CR 92-213 Signing Improvements Cty Rd 73
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Council Report No: 92-213
4IJ October 15, 1992
Proposed Action.
Staff recommends the following motion: "Move to direct the city
Manaqer to send Hennepin County a letter requestinq siqninq
improvements at the County Road 73 and 5 intersection as requested by
the Belqrove Improvement Association in their October 2 letter to the
The Mayor and city staff have been working with the Belgrove
Association over the past few months to discuss their concerns with
this intersection, and the portion of Minnetonka Boulevard (Co Rd 5)
that divides their neighborhood. The first formal action that is being
requested to address some of these concerns is to ask Hennepin County
to improve the signing at this intersection.
Some of the signing improvements requested by the Association are
wi thin the city of Minnetonka. The improvements wi thin Minnetonka
will require their concurrence since they will be required to maintain
some of them after the initial installation by the County.
Primary Issues to Consider.
o What signing improvements are being requested by the Belgrove
, 0 Are these improvements in the best interest of Hopkins?
o What will Hopkins and Minnetonka be required to maintain after
the County's initial installation?
o How will Minnetonka's concurrence be requested?
Supportinq Information.
o Analysis of Issues
o 10/2/92 Belgrave Association Letter
Lee ~o~~orkS Director
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council Report No. 92-213
Page 2
Analvsis of Issues.
o What signing improvements are being requested by the Belgrove
The Belgrove Association has requested the following signing
improvements in their october 2' letter to the city.
Install crosswalks and stop bars on all four sides of the
intersection of County Road 73 and Minnetonka Blvd;
Install "Yield to Pedestrian in Crosswalk" signs prior to
the intersection, to increase awareness of the addition of
the crosswalks.
sign the bike paths more clearly (e.g. by adding Bike Path
signs to each No Parking sign).
Install "stop Ahead", signs on the pavement prior to the
intersection of 73 .andMtka Blvd.
Make the current signing more visible by removing branches
that interfere with their readability.
Are these improvements in the best interest of Hopkins?
The improvements requested by the Belgrove Association are mainly
directed towards making the intersection safer for pedestrians
and motorists. How much safer these improvements make this
intersection will be hard to determine. However, the specific
improvements that are being requested are not uncommon and it
will definitely not hurt to add them to this intersection. Staff
therefore concurs with the association that Hennepin County be
requested to install the signing improvements.
What will Hopkins and Minnetonka be required to maintain after
the county's initial installation?
County officials have previously stated that if they approve our
request they will install the requested items. However, they
have furthermore indicated that after the initial installation
each city will be required to maintain, the crosswalk painting and
that they will maintain 'the signs. crosswalks will be located in
both Hopkins and Minnetonka, and will therefore put additional
requirements on each city's maintenance crews.
,How will Minnetonka's concurrence be requested?
If council approves staff's recommended motion, staff would then
forward a copy of this staff report, and a copy of the City
Manager's letter to the County to Minnetonka for their review and
approval. The city Manager's letter to the County will inform
the County that we are in the process of requesting Minnetonka's
concurrence on the signing improvements. Hopefully Minnetonka's
approval of these improvements will be received by the city at
approximately the same time as the County's approval.
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One Loring Road
Hopkins, MN 55035
October 2. 1992
Steve Mielke
City Manager
City of Hopkins
1010 First Street South
Hopkins, MN 55343
Dear Steve,
The Bellgrove Neighborhood Association requests that certaing changes be made on
Minnetonka Boulevard to increase the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists. These
requests are an outgrowth of recent meetings with the City and the neighborhood and
are in addition to the concern for speed reflected in your recent memo to Hennepin
County. As you are aware, our top priority is to reduce the speed limit on Minnetonka
. Bellgrove requests that the following changes be made on Minnetonka Boulevard:
· that crosswalks and stop bars be added on all four sides of the
intersection of County Road 73 and Minnetonka Blvd;
· that "Yield to Pedestrian in Crosswalk" signs be placed prior to the
intersection, to increase awareness of the addition of the crosswalks.
· that the bike paths be more clearly marked (e.g. by adding Bike Path
signs to each No Parking sign)
· that"Stop Ahead" signs be added to pavement prior to the intersection
of 73 and Mtka Blvd
· that the current signage be made more visible by removing branches
'- that interfere with "theirreadibility; "~-~- ~ . ~-, -'-
We appreciate your help in working with the County to get action on these
issues. Please let me know if the Bellgrove Improvement AssocIation can add further
background or clarification.
Beltgrove Improvement Assoc.