * � * * Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the five (5) items 80-83 under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved. 1. Minutes of the Board of EquaZization meeting of June 2, 1976, and the regular Council meeting of June 15, 1976. 2. Additional 1976 license applications: (see list attached) 3. Request from Northwestern Be11 Telephone Co., for permission to place buried cable on 5th Street South, east of 16th Avenue South, to serve Span-Tek, Inc. 4. Request from Knights of Columbus for renewal of their bingo permit for the months of July, August and September, 1976. 5. Request from the American Legion for renewal of their bingo permit for the months of JuZy, August and September, 1976. A po1l of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. MclJonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the expenditures 83-123 dated July 6, 1976, under Glarrant No. 476, in the amount of $472,976.67, be approved and authorized for pat�ment. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. HEARING: Item: 76-28-H. 123-26I Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. SZaton seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 76-25I6, "RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT ON 16TH AVENUE SOUTH FROM FIFTH STREET TO A POINT APPROXIMATELY 118 FEET SOUTH BY THE EXTENSION OF SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN THEREON", be adopted. A po.Z1 of the vote was as follows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimous.Zy. Item: 76-68-Z. Mr. McDonald, moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the preliminary 261-268 review of pZans for a Conditional Use Permit by George W. Rybold, to con- struct a 43 unit apartment building to be Zocated at the southwest corner of 7th Street and 9th Avenue South, be tabled. A poll of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-77-I. Dr. SZaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the selection 268-284 of a Consultant for the proposed Central Business District Parking Study, be continued to the August 3, 1976, Council rrreeting. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item:76-80-0. Council deferred this item untiZ Agenda Item: 76-I05-Z. appears on the 284-295 Agenda for this evening. Item: 76-82-0.• Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Ordinance No. 295-299 76-425, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TAXI CAB ORDINANCE SECTION 475, ESTABLISHING DEFINITIONS OF TAXI CAB SERVICE", be accepted for the second reading thereof and according to Zaw same to be ordered pubZished. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald,yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea;. M„+-;..� carriP�7 unanimous7»_ Minutes of the July 6, 1976, Council meeting, cont. Page 2. Item: 76-93-R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the request 299-373 by Mr. McArthur, owner of the BZock House (formerly known as the Liberty Bar and located at 9- 9th Avenue South) for an On SaZe Intoxicatin g Liquor Iicense, be denied. A polZ of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-92-R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the re-sub- 373-433 mission of the request by Panco, Inc., dba UNCLE JOHN'S, for an On Sale Non- intoxicating Malt Liquor license, be denied. A po.Zl of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-99-A. Mr. McDonaZd moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the moiion, that the proposed 433-571 Agreernent - Joint and Cooperative Agreement-Hennepin Emergency Communication Organization, be tabled. A po11 of the vote was as foZlows: Dr. Slaton, yea; 1Nr. McDonaZd, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-100-P. Mr. McDonald rnoved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Council 47Z-714 approve a rr�eting with the HRA and the Community Development Committee to discuss the report as presented by Mr. Harriman, Chairman of the Community Development Committee, to see if the three groups can come to a solution in solving the problem of reduced funding for the proposed projects proposed as requested by HUD. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-ZO1-R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Resolution 714-732 No. 76-2518, "RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR TRANSMISSION OF BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS FOR ANY CONSTRUCTION EXCEPT ONE AND TWO FAMILY RESIDENCES IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS TO THE HOPKINS ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE HOPKINS CITY COUNCIL FROM AND AFTER JULY 6, Z976, UNTIL ADOPTION OF NEW ZONING ORDINANCE, OR DECEMBER 31, Z976, WHICHEVER DATE IS SOONER", be adopted. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-102-Z. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the recommen- 732-749 dation from Zoning and Planning that the request for a variance to the sign ordinance to permit a sign to extend rrrore than 6' above the roof of a building and to exceed the square footaqe allowed at Donovan's Furniture, be denied, be continued to the Ju1y 20, 1976, Council meeting. A poll of the vote was as folZows: Dr. S.Zaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-I03-Z. Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the recommen- 749-782 dation from Zoning and Plenning for Council deniaZ of the rezoning request by Rudy Luther for the property Iocated at the NE corner of B1ake Road North an d Excelsior Avenue from R-4 to B-3b, based on the reason that after extended study of entire zoning of the City it was previously determined by the Planning Commission that the appropriate zoning for this parceZ is R-3, be continued to the July 20th, 1976, Council meeting per request by appli- cant. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Dr. S.Zaton, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-.Z04-Z. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that recomrr�ndation 782-871 from Zoning and Planning for Council approva.Z of a request by Mr. Kenneth Duneman for a ConditionaZ Use Permit to operate an anfique car sales lot at 2Z00 ExceZsior Avenue West, with the provisions that it wi1Z not have more than eight (8) cars dispZayed outside and a11 cars wi1l be 15 years old, or older, be granted. A po1.Z of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. Item: 76-105-Z. Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. SZaton seconded the motion, that recommendation 871- from Zoning and PZanning for Council approval of preliminary review of Mr. Hagen's Medical CZinic Plan, with the provision that he erect an enclosure for refuse containers; this proposed Clinic to be between 8th and 9th _ Avenue South, south of the Elks Club, be continued to the Ju1y 20, Z976, CounciZ meeting. A po11 of the vote was as folZows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Nlr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor 1�9i.Zbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the July 6, 1976, Council meeting, cont. Pa ge 3. Item: 76-80-0. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Ordinance -883 No. 76-424, "AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF THE NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY IN BLOCK 4, WEST MINNEAPOLIS", be continued to the July 20, 1976, Council meeting. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-Z06-Z. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that recomrr�enda- 883-890 tion from Zoning and Planning for Council approval of preliminary review of plans for remodeling of the Block House, .Zocated at 9th Avenue South, be tabled. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor MiZbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Itera: 76-107-Z. Dr. SZaton moved, and Mr..McDonald seconded the motion, that the recommen- 890-978 dation from Zoning and Planning for Council approval of preliminary plans for an addition to the existing warehouse, located at 350 - 17th Avenue North by Crawford Merz Co., be approved. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDona3d, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Council reconsider 978-100I Agenda Items: 76-105-Z; and 76-80-0, at this time. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. 1�7cDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. Item: 76-105-Z. Dr. SZaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the recommen- I001-1117 dation from Zoning and Planning for Council approval of preZiminary re- view of Mr. Hagen's Medical Clinic P1an, with the provision that he erect an enclosure for refuse containers - said Clinic to.be between Sth and 9th Avenue South, south of the Elks Club, be granted. A poZl of the vote was as foZlows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, nay; and Mayor MiZbert, yea. Motion carried. Item: 76-80-0. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, to sti1l continue 11Z7-1142 for the second reading, Ordinance No. 76-424, "AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF THE NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY IN BLOCK 4, WEST 1NINNEAPOLIS", to the Jnly 20, 1976, Council meeting. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-108-E. Dr. SZaton moved, and Mr. Mcl7enald seconded the motion, that Resolution No. II42-1225 76-2519, "RESOLUTION ORDERING HEARING ON CONCRETE ALLEY IMPROVEMENT OF N-S AND E-W ALLEYS IN BLOCK 8, GIBB'S FIRST ADDITION TO WEST MINNEAPOLIS", (alZeys between ISth and 16th A venue North and between Excelsior and First Street North), be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-109-E. Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the rr�otion, that Resolution 1225-Z342 No. 76-2520, "RESOLUTION ORDERING HEARING ON CONCRETE ALLEY IMPROVEMENT OF THE N-S ALLEY IN BLOCK 7, WEST MINNEAPOLIS ANNEX, AND THE IMPROVEMENT OF 8TH STREET SOUTH BETWEEN 6TH AVENUE AND 8TH AVENUE SOUTH", be adopted. (A11ey between 7th and 8th Avenue South and between 7th Street and Sth Street South - proposed street abuttinq Valley Park). A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. HEARING: Action: Dr. SZaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, to continue this 1345 to end of Hearing on the Zoning Ordinance, to the August 3, 1976, Council �eting. tape A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; Reel 202 and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Si de Z 1- 76 Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. SZaton seconded the motion, that the meeting be 76-78 adjourned. A po11 of the vote was as foZlows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the July 6, Z976, Council meetin g, cont. AT1EST: / _ ' I ��� ���,��� ..� � .. nald J. N�iZbert, Mayor Pro Tera Page 4. Dorothy M. Jo�inson, S�cr�tary to the Council C IL N: ' F ')����� ��L�. A1� � ! // if / ��- � � � �� �� �._,-l'- �'//-�,-� �,.., CITY OF HOpKI �INN. . N�� June 21, 1976 Citizens of Hopkins, Fellow Hopkins Council Members Please accept my resignation from the Hopkins City Council effective as of June 21, 1976, the date on which I cea$�ed to be a resident of the City of Hopkins." My resignation is mandatory based on the Hopkins City Charter sections 2.03 and 2.05 which are consistent with the State of Minnesota Statute 201.26 sections (a), (d) and (f). With my departure, I want to eXtend a most sincere thank you to you the people of Hopkins for giving me this opportunity to serve you these past three years. I can assure you, being :�born and raised in Hmpkins, this City, its people and my experience serving as your elected councilman will always be remembered, and cherished. Thank you � `� � � �! , James L. Vassax Hopkins City Councilman f. ,. , 1010 FIRf�T BTREET BOUTH . HOPKINS. MINN. . 612�935-8474 �� CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 76-2517 ACCEPTING RESIGNATION OF CITY COUNCILMAN JAMES L . VASSAI2 iWHEREAS, Councilman James L. Vassar was duly elected as a Councilman of the City of Hopkins for a four-year term cormnencing July 1, 1973, and; WHEREAS, he has permanently removed his residence from the City of Hopkins, and has tendered in writing, his resignation from said Office, effective .�une 2�,1976. NOW, THEREPORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota accepts with regrets the resignation of Mr. James L. Vassar as Councilman and extends to him the Commendation and gratitude of the people of Hopkins for his service. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council held on July 6, 1976. H. E. RICHAFtDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor � _976 License ,� �Note: #236 David W. McArthur �.f��- Continued from 6-15-76) #237 Hoel's Marine Inc. #238 Dairy Queen #239 Gary's Deep Rock #21�0 Hopkins Mobil #21+1. Ogden Food Serv. Corp. Town's Edge Ford � Council Approval July 6, 1976 On Sale Liquor(Remodel location) Class B Motor Vehicle Cigarettes Gasoline station 5 pumps, Cigarettes, Vending machines 1�10.00, 1 C�15.00, 2 C�25.00 Cigarettes, Vending machine 1 C�10.00, 1 O'15.00 Cigarettes, Vending machines 1 U10.00, 1 Q15.00, 2 @25.00 � Note: Bingo permit for Knights of Columbus for July, August, September Bingo permit for Hopkins American Legion April may june, July August, September '_l�.2 Mpls Pk & Rec Bo.3rd Cigarettes Meadowbrooke Golf �#243 P::nco Inc./Uncle John's ��,�,�[,1�, On 5ale Non Intoxic.�.ting M�.�t Liquor #�1+4 Theisen Vending Co. Juke Box Tremdnt Plaza #245 Coca Cola Midwest Bottling Inc. remont Plaza�. , � � ' #246 Theisen Music Co. Inc. Brownie Blockhouse #247 Antonys Towns Edge Ford #2!�$ Antonys Suburban Chevrolet '49 Dean Vending Brownie Blockhouse �#250 Twin City Vending Co. Inc. Super Valu Annesc #251 Twin City Vending Co. Ince Super Valu Vending machine 1 @25.00 3 Mechanical amusement devices, 2 Pool Tables, Juke Box Vending machine 1 C�10.00 Vending machine 1 e10.00 Cigarettes Lic Noo 128 Q�e 15e� on Vend 1 Q25.00 Lice Noe 127 o�re 15.� on Vend 1�25.00 `f ic''t \ CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2516 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS, a Resolution of the City Council No. 76-2505 adopted the 20 day of April, 1976, fixed a date for a hearing on the proposed improvement on 16th Avenue South from Fifth Street to a point approximately 118 feet south by the extension of sanitary sewer and watermain thereon, the total estimated cost thereof being $3,530.50 for sanitary sewer and $2,125.20 for street improvement and $5,073.80 for watermain, and WHEREAS all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for the making of these improvements were given ten days published notice of the Council hearing through two weekly publications of the required notice, and a hearing was held and the property owners heard thereon on the 15th day of June, 1976. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Hopkins: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered on Sixtheenth Avenue South from Fifth Street to a point approximately 118 feet south by the extension of sanitary sewer and watermain as adopted by the City Council in this Resolution subject to the agreement made between the City of Hopkins and Spantek dated June 15th, 1976. (See attached agreement) 2. That John Strojan is hereby designated as the Engineer for these improvements and he shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 15th day of June, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor `F"� . / CITY OF HOPKINS HIIVNEPIN COUN'I'Y, MINNESCIPA O�INANG� N0. 76-425 AN ORDINANCE AI�IIE�VVDING TAXI CAB ORDINANCE SEGTION 475 ESTABLISHING DEFINITIOI�TS OF TAXI CAB SER,VICE BE IT ORDAINID by the Council of the City of Hopkins that Section 475 of the 1973 code of ordinances of the City of Hopkins be and the same is hereby amended by adding, adopting and enacting thereto the following: Section 475:01. TAXI CAB SERVICES. Taxi cab services may be furnished in the following catagories and manner: (a) Special demand taxi cab service under the Corrrm�nity Center 7.`ransit Syst�n program which permits providing cab transportation for one or more unrelated or otherwise unconnected passengers, from different addresses or locations upon call without the consent of any passengers already in occupancy of the cab. All such cabs sha,ll at all times, while enga.ged on such special demand service, prominently display by caxd or other sign the letters CGTS or CGTS Cab. (b) Regulax conventional cab service sha,ll carry no other than the person first e�nploying the taxi cab without the consent of such person or passenger. BE IT HEREBY FURTHER, ORDAINID that Section 475:60 is hereby repealed and there is hereby ordained and enacted the following as Section 475:60. Section 475:60. MIS .T,T�ANF�TS REGUI�ATIONS. All taxi cab drivers sha.11 be clean and courteous at all times. No driver of any licensed taxi cab engaged in the regulax conventional cab service sha,ll carry any other than the person first employing such taxi cab without the consent of such passenger. No person shall cha,rge, or attanpt to chaxge, any passenger a greater rate or faxe than that to which the taxi cab is entitled under the resolution of the City Council or the rates established by the Metropolitan Transit Coim�ission in the case of special denand cab service. No t�i cab driver sha11 deceive any passenger who ma.y ride with him or who ma.y desire to ride in such vehicle as to his destination or distance travelled or to be travelled. Every taxi ca,b shall.be provided with windows in the toneau sufficient in number and of such size and dimensions that at all times persons ma.y be readity seen through such windows with sufficient distinctness to identify such persons or passengers. � Pa.ge 2 Any taxi cab, whenever and while engaged or designated as a special d�nand taxi cab, sha,ll prominently display by card or other sign the - letters CGTS or CCTS Cab. First read at a regulax meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins held June 15, 1976, and finally read, approved and adopted and ordered published at a regulax meeting of said Council on July 6, 1976.,,/� � A. MITTFR. Ma.yor H.E. RIC�3ARDSON, City Clerk � JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney Published in the HOPKINS SUN July 14, 1976 .-�'"';q / , „ , :}i;�1CNT TO ADVaNCL' O�-I-I�\Ll� OF COSTS /1ND S1�ECIAi. ��SESSI�'iF:NTS IN COM�IECTION WITIi �11L'• INSTALLl1`�'TCN OF PlJI3LTC WA'I�R �'D SIilV1'.R IILONG 'I�-Ir • NORTI-l�:1t1,1' 100 FI-:L="I' OI� TI-{A'I' P.�1R't' OF 1GT!-1 ;�VI�NLJE SOUTH Ll'ING SO[J1N OF TTS INTi:ItSECTIOr: ►VIZIi STH STRE�T SOUTH THIS �IGItEF�ff:NT made this 15th day of Ju�ie, 1976 by and betiveen � Spantek, Inc. , a Minnesota Corporation oi F3opkins; hlinnesota hereinafter called ' OWIVER and City of Hopkins, rtinnesota, a I�linnesota Corporation of Eiopkins, Mi.nnesota hereinafter called CITY, b1'ITNESSETEI; WHEREAS Spantek, Inc. is the owner pursuant to an Executory Contract for Deed of the £ollo�aing described premi�es situated in Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota d�scribed as follows, viz: Lots 22, 23 and 24, Block 3, L. P. Crevier's lst Addition to West Nlinneapoli.s which premises abut the northerly 100 feet �f that part.of 16th Avenue South located to the east thereof; and, � WI-�REAS Napco, Inc, a h�innesota Corporation, is the owner of Lots 1 and 2, }31ock 4, L. P. Crevier's lst Addition whi.ch premises abut said part of 16th /Ivenue South lying to the west thereof and whicll premises are unimproved and ai•e used only for the puroose of enlarging a curve at the iniersectioii of Sth Street South and 16th Avenue South and cannot othenlise be i�r�proved ��ithout the acquisition of additional lots abutting thereon and, tiVNEREAS the Owner has petitioned the City of fiopkins for the construc- tion and installation of sanitary sewers and public �,rater mains in that part. of 16th Avenue South, corrnnencing at its intersection with 5th treet South and run- ning southerly along 16th Ave�lue South for a distance oF l�� fcet, the cost of which a�nprovements is to be specially assessed against abutting property; znd, 1ti'I-IEREAS the owner is i.n the process of constructing a large corr�n�er.cial. structure upon the lands it o�,ms lying east of said 16th Aven��e as herein �bove .. • described which improvements rec�uire immediate installation and connection o1= sanitary sewer and public ��later thereto. WHEREI�S time is of the essence; NO�V, T(IFiRI:PORE, it is hereby understood and agreed by and betwee�: the parties hereto as follows: 1. 7'he Ci.ty shall i.mmedi.ate:J.y take all necessary 1ega1 steps and proceclt�r�s �n the const.ri�ction and installati.on of sanitary sewers and wat�r a7.ong that part o£ 16th Avenue Soui�.h co�nTe:�cin� at its int:ersection of 5th Avenue South and pi-oceedi.nb th�ncc so;atller�ly ioa� a cli.stance of 1�� ��et, and the o�ti�ner }-�e;rcby l�aives all notices of heari.�bs in con- nection therei,rith. 2. The C�mer. herel�y a�r�es �h=.it the City ma�r, l�y prc�;,cl• 12esolut�:on�, p7SS Z]1C�. RC�G�)t sj:�ccial. assessmerl�S S�1'C�i1:�J.f1€; t)1C E'1!1J.7'e COS�I Of st�ch instaJ.lati_on of said sc��,�cr ai�d �aat.er.• a.lon�; s;:iicl }�ori.:ion of 1Gt1� J1vE�nuc So�.]�.h �a�;ain.st I,ots 22, 'l3 ,and 2-'4, L'"!.ock 3, L. 1'-. � . � South, lying south of Sth Street 5outh, do hereby waive any and all notices of - hearing, hearings, and any a�ld all notices of procecdinns by the City Council of tlie City of Ilopkins in conncction l�li:�l thc levying of any special assessments to pay Lhe cost ot any such impro��ements hereby do a�ree to the inunediate construction and installation tliereo:C at thc above l.ocation subject to all of the provisions co�itained iii the coritract herei above set foY•th. � DATED: June15th � 1976. - Q � � " b South� 1 i.n south of 5th Street Soutli, do hereby waive any and al1 notices of � Y � hea'ring, heariii�s, and any and all notices of proceedin�s by the City Council of the City of 1lopkins in connection with the leiry ing of any special assessments to pay the cost of any such improvements hereby do a�ree to the immediate , construction and installation thereof at the above location subject to all of the provisions contained in the contract herei aUove set forth. � DATED: June�sth , 1976. _ 0 . , . � CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 76-2518 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR TRANSMISSION OF BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS FOR ANY CONSTRUCTION EXCEPT ONE AND TWO FAMILY RESIDENCES IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS TO THE HOPKINS ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE HOPKINS CITY CDUNCIL FROM AND AFTER JULY 6, Z976, UNTIL ADO°TION OF NEW ZONING ORDINANCE OR DECEMBER 31, 1976, WHICHEVER DATE IS SOONER. WHEREAS, the Hopkins Zoning and Planning Co�nission has for more than twelve months been engaged in a review of the Zoning and Planning ordinances of the City of Hopkins and has held public hearings thereon and made certain interim recommendations to the Hopkins City Council in connection therewith; and, WHEREAS, the Hopkins Urban Housing and Redeveloprnent Authority has and is purchasing and redeveloping through saZe Iarge tracts of Iand in the City which require new and different plans, traffic routing and uses; and, WHEREAS, a comprehensi ve city-wide stvdy is in process concernin g the use changes, area and density requirements, and other similar matters; and, WHEREAS, an orderly procedure is now necessary in order to direct develop- ments and construction during the iterim until the new revised zoning code and regulations are adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that from and after July 6; 1976, a11 new applications for building permits for any structure or alteration thereof, except one and two famiZy residentia.Z buildings, which applications are recei ved by the Building Inspector, sha11 be immediately transmitted and referred to the Hopkins Zoning and P1aruling Co�r¢nission and to the Hopkins City Council, and no such building permit shall be issued except upon Motion duly carried at a rr�eting of the Hopkins City Council. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the provisions of this Resolution sha1Z expire either on the date when the new revised zoning ordinance takes effect or on December 31, 1976, whichever date is sooner. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution sha11 be published in the official newspaper of the City of Hopkins. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Hopkins City CounciZ held on Ju1y 6, I976. H. E. RICKARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, Ci ty Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor � r � CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Hopkins will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on August 3rd, 1976, to consider the making of an improvement on the north-south alley and east-west alley between 15th Avenue North and 16th Avenue North between Excelsior Avenue and First North by concrete surfacing thereon, per City of Hopkins policy as established in Resolution No. 1597, dated May 16th, 1976, pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is Lots 1 thru 25, inclusive, Block 8, Gibb's First Addition to West Minneapolis. The estimated cost of such improvement is $7,498.00 for north- south alley and $5,446.00 for east-west alley and $400.00 for grading and blacktop to meet existing driveways. All persons desiring to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated July 6, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney To be published in the HOPKINS SUN, Hopkins, Minnesota, on July 14th, 1976 and July 21st, 1976. s � July 12, 1976 To Owner of Property in Block bounded by 15th Avenue North, 16th Avenue North, First Street North and Excelsior Avenue. The City Council received a petition to consider the concrete paving of the North-South zlley in your block. The Engineer's Report on the petition recommended.that the East-P�est alley also be considered for concrete paving. The Council ordered a Public Hearing for the meeting of August 3, 1976 to consider the paving of i.hese two alleys. A notice of this hearing i5 enclosed with this letter. The following is an estimate of cost which is based on past . policy in which the City would pay 20��of the actual cost. of the '� • concrete alley and assess the remaining 80o to the benefitted � property. 0 � � .' � � • Your. block involves what we refer to as T alleys, � Cost of the North-South portion of the alley is spread to the abutting property using average width of lot. Total estimated cost of concrete s•f ui acing for North-South a].ley $ 7,498.00 Estimated cost to be spread if City pays 20� 5,998.�0 Estimated cost per assessable foot if City pays 20$. 6.34 Estimated cost for a 50 foot lot would be 317.00 The cost of the East-West portion of your alley is spread on the � basis of 7/12 of the cost to lots fronting on Excelisor and � 5/12 of the cost to the lots North of the alley. �Total estimated cost of concrete surfacing for East-West alley $ 5,446.40 Estxmated cost to be s read if Cit P Y PaY 20� • 4,357.12 Estimated cost for a 50 foot lot North of the alley ($1.92/A.F.) 96.G0 Estimated cost for a 50 foot lot fronting on Excelsior Ave. ($9.56/A.F.) 478.00 � EAST-WEST ALLEY 7/12 of the cost $ 9.56 per of E-W . assessable ft. alley __ i 5/12 of the cost i$ 1.92 per of E-W assess�ble alley ( �_�� NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY I , ; 1 , � , $ 6.34' per 'assessable � foot „ �1 � j� I �� i . �__ � �_ _ _ $ 8.26 per assessable toot For fur.ther information on this project please call the Engin:eering office, 935-£3474, prior to the hearing. John J. Strojan Citx �ngineer ., ,.. �� 0 , , � CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2519 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING FOR HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution PJo. 76-2508 of the Council adopted May 4th, 1976, a report has been prepared by John Strojan, City Engineer, with reference to the north-south alley and east-west alleys between 15th Avenue North and 16th Avenue North between Excelsior Avenue and First Street North by concrete surfacing thereon and this report was received by the Council on July 6th, 1976. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Hopkins, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such alleys in accordance with the report and the assessment of Lots 1 thru 25, inclusive, Block 8, Gibb's First Addition to West Minneapolis for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended, at an estimated cost of the improvement of $7,498.00 for north- south alley and $5,446.00 for east-west alley and $400.00 for grading and blacktop to meet existing driveways. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 3rd day of August, 1976, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and the Clerk shall give published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 6th day of July, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, Cit.y Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. PIILLER, Mayor � � � � CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO 41HOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Hopkins will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.P�., on August 3rd, 1976 to consider the making of an improvement on the north-south alley between Seventh And Eighth Avenue South from Seventh to Eighth Street South by concrete surfacing thereon, per City of Hopkins policy as established in Resolution No. 1597, dated �ay 16th, 1967, pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is Lots 1 thru 48, inclusive, Block 7, West Minneapolis Annex. The estimated cost of such improvement is $9,660.00 for concrete surfacing, $575.00 for base preparation and $460.00 for grading and blacktop to meet existing driveways. All persons desiring to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated July 6, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney To be published in the HOPKINS SUN, Hopkins, Minnesota, on July 14th, 1976, and July 21st, 1976. � Alley between 7th and 8th Avenue South from 7th Street to 8th Street CONCRF;TE ALLEY ESTIMATED COST TO PROPERTY OWNERS Total estimated cost of concrete surfacing in your block Estimated cost to be assessed if City pays 20� Estimated cost per assessable foot if City pays 20� Estimated cost for a 50 foo.t lot would be $ 10,695.00 8,303.00 � 6.92 346.00 Average width of a property is used in figuring assessable feet. Any additional grading or blacktop to meet existing blacktop driveway would � be added to the above figure and would be charged to the property where such work is done. For further information, please call the Engineering Department 935-8474. John J. Strojan . • - --- � City Engineer 7-12-76 ,— 0 J � CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Hopkins will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on August 3rd, 1976 to consider the making of an improvement on Eighth Street South from Sixth Avenue South to Eighth Avenue South by gravel base, bituminous surfacing and storm sewer thereon pursuant to P�.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement being those parcels facing Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Avenue South between Seventh and Eighth Street South and the City Park as follows: Parcels 7022, 7012, 4460, 4410, 3810, 3620, 3637, 3753, 3647, 3642, 6620, 6610, 6420, 6410, 6430, 8040, 8045, 4001; all the above parcels in Section 25, Township 117, Range 22; Lot 6, Block 1, Park Valley Manor; Lots 1 thru 8, inclusive, Block 2, Park Valley Manor; Lots 1 thru 5, inclusive, Block 1 and Outlot A, South Meadows; Lots 1 thru 4, inclusive, Westling's Addition; Lots 1 thru 48, inclusive, Block 7, West Minneapolis Annex and all vacated alleys. The estimated cost of such improvement is $12,767.00 for grave base and bituminous surfacing and $2,780.00 for storm sewer. All persons desiring to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated July 6, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney To be published in the HOPKINS SUN, Hopkins, Minnesota, this 14th day of July, and July 21, 1976. � � Ju1y 12, 1976 The City Council, upon recommendation of the Engineering Department is holding a hearing on August 3, 1976 (see enclosed notice) to consider the upgrading of Eighth Street South between Sixth Avenue and Eighth Avenue by the construction of gravel base and bituminous surfacing and storm sewer. This improvement would eliminate the present dead-end of 6th, 7th and 8th Avenues� and provide a combination roadway and parki_ng area for Valley Park (see attached sketch). The estimated cost would be divided between the City and the ad�acent blocks to the north of Eighth Street. Total Cost of Project $ 15,547.30 City pays entire cost of . � . Storm Sewer 2,780.00 ' Portion to be assessed $ 12,767.30 _. City to Pay 620 7,97.5.73 . -. • _ Portion to be assessed to Property north of 8th St.. 4,851.57 � Cost.per assessable foot 1.35 Cost /50' lot 67.50 For further informaL-ion, please call the Engineering Department at _. � 935-8474 prior to the hearing. . John J. Strojan City Engineer � � � ., .,, - - . _ ` � . . . . ._ . .. m---- _ � t�-�.. �`" � J. , , �� `� �\ tf � .� •� �-- . —.':--�-z.�-cc.`..:::_�:`.—: .'...._�.__,' -)�.1G.._--> �%.Ti\ -� � . -.,��� - ! � � ' �� `, � ;' � � ` 1=-- ;---,:' `•,t _ � � 7E:Y:115 ' � ; � i ----- �� 1 : � �-'�_'t""'—� `-, �_. �` ; '� i . � ~ " fiaske�bail — r--�; �� ' ,I `� i i � �' ; �� �- -----� r� � � • c l ��.�' _��=!�► y�• � � ,�,;, .��.'' -_ ;� ati^: �`... `� • �. '.t� � � a ••`�.-.-�.•: � t: � ' '� s. t'• . . .:'� i' � �. � � . ��.',� � �,'. . • 1 � • ! I . r : , �..`'n,, , .�� S _� � �'i..., •r� ;%, : ,..: ; y a rt`.t �,o --�..�: ;�� '. P4 � ' � P'r.e- �:310�? 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CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2520 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING FOR HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 76-2515 of the Council adopted June 15th, 1976, a report has been prepared by John Strojan, City Engineer, with reference to Eighth Street South from Sixth Avenue South to Eighth Avenue South by gravel base, bituminous surfacing and storm sewer thereon and this report was received by the Council on July 6th, 1967. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Hopkins, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such street in accordance with the report and the assessment of those parcels facing Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Avenue South between Seventh and Eighth Street South and the City Park as follows: Parcesl 7022, 7012, 4460, 4410, 3810, 3620, 3637, 3753, 3647, 3642, 6620, 6610, 6420, 6410, 6430, 8040, 8045, 4001; all the above parcels in Section 25, Township 117, Range 22; Lot 6, Block 1, Park Valley Manor; Lots 1 thru 8, inclusive, Block 2, Park Valley Manor; Lots 1 thru 5, inclusive, Block 1 and Outlot A, South Meadows: Lots 1 thru 4, inclusive, Westling's Addition; Lots 1 thru 48, inclusive, Block 7, West Minneapolis Annex; and all vacated alleys, for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $12,767.00 for gravel base and bituminous surfacing and $2,780.00 for storm sewer. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 3rd day of August, 1976 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and the Clerk shall give published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, MInnesota, this 6th day of July, 1976. , H. E. RICHARDSON, JERRE A. MILLER, City Clerk Mayor JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney �� CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2520 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING FOR HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 76-2515 of the Council adopted June 15th, 1976, a report has been prepared by John Strojan, City Engineer, with reference to the north-south alley between Seventh and Eighth Avenue South from Seventh To Eighth Street South by concrete surfacing thereon and this report was received by the Council on July 6th, 1976. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Hopkins, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such alley in accordance with the report and the assessment of Lots 1 thru 48, inclusive, Block 7, West Minneapolis Annex for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, ad amended, at an estimated cost of the improvement of $9,660 for concrete surfacing, $575.00 for base preparation and $460.00 for grading and blacktop to meet existing driveways. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 3rd day of August, 1976, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and the Clerk shall give published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 6th day of July, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney � JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS 101 O FIRST STREET SOUTH • HOPKINS, MINNESOTA 55343 • 612/935-8474 June 23, 1976 CITY OF HOPKINS 1010 First Street South Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 Gentlemen: �l=F��� �F T�,'� G� i �` E��T�;�'��,EY NORl-i I1/°,'�S! cs �\ i��1.l�J;: CvILJiiaG ��;;�� �r � i:3 I-i0i�K1(�S,_ ;'U�ii!i���E'�C�i:y �5343. 9�3 - 7o.s5 The City Manager has informed me that you desire an opinion as to the law per- taining to the transfers of certain lic{uor licenses in existence pursuant to previous issue by the City Council. It is irry opinion that you wish to lmow what authority does the City have in connection with a new application in any such liquor license transfers. As you lmow, there are several different kinds of such liquor licenses with which the City Couneil must concern itself as follows: a. Off-Sale Intoxicating Liauors b. On-Sale Intoxicating Liquors c. Wine Licenses d. Non-Intoxicating Malt Beverage Licenses The transfer of any and all of the above and in the case of off-sale intoxicating the statutory reauirement of an approval missioner. licenses are regulated by city ordinance liquor and/or wine licenses, there is to be issued by the State Lic{uor Com- Chapter IV, Section 400:15 provides as follows: An license duly issued upon which a license fee of 5�.00 or more has been paid, may be transferred or assigne�uld the licensee desire to change his place of business to a new location or transfer and assign such license to a new owner. The City Manager may, at his discretion and i,mder such regulations as he ma.y prescribe, and on surrender of the original license and payment of a fee of $2.00, issue a new license for the new location or to the new owner provided that the provisions of this code and the ordinances of the Cit authorizing the granting of su licenses are comalie wit . Page 2 JLme 23, 1976 ; City of Hopkins � In connection with any of the liquor licenses above set forth, the code and ordinances require the filing of a rather detailed application, a bond in the cases of wine and off-sale liquor, an investigation as to the character and reputation of applicant or transferee, and in at least two of the above licenses, the approval by the Liquor Control Commissioner. Therefore, the provision contained in Section 400:15 as above set forth which authorizes the City Manager to issue new licenses or transfers does not apply and all such transfers must be broug�t to the attention of the City Council and, by it, approved before a new license is issued. �lY� �Zx.�J � C. Vesely JCV: R Proposed charge for Parking Study Consultant: �� The following study should be conducted through and with a parking study committee made. up of Chamber �embers, HBA members, downtown business�n, City staff, City Planning Corrm�ission, City CounciZ and a resident from the nearby area. STEP 1 Identify the problem STEP 2 Inventory present parking facilities (private, public, onstreet & lot) STEP 3 Identify present users of existing inventory STEP 4 Identify possible uses of vacant Iand and its parking needs STEP 5 Propose aZternative solutions to m�eet existing and proposed needs STEP 6 Evaluate alternati ve solutions STEP 7 Explore and evaluate possibZe methods of financing proposed solution STEP 8 Recommend proposed solutions to Council PGC- 7-1- 76 A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, July 20, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Ha1Z. Present were Mayor Mi11er, Councilmen McDonald, MiZbert, and Slaton, aZso City Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Building Inspector Kohnen, Operations Director Beecher, City Attorney Vesely and City Planner Hawks. Reel 202 Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the two (2) Side 1 items under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved. Note: (19eeting recorded 1. Minutes of the JuZy 6, 1976, CounciZ meeting. but tape blank) 2. AdditionaZ I976 license applications. (see list attached) A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; 1�7r. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * � * * � � * * * Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that expenditures dated JuZy 20, 1976, under Warrant No. 477, in the amount of $Z91,616.64, be approved and authorized for payrr�nt. A po.Zl of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un- animously. Item: 76-103-Z. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the iaotion, that the recommenda- tion from Zoning & PZanning for Council denial of the rezoning request by Rudy Luther for the property located at the NE corner of Blake Road North and Excelsior Avenue from R-4 to B-3b, be continued to the August 17, Z976, Coun ci1 meeting. A poZ1 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea. Mr. Milbert, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried unani�usly. (Note: At the hour of 9:00 p.m., Councilman McDonald excused himself and Zeft the meeting.) Item: 76-1I2-R. Mr. Milbert rnoved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, to approve the request of the First National Bank for temporary use of the following portions of Ci�� property: (1) Westerly 7 feet of the vacated alley west of the bank property with the understanding that a fence be constructed along the west Zine of the vacated aZley; (2) The public sidewalk and parking lane on 9th Avenue, east of the bank property with the understanding that a protected walkway be constructed a.Zong the entire bank property; (3) An agreerr�ent sha11 also be entered into between the bank and the City that wi11 give the City the right to control the parking on the property owned by the bank on the west side of lOth Avenue (Lots 3,4 & 5, BZock 69, West 1Ninneapolis 2nd Division). A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-113-P. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the temporary parking plan proposed by the Engineering Department be approved with the understanding that the possibility of reversing the direction of the traffic flow on the section of one-way traffic on 9th Avenue be investi- gated. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; and Mayor Mi1ler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-Z14-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. SZaton seconded the motion, that �he_,City use Community Development=Funds to pay the remaining portion of the R-46 Urban Renewal Project loan. The City thereby wi.i1 acquire the remaining un5old parcels in the R- 46 Pro�ect area. A report sha1.Z be prepared for the Council outlining the financial terms of the repayment,of the loan. A poll o� the vote was as foZlows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Mi..Zbert, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanirnously. Item: 76-116-R. Dr. S.Zaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 76-2523, "A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING A JOINT CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAM WITH THE CITIES OF ST. LOUIS PARK AND MINNETONKA", be adopted. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the July 20, 1976, Council meeting, cont. Page 2. Item: 76-102-Z. Mr. MiZbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the recommenda- � tion from Zoning & Planning that the request for a variance to the sign ordinance to permit a sign to extend more than 6' above the roof of a building and to exceed the square footage allowed at Donovan's Furniture, be denied, be continued to the Auqust 3, 1976, Council meeting. A poZl of the vote was as foZZows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-80-0. Mr. Milbert rr�oved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Ordinance No. 76-424, "AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF THE NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY IN BLOCK 4, WEST MINNEAPOLIS", be accepted for the second reading thereof, and according to Iaw same to be ordered pubZished. A po.ZZ of the vote was as folZows: Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-1Z0-P. Dr. SZaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 76-2526, "RESOLUTION ORDERING ENGINEER'S REPORT ON INSTALLATION OF WATER- MAIN ACROSS THE NORTH SIDE OF HOPKINS NURSING HOME PROPERTY", be adopted. A poZ1 of the vote was as folZows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-I11-R. Dr. SZaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 76-2521, "RESOLUTION TO MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOR GRANT-IN- AID PROGRAM", be adopted. A po1l of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item:76-I15-R. Mr. Milbert rnoved, and Dr. SZaton seconded the neotion, that Resolution No. 76-2522, "RESOLUTION DECLARING CERTAIN COUNTY ROADS TO BE A PORTION OF THE HOPKINS TRAIL PLAN AND REQUESTING HENNEPIN COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO MARK AND SIGN SUCH ROUTES WHEN SAFE TO DO SO", be adopted. A po11 of the vote was as foZZows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. 1�IiZbert, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried unaniinously. Item: 76-117-P. Mr. Milbert meved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 76-2524, "RESOLUTION ORDERING AN ENGINEER'S REPORT ON PETITION FOR REPAIR OF SIDEWALK, DRIVES AND CURB AND GUTTER ON Z2TH AVENUE SOUTH IN FRONT OF THE AMERICAN LEGION CLUB", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as foZlows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. MiZbert rnoved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, accepting the Engineer's Report and adopt Resolution No. 76-2525, "RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT OF SIDEWALK, DRIVES AND CURB AND GUTTER AT ZO - 12TH AVENUE SOUTH IN FRONT OF THE AMERICAN LEGION CLUB". A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Mi1Zer announced his appointment of Councilman Milbert to the Council sub-committee to replace Mr. Vassar. Item: 76=98-R. Dr. Slaton, moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the report from the Council sub-cormnittee re: charges brought by Mr. James Vassar re City Manager, be continued to the August 17, 1976, Council meeting. A poZZ of the vote was as folZows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; and Mayor MiZZer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mayor MiZler proclaimed August 2nd through the 8th, 1976, as RECYCLING FOR MUSCULAR D'i`STROPHY ASSOCIATION WEEK. Action: Mayor Mi11er proclairtaed August 19, 1976, as MINNESOTA YOUTH VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION DAY. Action: Dr. SZaton moved, and Mr. 1Nilbert seconded the motion, that the meeting be adjourned. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Milhert, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. 1Notion carried unanimously. Minutes of the July 20, 1976, Council meeting, cont. Dorothy M,� Johns CI �,MEN : , � Pa ge 3. to CounciZ , �2�� �ti�—�'� . � �, �. � c�- �.: C � C;;�< <.. �.. --. ,�� ATTEST,� j � �., ,. �" �/ l- 1.���'� � Jerre' A. Mi11er, Mayor � �� V ) 1976 License Council Approval July 20th, 1976 t #25z Theisen Vendi.ng Cigarettes -2 Tremont Plaza #253 4g20 Investments Vending machine 1@15.00 CreelcUrood Estates #254 4g20 Investments Vending machine 1 e15.00 Rose Confections �SPECIAL ITEM #236 David W. McArthur �/.c-t-�C: - d'���� On Sale Liquor #255 Hopkins Schwir�n CycTery Inc. Class A Motor Vehicle 15 ( yrs or older, 8 cars outside) #256 F�anklin Sheet Metal dba Install gas burners W A Heating #257 B K Vending Co. Inc Cigarettes Bull Pen .,�c58 Jimmy Jingle Inc. Cigarettes, Vending machines 1@10.00, 2@15.00� Wrico Tool Stamping 1 @25.00 � � 0 Bank SYSTEM FIRST NATlONAL BANK OF HOPKIIVS 16 NINTH AVENUE NORTH . HOPKINS. MINNESOTA 55343 • 612-932-2900 July 8, 1976 Mr. Peter Cotton City Manager of Hopkins & City Council Members City Hall 1010 - lst St. S. Hopkins, Mn. 55343 Dear Mr. Cotton & City Council Members: Re: First National Bank of Hopkins Building Project As you are aware, plans for the new construction of the First National Bank of Hopkins will shortly be let out for bids. In order to facilitate this project and to construct our building with the least possible disturbance to our customers and people living in Hopkins, we would like to request the temporary use of a small portion of city property during our construction period. The city property to be used would include: - 7 feet of vacated alley to the immediate west of our property. - The sidewalk and the parking lane on Ninth Avenue to the immediate east of our property. The time frame for this temporary usage would be during the construction period--we estimate starting in October of 1976 through November of 1977. We are enclosing a site plan with the areas mentioned above designated in red ink. GWJ:skj Enclosure Very uly yours, Will'am Jude es%d nt r ' F ' I . INTERIM.PARKING PROPOSAL NORTH SIDE CBD The.expansion of .the First.National.Bank will involve the permanent re�val.of certain public and pri.vate parking.spaces and the temporary removal of some on-street spaces due to the need for access to the construc- tion site. Therefore the Engineering Department has put together the ideas set � forth in studies .prepared.by Rieke-Carroll-Muller.for the First National I Bank,.together with recommendations for additional interim parking which would alleviate the impact in the immediate area of the removal of the spaces! necessitated by the bank expansion. The following is a summary of.the spaces that will be taken and the spaces that could be provided on an interim basis until the future needs are evaluated in the proposed CBD parking study and implemented. Permanent Parkingl,'Space:.,Removal Spaces north of the present bank - 23 Spaces in the City Lot west of the bank - 8 -� 31 Temporary Removal.of...On-Street Parking Spaces Construction easement request by'the bank on the west side of 9th Ave. from the alley to entrance to Tait lot. These would be regained together with 3 addi.tional - 4, Total Removal Due to Construction - 35 Proposed Parking Space Addition 1. One Way system on 9th Avenue from First.Street to entrance to Tail lot (presently the parallel parking in the east & west side of 9th Ave.. permits 15 cars). The proposed angle parking would allow the parking of 30 cars. The.net increase in available spaces is. 2. On the south side of First Street South between 8th & 9th Avenue, the available width would permit the addition of parking and still permit two adequate moving lanes 3. On the south side of First Street South between 9th & lOth Avenue from lOth Avenue to entrance.to Dr. Sheldon parking lot. This side is presently posted 30 min. truck parking 6.AM.to 12 Noon. No Parking 12 noon to 6 AM. If the street is definitely needed for truck maneuvering the parking could at least be used from 12 Noon to 6 AM. 4. On the south side of First Street South between l�th &.11th Avenue (north;of-the First National.Drive-in area) + 10 5. In a discussion with Mr.. Bi11 Maser of the First National Bank, he indicated the.bank would.be.willing to discuss the possibility of temporarily turning over to the City all or.a.portion.of the present private parking lot on lOth Avenue located between the drive-in.and Dahlberg Liquor for short term parking. This could be signed and enforced by the City. This could result in the addition of 56 spaces.(Provision would have to be made elsewhere for all day parking by the employees presently using this site). + 56 Total Addition Interim Spaces Available Minimum 35 Maximum 91 (See attached.map with removals and additions shown in red) The one way system on 9th Avenue would involve the.use of the City sidewalk on the west side. The City would place•.asphalt in the gutter to enable cars to drive over the curb.and asphalt islands at each end of the angle parking zone. The City would stripe the parking spaces. Estimated cost of this work is $750. The other costs for the.interim parking would involve placement of signs. Estimated cost of these sign installations is $200. Respectfully submitted, .hW" W � John J. Strojan City Engineer 7-16-76 :J ' -.EET �—c—` � �— —�— t— - -- —_. .. . \ r � �+,�..�,. � �'.-i O � �����1� '� i, � �a � � . � �� � � � �+ r � •I �? d.� z 1 � � � � �«�� I F------�� ; -�:..o ,, � �� I I! I I' � � � �/J%/J1/-�'.u1� . z uyi � - > . �\ :����` • ¢ j ^ . '"�.� i L..' ^ rtC ¢ �/%f'/%!� C L �— ' �������� ' � �%%%T �� � I14 � � O i� I t ;� �.( ' �_ (U���7i�;� r ' I I ��� � � �i � �lr�% 1� i ," I,I � ; \\`�\\\\\ ' ' � �+ � i �llJ� r, ��� � , � • y f , �I f i r i5 � — �t � �o. ' "_ 4�0 .. ,.... , . , , w EXC��� t0� ' o , I.xC I!'" 'o �i�' _ � �l -�ia:� � __ n � � � -.�� z�� . �-;F;, r,tu,.� r,c::�.��. iao.l�r.� � -... n� f:<Ki�.:� f'�".x�c•v �e� U�s ^J'�AL fAR�UG C,, �i� L Jt�i � '� 1 ,'• + ��� F � � I � I ��'y' �'e��"�'� • r` ' . � �{'j'��'�!"y�� l. r � �rl , .. . . 0 : -? Z W J _� G L � -;. � JuZy 14, Z976 To: City Council From: Peter G. Cotton Subject: 20� withholding of Conanunity Development Funds At a rr�eeting on 1�7ay 25, I976, HUD stated that according to Federal regulations they are entitZed to withhoZd up to 20� of a City's Corranunity DeveZoprr�nt EntitZerr�ent Funds in order to protect the Federal Interest in ongoing Urban Renewal Projects. In the case of Hopkins they have stated that they are going to withhold the maximum 20% of our second year $443,000 entitlement, or $88,600. , HUD has stated that the Hopkins HRA presently has $463,000 in outstanding notes which have been sold to finance the debt on the raoney borrowed from the Federal Government to implement the Hopkins Urban RenewaZ Project, (ie acquisi- tion, derr�olition, relocation, etc.) The debt which was incurred by the HRA to implerr�nt this project is paid off from monies received from the sale of land in tliis area. When all the Zand within the Project Area is soZd the debt �� owed the Federal Government should be satisfied. At present, as not aZZ the land in Urban Renewal Area is soZd, the HRA must keep refinancing the rernaining debt by seZZing project notes. HUD after evaluating the First Street South Urban Renewal Project has come to the conclusion that their interest is not significantly protected in this project. By interest, they mean the remai•rii:n g debt ($463,000) owed the FederaZ Government. This concZusion was arrived at because the City or HRA cannot guarantee that a1I the land wi1l be soZd and the project closed-out within the very near future. HUD is very anxious to close-out the remaining Urban Renewal Projects within the State as these projects are no Ionqer in existence. In concluding our meeting with HUD they stated that i f this project is uncompleted in the coming years, and thus, the City retains an outstanding debt owed the Federal Governraent, they wi1Z deduct the 20% each year from Conmiunity DeveZopment Fynds. Once the project is closed-out and the debt paid, (as a result of aZI the land being sold) the CD funds withheld by HUD wi1Z be returned to the City to be reused for CD activities. It has to be emphasized that HUD is fuZly entitZed to withhold this 20� by Federal Iegislation. Even though it might be fe.Zt that CD funds which are given to the City for acti vities compZeteZy seperate from the Minn. R-46 Urban Renewal Project, the City has no choice. The City must revise their Second Year CD budget and Program to refZect the $88,600 Federal Deduction. It should be noted that HUD has implemented this withhoZding power in a number of cities throughout the State which aZso have ongoing Urban Renewal Projects. HUD has stated that the proper revisions must be submitted to their office by August 6, Z976. If such modifications are not submitted by the aforementioned date, the City has a very good possibility of Zosing its complete CD entitZerreent, which is a very serious consequence. As July 20, Z976, is the Second Pvblic Hearing on the revisions required, and the Citizens of �lopkins should, and must, be inforrr�ed of these re- visions it is important that the, CounciZ approve the necessary modifications ref.Zecting the withholding at this Council meeting. The staff in studying the.above �ntioned matter recorra�nds the folZow- ing CD Program and budget deductions to reflect the $88,600 withholding. I. Administration $10,000 2. Housing Rehabilitation 40,000 3. Contingency Fund 18,600 4. Diseased Tree Rerm va1 10,000 5. Bikeways/Pathways Z0,000 Total $88,600 Attached is information concerning the rationale behind the above program deductions. PGC:dmj Att: CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76- ?523 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING A JOINT CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAM WITH THE CITIES OF ST. LOUIS PARK AND MINNETONKA. WHEREAS, the Tri-City Crime Prevention Grant is ready to be applied for, and WHEREAS, such grant for $59,162.00, is to be used by Minnetonka, St. Louis Park and Hopkins to establish a joint, coordinated crime prevention program utili zing the resources of the three municipalities, one goal of which wi11 be to generate cooperation with the business and residential communities to formulate and implerrtent long-range crime prevention strategies in the three communities, and WHEREAS, the West Svburban Chamber of Corr¢nerce is involved and wi1l assist Hopkins in certain parts of the program and in areas where their help will be invalua.ble, and WHEREAS, the three Chiefs of Police will oversee the operation of the grant, utilizing sworn personnel on an overtirr� basis to accomplish the goals of the program with all personnel being required to attend a training session prior to their involvement with the program: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, that it supports the City of St. Louis Park and Minnetonka in its forrrlal submission of an application for a grant for the Tri-City Crime Prevention Program. Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of July, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City C1erk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney :� JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota ORDINANCE NO. 76-424 AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF THE NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY IN BLOCK 4, WEST MINNEAPOLIS BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Hopkins as follows: That the part of the North-South alley in Block 4, West Minneapolis lying between the extensions across it of a line aprallel to and 14 feet south of the north line of Lot 13, and the south line of Lot 17, all in said Block 4,West Minneapolis, be and the same is hereby vacated. First read at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins held June 1, Z976, and fainally read, approved and adopted and ordered published at a regular meeting of said Council on .7uly 20, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY City Attorney PubZished in the HOPKINS SUN, July 28, 1976. � � LJ � CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin CoLmty, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2526 A RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF ENGINEERS REPORT ON IMPROVII�IENTS Wf-IEREAS a petition has been received requesting the installation of watermain across the north side of Hopkins Nursing Home property and the assessment of benefitting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to 1�4.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111 as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T[-� CITY COUNCIL OF TEIE CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the proposed improvement be referred to John Strojan, City Engineer, for study and he is instructed to report with all convenient speed advising the Coi.mcil in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvements are feasible and as to whether they should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvements as recommended. Adopted by the City CoLmcil of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 20th day of July, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2521 RESOLUTION TO MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOR GRANT-IN-AID PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture provides matching grant-in-aid to assist residential property owners in the re- moval and disposal of diseased trees pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 18.023, Subdivision 3a, and, WHEREAS, the City of Hopkins has initiated a program of sub- � sidies to its citizens, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Hopkins sha11 �ke application to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture for grant-in-aid and shall conduct a grant-in-aid program for resi dential property owners in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 18.023,. ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, at a regular rr�eeting held the 20th day of Ju1y, 1976. H. E. RICHARASON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER Mayor � �� � �� �� 1 �,� � ��% �ti � � , �r . � MINNES�O'rF� DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE nIVIS]:ON OF PLANT INDUSTRY 1 �U,U �' � 670 S�ATE OFFICE BUILDING � �� �„ STo �AUL, MINNESUTA 55155 '�� �p � GRANT-IN-AID APPLICATION �� e RESIDENTIAL PROPERZ'Y TREE R�MOVAL SUBS'I DY . �� * * # FOR STATE US`E ONLY * # * � Date Received Contract # Application # Requisition # Date of l�ward Date of Encumbrance (1) Political Subdivision Applying: ��T')l G/C l�oPt'i/�S 1975 1976 / o��- (2 ) Amount budgeted for applicant''s subsidy programc cn 3� 7,�� Note: This includes subsidy expenses, not total control expenses, p� State's grant�lIl+d1C� share ■ � s o • • e • a • • . � �� � � � o�-, Total o . . . . e a . . . . . o . . . . . . . . � � � s " (3) What i.s the City's formula for determining the subsidy amount to homeowners. (F�plain yaur suh�idy �rogram). Attach additional sheet if n�cessary. � T�, E�� �•r� �� s TR c,� s,o o�,✓K F� R� c�.� n�,G o r g�o, ��,� R T�2 ��,�"� � �Liv�tJ�� B� Cosi �s .�Asm�i,Q�� ,C�y C i r`/ Su�b��ov /�LF7a�J b1!%,Z% �s � .t �' !� i� D j= %�i �P �' 1/ a L. V � A� 5 � �- C. T. ? v L✓ h ' L �. � �r J4 � � � � 1'� /4 ,F J2 �. 7" z! /Z It! �. ;; �ti�N.��<«.�r�4 F�nrn���R���r��y avJ�►F�, � 1 � � 1� r4 � �,� (4) Estimate number of Elm and Oak trees eligible for homeowner subsidy; �� .�'�./t�::,� (5) (a) Program Manager - Person to whom inquiries about the application should be directed. Name: � ✓ r I? i `r T" � . �.,� � c.-° �i C /Z Addr es s ; / �1 f d -- � S � s% %� � � 7 ds.t::. Title:l�v Q�.�� 1/✓v/2�S C�l��.�Q19i"ioNs Airt, }�a/'/'c�n�S Business Phone: C�' a d�'_ � 1� 7� X d� �i�' 3 y 3 �/ N�• (b) Fiscal Agent - Person to whom check should be sent. Name: �� R I$ %�/ F_ G S o� Address: . Title; L°� 7 y' �'jN�4 �/G E O J`�'� G Es�C ,5- �? �'j � Payee's Title: S��Sr�� Busi.ness Phone; y 3 y' =�.� y,[F �( �� (c) Person authorized to e�ecute contract. ' Name: �v,E �,�T T' � QE ��� � � � Address: . � Title: f�1 J3�1,1 � �/f/o /P ic s�/��"1� R7"�o�t/� D� Business Phone: �3�- ��7� � 3fs �' s�/� � (6) Please enclose a resolution to come into the program. F�r„� arr� �„ y * * # * SUGGESI'ED RESOLUTION FOR LOCAL SUBSIDY PROGRRM * # * * WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture provides matching grant-in-aid to assist residential property owners in the removal and disposal of diseased trees pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 18.023, Subdivisi�on 3a and, Wf�REAS, the City of has initiated a program of subsidies to its citizens, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of shall make application to the Minnesota Department of ' Agriculture for grant-in-aid and shall conduct a grant-in- aid program for residential property owners in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 18.023, ADOPTEU by the Council this day of , 19 Mayor Clerk # � � � � � � -� � � Have you enclosed the items marked below: � �� Ordinance and/or resolution requesting to come within the provisions of M.S. 18.023. (_) Completed Shade Tree Disease Control Plan, Form AGR 29. ("-� Application for Grant-in-Aid, Fox-m AGR 36. (`� Resolution committing applicant to local subsi�iy program. CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO: 76- 2522 RESOLUTION DECLARING CERTAIN COUNTY ROADS TO BE A PORTION OF THE HOPKINS TRAIL PLAN AND REQUESTING HENNEPIN COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO MARK AND SIGN SUCH ROUTES WHEN SAFE TO DO SO WHEREAS: the City of Hopkins has adopted a plan for the safe and convenient pedestrian and bicycle travel to and from major destinations within Hopkins by providing a system of trails which separate automobile traffic from pedestrian and bicycle traffic, and WHEREAS: certain county roadways are indeed included as a portion of that plan, and WHEREAS: the shoulders of these roadways have been paved and provide a relatively safe place for bicycle operators. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the traffic section of the Hennepin County Department of Public Works be requested to provide an edge stripe to delineate the traffic lane from the shoulder in accordance with established practice on the followinq roadways: CSAH # 5 between CSAH # 73 & Birch Place CSAH # 18 between 34th Street & State Highway # 7 CSAH # 61 between CSAH # 3& State Highway # 7 CSAH # 73 between CSAH # 5& State Highway # 7 and that signing of the shoulder area as a bike route be done when physical conditions permit a reasonable degree of safety to the cyclists. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting fo the Hopkins City Council held on Ju?y 20, 1976. Jerre A. Miller, Mayor H. E. Richardson, City Clerk Joseph C. Vesely, City Attorney � Narch 28, 1976 1Nr. Art I.ee, Director Public WorkcY Rennepin Coc�nty �:. 310 Washington Avis. So. � 8opkins, Minnesota 55343 - D�ar Mr. Lees � It �s our understand�ng that certain County fl�ghways �n Ropk�tns ai11 be �pgraded by the placing of shoulder paving durjng 1976. 6�e also understand that these paved shonlders w311 not be used for auto- mobile traffic and can be des�gnated as bicycle and pedestsian lanes. The follow�ng County Xighways are._on the z�adopted Hopk�ns BicyclF�• Trai1 Plea. We ask that proper lerie marking and signing be iricorporated into the pmjects designattng these paved shoulders as bicycle and ped�s- trian lanes: CSA9 #5 between CSA1Y �173 & Birch Place CSAII N18 " 34tF3 St. & State Bwy. #17 CSAX �61 " CSAI,f �3 6 State Xwy. !l7 CSAB I{73 " CSAH !1 S � Sta te At�+y .# 7 R►e would be heppy to work w�th your department tp coordinate w�vrk w��h the ilopkins' trail constrvction. GPA:dmj ._ Yottrs traly, Gora?on P. Anderson Asst. City Sng�neer u Public Works Phone935-3381 320 Washington Av. South,.Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 HeNNePIN COUNTY 23 March 1 9 7 6 Gordon P. Anderson Assistant City Engineer City of Hopkins 1010 First Street South Hopki.ns, Minnesota 55343 Dear Mr. Anderson: Our Maintenance Section will be paving the shoulders on the roadways you mentioned in your letter of March 18, 1976. So that there is no misunder- standing, a review of our policy is in ox�der. The basic reason for paving shoulders is to reduce the cost of mainta.ining gravel shoulders . The basic function of the shoulder (to provide a safe refuge for disabled vehicles or other emergency situations) has not changed. A secend- ary benefit of having paved shoulders is that they provide a relatively safe place, but not an exclusive place, for bicycle operation. The Traffic Section will provide an edge stripe to delineate the traffic lane from the shoulder in accordance with established policy. The signing of the shoulder area as a bike route will be done only when physical conditions permit a reason- able degree of safety to the cyclist, and if requested by City Council Resolution to provide signing as a continuation of an official city bike route. We appreciate your offer of cooperation. If additional information is desired pleas e call. . Very t uly yours, Herbert O. Klossner, P. E. Chief Engineer � HOK:db cc: A. J. Lee D. L. Hans en J. M. Wold J. M . Kirtland MlnorlNes, Women and Other Protecied Classes are Encouraged to apply tor Employment at Hennepin County � i CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2524 A RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF ENGINEERS REPORT ON IMPROVII�IENTS Wf-�REAS a petition has been received requesting the improvement of 10-12th Avenue South, Lots 7 and 8, Block 8, tiVest Minneapolis, by repair of sidewalk, drives and curb and gutter thereon and the assessment of benefitting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. NO�U, T'I-�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY `THE CITY COUNCIL OF T'I-� CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the proposed improvement by referred to John Strojan, City Engineer, for study and he is instructed to report with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvements are feasible and as to whethery they should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement and the estimated cost of the improvements as recommended. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 20th day of July, 1976. H. E. RICHA}2DSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor � � CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin��CoLmty, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2525 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVD��ENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS ti11I�REAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 76-2524 of the Council adopted July 20th, 1976, a report has been prepared by John Strojan, City Engineer, with reference to the improvement of 10-12th Avenue South, Lots 7 and 8, Block 8, tiUest Minneapolis, by.the repair of sidewalk, drives and curb and gutter thereon, and this report was received by the Council on July 20th, 1976 showing a total cost of $1,481.64. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Coi.mcil of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the report prepared by John Strojan, City Engineer. 2. That John Strojan, City Engineer, is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement and he shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 20th day of July, 1976. H. E. RICFIARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILI.ER, Mayor A reqular rr�eeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, August 3, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. , in the Council Chambers in the City Ha11. Present were Mayor Mi11er, Councilmen McDonald and Milbert, also City Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Enqineer Anderson, Operations Director Beecher, Buildin g Inspector Kohnen, City Planner Hawks, and City Attorney Vesely. Absent: Councilman SZaton. ReeZ 203 Mr. McDionald moved, and Mr. MiZbert seconded the motion, that the five (5) Side 1 items under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved. 5- 8 I. Minutes of the July 20, 1976, CounciZ meeting. 2. Additional 1976 license applications: (see list attached) 3. Request by Northern States Power Company for permit to install electric service on the east side of IZth Avenue South from the alley south of Excelsior Avenue to a point 500 feet south to service the Northwestern National Bank. 4. Request by Northern States Power Company to install underground electric power on the east side of Tyler Avenue North, from Second Street to St. Louis Street. 5. Request from Northwestern Bell Telephone Company for repairs at the inter- section of Jackson Avenue North and St. Louis Street. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Milbert, yea; l�lr. McDonald,yea; and Mayor Miller , yea. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * � * * * * Note: At this time in the rr�eting Councilman Paul Slaton joined the Council meeting. Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that expenditures 8-44 dated August 3, 1976, under Warrant No. 478, in the amount of $168,217.76, be approved and authorized for payment. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. HEARINGS: Item: 76-108-E 44-112 Dr. Slaton moved,and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 76-2529, "RESOLUTION ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT ON THE NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY AND EAST-WEST ALLEY BETWEEN ISTH AVENUE NORTH AND 16TH AVENUE NORTH BETWEEN EXCELSIOR AVENUE AND FIRST STREET NORTH BY CONCRETE SUR- FACING THEREON", be adopted. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-109-E. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. 1�Iilbert seconded the motion, that Resolution 112-320 No. 76-2529-A"RESOLUTION ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT ON THE NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY BETWEEN 7TH AND 8TH AVENUE SOUTH FROM 7TH TO 8TH STREET SOUTH BY CONCRETE SURFACING THEREON", be adopted. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and 1�7ayor Miller yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-109-E-a. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Resolution 320-427 No. 76-2530, "RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEh1ENT OF STH STREET SOUTH FROM THE ALLEY WEST OF 7TH AVENUE T0 150 FEET EAST OF 7TH A VENUE BY GRAVEL BASE, BITUMINOUS SURFACING AND STORM SEWER THEREON", be adopted. A po1l of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-81-R. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Resolution 427-869 76-2531, "RESOLUTION APPROVING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS", be adopted. (see list attached). A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried vnanimously. Item: 76-124-Z. Mr. Milbert moved and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the recomrnenda- 869-980 tion from Zoning & Planning for Council approval of preZiminary review of plans for the First National Bank addition and requesting landscape plan when available, be granted. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea: Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald yea; and Mayor Miller , yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. Minutes of the A ugust 3, 1976, Covncil meeting, cont. Pa ge 2 . Item: 76-125-Z. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that recomrr�nda- 980-1031 tion from Zoning and Planning for Council approval of preliminary review of plans for a dental c.Zinic at 10th Avenue North and First Street by Bob Mason, be granted. A poll of the vote was as foZZows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-126-Z. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that recommenda- 1031-1061 tion from Zoning & Planning for Council approvaZ of preliminary review of plans for an addition to the Powe11 Candy Company building by Volp Construction with the use of decorative blocks and landscape the east side of the addition, be granted. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-1Z9-R. Mr. MiZbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the request 106.Z-1260 by Okerman Construction, Inc., for Council approval of waiving of City building permit fees for the apartment project at 460 - 5th Avenue North, be granted, as per merRo from the Building Inspector attached. A poll of , the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor MiZ1er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-128-Z. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the recommen- 1260-1277 dation from Zoning & Planning for Council approval of a variance to the side yard requirements of ZS feet in the R-1 District to 8 feet at 153 Interlachen Road, be granted. (see merr�o attached). A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Mofion carried unanimously. Item: 76-77-I. Mr. MiZbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the attached 1277-1337 Step List for the Parking Study be presented to the Parking Consultants and the Consultants report back.to the Council re this Step List at the Council meeting of August 17, 1976. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-IO2-Z. Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton, seconded the motion, that Covncil deny 1337-1439 the request for a variance to the sign ordinance to permit a sign to extend more than 6' above the roof of a building and to exceed the square footage alZowed at Donovan's Furniture, as recortunended by Zoning & Planning. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-1.Z0-P. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 1439-1446 No. 76-2532, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING HEARIN6 ON THE INSTALLATION OF WATER- MAIN ACROSS THE NORTH SIDE OF THE HOPKINS NURSING HOME PROPERTY", be adopted. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-118-R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolution 1446 - end of 76-2527, "A RESOLUTION AMENDING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION DATED tape FEBRUARY 3, 1976, BY RATIFYING A DEDUCTION BY HUD IN THE SUM OF $88,600.00 Side 2 THEREFROM IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 570.802 OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER DATED 1-9 JUNE 9, 1975", be adopted, as amended. A po.Zl of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimouslz�. Item: 76-120-L. Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the renewal 9-16 of Set-Up license by Jack Yee's Restaurant for Z976-1977, be approved. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-121-R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. MiZbert seconded the motion, that the resub- Z6-19 mission of the request by Mr. McArthur, owner of the Block House, for an On Sa1e Intoxicating Liquor license be tabled. A poll of the vote was as follows: 1�9r. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Min.utes of the August 3, 1976, Council meeting, cont. �'a ge 3 . Item: 76-123-Z. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the request 19-53 for a variance to the rear yard require�nt of 30 feet in the R-2 District to 16 feet to accommodate a proposed two family dwelling at 502-504 Sunnyside Lane, based on no hardship shown,be denied,as re- comrr�nded by the Zoning & Planning Commission. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanirRously. Item: 76-126-Z. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the 53-57 recorrm�endation from Zoning & Planning for Council approval of renewal of a Special Use Permit for one year for mobile trailer used as a truck saZes office at Town's Edge Ford, be granted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-65-P. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Resolution 57-62 No. 76-2533, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT OF CONCRETE REPAIR IN FRONT OF 340 AND 346-1.ZTH AVENUE NORTH", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Fi�gRING: Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the Hearing on 62-73 the Zoning Ordinance be continued to the September 7, 1976, Council meeting. A poZ1 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-129-R. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Resolution 73-81 No. 76-2528, "A RESOLUTION DECLARING COSTS TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS", be adopted. A po1l of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDionald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-130-A. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the Mayor's 81-119 appointinent of Henry Pokorny to fi11 out the unexpired term of former Councilman Vassar, be approved, and that the appointment expire in May of 1977, when the successful candidate for that Council seat has been duly elected. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un- animously. Action: 1�Ir. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the rr�eting be II9-123 adjourned. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Mi1ler, yea. Motion carried unanirrausly. Doroth� M. hnson; OUNCILMEN f� ��' i 4 � � � /1 � /1 V i� / � ✓ . ec etary`to the Council - v ! � .� --.-�-- �`.�'� J �'ECIAL ITEM ON THE AGENDA #236 David W. McArthur On Sale Liquor 1976 License Council Approval August 3� 1976 #259 Trailwood Co. , Vending machines 5 C�25.00 Westbrooke Apts #260 A B I Inc. � Vending machine 1 Q25•00 . Towns Edge Ford #261 Len's Te:caco � License #20 (owe 15.00) Vending machine 1 @25.00 #262 INterstate United Corpe - Vending machine 3 Q15•00, 2@25000 White Motors SPECIAL ITEM ON AGENDA — �263 Jack Yee � Set Up Licnese • -- � � CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin Coimty, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2529 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS �VI-�REAS a Resolution of the City Cot.mcil No. 76-2519, adopted the 6th day of July, 1976, fixed a date for a hearing on the proposed improvement of the north-south alley and the east-west alley between 15th Avenue North and 16th Avenue North by concrete surfacing thereon, and the total estimated cost thereof being $7,498.00 for north-south alley and $5,446.00 for east-west alley and $400.00 for grading and blacktop to meet existing driveways, and WI�REAS all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for the making of these improvements were given ten days published notice of the coLmcil hearing through two weekly publications of the required notice, and a hearing was held and the property owners heard thereon on the 3rd day of August, 1976. NOW, TI-IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Hopkins: 1. Such alleys are hereby ordered as proposed in the Council Resolution No. 76-2519 adopted July 6th, 1976. Benefitting property owners shall pay eighty percent of the cost over a ten year period and the City of Hopkins shall pay twenty percent out of the General Fund. 2. That John Strojan, City Engineer, is hereby designated as the Engineer for these improvements and he shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvements. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 3rd day of August, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Ma.yor � � CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2529A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEP�NT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WI�REAS a Resolution of the City Council No.76-2520, adopted July 6th, 1976, fixed a date for a hearing on the proposed improvement of the north-south alley between Seventh and Eighth Avenue South from Seventh to Eighth Street South by concrete surfacing thereon, the total estimated cost thereof being $9,660.00 for concrete surfacing and $575.00 for base preparation and $460.00 for grading and blacktop to meet existing driveways, and WI-�REAS all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for the making of this improvement were given ten days published notice of the council hearing through two weekly publications of the rec{uired notice, and a hearing was held and the property owners heard thereon on the 3rd day of August, 1976. NOW, TEIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Hopkins: 1. Such alley is hereby ordered as proposed in the Col.mcil Resolution No. 76-2520 adopted July 6th, 1976. Benefitting property owners shall pay eighty percent of the cost over a ten year period and the City of Hopkins shall pay twenty percent out of the General Fund. 2. That John Strojan, City Engineer, is hereby designated as the Engineer for this improvement and he shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 3rd day of August, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor I CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2530 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS a Resolution of the City Council No. 76-2520, adopted the 6th day of July, 1976, fixed a date for a hearing on the proposed improvement on Eighth Street South from Sixth Avenue South to Eighth Avenue South by gravel base, bituminous surfacing and storm sewer thereon, the total estimated cost thereof being $12,767.00 for gravel base and bituminous surfacing and $2,780.00 for storm sewer, and WHEREAS all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for the making of these improvements were given ten days published notice of the Council hearing through two weekly publications of the required notice, and a hearing was held and the property owners heard thereon on the 3rd day of August, 1976. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Hopkins: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered on Eighth Street South from the alley west of 7th AVenue to 150 feet east of 7th Avenue by the installation of Gravel base, bituminous surfacing and storm sewer thereon as adopted by the City Council in this Resolution. 2. That John Strojan is hereby designated as the Engineer for this improvement and he shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the tity Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 3rd day of August, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor �� CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2531 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly published and given as required by law, the City Council of the City of Hopkins has met and heard on August 3rd, 1976, and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessments for the improvement of certain streets, avenues and thoroughfares in the City of Hopkins, all as more dully set forth and described in Exhibit A. attached to Resolution No. 76-2511 adopted May 18th, 1976 and Resolution No. 76-2512 adopted June lst, 1976; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, as follows: 1. Such proposed assessments, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and hereby ac-epted and shall constitute the special assessments against the lands therein named and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessments shall be payable in equal, annual installments extending over the periods of years set forth in the Schedules of Assessments, the first of the installments to be payable on or before January 2, 1977. Any deferred installments shall bear interest at the rate of six percent (6�) per annum from the lst day of October, 1976. To the first installments shall be added interest on the entire respective assessments from October 1, 1976, until December 31, 1976. To each subsequent installments, when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may at any, except between November 15th, and December 31st, prior to the certification of the assessments to the Hennepin County Auditor, as herein provided, pay the whole of the assessments against any parcel, with interest accrued to date of payment, to the City Manager, except that no interest' shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid before November 15th. Also, the owner of any property may at any time thereafter, except between November � 15th and December 31st, of each year, pay to the City Manager, the entire amount of the assessments remaining unpaid. 4. The Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate or duplicates of these assessments to the Hennepin County Auditor t�o be extended on the proper tax lists of the County, and such assessments shall be collected and paid over in � the same manner as other municipal taxes. Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 3rd day of August, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSPEH C. VESELY City Attorney �� � JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor � August 3, 1976 To: From: City Council Raymond Kohnen Subject: Building Permit Fees for Apartment located at 460 5th Avenue North 1. Date 12-27-72 12-27-73 12-27-73 2-19-74 2-19-74 _�-19-74 12-12-74 Buildincy_Permits 155 Unit Apartment Building 25 Stall Garage 38 Stall Garage 155 Unit Apartment - � Fee 38 Stall Garage 25 Stall Garage Pool Amotznt $ 4,347.00 � 91.21 133.44 1,673.50� 57.25 39.38 52.50 $6,394.28 � 2. Electrical Permit about $2,000.00 and permit is good if Hoffman Electric does the work. Permit issued to Hoffman and non-transferable .._.-- . _.. . .. _ . P umbing Permit paid $2,227.00 - expired - ,. - __ :_ -- Venting Permit paid 303.00 - expired Heating Permit paid 745.00 - expired $3,275.00 4. The following items to be brought up to code for a building permit: a. smoke detector in every apartment b. fire protector in basement garage c. a structural report from a structural erigineer regarding condition of building Fire Marshall would like the follo�aing items: Sprinklers: basement garage area (new) Elevators: fire-service by-pass Fire Alarm system: products of combustion detectors in living areas building alarms: manual, heat a smoke w/annu.nciator at front door Emergency lighting: battery back up in garage, staizways and corridors. Ray, Here is what the fire department___would _lilce _ for_ emer.gency._ equipment_in._the____._.________._._.. -- - � abandoned building. -- -----�---------- _ NOTE: Siamese connection should be placed on 5th Avenue North, east of sound berm. This would pe nnit us to support sprinklers and standpip�s w/o blocking the ONLY driveway to the project. (see attached) CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Hopkins will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on September 21st, 1976, to consider the extensiori of watermain on the easement on the south 20 feet of County owned parcel situated north of Parcel 7420 thereon pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is the area in Section 25, Township 117, Range 22 described as follows: (Parcel 215)That part of east 579.8 feet of Northeast Quarter (NE�a) of Southeast Quarter (SE�a) lying northerly of a line running from a point in east line thereof distant 395.12 feet south from Northeast corner thereof, to a point in west line thereof distant 434 feet south from northwest corner thereof, except roads; (Parcel 7410) Commencing on the east line of Northeast Quarter (NE�a) of Southeast Quarter (SE�a) at:.a point 395 12/100 feet south from the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SE�a), thence westerly at an angle of 87 degrees 29' with said east line a distant of 400 feet to point of beginning, thence continued westerly on the extension of last described line 179 8/10 feet, thence south parallel with the east line of said N9rt,heast Quarter (NE�a) of Southeast Quarter (SE�a) a distant of 767 feet, thence east to a point on east line of Northeast Quarter (NE�a) of Southeast Quarter (SE�a) distant 1132 12/100 feet south from northeast corner of Northeast Quarter (NE�a) of Southeast Quarter (SE�a), thence north along east line 357 feet, thence westerly at an angle to the left of 92 degrees 31' a distant of 400 feet, thence north to beginning, except roads; (Parcel 7420) Commencing on the east line of Northeast Quarter (NE�) of Southeast Quarter (SE�a) distant 775 12/100 feet south from the northeast corner of Southeast Quarter (SE�a), thence westerly at an angle to the right of 87 degrees 29' a distant of 400 feet, thence north parallel with east line to an intersection with a line running from a point in east line of Northeast Quarter (NE�) of Southeast Quarter (SE�a) distant 395 12/100 feet south from northeast corner thereof to a point in west line of Northeast Quarter (NE�a) of Southeast Quarter (SE�a) distant 434 feet south from northwest corner thereof, thence east on said line to a point 395 12/100 feet south from northeast corner of Southeast Quarter (SE�a), thence south to beginning, � except road. The estimated cost of such improvement is $3,450.00. All persons desiring to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated August 3r3, 1976. � H. E. RICHARDSON, JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Clerk CIty Attorney To be published in the HOPKINS SUN, HOpkins, Minnesota on September 1, 1976 and September 8, 1976. CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2532 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING FOR HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 76-2526 of the Council adopted the 20th day of July, 1976, a report has been prepared by John Strojan, City Engineer, with reference to the extension of watermain on the easement on the south 20 feet of County owned parcel situated north of Parcel 7420 and this report was received by the Council on August 3rd, 1976. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Hopkins, Minnesota, as follows: l. The Council will consider the improvement of such property in accordance with the report and the assessment of the following described properties: (Parcel 215) That part of East 579.8 feet of Northeast Quarter (NE�a) of Southeast Quarter (SE�) lying northerly of a line running from a point in east line thereof distant 395.12 feet south from Northeast corner thereof, to a point in west line thereof distant 434 feet south from northwest corner thereof, except roads; (Parcel 7410) Commencing on the east line of Northeast Quarter (NE�a) of Southeast Quarter (SE�a) at a point 395 12/100 feet south from the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SE�a), thence westerly at an angle of 87degrees 29' with said east line a distant of 400 feet to point of�beginning, thence continued westerly on the extension of last described line 179 8/10 feet, thence south parallel with the east line of said Northeast Quarter (NE�a) of Southeast Quarter (SE�a) a distant of 767 feet, thence east to a point on east line of Northeast Quarter (NE�a) of Southeast Quarter (SE�a) distant 1132 12/100 feet south from northeast corner of Northeast Quarter (NE�a) of Southeast Quarter (SE�), thence north along east line 357 feet, thence westerly at an angle to the left of 92 degrees 31' a distant of 400 feet, thence north to beginning, except roads; (Parcel 7420) Commencing on the east line of NOrtheast Quarter (NE�a) of Southeast Quarter (SE�a) distant 775 12/100 feet south from the northeast corner of Southeast Quarter (SE�a), thence westerly at an angle to the right of 87 degrees 29' a distant of 400 feet, thence north parallel with east line to an intersection. with a line running from a point in east line of Northeast Quarter (NE�a) of Southeast Quarter (SE�a) distant 395 12/100 feet south from northeast corner thereof to a point � in west line of Northeast Quarter (NE�a) of Southeast Quarter (SE�a) distant 434 feet south from northwest corner thereof, thence east on said line to a point 395 12/100 feet south from northeast corner of Southeast Quarter (SE�a), thence south to beginning, except road; all the above properties in Section 25, Township 117 Range 22; for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to �� Secs. 429.111, as amended, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $3,450.00. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 21st day of September, 1976 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and the Clerk shall give published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 3rd day of August, 1976. � H. E. RICHARDSON , City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS HEIVNEPIN �LIN'I'Y, MINNESC7I'A RESOLUTION N0. 76- 2527 A RESOLUTICI�T AN�IDING QOMMUNITY DEVEL,OPMEDPr APPLICATION DATED FEBRUARY 3, 1976, BY RATIFYING A DIDUCTI�T BY HUD IN'.THE SUM OF $88,600.00 Tf�REFROM IN ACOORDANCE WITH SECTI�T 570. 802 OF Tf� FIDERAL REGIS�'ER, DATID JLJNE 9, 1975 WIiEREAS, by resolution of the City Council passed and adopted February 3, 1976, there was adopted and�approved a second yeax corrrrnxnity development applica,tion and budget for second year cc�ranunity development activities in and for the City of Hopkins totalling the siur► of $443,000.00; and , WHEREAS, the City ha.s_since_said_.da,te held at least two public hearings in connection with sa.id budget and program; and, Wf�REAS, for the purpose of protecting the financial interest of the federal government in the Hopkins R�6 project it is necessaxy, by law, for the develo�nent of housing and urban development to deduct fran the City of Hopkins' second year funding 20% of such second year entitlement which amounts to the swn of $88,600.00 all pursuant to Section 570.802 of the Federal Register dated June 9, 1975. NOW, Tf�'ORE, by reason of all of the above, the budget in and for the City of Hopkins as amended, a copy of which is dated August 3, 1976, and i� hereto attached and made a part hereof, is hereby approved and the Department of I�us,ing and Urban D�velo�ment is hereby authorized to deduct there��•om, the sfAn of $88,600.00 as in said amended budget set forth. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council on August 3, 1976. H. E. RIQiARA90N, City Clerk J0.S�PH C. VESELY , City Attorney 1 JERRE A. MILLER Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2533 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 76-2509 of the Council adopted May 4th, 1976, a report has been prepared by John Strojan, City Engineer, with reference to the improvement of the property at 340 and 346 - llth Avenue North, Lots 1 thru 3, inclusive, Block 97; West Minneapolis Second Division, by the repair of concrete curbs thereon and this report was received by the Council on August 3rd, 1976 showing a total cost of $944.27. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Hopkins: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the report prepared by John Strojan, City Engineer. 2. That John Strojan, City Engineer, is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement and he shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 3rd day of August, 1976. r H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER Mayor �: CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Hopkins will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at Hopkins, Minnesota, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on August 3rd, 1976, to pass upon the proposed special assessments for the improvements of certain str�ets, avenues, highways, alleys and thoroughfares, all more particularly described in Exhibit A. hereto attached and hereby made a part hereof. The proposed assessments are on file for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk at said City Hall. 4Jritten or oral objections will be considered and heard at said hearing. The total costs of each of said improvements are as set forth in said Exhibit A. and unless otherwise stated therein, the City will pay no part of any of such assessments. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor To be published in the HOPKINS SUN, Hopkins, Minnesota, on July 14th, 1976 and July 21st, 1976. � E X H I B I T A 1. Concrete surfacing on the East-West alley east of Blake Road f�orth, (Co. Rd. No. 20) south of Oxford Street (located in Cottageville Park), the total cost of � the project being $8,671.54 of which $7,146.78 is being assessed against the following described properties: The south 40 feet of Lot 69 and the north 240 feet of Lot 70, Auditors Subdivision No. 239. 2. Concrete surfacing on the North-South alley west of Monroe Avenue between First Street South and Second Street South, the total cost of the project being �7,322.54 of which �5,895.81 is being assessed against the following described properties: Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 1143 and Lots l thru 11, inclusive, Block 33, West P�inneapolis Center. 3 Ornamental street lights on Wayside Road between 5th Avenue and l�Jayside Hollow; Farmdale Road between Wayside Road and Hollyhock Lane; S4�eet Briar Lane beta�een Farmdale Road and the south line of Hobby Acres Lohmann Aarhus Division; Althea Lane between �Jayside Road and Farmdale Road; Hazel Lane between State Highway No. 7 and Farmdale Road; Hollyhock Lane between 'rJayside Road and Farmdale Road; the total cost of the project being $10,230.00 and the area to be assessed being: East 80 feet of the west 265 feet of the north 150 feet of the Southwest Quarter (SW4) of the Northwest Quarter (NWQ) of Section 19, Township 117, RAnge 21: Lot 10, Block 1, Campbell Addition; Lots 1 thru 9, inclusive, Block 2; Lots 1 thru 4, inclusive, Block 3; Lots 1 thru 4, inclusive and Lot 8, Block 5; Lots 1 thru 8, inclusive, Block 6; Lots 1 thru 8, inclusive, Block 7; Lots 1 thru 6, inclusive, Block 8; Lot 1 and Lots 5 thru 7, inclusive, Block 9; Lots 1 and 2, Block 10; Lots 1 and 2, Block 11; Lots 1 and 2, Block 12; all in Hobby Acres Lohmann Aarhus Division; Lots 2, 3 and 4, Lohmann Koehler Division; Tracts A, B and C, Registered Land Survey No. 95; Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 1295. 4, Installation of sanitary sewer on 21st Avenue North from Third Street North to Fourth Street North, total cost of the project $10,464.20 to be assessed against the following �roperties in Section 23, Township 117, Range 22; (Parcel 8600) North 177 feet of south 500 4/10 feet of east 168 feet of that part of Southwest Quarter (SWa) of Northeast Quarter (NEq) lying north of 4Jest Park Addition, except road; (Parcel 8700) East 168 feet of that part of Southwest Quarter (S1�4) of Northeast Quarter (NE4) lying north of south 500 4/10 feet of that part of said tract lying north of West Park Addition, except highway; (Parcel 8800) South 163 feet of east 168 feet of that part of Southwest �uarter (SW4) of Northeast Quarter (NE;) lying north of West Park Addition; (Parcel 8900) North 160 4/10 feet of south 323 4/10 feet of east 168 feet of that part of Southwest Quarter (S4J4) of Northeast Quarter (NE4) lying north of West Park Addition; also, Lots 16 thru 30, inclusive, Block 4, West Minneapolis Third Division. 5. Bituminous surfacing on 21st Avenue North from Third Street North to Fourth Street fJorth, total cost of the project $13,613.95, and the area to be assessed being the following described properties in Section 23, Township 117, Range 22; (Parcel 8600) North 177 feet of south 500 4/10 feet of east 168 feet of that part of Southwest Quarter (S4J;) of the Northeast Quarter (lVE4) lying north of l�est Park Addition, except road; (Parcel 8700) East 168 feet of that part of Southwest Quarter (SW-4) of Northeast Quarter (NE;) lying north of south 500 4/10 feet of that part of said tract lying north of 4JEst Park Addition, except highway; (Parcel 8800) South 163 feet of east 168 feet of that part of Southwest Quarter (SWQ) of Northeast Quarter (NE;) lying north of West Park Addition; (Parcel 8900) North 160 4/10 feet of south 323 4/10 feet of east 168 feet of that part of Southwest Quarter (SlJ4) of Northeast Quarter (NE4) lying north of West Park Addition; also, Lots 16 thru 30, inclusive, Block 4, West Minneapolis Third Division. 6. Water services at 300-21st Avenue North and 310-21st Avenue North, total cost of the project being $603.75 and the properties to be assessed being: (Parcel 8800) South 163 feet of east 168 feet of that part of Southwest Quarter (St�14) of Northeast Quarter (NEQ) lying north of Ldest Park Addition; and (Parcel 8900) North 160 4/10 feet of south 323 4/10 feet of east 168 feet of that part of Southwest Quarter (SW�) of Northeast Quarter (NEQ) lying north of l�Jest Park Addition, all in Section 23, Township 117, Range 22. � � CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2528 RESOLUTION DECLARING COSTS TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSA�N'I'S ��REAS, certain improvements, all as more fully described in Exhibit A. hereto attached and hereby ma.de a part hereof have been previously ordered and completed: NOW, TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TI-� CIT'Y COUNCIL OF TE� CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, as follows: l. That the cost of each such improvement to be specially assessed is hereby declared to be the cost or the amount to be assessed, whichever is greater, which appears in said Exhibit A. 2. That the City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the propert amount to be specially assessed for each such improvement against every assessed piece or parcel of land within the various districts or locations affected without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessments in his office for public inspection. 3. The Clerk shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessments, notify the Council thereof. Passed and adopted by the Coi.mcil of the City of Hopkins, n�linnestoa this 3rd day of August, Z976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. T�ILLER, Ma.yor '1r. Cotton: The following is a list of projects that are completed and are proposed to be assessed as per Resolution 76-2511. EXHIBIT A Project 75-02 Hobby �cres Street lights, total cost of the project being $10,230.00 of which all is proposed to be assessed. Project 7�-04A Sanitary Sewer on 21st Avenue North, total cost of the project being $10,464.20, of which all is proposed to be assessed. Project 74-04B Water services on 21st Avenue North, total cost of the project being $603.75, of which all is proposed to be assessed. Project 74-04C Street surfacing on 21st Avenue North, total cost of the project being $13,613.95, of which all is proposed to be assessed. �':�oject 74-04D Storm Sewer on 21st Avenue North, total cost of the project being $5,295.75 of which none is to be assessed. - Praject 7�-03 Concrete alley on Monroe Avenue South between lst and 2nd Street South, total cost of the project being $7,322.54 af �ihich $5,895.81 is proposed to be assessed. . Froject 75-04 Concrete alley in Cottageville Park, total cost of the project being $8,671.54 of which $7,146.78 is proposed to be assessed. E.Kerber 5-14-76 (Official Publication) HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND OF PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IN PROPOSED SALE BY THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF HOPKINS OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND IN THE FIRST STREET SOUTH URBAN RENEWAL AREA, MINN. R-46, DATED NOVEMBER 13, 1972, REVISED MAY 10, 1976, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That on the 9th day of August, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., the undersigned will hold a public hearing at its office, 1010 First Street South in the City of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, upon the proposed sale of the foZlowing parcel: PARCEL F(formerly Parcels F& M) The south 36 feet of Lot Z3 and Lot .Z4, Block 4, including the east one half (E�) of the vacated alley in said Block 4, Iying between the westerly extension of the north Iine of the south 36 feet of Lot 13, and the westerly extension of the south line of Lot 14, and Lots I5,16,17,18,Z9 and 20, Block 4, includ- ing that part of the vacated a11ey in said Block 4, lying between the westerly extension of the north Zine of said Lot IS and the westerly extension of the south line of Lot 17, a11 in West Minneapolis, accordin g to the recorded plat thereof to Hopkins Medical Building Associates, a Limited Partnership for tl�e sum of $110,172.30. Sai d description being according to the map or plat of said addition on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County and the State of Minnesota. The said Iand being situated within the First Street South Urban Renewal Plan. Minn. R-46, said sale to be made in accordance with the proposal and general plan of said proposed redeveloper above described and available for public inspection in the office of the undersi gned as a matter of record; and FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the hours of the un dersigned are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m..The generaZ description of the location of the above named project being in the City of Hopkins, County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, in general bounded by: Commencing at the intersection of the south rightof-way line of Second Street South and the east right-of-way line of Seventh Avenue South; Thence southwesterly and westerly along the south right-of-way Iine of Second Street South to its intersection with the west right-of-way line of Eleventh Avenue South; Thence northerly along the west right-of-way line of Eleventh Avenue South to its intersection with the north right-of-way line, as extended, of the east-west alley in Block 6, West Minneapolis; Thence easterly along the north right-of-way line of said aZ1ey in Block 6, West Minneapolis and B.Zocks 5, 4 and 3, West 1Ninneapolis to its intersection as extended with the east right-of-way .Zine of Seventh Avenue South; Thence southerly along the east right-of-way line of Se.venth Avenue South to the point of beqinning. the narree of the redeveloper being as given above with whom the undersigned proposes to enter into a contract or understandin g, the undersigned being referred to herein as the.Loca.Z Public Agency, which Local Public Agency is considering the proposal from said above mentioned redevelopers to enter into a contract for disposition of the above described project land to said redeveloper on or after the above date set down for hearing, said proposed redeveloper named herein having filed with the Local Public Agency a Statement of Disclosure identi fying the interested parties, and, if residential develop�nt or rehabilitation is contemplated, furnishing the redeveloper's estimated cost of s uch residential redeveloprraent and rehabilitation Page 2 Housing and Redeveloprr�nt Authority of Hopkins Hennepin Covnty, Minnesota Official Publication and the redeveloper's estimated sales price and rentals for the proposed housing in voZved in such redevelopment and rehabilitation; and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the statements of the said proposed redeveloper above described are available for public examination at the offi ce of the Local Public Agency during its regular office hours as set forth above. DATED: July 16, I976 HOPKINS HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1010 First Street South Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 By: A. G. Larson, Chairman (July Z6, 1976) To be published in'the HOPKINS SUN, July 28,1976. A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, August 17, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Ha11. Present were Mayor Miller, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, Slaton and Pokorny, also City Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan, Assistant Engineer Anderson, Operations Director, Beecher, Building Inspector Kohnen, City Planner Hawks, and City Attorney Vesely. Reel 204 Mayor Mi1Zex,and Covncilmen,expressed their sincere thanks to City Manager �ide 1 Cotton for his contributions to the City of Hopkins while serving as City 4-37 Manager and wished him well in his pursuit of a new career in a different field of endeavor when he leaves the City emp.Zoy on or before December 31, 1976. Action: Mr. McDonald rr�oved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the three (3) items under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved. 1. Minutes of the August 3, 1976, Council meeting. 2. Additional 1976 license applications: HAMES VENDING, INC., for Advance Packaging; 1 Vending Machine; Autioneer: 1 day, VICTOR RENNECKE. 3. Request for renewal of bingo permit by Geo. R. Wolff Post #425, V.F.W., for the months of Ju1y, August, and September 1976. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. McDonald mo ved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that expenditures dated -77 August 17, 1976, under Warrant No. 479, in the amovnt of $164,224.41, be approved and authorized for payment. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald yea; Mr. Milbert yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller ea. Motion carried unanimously. � ) Appearance: The scheduled appearance of Dr. David French from the University of Minnesota, , 77-85 who was to speak on Dutch E1m Disease, was continued to the September 21, 1976;� Council rreeeting as Dr. French was called out of town on University business and was unable to appear this evening. Council instructed staff that the Press be so notified of this change in date in order that people interested may be in attendance. Item: 76-103-Z. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the recommenda- 85-212 tion from Zoning and Planning for Council denial of the rezoning request by Rudy Luther for the property Zocated at the north corner of B1ake Road and Excelsior Avenue from R-4 to B-3-b, be continued to the September 21, 1976, Council meetin g. A poZl of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller,yea. Motion carried unanimously. Bids: Pursuant to notice bids were opened on August I0, 1976, at 10:00 a.m., for State Aid Streets and City Streets and Storm Sewers, and the following bids were received. (see tabulation attached) Action: Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the contract for 212-232 State Aid Streets, City Streets and Storm Sewers, be awarded to G. L. Contracting in the amount of $142,358.35, as recomrnended by staff. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald,yea; Mr. Milbert,yea; Dr. S.Zaton,yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Pursuant to notice bids were opened on August 12, 1976, at 10:00 a.m., for Bituminous SeaZ Coat, and the following bids were received. (see tabulation attached) Action: Mr. Pokorny moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the contract for 232 - Bituminous Sea1 Coat be awarded to the firm of Skeets He1d in the amount of $23,564.00, as reconmeended by staff. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the August 17, 1976, Council rneeting, cont. Page 2. Bids,con t. Pursuant to notice bids were opened on August 16, 1976, at 2:00 p.m., for Comprehensi ve General Liability Insurance, F1eet Liability, Comprehensi ve General Liability - Public Landfill, and Workmen's Compensation. (see tabula- tion attached) Note: While the City Manager was checking with.the Finance Director re further informa- -287 tion regarding this bid, the.Ma�or.postponed action on this item until Iater in the meeting. Item: 76-77-L. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the selection 287-293 of the Parking Consultant. be continued to the September 7, 1976, Council meeting. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried vnanimously. Item: 76-I31-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the request 293-328 for Council permission to solicit bids for a new Road Grader, be granted. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr.Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Bid, cont. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motian, that the contract 328- 344 for furnishing the City of Hopkins with Comprehensi ve GeneraZ LiabiZity Insurance, F.Zeet Liability, Comprehensive General Liability - Public Land- fill, and Workmen's Compensation, be awarded to the R. J. Walser Agency, (Home Insurance Co.) as recornraended by staff. A poll of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. S.Iaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-109-E.a. Mr.McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the staff 344-431 make a study of improvement of 8th Street South from alley West of 7th Avenue to 150 feet East of 7th Avenue by gravel base, bituminous surfacing, and storm sewer, and report back their findings at the first meeting in October 1976.(Improvement ordered in on 8-3-76). A po1l of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-132-B. Dr. S.Zaton raoved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that revised budget 431-508 as proposed by MTC for Corrununity-Centered Transit Service not be.approved, and that the staff be notified to proceed under the original plan as set up. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-Z33-J. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the Iist of 508-517 Judges for the September 14, 1976, Primary Election, be approved. (See list attached). A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi3�1er,..y.ea, Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-98-R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the Mayor dis- 517-531 charge the Ad Hoc Committee he set up to study the charges brought by Mr. Vassar re City 1Nanager,due to the resi gnation of City Manager Cotton. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un- animously. Action: Mr. McDonald, moved, and Mr. MiZbert seconded the motion, that the rr�eting be 53Z-562 adjourned. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. McDonaZd, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the August 17, 1976, Council meeting, cont. Page 3. 0 Dorothy M. Jo�son, Sec�t`et�r� to the Council COUNCI�NI�N : : - v L-L �..�� ✓ ��` , Y��' ���-��. �� ��.� , . TTE T: i � � - �,c�.--L Jerre A. MiZZer, Mayor (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF BIDS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF STATE AID AND CITY STREETS AND STORM SEWERS 132-353-02 76:01-08 MINN R-46 SEALED BIDS will be received by the City Manager at the City Hall, Hopkins, Minnesota, until Tuesday, August 10, 1976, at 10:00 A.M., local time, and then and there opened and publicly read, and as soon as possible thereafter, award of a contract will be made by the City for the above work: 4000 feet curb and gutter 11000 sq. ft. walk 3000 ton bituminous mix 2000 ln. ft. storm sewer Plans, specifications and further details are available at the office of the City Engineer. Each bid must be accompanied by a Cashier's Check, Certified Check, or Standard Bidder's Bond written by a corporate surety certified by the Minnesota State Insurance Commission, at ten percent (10�) of the total bid price, payable to the City of Hopkins, as a guarantee that the bidder will, if successful, promptly execute a satisfactory contract for the faithful performance of the work covered by this specification. The successful bidder must, within ten (10) days after his bid is accepted, execute a contract and bond for one hundred percent (100�) of the full amount of the bid and guaranteeing for one year the entire project free of defective work- manship and material. Upon the award of the contract the checks or bidder's bonds of the unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them, and upon the filing of the contract and performance bond, the check or bid bond of the successful bidder shall be returned to him. The City provides proposal forms which are to be used. Each proposal must be plainly marked, "PROPOSAL FOR THE FURNISHING OF LABOR, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR THE INSTALLATION OF STATE AID AND CITY STREETS AND STORM SEWERS", and addressed to the City of Hopkins. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts thereof. Any incomplete bid will be rejected. In case of default the City may have the work done by others, and hold the original bidder or contractor liable for increased costs. CITY OF HOPKINS �.. ter G. Cotton, City Manager To be published in the HOPKINS SUN, July 14th and 21st, 1976 To be published in the CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN, July 16th and 23rd, 1976. 0 TABULATION OF BIDS FOR STORM SEWER & STREET CONSTRUCTION G. L. Contracting C. S. McCrossan Northwest Bituminous Northern Contracting Co. Bituminous Roadways Inc. Hardrives Inc. ENGINEERS ESTIMATE Recommendation : Accept low bid -of- -- - G. L. Contracting $ 142,358.35. 148,265.75 152,365.45 161,650.10 162,722.94 170,491.99 (151,291.80) A comparison has been made of all of the major items of the unit prices bid compared to the unit prices estima'ted. In all cases. these unit prices bid were equal to or less than the estimated prices. This should result in an assessment that will be less than the information that was introduced at the public hearing. � (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS MINNESOTA NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR THE FURNISHING OF BITUMINOUS SEAL COAT ON VARIOUS STREETS AND ALLEYS IN HOPKINS, MINNESOTA SEALED BIDS will be received by the City Manager at the City Hall, Hopkins, Minnesota, until Thursday, August 12, 1976 at 10:00 A.M., C.D.S.T., and then and there opened and publicly read and as soon as possible there- after award of a contract will be made by the City for the above. Specifications and further details are available at the office of the City Engineer. A cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Hopkins is required for ten (10�) percent of the bid, as a guarantee of entry into a contract. The right is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids. CITY OF HOPKINS ��� �%°'"�,�' ' Peter G. Cotton, City Manager To be published in the HOPKINS SUN, July 28, 1976. To be published in the CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN, July 30, 1976. � TABULATION OF BIDS FOR SEAL COAT Bids were opened 10:00 A.M. Thursday, August 12, 1976 they were as follows: S?CEETS HELD $ 23,564.00 ALLIED BLACKTOP. 24,725.20 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS 29,814.50 BLACKTOP CONSTRUCTION 30,300.00 The Public Works estimated was $ 24,000.00 It is the recommendation of the Public Works Department that the ].ow bid of SKEETS HELD for $23,564.00 be accepted. Everett E. Beecher Public Works Operations Dir. � _"._"'__ _'��_.�_" "'__'... -" � � i -.— - • —_�" ___ "�; � , I �--�� RY �-�� No��H`-n~—__- - � I i i �= �_;:«, ( I �—�'�~ � /�� I � � ��L—°�n.�H� � o�`��j ��,nn: ti- I �- �,;, � � / �ah�" C �ti � v I �I� ` `�\�T'�� � . �i� `' �n.``\ I .I I w � r �' C—_ �� � �� � ao I,.� �—�----co._ - Ro. � _�- o����� ,{NEZOT�^�� � I I �� � I�- 5 I �.+� ` �� � �– I� �i�i \i�E�� •z I �; 1 �' T . � �; F _(�� � � • «_.�_ -e:>°� � � C� -- ---- ;; �--- _—. __� ��_�----- — - --- -�---� I , ; �� � � ' � `'� �� I �-- --- ' , 'l ' � � • ��'�� ����� 1' �+s.i.ae �� � �fv �; f �i i • I a------�� { �`� ' li G S O� N 1 U I , G E ..-. �; ��_J � � a ., o �ewrvn� � �� . °A -\�'� �p ` �—�1J � I � � � A "' __ _' ' � i >{ �- —�if---Iv'''�—�.'—'--• -- '-- _r �y \� �%U �; i � � � � STaTE �� '�n❑❑ ,�. O ' �, � �� .� �� � � 2 �� l I�u F11GH �YW � L� `��1,_.;�o�.o._, _ o_� ,� � �Ji � L - ,� i_ 5T = i �� O• � I�;� `` �I�� �ive: r�.;�1. n;'� �,��. �- ; , _ _ ���J�;� ST 5 � I u _� z+��. � i � � I'�i-�s� � � - � �- � i� i I � i11 � '�:,' I I i u i� i_1�J%L�* � 5 J�U U�� ; j � j------ � �^----- . �, �_� y I �. 5 ' � r`� ' f�� L�� �� � y � 1 1 _ _ �_ �I�_ I I' � i� ( ���; W K _ /.. ' __ — _' _S.^C _ _� __ —_I � I I � -I- ��wj I �I (I'-` fnl if'� p • I!I I Z ( � � a.. sr � � ;,� I I � ;; i ��: �, � I ' i � �' ► �. � ' � ST —s � � i � `�k �r- � �_ _ i Z �____ ��=0�( I�� �� __________�,� +1�( A�J �y r,a � ^ � �� �'(� /'1�) �'D �� � f� `! Y � n �, ;��� v � � �—d�u ���b�i`� rjGAl, E ° °oa eoo r.00 �wo •�» �--' —.==�.:r Streets proposed to be seal . coated in .the 1"976 �s��a�I coating program. ��'here �wil1 also be bit�minou \alleys seal coated �/ �. �- in the� ��a�rte program. (These, do np�' show on; the map) .• �.����eecher � �perations Director ----- �—�,o.—�J�— / — . �o�LG�n � As.^ w( � f . �r aL �,� v, �di \�-J!'•� I qV ,, J;,,;: �t I '4 vt. � ce .�`n .� _ _ i��� -�--- ��I � 0 –� � / : - .l � a0'ZI �y�lV� I . , , 0 k YE _ �_� IyG�ji I p i�' ST. S �LIva� �' 2-� ;��1 ���% �� �� ���� �. � I , � , -•» (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota REQUEST FOR BIDS ON 1976-I979 INSURANCE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The City of Hopkins wi11 accept bids on: 1. Comprehensi ve General Liability 2. Fleet Liability 3. Comprehensive General Liability-Public Landfill 4. Workmen's Compensation until �:00 a.m., Monday �. August 16, Z976. Specifications may be obtained at the Hopkins City Hall,or by cal.Zing 935-8474, Purchasing Department. CITY OF HOPKINS ���. � ����-'9 PETER G. COTTON City Manager . Published in the HOPKINS SUN, August 4, 1976. (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota REQUEST FOR BIDS ON 1976-1977 INSURANCE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The City of Hopkins wi11 accept bids on: 1. FZeet Liability 2. Workmen's Compensation until I0:00 a.m., Thusday, August 12, Z976. Specifications may be obtained at the Hopkins City Hall, or by calling 935-8474, Purchasing Department. CITY OF HOPKINS 1/ �� /� - - - - PETER G. COTTON City Manager Published in the HOPKINS SUN, July 28, 1976. N � ,� w:. `�;; .., .�, ,,- _ _ - �:;�-� ,-f . ` '�:�;�s����`_---�11_--9� ��--gd--� =-�;-�. e� �-q � � �: � ,, � , � � ��T� �+ -,.� e c I�� � i e e e i d.—L ��f � i'' I j'' , h;. �'-:� i-• �� �°'� ����� e'1 ..._�'^..�,- , E����� � :`.r 9::7i1:i i'r�• " " � .. :� — "L=)___ �`�" �,,,._ ,__ _ ������- , 1010 FIRST STREET SOUTH -- . .__ PHONE: 896-6474 _ -_.,�_� � . -_ _¢ _ �" HOPKINS, MINNESOTA SS343 .. „ ��� - ���������8�� ���� TQ Peter G. Cotton, City Manager F�Q� Chris NieZsen, Finance Director DAl'E AuQust z6, . 1971i_ SU�JECT_Tabulation and reconmr ndation nn ��ar,�„� ;,,�„r�„ „�T,o,, - e--ta-,k�e �«�a�ee� at the August 17th Council meeting. On Augvst 16, 1976, bids were received and opened at 2:00 p.m., on the foZZowinq insurance coverages: -- Fire,Extended Coverage and Vandalism . General I,iability Workmen's Compensation Landfill Liability F1eet Liability We sent out eighteen (18) bid proposals,-but`received bids from or�1y four - (4) companies: Out of the four companies three bid on Workmen's Compensation only,whereas,one company bid on aI1 five categories. On the basis of this it is my recomm�ndation that we go with the Home Insurance Company at the cost listed on the attached ta.bulation. Respectful2y submitted, �`"�-2tiY / V�t���(..� Chris Nie.Isen Finance Director C11: dmj -�-�— --� --�t�:�-Tabulazion of Insur�nce Bids Bid Opening - 8-16-76, 2:( .m. � CITY OF �INS Tabulation of Insurance Bids - 1976 - 1979 • ' Effective 9-1-76 � $7000 FZeet General Landfill Fire,E.C. & Workneen's Liabi.Zity Liability Liability Vandalisra AGENCY _ INSURANCE CO. Como.-1 year 1 year 1 year 1 ear 1 year Hopkins Ins. Agency Aid Insurance Co. $20,500 Roger Hennessy Agency " " " 20,500 Employers Ins. of Wausau 19,920 R.J.WaZser Agency Nome Insurance Co. 19,140 19,385 16,32Z 80 4,1 74 19 75 Cost - Nome Insurance Co. CPN- 8-16- 76 19,140 12,Z06 16,314 80 4,174 --�y �'����������� ������� � C�9��� : - � �� 330 Metro Square Saint Paul Minnesota 55101 612/22.7-7343 August 11, 1976 Mr. Gordcn Anderson City of hopkins 1010 First Street South Hopkins, MN 55343 Dea.r Mr. Anderson: This letter summarizes the information presented to you at the meeting of August 11, concerning the Community-Centered Transit Service. Our van supplier advises us that �,�e will be receiving 1977 vans instead of 1976 models. This is expected to result in a starting date of Decemt�er or January. Two factors have contributed to increased operating costs. The extension of the star•ting date has resulted in increased costs of labor, fuel, insurance, and supplies. 'rhe Metropolitan Transit Commission recently decided to__use MTC personnel to drive and main- tain the vans. This wiZl permit the Commission to have better super- vision of op�rations and maintenance, provide better integration of van and bus service, and provide drivers with fixed-route exper- ience. Below is a summary of the cost factors: o Present committment of the City o�_Hopkins for 1/8 of the total subsidy during the second six months of the demonstration $ 6,100 o EscalaL-ion due t� delay in starting $ 1,650 m Additional operating subsidy for MTC personn.el to drive and maintair: the vans $ 3,250 R�VISED COST TO THE CITY OF HOPKINS $ 11,100 In addition to the Cit.y's share, it is proposed the MTC would pay � $33,20U in operating subsidy and the State Planning Agency wou]_d pay $132,900 in operating subsidy for the first year of operation. Tliis does not include the committment from the City of Hopkins to the park-r.ide snd passenger waiting shelter programs ($4,400�. In summary, the above woul.d suggest a December or January starting date. The financial comr,iittment of the Cii:y of Hopkins will increase . Gordon Anderson ige Two igust 11, 1976 from $6,200 to $].7.,100 for the July - December, 1977, period under the present arrar.geinent. Please advise how you wish to proceed. Sinc �rely, �` /I/�" �1J-/�//, /'� �.i/L�(.r�'�'�'�� \ . ��c. John R Jamieson Direc r .of Transit Development JRJ/khf cc: Peter Cotton Jim Kerrigan � i August 17, 1976 To: Mayor and CounciZ From: James Kerrigan Re: TimetabZe of Events Concerning Community Centered Transit * June 20, 1975 - Initial correspondence to City concerning CorrQnunity Center Transit Project. Ju1y 7, 1975 - Letter to Henry Pokorny explaining project. Ju1y 9, 1975 - Team Meeting. Ju1y 15, 1975 - Tour of City by MTC staff. Ju1y 21, 1975- Team Meeting. Ju1y 30, Z975 - Team Meeting. Auaust 7, 1975 - MTC meeting with City �partment Heads. * August 13, 1975 - First meeting of MTC with Conurtunity to explain project. Implementation was anticipated in late Fa11 of 1975, (October or November) August 26, 1975 - Team Meeting. ' August 27, 1975 - Second m�eeting wi th Commurzi ty . Sept. 8, 3975 - Team Meeting - plan finalized for State Planning Aqenci� Review. Sept. 24, Z975 - Team Meeting. Oct. 1, 1975- Team rleeting. Oct. 8, 1975 - Team Meeting - Community Meeting. Oct. 17, 1975 - Preliminar� Draft of overalZ plan mailed to City that was to qo to State Planning. * Nov. 5, 1975 - Application made to State P.Zanning Agency. Implementation date set at between Feb. 1, 1976, to ApriZ 15, 1976, depending on deli very of vans. * Nov. 7, 1975 - Letter from Cam Andre to Peter Cotton, stating that total cost of City wi11 be $10,700.00. * Dec. 16, 1975 - G'ity Council approves $10,600.00, to be used for project. Dec. 30, 197.5 - Preli;ninary approval by State Planning of Project Application. * Feb. 11, 1976 - Finalized P1an sent to State Planning Agency. Implementatior. date set at April 15, 1976. * March 19, 1976 - Start up date revised to August 16, 1976. March 21, 1976 - Bids opened for purchase for Vans. * May 11, 1976 - Start up date revised to October 4th. * Ju1y 7, 1976 - MTC voted to use MTC drivers to run circulation vans. Ju1y 9, 1976 - CrysZer Corp., cancelled order for Vans. * Aug. 11, 1976 - MTC met with staff to discuss budget changes. At this time start up date was set at approximately January 1977. PRIMARY T�LT�CTION SEPTEMIiLR lt�, 1976 #1 Zion Lutheran Church Marion Kinn # Christine Drahos Mavis Ault Barb Nelson Vera Ver Steeg Clair Peterson ��2 Harley Hoplcins School Jeanne Husnik # Trudy Ihayer Jane Sellner Martha Opitz Carolyn 1�ior�an Pat Anderson #3 Hoplcins City Hall-- Mary Brubacker * Ruby Olson _.. Fran Loethus Donna Yurista Gloria Johnson Madeline Kerr �1� Katherine Curren School Joan DeCosse # Cora l�lenn Grace Zerban Ruth Fink Astex� Christianson .Mitzie Erdmann _ _ �iopkins-City Hall- -- - -- ----- Counting Centier Roz Gilliair, Margaret Reinhardt �5 United Methodist Church Adelyn Luther * Geneva Mass hlarilyn Young hlildred Seim 011ie Severson Mary L. Volten �6 Alice Smith Sch�ol Julie I4ason � Mae Good Mary Shirley Lou Hemker Elaine Anderson Edith Beecher _ -_ -- � Iabrary - - Marlyn Eidan * _ -----.----.---. _ . Jan Cavier Nancy Damerow Kathie Lorentzen Jan Femrite Dorothy Shaw #8 4Jestbrooke Pat Ronayne � Dorothy I�iaurer Jean Nelson Doloris Zipoy Barb DeFore Marilyn t�Iosher v A regvlar meeting of the Council of the City of Aopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, September 7, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Ha1I. Present were Mayor Mi1Zer, Councilmen McDonaZd, Milbert and Pokorny, also City Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Building Inspector Kohnen and City Attorney Vesel�. Mr. Hawks, City PZanner arri ved at the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Absent: Covncilman Slaton, who was out of town on family business, and Operations Director, Beecher. ReeZ 204 Mr. McDonaZd moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the two items Side 1 under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved. 56�- Z. Minutes of the August 17, 1976, CounciZ meetinq. 2. Additional 1976 license applications: MINI-MALL CARD & CANDY, Cigarettes. A poZl of the vote was as foZlows:McDonald, yea; Milbert, yea; Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that expenditures dated -589 Se�tember 7, 1976, in the amount of $406,378.66, under Warrant No. 480, be approved and authorized for payment. A po11 of the vote was as folZows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76- 342-Z. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, to accept the 589-690 recommendation of Zoning and Planning and approve a request by St. Joseph's Church,to rezone their property at 1310 Excelsior Avenue,from B-3b (Genera.Z Business District) to R-5, (Multiple Family Residential) , and that this change be incorporated into the new Zoning Ordinance. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimousl�. Item: 76-337-L. Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the request 690-712 for a license to operate the Golden Key HeaZth Club, by Mr. Milton Dart, be approved. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea;, Mr. Milbert, yea; r9r. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried ananimously. Item: 76-53-P. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that Resolution 712-773 No. 76-2537, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ON INSTALLATION OF ORNAMEN- TAL STREET LIGHTS ON CAMPBELL DRIVE,AND BURNES DRIVE", be adopted. A po11 of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-77-L. Mr. McDonald rrtoved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the revised 773-.Z012 Proposals from the three Parking Consultants be continued to the September 21, 1976, Council meeting. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-338-C. Mr. Milbert �ved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the matter 10I2-1 3.Z5 of the special assessments on the improvements made on 2Zst Avenue North be referred to the City Attorney /��dy and reconvnendation. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, nay; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried. Item: 76-334-R. Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolation I315-Z353 No. 76-2535, "RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE FAIR MARKET.VALUE AND AUTHORIZA- TION TO MAKE OFFER ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT I50 - 19TH AVENUE NORTH", be adopted. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-335-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that Resolution 1353-1387 No. 76-2538, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ON PROPOSED SPECIAL ASSESS- MENTS", be adopted, said Hearing to be held on October 5, 1976. A po11 of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the September 7, 1976, Council meeting, cont. Page 2. � Item: 76-336-R. Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Resolution 1387 to end of No. 76-2536, "A RESOLUTION UPDATING THE FAIR MARKET VALUE AND AUTHORIZATION tape TO MAKE OFFER FOR VARIOUS PARCELS OF LAND FOR PARK PURPOSES", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-339-P. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the Petition Side 2(did not from residents of Drillane for street lights, be tabled. A poll of the record) vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi1.Zer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-340-R. Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. MiZbert seconded the motion, that the request from the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District for permission to spread limestone in breeding sites in roadside ditches, be approved and the City Engineer to obtain the exact locations of the breeding sites and bring this information back to the Council. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-341-Z. Mr.M�f�on�ld moved, and Mr. Po.korny, seconded the motion, to disapprove the recomrraendation of the Zoning & Planning Commission to change the naihe of 11th Street South to Snretana Road. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, nay; Mr. Milbert, nay; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, Nay. Motion Iost. Action: Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, to approve the recommendation of the Zoning and Plarzning Comnci.ssion to change the name of llth Street South to Smetana Road, providing we keep our numbering system and the change is approved by the Hopkins Postmaster. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, nay; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried. Item: 76-343-B. Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, to set Monday, September I3, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., for the first budget meeting. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Hearin g: Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the m�otion, to continue the Hearing on the Zoning Ordinance to October 5, 1976. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor MilZer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-344-R. Mr. Pokorny rraved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the rr�otion, that the report from the Consultant on the 1975 Seal Coating project, be tabled. A poll of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Pokorny yea; and Mayor Mi.Zler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the rrteeting be adjourned. A po1Z of the vote was as folZows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. �, /Dorothy M. Jo�on; S�cr�tary to the Council CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2537 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING FOR HEARING ON IMPROVENIENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 76-2504 of the Council adopted April 20, 1976, a report has been prepared by John Strojan, City Engineer, with reference to the improvement on Burnes Drive from Minnetonka Mills Road to the intersection of Burnes Drive and Campbell Drive and on Campbell Drive to the intersection of Campbell Drive and Burnes Drive by the installation of ornamental street lights thereon and this report was received by the Council on September 7th, 1976. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of HOpkins, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such streets in accordance with the report and the assessment of Lots 1 thru 13, inclusive, Block 1, Campbell Second Addition; Lots 1 thru 9, inclusive, Block 2, Campbell Second Addition; Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Campbell Second Addition; Lots 1 thru 6, Block 1, Campbell Fourth Addition; Lots 1, 2, 4 and 5, Block 2, Campbell Fourth Addition; Tracts A and B, Registered Land Survey No. 1066 for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended, at an estimated to �1 cost of the improvement of $4,600.00. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 5th day of October, 1976, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and the Clerk shall give published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 7th day of September, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 76-2535 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FAIR MARKET VALUE FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON Z50 - 19TH AVENUE NORTH, HOPKINS, FOR REHABILITATION PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City of Hopkins has by Resolution No. 74-2384, adopted certain policies and procedures for rea.Z estate acquisition and improvement; and, WHEREAS, Harriet J. Barnes, the present Vendee in a certain Contract for Deed pertaining to the premises hereinafter described in which Contract Joseph F. Libra and Theresa Libra, his wife, are the Vendors and owners of record, has applied to the City of Hopkins Office of Community Developrr�ent for a grant for the purpose of rehabilitating the dwelling presently existing upon Lot 4, and the South 10 feet of Lot 3, Block lI, West Minneapolis Third Division (Plat 37700/Parcel 5930); and, WHEREAS, the said premises were duly inspected as required by Iaw by the Housing Inspector of the City of Hopkins, and that said premises were found to be in violation of the Uniform Housing Code and in need of immediate rehabilitation; and, WHEREAS, the minimum cost of such rehabilitation wou.Zd far exceed the fair market value of said dwelling now located thereon, its condition being such that the cost of repairs in compliance with the inspector's requirements are not justified; and, WHEREAS, said premises have been duly appraised by a competent, dis- interested, impartial appraiser in accordance with applicable State Laws and procedures and the Department of Housing and Urban Development policies and re- quirements, and such appraisal has been thereafter reviewed by the City Appraiser for tax purposes of the City of Hopkins who has accepted and approved the appraisaZ hereinabove mentioned in the sum of $9,100.00. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ResoZved by the City Council of the City of Hopkins as follows: 1. That the dwelling structure located upon the parceZ of land herein- above described, the address of which is 150 - 19th Avenue North, Hopkins, Minnesota, shalZ be acquired from the owners by the City of Hopkins Office of Community Develop- ment at the sum of $9,Z00.00, which sum is hereby established as the final estimated market value of said property. 2. That the appraisal in the sum of $9,100.00 for the improvements Iocated on said premises as above reviewed and approved is hereby determined to be the fair and reasonable rr�arket value thereof. 3. That upon acquisition thereof, said dwelling shaZl be demolished and removed. Passed and adopted by the Hopkins City Council at a regular meeting held the 7th day of September, .Z976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor i� u CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF HEAR2NG ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Hopkins will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on October 5th, 1976, to consider the making of an improvement on Burnes Drive from Minnetonka Mills Road to the intersection of Burnes Drive and Campbell Drive and on Campbell Drive to the intersection of Campbell Drive and Burnes Drive by the installation of ornamental street lights thereon pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is Lots 1 thru 13, inclusive, Block 1, Campbell Second Addition; Lots 1 thru 9, inclusive, Block 2, Campbell Second Addition; Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Campbell Second Addition; Lots 1 thru 6, Block 1, Campbell Fourth Addition; Lots 1, 2, 4 and 5, Block 2, Campbell Fourth Addition; Tracts A and B, Registered Land Survey No. 1066. The estimated cost of such improvement is $4,600.00 All persons desiring to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated September 7th, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney To be published in the HOPKINS SUN on September 15th, 1976 and September 22, 1976. � CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-253 8 RESOLUTION FOR I�.ARING ON PROPOSED SPECIAL ASSESSN�NTS WE�REAS, by Resolution no. 76-2528, passed and adopted by the Council on August 3rd, 1976, the City Clerk and Engineer were directed to prepare proposed assessments of the costs of improvirig various streets, avenues, alleys and thoroughfares in the City of Hopkins, all as more fully described in Exhibit A. hereto attached and attached to Resolution No. 76-2528, and made a part hereof, and Wf�REAS, the said Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessments have been corr�pleted and filed in his office for public inspection. NOW, T'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T!-IE CITY COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA as follows: l. A hearing shall be held on to pass upon such proposed assessments, and at such time and place, all persons owning property affected by such improvements and assessments will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessments. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a Notice of the Hearing on the proposed assessments to be published at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the Notice the total cost of each of such improvement. Passed and adopted by the City Cowlcil of the C ity of Hopkins, this 7th day of September, I976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0.76-2536 A RESOLUTION UPDATING THE FAIR MARKET VALUE AND AUTHORIZATION TO MAKE OFFER FOR VARIOUS PARCELS OF LAND FOR PARK PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City of Hopkins has adopted by Resolution No. 74-2384, policies and procedures for ReaZ Estate Acquisition, and WHEREAS, on October Z, I974, by Resolution No. 74-2403, the City Council approved and established Fair Market Values for certain parcels of land for Park purposes described herein consistent with the requirements and procedures of the Department of Housing and Urban Renewal, and WHEREAS, such fair market vaZues are no longer valid as specified in the Uniform.Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisi- tion Policies Act�-of I970, and WHEREAS, the City, as an aid to detezmine the fair market vaZ ue, had each parcel Iisted below appraised by two qualified independent pro- fessional real estate appraisers, and WHEREAS, a qualified appraiser has reviewed these appraisaZ reports and has on fiZe a written report setting forth his opinion as to the fair market value. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, as follows - that the identity and fair market value of each property listed as follows is certified to be accurate and correct and the fair market value is hereby adopted by this Council. #1. Known as plat 37025, parcel 7800 and legaZly described as: South # of the Southeast � of the Southeast �a, Section 25, Township 1I7, Range 22. The opinion based on the review of the two submitted appraisals is that the final estimated market value of subject property is $47,000. #2. Known as plat 37600 parceZ 9000 and Iegally described as: Outlot "A" South Meadows Addition. The opinion based on the review of the two submitted appraisals is that the final estimated rr�arket value of subject property is $I5,000. #3.& #4. Known as plat 37025 parceZ 3200 and 7600, also known as "the Minneapolis F1oral Company. The opinion based on the review of the two submitted appraisals is that the final estimated market value of subject property is $92,000, and that the City staff and its attorneys are hereby authorized to acquire the subject properties by purchase, donation, or proceedings in eminent domain, if necessary. Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, at a regular meeting held the 7th day of September, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Clerk JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor � (Official PuI�Iication) PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the testing of the Computer for tabulating of the votes of the PRIMARY ELECTION, September 14, 1976, to be held in the City of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, wi.Zl be held on September 10, 1976, at 2:00 p.m., at the City Hall, 1010 First Street South, Hopkins, Minnesota. The test wi11 be open to representatives of both political parties, the press and the public. CITY OF HOPKINS H. E. Ri chardson Ci ty Clerk Published in the HOPKINS SUN, September 1, 1976 A special meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, September 14, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council'.Ghambers in the City Ha11 to review the Budqet for I977. Mayor Miller called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Councilmen in attendance were Mr. McDonald, Mr. Milbert, Mr. Pokorn�, and Dr. Slaton. Also City Manager Cotton and Finance Director NieZsen. City Manager Cotton and Finance Director Nielsen raade a presentation to the Council coverin g the overall budget limitations and how it was fi gured following the State Law. Mr. NieZsen also gave a short presentation on the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund. Mr. Richard WiZson, Director of Parks and Recreation, made a presentation to the Council concerning the Park and Recreation Budget and how the money he receives from Hopkins taxes affect the Park rrdaintenance and Recreation programs. Mr. Ovide LaBerge, Superintendent of Police, also gave the Council an overall view of the taxes he receives for the Police Department and how they will be used by his department. This presentation was followed by a presentation from Mr. Ed Lundgren, Fire Chief of the Hopkins Volunteer Fire Department, on the operation of the Fire Department. The Iast presentation was made by Mr. John Strojan, Public Works Director, on the operation of the various public work functions. After a short discussion, the Council continued the budget session until Tuesday, September 21, I976, at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Miller adjourned the meeting. V l ( I �� / Dorothy M. ohnson, S re ary to the Council COUNCI LNIEN : ATTEST :: _, r� :�:1,��. ._ � L � � �___ L �� ,;�. Jerre A. Miller, Mayor (Official Publication) PUBLIC NOTICE LOCATION OF COUNTING CENTER FOR PRIMARY ELECTION - SEPTEMBER 14, 1976. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ballots cast in the City of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, will be counted at the City HaZZ - 1010 First Street South - Hopkins, Minnesota - following the closing of the polls at 8:00 p.m., September I4, I976. CITY OF HOPKINS H. E. Richardson City CZerk Published in the HOPKINS SUN, September 8, 1976 PvbZished in the MINNEAPOLIS STAR & TRIBUNE, September 13, 1976. � A continued meeting of the City Council of the City.of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, September 21, 1976, at 6:30 p.m., in the Conference Room in the City Ha11 to further review the Budget for Z977. Ma�or Mi1Zer caZZed the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Councilmen present were Mr. McDonald, Mr. Milbert, Mr. Pokorny and Dr. Slaton. Also in attendance were City Manager Cotton, and Finance Director Nielsen. There was a short discussion concerning the impact of the levy limitation and whether or not the City should Ievy the maximum a1.Zowed vnder State Law and the difficulties the Covncil had operating without a contingency in the year 1976. Due to the limited time, the Council continued the �eting to it's regular Council meeting at 7: 30 p.m. , in the Council Chambers. (9-ZZ-76) Mayor MiZler reconvened the budget session at 9:00 p.m., September 21, 1976, where the Council continued its discussion. Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, to accept the budget as presented, with the folZowing changes: Add $Z700 to the Fire Pension Fund, Reduce the Recreation budget by $1660, that was designated for Day Patrol at Shady Oak Beach, Reduce the Sanitation budget by $2000, for the amount designated for a speciaZ container, Reduce the Si gns & SignaZs budget by $3500, for the amount designated for an Inter-connect, Increase the total Ze vy to the amount allowed by State Law, with the balance being put into Con tingen cy . A poll of the vote was as folZows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonaZd, nay; Mr. MiZbert, abstaining and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried. Mayor MiZler then adjourned the meeting. \ Dorothy M. J hnson, ec etary tothe Council COUNCILMEN ,� . ATTEST : ,: � � � '� ;'; /'.0 �C�—�� � � � c � L � Jerre A. Mi1Zer, Mayor A regular �etinq of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, September 21, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Ha11. Present were Mayor MiZler, CounciZmen McDonald, MiZbert, Pokorny and Slaton, also City Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Operations Director Beecher, City Planner Hawks, City Attorney Vesely, and Community Development Officer Kerrigan. Absent: Building Inspector Kohnen. Reel 204 Mr. Pokorny moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the two items Side 2 under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved. 2- 1. Minutes of the September 7, 1976, Council rr�eeting. 2. License application No. 269, BADGER MOVER, INC., (Building Mover) A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that expenditures dated -19 September 21, 1976, under Warrant No. 481, in the amount of $201,734.57, be approved and authorized for payment. A poZ1 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Bid: Pursuant to notice bids were opened on Tuesday, September 14, 1976, at 10:00 a.m., for Asphalt Bicycle Trails, and the following bids were received. (see attached) Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. MiZbert seconded the motion, that the contract 19- for Asphalt BicycZe TraiZs be continued to the October 5, 1976, Council meeting. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, nay; Mr. Pokorny, nay; and Mayor Mi11er nay. Motion Zost. Action: Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the Contract for -I46 Asphalt Bicycle Trails be awarded to H.J.A. Construction in the amount of $59,782.25. A po11 of the vote was as folZows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. MiZbert, nay; Mr. McDonaZd, nay; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried. Item: 76-110-P. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that Resolution I46-205 No. 76-2539, "RESOLUTION ORDERING IN IMPROVEMENT OF EXTENSION OF WATERMAIN ON THE EASEMENT ON THE SOUTH 20 FEET OF COUNTY OWNED PARCEL NORTH OF PARCEL 7420 (HOPKINS NURSING HOME)". A poll of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-345-H. Mr. Pokorny moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the revision 205-278 of the second �ear Community Development Program and Budget as presented by Mr. Kerrigan and Chairman Eaves of the Community Development Citizens Committee, be approved and forward to HUD for their approval. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr.SZaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-IO2-Z. Mr. 1�IcDonaZd moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the re- 278-290 commendation from Zoning & Planning for Council deniaZ of the rezoning request by Rudy Luther for the property Iocated at the northeast corner of Blake Road and Excelsior Avenue from R-4 to B-3b, be continued to the Octob�r 5, I976, Council meeting per request of Attorney for the applicant� and the Interlachen Park Association. A poll of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea . Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-77-L. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the revised 290-302 Proposals from the three Parking Consultants be continued to the October 19, I976, Council meetirig. A po1l of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-346. Mr. McDonald raoved, and Dr. SZaton seconded the motion, that the balance 302- owed on the 1975 Sea1 Coating biZZ to Allied BZacktop in the amount of $6,886.I4, be authorized for payment. A po1Z of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. SZaton, nay; Mr. Milbert, nay; Mr, McDonaZd, yea; and 1Nayor Mi1Zer, nay. Motion 1ost. Minutes of the Sepfember 21, 1976, Council meeting, cont.. Page 2. Item: 76-346,cont. Action: Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the City pay -352 to Allied Blacktop $6,366.14, of their payment request of $7,366.14, and that the sum of $I,000 be withheld and to Zimit the Contractor's time to complete tnis work to this Fa11 or forfeit the $Z,000. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr.Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried vnanimously. Item: 76-347 Mr. Pokorny moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the application 352-410 for a Zicense by Family Fun Center for one (1) pool table, mechanical amusem�nt devices and vending machine, be approved, with the provision that the license be reviewed at the end of the year 1976. A poZ1 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanirr�ously. Item: 76-348 Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the request 4I0-417 for Council approval of the County's Plan for improvements of County Road #3, from Ashley Road to Meadowbrook Boulevard, be referred to Zoning and Planning and request they set a date for a PubZic Hearing. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. ldcDonald moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the rraotion, that the meeting be -430 adjourned. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McD�onald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. ,: ,,} .. ,ATTEST,c • � `% L��� t�� �;� �_.: � _ -�,. � ��L Jerre A. MiZler, Mayor �. M. J on, Se�ret�y to the Council (O:ficial Publication) CITY OF XOPKIr�S MINNESOTA OFFICIAL NOTICE OF X�ARING A P�b1ic Hearing wi11 be held by th� City Council of the City of Xopk.ins in the Council Chambers in the Citr� Hall on Tuesday, September 21, I976, at 7:30 p.m., to consider revision of the second year Community Dievelopaaent Program and Budget as approved by the City CounciZ on February 3, 1976, in order to make funds a��ailable for the acquisition of Iand in the R-46 Urban RenewaZ Project by the City, from the Xopkins Housing and Redevelopr�ent Authority to faciZitate close-out of the Urban Renewal Project. This Xearing should be of interest to the entire community and �ou are cordiaZly invited to attend. If 3nformation is dssired about this matter, pZease ca11 Hopkins City Xa11 - 935-8474. Peter G. Cotton Ci,ty Manager Published in the XOPKINS SUN, September Z5, I976 (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS MINNESOTA NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR THE EXCAVATION, INSTALLATION OF BASE AND ASPHALT SURFACE ON BICYCLE TRAILS SEALED BIDS will be received by the City Manager at the City Hall, Hopkins, Minnesota, until Tuesday, September 14,1976, at 10:00 A.M., and then and there opened and publicly read, and as soon as possible thereafter, award of a contract will be made by the City for the above work. Plans, specifications and further details are available at the office of the City Engineer. Each bid must be accompanied by a cashier's check, certified check or standard bidder's bond written by a corporate surety certified by the Minnesota State Insurance Commission, at ten percent (10�) of the total bid price, payable to the City of Hopkins, as a guarantee that the bidder will, if successful, promptly execute a satisfactory contract for the faithful performance of the work covered by this specification. The successful bidder must, within ten (10) days after his bid is accepted, execute a contract and bond for one hundred percent (1000) of the full amount of the bid and guaranteeing for one year the entire project free of defective workmanship and material. Upon the award of the contract the checks or bidder's bonds of the successful bidders shall be returned to them, and upon the filing of the contract and performance bond, the check or bid bond of the successful bidder shall be returned to him. The City provides proposal forms which are to be used. Each proposal must be plainly marked "PROPOSAL FOR THE FURNISHING OF LABOR, TOOLS, EQUIP- MENT AND MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BICYCLE TRAILS'", and addressed to the City of Hopkins, Minnesota. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts thereof. Any incomplete bid will be rejected. In case of default the City may have the work done by others, and hold the original bidder or contractor liable for increased costs. CITY OF HOPKINS �� ���' i�Cl�'1 ✓ f � � Peter Cotton, City Manager To be published in the..HOPKINS SUN, B'eptember 1,�1976 To be published in the CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN, September 3, 1976 To be published in the MINNEAPOLIS SPOKESMAN, September 2, 1976. Specification Nur.+ber Item 2123.509 Dozer Rental 2331.501 Plant mixed Bituminous Surface for Patching 2501.511 18" CNIP 2501.511 18" R.C.P. 2501.511 24" R.C.P. 2501.573 Special Drain R7605-F1 2505.509 Catch Basin Complete 2521.501 4" Concrete Walk 2521.511 2" Bituminous Walk 2531.501 Remove & Replace Concrete Curb 2535.501 Bituminous Curb 2575.501 Roadside Seeding Mix. 2575.505 Soddinct TABULATION OF BIDS _ FOR BIKE TRAILS '76 Bids Opened 10:00 A.M. Tuesday, Sept. 14, 1976 Est. Engineer.'s H.J.A. C.S. BITUMINOUS Unit uant. Estimate CONSTRUCTION McCROSSAN INC ROADWAYS INC. Hour 8 $30.00 $240.00 $40.00 $320.00 $35.00 $280.00 $30.00 240.00 Ton 150 20.00 3,000.00 16.00 2,400.00 26.00 3,900.00 44.50 6,675.00 LnFt 20 16.00 320.00 18.00 360.00 16.00 320.00 14.00 280.00 LnFt 32 18.00 576.00 20.00 640.00 15.00 480.00 14.00 448.00 LnFt 8 20.00 160.00 35.00 280.00 22.00 176.00 18.50 148.00 Lump Sum 1 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 500.00 500.00 660.00 660.00 Each 4 500.00 2,000.00 400.00 1,600.00 600.00 2,400.00 495.00 1,980.00 SqFt 855 1.50 1,282.50 1.35 1,154.25 3.00 2,565.00 3.85 3,291.75 SqFt 111,500 .25 27,875.00 .37 41,255.00 .42 46,830.00 .43 47,945.00 LnFt 420 10.00 4,200.00 9.00 3,780.00 12.00 5,040.00 20.35 8,547.00 LnFt 2,610 1.00 2,610.00 1.30 3,393.00 2.00 5,220.00 1.11 2,897.10 Acre 1.5 265.00 397.50 600.00 900.00 250.00 375.00 830.00 1,245.00 S Yd 3,400 . 1.00 3,400.00 1.00 3 400.00 1.20 4 080.00 1.96 6 664.00 TOTAL $ 46,361.00 $ 59,782.25 $ 72,166.00 $ 81.020.85 ALLIED BLACKTOP 1975 SEAL COATING Total Invoice $ 26,516.88 Less: Paid 4/2/76 $ 12,150.74 Paid 4/8/76 7,000.00 19,150.74 Less Deduct $ 7,366.14 500.00 Net Due $ 6,866.14 �ll��d �lack�o Co. � BITUMONOUS C�NTRACTORS � 3601 - 48th Avenue North Se�tembe�e 8, 1976 M�c. Jahn 7. S�co1an Nopfi,i.rta C.i.t� �ng.ua.e✓% l 01 G S. 1�� S.#�ce2i, NopFuvca, Pd.i.rm.e,�o�a. 55343 flea�c Jahn; TelePhone 533-1811 �,. ,; y;\`� cuu�i�� SKlll ��, RESPoNSIBIIISY � ,.,,r� iNTeceinr MinneaPolis, Minnesota 55429 Ad peh oun d,i�seu��s.ion, negatcdi,ng �he .e.e.#,tesc bnam Mn. �a�r.Q, Ange.P�, we �ee,e �ha,t �,t .i,� a .P.i.#�e 2cLie �o �se.a.e �he ��a� we di.se.u.a�ed . The�ce�one we �ee,� �ha,t a��.ve hundned da.P�an ($500.00 ) dedue,t.i.avc dhoecPd we.P.� eove�c �he cvicea' a�0 6e nepa,uced . _ Th2 ma.ieh,i,a,2 �o eave�c �he�e an.ea'd w.i.P� be .2e�sa �hav� ane hund�ced do.P.eat� ($100. 00 ), and �he .ea.bon eaa� w.i.P.e 62 .�e.a�s than, Socvc hunc�ced da.�2a�c�s ($400.00 ) . We �eee. �h.a,t �h,i,d .i�s a �cc,uc ��r,i,ce �o deduc,i . Hope fihi�5 w.i,Q,2 mee.t w.%th yaeuc a�prcava,e . S.ince�c22y; Campany � � C.��—� c an C. ea�r� on . Pne�s.i,der�t RCP/mQ CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 76-2539 RESOLiITION ORI2E�IN� IMEB0�7EM�NT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS a Resolution of the City Council No. 76-2532 adopted the 3rd day of August, 1976, fixed a date for a hearing on the proposed improvement ori the easement on the south 20 feet of county owned parcel situated north of Parcel 7420 by the extension of watermain thereon, the total estimated cost thereof being $3,450.00, and WHEREAS all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for the making of this improvement were given ten days published notice of the council hearing through two weekly publications of the required notice, and a hearing was held and the property owners heard thereon on'.the 21st day of September, 1976. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Hopkins: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the Council Resolution No. 76-2532 adopted the 3rd day of August, 1976. 2. That John Strojan, City Engineer, is hereby designated as the Engineer for this improvement and he shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 21st day of September, 1976. � H. E. RICHARDSON, JERRE A. MILLER, City Clerk Mayor JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney e A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, October 5, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall. Present were Mayor Mi1Zer, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, Pokorny and Slaton, aZso City Manager Cotton, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Building Inspector Kohnen, Operations Director Beecher, Finance Director Nielsen and City Attorney Vesely. Absent: City Engineer Strojan and City Planner Hawks.(Note: Dr. Slaton arrived at the meetin g at 7:40 p.m.) ReeZ 205 Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the four (4) Side 1 items under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved. 5-10 1. Minutes of the September 21, 1976 Council l�leeting; Special Budget Meeting of September 14, 1976, and Budget Meetin g of September 21, 1976. 2. AdditionaZ 1976 license applications: DOMESTIC MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, install Gas Burners. 3. Request from Knights of Columbus for renewal of their bingo permit for the months of October, November and December I976. 4. Request from Minnegasco for permit to install gas main on 9th Avenue South at intersection of 7th Street So. -� A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Pokorny, ,- -� yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. �r � * * * * * * * * * �r Action: Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. MiZbert seconded the motion, that the expenditures 10-38 dated October 5, 1976, Warrant No. 482, in the amount of $150,287.I7, be approved and authorized for payment. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. HEARING: I tem: 76-53-H . 38-140 Mr. Milbert, moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 76-2542, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT ON BURNES DRIVE FROM MINNETONKA MILLS ROAD TO THE INTERSECTION OF BURNES DRIVE AND CAMPBELL DRIVE AND ON CAMPBELL DRIVE TO THE INTERSECTION OF CAMPBELL DRIVE AND BURNES DRIVE BY THE INSTALLATION OF ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTS THEREON",be adopted. A poll of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-335-R. Mr. McDonaZd mo ved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that Resolution I40-321 No. 76-2543, "A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ON THE IMPROVEMENT ON NINTH AVENUE SOUTH FROM SEVENTH STREET TO WESTBROOKE WAY BY STREET CONSTRUCTION AND BITUMINOUS SURFACING THEREON", be adopted. A po1Z of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. Item: 76-102-Z. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the re- 321-54I commendation from Zoning and Planning for denial of the rezoning request by Rudy Luther for the property Iocated at the northeast corner of B1ake Road and Excelsior Avenue from R-4 to B-3b, be continued to the rneeting of November 2, 1976. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. I tem: 76- 345-B. 541- Mr. Pokorny moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 76-2541, "A RESOLUTION APPROVING 1976 TAX LEVY COLLECTIBLE IN 1977", be adopted. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDona.Zd, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-346-E. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the list -562 of Election Judges for the GeneraZ Election, November 2, I976, be approved. A poll of th e vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. �See list attached) Minutes of the October 5, 1976, Council meeting, cont. Page 2. Item: 76-347-R. Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Resolution 562-583 No. 76-2540, "RESOLUTION RESTRICTING PARKING ON STATE AID STREET", (8th Avenue South, 1st to Excelsior Avenue), be.adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Mi.Zbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. I tem: 76- 348-C 583- HEARING: Zoning Ord. Communication from Hennepin County re: sale of two parcels of land in Hopkins, was discussed by the Council, no formal action taken. Mr. Vesely outlined the partial.Zy finished final draft of the proposed Zoning Ordinance that he and City Planner Hawks have completed to date. Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the Hearing on the remainder of the proposed Zoning Ordinance be continued to the October 19, I976, Council meeting. A po11 of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi1ler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. McDonaZd seconded the motion, that the meeting be - 785 adjourned. A poll of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller yea. Motion carried un- animously. �I�I/�t�'L�/i—/%�l�!/Il�� ���%� • • L' � - a • - • ller, Mayor �. � � CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2542 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS a Resolution of the City Council No. 76-2537 adopted the 7th day of S-eptember, 1976, fixed a date for a hearing on the proposed improvement on Burnes Drive from Minnetonka Mills Road to the intersection of Burnes Drive and Campbell Drive and on Campbell Drive to the intersection of Campbell Drive and Burnes Drive by the installation of Ornamental Street Lights thereon, the total estimated cost thereof being $4,600.00, and WHEREAS all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for the making of this improvement were given ten days published notice of the council hearinq through two weekly publications of the required notice, and a hearing was held and the property owners heard thereon on the 5th day of October, 1976. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Hopkins: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the Council Resolution No. 76-2537 adopted September 7, 1976. 2. That John Strojan, City Engineer, is hereby designated as the Engineer for this improvement and he shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 5th day of October, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Hopkins City Council will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at Hopkins, Minnesota, on October 5th, 1976, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., to pass upon the proposed special assessment on the improve- ment on Ninth Avenue South from Seventh Street to Westbrooke Way by street con- struction and bituminous surfacing thereon. The area proposed to be assessed being the following described parcels in Section 25, Township 117, Range 22: (Parce1,1610) Commencing at a point in east line of Southwest Quarter (SW�a) distant 554 feet south from northeast corner thereof, thence west at right angles 147 feet to center line of creek, thence southeasterly along said center line to east line of Southwest Quarter (SW�a), thence north to beginning, except road; (Parcel 1625) Commencing at the Northeast corner of Northeast Quarter (NE�a) of Southwest Quarter (SW�a), thence south 234 8/10 feet, thence deflect right 57 degrees 10 minutes to the center line of creek, thence northwesterly along said center line to the north line of Northwest Quarter (N�V�a), thence east to beginning, except roads; (Parcel 1635) Commencing at the northeast corner of Southwest Quarter (SW�), thence south along east line thereof 234 8/10 feet to the actual point of beginning, thence deflect right 57 degrees 10 minutes to the center line of creek, thence southeasterly along said center line to the south line of the north 554 feet of Northwest Quarter (NW�), thence east along said south line to the east line of Northwest Quarter (NW�a), thence north to beginning, except road; (Parcel 1840) That part of the east one half of.:north 3/4 of Northeast Quarter (NE�) of Southwest Quarter (SW�a) lying east of west 33 feet thereof and southwesterly of creek, except roads (Easterly 30 feet); (Parcel 8040) Commencing at a point in west line of 8th Avenue South distant 483 feet south from north line of South- east Quarter (SE�a), thence south 210 53/100 feet, thence west parallel with said north line to a point 17 feet east from west line of Southeast Quarter (SE�a), thence north to a point 233 feet south from said north line, thence east to a point 130 feet west from west line of 8th Avenue South, thence south 250 feet, thence east 130 feet, to beginning; (Parcel 8045) Commencing at a point in the east line of west 17 feet of Northeast Quarter (NE�a) of Southeast Quarter (SE�a) distant 693 53/100 feet south from north line thereof, thence east parallel with said north line to a point 66 feet east from west line of 8th Avenue South, thence south to center line of Nine Mile Creek, thence northwesterly along said center � line to the east line of said west 17. feet, thence north to beginning; Lot 2 and 3, Block 1, Westling's Addition. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk in said City Hall. All persons desiring to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. The total cost of the improvement being $26,012.44. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney To be published in the HOPKINS SUN on September 15th, 1976 and September 22nd, 1976. CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2543 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly published and given as required by law, the City Council of the City of Hopkins has met and heard on October 5th, 1976, and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessments for the improvement of Ninth Avenue South from Seventh Street to Westbrooke Way by street construction and bituminous surfacing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, as follows: 1. Such proposed assessments, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the lands therein named and.each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. � 2. Such assessments shall be payable in equal, annual installments extending over the periods of years set forth in the Schedules of Assessments, the first of the installments to be payable on or before January 2, 1977. Any deferred installments shall bear interest at the rate of six percent (6�) per annum from the 5th day of October, 1976. To the first installments shall be added interest on the entire respective assessments from October 5th, 1976 until December 31st, 1976. To each subsequent installments, when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may at any, except between November 15th and December 31st, prior to the certification of the assessments to the Hennepin County Auditor, as herein provided, pay the whole of the assessments against any parcel, with interest accrued to date of payment, to the City Manager, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid before November 15th. Also, the owner of any property may at any time thereafter, except between November 15th and December 31st, of each year, pay to the City Manager, the entire amount of the assessments remaining unpaid. 4. The Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate or duplicates `� of these assessments to the Hennepin County Auditor to be extended on the proper tax lists of the County, and such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 5th day of October, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER� Mayor � E X H I B I T A 1. Project 72-26A Street construction - 9th Avenue South from 7th street to Westbrooke Way, total cost of the project being $25,453.00 of which all is proposed to be assessed. 2. Project 72-26C Storm sewer on 9th Avenue South from 7th Street to Westbrooke Way, total cost of the project being $5,864.00 of which none is proposed to be assessed. 3. Concrete sidewalk repair at 221-6th Avenue North, total cost of this being $56.30 of which all is being assessed. ( This work was not ordered in on a previous project, but was done with adjacent work. A bill was sent to the owner giving him the option to pay before assessment and the bill has not been paid.) CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2541 A RESOLUTION APPROUING Z976 TAX LEVY COLLECTIBLE IN 1977 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that the following sums of rr�oney be levied for the current year, collectible in 1977, upon the taxable property in said City of Hopkins, for the following purposes: GENERAL FUND $1,435,I57 PARK IMPROVEMENTS OF 7-1-70 22,313 TOTAL $1,457,470 Provision has been made for payment of the City's contributory share to the Public Employees Retirement Association. Provision has also been made for the principaZ and interest on the P.I.R. Fund Bond Issue of 4-1-64,7-1-72, 6-1-67, and Sewer Revenue Bonds of 7-1-70. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the County Auditor of Hennepin County, Minnesota. Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, at a regular meeting held on Tuesday, the �h�� of O tober, Z976. jf. r `./1 �: -�,/1�,� � �`� v' .�. 1� rre .v. rliller, mayor ATTEST : 1���=-����-��-, _ H. E. Richardson, City C1erk Personal Services SuppZies Contractual Services Other Charges Capital Outlay CPN-9/30/76 CITY OF HOPKINS CONIPARISON OF 1977 BUDGET TO 1976 BUDGET Percentage of Increase .. 1976 I977 or (Decrease� of 1977 Adopted Budget Adopted Budget Budget compared to the Amount Percent Amount Percent 1976 Bud et $1,644,573 66.8% $1,765,966 66.3% 7.4% 220,522 9.0% 254,567 9.6� 15.4i 284,341 Z1.5% 322,105 Z2.1� 13.3� I40,232 5.7% Z50,320 5.6� 7.2� 173,54I 7.0� I71,9I6 6.4i (.9�) $2,463,209 ZOO.Oi $2,664,874 100.0i CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2540 RESOLUTION RESTRI�TING PARKING ON STATE AID STREET (8th Avenue South, lst to Excelsior Avenue) ". M.S.A.P. 132-353-02 (8th Avenue South) from ist Street South to Excelsior Avenue in the City of Hopkins, Minnesota. THIS RESOLUTION, passed this Sth day of October, 1976, by the City of Hopkins, in Hennepin County, Minnesota. The Municipal Corporation shall here- inafter be called the "City"; 6•IITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the "City" has planned the improvement of MSAS 353 (8th Avenue South) from 1st Street South to ExceZsior Avenue, and WHEREAS, the "City" wi11 be expending Municipal State Aid Funds on the improvement of said Street, and WHEREAS, said improverreent does not conform to the approved minimum standards as previously adopted for such Municipal State Aid Streets and that approval of the proposed construction as a l9unicipal State Aid Street project must therefor be conditioned upon certain parking restrictions, and WHEREAS, the extent of these restrictions that would be a necessary pre- requisite to the approval of this construction as a Municipal State Aid project in the "City", has been determined. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: That the "City" sha11 restrict the parking to motor vehicles on the west side of MSAS 353 (Sth Avenue South) at aIl times. Dated this 5th day of October, 1976. CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA By Jerre A. Miller, Mayor ATTEST : H. E. Richardson, City Clerk A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, October 19, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall. Present were Mayor Mi1Zer, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, Pokorny and Slaton, also City Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Operations Director Beecher, Building Inspector Kohnen and Acting City Attorney Otto. Absent: City Attorney Vesely. ReeZ 205 Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the four Side 1 (4) items under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved; 795- 1. Minutes of the October 5, 1976, Council meeting. 2. Additional 1976 license applications: GENERAL SHEET METAL CORP, to instalZ gas burners; OTTING, Housemover. 3. Request from the Geo. R. Wo1ff Post #425, V.F.W., for renewal of their bingo permit for the months of October, November and December 1976. 4. Request from Northwestern BeZl Telephone Company for permit to place underground conduit on Smetana Drive. (formerly llth St. So.) A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Action: Mr. Pokorny rr�oved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the expenditures -854 dated October Z9, 1976, under Warrant No. 483 and 484, in the total amount of $139,182.02, and $80,631.39, be approved and authorized for payment. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. BIDS: Pursuant to notice bids were opened on October 12, 1976, at 10:00 a.m., for a Motor Grader and Snow Wing, and the following bids were received: (see tabulation attached). Action: Mr. Pokorny moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the contract for 854- furnishinq the City of Hopkins with a Motor Grader and Snow Wing, be awarded to Valley Equipment Co., for a John Deer 670 Model, for the net low bid of $43.,.363.00� as recorrm�ended by staff. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Pursuant to notice bids were opened on October 14, 1976, at 10:00 a.m., for State Aid Streets, City Streets and Watermain, and the following bids were recei ved: (see tabulation attached.) Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the contract for -907 State Aid Streets, City Streets and Watermain, be awarded to Minnesota Valley Surfacing in the amount of $78,362.50, using State Aid Funds, as recommended by staff. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Mi.Zbert, yea; Mr. McDonaZd, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried un- animously. Item: 76-77-L. Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the Parking 907-972 ConsuZtant's Proposals be continued to the November 2, I976, Council meeting. A po11 of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-349-L. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the rr�tion, that Council 972-1042 authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign the proposed Lease Agreement with the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Pau1 & Pacific Railroad Co. , for site of pedestrian and bicycle trails. A po.ZZ of the vote was as follows: � Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. � Minutes of the October 19, 1976, Council meeting, cont.. Page 2. Item: 76-350-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the rnotion, that Resolution _ 1042-1069 No. 76-2544,"RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF S.P. 2706-117 (7-12)", be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-351-R. Mr. McDona.Zd moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the Z069-1153 Council reject the Hennepin County Highway Department's request for approval of Alternate M-I of Layout 23B for the proposed revision of Monroe Avenue and CSAH #3, for County Project 6742. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and MayoraNliller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Hearing: Action: Mr. Milbert rr�oved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the rr�otion, that the Hearing 1I53-1225 on the remainder of the Zoning Ordinance prepared by Mr. Vesely and Mr. Hawks be continued to a joint meeting with the Zoning and Planning Commission on October 27, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi1Zer, yea. Motion carried unanimousl�. Item: 76-352-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that Council 1225-1297 authorize the posting of signs as recommended by the Engineering Depart- ment as follows, and people in the area be so notified. (1) No Parking from the CWN R.R. tracks north to Excelsior Avenue on the East si de, for a Left Turn Lane; (2) No Parking from alley south to County Road #3, on the west side for a free Ri ght Turn Lane. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea. Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the meeting 1297 be adjourned. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Milbert, yea. Motion carried unanimously. A �� - i. ST: / � � ��.� � L'� l� G L -/ � �fier"re A. Mi11er, Mayor , \ ;' - � 'Dorothy M. ohnson, tary to the Council COUNCILMEN: (/ � � , _ , j/�.s� (-�1..1Crf>u—� 1 ���, (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF BIDS FOR ONE (1) MOTOR GRADER AND SNOW WING SEALED BIDS will be received by the City Manager at the City Hall, Hopkins, Minnesota, until Tuesday, October 12, 1976, at 10:00 A.M., and then and there opened and publicly read and as soon as possible thereafter, award of a contract will be made by the City for the furnishinq of ONE (1) Motor Grader and Snow Wing. All bids shall be on the proposal form supplied by the City and shall be in accordance with specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer, copies of which are available from the City Engineer upon request, and shall be accompanied by cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check, payable to the order of the City of Hopkins for ten (10�) percent of the bid. Bids shall be directed to the City Manager, securely sealed and endorsed upon the outside wrapper with a brief statement as to the unit for which the bid is made. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and accept those items bid which are the most beneficial to the City. CITY OF HOPKINS /� r'1 ��; f' � �''j ; Peter G. Cotton, City Manager Published in the HOPKINS SUN, September 29, 1976. TABULATION OF BIDS Bid Opening: ON October Z2, 1976 MOTOR GRADER AND SNOW WING Dept. Est. $55,000.00 ARTICULATED FRAME MAKE & TOTAL TRADE NET GUARANTEED BIDDER MODEL BID IN BID MAINT. 5 YRS. DELIVERY VaZZey 670 John Equipment Deer $64,269.00 $20,846.00 $43,363.00 $2,700.00 30 - 60 da Borchert Champion In ersol D715A 60,114.00 Z6,500.00 43,614.00 2,500.00 60 days * Ca terp.i 13ar Ziegler Z20G 70,502.00 I2,969.00 57,533.00 2,500.00 30 - 45 da Alternate bids were aZso received on the foZlowing straight frame machines: G. F. Ryan No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid Borchert Champion Ingersol D715 56,476.00 16,500.00 39,976.00 2,000.00 60 days Ha1Z Gallion Equipment TSOOA 66,553.00 14,911.00 51,582.30 1,500.00 30 - 45 da� Road Machinery Clark & Supplies 3I05 62,308.00 4,000.00 58,308.00 3,000.00 30 - 45 da� *Also incZuded in the bid from Ziegler was a proposaZ on a total cost bid concept for the same machine as bid on straight purchase, was as follows: TotaZ Bid $70,502.00 Less Trade I2,969.00 Net Bid 57,533.00 Guaranteed Maint. 5 yrs. 2,500.00 Guaranteed Re- purchase,5 yrs. 54,933.00 Tota1 Cost Bid: 5,100.00 (see Memo attached) REMARKS Bid Bond Bid Bond Bid Bond None Bid Bond Bid Bond Bid Bond 4 Whee1 Steerinq The above option was not asked for in our specifications: It was determined by our staff that because we keep a machine of this type 20 years, plus,that we couZd gain nothing by this option. It is the contention of Ziegler that there is no added cost to go for this type of bid. I contend that the costs are hidden in the base cost of the machine. If you note that the three articulated machines cost as follows hase price: Cat - $70,502.00 John Deer $64,269.00 Champion $60,114.00 A11 three machines meet, or exceed, our specs, and appear to have equal quality. I believe the above figures show what I was gettin g at in my foregoing statements. The Department of Public Works recommends that we accept the low bid on an articulated frame machine from Valley Equipment Company for the John Deer Model 670. It is the opinion of the Public Works Department that we should go to an articulated machine for the following reasons: 1. The articulated machine is the latest development in Grader Technology, because of this fact, the value of the machine at trade tirRe should be better; 2. Because of the added manuverability we wi11 be able to save considerable time in clearing the Ma11; 3.The added cost of articulation, $3,387.00, amounts to $169.00/year for the 20 plus years life of the machine. We gain this back many times in a better snow removaZ job in a shorter time. The above concZusions were arrived at after much research and many derranstra- tions by Ev Beecher, PubZic Works Operations Director, Verlyn Sletten, Street Superintendent, Cliff Robinson, Heavy Equipment Operator and William Picha, Chief Mechanic. Thank you for your consideration of this request - Respectfully submitted, 1� Ev Beecher Public Works Operations Director EB:dmj 10-15-76 (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE OF BIDS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF STATE AID AND CITY STREETS AND WATERMAIN 132-352-02 132-353-03 76:01-OS MINN R-46 SEALED BIDS will be received by the City Manager at the City Hall, Hopkins Minnesota, until Thursday, October 14, 1976, at 10:00 A.M., local time, and then and there opened and publicly read, and as soon as possible thereafter, award of a contract will be made by the City for the above work: ].500 feet curb and gutter 10500 sq. ft. walk 2000 ton bituminous mix 400 ln. ft. watermain Plans, specifications and further details are available at the office of the City Engineer. Each bid must be accompanied by a Cashier's Check, Certified Check, or Standard Bidder's Bond written by a corporate surety certified by the Minnesota State Insurance Commission, at ten percent (10�) of the total bid price, payable to the City of Hopkins, as a guarantee that the bidder will, if successful, promptly execute a satisfactory contract for the faithful performance of the work covered by this speci- fication. The successful bidder must, within ten (10) days after his bid is accepted, execute a contract and bond for one hundred percent (100$) of the full amount of the bid and guaranteeing for one year the entire project free of defective workmanship and material. Upon the award of the contract the checks or bidder's bonds of the unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them, and upon the filing of the contract and performance bond, the check or bid bond of the successful bidder shall be returned to him. The City provides proposal forms which are to be used. Each proposal must be plainly marked, "PROPOSAL FOR THE FURNISHING OF LABOR, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR THE INSTALLATION OF STATE AID AND CITY STREETS AND WATERMAIN" and addressed to the City of Hopkins. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts thereof. Any incomplete bid will be rejected. In case of default the City may have the work done by others, and hold the original bidder or contractor liable for increased costs. CITY OF HOPKINS � � �� ���� � Peter G. Cotton, City Manager To be published in the HOPKINS SUN, September 29, 1976 To be published in the CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN, October 1, 1976. ... ._.... . ...s ...: .. .: ....._ ,_. �� ,-� CITY OF NOFKINS PROJECT 132-353-02 132-353-03 Mir?�r R-46 CITY 76-01-08 TABULATION OF BIDS ESTIMATF.D SPEC. NO. ITEbI UNIT LTANTITIES ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE NniT.VALLEY SURFACING BURY & CARLSOI 210�.502 2102.507 2104.501 2104.503 2105.501 2331.504 2331.510 2341. 504 2341.508 2341. 510 2357.502 2503.511 2506.508 2506.509 2506.516 2506.521 2521.501 2531.501 2531.507 2545.523 2575.505 2611.4 A 2611. 4 A • 2611. 4 A 2611.4 B 2611.4 B 2611. 4 E 2611. 4 I Clear Trees Grub Trees Remove Curb Remove Walk or Drive Common Excavation Bit. Mat. for Mix Binder Course Mix Bit. Mat. for Mix Wearing Course Mix Binder Course Mix Bit. Mat. for Tack Coat 12" R.C.P. Sewer C1. 4 Construct Manhole Construct Catch Basins Casting Assemblies Install Castings 4" Concrete Walk Concrete C & G B6-18 6" Concrete Driveway 2" Non Metallic Conduit Sodding 6" Ductile Iron Pipe 8" Ductile Iron Pipe 12" Ductile Iron Pipe 6" Gate Valve 8" Gate Valve 6" Hydrant Cast Iron Fittings Concrete Saw Cut Remove Hydrant Remove Catch Basin Tree Tree Ln.Ft. Sq.Ft. Cu.Yd. Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Gal. Ln.Ft. Ea. Ea. Ea. Ea. Sq.Ft. Ln.Ft. Sq.Yd. Ln.Ft. Sq.Yd; Ln.Ft. Ln.Ft. Ln.Ft. Ea. Ea. Ea. Lb. Ln.Ft. Ea. Ea. 6 8 1540 10895 1390 87 1925 57 549 549 455 185 3 11 17 17 10470 1560 123 1490 870 50 22 332 2 4 2 905 135 3 6 50.00 50.00 .40 .25 2.50 75.00 7.50 75.00 8.00 . 7.50 .75 12.00 300.00 200.00 150.00 35.00 1.00 ' 3.50 15.00 1.50 1.25 10.00 12.00 20.00 200.00 280.00 800.00 1.00 1.00 100.00 50.00 300.00 400.00 616.00 2,723.75 � 3,475.00 � 6,525.00 14,437.50 4,275.00 4,392.00 4,117 . 5 0 341.25 2,220.00 900.00 2,200.00 2,550.00 595.00 10,470.00 5,460.00 1,845.00 2,235.00 1,087.50 500.00 264.00 6,640.00 400.00 1,120.00 1,600.00 905.00 135.00 300.00 300.00 * C�cted Total . Total $83,329.50 En��:.aor �ecommends low bid of � • - 11�, � �r,:'1 7 :... n..,...r..:.. � ._ _.: � . . . 50.00 75.00 � 1.00 .20 2.00 65.00 6.50 65.00 7.00 7.00 .50 12.50 330.00 200.00 125.00 50.00 1.00 3.60 11.50 1.70 1.50 12.00 15.00 17.00 215.00 265.00 600.00 1.00 1.50 250.00 40.00 300.00 600.00 1,540.00 2,179.00 2,780.00 5,655.00 12,512.50 3,705.00 3,843.00 3,843.00 227.50 2,312.50 990.00 2,200.00 2,125.00 850.00 10,470.00 5,616.00 1,414.50 2,533.00 1,305.00 600.00 330.00 5,644.00 430.00 1,060.00 1,200.00 905.00 202.50 750.00 240.00 $78,362.50 . , , 33.00 19E 50.00 40C .33 50£ .21 2,287 2.60 3,619 67.00 5,829 9:8� � 18,889 67.00 3,819 9.17 5,039 9.17 �,� 5,039 .50 � i 227 13.00 + 2,405 343.00 � 1,029 208.00 2,288 140.00 8,380 50.00 ' 850 .91 9,527 3.62 5,647 12.00 1,537 1.75 2,607 1.55 1,348 12.50 625 15.50 341 17.70 5,876 225.00 450 275.00 1,100 625.00 1,250 1.04 941 1.50 202 260.00 780 42.00 252 $87.275. � � rARLSON zNC. NORTHAiEST EiITUMINOUS CO. HARDRIVES INC. C.S. McCROSSON INC. ARNOLD BECKMAN INC. H.J.A. CONSTRUCTION C 75.00 75.00 1.20 .22 2.50 70.00 8.75 70.00 9.00 9.00 .80 14.00 350.00 220.00 150.00 65.00 1. 05 3. 75 12.00 2.00 1.50 12.00 15.Q0 18.00 215.00 265. 00 600.00 1. 00 2.00 250,00 50.00 450.00 600.00 1,.848.00 2,396.90 3,475.00 6,090.00 16., 843. 75 3,990.00 4,941.00 4,941.00 364.00 2,590.00 1,050.00. 2,420.00 2,550.00 1,105.00 10,993.50 5,850.00 1,476.00 2,980.00 1,305.00 600.00 330.00 5,976.00 430.00 1,060.00 1,200.00 905.00 270.00 750.00 300.00 $90,080.15 137.00 55.00 1.00 .60 2.25 72.00 7.73 72.00 7.87 7.87 .60 13.75 360.00 225.00 155.00 45.00 1.08 4.00 12.65 1.90 1.65 13.20 16.50 18.70 240.00 300.00 650.00 1.10 1.65 275.00 45.00 822.00 440.00 1,540.�0 6,537.00 3,127.50 6,264.00 14,880.25 4,104.00 4,320.63 4,320.63 273.00 2,543.75 1,080.00 2,475.00 2,635.00 765.00 11,307.60 6,240.00 1,555.95 2,831.00 1,435.50 660.00 363.00 6,208.40 480.00 1,200.00 1,300.00 995.50 222.75 825.00 270.00 $92,022.46 150.00 60.00 1.00 .30 3.00 70.00 7.25 70.00 8.00 8. 00 1.00 12.00 600.00 400.00 200.00 50. 00 1.08 4.00 12.65 2.30 1.65 12.00 14.00 16.00 225.00 300.00 650.00 1.00 2.00 300.00 200.00 900.00 480.00 1,540.00 3,268.50 4,170.00 6,090.00 13,956.25 3,990.00 4,392.00 4,392.00 455.00 2,220.00 1,800.00 4,400.00 3,400.00 850.00 11,307.60 6,240.00 1,555.95 3,427.00 1,435.50 600.00 308.00 5,312.00 450.00 1,200.00 1,300.00 905.00 270.00 900.00 1,200.00 $92,714.80 75.00 75.00 2.00 .58 7.50 72.00 7.73 72.00 7.87 7.87 .60 12.50 330.00 200.00 132.00 50.00 1.10 3.50 15.00 1.70 1.50 12.00 15.00 17.00 215.00 265.00 600.00 1.00 1.50 250.00 40.00 450.00 600.00. 3,080.Q0 6,319.10 10,425.00 6,264.00 14,880.25 4,104.00 4,320.63 4,320.63 273.00 2,312.50 990.00 2,200.00 2,244.00 850.00 11,517.00 5,460.00 1,845.00 2,533.00 1,305.00 600.00 330.00 5,644.00 430.00 1,060.00 1,200.00 905.00 202.50 750.00 240.00 $97,654.61 100.00 � 100.00 � 1.30 ' ' .20 I; 2.50 "' ' 65.00 8.00 � 65.00 ' 9.00 8.00 .50 � 12.00 ' ' 550. 00 300,00 125.00 � `50.00 1.40 ' 3.90 "' 15.00 2.50 1.70 ' 76.00 28.00 20.00 ' 300.00 400.00 ' 700.00 10.00 ' 2.00 ' 200.00 , 75.00 � � 600.00 800.00 2,002.00 2,179.00 3,475.00* 5,655.00 15,400.00 3,705.00 4,941.00 4,392.00 227.50 2,220.00 1,650.00 30300.00 2,125.00 850.00 14,658.00 E,084.00 1,845.00 3,725.00 1,479.00 1,300.00 616.00 6,640.00 600.00 1,600.00 1,400.00 9,050.00 270.00 600°00 450.00 iO3,838.50* ; 4. i Form NgID 2523 (5-76) 0 R E S 0 L U T I 0 N S.P. 2706-117 (7=12) Fed . Pro j. S. F. - 76-2544 At a(regular)(�}���) meeting of the City Council of the City of Hopkins , duly held on the �9� day of october , 19 76 , the follawing Resolution was offered by Mr. Milbert , Councilman ; seconded by Mr. McDonald , Councilman ; to wit: WI�REAS, the Commissioner of Highways for the State of Minnesota has caused to be prepared: plans, special provisions and specifications for the improvement of Trunk Highway No. 12 , renumbered as Trunk Highway No. �, within the corporate limits of the City of Honkins , from the West Corp. Limits to East Corp. Limits �x ; and, WHEREAS, said plans are on file in the Office of the Department of Highways, St. Paul, Minne- sota; being marked, labeled and identified as: S.P. 2706-117 (7=12) ; and, WI�REAS, said special provisions are on file in the Office of the Department of Highways, St. Paul, Minnesota; being marked, labeled and identified as: S.P. 2706-117 (7=12) , and which, together with, the Minnesota Department of Highways Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, dated January 1, 1972, as amended by Minnesota Department of Highways Supple- mental Specifications for Highway Construction, dated April 1, 1976, will govern, and which Are on file in the ofrice of the Commissioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for _aid improvement of Trunk Highway No. 12 , renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 7 ; and, WHEREAS, copies of said plans and special provisions as so marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the Office of the City Clerk; and, WI�REAS, the term, said plans and special provisions, as hereinafter used in the body of this Resolution will be deemed and intended to mean, refer to and incorporate the plans and special provisions in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described; and, WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Highways desires in the interest of public safety that any and all parking of vehicles, if such parking is permitted within the corporate limits of the City of Hopkins , on said Trunk Highway Noo 12 , renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 7 , -�•ill be parallel with the curb adjacent to the highway and will be at least 20 feet from any .:rosswalk. Page 1 of 2 Pages. - a [�orm M11D 2523 (6-74) NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said plans and special provisions for the improvement of �nk Highway No. 12 , renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 7 , wiehin the corporate limits of the City of xogkins , be and hereby are approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Hopkins does hereby agree to requirc the parking of all vehicles, if.such parking is permitted within the corporate limits of s.sid City, on said Trunk Highway No. 12 , renumbered Trunk Highway No. 7 , will be parallel with the curb adjacent to t�e highway, and at least 20 feet from any crosswalks on all public streets intersecting said trunk highway. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the elevations and grades as. showm in said plans and special provisions are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to any and all changes in grade :asioned by the construction of Trunk Highway No. i� , renumbered Trunk Highway l�o. � , in accordance wit� said plans and special provisions. Upon the call of the roll, the following 5 people voted in fav�r of the Resolution• Counciliraen McDonald, 1Nilbert, Slaton, Pokorny and Mayor Mi11er: i and, the following � voted against the adoption of the Resolut�on: whereupon the mayor and/or the presiding officer decl� 1ate1• October 1�, 1� 76 � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF Hennepin ) ss. ) CITR OF Hopkins ) ion�dogted. � _ � � . Mayor i Jerre A. Mi1Zer � � ;` Attest :'� i-� eter G. Cotton 1s�YC�1(�k�'g�7( City Menager I do hereby certifq that at a(regular}(special) meeting (of which due and legal notice was given) of the City Council of the City of _ u^�kinc � Minneaota, oa the I 9th day of october , 19�_; at which a majority of the members of said Council were present, the foregoing Resolution was adopted. Given under my haad and seal �h�s 20th day of october � 9 76 . �.. � o o y . o s n, � e u p � City Clerk Page 2 of 2 Pages. SRAT• _ . _ ) .:� _ .,._:: _ - �. , � . . � 17 � � g � � �4 � I� 6 y, � - -'sc.t7. .:a3•?_ .t � . 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J � � , ' ; : ` ` .:., .. � � . /�'� ,� ' ' ' ' � . . . � �" � ; � � � �,�, •� a' t ,�, • � � ,t�•�` . z �� , : , ,! , �' �1 • �,,� � : i ` 3� ��Y ,,,,, , ' ! , J".- -�+_, - r . . � : .� ! � ' Ic7—��—%L A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, November 2, 1976, at 7:30 p.m.,in the Council Chambers in the City HaZ1. Present were Mayor Mi11er, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, Pokorny and Slaton, also, City - Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Operations Director Beecher, Building Inspector Kohnen and City Attorney Vesely. Ree1 205 Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the three (3) Side 2 items under the CONSENT CALENDAR be approved with the exception of the license 4- request by FAMILY FUN- CENTER, for 3 Mechancial Amusement Devices, which Council will discuss Zater in the meeting. 1. Minutes of the October 19, Z976, Covncil meetinq. 2. Additional I976 Zicense applications: AUCTIONEER, Walter L. Petricka, one day; P. & D MECHANICAL CONT. CO., Install Gas & Oil Burners. 3. Request from Northern States Power Co., for permit to install underground power lines to serve property at 715, 719 - 9th Avenue South. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald,yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. * � * * * * * * * * * * � * Action: Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that expenditures dated -.39 November 2, 1976, under Warrant No. 485, in the amount of $13,495.85, and under Warrant No. 486, in the amount of $67,I72.57, be approved and authorized for payment. A poll of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDona.Zd, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried un- animously. Item: 76-002-Z. Recommendation from Zoning & Planning for Council denial of the re- 39- zoning reguest by Rudy Luther for property located at the northeast corner of Blake Road and Excelsior Avenue from R-4 to B-3b, continued from the October 5, 1976, Council meeting. At this time, Mr. Harvey, representing Mr. Luther, addressed, the Council and informed them that Mr. Luther had withdrawn his request for rezoning of this property. Action: Mr. Pokorny moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the above item then -48 be tab.Zed. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-77-L. Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Council 50-91 approve the recomm�ndation of Mayor Miller to retain the servi ces of Rieke-Carroll-Mu1ler, as the Consultants to make a Parking Study for the Oit� and that a timetable of 180 days, or 1ess, be included in the contract to present their proposals to the Council. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-353-R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that Council 91-146 approve the recommendation from the Engineering Department for the installtion of the following traffic control signs: 1. Stop Sign - northbound - 2nd A venue So., at 7th St. So. 2. Stop Sign - westbound - 7th St. So., at 2nd Avenue So. 3. YieZd Sign - westbound to northbound - 7th St. So. on 2nd Avenue So. - Right Turn Lane Only. 4. No Parking - north side of Second St. So., 6th to 8th. A po1.Z of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-354-A. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the �tion, that Council 146-I56 approve the appointments by Mayor Mi1Zer of Mr. Fred Eaves, to fill out the unexpired term of Henry Pokorny on the HRA Comrnission, and Mrs. Carol Ro�sner to a two year term on the Recreation Commission. A pMoZI of the vote was as fol.Zows: Mr. Pokorn�, yea�. Dr. Slat�n �ea; r. Milbert,yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. ot'i carried unanimousZy. Minutes of the Nover2ber 2, 1976, Council meeting, cont. Page 2. Item: 76-355-A. Mr. Pokorny moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that Council 156-165 approve the Mayor's appointment of Councilman McDonald, City Manager Cotton, and Mayor Mi11er, to represent the City on the Joint Committee on the School Study Group to study the future use of the South Junior High School. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. Item: 76-357-A. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that Council .I65-200 authorize the City Manager to sign the Land Fi11 Agreement between the City and Norman T. Berglund Construction and A.B.J. Enterprises, Inc. A Ao11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously . Item: 67-356-Z. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the 200-708 County's P1an to improve County Road #3 fronr 800 feet east of BZake Road to 500 feet west of Louisiana Avenue, be approved, with the ex- ception of the south bus bay, and eliminate the Ieft turn channeZization for westbound traffic at Hawthorne, Homedale and Interlachen Roads. A po1Z of the vote was as foZZows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, nay; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried. Action: Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the request by 708- FAMILY FUN CENTER, for 3 Mechanical Devices, be approved. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDona.Id, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. (Note: Dr. SZaton had left the meeting before this item was acfed upon.) Action: Mr. McDonaZd moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the rre�tion, that the meeting -826 be adjourned. A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Pokorny,yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un- animousZy. m Dorothy M. Joh�ison, Se�c�etary to the Council �@b�NCI�MEN: ' �/ / . ..� _._. � ATTEST : � --- �;' �L � . � �. C � �' �-��_.�, ;�, _ ; Jerre A. Mi.ZZer, Ma�or (Official Publication) PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the testing of the Computer for tabulating of the votes of the GENERAL ELECTION, November 2, 1976, to be heZd in the City of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, wi11 be held on October 29, 1976, at 2:00 p.m., at the City HaIZ, 1010 First Street South, Hopkins, Minnesota. The test will be open to representatives of both political parties, the press and the pubZic. CITY OF HOPKINS H. E. RiChardson City Clerk Published in the HOPKINS SUN, October 26, 1976. (Official Publication) PUBLIC NOTICE LOCATION OF COUNTING CENTER FOR GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 2, 1976. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the bal2ots cast in the City of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, wiZ1 be counted at the City Ha11 - 1010 First Street South - Hopkins, Minnesota, following the closing of the polls at 8:00 p.m., November 2, 1976. CITY OF HOPKINS H. E. Richardson City Clerk Published in the HOPKINS SUN, October 26, 1976. Published in the MINNEAPOLIS STAR & TRIBUNE, November Z, 1976. �� cL�n�.r�nL ri,�,r�rzoN NovLr-��t 2, �97G Il�.N.ii.� � ���d`:,� ha�i.��� � � p,u,• ! ;,r �� RlPU1iT 7Yf'L: �"� lUh4ULATIVE. rJ f'ItECINCT • cur�n�r�n�rlvL VOT I NG POSITION Pre�ident &��. P. �'ote One Group � F01iD !'.'s,?D DOIr Ind. I'.ep. 4 C1�RT�R & i•i0;1I�•aIr Dem. Far. Labor 5 CAI��JO & I'wID Soc. ',Jkrs Party 6 1L�C BRID� R BF°GI�'�PdD Lib P�rt HALI� Pc 1'YI���:.R Cor-�munist US�i 8 VEN &: BLOi�'Li•I Ind. G�v't 9 ,D�tSOi� & SH:ICK�FO�.L' American 10 I�iC C�IRTFY �: 5'P�IIv' P�1cCarth,y ' 76 Prin. 11 Ik ROJCIiL & i.VAIJS Int. Devel. B�: 12 'L�IDLa�ii, ic EiZTSB'L:�1 Soc. 13 Z•1RIGHT £� SPOCi: Peoples lk U. S. Senator Vote for One SPi.i�RY D.Zi' � Rc�n H1TB�:�T H. HUP•�L�HRL'Y DE�, . Far. Labor 22 BILL P�T�?Si T�� Soc. .�fkrs ?art� 21� ROBT.r! T: '-_'I�,T.',�:� Lib Party 26 ��U�T�' SA�TOI,� Comnunist 28I PAJi, Hi,LI. tlr.���rican 30 Repo in C��n�ress ?rd nist. Vote i'or Or:e ! B1LL I'F?EcdZLL Ind. tep. 32I JLROi�� :•l. COUGHLIi1 Dem. Far. LaQor 31,. ' CLIFFORD Ce I��iTr:IAS Am. Part,y Pet. 36 �ator in Le�. Dist. 1�0 L'ote for Cne � .,ci�� KLL� Ird. Rep. L;0 ' ,3Ii�I S.�`�� Ind. 1�2 ! Rep. in Le;;. I:OB Vote for Onc JI�.RP�Y iudIC: L�.�OCI�R Ino e�?ep. >2 KITTY AT_�0�1'T Dem. rar. Ix�bor ;:: T�� ,� HirhT�;<xy �3or.ds w Use of :•Ioi,or 1�UC,_ l�%��pJ SFiAL;� ART XIV COi�TST. b� amenci. YES 61� ' � rao bb t,n � : it� .. in Henn. Co. t•'funicipal• .0 it� AI,D:•SCEIT ��.,;�,IJ��LD "�3ILL CRQ�IL��.`_C J?t $7 �-"ERT }i. "CIiIJ[�'�CfIL2 a9-- c� Ju�:i;:i.cr: 5�.lprcme Cmar. t Vote fbr (T.��e RC)�3=?RT J. :�E1isP.r1*J 9$ j�l� herc�l�y r.eri,a.fy tFie ahove t� �� Si�n• �''�,�L�� P �,��.._ 1� ��. n ' ��-�, em. '. 1 �2z,t i . � __ • _ � �'OTING VOTES/BALIOTS �ERCENTAGE POSITICN CAST CS i3 ? 1 3 4 :►05� 4? .5 1 5 425d 49 .9 ti ? 00 7 1 5 .1 a 4 .G y 1 _, . � : . 1 0 3 0 •3 1 l 1� 5 1' �.� 1 2 2 .0 1 ;-. 2 .� 1 4 4 .0 20 22 1 5 26 .G 1 %2 �`�>ti98 06 .9 �4 '�11 .1 >0 2$ .3 2 � a .o 30 �57 v .,> 32 54G4 6? ol 1 %4 2�i 1 �, 3C o? 35 1'��• � er, 40 .54�? (i9 .4 1 42 23;;� 30. .� ; 2 4�07 �� .? i �4 3y24 47 ,� i� 4 i�1 �4 4 µ�I o J � t�6 431� 5> �o ?y 290� G2 .� 1 a 1 3y�30 5? .�a �sS 3$99 57 .2' 1 ti5 290? 42 07 c;? 236? 35 .h 1 d9 431b G4 .5 9Et 5300 10O . 1 1!71 4992 1U0. 1 TO BE ELECTf.D .. �- �� IF�.��� ���11 V L.� u~vl����� Panc �ul �_ ELEC710N: RCf'ORT IYPE: �� CUnnULnfIVE (J PRFCINGT c�nn�r;�i, rT, �.cTzonr c�r� �ur.�nl�zv� NOV�;�IL'L:t 2, 1976 VOTING VOTING VOTESiC�A�LOTS VERCENTAGE TO BE POSITION POSITION CAST ELECTED Jud�e 17i�t. Court l�th. Dist. Vote for Onc : BRUCL C. STOi•?� • 1.01 1'� 4 4 r.; S� 2 1 0 7. 1 ' . Jud e Dist. Court lth.Dist. Vote for One. . A. P�LUL LOi•IIII;?1 107 1�J 7 4 t3 3 2 1 0 G. 1 Jud �e Dist. C�urt l th I7ist V t DOUGLr1S Ii. A;�I��1FiL 110 l 1:) 4 y 5 4 1 0 0, 1 - Judr-e D7.St C�t t�� n PATR7CIt l•I. FIT7,Gr�'Z11LD 11 1 1 3 5 0 4 1 1 0 0. � .. Jud �e I)i.st. Cour� th. I}ist. Vote for Chze � SUSAA�J� C. S�,DG:IICK 11 1.1 'I 7 1 1 4 1 t� 0, i Jud�•e Dist C��urt 1 th I}ist V JOPJ�ITH�'1Td L��,B��OFF 120 1 2 0 4� 2�i 1 0 0. 1 d•c Dist. Court l.th. Dist Voi;e for One nliL��V OI� S' 1 23 4440 100 • 1 Jud e Dist Court th I?ist V t � IYJiI.ALD T. B:�P�t3'r'�tU . 126 1� ti 4 9 0 7 1 U 0� . 1 Jud �e Dist. Court l�th. .Dist. Vote for One LIIJDSAY G. ARTFiUR 12 1'> )� 4? 3 2. 1 0 0. 1 u • e I��i� � � A�IL�1 PII�Y 135 5093 100 . 1 JudPe I��Sunici al Cour•t Vote for One ' � DF,LIIy'� F. PILRCF, 13g ��� 4 4 3 2 1 0 0. 1 Jud�;e t�funicip�31 Court Vote for One • �D� ' �L�T'1r�Tr� >>� 1�+ 1 4 4 0 1 1 0 � . 1 n r_ +� ` rl D:al`�1L'�ii� �s �i!�LI�.Z' 1`It• � �1 �4 �i �i � l� • � Q Q • � Jud�c i��unici�:l Court VoLe f'or One ° ;.` PETF.R J. LIr1D�3L: G 1! � 4 7 ;; 3 2�• 1. 0 0. 1 n '�ra C �T e -tRY POOL ll � 4 y ---4 3 0 5 1 0�. 1 _T.:1-� ' � A � I'�1ARIi OI;i•d I'OZ1�'�R 1� 1 4 3 3�s 1 C l9 . 1 �2c � — �'� '.' � /'c• ' � �, 'i '' •�- !/ {� .. . � ' �. !_. n . 'd � ,�' � �u�� � _/7 • �.;, _ �/. /=� — , - , _ � � �" '� � + �•' , �� � / ? �' i l ' .0 ��. r, r� �"),-cc._ /� , -� ��-WI ! �f/G � a� � -- �� � � i ' ��/ '' f" �, � / "%i . �� ..�GG - C�� ? % /�^ / i .I� A', jY vLa�.-r�l. �,.-c� l��L ��/: — / r� i � L !,' L� :/ l� .L i /, f �� / �a •f ✓ �t � ��% % /, �,rf .�„•� .�/ ' � . • .o e : -� -_ — ,� . .� � � � �� n i � . '�-/��� �'\ C) '2_ �' � 1 � •C \ f� .\ � . �; �T %� � �, i,, .�..,�.-. ��-r � - r .---.�-- ,i' ,�; .�::. ��.�:c��'�����.�� w����� ��� P.,v�. ! �► ��. ECECT.ION:`' ItIPOItT TYPE: [� IIIMULATIVE ,�_� I'ItCCINCf � . I cL�ar:RAL I;l.r�:c�rzorl cur�vLn�rzvL I NovLr-n��t 2, 197G . �� VOT 1 NG POSIT I ON Number of F�a].].ots C President & ��. P. �'ote One Grou FOt�D A_dD DOI� Ind. i?e . CART�R & i�i0;1�:'�LL Dem. Far. Labor 51 CAI�,�JO & PwID Soc. '��kr� Party. 6 M:1C BRID� & 3FRGI�'�idD Lib Part HALL lc TYI���r p� . Cor�-nunist USii 8 'VE?�I & BI,O���•1 Ind. Gov't ;ULRSOi1 �: SH:'�CiC�FO�.D American 10 t��IC C1IRTHY �: STLIi�d P�IcCarthy ' 7ti Prin. 11 Lr► RO'JCIiL & LVAITS Int. Devel. Bk 12 'L�Illli;i� dc I3iZTSE�i;ti Soc. 13 i•IRIGHT £c SPCCI{ Peoples 11� U. S. Senator 1'ote for One T�RFY I�:L�i' �� � R n Hl1B�?.T H. HU?���LpH�.i'Y DE�. Far. Labor 22 BILL P �i ��i.�Ci•T Soc. ,lkrs ?artt 21� !?OB71�] � ''�:IL73�:? Lib. Part� ?..6 I�uiTT SAtirOL,� Com�unist 28 PAUi. I-{i�Li4 Ac,��rican 30 I�e a in Cori .r�:ss �rci Dist. Vote for Qr.e ! IiILL I'�Ec17�L Ind. Pe . 2� JLROI�� ;•�. COUGHLIi�I De�. Far. Labor 3l�' CLIFFO:tD C. !�.'1Tr?IAS Am. Part Pet. 36 ' �ator in Le�. Dist. !�0 'v'ote for Cne _`�Hi� KE:�� Ir.d. Ren. 40' JI:�3 SHA�7 Ind. l ! Rep. in Le;;. 1�OB Vote f.or One J�RPY fC;dI�?;L�.�OCI�R Ind e RP,D• 2 YITTY ALC�TT Dem. Far. Labor 51; . Hi�-}?T•ray LJI:CIS �: Use of I•.otor :�e'_ Taxes SHALU ART YIV COidSTo b� ame:�d. YUS bl� rao 66 J Jtiid,s;e in Henn. Co. I•tunicipal.Ct Vote Gne t[. FrTLR AI,B:LT'CE iT 83 ,,........ „ ,,,,. ,. .. ,. ,... . t7r ,I,�RD "13iLL CRO:'Iu��`_C J!�. 87 _ �'� � iT fi. SCf IUI�'J1Clils'Ft _ F3� _ ef Ju:;i;:i.c�� �unrerne C��irt Vute i'or �:��e RC)?3�?R'!' J. ;:;E(i;I�.A�J gF . ��1e herc�}� ccri;ifv the ahove i;ot:ils ar� Si�;n •��'�, z ��. � � �.; .�]_!;n ' , ��L c-s � . � _r.l;r_�r• .. � .. - VOTING POSITION Cf VOTES/BALLOTSIpERCENTAGE CASI' E�713 4 405� 4? .5 1 5. 425d 49 09 ti 7 .0 7 1 5 .1 c� 4 . G 9 1 ., � p , . . 1 0 3 0 .3 1 1 1�5 l� e3 1 2 2 .0 1 J 2 •v 1 4 4 .0 20 � 22 1 5 2ti .0 1 32 �`•�ti�o 06 .9 24 ' 1 1 al ' 20 2$ T o. 2 b 4 .0 30 �57 � „5 32 ° 54G4 fi? oJ 1 34 241�, 3C.� 3;; 1. 3� 1. t, 40 .�42? �9 04 i 42 2s;;y 3Q .� �2 4357 '�2 .7 i �4 39�4. 47 .? �4 :444 44 03 1 t�6 4325 55 eo 79 2905 42 .� 1 a� 3,�30 �7.�� �sS 3$99 5? .2' 1 ri5 290? 4 2 07 �? 2367 35..�► 1 09 4316 G4 .5 - 9i� 5;U0 100 . 1 1!) 1 4982 1 U0 e 1 . . �, -F . . , . . �. . -. : . .. . �� : .. . ' . - . . � . . , . . : - - .. � . , . � '� �. . . . .....: .... .. . . ' . , � . . ��������� ��t����9�TS o,a� .���_.�.._ [CEC710N: RLNURT 11'PC: �) CUMU�hTIV[ (J P12ECINCT G�I�TCi`,J1I, L;T.,1?CTION C11' �liIJ1TNL : NOv�f�IUL1Z z, 197G VOTING VOTING VOTES.�UALLOTS pERCENTAGE TO BE POSITION POSITION CAST ELECTED Jud�e ]7i�t. Court l,.th. Di�t. Vote for One ._ IIRUG� C. STOi�?� . 1.01 � �J l+ 4�; 9� 1 4 �. 1 Jud e Dist. Cour�;lth.Dist. Vote for One _ 7l. P►UL LOI•fi�IrP1 107 1�J 7 4 t3 3 2 1 0 U. 1 Jud •e Dist. Coiirt I th Dist V t r .. DOUGIJIS K. �,•I�1IIL ].10 i 1'J 4 y 5 G 1 0 0. 1 JudRe Dist C �1 ��a ' PATItICIC l�l. FIT7G?�,?,�1�D 11 i 1 3 � 0 4 1 1 0 0. 1 Jud -e I7ist. Cour� � �h. I}ist. Vote for One SUSANNL C. Sr.DG:�IICK 11 1.1 `l 5 2 1 4 1 0 0. 1 Jud e Dist Court l th I7ist V JONATH.IP1 Lr=,BL'JOP'F 120 1�� 0 4 5?_ 4 1 0 0 . t id •e Dist. Court L.th. Dist. �To{;e for One .+ LF�I OI� S � 123 4440 l0U . "1. Jud e Di�t. Court th 1?ist V t � DOPIALD T. B.��P�}3�^�U . 126 1?. ti 4 9 0? 1 U 0� . 1 Jud-e Dist. Court kth. Dist. Vote for One � . LIIQDS�'.Y G. ARTHUR. 12 1'�' 9 4 7 3 2 1 0 0. 1 u e �h ' � A1EIL11 PII�Y 135 5093 100 . 1 Jud ,e I�iunici al Court Vote for One ' Di�:LII� F. � PILP�CF, 13g � 3� � 4 4 3 2 1 0 0. 1 JudFe P��anicigal Court Vote for Or.e � (�� . T1T.l,F,T 1 G 1 4 4 n � � 0 � • i �, �: � DAiu1Li�} I�a Hitl�.T l`!1�' � V� �i -�'r > i�� � Q Q � � Judge r,unicir�al CoLi: t Vote for Qne PETF.R J. LIPID�3Lt G 1 � 4 7 4 3 2�• 1 0 0. 1 D —r,T 1 e V ,RRY POOL 11 � 4 q _._4 3 b� 1 0 0 . 1 � _r;.� •� i A � �•111RY OIii�1 ]iOZIuAIC �� i 4 3 S�s 1 C� . 1 .-i `�! . � � (� ` ; . � � ,c . , ` r, `� , i._ ". ,,. 1/ /� -- �.'!_ n 'd 1 .� ),�'+ '�.t�,cw �J •r , %" ' K� — , � � 0 � J � i . .�. . - � �� � % � ' i� - .C. �� -r-, w ' ). �cL //� ��,—t � ��-r�L�.-�L �� � . � i ! , ' J� -..'t /� � /)r��" C` _ � ,,, �r...' � ,T : i'J � �i� . ,..i� l c-c `��,% / —�„ � / - � ,� - G r �, ✓� i� � � /� � ) <� •f � .' .:-� � r;� ' �.= � .. . � �- z:.._ .,...,- .✓ /_..__.T" i"-- '...._�---- _�'' ,�''.i.'_r Ja.��ir�� �i) 'z_ �� •i e � , r�_., � � �� �.�_ �lwn-� G�-�. ;: ����� ��A:� il tl1`,IL.�����V PaOo�_of_ � ION: ` : ItCI'Ultf T1'f'C: U �UAtULi111VE U 1'kfClNl'f c�vLa�n�, Lr�;c�rzora NOVI:AIl3GR 2 � 1976 VOTING VOTING VOTES/BALlOTS POSITION POSITION CAS7 �'�RCENT/�GE TO BE - , EIEGTEO , I : i � Zion Lutheran Church ll � • � � � 01 � , Number of Ballots Cast � � 1868 . . President & V. P. Vote One Grou R �1iJ �� ;�e � 4 9c� 3 52 .ci � CART�'L.R & �tO�;Dr1LE Dem. Far, Labor i � CAP•ILJO &�� IJ Soc .' 3 1 6 4 3.6 _ l�Lcrs Party b j � � MAC BRIDL Pc B�GI�i1D Lib Partv '� 7 � 7 5 2 fiALL & T�' ;�R Cor�,rmanist USA g � � • . V�d & BLOI��V I?dd. Gov�'t � � •0 ' � p 0 _'_;JD�.RSOP1 �c SN1aCICL�FOr D American 10 ��� � t�IC CARTHY & STLIid I�IcCarthv' 76 Prin.� 11 4 �2 � � � 3 � 1 .6 LA ROUCHE & LVr'�t•?S Int. Devel. Blc 12 I � 2 ZEIDLR & B?ISBci1 Soc. � •C 1 �� U 0 . �JRIGIiT & SPO�K Peo les • - . l�+ 1 4 1 . 0 Under . � 7 � Over ° U. S. 'Senator Vote for One ' � 3 .6 RRY II�'� In Re� 20 2 0 5? t� ?� � UBr?T H NU.'?'r.":�;;y re•, „ ti .� � 1 .i a r L a b o r 2 2 � 2 1 2 p 5 p 4 �� BILL PLTE:�,SO:�T Soc. l•)krs Partv 24 . RO,�IN L.. I��4ILL�,� Lib. P��rty 2n ` 4 p ,p t�ATT S�VOL�. Com�^�unist � 1 �' � .4. 2g � � -. p � PAUL Hi.LI�i American �� • 3 � 9 5 5 �p Under 2 �; ' 1 .3 Over -�_- � .3 �n �n�resS �rd n' s SJ r Or.e v�' L FR�Td7.i,L In Ren. � . J�ROP•� I•]. COUGiILI:1 Dem Far Labor 2 j` � 2 G 6 6? .7 � � 34 ;�� 44� 23�eG CLIFFORD C. i�i'�THI_lS �n. Party Pet. 3G . 36 12 � �� . : U e 1 3G ? .2 '' Over � S nat r i I,e Dist !�0 Vote for One ` '� JONN K�FE Ind. Re . � �0 4 � 1 1 6 1 6 2 01 1 JIid SI iA ti•J Ind. �� 4?_ 51? 27 .6 Under 1 8 9 1 0 � 1 . Over Ren in Lc• !OB Vote for One � •p � JERRY KPIICY.i�R�3. OCY�i..T? Ind . Re '.� 2 . - A, OTT e Far Labor 5 2 1 0 1 2 ��4 � �: __, ._. .- , r `� 4 ? 7 1 4 1 0 2 Under Over 8 5 4 ,5 }li hi•ia Bond:. & Use of 1•fotor I'ucl Tax,es � '•0 . SH'. ART. XIV C0;1�'I'. he amencl. Y�,S Gl� rro GG. �� �� 7 9� �� 2.3 � -- Undcr "`' 9 2 7 �► y.� Over 1 5 U 8.� _ 0 .0 ' We hereb certif thc abovc tot��t."; arc a t•uc and corr ct coFrf ..; . — ^...,.� _ 5i n ) �.� . � ' `�= .�-1��...,,! ,� � � ----� , " � �1 rn 4'�-�i+'�'. • i �•' � 1 1'.. l i .:.'f'.,. ......., . . _ Ji= .. . . . � .CTION: GEIJ�RAL EI.�CTION NOVEr•mLx 2, i9?6 or���nissi�r. iITH �',�1T�T KREi�:;�R �T: PET� ALB�CHT : ED�•)IN F:. CEfAP;�L1id ��_��'�"���� ��:��?�.�'S oao�_�o� � REPORT IYPE: L] CUMUL/�IIVE (J 1'NtCINCT VOTING PO51T ION rd Dist. Vote for One 79 $1 OSIT ON IVOTESC//BST LOTSIPERCENTAGE I EL C ED 1 Ct. Vote for Qne 8 �3 g5 s 5 Jud�e Henn. Co. :�Iunici�al Ct Vote for Qne � � �1ILLARD "BILL" C?O:.iL"Y JR 8 � 0 7 � �•1 =� � 8 � ., q � Under ' b Ove r Ghief Justire Su�re;�e Court Vote for One ; ROBERT J. SHi:?�.d 9g C� � Under 4 Over ; Assoc. Justice Su�reme Court Vote for One ; �l. F. ROGOSEI�h'E 101 ��; � '' Under �� � Over F-- � Judr_e IIist. Court lEth. Dist. Vote for One c *•*„ �TO:;.� Cou ,;.ra iva+ 1 �I i Under Over ':,h. . Dist. Vote For One 1_V ( � V 7 Under Over Jud^e Disb. Court l�th. Dist Vote for One DOUGLAS iC. AP�ID�HL �-10 1 1 U Under � Over '� Coiirt l t}i. I}ist. Vote for One � �� �' 7 iP.ttiT,D 11 1 1� Undcr 64G 34 .� 1 . F,lo 43 .? 403 21 .5 1 .0 • 901 4�3 .2 1 . 5d0 31 .0 3b? 20 .7 0 .0 � � y24 2s .o � . �I �. 434 5U .0 � 4 0 6 2 1 .8 2 .1 11�0 63 .1 1 b�d 36 .�; 0 0 .0 1 1 21 'ii0 .G 1 --� -Y 4 7 3 9 . 9 . 0 .0 1099 5�s :� 1 ?6y 4 1 et 0 .p 1 1C:y 5y .3 1 7>y 40 .6 0 v0 . 1098 58 .? . i ��ro 4�.2 ---- _._.__.. - 0- - •_ '0 . .. . . �.. 110G 59 .2 1 76� 40..7 0 .0 crt:i.fv thc zbo�•e i;oi;al� �re n rue .►nd cori cct copy .� � ( . �'/ - � i: . �• .�f \. L J �L Sif�n 'j � ��,�� ' -.- .._�._ �'t r � ''� � ` � � '' • _ ....._ ----�---• �- --.�___.__._ .� , . ,- ,� . , , k , � �UN: G1;;N'� L LI�1�C'PION . NovEr�r�� z, i976 l �� ������rer4'1p V 60ae��Pt4.�� ,: F�aOe_ � 'of � RIPOIIi IYPL: �� IUMUTAIIVL U"f'iICUNCT POSIT ON I OSITION IVOTEC/DS LLOTSIPERCENTAGE I EL CTED JudFe Dist. Court l�th. I1ist. Vote for One ' ' � SUSAi1h`� C. �°S'�:DG���ICK 117 1 1? 1 1 5 3 u 1 .7 1 Unde: 7 1 5 3� .2 Over 0 .0 Judge Dist. Court l�th. Dist. Vote for One � '7i�IATHl��1 L�.BLDOFF 120 1 2 0 1 0 0 4 5 3.7 1 Under t3 6 4 4 G ,2 � Over 0 ;0 Jud e I7ist. Court llth. Dist. Vote for One ALLEN OLEISiCY 12 i�� 3�- 1 0 1 1 5 4 .1 1 Under Ei 5? 4 5.8 Over . 0 .0 ud •e Dist Court 1 th I}ist Vote for One DONALD T. BARB-i.4U 126 1 2 G �t 0 7 9 5? .? 1 Un er ?c39 k2 .2 Over' 0 .0 Jud e ITist. Court L�th. I7ist. Vote for One ; LIND�AY G. 1lRiHUFi. 12 1 2> 1�J 4 9 5 5.1 -':1 Under � 1 9 4 3.� � • Over 0 .0 Jud e t�iunicinal Court Vote for one . NEIL A. RI�.�C 135 ]? �� _. 1 C 9 1 5 c3 ..4 1 Under .- :? 7 7 ., i �5 , Over �. 0 .G Tu . I•hini inzl Coiirt Vote f r One D�LIIA F. PILRCL 1£3 1: r; 1 � 0 4 5 3�07 1 Under �G4 46 .2 � � Over 0 . .0 � n A�ZOLD OD I�1D lkl 1�� 1 9 d 2 5 2 .� 1 �. Unde a d E, 4 7 . w Over . � .0 Ju e Alunicioal Court Vote for One - DANI�L R. HI�RT 11+4 1 4 4 9 9 2 5 3.1 1 � . Under 8 7 6 . 4 6 .. £3 . . . . Over p .p; YJe herc:hy ccrti.fy thc al�ove toi,al.s are r� r �;, 'l ., i. � n � - �-�,--cr� -. �, _ , ; � � t ��.��ri ....i_ .'�., � • ,� ! ( , �. : �� - and c�rrt:cl; cop,y. ` :.,: . . . , . , � ,_ ,,. _W.� .. .. ' . . . . , . . . , Y..�����`4d0 V B\�.����� Paq��of� . ,�N: RIPUHT IYPI: U CUMUTAIWE U PHkCINCT GEIJ112AL L;1.LCTION - N01T�t•m1;R z, 197G ��� VOTING VOTING VOTES/BALLOTS pERCENTAGE TO BE' POSITION VOSITION CAST ELECTED Number of Baliots Cast Judr�e i•ianici�al.Court Vote for One .�• " 1 147 Undez Over Su . Henn. Co. Soil-�later Dist l Vote One "'IRRY POOL 1��9 � 1�a 9 Under Over Su . Henn. Co. Soil-j•later Dist 2 Vote One MARK JOiN K07L4K l i �:, � Under . Over ❑ 9G� � 1 .8 1 �ay :,� .� 0 .0 991 53 .0 1 877 46 .9 0 .0 97? 52 .3 1 891 4? .G 0 .0 L 0 t,hc �bove i.oi:aJ.� to be n� i;rue and correct co � -�, ; �ii�;nY ��t . . (.�...M1 ,_c� ,, . , )^ L.i� � � '` � �' •� jp , , ,. � ELCCTIUN: G1:NLRlCL �LLCTION NOVEI�II3LR 2 � 1976 :�'����Y V . ��5..����'� - Psoe� of�� �� R[VUI2T 1YPE: U l'UMUlNI1VE (J PRECINCT, VOTING , POSITION . Harle E?o '�cins 6chool 2 2 : 02 - . 2dumb�.r of IIallots Cast 9 Ei 0 Presider.t F� V. P. Vote O:1e Group FORD A�JD DOLF. Ind. ?e�. � 4 5 4 1 5 5 .2 1 Ck.�T�.R & ii�J:3D:+L�. Der�. Far. I,abor 5 5 3? ti 3 E3 .5 CAi•�JO & Iii,ID Soc. �i::rs Part 6 � � '� t9AC BRID� �: B~.�'��I�i'I� Lib Party 7. 7 . 2 �2 . HALL & TYi`:�.t? . Cor:�^��nist liS� g .�.. . 0 .0 ' �IVE?J & BLO: �;� Ind. Gov't • 9 9' 0 .0 AIdDE�SO:� �: Si-r^C:�?:�rO�J Ar��er�can 10 � � 2 •2 NSC CaRiHY �. ST3I*1 I•?cCarth��' 6 Prin 11 >> 3 0 3.0 LA ROUCHL &�.'[�tii�:� In�. D�vel. B�c 12 1'? 0 .0 ZEIDI��. &��ISB:;:'1 Soc. 13 1 3 1 .1 lr�'tr IGHi & SPCCK Peo�les 14 1 4 . 0 .0 Under 1� 1 0 3 Over • 1 2 1 .2 . U. S. Senator Vote for One JE:�.�tY B;i�:.. � Ind. nen. 20 2 U 3 2 2 3 2 .8 1 HUB�T H. HL:-?"r?i?�l D�;^. rar. Labor 22 > 2 5 4 7 5 5.�i BILL F�T�3SOi�: �oc. :i4crs P�rty 24 2:� 4 .4 ROBI;1 E. •:I-iy:�:t ?�ib Part 26 � u 3 .3 1�1�1TT Sr1VOL'1 Corn^�unis� 2g i�� , 1 .1 PqUL HLLfri American 3� 3 0 7 2 7.3 � Under 3 Q 3 .0 Over _:_ � � � ;p. in Conrress 3rd llist. Vote for Cne :• CLL F�:�r'Z'�� Ind. Pe�. 32 3 2 5� 1 6 6.4 1 �RO,�� i�1. CO�CHLIPI D�m. Far. Labor 3l+ 3 4 2 2 0 2 2 .4 GIFFORD C. I�u1T1iZ!�S A:�. Part�� Pet. 36 3 f� 1 4 1.4 Under y ;� y �5 Over � �� �n�tor in Let�. Dist. L;0 Vote for One �Ht� }Ci;�I'i Ind. Rep. �+� 4 0 6 7? b 9 .0 1 II�! SHJ1l7 Ind. 42 ! 4 2 2 1 9 2 2.3 Underi �3 3 $ .4 Over � �� e. in Le -. /:.0 B Vote far One � E.RRY KPdICK�R�CCICER Ind. ReA. 52 5 2 > 7 U 5�:; .,'1 1 ITTY �ILCOTT Der.►. F3r. I,�zbor 5�� � 4 3 6 9 3 7 vo Undcr 3 q 3 .9 Over 2 . .2 i_ .hi•ra �3on�is &. Use of ��otor I�.ie.l T:�r.es U1T_,L r1�t'1'. XIV �O;IST. i�c amend. Y:�S � 1� � 4 3� 3 4 0.1 1 NO E�G o�, . 472 40 .1 ' Uridcr , � � j � � �� - Over �� �� 't� `, "�_ �-'.\ 7.'� ' �._ti.�, � � 'uc nnra r,� -% � , J �.�'� �! " /' J ,n. �" %�r � �`. _ , • ,: ���� � ��q d d`����6�8��� P�Oe —` of '1^ _ El[CTION: KLVURT IYI'L: u CUMULAIIV[' U PRL'UNCI C�M:fZt1L LLECTION �• I NOv�rwLH z, 1976 VOTING VOTING VOTES/BA��OTS POSITIpN POSITION �^ST PERCENTAGE TO BE ELECTED Harlcy Hoo!�ins School r of B�11ots Cast ommissioner 3rd I}ist, Vote for One - iy �;.�2 52 ..2 1 m• g � 1 2b3 �a �o � under 1 t� 3 1�, .o � Over 2 2 u e Henn Co t�:ur.i i 1 Ct Vote for O�e � � ED;IIr1 P. CIi:�P:•11:� 83 `� �' 3'� 7 3 a � 3 � � PET�t ALBR�,CHT 8 5 v y 45� 46 �..7 Under 1 � 3 1 � �� • Jud e Henn. Co. i.'uniciral Ct Vote for One � � 2 ROBERT H. SCfrU�-�CH-�? • `=7 53� �4 .0 i " r T" CpO�iT ,� 1' 8 =� Under 2 3 � � 3 .' . �.. 2 1 � 2 ?. .� � Chief Justice SuDrene Court Vote for One �' � . � ,. � . � 1�1 Ci 2 2 J 3��4 � Under 3 � � � � .5 A Over . D L usti�e Sunreme Ceurt V te for Or.e � i�l. R. ROGOSI-�;I� 101 • 1 � 1 7.7y i9 .(l � Under � Over 4`��: 4v^ ,y � Ju��e Dist. Court L;.th. �ist. Vote for Gne G •� E % C. STC:�:� . . 10! 1 :: .; �� � � � ? . ` Under � � 4 1 9 4 2� e�l. Jud e Dist. Court l:hh. Dist Voi;e fo r On er � .Q A ;.^,W. 0 ]'�T �CJ J5 1 1 Under 4 4�J 4.4 eci Over Q .0 l l 0 570 5� �� � Under 4 � � 4 � Over •� Jud e Dist. Court l�th. Dist, Vote for Qne �- •0 ,. Under � 1 � 564 �7 er. �� 41c; 4� .µ • Over Q , _ .0 "r7e hereb,y certify the above totals arc a t uc and corr�•ct copy �i[�n v1�� � �,.f ( ,�.�n � ; � � �H .�f. , . ; ; = : , _.. ,. , , :.a,� _ :.. / �~�/ f �������� 0`l.���tl. � � PaOe � ol � � rr,'' [lECT1UN: HCPUKI fYNt: U Wh1UL/111VL u PHCUNCi � , . GENLRIIL �LE;CTION Noll�rm��t z � 1976 VOTING VOTING VOTES/BALLOTS pERCENTAGE TO BE POSITION , POSITION CAST ELECTED � ifarley fioo}:ins School 2 tdumber oS Ballots Cast _r,..� �o r�; �+ r,,....+ r �►. SUSAi1i1� C E� .'.' - --- --- ---- 1 1 7 � ti 3 5�+ .4 i. � Un e 397 40 .5 � 0 .0 Jud e I7ist. Court Lth. Di�t Vote for One JONATFL4�I T�B�DO��F 120 1�� 4 9 7 � 0.7 1• ' Unde � 4b3 49 .2 0 .Q u .e • S ,r ALLEN OI� ISi{Y 123 1� i 4 3 6 4 9.5 1 Under 4 9 4 5 0.4 Over ' 0 .0 Jud e Dist. /Court I�th. Dist. Vote for One � DONALD T. E.4R���U 126 1� 5 �•. 5 5 � 5 6.� 1 � Under 4 2 2 4 3.0 Over U .0 Jud�^,e Dis�. Ccurt u�:�. Dist. Vote for O:ze LIIdDSAY G. N P�T: � 129 1� y � 4 3 � 5.4 1 Under 4 3 7 4 4 05 dver • 0 .0 Jud�e i�iunicinal Court Vote for One �r { >> 574�� �(i ..`.� 1 _ Under �"- 4 U ti h 1 .4 - . . � .0 ll('@ T��+*+' i�1 � f D:�LIL1 F. PI ���tCE 138 1 � ti 4 8 5 4 9��. �i 1 Under 4 y�. 5 0.5 � 0- er G .0 Jud�;e P�Iunicinzl Court Vate for One � ' 0. HAROLD ODLr,i�1D 1 1 1'� 1 4�;; 3 4 9 .2 1 Under 4 y; 5 0.7 Over U e0 Jud _e i4unici al Court ��ote for One � ,.. . DANI�L P. }i�tRT 11�1+ 1�: 4 4 y;;y � a .� 1 Under 4� 2 4� . 1 � - Ove r � � � 0 0 � ti�le ilereb,y ceri;if,y i;hat, thc: ,zbove toi;zl� <�rr# .� true ��nd �correct cc}ry. -i� � .`.i�n �-��i � �1 i t ��, 5i��n .7 � , _, �'�.�.�% :'� ,> E�Ecnorv:.: .. � r°�T ��• GT�1.RJ1L 1:'.I,rCTION � Novrh�l��Z � � t976. ,: .mber of Ballots Cast Co e .. . � � � P��� �s/. � -. � �+ d� � � � � �h6 Yr � � Paae��Ul— REPORT IYPE: (� CUMUlAT1YG `(� VNfCINCT POSIT ON I POSIT pN IVOTECAST �OTSIpERCENTAGE I, EL CTEO '' � � 7 w72 43 .1 1 Under 5 0 � 5 1 .Es Over • � � � ,e One 1 4:) 4 6. � 4 7 . 4 1 Under 5 � 5 S 2 � 5 Over � �� 1 � G . i>1 461 47 .G t � 5 1 y 5 2.9 fl .0 , `� � * 2�43 i , ,,:. •� V . i ! � , I _ .. I � 0 C (:7'{; I l ' Sll�r' ' h�z ,� �� (� � r� � i].f•'ll �1�..,.y �C.�_,��� _ � .✓ �' 0 � ElECT1UN: c��u:i��L L�c�i'ION NOv�t�3�tt z, 197G Citv Ha �i�..�`V•� � �.O Y V �'�ir✓� ���� PaQc � of�� , RE��ukt iri•E. U cunw���rvt U F�ucc�rvcr POS T' ON I OOS T' ON IVOTECASTIIOTSIpERCENTAGE , ivumoer �r t�a.u.ots C�st � 3 7 � Pre::ident & V. P. Vote for One Grou� FORD & Ih�LE Ir.d. ien. 4 4 5 2 5 3$ .3 1 CARTER U i:�:•1n-1,'_„ �Jem. r�r. Labor 5 ?? 3 5 6 .3 CAi��JO & i�,ID Soc. ;�Tkrs Part 6! 6 0 .0 MAC BRID� �c B��ri�1.'JD Lib. Partv � ? 2 � � HALL & TYi;�'3 lO^?:i11t11St US:'� 8 � 1 .0 -TVii`3 �: B=.O;��;�1 Ind. G��v't g 0 •0 _ .aDERS0;1 & S�1CrL�r��D }�neri�an 10 1 v {� :� MC CA�T�I'� �. STi,I?; I�:CC�.:tTaIY " 6 Prir.. � 11 1 1 2 3 1.o TA ROUCH� �: ���►idS Int. t�evel. B'.�c 12 1 2 1 .0 ZEIDLrR & B3I��'�id Soc. 13 1 3 0 .0 IGHT R SPOCK Peo�les 1 1.; 0 .�. " Under 2 4 1 ..7 Over • � � � � � U S Ser_ator Vote for One � R RR�{' �, r;; R�� 2p ? p 2 7 ti ? 0.1 1 .; HUBERT H, ui. .�T'rr??�'{ �e7. F4r. La��r 22 �'� y� 2� ti 7.3 BILL P3;TE: S^.�? Soc. ?:r:rs Fart;r 2� 2 4 2 � � ROBI�d r. �:.IT ��? L�b. i'art-t 26 �� 4 � M�TT SAVOL;� �orrTur:isZ 2g �� - 2 •- .1 PAUL fIiLI•�I Arr,erican 3p 3 � � 2 � 8�a Under 3 2 ' 2 .3 Over --_. � � �� P in Con^ress �rd. Dist. Vote for One . B �,�.. P'P�?Z:.I, I:� ci . Re n. 2 �'' ? 2? 5 3 o C 1 Ji?�Oi�� t•l. COUCIiLIi�1 De� F_r Labor 34 3:, 4 w� 3'l �e3 IrFO�:D C:�i�THIAS A;n. ParL�r Pet.. �G 3 � 2 b ��t3 � Under 1?3 1� .ti Over 2 .1 Senator in Le ,. Dist. 1,0 Vote for One JOHI� Y.�;:�i�s lr.d. Rep. � 40 E 40 �2G 6Q .2 1 ' I1� Sii4!�1 Ind. 12 4 2 3 4 0 2 4 .7 ! Under 2 0 4 1 4 ,L ` Over � .0 in Le� (0� V�tc for Onc JERRY hi1ICi:���OCi;.�:� 7nd. Rep. ' S2 � 2 6 i 0 4 4 4•, 1 KTTT7 ALCOTT Dem. Far. Labor 54 � 4 �-� ' b G 4 4�3 .4 Undcr d � 6 . o � Over � 2 . � Hi�h��tay Bo:�ds 8: U;,e of PRotor 1•l.icl 7'axes � S�i�' T• 11R'P. nN COI�ST. bc amend. YL3 61, G 4� 4 9 1 3 5.F3 1 NO G6 �� 6G0 4�i .1 • iJndcr 2 1 � 1 5 eb Ovcr . � .2 Wc hcrcby cerl:i!',y i;hc; .abovc toLa:i� arc a L. ue and corr ;ct co}7y .��, ,y .� � ' ^� � _ • .Z_ :ii��n• _ ' . L � J - �11�J � � ,. ' r,�T.., �-'-�-.. ..i_r�.. TO BE ELECTED � ._ . .. . . . . . L 0 �'r {I u � l�. iJ J � 0 1 .: :. a u . u r . . . . . .. ' : .'.. � . . . . , .. . . . . , ^y . . , - . . . . . . . . . . .. . . , . , ._ . . � � ����•��,�Y V GOL� �' 8.�� PaQa � of� CLECTIUN: Itl1'ORT TYYk: (J CUhtULn1 WC U 1'ItCCINCT GLNt:I2AL LLI;CTIOK NOVEI�II3IIt 2, 1976 VOTING VOTING VOTES/DALIOTS pERCENTAGE TO BE POSITION POSITION CAST ELECTED Number of Ballois Cast Co. Cor:1^�.issioner 3rd Dist. Vote for One 1• •� � DITH i-!4s:T DICK iu'°�:.�.� 79 $1 Under Over ?> 462 33 .0 1 . 0 1 551 40 .1 352 ?5 .E 6 .4 .. P'LT�"-t AT �:��CHT 83 d�� 5 1 3 4 1 .7 1. . ED'�]IN P: CH;'+P'.-LaPi $5 0 5 4 2 5 3 0 .9 .Under 369 26 .y •}jZT•T ARil "RTT.T." ��4,1T. ROBERT H. SC::�I;_�CH�� ChieS Justice SupreMe Court Vote Sor One Assoc. Justice Su Dis Jud�e Dist. Court DOUGLIIS K. �.i�;D1�HL Court Vote ior One 101 Under Qver D�St. Dist. Vote C�� Ove Judge Dist. Court l�th. Dist.. Vote for One PATRICK 6�J. FI`tZGi:.�l'�Lll 11 Unde Ove 4 .2 rs7 4Q2 2� 03 1. 59 591 43 .1 . 373 27 .2 ' S .3 y� ?�a2 54 .t 1 629 4`� .ts 0 . �) 101 oi3.�2 49 .7 1 G:Sy 5O •G - . 0 .0 1 �4 • 654 47 .7 1 717 5� .2 o � °o 10? G51 47 .4 1 7:.�0 �2 e� 0 .0 1 1 U bF36 5U .0 1 6�5 49 .9 0 .0. 113 712 �1 .y 1 G59 40 .0 0. .0 Y!e hereb.y certif,y that the above totals ar� true and cj�rrect co�y. 5i(;n ��� ,� -�, �`�1 � f �� � , � Si.�n � � � :, ... %..�.-.. -� w --� .— - �� ~ � � W � Y 'il � Y '� i:•� ve �✓ �.3 �•d � Pap�•._� of � EIECTION: REPOHT TYPE: (] CUMUTATIVE � PkECINCT G�N1�:RAL �I.�CTION � NOVLhmL:It 2 � i976 VOTING VOTING VOTES/�ALLO POSI110N POSITION CAST AGE - ITO DE ELECTED Number of �3allots Cast � I � Jud �.e Dist. Court 1 th. rJist. Vote for C1ne SUSAPI! L C. S�DG:+ICn 11 i� 7 7 2^ 3 2 .G 1 . Unde 6 4 S+ 4 7 .3 Ove � •0 . Jud e Dist. Court l�th. I}ist. Vote for One i "0 60G 44 .2 1 JOV.ITH�1I`I Lr?����FF I20 ` Under 765 55 .? � 0 .� ' Jud �e I1ist. Court l th. Dist. Vote for Or.� .� AI�EId OL�.ISKY 123 ; 1 2 3 5 8 5 4 2.6 1 ! Under 7�6.57.3 Over 0 .Q Jud e Dzst. Court �tti Dist Vote for On . A A � 1��� 580 49 .5 1 Under .� o�9 1 5 0 .4 � � .0 Judr'e D-is�. Court l��h. Bist �'ote for e LIPdDSAY G. APTHUR 12 ��`> h 3 9 4 6.5 1 Under 7 3 ?. 5 ; �3 Over � .0 n Jud�;e I-funici�al Court Vote for One NEIL A. RILEY 1 � �=' 7 2�. � 3 .1 1 � _. ��/i2 46 .ti ' Over _.– � .0 �:.d e I•:unicinal Court Vote for One � DLLILA F. P�RC� 1 8 �= � 5$ 4 4 2. .� 1 7 ci 7 5'1 0 4 �'J�I' 0 •0 Jud �e I�Runici:�al Cour� Vote for One 0. fi�1R07 D ODL�lI1D 7.l 1 1:� 1 5 �� %, �.7 1 Under 7ri5 57 .2 Over � U . Judge f�funicipal Court Vote for One . DANIEL R. Ht'1RT 1/ 1 4 4 � g� 4 � �y � Under 774 56 .4 ' Over . � .0 . _ ; , ' ertifv the �ibove :ii['l1 � \� �, � �►'1 i i� � , , ��'1,:,,. /,t. -� i,� , ti, ,.A_ . 3F��. - ' . �- ;, ElECT1UN: G}:M�:RJIL EL�C7'IOiV tuovLr�� z � i976 E�.C�� � a��'e9-� ������. d S P.o� � o.-. ►�. HLPUItT TYPC: (J IUMULA1Wf U.I'ItLCINCi I VOT�NG VOTING VOTES/BALLOTS �ERCCNTAGE TO BE POSITION POSITION CAST ELECTED humber of Ball�ts cast I Jud�;e :'unicz��l C�urt Vote for C�ne PET�R J. LI::D��G 1L,7 � ° � Unde� Ove r Sup. Henn. Co. Soil-l�:ater Dist 1 Vo�e for � '4RRY PO�L 11�9_ 1 `' � � Un�er! Over� Sup. Henn. Co. Soil-�•fater �ist 2 Vote One I n ;�i.�„n ' ci„ �_- � 1 � �;,�' � c�. � � :; i f'i1 � �' " �.�,.. ��� .,_ ,i. r--> _._....a..r— 1 iil Under � �?1 41 .6 1 J�0 59 .3 0 .0 572 4 1 .7 1 79� �o .2 U .0 �ci6 4.1 .2 1 t�L�S 5G .7 G .0 i 7 + 421J .: :' � � � 0 EL���'��u� �r-�:�l1L � S P.00 � o��_ [LECTION: HC{'Ulti IYPE: (J IUAtUlh11VE U {'ItCCINCT GLNI,It11L FITCTIO[� NOVLt�1E3�1i 2 � 197G • VOTING VOTING VOTCS/BALLOTS pERCENTAGE TO BE . POSITION POSITION CAST ELE6TED Katherine Curren School 4 . . � �0 4 - , 1056 � , _ P. £c P V. P f r One Gr�u� FORD & DOLis Inci. Reo. 4 4 0 6 3 8.4 1 : CARTLF'� & P:Oidatl.E De„i. Fzr. Laoor 5 ' S 9 4 5 6.2 CAA•IEJO &: R.i�,ID Soc. t��:rs Party 6 b � .� r211C � B:ZIDE & B�GI.Ai3D Lib Party 7 � � �•� � HALL £c TYi�:�3 . Cor�:nunist USA $ � . 0 .0 �VE"I ?c Bi�'..�id Ind. Cov't 9 0 •0 . AND:�:3SOPI & SELaCYL�FORD A�erican � IO � � 1 0 �.9 MC CARTHY � ST�I�3 ;'CCarth�r ' 6 Prin. 11 >> 2 � 1.�S . I.a ROUCHE ac L'��:1tdS Int. Devel. B� 12 �� � 1 .0 ZEIDT�R & BTtIS:::�•1 Soc. 1 1 3 0 �p ti1RIGFiT �: S�CK PeoDles 1 � `' � � •0 Under tt .7 Over , 1 4 1 . � U. S. Senator Vote for One '� JER�tY B� :Y.i� Ind. Re�. 20 2 G 2 1 � 1 9.� 1 NU3�?T H. iiU:��:i��Y De�. rai•. La�or 22 � z ? 3 2 G 9 .3 BILL Pi.T�'.SOi•J Soc. �•flc. s Pa: ty 24 �' �+ 3 .2 ROBIId �, !-ffLi,i:..�t Lio Part� 26 �� 3 .2 ,� ,. t�IATT SAVOJ� Comr:�unis� 28 �� 1 .0 A •� Li�I Ar�nrican 0 s C � 0 ?.� Under 1 t3 � 1 ,7 . Over - 9 .g . in Con�-ress 3rd Dist. Vote for One ~� ILL F�E?'Z��'L Ind. 3en. 2 �'� . 5 7 L 5 4 .7 1 �� '- r' LIi1 Dem Far Labor ? 4 3 5 4 3 3�.5 CLIFFORD C[-�+TI[I:1S Am. Pa:tv Pet. 6 J � � 7 �• .> Under � � �3 .9 Over 2 .1 Senator in Le. Dist 0 Vote for One � Hi1 Y.1?•�I'L T:?d. Pe�. 0 4 � 6 3 9 G�.5 1 JII�I J�"IAT7 IidD. !{2 4� 3 0 7 7 9.0 � Under 1 0 9 1 0.3 Over � �� Re in LeR. !LO B Vote ior One JrRPY KPIICY.L�DOCY�c.R Ind. Ren. 52 � 2 4 8 5 4 5.y. 1 TTY ALCOTT Den Far. T.abor i � 4 .�i 4 0 5 1 . T . � Under ? 5 2 .3 Over ^ � �5 , i,�ht•�ay Bonds fc Use �f t�iotor �cl Taxc� �,I, /1RT XIV COI1 �T. be amend. 7C�� 6/4 �� µ 3 5 5 3 3 06 1 N� vb 5►�'7 5, �c�, Under 1 1 4 1 0.7 ver � .0 IrJe hereby certil'�r t}ie abov�: i;otal� are a •ue unc curr��c c��y .�l�;n h � p. `3 i.l,n ? � i,1.-� �, i - � . � � b������ V�/ Y � �� �� � �•� � � � . pAQQ�O�. � . ElECT1oN: Itl�'ultT 11'1'E: U IUh�Ul�11V1 U 1'ItLCINC! y�, ' .. . I CLMi.EtAL LI.LCTION ' � L ° NOV�t�t 2, ���lV � VOTING VOTING VOTES/OALLOTS pERCENTAGE TO BE I POSITION POSITION CAST ELECTED i '. � Number of Ballots Cast Co. Co^�:�nissioner 3rd DICK i�RLi��r�R ote for One � • ' ' " ' 79 7�y �i91 4b .4 1 �� ;; 1 360 34 .� . � Under 2 0 3 � 9 ••- Over 2 .1 Jud e Henn. Co. t�;unici 1 Ct. Vote for One � �JI1J P. CFL� P:•1�N .. g3 u 3 s 3 4 3 1 .6 1 L� A r 8 E� 4'/ 9 4,5 .. 3 . Under 2 4 1 2 2.t3 � Over . 2 .1 ud e Henn. Co. i�tunici��1 Ct Vote for One/ ROBEP�T H. SCHU;•i�CFiF'R � 7 5 1 3 4 8 .5 1 WILLEIRD "BITL" CRTtL�.T'Y JR 89 ��' 2� 2 2 7 .o . Under 2 4 9 2 3 .5 er 2 .1 �' c� e C rt V te for One ROBE�RT J. S' C��� t1 g � � u 1 7 �;,� . 4 1 Under! 4 3 y 4 1 .> 'n I . Q � � Assoc. Justice Su reme Court Vote for One Ir�. F. ROGOSE�S:'� 101 1 r) 1 : 5' 3 � b .1 1 Under 4 6 S• •4 3.� Over - _ � °0 e Dist Court lth. Dist. Vote for One Bn�C� C. STOiJi, 104 � 0 4 ��:?? 5 4 .6 1 Under 47y 4�..3 Ovei 0 .0 'u e Dist Court th. Dist. Vote for Qr.e A PAUL LOI•u�;d 10 1��'l �7? 54 .1 1 Under 4u�+ 45 .� � ' Ove r Q • � u e Dist Court lth Dist Vote for One' DOUGLAS K. AiiDaIiL 110 1 1 � ti U G 5 f, .ti 1 Under 4 5 G 4 3.1 Over � •� Jud ,e Dist. Court 1 th.Dist. �V�te .for One PATRICK �•l. I'ITZGI:�ILD 113 '� s G 2 0 5 8 .7 ' 1 Under 4 3 ti 4 1 ..? Over 0 .0 � We herel�y certif,y the above totals arc tru ; and correc , copy , Si. m �'1�; `,.• - , i, �i��n ) ; i,.,.-y ./:�. �_..:.. ; . ' :; q .-- ____._ � __.__--- ..s�. .,> �, ..:. ..:. .. : . . ... : . . � . .. _'_"._, � �� 1'a�� Y � � Y `� .� +�,� � �..� YrwY S PrVr�_�n�� El[CTION:, RLNUIIT TYPE: (_J CUMUI.ATIVC (J f'ItICINCf � `a,'' . . � � - . , , . . . • . GL.NI�.FtJ1L �ITCI'ION f � NovLr�i a, 197� � VOTING VOTING VOTES/BALLOTS PERCENTAGE 70 BE I POSITION POSITION CAST ELECTEU Ju�-e D�st. Court tL. h• T}ist. Vote for One �� SUSAP:;�T� C. SiDG;lICK 11Z �� 7 6 0 2 5 7 •� � Unde 4 5 4 4� .y Over 0 .0 JudPe Dist. Court th. I7ist. Vote for One JO1dl1TfL1N L�F3LDOFF 120 1"? � 5 4 u 5 1 .7 1 Under � 1 0 4 d .? . Over 0 .0 Jud e Dist. Court 4th. Jist. Vote for Qne . ALI.�N OL�ISKY _ • 123 t 1 3 5 2 is 5 0 . J 1 Under 52� 50 .0 Over 0 • 0 st. Vote for One 126 t�ci 5y7 5G .5 1 Under 4 5 9 4 3 .4 Over! ' . 0 •0 st. Vote for Qne 12 � ^y 568 53 .7 1 Under G 3 8 4 G •2 � Over � 'u ,e for One 135 i�`� G20 5cs .7 1 � Under 4� 5. 4 1 .2 G .0 �e for Cne � 3� � 52o y0 .0 � T. &1:�.?:��U DELILA F. PIERC� 13g � � Under 52d 50, e�� Over � . •0 .lurire i•Iunicipal Court Vot.e for Qne JudPe tlunici�.�l DAIJI�L R. }i.�iZT cc ' ;�i ��n \-` , ;�, >>�� , , 111 1�� 1 530 �0 .1 1 lJnder � 2 ti 4 9 .� Over 0 .a ote for One i�. � 44 5�E 5e .7 �. Under 520 49 .2 Over � •� abovc 1:otals are a i;�uc ,�nd corr�t cor?y. ` i . p . . ,. . , . . . . . �15.1�..�•� d�{� b 0`06.V�4�.9 � PaVo�of EL[CTION: RCI'OI(T TYPC: U CUMUl/1TIVE U PkCCINCT. G1�.Nf:R11L I:I.i:CTION NOVL�•IDI:ft z, 1�7G VOTING VOTING VOTES/BA�LOTS ►OSITION - POSITION CAST PERCENTAGE TO BE ELECTED Katherine Curren School Number of Ballots Cast Jud:e �•tunici�al Court Vote for One -� - ' PET� J. LITdDr�.�G 147 � 4? 5 2? 4�, 4 1 � Unde� �34 �� �� � Over 0 .� q' Sun. HF+nn _ 1�., Sni1—t�l�tr�r TTi st 1 Vnt P�l.,o `: HARRY POOL 1 4 9 5 3 5 5 0.6 � 149 � Under; 5 2 1 4 9.3 � -- Over � . 0 . p ` Sup. He:u�. Co. Soil ;tater Dist 2 Vote One j � � I�lARK JOHPJ KOZI, �K Under �>> 5 3 8 5 0.9 � 5i�t 49 .0 0 . .0 . %+ + �27� _ o� 0 ■� �� � F�re hereb certif the above tota].s to be a trixe and co rect cor :rl(�,t� \� ., .2.. +�\. Fi n ',' � � ... r...., /.� -./ _. , � ; �. EICCTIUN: GLM�JtIIL LLLCTION NOV�t�mL.tz z, 197b � ����V�U tlHsr�� --tl�Ps����V Peps � o� � . It[PO�tT TYPL U CUMULAIIVt (J PHEIINCT VOTING PO51T ION � United I•;ethodist Church 5 � 0 �� - Number of B��llots Czst ? �� '.`President 7 V. P. Vote one Group FORD A�1D DOI.� Ind. Rep. 4 4 3 6;3 5 2.G 1 _ . CARTE2 & I•IOi1DAI:!�. Dem. Far. Labor 5 „ 5 3 0 1 4 2.Ei CAPiCJO & R�,ID S�c. �lkrs Party 6 d 0 .0 MAC BRIDE Pz H�pG�Tv'� T,i b P�rty 7 ? � '� HALL P� TYi LR Com^�unist JS� 8 � 0 .0 �IV�V �: BLO; �N Ind . Gov' t 9� 9 0 .0 ND�SO� & SHf1CKLL;FORD Americzn " 10 1 0 6. .� MC CARTHY & ST�I;d ; icCarthv ' 76 Prin. 11 1 1 1 1 i:5 LA ROUCHE &: 'r;JN;:S Int. Devel. Bk L2 ° � 2 0 .0 ZEIDI,�� & BRISB�:iJ Soc. 13 � 1 3 1 .1 WRIGHT &'SFCCK Peo Dle s 14 � 1 4 1 .1 � Underl 9 1 .2 over 4 �5 U. S. Senator Vote for O:ze JERRY B?. �i� I:�d. �.ep. 20 � 0 1 � ct 2 5 .7 1 HIJB��T n. :iJ:'�i��r'.:�Y �en. r^ar. L�bor ?2 �� 4 �;� 6 0 .� nILL P�.T�RSOI�: - Soc. :ikrs Part. 2k t 4 0 .0 ROBITJ i. :�'ILI:�:� Lib. Part�t 26 2 C� 1 .1 MATT S�VOL� Co!�mu.*��st 28 2 d � .0 PkUL ��.�Lt�i Anerican 3� 3 0 3 3 4.7 Under t U. 1 .G Over � �� "-►. in Con�ress rd Dist. Vote for One ' ..L FR-LiIZLL Ind. Rep. 32 3 2 .. 5 0 5 7 2 .0 1 JEROI�L t•J. COUC'zHLIiti. Dem. Far. Labor 34 3�+ 1 4� 1 y �g CLIFFOitD C. i:.aTHI�1S A.�. Part Pet. 36 3 c� �� � e7 Under 4 4 f, .2 Over 0 ..0 Senator in Le•. llist. 0 Vote for Qne JOHId ��r r� Ind . ReD. 0 4 0 4 4 5 6 3 . S t JIM StiAl•J Ind. 12 4 2 1 ii 2 ? 6 .b llnder ? 0 9 . � over 0 .0 Re . in Le . l�0� Vote for One JLRRY 3:idICiCf:R�OCiCER Ind. R� . 2 h 2 3$ 6 5 4 .9 1 KITTY ALCOi'T Dem. Far. Labor 51� 5 4 2 9 2 4 1 ;5 Unde r 2 � 2� g Over 3 .4 }ii�YhV�a Bonds & Use of P•iotor Fuel Ta�ces '' 1,I. ART. XIV COPI �T be amen Y3;,� 6 u�� 3 0 5 4 3 .5 1 No GG c; ci 3 2 4 4 G .1 Undcr 7 ?_ 1 0 .� Ovcr � �� V�e I�erel�y ccrtif,y thc above toi;al:, are a L ue :ind corrcct copy I ' �z_ `-1�1 � C !1, .� :;i ;n � •. �� ��., _ �_ _ ;,_ � , �>i r�,:� f -� -�. � r._.o. , _ " ' � '. .:�, j'� _ . . ; � . � . . . .: _ . . - ' . :. '... ... ' . ' � . .. � ... '. . , � , . '-. . ,. .. ': . �. ' ' . ,. .. .:. . . . . . , , . . . . . � . . -- . . . . . .. ... . . _ . � .. ._ ,. . , . �j�` �����p�� �1.11.e.d�d��a9.,. Pepa�of� EltCT10N: kkl'UItT 11'PG �J LUMULnI1VE U f'NtCIN(;f GLNL1tAL I�;LLCTION , NovLc�n��z z � 19?G United t•Iethodist Chui•ch Number of Ballots Co. Co�.�i.ssioner N1ER�DITH H.�1P_T DICK K:?.�?•�R �, � � 4 I EDI�JIN P.. CHAPi��id RD "BILL" CT�0:1L T H. SCHU:�I�1C�:� W. F. VOTING VOTING VOTES/OALLOTS pERCENTAGE TO BE POSITION DOSITION CAST EIECTEO "ry 7v 25� 36 .7 1 . gl � 1 263 3? .4 Under � g � 2 � �7 U .0 'o r One �� 302 4> .0 1 . g 5 �� � ?. 4 0 3 4�.1 Under � f, � 2 2 �? , �. .0 r One � �' �7 � 169 24 .Q 1 . g9 ts • 3�� 49 .� Under • 1 b 3 2 G . U 0 .0 � �� 429 61 .1 1 �73 3� .� Ove r � C . U r On e � 101 1 u 1 39y 5t .� 1 -- :�3 43 .1 Over -. 0 .0 �ud . e I7ist. Court !. th.. Dist, Vote for One . BRUCE C. STOi�� ].0 } p 4 ; q 6 � 6' .4 1 Under 3��6 43 .� Ove r J � �� �Jud�;e Dist. Court tFth. Dist. Vote for Q:-ie A. PAUL LOi L�1"L' i1 107 � �; rj j, 7 4 j j.1 1 Under 32a 4G .7 . 0 er U .� e Di�t C urt !th Dist Vote for One - OUGLJIS K�I�IDAHL 11.0 1 1 0 3 g> ;(, �2 � , 3o�r 4 3 .7 Over p Q •c •c � � '� 1 1 3 3g'l �6 .5 1 Under 3 U �� 4.3 .4 Ovcr �� .p {Je hcrchy ccri;ii;y th!: abovc total� arc a i;ruc and corrj�cl; copy � i� 'Cl .� - `� . ' � � :i.l.i',l"1 � '' �" 1 - ,..� � ,. -�! , � i q .- fi�?= .: - ,, - . . . . . .- . _ . . , ������'+.�e �� , ��v�,::Y' i'w�s P�9o� �f�— ElECT10N: HtPURT TYPF: (J CUMULATrvC (� PK[CINCT GLN11tJ1L LLLCTION , NOVENm�R 2, 1976 � VOTING. VOTING VOTES/BALLOTS pERCENTAGE TO BE POSITION POSITION CAST ELECTEO t Chu ;smber of Ballots Cast =1d c Dist. Court 1 th. I7ist. Vote for One :,?3SAIVI� C. S�DC,•1ICK Il 1 1 7 w 2 5 b J .5 1 Unde �77 3y .a 0 .0 =�,ud�P Dist. Court �th. �ist. Vote for One • �' ^ T 120 i 2� 3t�? �5 .1 1 Under 3 1 5 4 4 . � � 0 .0 �ud e Dist. Court Lth. Dist..Vote for One , �LLLN OI�ISii7C 123 1.� 3 3 5 9 5 2.5 1 U 333 4? .k Over � 0 .0 J,ud�e Dist._ Court th. I7ist. Vote for One .. , DJNALD T. B.�.RB�1U �6 1 2;i 3 9 4. 5 G .1 1 � Under �Ou 43 .� Ove r �� • �� Jud e]7ist. Court th. Dist. L'ote for Qn� . A AF� '11R 12 1 29 3i34 54 .7 1 Under 3 1 � 4 h .2 , Over U .Q e P�iunici _ 1 Court Vote " for One • � .�TT � � ' 1 1 J � _' . 4'��, � � i � � � � r�n. � �aa.e� Under 2 i3 4 4 U .�j p C . i1 Jud e T•iunici .al Court Vote for One • ' D�LILA F. PIE:�CE 13g t:�3 3 4 9. 4 y .7 1 � Under 3 �; 5 0.2 Over 0 .0 i e hhinicinal Court Vote for One 0 HAROLD ODI�1iJD 111 1 4 1.. 3 4'I 4 9 .4 1 Und�r : 5 � 5 U.> Over i1 .0 Jud.e hiunicinal Court Vote for One DANI� R. H��I3T 1! / 1 4 4 3 4 1 4 b .5 1 • Under 3 6 1 5 1 .4 Over 0 .0 � 1rJe hereby cerLii'y the ubove 1:otals are a.l; ue and corr :ct copy. •� Si�m �"���. `� • '���� .Ll •� , , --�,_. : � � ! J � ) , i :. . _ . �. .. , . - � � _ _ ---- ...._._.__...... . � �. . '..-..::.._. _ _,... . ..., .. . .._ .., ,. . . . . .,,yi. .,.e.._....,...___....b.,:� . ...:... „ ._ . � � ��� � � . . „ :.-- ,�.� . . / , . . , . _. . . - . � _, !i�� � Peqe � ��-` � ��»������ ha!'...w����.�� I .I. ElCGT10N: . RlPUkT TYI'E: (J CUMULAIIVE (J PItECINCT- � G�NF�RJII. LL.�CTION � N6V�hII3�it 2, 1976 VOTING VOTING VOTES/OALLOTS pERCENTAGE ' � TO BE , POSITION POSITION CAST EIECTED Number oi Ballots Cast JudFe I•;unicipal Court Vote fo . PET�.R; J. LIND�3ERG �--- tr.._.., n,. c,.� i_r.r.,+�,. T1; �+ enn Co. Soil ,�tat �� 0 2 V � 14'T 33� 4? .7 1 U er 3G? '�2 .2 pv 0 .0 ]. 149 343 4� .8 1 Under 3 r y 5 � � 1 o � .e One ' 1 1.� 1� 342 4c3 .? 1 Und�r 3.G U 7 1 .2 Over , U .0 v • � 1 � � � ' 4!c hcrct�y ccri,if,y thc ,�bovc tota.l.s arc a t•ue and corr c� co i � Si.��,n �-��,, -L: L � � �r .� , ,�, —��.1;►� � , ' _l�. -- --- , �. , , ,.._ ., I .�� . . , . � �. � . �r � ���`�'tl � V � V : 'fl+��+a�,� �' Y �. Pa�e�°1 KL1'UItT lYl'C: u IUMULHI1Vt U PI<LUNCT [LLCTION: - GL;f11'•Ii�1L LLI;CTIUN � NOV��IDt�t z, 1976 � VOTING IVOTES/t3n��OTSIPERCENTAGE � TO BE VOTING " ""^ P051110N Alice Smith School b 5 O t� Numoer of Ballots Cast 652 President ec V. P. Vote One Grouo 4 2 b 1 4 0.0 1 FORD A?dD DOL� In `�ep 5 j�� y 5.3 CART� & I•:�iJI�IL� Dem. Far. Labor 5 3 .4 CAt��JO & R�.ID Soc. ?�llcrs Part 6 .b 7 1 •� � ri4C B`.?ID� �c B�GL.�:iD Lib Part g }} O � ; HALL & TY: r�R Cor���w�is �. USr1 ' ' •^, Gov't 9 1 .1 LN��T & BLO,�yV Ind. � AND'�'L-R.S0:1 & SI'�CKI.r.FORD A�erican 10 i 0 0 :• MC CARTHY E: STr�Iid :'cCarth.y '76 Prin.� 11 1 1 a �•1 . LA ROUCEi:� &�V�+:�?S Int. Devel. Bk 12 1 2 a •0 ZEIDL�.�i & BRISBL:J Soc. 13 1 3 0 .4 WR.IGHT & SPGCh Peoples lk 1 4 �. 0 .0 Under 1 0 1 .� Over • . 7 1 .0 U. S. Senator Vote for One JERRY B�.; :C� Ind. : ep. - 20 2 0 1� 7 2 5.6 1 � u '` ;�.-�"' n� T ^ 22 4 S4 b6 e� `..' ' • � BILL PLT"r.'�SOi•I � Soc .+�Ikrs Part 261 -� 0 0 ROBIN L. 'i•�ILL��. Li�. Part 2 b � •� - 28i �� � 0 .0 MATT SAV0�1 Coc��nunist PAUL N�Li�I American 3a �� 3� 5 .`� Under; i �• 1 .y � Ove -- ` 2 �3 , {- � . � Re . in Con�;ress 3rd Dist. Vote for Or.e ; ; }3ILL F:��•1Z:�.L Ir.d. F.e • ? >? 3? 1 5 6 .9 1 ' JERO:�'� ,'I. COUGHLI��1 De.�. Far. Labor I � 4 2 1 3 3 2• .v ; ' CLIFFORD C. i�,ATHI��S Am. Part;,� Pet. 3� 3 � 7 1•� ' ' Unde G Q 9 ..2 ' �; . Ove ti .1 , i iS a e� i 0 V te f r One . ' O1�PJ D�'FE Ind. F?en ! � 4 C : 9? 6 0 .c 1 I IM SHl1?'J In � 2 4� 2 0 9 3� .0 i Unde y 6 7.0 � i � Ove 0 .0 1j Re in Len ! �� Vote fo'r (T:�e . I JLi�,'�Y KNICi�R�OCiCI;R Ind. Reo. `�� 5 2 1 6 6 4�.8 1 . Y•ITTY ALCO'rT Dem. Far. Labor � i 4 3 4 4 5 2 .7 : � Und� 2 2 3 .3 • Ove p �p �� ]�l�h�•�a I3onds & Use of Mo�or Fuel Taxes � SI�ALL ART. XIV CO�IST. be ar�end YFS bt. �, 4 2 fi 4 4 0 0�+ 1 ! NO G6 �� 32'cs >0 •-� � �� llnde 6 G 9 .t � Ovcr ' 0 .� Yle hercb,y ccrtif,y thc abovc totals rlrc .•i t ruc and corr�:ci, copy I'/� � . , � � r � '� i . � �- � ' � �I .� L�/� y�� Si.�;n ���� �- '1..�.�i_.1.1.�� ._, . ��.i.f,�i /�J:�-.s:_....-.�-�-�-�-,' ' �;;r . • �/jF ��K.��•�,���� �r'SI'...����'�w�+ Pa0° . ���� [IECTION:. HLf'l)Itl TYPF: (J CUMULAIIVL U F'ItCCINCf '� GLNLItAI� LLI�:C'i'ION � � _ NovLt��l:[t z � 197G '� !J VOTING ' VOTING VOTCS�OALLOTS pERCEN7AGE TO BE � POSITION POSITION CAST ELECTED ;i ; ` Alice S^iith Sctlool 0 9 Number of B�llots Cast C�n�issioner rd Dist. Vote for One � " " �' "'' ' i �+ � 0 5 4 6 .7 1 t�REDITH H�'1RT � 81 c� 1 - ' 11 7]TT T tl 23y 35 .7 � Under' � � 2 �? � � e 2 �3 iciDal Ct Vote for One • " �j 211 32 .3 1 g �5 31 3 48 .0� Under 1 2 7 1 9.4 • Over � 1 .1 ici 1 Ct. Vote for One . �� 31c� 48 .? 1 ;1 �� J� 8 �: y � 1 5+ G 3 0.0 � Under ' �l � 7. 2 1 .0 _ Over ' 1 .1 n r ZJ f 9g y 3 4 1 0 6 3.0 1 Under 2 3�; � ti � � a .0 , r r One , 1�J. F. ROGOSH'i,S'_� 101 1 V 1 4 U 6 6 2 .<^ 1 Under 2 4 5 3 7.7 Over � - _ U .0 J� Dist. CourL L.the Dist. Vote �or One . IIFi; .. � C. STOi�:r:, 104 1 C 4 4 U 2 6 1 e ti 1 Under 2S0 3��.3 Over � �� �u e Di.st C�urt 1 th Dist. Vote for One _A._PAUL LO;;� �r,:•1 lp7 � „ � A FIT� � u r l+01 G 1 •5 1 Undcr 2> 1 3�; e4 ' Ovcr � �� h I}ist. Vote for One 110 1 1 0 3y5 60 .5 1 Under 2 S? 3 S .4 Over 0 .0 � 11 1 1 3 4 1 y 64 .2 . 1 Undcr 2 3 3 3 5 �•T Over 0 .0 Si. �n � 1��� �_ U : ) .: ►i:;� . � �1 .,..,�.... �t.... ��� �. —y . .. i • �. j� � , - , , : ;. . , ,. .$4� I r ��1'..� � C��,� .fii.::..��� Y � PaUr� of� f ELECTION: ; R[PUftT IYPE: (J CUMUTATIVE - U f'kICINCT cLn��, L E1�C�rroN � NUVLHff3�'sR z � �,97� ' VOTING VOTING VOTES/Onl POSITION POSITION CAST AGE TO BE ELEGTED Number of B:►llots Cast _ Jud ,e ITist. Court llth. I}ist. Vote for One SUS�1;�1i� C. Si�DC;:ICK 117 1 1 7 4 1 5 6 4 .1 1 Unde � 3 4 3 5.b 0 ,p Jud�e Dist. Court 4th. ITist. Vote for One JOAIATfG'�IJ LF;B�DOFF 120 i 2 0 ? 5 0 5 3 .ti � 302 46 .3 . ud e Dist. Court l�th. Dist. Vote for Cne � .�� ALLEV OLEISKY . 12 1 2 3 3 5 3 � 4 . 1 1 Under � 29� 45 .�3 `' Over �� .0 Jud e Dist. Court 1 th. � Dist. Vote for C�ne . IYJ1'1ALD T. Bn�3�.�iU ? 26 . 1� o � 397 6J .�; � U e • 2» 39 el � Over � 0 0 Jud :e Disi. Court ILth. Dist. Vote for One � LIPdDSkY G��1RTfiUR 12 1 2� 3� 4 � o .v 1 U e 26is 4 1 .1 ' � .0 Jud e I�iunici�l Court Vote for One . L A RIL�.T�'1' 1 1% 5 3 9� G 1 . C' 1 Under _2 y 4 3 �S .y Over -� . p � 0 - � ^ � ^- urt•. 11nf•.n f7r (?nc� � D� LII,A F, PIL:�C� 138 1�;� 3 c; 0 5 5. 2 1 Un der 2 g� 4 4 .7 _ 0 �p �ud e i�r,u�icinal Court Vote for Qne 0: H1IROLD ODI.��I•dD ll+l 1 4 1 3 6 5 >> .G 1 . Un der 2 c3 7 4 4 ,p � .0 Jud e P•:unici��l Court Vote for One DANILL R. H�1RT . 11,1,. 1 4 u 3 7 6 5'T .6 � • U n d er 2? c, 4 2.3 • Over • 0 G _. - � . �i ereb.y certify the above total� ��r,n Ki-�,_. ��1 � ��� n L�., ._-. '� , .�l(� ' 7 ).:. c..i �/ c,•n �C f�[1 i %� . ;% a� tru�: and coj�rcct co � � , ,.. �: ,.:. , ;. , , ,. . _. � �.. ,., , .. :.: , . .. f,.• �-, " ��G V �al:������ao Petic����, l:����� ElEC110N: Itl{'UIIT Il'PC. U CUh1UL/cI1VC u PI:ICINCT GLNLRI�L LI�L:CTION � NovLt•fl3L.R 2, 197G . p 51T ON I. OOSITION IVOTESC/AO T IOTSIPERCENTAGE I EL C EO Alice Smi1:h School Number of Ba�lots Cast I TLdre if�inici�a1 Co��rt Vote for One _ PETL'� J. LI N D�3uitG 11+7 1 4 7 Unde� Over' � ; –� a ' �t 1 Vote One — i,o 1 4 9 ME1RK JOHid. KOZL.�ii 151 ��t Over 362 55 .5 1 2g0 44 .4 Q .� 3E0 55 .2 1' 292 4G .7 . p ,0 370 5ii .7 1 2is2 �43 .2 0 .0 - o+ + b o 2 Y � �� a , ;i f�,n f �, �. �, .. _ �..G. i.al. , to bc r� truc; and cc rrcct co ._ ._.__ ������ La�.'m�, L��►::.�►��.�� P.ua � o� [LCCTIUN: RLPOItT lYl'E: �� .IUMULI�TIVL (J VkkCINCT GLNCRAL �LLCI'ION NOVLi�If3IIt 2 � 1�76 VOTING """"' �"^T«�aA�LOTS�ocoffNTACE I . TO 6E POSITION �—'� % -- 0 % .. T ^ 59� �.. �> President & V. P. �ote One Grou : FoxD al�� �oi� Ind. Pe�. l� 4 2 2 4 3 7.0 1 CART� &;�:O;dD.4I:� Bem, r ar. Labor 5 5 3 4 1 � 7.3 CAI•I�JO &��LID Soc. ��ikrs Party 6 b 1 .1 T1AC BRIDL & B�iu:L�1PID Lib Partv 7 ? 0 .0 HAT� �: TY.�?�:� Co::�-r:unist US� 8 3 1 .1 TIVEP�T & BLO.•�;1 Ind. Gov't 9 y 0 .0 • idll�RSOi•I & Si'�1C:iI�rGRD American. 10 1 i) 4 .ti A1C CARTI-?V & S'"�Ii�I i'cCarthv ' 76 Pri:�. 11 1 1 7 1,1 I,�! ROUCu� &�.'.'l`'S Int. Devel. Bk 12 1 2 0 .0 ZEIDI.�� �. B3IS3:'d Soc. 13 i 3. 0 �Q • I T�: SPOCiC Peo les 1 1 4 0 .0 � Under �6 1 .3 � Over y 1 .> U. S. Senator �lote fo^ One •� � JE.�i.Y B'?��.i�� Ir.d. Re�. _ 20 �2 �J 1 3 0 2 1 .t3 1 H'J�::�ti '?. ciL:"='r'.��� �e�. ��r. L:bor ?_2 �: �� 3 v s G 5 e3 BILL Pi.•T��C;d . Soc. i:'.�rs Partv 21� � 4 G .0 R0�3Ii�1 E. i-i.CL?:�.:�, �i�. Part�- 26 `�'. � 2 .3 I4ATT S �tir� COT3T.]'ll�� 2g �:3 0 .0 PAUL i-,L`�"L:•S ��:erican 3� � J ° 7 7 9.2 Under 14 2 .3 Over y �� r �� �r �ie ote for Qne - Tr .a.�.:,t�,�T �' �A� ?_ 3 2 .� 3 0.4 5 1 .0 1 A t� �� �� �"�^� �,?i1 Dem. I'cir L4bor 1 � 4 � 1� 3 5, e6 �('? C i-�+TiiL`+S hr�. Fart Pnt. 6 3 � 1 1 1.�3 Under 6 6 1 1 .0 Over 1 �3 Senator i:� L�R. Th' st. 1:0 1,�ote for Or.e JOI�1N h1:�Fi. Ind. Re�. I,0 4 0 3 5 b 6 0. i 1 JIi�J SilA;t Ind. � 4? 1 7� 2� 04 Under o� 1 0 e4 Ove 0 .0 Re . In Le�;. 1,.OB Vote for One J�RRY iC?.?ICK'�nBOCI�R Ind. ReU. 52 5 2 2 5 2 4 2 •� 1 TTY AI.COTT re:n. Far. Labor 1� . 7•i 3 1 7 5 3 .,� Unde � � 4 .2 Ove � � � f1i�h�•ray 13ond� � Use of I�otor Fuel 'Paxes . � SIiALL ART'. XIV COl1�T. oe amend Yl:;; bl� � i, 2 �> 3 � .1 1 N0 66 tci 29� 4v .7 �' � 3 1 3 � y Ovcr � e � {rle herel�y ccrLify the al��ve i:ota:1:: r�re a 1 ruc and corr��ct copy . i=,� ; ' _ / , ,`'. � ; ..�. ,,� .`i.l. 11 , %�% � .r Si.j�n •.- ,. i� J� �'1• . � -'� , . , . . � . . 1 .. . . . : J— 1 � . 1 � . . . . f. ., . � . , - � . � � . . , � . . . , . , . . . . . � . , Dr � � �•Y O �,� 0 V N � �i�. � �! ,�' � U e/. Yeqc : � of � ` ECECTION: REPORT TYPF: 'u CIIMULl11WE (J i'.HCCINGT. . G%IVLRAL L'I.LCTION � NOVl:i•ff3l.R ?., ].97G pO5 TION I OOSIT ON IVOTE�AST �OTSIp�RCENTAGE I, ELKTED bra Co. Com�ii.ssioner 3rd I7ist. Vote for One r1EREDITH fr44 � 79 7 y 2 G' 2 3 3 .9 1. �rcK .�.t•:��,R gl � � 1 ��, a 4 3 � . Under � 1 3? 2 2.� � Over � � � �UC�� sL.uC�n`l_ ('') *:il'll l`l ^'�� i�t �%(�{'A ril7� (ii'1 . � ''. PI:'I'E.R �1LBR�.CHT 83 o j 2 G 5 4 4 .5 1. J;•JIN P. C:G'1P,•',1N g5 ��� 1 8 5� 3 1 „0 Under 1 4 3 2 4 nn. Co. i�l "BILL" CP . SCHU� _�;C ,;,., . ; �.;h:�J J� ;� D�UGJ�11S 1�. A,�IDIIIIL Cii i'l. FIT�.'.G:�1LD J7. ,n � �—_ ,`.�".' J7. �17 `. ' � !. 1.,:, . � 1,�, I'� ir , \J .0 nti.Pr . 2 .3 . 1'0�_ � '� 7 1 �t y 3 1 .7 1. g9 �? 2b1 43.t; Un�er . .. 1 b� 2 4 .3 ChrPr ' ' . 0 eQ for G'ne 98 r� 3�2 5� e? 1 Under �►;:i 44 .2 Ove!' U � Q fcr Orze 101 �'�' 1 ��5 51 .2 1 � Under 2� 0 ':� � 0 7 Over _._ � � � v � for Gne ��� I J 4 .�.3 �? � 2.4 1 Under 2 f� 3 4'T e.� Over 0 .0 ior Or.e 1.07 ��7 .31G 5� .1 1 Under 2 7 y 4� �� Ove r � 0 , 0 �r On� 110 I 1 0 32? - 54 .2 1 Under 2 7 2 4� e 7 Over 0 .0 '�Sal� 113 1 1 3 320. 53 .? • 1 lTnrlcr 2 7 � !+ � �2 _ Over � � r� � � 0 R '.�;., -- �:.: . , 1� f�.�".' ElEC11uNi A� GL;NLI�JIL LI.LC1'ION Novi�.r�IDL'�3 2 � 197� ��Llll� I�bra �,��W����O`O,s/� YI ��w��Pa � � � ��of� . Pape Ktl'Ulii 11'PL: U IUMULAIIV! U{'ilEllNll VOTING VOTING VOTES/OALLOTS pO51TION POSITION UST PERCENTAGE TO BE ' ELECTED ldumber of Ballots Czst Jud�e Dist. Court ::th Dist. Vote for One i SUSAt�N� C. Sl:DG�;ICK 117 � � 7 Undez Over; slud�e Dist. Court tth Dist. V�te for One ! JOIJATii�1N I,r3•sDpFr 1201 1�0 Under� — Overi Ji , Dist. Court 4th. I1ist. Vote for One i ALLEN OLi:ISKY 123 ! i23 Under! Over� Jud�e Disi. Court t�th. Dist. t'ote for One � � D�NALD T. R,1P� ;� U 126 I �� � Under� ' Overl Ttz e Dist. ('ourt 1 t n Dist. Vo�� for One � �S1�Y G. aP': ; rT,T� 129 � 1�� Un e r � Over '•udge t•.unici�aZ Court Vote for One .�.IL A. RIL�'Y - 1� 1 3 � T ����� �: � ici�al G �LIL_ .-. PIt,i?Cr, �3g 1 3 � t•:uniciT31 Court Vote f�r J:�e A ' 1 :i 1 I�LLij1C1Tki1 C0112^t. Vnt_n fl.ti. /1.-... nvnr �.l % � J �4 �44 �? .� 2�1 42 .1 0 .0 29f; 49 .? 299 �0 .2 � '.0 �oti 48 .4 307 � 1 .5 0 . .G • 324 54 04 2•71 45 .5 � .0 �00 �C .4 2 y' J 4 % • � � .0 334 � �6'.1 1 --- _ ` � -1. 4 3 . ti O � O � v3 4g'�2 • � 302 50 .7• p eG ���. 4ii .7 1 3U> > � �2 � 0 2b3 48 .4 1 307 5 1 .5 � .e. --- ---� �.,.. uvvvt; l,pL�1.1.5 i.tY'L' c1 �; 'llC ancl corr 'Ct; CO� �, L.: . r �� ...,..,,�, 1 1 0 i / y �� �� ,�. �',•.� �`� � �; lf .' � (' P.oQ �� ��.���u��a e�w..� � � ;; LILCIII)N; HU'URf IYI'L. U �UMUTAIIVt U LIttCINCI -F GLI�1;It11I, 1�I.�C1'ION . Nov�:hu�L►z z, 19?G � VOTING VOTING VOTES/OALLOTS pERCENTAGE TO BE POSITION POSITION CAST ELECTED � Ho ;cins Libra ' 7 Plumber of Ballots cast Jud ,e i�iunici�.zl. Court Vote fo^ One PET�R J. LI i; D3� �G 147 1�+ 7 2�i 5 4 7 . d 1 - • Under 3 1 U 5 2.1 Over � � C .0 Suo. Henn. Co. Soil-:•later Dist 1 Vote O:ie 4 � 1 149, �85 4? .ti 1 '� Under . 3 1 G �� 2.1 �� " Over 0 � �0 � au . Her.n. Co. Soil-�later Dist 2 Vote One � 1�+IARK JOH'id 'f.OZI...�+'r� 1 1 1 5 1 2 a 4 4 7 .? 1 „. Under 3 1 1 5 2.2 �� Over C •0 J l ( ;Yl ��l1��..� _ �4.� �� . �• ,� �: h / -t 0 0 �!_ I 1 1 �. -- — i i,. � 4. L. � Y °�� �ad i� � � �11`r � �J' �•�• � Pa��° � of � [IECT,IUN: R[f`Of1T -IYPC L) CUMULAfIVE �J 1'ItLCINCT G1T1rRAI� I,LI:CTION I NOV�I�3LR 2 � 197G VOTING PO51T ION 1 Westbrooke. g VOTING VOTESi DAI POSITION CAST TO BE ELECTED Number of Bal.lots Cast Co. Co���.�issi,�ner rd Dist. Vote for Qne _ DICK i:ii.i���.�r� 79 7 9 7 3 1 4 y .0 1 . r9�DITH Ht+RT � 81 �3 1 h ti 1 3 0.9 . U e 295 1 y .�s Ove r 2 . 1 P�: 'n� t VtefrOne � ,, T u� D�,t,S * 0 3 5 9 5 3 9.9 1 .. PETE3 ALB�CHT 8 0� ti 0 8 4 0. ci . Under 2 ii 6 1 9�.2 . . Over G ,0 f*P `.T ; F S'Ui'�1 '�t �? d 1 9 5 7 • 0 1 j LI�RD "BILL" C�tO,lLEY JR. 8 � y . 3 6 4 � 4 • 4 • Under 3� 5 2 0 .4 Over � • i .0 Chief Justice Supreme Court Vote for One ROBERT J. Shl??�1i3 9g � 8 4 � 2 5-� .6 1 - Under � 2 ? 3 5 .3 Over � •'� Assoc Justice Su�reme Court Vote for One tl. F. ROGOS�Si� 101 i � 1' y 9? 6 U . 2 1 Under 592. 39 07 Over 0 . C'. ' e Dist. Court I�th. Dist. Vote for One � _.=:JC�. C. STO:��:� 10!{ 1 0 4. � 3 9 1 5 9.F� 1 Under 59� �+O.ol Over D � .0 Judre Dist. Court ��th. Dist. Vote for One � � , A. PflUL LOI;li: �r,I 107 1'J 7 t� G 9 �'t3 .3 1 Under ti 2 0 4 i .r Over , 0 .0 �. 110 1 1 0 cs�7 79 .� 1 Under G U 2 4 0 .4 Over 0 e� u e Dist. Court, l�th. I7ist.� Vote for One PA 1•1 FIT7GL'R,1I,D 11 1 1 3 y 0 3 0 0 .6 1 Under 5ti6 39 03 0 .0 i ..� . We hereb,y c Liie r�l�ovc tot�].:s rire a tf�ue and cor•r��ct copy 0 � d � I I __—L � �"i 1(�Il �' _ � 1/ I� (�' � . � � ,:, . �, , - .. � � 1;. � � � � � Y'1� tl. � �� � � � PaOc-._�of �� ;�,. '., ELEGTIUN: RLPUItI I�'{'l: U IUMULAIIVt U �'ItCCINCf Gl�:Ni;ItIIL LLI�C1'ION NOV�t�It3�R 2 � 1976 p S T' ON I OS�T' QN IvOTECAST �OTSIpERCENTAGE I EL CTEO of Ballots Cast � Ihst. Court l,th. �ist. Vote for One E C. SEDG;•1IC;: 117 >> 7 e Dist. _Court 4th. Dist. �Jote TfI.aP1 Li�,3 ;DOrF 120 1 � 0 Under '; ALL�,N OI��S'fY 123 i� 3 s nd r Over' Jud�e Dis�. Court hth. Dist Vote for Qne � D�NEILD T. F?�?Bi���U 12f�� 1� b Under� - Ove r� Jud •e I}ist. Cour� 1 t!�. 7ist. Vote for �r.� I LIItTDSAY G, ARTF;iT� 129 i� 9 Jt i•;�a DLi;��.A F LD Th1 V Ove 13� I 3 ;; � 4 i 1 4 4 �ci7 54 .i 1 522 35 .0 0 .p 838 56 .2 i t�51 43 .7 � • :1 ci��; 55 .b 1 66 1 4•� �3 � .0 • �i 7 Ei 5 `v .9 1 G 1 1 !i 1. 0 a .d �6� 58 .G i li � V �I � eY � � � J � �?Y 0:.� 03 � __ -5 u J .'• 7 . b �. � vU �27 5'>' �ci 1 G�� 44 .3 � .G . %1� 54.y t 671 45 .0 � .0 822 �5 .2 1 66? 44 .7 o eo • Ide hereb,y ceri;ify thc above i;otals are a L ue ancl corr :ct copy ��� ; . : <. . ;:; ��-. , _. i.���Or 6 G�i�B V tla������ PaYc�o�_� LICCiION: kfNUItT lYl'l: U �Un�ULn11VL U I'HLCIN�f ' crt�n:i�nl, Lr�c��zor1 � NOVLI�Ii3Lft 2, 197G i 1rJestbrooke V071NG VOTING VOTES/UALLOTS pERCENTAGE. TO BE POSITION POSI710N CAST EIECTEO I � . 0 Number of Ballots Cast Judre i��unici�� Court V te r P'LT�:t3 J. LIidD'��nG 11�7 1 4? � 1 3 5 4 .6 1 " Under 670 45 .3 . Ove r � � .0 Su . Iienn. Co. Soil—�.►ater I}ist 1 Vote One 1 4;� ts 1 4 � 4 .6 1' Under 6 7 5 4 5.3 Over � '.•� � ��„ _�.r� . f�1ARK J0:-3i1 KQ7I�'_� Z 1 1'� 1.. �,i 0 0 5 3 .7. 1 Under hb�+ 46 .2 (h�P r U • 0 „ t + o7i3 ij � n � �le herehy certif,y i;hc al�ove totals are a�;#•ue and corr�cL copy � 5���,►� r►• l'i I��-'(1 �J A regular meeting of the Couricil of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was heZd pn Tuesday, Noveznber Z6, 1976, at 7: 30 p.m. , in the Council Chambers in the City Hall. Present were Mayor Mi11er, Councilrrten McDonald, Milbert, Pokorny and Slaton, also City �' Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Building Inspector Kohnen, Operations Director Beecher, Supt. of PoZice LaBerge, and City Attorney Vesely. Reel 206 Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the five Side 1 items under the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved with the deletion of the 5- request by Perkins Cake & Steak, Inc., for transfer of Iicenses of Unc1e John's to Perkins, to Iater in the meeting and taken as a separate Agenda item: 1. Minutes of the November Z976, Council meeting. 2. Additional 1976 license application: Auctioneer's License (2 days) Chas. Weinberger. 3. Request by Northwestern Be11 Telephone Co., for permit to make excavation for construction at the intersection of 1Zth A venue South & 6th Street. 4, Request by Northwestern BeZ1 TeZephone Co.,for permit to make excavation for repair at the intersection of Excelsior Avenue & 6th Avenue. 5. Request by Northern States Power Co., for permit to extend underground cable and set 8 poles for liqhting system in CampbelZ Dri ve and Burnes Dri ve . A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea;; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. * �r * * * � � * * * * Action: Mr. Pokorny moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that expenditures dated -32 November 16, I976, under Warrant No. 487, in the amount of $200,723.88, and Warrant No. 488, in the amovnt of $96,3Z3.04, be approved and authorized for payment. A po1Z of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonaZd, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried un- animousZy. Appearance: At this time in the meeting Mayor Mi11er introduced Dr. David French, from the 32-253 Uni versity of Minnesota, who gave a talk,and answered questions,on the spread of Dutch EIm Disease in the State of Minnesota. Item: 76-356-Z. Mr. MiZbert rr�oved, and Dr. SZaton seconded the motion, that the request 253-347 from the Interlachen Park Assn., for CounciZ's reconsideration of their November 2nd, I976, approval of the County's Plan to improve County Road #3, be continued to the December 7, 1976, Council meeting. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-366-T. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motian, that the request 347-380 for transfer of licenses of the Block House, Zocated at 9- 9th Avenue So., to Mr. Ted F. Jameson, be approved. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; . and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-363-P. Mr. 1Nilbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the request 380-407 by Thompson Millworks, on County Road #Z8 and Highway #3, for permit for construction of a loading dock, be approved. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-50-R. Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mayor Mi11er seconded the motion, that Council 407-427 approve the expenditure of approximately $600 to $800 for .ZS pictures of Mayors of Hopkins from 1893 to the present, ( this item is budgeted in the 1977 Budget). A;po1I of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonaZd, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. (This item was continued from the April 6, 1976, Council meeting) Minutes of the November 16, 1976, Council �eeting, cont. Page 2. Item: 76-77-L. Mr. Pokorny moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that authorization � 427-447 be granted for the Mayor and City Manager to sign Agreement for Services from Rieke-Carroll-Muller Associates, Inc., for a Proposal Study of the Central Business District. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-359-5. Mr. MiZbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the Mayor 447-481 and City Manager be authorized to sign the Contracts with the Teamsters Union #320 (Patrolmen) and the Hopkins PoZice Sergeants, for the years 1976 and 1977. (see attached) A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-360-A. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that Council 481-563 approve the revised Joint-Cooperative Agreement (HECO) and adopt Resolution No. 76-2545, "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF HOPKINS TO JOIN THE HENNEPIN EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION ORGANIZATION. (HECO)", A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un- animousZy. (see attached) Item: 76-361-A. Dr. SZaton moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the Mayor 563-580 and City Manager be authorized to sign the Agreerreent and approve the Application for Bicycle Trails Assistance Program Grants-In-Aid. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-362-R. Dr. S.Iaton moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that Resolution 580-603 No. 76-2546, "RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARTICIPATION IN THE SUBURBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY NURSING DISTRICT", be adopted. (Monies for this item is • budgeted in the 1977 Budget). A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDona.Zd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-00-0. Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. McDonaZd seconded the motion, that the request 603-�-__. for transfer of Uncle John's licenses- Restaurant, P9i1k, Vending Machine, Cigarettes, and Wine - to Perkins Cake & Steak, be approved. (This item was removed from the CONSENT CALENDAR earlier in the meeting;to be acted upon as a separate Agenda Item.) A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanirr�ovsZy. Item: 76-364-L. Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the list of -641 1977 Liquor License Applications as shown on the attached list, be approved A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimovsly. Item: 76-365-A. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the m�tion, that the firm 641-651 of Strand & Roe, be retained as the auditing firm to do the 1976 City Audit. A poll of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-367-D. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the Mayor 651-66Z and City Manager be authorized to sign the Qui t Claim Deed for easements for sanitary sewer purposes over, under, and across Meadowbrook Golf Course, between the City of Hopkins and the MetropoZitan Waste Control Commission. A po11 of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the November 16, 1976, Council meeting, cont. Page 3. Item: 76-358-P. Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Council � 661-707 accept the Proposal for Engineering Services for preparation of plans, specifications and supervision of construction of proposed WeZl, Pump, Pumphouse and connecting Watermain, by Rieke-Carroll-Muller, Assoc., Inc., (Approved and in the 1977 Budget). A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion: The Council discussed the plans as presented for 8th Street South. No 707-878 formal action taken. Action: Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the meeting be 878-879 adjourned. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny,yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. �� Dorothy M. J�TFins�n, ,�e�retary to the Council �: ;,_ r ,7 � � � ��. �� � � re A. Miller, Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0.76-2545 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF HOPKINS TO JOIN THE HENNEPIN EMERGENCY CONIMUNICATION ORGANIZATION. (HECO) WHEREAS, public safety agencies have expanded in number and size through- out Hennepin Coanty in response to population growth and the complexities of an urbanizing society; and WHEREAS, such expansion of pubZic safety agencies has been supported by a variety of communication system enhancements over the years; and WHEREAS, factors such as county population, urban complexity, greater citizen expectations, Zimited radio frequencies, and approaching saturation of certain radio frequencies, among other factors have reached a point where it is necessary to re-evaZuate aZZ components of the existing pubZic safety communication systems in Hennepin Covnty; and WHEREAS, a nation-wide trend, combined with mandating pending state ZegisZation suggests that the universal 911 emergency telephone reporting con- cept is imminent; and WHEREAS, the interjurisdictional nature of public safety service in an urban society suggests that economies and improved service 1evels could be realized through cooperati ve pZanning for the appropriate coordination and sharing of facilities, resources and available p ublic safety radio frequencies, an d WHEREAS, Zaw en forcement agencies in Hennepin County are currentZy involved in replacing or modifying certain radio communication systems to comply with the Minnesota Police Radio Communications P1an, the major costs of which is beinq and wiZl be financed by federal funds through the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, to declare its intent to participate in the Hennepin Emergency Commvnica- "- tion Organization (HECO), and that its City Manager shall be the Director and that its Police Svperintendent shall be its Alternate Director. Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, at a regular meeting held on Tuesday, the Z6th day of November, Z976. � H. E. RICHARDSON, Ci ty CZerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney r JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor � � November 5, 1976 To: Mayor and Council From: Ci ty Manager Re: Revised copy of Joint-Cooperative Agreement(HECO) Enclosed is a revised copy of a Joint-Cooperative Agreerraent authorizing the establishment of a new organization, called Henn epin Emergency Communica- tions Organization. (HECO) As the Council may remember there was a similar agreement before you on July of this year. At that time the Council decided not to authorize joining of the organization, due to the fact that it was generally thought, by a11 of us, that the Sheriff was the primary mover in start- ing this organization. As it has turned out, the Sheriff was prohibited from joining the organization based on a legaZ opinion issued by the Hennepin County Attorney's office. Therefore, the other parties that were interested in establishing such an organization have revised the proposed agreerr�ent in such a manner that the Sheriff would sti11 be allowed to be a member of the organization, if fact, he will be the President of the organization, even though he cannot execute an agreemenf to join. I sti11 feel the City�of Hopkins should join in this organization because it is my, feeZing that this organization is going to determine what is going to happen/��ie existing poZice radio frequencies withiri�Henn�pin Coiinty over the next 5 to IO years. It is my stron g feeling that it is better to stay in the group that is stiZl discussing the planning and have an opportunity to voice our concern rather than be on the outside Zooking in and having all the decisions made without our participation. At the present time we have 4 fu11 ti� and I part-time people who do dis- patching for our 5 police cars. I am not sure that this is a luxury we can con- tinue to afford as expenses for all governmental functions increase faster than revenues. I think if the City of Hopkins wants to retain partial, or full control, over the radio freqency they have they should make plans to find some way to in- crease the use of this radio frequency. It is my thought .that we should be thinking very strongly in the area of getting either the City of Minnetonka and/or the City of Eden Prairie to use our Dispatchers. This means that we may have to work out some kind of an agree�nt whereby the other cities would share in the controZ and the expenses of our radio dispatching operation. Whatever course of action the City of Hopkins decides to take it is my pre- diction that within 10 years from now the City of Hopkins wi1Z not still have its own exclusi ve dispatching unit. The method of reducing dispatching costs that I mentioned above may be only one of several alternati ves �e others, of which have not even been thought up yet. I think that the City of Hopkins should be part of the new KECO and they wi11 have sorr� say in nbf/�� City of Hopkins communications but communications throughout Hennein County in the future. PGC:dmj cc:Supt. LaBerge e fully ed _. _ ii� e er G. Cotton � City Manager � a� • : `.. _ � :1: 0 � ■ � :. ��pLUTlpN 2 U :�. � �� 6• ��6-19��0 a. � � � � a � October 15,.1976 To: Municipal Admiaistrators and Managers in Sennepin Cotmty From: 8e: Wayne Burggraaff, Chairman, Interim User Board Implementation of HECO Agreement As you know, the original Hennepin Emergency Co�uaications Orgaai- zation (IiECO) Agreemeat was executed earlier this year by the Senne- pin County Board of Coa�issioners, the Minneapolis Citq Council and the city councils of 20 Heanepin County suburban muaicipalities. However, �CO did not become aa operational entity (per the terms of Article V, Section l which stated: "The Agreement shall become effecti�re whea it has been esecuted bp Hennepin Couatp, the Henne- pin County Sheriff, tfie c�tp of Minaeapolis and sevea other eligible governmental units.i'n Hennepin Couaty...") as the Hennepin Couaty Sheziff was prohibited from esecuting the Agreement based upon a Iegal opinioa issued by the Heanepia Couaty Attoraey's.Office. This i�sue was brougI�t to the atteation of the Iaterim User Board (ZUB) at a special meeting oa September 15, 1976. Following con- sicierable discussioa which substaatiated the couatywidE interest in seeking an altesnative way in which to resolve this issue, the original drafting committee (Havir, Pidgean, Willis, Omodt aad Petersoa) was re-appoiated aad charged with the responaibility "to develop a workiag alteraative with as little change as pos- sible in the concept aad agreement as originallq developed." In the ne�tt several veeks, that co�ittee met three times and ful- filZed the charge givea it by the IUB. The draftiag committee preaented its reco�aendatioas for amend- ment at a special meetiag oa October I2, I976. The major substaa- tive change,. ia accord with the previously meationed legal opiaioa, was to elimiaate the requirement for the Hennepia County Sheriff to execute aad sign the A.greement. Tbis modification occasioned a series of related amendments. Following a detailed revie� and discussion, the amendments were accepted by consensus and the new HECO Agreement was recommended for passage by all eligible uaits of governmeat in Senaepin Couaty. Traasmitted herewith, please find a copy of the aew HECO Agreement dated October 12, 1976, a"Su�ary of Ameadments to the Z/18/76 HECO Agreement, Approved 10/12/76," aad the minutes of the October 12, 1976, special IUB meeting. Each unit of �overnmeat in Hennepin Couaty is urged to take the following action as soon as posaible: talephons: 868�7521 (612) an equal opportunity employe� Municipal Administrators and Managers in Hennepin County October 15, 1976 Page Two 1. Submit the new HECO Agreement dated 10/12/76 to your govern- ing boards for consideration and action. (Your earlier reso- lution of support on the original HECO Agreement need not be rescinded as that agreement was never in force and effect,) 2. A certif ied copy of the resolution authorizing execution of - the new I3EC0 Agreement together with an executed copy of the new Agreement should be filed with the Hennepin Couaty Admin- ist, r� on or before December 31, 1976. The resolut oi uth= or z ng execution of the Agreement should also designate the director and alternate director in accordance with Article IV, Section 4 of the new HECO Agreement. 3. The new Agreement provides that initial members are those who join on or before December 31, 1976, and further provides that governmental units joining after that date shall be admitted only on the favorable vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board. While the December 31 date establishes a firm deadline, you are encouraged to pass a new resolution and execute the new Agreement as soon as possible. Even during this recent period of delay, the planning process directed toward improving our public safety co�unications systems has proceeded. Much of - - ---------- ---..._ __. what has transpired in the past several months, especially activities related to the implementation of 911 emergency telephone service, demands that we devote immediate attention to executing this new HECO Agreement. Specif- ically, the 911 planning process has reached the stage wherein the initial responsibility for HECO will be the negotiation of implementation costs and scheduling with the telephone companies serving our couaty--we have been advised that this process could com�ence as early as December 1, 1976. I trust you mutually share in the commitment of myself, other municipal admin- istrators, Sheriff Omodt and the many public safety officials in our county to execute the HECO Agreement as soon as possible. Accordingly, we ask that you bring this matter to the attention of your governing boards at your ear- liest convenience. Any municipality having questions concerning the new HECO Agreement should contact John 0'Sullivan of the Henaepin County Criminal Justice Council at 348-6497. bjr Enclosures ----- _- - � � � � � 388 . : a� �, ; : .' RESOLUTION NO, j�� , . 7' /�p �il� O /U !�i'��s iRESOT UTION 1�UTHORIZING """'rrrrri-�c�n"'"' . _ ' �t'T""."" "'-'' �'"" $�"�``i� �'� ��� T��_ �D�"' "�p► � Whereas, public safety agencies ve expanded in number and size throughout Hennepin County in respor�se to population growth and the � complexities of an urbanizing society; �nd Whereas, such expansion of public safety agencies has been supported by a variety of communication system enhancements over the years; and Wher�as, factors sur.h as county popul.ation, urban cornplexity, greater citizen expectations, limited radio frequencies, and approacning saturation of certain radio frequencies, amoizg other factors have reaclzed a point where it is necessary to re-evaluate all cornponents of the existing public safety communication systems in Hennepin County; and Whereas, a nation-wide trend, combined with mandating periding state legislation suggests that t}ie ur�iversal 911 emergency telephone reporting concept is imminent; and � Whzreas, the interjurisdictional nature of public safety service i� un � urban society suggests that economies and improved service levels could be realized through cooperative planning for the appropriate coordination and sharing of facilities, resources and available public safety radio frequencies, and Whe. created a study, re safety co as tr d uth �mme muni� Hen -pi Count Cr: riz a p lic fety d nd coo di te the u tion systems in Hen� nal Ju ce Coun h mm . icati s eerin ing and ancem� �in County; and eari �"""" of py� Whereas, law enforcement agencies in Hennepin County are currently involved in replacing or modifying certain radio communication systems to comply with the Minnesota Police Radio Communications Plan, the major costs of which is being and will be financed by federal funds through the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration: ���►�oiyv, therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of �'�r�o declare its intent to participate ii-► the enha ced p lic safety ommunications syst within H epin Co and to di ec ts hief a ini trativ o ice�r �a par icipa wi t the n pin Cou t Adm' ist tor an re . sen ati.�"es of o he ocal g v nme s in evaluating planning a�;van d county-wide public safety communications system which shall include a 911 emergency telephone reporting component. �� � � � ,��-- '�� � G�� ��°"� �� � �, �o � �s� ,���a�` � _ _ , _ � ,..-, ... 0 � i �/ , ,/`. ,�%• �- , � 1. 2. SUMMARY: AMENDPIENTS TO 2/18/76 HECO AGREEMENT. APPROVED 10/12/76 Pg. 2 Last paragraph ("Whereas the Sheriff") - Strike entire paragraph. Pg 3. Top paragraph ("Now, therefore, be it agreed...) - Strike "the Hennepin County Sheriff". � 3. Pg. 4.Amend Sect. 2 to read as follows: "'Board' means the Board of Directors of HECO, consisting of the Hennepin County Sheriff and one Director from each governmental unit which is a member of HECO." 4. 5. Pg. 4. Amend Sect. 5 to read as follows: "'Governmental unit' means any city, town or county." � Pg. 6. Part III. Amend Sects. 3& 4 by deleting July 1, 1976, and inserting December 31, 1976. 6. Pg. 6. Part III, add new Sect. 2 to read as follows: "Hennepin County shall be entitled to two directors: one of which shall be the Sheriff, the other shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners." . 7. � Pg. 6. Part IV. Sect. 4(old 3). After first sentence insert the following: "The Sheriff shall appoint an alternate director who shall be entitled to attend meetings of the Board and who may vote in the absence of the Sheriff." -- Pg. 7. Part IV. Sect. 7(old 6). Amend first sentence to read as follows: "When the council of a member appoints a director or an alternate director, or when the Sheriff appoints an alternate di- rector, it�shall give notice of such appointment to HECO in writing." 9. Pg. 7. Part IV. Sect. 9(old 8). Amend to read as follows: "A majority of the voting directors shall consiitute a quorum of the - � Board." Pg. 7. Part IV. Sect. 10 (old 9). Amend to read as follows: "A vacancy on the Board shall be filled by the appointing authority whose position on the Board is vacant." Pg. 8. Part V. Sect. 1. Line 11: Strike "the Hennepin County Sheri ff" . __._ — ._ . -- -- _ ____..._r.�.: __ .. cr� oF ROPxrlvs RESOLUTION IVD. 76-2SQ6 A RESOLUTION R�L�'TING TO PARTICIPATION IN THE SUBUI�HAN FiENNEPIN COUNTY NURSING DISTRSCT ��Dr. Slatort introduced the following resolution and moved it�s adoption. WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sect,ion 145.08 and 1�+5.12, provision has been made for a public health nursing district in th�.t portion of Hennepin County outside the City of Minneapolis, and WHF'R�AS, pursuant to such authority such a public health nursing d3strict has been organized and has been in operation since 1952, and ZnTI-iEREAS, it is deemed necessary to continue the operation of such nursing district and to�provide it with adequate funds for its proper operation _ NOtiI, THEREFORE, B� IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING HODY OF The Cst9 of Ropklns that this political subdivision continue to be included in the public health nursing district of Suburban Henne.pin County, organized on January �, 1952; that it participate in the benefits thereof; and that it agrees to support on an apportionment }�asis its pro rata share of the cost of the administration of such district provided, nowevQr, that for the period of January 1, 1g77 through December 31, 1977 this cost shall not exceed $�.E7$ per capita on the basis of 1976 population estimates as per the Metropolitan Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be deemed an agreement to continue to participate in such nursing district on the basis hereinbefore specified with a�ll other politicaZ subdivisions adopting similar resolutions. The motion for adoption of'the following resolution was seconded by �r• pokorny _�. Upon roll call there were g yeas and n nays: Yeas PJays 5 0 I, E. E. R.tcherdson , Clerk of the city of Rn�nkir,� hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a resolution adopted by . tho governing body of the Citu of �n���� in an official meeting on Noa�ember 36. 2976. __ • ,�R (Signed� _�!I'�'�'��� - � - — (Clerk� A regular meeting of the CounciZ of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, December 7, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall. Present were Mayor Mi11er, Councilmen McDonald, Milbert, Pokorny and SZaton, also City Manager Cotton, City Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Building Inspector Kohnen, Operations Director Beecher and City Attorney Vesely. Reel 206 Mr. Pokorny moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the rr�otion that the item under Side 1 the CONSENT CALENDA'R be approved. 888- 1. Min utes of the November 16, 1976, Council meeting. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Note: Mr. McDonald arrived at the meeting after this item had been passed on. � � * * * * * * * * * � Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the expenditures -981 dated December 7, 1976, under Warrant No. 489, in the amount of $71,302.92, and Warrant No. 490, in the amount of $215,640.30, be approved and authorized for payment. A poZ1 of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried un- animously. HEARING: I tem: 76- 359-H. 981- Mr. George Brophey, ConsuZtant for the firm of Rieke-Carroll-Mu11er, Assoc. appeared before the Council and presented the program for the Redevelop- ment of the Downtown CentraZ Business District and the rr�ethod of financ- ing this program through Tax Increment Financing. Action: Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Resolution No. -1520 76-2548, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA RELA- Side 2 TIVE TO AND APPROVING A PROGRAM FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF THE DOWNTOWN CENTRAL 1-130 BUSINESS DISTRICT AREA IN HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, ENTITLED 'HOPKINS REDEVE7APMENT PROGRAM "', be adopted. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-356-Z. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the request I37-412 from the Interlachen Park Association for Council's reconsideration of the County's Plan to improve County Road #3, as acted upon at their meeting of November 2, 1976, and continued from the November 16, 1976, meeting, be referred back to Hennepin County for deferment. of any action on this item until the Coun,ty com�s back on Jarivary:-18, 1977, with a modification of the present Plan. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor MiZZer, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. ltem: 76-360-R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that Resolution 412-446 No. 76-2547, "A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING ELECTION DISTRICTS AND POLLING PRECINCTS IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS", be adopted with amendments, to provide that the EasteTn boundary of District #1.and t�he Western boundary of District #9 follow Ty1er.Avenue for its course and the extension of Tyler A venue on Northward to Cambridge. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi.Zler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. (see map attached) Item: 76-36Z-Z. Mr. McDonaZd moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the re- 446-517 commendation from Zoning & PZanning for CounciZ reconsideration of their action of November 2, 1976, re: Rvdy Luther property, be denied. A po11 of the vote was as foZlows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried un- animously. Item: 76-362-Z. Mr. Milbert moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the recommenda- 51 7- tion from Zoning & Planning for Council approval of a request for a variance by Dr. J. J. Garamella of 236 Oakwood Road, Interlachen Park, to the allowable aggregate square footage of a garage of 700 square feet in the R-1 District, to 792 square feet, be granted. Minutes of the December 7, 1976, Council meetinq, cont. Page 2. Item: 76-362-Z,cont. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion to amend Mr. Milbert's motion to read "based on merit the variance be granted". A poZl of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. MiZbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mayor Miller then called for a vote on the ori ginal motion as amended: Mr. -527 McDonaZd, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimous.Zy. Item: 76-363-L. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the request 527-554 by Jack Yee for an On Sa1e Wine License for 1�77, be granted. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny yea; and Mayor MiZler, yea. Motion carried unanirnously. Item: 76-364-P. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the motion, that the Initia- 554-869 tive Petition from various residents of Hopkins, and the accompanying suggested Zoninq Ordinance and Map, filed with the City Manager on Wednesday, November .ZO, 1976, at 5:05 p.m., be referred to the Hopkins Zoning & Planning Commission with the understanding that such reference is without predudice to, and wi11 in no way be, interpreted as an abandon- ment, or postponement of any pending Zoning Ordinance amendments, changes, Public Notices of public due process Hearings, or other CounciZ actions thereon, nor as an endorsement or approvement of said Initiative Petition and accompanying suggested ordinance. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny,yea; Dr.. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi11 er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-365-R. Mr. McDonald moved, and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion, that the request 869-890 from HRA for Council consideration of cancellin g the Contract with Metro Council for the Section 8 Program, be granted. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, yea; and Mayor Mi11er, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-366-R. Mr. Milbert moved, and Mr. Pokorny seconded the raotion, that the request 890- by Huqh Strawn, Fire Marshal, for fire lane designations, as shown on the attached maps, be approved. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Pokorny, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Mr. McDonald rr�ved, and Mr. Milbert seconde -927 be adjourned. A poll of the vote was as fo Milbert, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. Pokorny, Motion:: carried unanirrrouslu. � ;� > "l.� , �ie �A. MiZZer, Mayor the motion, that the meeting lows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Mr. yea; �and Mayor Miller, yea. J i CITY OF HOPKINS � Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2547 � l - _ A RESOLUTION ESTABLISKING ELECTION DISTRICTS . ' AND POLLING PRECINCTS IN TNE CITY OF HOPKINS. WHEREAS, it is necessary, expedient and required that the City of Nopkins be divided into nine (9) election districts for aZl elections to be held in the City after the effective date of this Resolution and that a polling precinct be designated in each district. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TFIE CITY OF HOPKINS, MZNNESOTA: That the City be divided into nine (9) election districts as hereinafter set forth, and that the polling precinct in each such district be as follows: trwit: DISTRICT NO. Z- A11 that part of the City of Hopkins lying within the area des- cribed as follows: beginning in the centerline of State Nighway #7 where it inter sects with the centerline of Blake Road North, thence Westerly along the centerline of State Xighway H7 to the centerline of St1� Avenue North; thence running South along the centerZine of Sth Avenue North to the centerline of Second Street North; , thence East along the centerline of Second Street North and as extended to the center ' line of Washington Avenue North; thence South along the centerline of Washington Avenue North to the R/W of the Chicago 6 Northwestern Railroad R/W; thence North- easter2y along the Chicago & Northwestern R/W to the centerline of Ty1er Avenue North; thence North along the centerline of Tyler Avenue North to the centerline of _Lake Street Northeast; thence East along the centerline.of Lake Street Northeast to the centerline of BZake Road North; thence North along the centerline of Blake Road Nort'� to.State Highway H7. Polling Precinct: ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH-291 Sth Avenue North. DISTRICT NO. 2- A1l that part of the City of Xopkins lyina SoutherZy of the Chicago 6 Northwestern Railroad R/W and Easterly of the centerline of Washington Avenue South. � Polling Precinct: HRRLEY HOPKINS SCHOOL - 125 Monroe Avenue South. DISTRICT NO. 3. - A1Z that part of the City of Hopkins lying South of Excelsior Avenue, North of the centerline of 7th Street South and West of the centerZine of Washington Avenue South. Polling Precinct: HOPKINS CITY HALL - 1010 First Street South. . DISTRICT NO. 9- AZ1 that part of the City_of Nopkins Iying northerSy of the center- line of Excelsior Avenue, Westerly of the centerline of 13th Avenue and Southerly of the centerline of State Highway #7. PoSZing Precinct: KATXERINE CURRAN SCHOOL - 2600 Excelsior Avenue West. - DISTRICT NO. 5- All that part oi the City of Xopkins Sying Northerly of the center line of Xighway N7. Polling Precinct: UNITED METHODIST CXURCN - 7Z7 Nighway #7. DISTRZCT NO. 6- R11 that part of the City of Hopkins lying NortherZy of the center- � line of Second Street North; Westerly of the centerline of Sth Avenue; Easterly of the centerline of Z3th Avenue and Southerly of the centerline of State Flighway H7. • Polling Precinct: ALSCE SMITX SCHOOL - 801 Minnetonka Mills Road. • DISTRICT NO. 7- A11 that part of the City of Hopkins lying Northerly of the center line of Excelsior Avenue; Westerly of the centerZine of Washington Avenue; Easterly ' ' of the centerline of 13th Avenue and Southerly of the centerline of Second Street North. Polling Precinct: - XOPKINS LIBRARY - 22 - Zlth Avenue North. DZSTRICT NO. 8- AI1 that part of the City of Nopkins Sying SoutherZy of the center- Iine of 7th Street South. Polling Precinct: WESTIIROOKE - 823 Old Settlers Trail. DISTRICT NO. 9- R11 that part of the City of Xopkins lying North of the Chicago 6 Northwestern Railroad R/W; and East of the foZlowing described Zine: beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Tyler Avenue North with the Chicago & Nort.iwestern Railroad R/W; thence North along the centerZine of TyZer Avenue North to the center Ili.ne of Lake Street Northeast; thence East along the centerZine of Lake Street North- east to the centerline of Blake Road North; �thence North along the centerline of - BZake Road North to the City Iimits. PoZling Precinct: OAKS PARK SNELTER BUILDING - 900 Lake Street Northeast. i . � i - ' , � - -. _ ._...._... �._,._ ... ........ ... . ..__. _.., .- --... .�_- . .__.... _.. .. _ .._._..__.r..._ _ .. __...... . _ _..--�---- .__... _...._._. . . , ,_..__._ i li � � 1 Passed and adopted by the City Counci2 of the City of Xopkins, Minnesota, ��_i` at a regular meeting held the 21st day.of December 1976. r A. S. RZCXARASON, JERRS A. MILLER, Ctty Clerk Mayor J0.SEPH C. VESELY, � City Attorney �, • Memo: 12-8-7b To: City Council Re: Resolution No. 76-25k7 Precinct No. 9 Oakes Park The motion as of December 7, 1976 Council Meeting on Resolution No. 76-2547 must be changed; it does not conform to St�te Law which says a precinct boundry must follow a clearly recognizable feature; �►ler Ave. No. does not go through to Cambridge St. (Please see attached letter from the State of Minn. explaining boundries, time etc.) A survey was made of the number of apartment units and single family dwellings in Precinct No. 1 as it now exists. If a new Precinct is created and the people in Ramsgate Apt area (Cambridge-Van Buren Ave A1o.) are not kept in Precinct No. 1 then Precinct No. 9 becomes mueh too large to handle in the Oakes Park Bldg. and too large in potential number of registered voters. Resolution No. 7b-2547 as originally proposed is based on the best populaiion split in this area and still have a buildi,ng to use as a polling place. Precinct No. 1 Possible number of registered voters = 1572 Precinct No. 9 Possible number of registered voters = 1960 Please accept Resolution 76-2547 in its original form or leave the Precinct No. 1 boundries as they now.exist. Respectfully submitted, Pat Haugen � a � , ,�ATF � ` S,�dua,�,r. M�/, �$' \ ..„ � � f �.,'�,:.. ;�� �'NES� 0 STATF. OF 1�II:NNE50TA STATE PLANNING AGENCY 100 CAPITOL SQUARE BUILDING 550 CEDAR STREET ST. PAUL, 55101 August 31, 1976 MEMORANDUM T0: Mayors of Minnesota Cities With More T an One Precinct FROM: Hazel Reinhardt, State Demographe �(/ SUBJECT: Submission of Municipal Maps by Precinct, To Comply With Chapter 132, Laws 1976. • The 1976 Legislature, desiring to facilitate its required reapportion- ment following the 1980 census, enacted Chapter 132 of Laws, 1976. Chapter 132 provides for implementation of a federal law which will guar- antee that the first census data returned to Minnesota will be by precinct. Population data have never before been available by precinct and their availability at this level, by April l, 1981, should be helpful both for legislative and other types of redistricting. No chanqes in precinct boundaries mav be made from Januar 1, 1977, to �anuary 1, 1982, except by annexat�on. In effect, precinct lines are frozen for a perio o ive years. _._. The .legislation also requires that the government body of the municipality shall set boundaries between precincts so that each boundary follows visible, clearly recognizable physical features. A"clearly recognizable feature" is a street, road, boulevard, arkwa , river, stream, shoreline, draina e ditch, railway riqht-of-way, or any other line which is clearly visible from the round A street or roadway which has been platted but not graded is not a clearly recognizable physical feature for this purpose. Where precinct boundaries coincide with cor orate boundaries, the need not be visible to the eye. Changes in precinct boundaries can be made only after the general election in November and before January 1, 1977. There are two reasons for making changes in precinct boundaries: 1) To provide an adequate number of precincts to accommodate the population anticipated by 1982. We encourage those cities that are experiencing rapid growth to consider now the possibility of adding precincts which may be needed in the future so that action can be taken between November 3, 1976, and January 1, 1g77, "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" August 31, 1976 Page 2 2) To change lines between precincts that do not conform to the _clearly recoqnizable feature" specification above. Chapter 132 directs the state demographer to prepare the following maps: ; All counties in the state; all municipalities with a population of 10,000 or more; and other municipalities as deemed necessary for census purposes (this includes all cities with more than one precinct). The maps•of municipalities must show precinct bound- aries. The demographer's office needs your help if we are to provide the required maps to the Bureau of the Census. Under separate cover, we are sending a copy of this memo as well as a map of your municipality to your city mana- ger or clerk. Since there undoubtedly are a number of cities whose precincts now conform to the law and that do not plan to make any changes in precinct boundaries before January 1, 1977, we r^equest that they complete their maps as fcllows: 1) Draw in precinct lines and number precincts aiithin these lines. 2) Indicate whether corporate boundaries are correct as shown and, if not, show corrections. 3) Add any new streets and cross off any streets that no longer exist. 4) Note either that all boundaries have been in effect since January 1, 1970, or indicate the effective date (day/month/ year) of any changes since January l, 1970. Rapidly-growing communities that are considering adding precincts may hold their maps until November/December, 1976, when they are permitted to make changes effective January 1, 1977. . T e—c#ea�1T9Ti�—�for_..s_ubmission of all maps to the state demographer's office is January 17, 1977. S umma r,�. . In past censuses, there have been many instances of undercounting or allocation of people to the wrong munici�ality. Most of these mistakes have occurred because of improperly drawn boundaries which were used by census enumerators. Chapter 132, Laws, 1976 provides a real opportuni�y for municipalities to draw precise, physically visible boundaries showing r.� e CITY OF NOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2547 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING ELECTION DZSTRICTS AND POLLING PRECINCTS IN THE CITY OF NOPKINS. WRSREAS, it is necessary, expedient and required that the City of Hopkins be divided into nine (9) election districts for aZ1 elections to be heZd in the City after the effective date of this Resolation and that a polling precinct be designated in each district. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF $OPKINS, MINNESOTA: That the City_be divided into nine (9) election districts as hereinafter set forth, and that the polling precinct in each such district be as follows: to-wit: DZSTRICT NO. Z- A11 that part of the City of Aopkins lying within the area des- cribed as foZlows: beginning in the centerline of State �Nighway q7 where it inter- sects with the centerline of Blake Road North, thence Westerly along the centerline of State Nighway N7 to the centerZine of Sth Avenue North; thence running South � along the centerline of Sth Avenae North to the centerline of Second Street North; thence East along the centerline of Second Street North and as extended to the center- Zine of Washington Avenue North; thence South aZong the centerZine of Washington Avenue North to the R/W of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad R/W; thence North- easterly aZong the Chicago 6 Northwestern R/W to the centerZine of TyZer Avenve North; thence North along the centerline of TyZer Avenue North to the centerline of Lake Street Northeast; thence East along the centerline of Lake Street Northeast to the Centerline of HIake Road North; thence North along the centerline of BZake Road North to State Highway 1l7. Polling Precinct: ZION LUTI�RAN ClfURCH-241 Sth Avenne North. DISTRICT NO. 2- AZ2 that pert of the City of Hopkins Iying Southerly of the Ch�cago & Northwestern RaiZroad R/W and Easterly of the centerline of Washington Avenue South. Polling Precinct: HARLEY HOPKINS SCNODL - i25 Monroe Avenue South. DISTRICT NO. 3. - AZS that part of the City of Hopkins lying South of Excelsior Avenue, North of the centerline of 7th Street South and West of the centerline of Washington Avenue South. Polling Precinct: HOPKINS CITY HALL - 1010 First Street South. . DISTRICT NO. 4- All that part of the City of Nopkins' lying northerly of the center-, Iine of Excelsior Avenve, westerSy of the centerline of Z3th Avenue and Southerly of the centerline of State Highway N7. Pol2ing Precinct: KATXERINE CURRAN.SCXOOL - I600 Excelsior Avenue West: DISTRICT NO. 5- A11 that part of the City of Hopkins Zying Northerly of the center- ltne of Highway !l7. Polling Precinct: UNITED METfiODIST CHURCtf - 7Z7 Highway H7. DISTRICT NO. 6- All that part of the City of Hopkins lying Northerly of the.center- line of Second Street North; Westerly of the centerZine of Sth Aven�e; Easterly of the centerline of 13th Avenae and Southerly of the centerline of State Highway N7. Polling Precinct: ALICE SMITH SCNOOL - 801 Minnetonka Mi11s Road. DISTRICT NO. 7- R11 that part of the City of Hopkins lying Northerly of the center- line of Excelsior Avenue; Westerly of the centerline of Washington Avenue; Easterly of the centerline of 13th Avenve and Southerly of the centerline of Second Street North. Po2ling Precincte - HOPKINS LIBRARY - 22 - Ilth Avenue North. DISTRICT N0..8 - A21 that part of the City of Nopkins Zying Southerly of the center- line of 7th Street South. PoZling Precinct: WESTBROOKE - 823 Old Settlers Trail. DISTRICT NO. 9- A11 that part of the City oF Hopkins lying North of the Chicago 6 Northwestern RaiZroad R/W; and East of the following described 2ine: beginning at the tntersection of the centerline of Ty1er Avenue North with the Chicago 6 Northwestern Railroad R/W; thence North along the centerline of TyZer Avenue North to the center- Itne of Lake Street Northeast; thence East along the centerline of Lake Street North- east to the centerline of Blake Road North; thence North along the centerline of 'BZake Road North to the City Simits. Polling Precinct: OAKS PARK SHELTER BUILDINC -. 900 Lake.Street Northeast. - - � � . - . � � .. . � . . . . . . � . .. - � � . � . . . .. . � i• , i 1 Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, I + _� et a regular meeting held the 7th day of December 1976.' � ' B. E. RICfIARASON, JERRE A. MILLER. Ctty CZerk Mayor � ; JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney , ° � 0 t•I'. � �� � ��� �ib �'_7 �� � . � ��.. ��. ' ••!-� .:� i . �...,� L 4 .� � ~ ` • � N � � W ' ` li � :: � :. � .�,�: . ~ � � ` `� _ . _ _ _ --:� = -- = ,-_�- .l.t-T - . = � T� � L _ _�,...�� - _ - ' _ _ ' . 1 ' _ :��._� - _ ; �_ : -T(L� '-- _ ` --1r��" "'� � �}-��7�_' T _� r " � Wi__ F�t-- � �� r. I ' � ' . _ �' ' �}_.. �. M�4L[� I��r" Y I�O/KIMS �'— ^N, � � _� I . . SCMOCL �� f—` �` � �: � ,�� ' 1 .�,.-� -'t----J - - _ _ �_r. ��� — ` Ji�'—�'— �, i�w�YY�•' �OTt� �1_ '..�J �;` ♦ � F' _ � I �� (��`. �� ii-7 ; _�.t . _F�-.�� — � �� . �, �— � — � _'� �. ~ � � L �� � f � r-'�'� f --1 �'1 i / r�st/o[ o/ �e�r� � � .� � ��' •G�;?�� �B.��T��C� �I���a��� �Qi� .�S �" ,(/ �� _ n e� � CITY OF HOPKINS RESOLUTION NO. 76-2548 �� FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS BY, AND RESOLUTIONS � OF, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA RELATIVE TO AND APPROVING A PROGRAM FOR REDEVEIAPMENT OF THE DOWNTOWN CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT AREA IN HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, ENTITLED ��HOPKINS CBD REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM". WHEREAS, it has been the intent and desire of the City of Hopkins for many years to improve conditions in the section of the City of Hopkins referred to as the Downtown Central Business District; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. of Hopkins, Minnesota (the "Authority"), has now prepared a redevelopment program for redevelopment of the Downtown Central Business District of Hopkins, Minnesota (the "Project Area"), entitZed "Hopkins Redevelopment Program" (the "Program"); and WHEREAS, the Program has been prepared by the Authority with the co- operation and assistance of the appropriate City departments; and WHEREAS, the Authori ty, by resolutions duly adopted at a meeting held on November 8, 1976, did approve the Program and did authorize appZication to the City Council for approval of the Program, and submission to the City Council of the Program, including a statement of the m�thod proposed for financing the project proposed by the Program, and the written opinion of the Planning Commission of the City of Hopkins, dated October 26, I976; and WHEREAS, application for approval of the Program has now been made to the City Council, and the Proqram, a statement of the method proposed for financing the project proposed by the Program, and the written opinion of the PZanning Commission have nora been duly submitted to the City CounciZ, and the City Council on Zaecember 7, Z976, duly heZd a public hearing on the Program pursuant to published notice, a1Z as required by Minnesota Statutes #462.52Z; and WHEREAS, the Authority may not p•roceed with the Program unless the City Council, by resolution, makes certain findings with respect to the Program Area and approves the Program; and WHEREAS, the Authority has studied the Zocation and the physical condi- tion of structures, land use, environmental influences, and social, cultural, and , economic conditions of the Program Area, and the Planning Commission of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, beinq the duly designated and acting officiaZ planning agency of Hopkins has found and determined that the Program Area is deteriorated and deteriorating area within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes #462.421, subd. 11, as set out in its written opinion submitted to the City CounciZ, which finding and determination was concurred in by the Authority; and W�l'IIREAS, the City Council has duZy considered the written opinion of the Plannin q Commission, the Findings and Determinations, and Resolutions of the Authority dated November 8, 1976, the material and inforrr�tion included in the Program, and the testimony and evidence presented at the public hearing held December 7, I976; and WNEREAS, the members of the City Council have knowledge of the conditions � prevailing in the Program Area and in the locality generally; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been fully apprised of a11 action that wi11 or may be necessary to be taken by the City of Hopkins relating to the Pro- gram and the implerrrentation and carrying out of the Program. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, does hereby make the following findings and determinations: 1. That the Program Area is a deteriorated and deteriorating area within the rreeaning of Minnesota Statutes $462.421, subd. Z1; 2. That the redeve.Zopment proposed by the Program is necessary to eliminate, and prevent the spread of, such deterioration; 3. That the Program Area is subject to conditions preventing private development and would not be made available for redevelopment without the govern- mental assistance and financial aid proposed by the Program; 4. That the Program affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Program Area by private enterprise, consistent with the sound needs of the Zocality as a whole; 5. That the Program provides an outline for the development and re- development of the Program Area and is sufficiently complete to indicate the re- lationship of the Program to the objectives of the City of Hopkins as to appro- : priate Iand uses within the Program Area, and to indicate the generaZ standards • or redeveZopment within the Program Area; 6. That there is a feasible method for the temporary relocation of families who may be displaced from the Program Area, and that there are available, or wi11 be provided, in the Program Area, or in other areas not Iess desirable in regard to public utilities and public and commercial facilities, and at rents or prices within the financial means of the families who may be displaced f'rom the Program Area, decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings at least equal in number of families who rr�ay be so displaced; that the Authority, in acquiring any properties, must and wi11 provide a11 reZocation assistance and benefits required by the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition PoZicies Act � of 1970, any acts amendatory thereof, any regulations duly adopted pursuant there- to, and any regulations duly adopted by the State of Minnesota, its agencies, or political subdi visions pursuant to Iaw; 7. That the Program confor� to a general plan for the deyelopment of the locality as a whole; 8. That the method proposed for financing the project proposed by the Program is feasible and adequate to proper3y and fu1Zy finance the project. THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve and direct as follows: A. That the Program, in a1Z respects, including the method proposed for financing the project proposed by the Program, is hereby approved; B. That the City CZerk is hereby directed to maintain on fi3e a copy of the Program as hereby approved, together with the written opinion of the Planning Commission and the Findings and Determinations, and Resolutions of the Authori ty, dated November 8, 1976; C. That the City Council pledges its cooperation, and that of a11 officials, departments, boards, and commissions of the City, in helping to implement and carry out the Program; and directs that a11 such officials, departrraents, boards, and corrur�issions cooperate in a11 appropriate ways to assist and expedite all actions •, to implement and carry out the Program incZuding, but not Iimited to, aZI actions that are necessary or desirable to implement the method proposed for financing the project proposed by the Program. D. That the Mayor and Manager be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed, for and.on behalf of, and in the name of, the City of Hopkins to execute all such documents and agreements, to take aIl such action, as they deem necessary or desirabZe to assist in the implementation and carrying out of the Program. Passed and adopted by the Counci.Z of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, at a regular meeting he.id on the 7th day of December, 1976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE. A. MILLER, Mayor November 23, 1976 Case No: 76-18 Applicant: Dr. J. J. Garamello .. Location: Lots 19, 20, 21 and 22, Block 14, F. A. Savages Interlachen Park also known as 236 Oakwood Road Request: A variance from 269.08 (3) of the Zoning Ordinance to permit an � accessory building having over 700 square feet. STAFF FINDINGS.AND CONIMENTS:. l. Dr..Garamello's home is lo.cated on four contiguous lots �(each measuring 40' x 133'? providing a building site of 160' x 133'. The accessory building proposed will contain 792 square feet and is to be utilized as a garage. 2..The appropriate size of the aggregate square footage of accessory buildings was discussed at the time of reviewing this section'in the proposed amendments of the Zoning Ordinance now under consideration by the Council. It was generally agreed that todays life style has made the garage a very important part of the home. Many families have two or more automobiles, some also have snow mobiles, campers,. boats, winter fish houses, motorcycles, bicycles, power lawn mowers and a wide variety of miscellanecus g^ods to store. Also, many of the newer homes have no basements or cellars available in which to store items. From this consideration it was the decision that the 700 square feet should be inereased with the specific figure being 720 square feet. The request we have. for review provides a situation where.the more land an indiv�idual ownes the less of it he can occupy. 3. Two 40' x 133' lots, platted before the adaption of the Zoning Ordinance are a buildable parcel, which would permit an aggregate square_ footage of accessory buildings to have 700 square feet. Dr. Garamello owns four such lots or two buildable parcels. 4. The variance consideration - could be - that Dr. Garamello has combined two build- able sites into a single homestead and as such a variance to permit the combining of the allowed maximum square footage of accessory buildings related to eacl: buildable site to allow a single accessory building of 800 square feet. 0 _:: . �';i November 8, 1976 Report to the Commissioners From: Joyce Sundblad Subject:� Metropolitan Council Section 8 Program As you will recall, during the February 10, 1975 HRA meeting, the Coi.mcil approved the concept of Metropolitan Section 8, existing housing subsidy, to be sent on to the Hopkins City Council. In turn the Hopkins City Council accepted the proposal, and the Hopkins HRA signed a contract with the Metropolitan Council and I have been furnishing the services for the HRA as attached contract indicates. I began asstuning these Section 8 duties as of August, 1975, and much time has been spent taking applications in my office,�applicants must come into the office to fill out applications, none are to be sent out for the applicant to return. Verification of all income and assets must�be handled by this office, and substandard housing claimed on these applications must be inspected by me also. Once the applicant is certified by the Metropolitan Council, the Hopkins Housing Inspector, Firmus Opitz, inspecis the apartment, if one is found by the certified applicant, and final paper work is done by this office. There has been from the start of our participation in this program, a great shortage of rental units to meet the rent limi�-s of this program. At the beginning there were four apartment owners that I could send a certified applicant to, to inquire and/or put their name on a waiting list, for an apartment. In the pa�t three months, I have only two apartment complexes to recorrnnend to any applicants that do become certified. To date, I have taken 136 applications, and 13 people have been certified and found housing within fIopkins. Five of these people were able to stay in the apartments tiahere they were already living, three of the families that were certified did not apply in this office, the other five did find housing in Town Terrace, Elmo Park and the Tremont Plaza efficiency.apartments. Rents are not.low in Hopkins, and in the past three to four months, most apartment owners have raised the rents $15 to $20 and more. For t�,ao instances, Town Terrace Apartments have gone from $200 to $220 and some higher; Elmo Park, fram $176 to $191, both of these rents are for two bedroom apartments. Both of these apartments do not include utilities, the Town Terrace, electricity has to be paid by the tenant, and the Elmo Park complex, all utilities, except water and sewer has to be paid by the tenant, making the rents, including utilities far above the maxvm.nn of $209. During the month of September, to make the Autliority aware of the hours spent working on Section 8, one hundred, three hours iaere spent taking applications, verifying incomes, assets, inspecting substandard, and going over to Metro in St. Paul for different training for changes made, etc. � � � „ November 8, 1976 � Page 2 Subject: Metro Section 8 These hours that were karked do not included the many telephone calls that I receive daily for information. I have called many other co�mznities in this same program, and many are havi.ng the same problem that Hopkins is having. The cor►�m.uiities that are . out of Hennepin County, the availability of lower rent is there, but also in�small quanities. I would like to recommend that Hopkins be taken off of this program because of lack of rental units, the bui�G�lIlg 1Sp of false hopes that most of these : applicants wil e certlfied and find housing, and the time cons�tion taken fram this office. Respectfully submitted, � �i �� oyc Sundblad Housing.Director attachments N�IO TOs Ed Lundgren, Fire Chief a�C �°� 0, Vo LaBerge9 Police Superintendent �%� �p� Peter Cotton9 City Manager FRDM: Hugh Stratian� Fire Marshal RE: Fire Lanea November 299 1976 Please review the attached request for fire lane de�ignations and pa�s it along if yon find no problems. If you can see difficultiesD please contact mee Q 1 5 1 8 t h �.: �.. � �, v e �:: �m � M[11TlD b•`fs; � P�nr,�NO _ ' �' -'�.'� �ii ' `�'" y�'? - ne�� oo �ve oa :m• o❑ - _ 7RB 00 ', ' ��'� re� oo . ' ���K��� ne• Oo i�le pp'�I . � -' ' �� pLAZA � �!-'� �IO� 00 1:!• 00 ' '1�'�"'• 7M• OO Ttd• p0_ . . 1YB OO Jl!• pp .'�� •� 6EY[NTN �Yt. W. \ �I 101 lIOMTN �ve. w. Moncu�. rwr. - TNO O� 11]e CP 60��� �++e oa r��e �o �,� '' �. n�• oa �ae m � ;. - = �j • � r�• m � - '' Q -- — :`; '� i• tn. on :ii;� �_ w�, '-1' r�• o0 - mo� oo - i�o�� ca 7 e[unor me: m �- • � - 1 ToexCO ' �ry�wb ,�o�� � ��� h :; -- �: tOCA OO 1Q�A pp �'� � 308� d� 20TA Qp �� _ VA DININ6 - 7�� 00 ]Na (Zl .. ' . c �� � 7^� - Iti wee m vae aa �'� A - %:. - � �uee ao m+o 00 �'.. <; weo ca w�e m e.�owR ; �a• m +o�a m i�� . � . m+► m am� Co c' - . aoa� oa ao�• oo - ' � °�0°°°� - LIYIMO _�. I' ta08 O� 1M01 pp i j ,, � 'Y 1W000 70�8 00',.:'-� _ �.�<. Dlqllp w+e oo sm e oo _ ,, �:. .;- c qrnar A 1 _�.--_ ,.�_ � � - ,� oa — ��°" urew ?. " w� 00 :i�o�- '_.� )� �.. / - I�-•' DIYdD ' ' �� � l0e OD F ��E - _ ' ' 4'�•: H G� ..� aS�• �p. Zn B B•1 � �� �ry�MO WItL •IN" O�MIMO _ ��q crtcNa J - - F3 • 2 o�� _ � .. _ _ .�.— ... . �._ _ -- _ �jtr,a �� . � . : E (. . � � -, . � /Y� Y7`� ; I _ e ' �� c. vc<( . � ���l-- { _ . • � % . I'I j`�, •iGsep�s � ,� 1 � ��tGYt� � s�'0'' S��e� � /' 3 - . � ,. -.-� -. - .: ; . �� .. � eas� � a-I�i� 1 � di- ,�y�.� , ��� y,,, S �� ��� y� P�� � � ! ���� A regular meetin_q of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was heZd on Tuesday, December 2I, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Ha11. Present were Mayor Miller, CounciZmen McDonald and Slaton, also City Manager Cotton, City � Engineer Strojan, Asst. Engineer Anderson, Operations Director Beecher, Building Inspector Kohnen and City Attorney Vesely.Absent: Councilmen Milbert and Pokorny. Reel 207 Before the meeting started officially, Mayor�Miller, on behalf of the citizens Side 1 of Hopkins and the City CounciZ, presented Commendation Awards to three young 3-46 employees of the Burger King Restaurant for their bravery in contributing to the apprehension of two counterfeiters who were infiltrating the area with counterfeit $20 bi11s. The young peopZe being Ji11 Burns, Robert WeZch and Jay Van Ve 1 aen . Also at this time, Secret Service Agent Jarr�es R. Goodenough, on behalf of the U. S. Federal Government,awarded these same three younq people with $200 and $500 U.S. Savings Bonds for their part in the apprehension of these counter- feiters which led to the breakup of this national ring of counterfeiters and the confiscation of over $500,000 of these counterfeit $20 bills. Mayor Mi1Zer then calZed the r•�gular CounciZ meeting to order and asked for a motion on the CONSENT CALENDAR. Action: Dr. Slaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the two items on 46- the CONSENT CALENDAR, be approved: I. Minutes of the December 7, 1976, Council meeting. 2. Request by Northern States Power Corapany for permit to instaZl underground eZectric cable on Powell Road, to service the new addition for Powe11 Candy. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald,yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * � �r * * * �r * Action: Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the expenditures -lIZ dated December 2Z, 1976, Warrent No. 491 in the amount of $307,421,88, with the exception of Item 1, in the amount of $800.00, made out to the MENNINGER FOUNDATION and Warrent No. 492, in the amount of $100,215.25, be approved and authorized for payment. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanitrtousZy. Item: 76-360-R. Dr. SZaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, to reconsider the I1Z- previous motion of this item on December 7, 1976, which was the adoption of ResoZution No. 76-2547, "A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING ELECTION DISTRICTS AND POLLING PRECINCTS IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS", as amended, as State Law forbids a municipality to change polling distri cts only if it follows a cZeariz� recognizable feature. (This case being - Ty1er Avenue North does not go through to Cambridge St.) A poZl of the vote was as folZows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonaZd, yea; Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Action: Dr. SZaton moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Resolution No. 76-2547, -124 "A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING ELECTION DISTRICTS AND POLLING PRECINCTS IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS", be adopted as originally drawn and following the outline as shown on the attached map. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Dr. SZaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-367-L. Mr. McDonaZd moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the Zist of I24- miscellaneous license applications for 1977, as shown on the attached list, be approved. A poll of the vote was as follows: Dr. SZaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. ( Item: 76-368-R. Dr. S.Zaton, moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that Resolution No. -224 76-2549, "A JOINT RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE HENNEPIN COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL", be adopted. A po1Z of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. (see attached) Minutes of the December 2Z, 1976, CounciZ meeting, cont. Item: 76-369-A. 224-239 Item: 76-370-5. 239-280 Page 2. Mr. McDonaZd moved, and Dr. Slaton seconded the motion, that the proposed Agreement between Rieke-CarroZl-Mu11er & Associates and the City of Hopkins for Services for a Parking Stud� for the CBD District, be approved and the Mayor to sign same. A po11 of the vote was as folZows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimousZy. Manager's Mr. McDonald, moved, and Dr. Slaton, seconded the motion, that the City/ recommendations� for Department Head saZaries for 1977, be continued to the January 4, 1977, CounciZ meeting when a fu11 Council will be in attendance. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-371-D. Dr. Slaton, moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the rr� tion, that the HOPKINS- 280- MINNETONKA, EDEN PRAIRIE SUN , be designated as the official newspaper for the City for 1977. A po11 of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Miller, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Item: 76-372-A. Mr. McDonald moved, and Dr. Slaton, seconded the motion, that the Agreement -297 for Services between the City and Peter G. Cotton be approved, with the stipulation and understanding that the Agreement can be cancelled with one day's notice of either party, and/or the take over of the City's affairs by the proposed new City Manager, a�id that the Mayor be authorized to sign said A greement. A poZl of the vote was as fol.Zows: Mr. McDonald, yea; Dr. Slaton, yea; and 1Nayor Mi11er, yea. Mation carried unanimously. Action: Dr. Slaton, moved, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, that the meeting be 315 adjourned. A poZZ of the vote was as follows: Dr. Slaton, yea; Mr. McDonald, yea; and Mayor Mi1ler, yea. Motion carried unanimously. ATTES � � �� � A. Miller, Mayor Dorothy M. tary to- the Council CO CI N: �/ � � . 2 c`��,(,c�� �'�-_-,X �,�...� CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2547 A P.ESOLUTION ESTABLISHING ELECTION DISTRICTS AND POLLING PRECINCTS IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS. WHEREAS, it is necessary, expedient and required that the City of Hopkins be divided into nine (9) election districts for a1I elections to be held in the City after the effective date of this Resolution and that a polling precinct be desicrnated in each district. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA: That the City be divided into nine (9) election districts as hereinafter set forth, and that the polling precinct in each such district be as follows: to-wit: DISTRICT NO. Z- AlI that part of the City of Hopkins lyin g within the area des- cribed as follows: beginning in the centerline of State Highway #7 where it inter- sects with the centerZine of Blake Road North, thence Westerly along the centerline of State Highway #7 to the centerline of Sth Avenue North; thence running South along the centerline of 5th Aven ue North to the centerline of Second Street North; thence East along the centerZine of Second Street North and as extended to the center- line of Washington Avenue North; thence South aZong the centerZine of Washington Avenue North to the R/W of the Chicago � Northwestern Railroad R/W; thence North- easterly aZong the Chicago & Northwestern R/W to the centerline of Tyler Avenue North; thence North along the centerline of Tyler Avenue North to the centerline of Lake Street Northeast; thence East along the centerline of Lake Street Northeast to the centerline of BZake Road North; thence North along the centerline of BZake Road North to State Hi ghway #7. Polling Precinct: ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH-241 5th Avenue North. DISTRICT NO. 2- A1I that part of the City of Hopkins lying Southerly of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad R/W and Easterly of the centerline of Washington Avenue South. Polling Precinct: HARLEY HOPKINS SCHOOL - 125 Monroe Avenue South. DISTRICT NO. 3. - AZ1 that part of the City of Hopkins Iying South of Excelsior Avenue, North of the centerline of 7th Street South and West of the centerline of Washington Avenue South. Polling Precinct: HOPKINS CITY HALL - 1010 First Street South. DISTRICT NO. 4- All that part of the City of Hopkins lying northerly of the center- line of Excelsior Avenue, Westerly of the centerline of 13th Avenue and Southerly of the centerline of State Highway #7. Polling Precinct: KATHERINE CURRAN SCHOOL - 1600 Exce.Zsior Avenue West. DISTRICT N0. 5- A1Z that part of the City of Hopkins lying NortherZy of the center- line of Highway #7. PoZZing Precinct: UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 717 Highway #7. DISTRICT NO. 6- AI1 that part of the City of Hopkins lying Northerly of the center- Iine of Second Street North; Westerly of the centerline of 5th Avenue; Easterly of the centerline of 13th Avenue an d Southerly of the centerline of State Hi ghway #7. PoZling Precinct: ALICE SMITH SCHOOL - 801 Minnetonka Mills Road. DISTRICT NO. 7- AZI that part of the City of Hopkins Iying NortherZy of the center- Iine of Excelsior Avenue; Westerly of the centerline of Washington Avenue; Easterly of the centerline of 13th Avenue and Southerly of the centerline of Second Street North. PolZing Precinct: - HOPKINS LIBRARY - 22 - 11th Avenue North. DISTRICT NO. 8- AZ1 that part of the City of Hopkins Iying Southerly of the center- Zine of 7th Street South. Polling Precinct: WESTBROOKE - 823 Old Settlers Trail. DISTRICT NO. 9- AI1 that part of the City of Hopkins lying North of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad R/W; and East of the following described line: beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Tyler Avenue North with the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad R/W; thence North a.Zong the centerline of Tyler Avenue North to the center- line of Lake Street Northeast; thence East aZong the centerline of Lake Street North- east to the centerline of BZake Road North; thence North along the centerline of B.Zake Road North to the City limits. PolZing Precinct: OAKS PARK SHELTER BUILDING - 900 Lake Street Northeast. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, at a regular meeting held the 21St day of December Z976. H. E. RICHARDSON, City C1erk JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor 0 .a1977 License #lrli. Abel Heating #1+5 Snyder's Drug Store Inc. �}`LF6 H & G Service 8unz Oil Co. #k7 Bridgemar: by Beranrd Cottage Shoppes Inc #48 Gopher Bowling Supplies Inc Hopkins Lanes #49 General Sheet Metal Corp. #50 Country Club Markets Inc. . `51 Learning Tree Centers #52 Learning Tree Centers # 53 Kenny' s I�iarke t s #54 Renny's Markets #�b Minnesota Gas Co. #55 Hogkins Theatre #5Z rietro 500 #SS Dairy Queen #59 Gold Medal Beverage Co. Action Ready tiEnts #60 Gold �Iedal Beverage Co �. Hopkins Standard #6� Gold Medal Beverage Co. Crown Auto Parts �62 Gold Medal Beverage Coe Toai �#63 Gold Medal Beverage Co. Hoel's t�larine Council Approwal December 21, 19?6 In3ta11 gas burners Restaurant, Milk, Cigarettes Gasaline station 6 pumps Aestaurant, Mi�lc Vending raachine 1 C25.00 Install gas burners � Vending machine 1 Q10.00, Cigarettes 2@12.00, Off Sale Non Intoxicating Malt Liquor, Grocery store, Meat market, Milk Food establishraent Food establishment Grocery store, Off Sale Non Inioxicating F�alt Liquor, Mi1.4. Grocery store, Off Sale Non Intoxicating Malt Liquor, Mii'�. Install gas burners N�ovie Theatre, Sanck bar, Vending machine 2@10.00, Cigarettes' _ Gasoline station 6 pumps, Cigarettes Food establis2zment Vending machine 1 �10000 Vending machine 1 �10.00 Vendang machine 1 @10.00 Yending machine 1 e10.00 Vendi.ng machine 1 @10.00 � v 19�' License Council Approval December 21, 1976 #138 Interstate United Corp. of Minn Vending machines 3@15.00, 2@25.00 . iihite Motors . #139 Iriterstaie United Corp. oY Minn Cigarettes k Q12.00, Vending machines 13 �10.00, White I�tors 9 �15.�, 3 �5.00 #1,40 Town Taad znc. 33 Taud cabs #141 United States Bench Corp. �renty—five conrtesy benches #La2 Lovis Deridio Oil & Gas Burner Install gas & oil burners #11a3 The Bake Shop Bakery #1/{l� Holt Auto Sales Class A Nlotor Vehicle #145 Jack 7ee Rest. Inc. On Sale Non Intoxicating Malt Liquor Off Sale Non #146 Hopkins Car Wash #147 B 8c G Service #148 1�rin City Novelty Hopkins House � #11+9 Dairy Queen #150 1�820 Investment Rose Confection � Into�dcating Malt Liquor, Restaurant, Cigarettes� Milk, Vending machine 1 e10.00 Car Wash Cigarettes, Vending machine 2 @10.00 Pool table, 2 Mechanical amusement devices c�60.00 Juke Box n Food establishment, Cigarettes Vending machine 1 C�10.00, 1 e15.00 #151 Interstate United Corp. of Minn Vending machi.ne 1 Q10.00, 2�15.00, 1@ 25.00 Suburban Chev #152 Murphy Plumb. & HeatCo Install gas burners #153 T & H Markets Inc. ,#154 Alaskan i�.ir Cond. Inc. #155 Hopkins Nursing Home Grocery store, meat market, Off Sale Non Intoxicating A4alt Liquor, Milk, Cigarettess Vending machine 1 C�10.00 Install gas burners �ining room e ' 1977 License #121 Coca Cola Midwest South Jr Hi�h #122 CocaCola Midxest Super Valu Warehouse . #123 Hopkins Dodge by Coca Cola Midwest #124 Coca Cola Midwest Red Owl � #125 Hopkins;Best Steak House #126 Cross Roads Union 76 Council Approval December 21, 19?6 Vending machine 1 �10.00 Vending machine 2 C�10.00 Vending machines 2 �25.00 Vending machines 6 C�25.00 Restaurant, On Sale Non Intoxicating Malt Liquor, Milk, Cigarettes, Vending machine 1�10.� Gasoline station 8 pumps, Cigarettes, Vending machine 2 @10.00 �].27 Johnson Nut Co. Food Manufacturing, Vending machine 1 Q10.00 United Packaging Co. � #128 Jacks Amusement Co. 1� Mechanical devices �60.00 Hopkins Bowling Lanes #129 Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Inc.Vending machine 1�10.00 Hopkins Bowling Lanes , #130 Coca Cola�Bottling Midwest Cigarettes 2@12.00� Vending machines 2�10.00,� Hopkins Dodge 2 C?15.00 #131 Lance Inc. Yending machine 1�10.00 Toni Cleaning . #132 Lance Inc. Vending machine 1�10.00 Hopkins Standard #133 Commercial Air Cond. Inc. Install gas.burners #134 Village Inn Pizza Parlor On Sale Non Intoxicating Malt Liquor, Restaurant, Milk of Minn. #135 Hopkins Dodge Inc. Class A Motor Vehicle #136 Blue Flaune Contractors Install gas & oil burners #137 phil's Grocery Grocery store, Off Sale Non Intoxicating Malt Liquor, l�i.lk 1977 License #101 Vildng Pioneer Inc Archie's #102 Viking Pioneer Inc. Red Owl Stores #103 �ain City Vending Co. Inc. Super Valu Annex #104 �rin City Vending Co. Inc. Super Valu #105 �ain City Vending Co. Inc. Super Valu Retail #106 �rin City Ver.ding Co. Inc. Super Valu Print #107 Phillips Knollwood 66 #108 Jinuny Jingl� Wrico Tool & Stamping #109 Seasonal Control Inc. #110 Atwood Land Co. #111 Zantigo Restaurants #112 Enviro Services Inc. #113 Z`idholm Skelly Service #111+ 7 Eleven Stores Council Approval December 21, 1976 Cigarettes. . Cigarettes 8 e12.00, Vending machines 8�10.00� 3 �15.00, 3 a25.00 Cigarettes, Vending machines 2@10..00, 2 C�25.00 Cafeteria, Vending machines 2 e10.00, 2(�15.00, 2 �2 5.00 . Vending machine l e10.00 � Vending machine 1 c�10.00 Gasoline station l� pumps Cigarettes, Vending machines l@10.00, 2�15.�, 1 @2 5.00 � Install gas & oil burners , Vending machines 2@10.00, 1@15.00, 1 e25.00, Cigarette�, R�staurant, Cigarettes, Milk � Install gas burners Gasoline station k gumps, Vending machine 1@10.00 Grocery store, Off Sale Non Intoxicating Malt Liquorf Cigarettes #115 Midwest Vending Co. Vending machine 1�10.00 Random Specialties #11.6 Mi.ni-Mall Card & Candy Cigarettes #117 Pep Services�Champlin Service- Cigarettes, Milk Self service, Groceries #118 L. Hollen Candy 8c Tabacco Cigarettes, Vending machine 1 e10.00 ' Tidholm Skelly , #119 Holiday Circuits Inc. Yending machine 1�10.00 . #120 Cronstroms Heating & Air Cond. Install gas & oil burners c 197? License Council Approval December 21� 1976 #82 Coca Cola BottlingMidwest Inc Vending machine 1�25.00 Crosstotdn Nlarine #83 Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Inc. Vending machine 1�10.00 Rics Hopkins Car Wash #8k Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Inc. Vending machine 1@10.4� Hoprldns Spur #85 Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Inc. Vending machine 1@10.00 Champion Auto #86 Olson & PfeifferDrug Store #$7 Roya1 Plumbing & Heating #6$.Moibus Inc. Mr ponut �89 Kennec�y Mayonnaise Products �}`90 Powell's Inc. Cigarettes Tnstall gas burners Restaurant, Milk Food Manufacture�• Food Manufacture... #91 Patterson Oil Co. Inc. Bulk gas & oil storage ... #92 C. K. of Hopkins Inc. Restaurant, Cigarettes, Milk� Vending machine 1@10.00 #93 Tom Thumb Blake Rd Grocery store, Off Sale Intoxicating Malt Liquor, Milk Cigarettes #Q4 Golden Key Health Club Inc. #95 Or�rens Services Corp #96 Check Refrigeration Inc #97 Del Air Conditioning Inc. #98 Viking Pioneer Inc. Powell Inc. #99 Vining Pioneer Inc. ModernMerchandising #100 Viking Pioneer Inc. Henn. Co. Hrvy Dept Sauna License Install gas burners Install gas burners Install gas burners Cigarettes, Vending machines 1 C�10.00, 1 C�15.00 3 c�25.00 Cigarettes VEnding machines 1 C�10.00, 1 Q15.00� 2 c�5.00 Cigarettes 2�12.00, Vending machines 2 e10.00, 1977 License #6k Gold Medal Beverage Co. Purveyors #65 Gold Medal Beverage Co. TBCO #66 Gold Medal Beverage Co. Packaging Inc. #67 Preferred Sheet Metal Inc. #68 Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. Henn Co. Hwy Dept #69 Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. Sheehan Hopldns Lanes Council Approval Dececnber 21, 1976 Vending machine 1 @10.00 Vending machine 1 @10.00 Vending machine 1 c�10.00 Install gas burners Vending machine 1 �10.00 Vending machine 1 @10.00 #'%0 Pizza Park Corp Restaurant, soft.drinks #71 S. S. Billiards Pool 8c billiard tables, Mechanical Amusement devices 16 @60.00, Vending ma�hine 2 e10.00 ,�72 Len's Texaco Gasoline statinn 2 pumps, Cigarettes�Ver.ding macnine 1 �z 5.00 #73 Tom Thumb Market #131� Grocery store, Milk, Off Sale Non Intoadcating Malt Liquor, CigareL�es �'jl� Northland Mechanical Contractors Install gas & oil burners #75 Poppin Fresh Fies Inc. Restaurant, Milk -` #76 Chapel View Inc. Vending machine 1 C�10.00 #77 Hammerlund Manufac. Inc. Vending machine 1�10.00 #78 Ted �una CigarEttes . Poppin Fresh Pies #'79 Hopkins F�restone Gasoline station 2 pumps, Vend3ng machine 1 QT0.00 J & L Auto Inc. #�0 Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Inc Vending machine 1@25.00 West Side Village #gl Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Inc Vending machine 1 Q25•� Tremont Plaza 1977 License #22 Texgas Corp. #23 Theisen Vendirig Co, Tre�nt Plaza #z4 Red Door Inc. #25 Crown Fixture #26 Royalton Heating &� Cooling #27 P& D Mechanical Cont. Co. #28 Edco Products Inc. #29 Egan & Sons Co. #30 Fred Vogt & Co. '`31 Hoagie's Restaurant Inc. #32 The Sitting Room #33 Knollwood Standard Service #34 Air Comfort Inc. #35 Midas Muffler #36 Red Owl Stores Inc. #37 Sir Vend Inc Thermotec #3g Sir Vend Inc. Thermotec Plastic �'39 Justus Lumber Co. #1+0 Outidoorsman Inc. . #41 Champlin Petroleum Co. #1+2 Wm. H. McCoy Pet. �el Inc. �1�3 Nelson Meat Co. Council Approval December 21, T976 Install gas burners Juke Box Cigarettes 2 �12.00 Ori Sale Non Into�dcating Malt �Liquor, Restaurant, Milk, cigarettes, Juke Box Vending machine 1 C�10.00 - Install gas burners Install gas & oil burners �ending machine l @10.00 Install gas & oil burners Install gas & oil burners Restaurant, Milk Restaurant Gksoline station 9 pumps, Vending machine 1�10.00� 1 @15.00, 1 Q25.00 Cigarettes Install gas burners Vending machine l c�10.00 Food Manufacturer,.__Food Establishment, Milk, Vending machine � 1 c�10.00 Vending machines k�15.00, 2 C�10.00, Q225.00, Cigarettes 2 �12.00 Vending machines 1 Q10.00, 1 e15.00, 3 c�25.00, Cigarette:: Vending machine l C�10.00 Vending machine 1.�10.00 Gasoline station 4 pumps �ulk plant, Gasoline station 12 pumps Meat market, Milk �.. CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 76-2549 JOINT RESOLUTION fSTA6LISHING THE HENNEPIN COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL -:�� � � --'�`y, WHEREAS, the parties to this joint resolution recognize the need for criminal justice system planning and coordination on a countywide basis; and, WHEREAS, it is the sense of the parties hereto that the effective- ness of such planning and coordination on a countywide basis would best be served by the establishment of a criminal justice coordinating council consisting of representatives of the parties hereto for the purpose of coordinating activities which will improve and strengthen law enforcement and criminal justice, encouraging research and development activities directed toward the improvement of law enforcement and criminal justice and assi$ting in the development of new methods for the prevention and reduction of crime and juvenile delinquency; and, WHEREAS, the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (P.L. 90-351), and acts amendatory thereto, encourages and provides for the establishment of criminal justice coordinating councils in major urban areas to assure improved planning for and coordination of criminal justice agencies and acti�ities within those jurisdictions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Hennepin County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council be established in accordance with the pro- visions as set forth in the accompanying operational bylaws and pursuant to the provisions of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, and acts amendatory thereto; . � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the CITY OF HOPKINS agrees to participate as a member of the Hennepin County Criminal Justice Co- ordinating Council: Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, at a regular meetinq he.Zd on Tuesday, December 21, 1976. H. E. RICHARASON, City CZerk JERRE A. MILLER, Mayor JOSEPH C. VESELY, City Attorney EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I. Establishment. The Hennepin County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council will be established in accordance with the Operational By- laws when the Joint Resolution has been passed by Hennepin County, the city of Minneapolis, and any number of suburban municipalities which, together with the city of Minneapolis, contain at least 50 percent of the total population of. the county. II. Purpose. It is intended that the Hennepin County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council will serve as a forum through which local units of government in Hennepin County will have the opportunity to cooperatively pursue the resolution of criminal justice system problems which are primarily of an interagency and intergovern- mental nature. III. Membership. All general purpose units of government within Hen- nepin County are eligible to be members of the Council. In the � Bylaws, there is a provision for eight suburban Hennepin County representatives, eight county of Hennepin representatives,-.six- city of Minneapolis representatives and four private sector rep- resentatives. Further detail on the specifications of this rep- resentation may be found in Article IV "Membership" on pages 2 through 5 of the Operational Bylaws. IV. Fundin . Staffing and supportive services for normal Council business and activities will be provided by Hennepin County. In order to provide these services, Hennepin County will apply for and accept federal funding made available under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968. The share of matching funds necessary to qualify for these federal grants will be provided entirely by Hennepin County. V. Withdrawal and Dissolution. Any member may at any time withdraw from the Hennepin County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council by resolution of its governing body. The Council will be dis- solved (a) whenever a sufficient number of inembers, excepting Hennepin County, withdraw from the Council to reduce.the total number of inembers to a level wherein the remaining members do not represent at least one half of the county population; (b) by two-thirds vote of all the representatives on the Council; and (c) by resolution of the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners. �,�.. _. _ ;,. 12/2/76 OPERATIONAL BYLAWS: HENNEPIN COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL ARTICLE I. ESTABLISHMENT The Hennepin_County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (HCCJCC) is established pursuant to a joint resolution passed by Hennepin County, the city of Minneapolis and any number of suburban municipalities within Hennepin County which, together with the city of Minneapolis, contain at least 50 percent of the total population of Hennepin County. ARTICLE II. GENERAL PURPOSE The HCCJCC is established as a forum through which local units of government in Hennepin County may, by association, consultation and study, cooperatively promote improvements in the criminal justice system which transcend departments, agencies and the geographical boundaries of the individual communities. ARTICLE III. DEFINITION OF TERMS Section 1. For purposes of these bylaws, the terms defined in this article shall have the meanings given them. Section 2. "Local unit of government" shall mean any local governmental unit from within Hennepin County which is a party to the joint resolution, but shail not include a public authority, a school district, an improve- ment district or other special district. Section 3. "Member" means a local governmental unit which executes a joint resolution declaring its intent to participate. -2- Section 4. "Representative".means an individual serving on the Hen- nepin County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council on behalf of eligible member units which enter into the joint resolution. "Representative" also means an individual serving on behalf of any private sector agency, organization and/or association related to or sharing in the responsibility for the provision of criminal justice services in Hennepin County, as well as any special departments or offices as designated in these bylaws. Section 5. "Hennepin County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council", which organization is hereafter referred to as HCCJCC, means the organi- zation created pursuant to the joint resolution of participation. Section 6. "Council" means the collective member representatives � who shall serve as the governing body of the HCCJCC. IV. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Any local unit of government in Hennepin County is elig- ible for membership in and representation on the HCCJCC. Also, as provided in these bylaws, private sector agencies and/or associations related to or sharing in the responsibility for the provision of criminal justice services in Hennepin County, as well as any specially.designated depart- ments or offices, are eligible for representation on the HCGJCC. Section 2. Any local unit of government desiring to become a member of the HCCJCC may do so by the duly authorized execution of a copy of the joint resolution by its proper officers. Thereupon, the clerk or. other corresponding officer of the governmental unit shall file an exe- cuted copy of the joint resolution with the Hennepin County Administrator. . ., r - 3 - Section 3. Any suburban local unit of government desiring to become a member of the HCCJCC shall execute a joint resolution of participation and those same units of government which execute such resolutions shal] jointly have the following representation on the HCCJCC: -- four individuals, either mayors or members of sub- urban city councils, elected, through mailed nomi- nations and ballots, by the mayors and council mem- bers of participating suburban local units of gov- ernment; -- two suburban city managers/administrators selected by the Hennepin County members of the Metropolitan Area Managers Association; and -- two suburban police chiefs/public safety directors � selected by the Hennepin County members of the Hennepin County Chiefs of Police Association. Section 4. Upon execution of a joint resolution of participation, the city of Minneapolis shall have the following representation on the HCCJCC: -- the Mayor of the city of Minneapolis or his designee; -- the Minneapolis City Coordinator or his designee; -- the President or another member of the Minneapolis City Council; -- the Chief of the Minneapolis Police Department or his designee; -- the Minneapolis City Attorney or his designee; and - -- a community representative selected by the Minneapolis City Council. Section 5. Upon execution of a joint resolution of participation, ' the county of Hennepin shall have the following representation on the HCCJCC: � -4- -- the Chairman or another member of the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners; -- the Hennepin County Administrator or his designee; -- the Hennepin County Attorney or his designee; -- the Chief Judge of the Hennepin County District Court or his designee; -- the Chief Judge of the Hennepin County Municipal Court or his designee; -- the Hennepin County Public Defender or his designee; -- the Hennepin County Sheriff or his designee; and � -- the Director of the Hennepin County Department � of Court Services or his designee. � Section 6. In February of 1977 and each odd numbered year thereafter, i the HCCJCC shall select four private sector agencies, organizations and/or associations for representation on the Council. Such agencies, organiza- tions and/or associations must have a direct relationship to the provi- sion of criminal justice services in Hennepin County. When selected, these private sector agencies, organizations and/or associations will be noiified by the officers of the HCCJCC of their eli- gibility for representation and requested to nominate representatives. Upon notification, they shall specify their nomination for representation on the HCCJCC and, when accepted by the Council, shall be entitled to full voting privileges. Section.7. The HCCJCC is duly established when the joint resolution has been executed by the county of Hennepin, the city of Minneapolis and any number of municipalities in the county which, together with the city 9 - 5 - of Minneapolis, contain at least one half of the population of the county and when executed copies from such governmental units have been filed as set out herein. Section 8. The initial members shall be those local units of gov- ernment which execute a joint resolution of participation on or before February 1, 1977. Governmental units wishing to join the HCCJCC after February 1, 1977, may do so only upon the execution and filing of a joint resolution of participation as set out herein. ARTICLE V. GOVERNING BODY Section 1. The governing body of the HCCJCC shall be the Council. Each representative on the Council shall be entitled to one vote. Section 2. During the conduct�of normal Council business or activ- ities, representatives shall serve w�ithout compensation from the HCCJCC; but this shall not prevent a representative from receiving compensation for such expenses as are incurred from his appointing authority. Section 3. A majority of the representatives shall constitute a quorum of the Council. Section 4. There shall be no voting by proxy, but each representative will be entitled to designate one alternate who shall be entitled to at- tend meetings from time to time, but may not vote in the absence of the designated representative. Section 5. Representatives shall serve at the pleasure of the ap- pointing authority. � ■�� Section 6. Three consecutive absences without good cause shall be sufficient reason for the Council to find a vacancy exists in the term of the representative involved. The Council shall first notify the representative of his pending termation and, if necessary, the appoint- ing authority for the purpose of requesting the appointment of a new representative. � Section 7. Vacancies on the Council shall occur when the represen- tative ceases to hold the position which entitled him/her to representation or for other reasons which shall prohibit the representative from attend- ing duly called meetings of the Council. In the event such a vacancy occurs, the appointing authority shall be notified and the Council shall request the appointment of a new representative. ARTICLE VI. MEETINGS AND OFFICERS Section 1. Within thirty (30) days after the filing of the required number of joint resolutions of participation as set out herein, the first meeting of the HCCJCC shall be called and shall be held not later than fifteen (15) days thereafter. Section 2. At the first meeting of the Council and in February of each odd numbered year after 1977, the Council shall elect from its mem- bership two co-chairmen and a vice-chairman. The officers shall be elected officials from Hennepin County, the city of Minneapolis and a participating suburban local unit of �overnment. Section 3. The Council shall have an Executive Corr�nittee consisting of the Council officers and two other representatives elected by the � 0 � 7 � Council for a term of two years. The Council may delegate authority to the Executive Committee to meet on its behalf between Council meetings. Such delegation of authority shall be by resolution of the Council and may be conditioned in such manner as the Council may deem.� Section 4. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to: a. Develop administrative policies and procedures for recommenda- tion to the Council. b. Develop revisions to these bylaws and policy statements for recorrsnendation to the Counci 1. c. Act as required on those matters which, because of time, must be decided upon between Council meetings. Prior notice will be provided to all Council members advising them of the subject on which such action is contemplated. d.• Report actions to the Council as soon as possible, but in no event later than the first Council meeting subsequent to the Executive Committee meetir�g. e. Council representatives shall be advised of the date, time and location of all Executive Committee meetings. Section 5. Regular pubiic meetings of the Council shall be held at least quarterly. . Section 6. Special meetings of the Council may be called (a) by the Co-chairmen, (b) by the Executive Committee or (c) upon the written request of a majority of the representatives. Five days written notice of special meetings shall be given to the representatives and such notice shall in- clude the agenda for the special meeting. : Section 7. Notice of regular meetings of the Council shall be given to the representatives at least ten (10) days in advance and the agenda for such meetings shall accompany the notice; however, business at regular meetings of the Council need not be limited to matters set forth in the agenda. Section 8. Complete and accurate minutes of each meeting of this Council shall be maintained and copies of said minutes shall be transmitted to the legal address of each Council representative prior to the next meeting of the Council. Upon approval and adoption of these minutes, a copy of same shall be transmitted within ten (10) days to all members and other official bodies as appropriate. Section 9. Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings at meetings of this Council in all matters not otherwise gov- erned by these bylaws. ARTICLE VII. POWERS AND DUTIES Section 1. The powers and duties of the Council shall include the powers set forth in this article. Section 2. The Council may appoint such subcorrunittees, committees and task_forces as it deems necessary. Membership on committees and task forces may be drawn from Council members and representatives as well as from other public and private sector agencies, organizations and associ- � ations. Section 3. When requested by the Council, and authorized by the Hen- nepin County Board of Commissioners, the Council may apply for donations, �� gifts or grants of money or other property from the state or federal gov- ernment or any other governmental units, or individuals, foundations or other organizations, to perform other work or activities deemed to be consistent with the scope of these bylaws. The Council may accept such aid through or with the authorization of the Wennepin County Board of Corrunissioners as expressed by their resolution. Section 4. The Council may study, or cause to be studied, problems or subjects relating to the provision of criminal justice services within Hennepin County. Section 5. The Council may advise and aid in the establishment of coordinated and cooperative criminal justice services and programs within Hennepin County. Section 6. The Council may render advice and technical assistance upon request to governmental units and agencies in Hennepin County, es- pecially in areas of an interagency or intergovernmental nature. Section 7. The Council may develop and make recommendations to local units of government and crimina] justice agencies for the purposes of improving the quality and delivery of criminal justice services in Hen- nepin County. � Section 8. The Council may analyie and cause to be published vari- , ous statistical studies and other reports on matters related to the crimi- nal justice system in Hennepin County. Section 9. The Council shall function as the Law Enforcement Assis- tance Administration (LEAA) criminal justice coordinating council for - 10 - units of government within Hennepin County and shall carry owt those duties and responsibilities as provided for in the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (P.L. 90-351), and acts amendatory thereto, in cooperation with the Governor's Corranission on Crime Prevention and Control. Section 10. No action of the Council shall bind or alter the power and authority of any local unit of government or agency in Hennepin County. Further, nothing contained herein is intended or shoul.d be construed in any manner as creating or establishing the relationship of partners between the participating units of government or as constituting the HCCJCC as the agent or representative of any participating units of government for any purpose except when specifically requested to function as such for those purposes as provided herein. The participating local units of gov- ernment are to be and shall remain independent units of government with respect to all services performed under the authorizing joint resolution and these bylaws. ARTICLE VIII. STAFF AND SUPPORTIVE SERVICES Section 1. Staffing and supportive services for normal Council busi- ness and activities will be provided by Hennepin County and, accordingly Hennepin County shall be responsible for the selection, employment, super- m vision and dismissal of all employees serving the Council.� Hennepin � _ County will consult with the HCCJCC Executive Committee on matters rela- ting to the selection and retention of the staff supervisor. Section 2. To assist in providing this service, Nennepin County wil] apply for, accept and function as auditor and contro]ler of funding made avialab]e under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, and any acts amendatory thereto, from the Minnesata Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Controi and any other appropriate private or pub- lic, local, state or federal sources. Nennepin County sha�l provide the share of matching funds necessary to qualify for such planning grant ap- piications except for those grants wherein matching funds are required for special projects which benefit or are unique to one or more partici- � pating m�mbers, but not all participating members, in which instances local match requirements-shall be-the responsibility of the benefited members. Section 3. The responsibilities of.the staff to the Council shall be those activities necessary to assist the Council in fulfilling the powers and duties outlined in these byiaws, primarily those duties and responsibilities associated with tF�e conduct of LEAA programs within Hen- nepin County. Section 4. As provided in Section 2 of this Articie and Article VII, Section 3, of these bylaws, the Council may retain special staff and,sup- portive services to perform other work and activities deemed to be con- � sistent with these bylaws. ARTICLE IX. WITHDRAWAL DISSOLUTION AND DtJRATION Section 1. Any member may, at any time, by resoiution of its govern- ing body, give written notice of withdrawal from the HCCJCC. Actua] - 12 - withdrawal shall not take effect for a period of thirty �(30) days from the date that the written notice of withdrawal has been received by the HCCJCC. Section.2. The Council shall be dissolved (a) whenever a sufficient number of inembers, excepting Hennepin County, withdraw from the Council to reduce the total number of inembers to a level wherein the remaining members do not represent at least one half of the county population; (b) by two-thirds vote of all the representatives on the Council; or (c) by resolution of the Hennepin County Board of Coriunissioners. If dissolution , occurs per the provisions of this section, the Council must notify its current members of its intent to dissolve and also must continue to pro- � vide services to its members for at least sixty (60) days from said notice of intent to dissolve.� Section 3. In the event.of dissolution of the HCCJCC, any property acquired as the result of the activities of the Council and any surplus monies shall be returned consistent with the provisions of federal and state laws in proportion to the contributions of the parties executing joint resolutions after the purposes of the resolution have been completed. Section 4. The joint resolution authorizing the establishment of the HCCJCC shall continue in effect initially for one year and shall be conclusively deemed to have been renewed by the participants each year � thereafter until terminated in accordance with the terms of these bylaws. ARTICLE X. AMENDMENTS Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by any member, member representative or specially selected representative. Such proposed - 13 - � amendment shall be submitted in writing to every member and representative at least thirty (30) days prior to the time it appears on the agenda of a Council meeting. Proposed amendments must be approved at the Council meet- ing by the number of votes equal to a two-thirds majority of the number of voting representatives. Before any amendment so approved by the Coun- cil representatives shall be in force and effect, it shall be subject to the approval of a two-thirds majority of the members, including the county of Hennepin and the city of Minneapolis. G MEMBERSHIP HENNEPIN COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL Co-chairmen Vice Chairman � *Thomas L. Johnson *Viztor E. Miller Minneapolis City Council Hennepin County Intergovernmental Coordinator *James E. Shaw Minnetonka City Council (representing Assoc. of Metro Municipalities) Council Membership Bjarnie Anderson Hennepin County Attorney's Office C. Wayne Courtney Edina City Council (representing Assoc. of Metro Municipalities) S. Al1en Friedman Hennepin County Municipal Court James Mossey Crystal Chief of Police (representing Hennepin County Chiefs of Police Assoc.) *Thomas L. Olson Hennepin County Commissioner Omar Schmidt Community Health and Welfare Cncl. Ward T. Whalen Hennepin County District Court John Wunsch Hennepin County Public Defender's Office *Denotes Executive Committee members *Frank J. Brixius Mayor of Greenwood (representing Assoc. of Metro Municipalities)� Patrick Farrell Minneapolis Police Department Harvey Havir Minneapolis Coordinator's Office Richard 0'Brien Minneapolis Police Department (representing Minneapolis Mayor) Donald J. Omodt Hennepin County Sheriff Emanuel Serstock Minneapolis City Attorney's Office James G. Willis Plymouth City Manager (representing Metro. Area Managers Assoc. Kenneth Young Hennepin County.Department of Court Services HENNEPiN COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL 312 Fourth Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 Phone 348-6497 December 10, 1976 Mr. Peter Cotton Hopkins City Nianager 1010 Fi rsi: Street South Hopk�ins, Minnesota 55343 � Dear Mr. Cotton: C� CO-CHAIRMEN THOMAS L. JOHNSON JAMES E. SHAW VICE CHAIRMAN VICTOR E. MILLER Enclosed please find a copy of a Joint Resolution and Operational Bylaws prepared under the direction of and approved by the Hennepin County Criminal Justice Council. It is intended that these documents will serve as the.mechanism for re-establishing and re-organizing the Criminal Justice Council to serve "as a forum through which local units of government in Hennepin County may, by association, consultation and study, cooperatively promote improvements in the criminal justice system which tran- scend departments, agencies.and the geographical boundaries of the individual com- munities." As you know, the Council has, since T971, been functioning as a criminal justice planning agency for local units of government in Hennepin County. In this capacity, the Council and its staff have assisted local law-enforcement and criminal justice agencies to improve the�justice system in our county through a variety of program planning and coordination activities. A primary example, of course, is the lead role played by�the Council in coordinating the public safety corr�nunication system and 911 emergency telephone system planning efforts which recently resulted in the establishment of.the Hennepin Emergency Communications Organization (HECO). Also, the Council has functioned as the countywide LEAA planning agency for units of gov- ernment in Hennepin County. Based on the operational experience of the past five years, the Council has identi- fied the need to re-organize and re-direct its efforts in order that it may better serve the interests and needs of local units of government in Hennepin County. Ac- cordingly, the Council has devoted considerable time in the past several months de- veloping a joint resolution and a new set of bylaws to serve as the mechanism for re-establishing and re-organizing the HCGJC. It is intended that the major accom- plishment of this re-organization wi11 be to, first, meet the intergovernmental and interagency coordination needs of municipalities in Hennepin County and, second, to assure compliance with the requirements of several federal laws and programs. � . December 10, 1976 Page Two The enclosed Joint Resolution and Bylaws were approved for distribution by the Hen- nepin County Criminal Justice Council at its monthly meeting on December 8, 1976. These enclosures represent the culmination of a cooperative effort which included the direct participation of representatives from the city of Minneapolis, suburban units of government and Hennepin County. A special note of thanks is owed to Pat Farrell representing the city of Minneapolis, Bloomington City Manager John Pidgeon representing suburban city managers/administrators and Vic Miller representing the Hennepin County Administrator's Office. These three individuals served as a draft- ing committee and in a liaison capacity throughout the development of these docu- ments. We are now forwarding to all units of government in Hennepin County the enclosed Joint Resolution and Bylaws for the purpose of soliciting their participation and membership in the HCCJC as detailed in the Operational Bylaws. In order to accom- plish this, it will be necessary to present for consideration, the question of exe- cuting a Joint Resolution to each governing body. Each unit of government in Hen- nepin County is requested to take the following action as soon as possible: 1. Submit the enclosed Joint Resolution and Operational Bylaws ta your_ governing boards for consideration and action. 2.. File a certified copy of the Joint�Resolution author- izing the participation and membership of your munici- pality in the Hennepin County Criminal Justice Coordi- nating Council with the Hennepin County Administrator on or before February 1, 1977. We urge all units of government in Hennepin County to favorably consider participa- tion and membership in the Criminal Justice Council as the ability of the Council to effectively serve the many and varied interests of local�units of government in the county is primarily dependent upon the full and broad participation of a11 units of government who share in the responsibility to provide criminal justice services within our community. Thank you in advance for your attention to this request. Should you find that addi- tional information or a clarification on the enclosures is necessary, please do not hesitate to contact our staff. Sincerely, v/ /S � Thomas L. Johnson, -chairman Minneapolis Alderman bjr Enclosures G��'ri` �.a' �. James E. Shaw, Co-chairman Minnetonka Councilman