Hopkins housing rehavilitation Guidelines for community development program 1975 � , i � � HOPKINS HOUSING _ RENABILITATION GUIDELINES - FOR COMMUNITY DEVELQPMENT PROGRAM ' 19 75 .r-'n:-o-�e� bu t_r� C:i tu C�un.^_i 1 7-15-75 _ LEGISLATIVE BACKGROIIND • THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974 This new congressional authorization is s.imply a consolidatzon of a number of rormer HUD Grants, such as Urban Renewal, ModeZ Cities, Water and Sewer, Nezghborhood Facilities, Public Facility Loans and Open Space and Rehabilitation. The intent of this act is to (I) elimi.nate slums and blighted areas (2) preventian of blighted and deteriorated neiqhborhoods, and (3) eliminatian of conditions which are detrimental to health, safety and public welfare, (4) conservation and expansion of existing housing stock of Iow and moderate income. Through implementation of this legisZation a rehabilitation loan and gz-ant program sha11 be established whic.h wi11 provide propexty owners, an a city-wide basis, with the financial and technical assistance necessazy to restore and preserve the existing housing resources in the City of Hopkins, thereby permitting residential neighborhaods in tPie Ci ty to be maintazned and improved. Z. A11 loans and grants sha11 be issued primarily for rehabiZitating housing so _ _ _ that it meets appli cable housing codes. 2. On approvznq applications for loans and grants, the following factors sha1Z be considered. (a) The avaiZability of other Governmental programs affordable by the appli- cant. (bJ The availabiZity and affordabilit� of private market financing. (c) Whether the housing is required, pursuant to an urban renewa2 program, Code Enforcement program, or a court order issued under the `" Tenants' Rernedies Act, to be repaired, improved, or rehabilitated. (dJ Whether the housing has been determined to be uninsurable because of physical hazards after inspection pursuant to a state-wide praperty insurance plan epproved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban DeveZop- ment under Tit1e XII of the NationaZ Housiz2g Act. 3. In approving appZications for grants, two additional factors sha11 be consider�d: . . (a) 6r�hether the housinq unit is a single-famil� dwelling or homesteaded unit. (b) Plhether the applicant zs a person of low-income. 4_ The City Counci.Z sha11 by ordinance set forth the regulations for the grant program. 5. The dollar value of grants rrtade shall not exceed 40 percent of the total re- habilitation program. 6. Additional grants given shonld be held to less than the interest rate callected to maintain a balance for the future. PROGRAM CONCEPT The Communzty Development Funds may provide (I) rehabilitation grants; (2) rehabili- ';ation loan principal; (3) Ioan subsidy and (4) adm.inistrative and technical cast,s. 1. Community Development Funds wi.Z1 be utilized to provi de rehabiZitation grants in accordance with the guidelines contained herein. Based on the totaZ authority . for this program for the Zst years, a maximum amount of .560,000 wzll be available to provide grants to eligible property owners. ' 2. Loan principle wi12 be made available to eZigib�e apglicants at one of three interest xates, primarily depending upon an �plicant's combined household income and total net assets. 3. Certain property owners wi11 be approved for loans at an interest =afe Iess than the interest rate qranted b� private lending agencies. A portion of the Community Development Funds wi11 be utilized to pay the interest differential to reduce the interest rate of individual loans to appropriate app.Iicants. (Note: Grant covers difference between eight (8�) percent and four (4�) percent Zoans.) 4. Community DeveZopment Funds wi1l be used to pay administrative and technical assistance costs. In outline, these costs are as follows: (a) Loan 5ervicing Fee: A portion of the Community Development Funds wi11 be utilized to pay this fEe for those propert� oraners who recei ve. loans at the � lower two interest rates. (Note: Administration fund initially but eventually from interest.) (b) Technical Assistance: A partion of the Conanunity Development Fvrtds sha11 be utilized to pay administrative costs whi.ch become necessary to make financial assistance available to property owners who receive such assistance. ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES The Hopkins Housing and Redevelopment Authority sha.Z1 be the Agency respor�sible for the adrr�inistration of the City's Rehabilitation Pzogram. This Agency shaZ1 rrtake aZ1 reasonabZe effort to establish a steering committee composed of comncuni�y group representatives, private citizens and public officiaZs to act in an adrriso.�r} capacity during the process of developing administrative guzdelines prior to zmglementation and to act in a monitoring ca�acity during implementation. - ' - ' The program does not envision an initial reservation of funds in any interest _ rate categ4ry or for any geographic area of the City. Based on the income Zimits being adopted for the various Zoan interest rate categaries, however, a Ioan approval ration of 2-1-1 (lower interest rate-rr�iddle interest rate-higher znterest rate) sha11 be established as a guideline over the length of the prograrn. This guideline, hawever, ' sha11 be adjustable by the administrating body based on need. A monztoring s�stem sha11 be established, particularly during the earl� stages of implementation, that wi11 detect and advise the administrating body ana the steerzng committee of any trends inconsistent with the intent. : _3- '>� ' Particular emphasis sha11 be placed on encouraging lower-income owners (those eligible for Zoans at the lower interest rate) who live in neighborhoods where the need ' for rehabilitation is recognized to avail themselves of this Ioan and grant program. This program sha11 be implemented with as few administrative rules and procedural steps as possible. The goal is to structure a program which responds with corresponding flexibility and also satisfies the intent. The followin g sha11 form the foundation upon which administrati ve guidelines axe to be developed by the Authority: GENERAL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS 1. To be eligible for a rehabilitation �oan or grant, an applicant must be a praperty owner (fee owner or contract-for-deed purchaser) who has the ability to repay the Ioan and is an acceptable credit risk. The administrating body sha1l exercise greater flexihility in determining "ability to pay" and "acceptab.Ze credit risk" than is generally demc�nstrated in making such judgements. Administrative guidelines wi1l be established to i'efZect concerns that the contract-for-deed provision does not become abused. - 2. In determining the eligibiZitr� of applicants relative to ir�come,` the administrat- ing body shaZ1 consider the following eligibilit� criteria: a. Tota1 household income of the applicant which is available for housing; b. The size af �he farruZy: c. The cost and condition of housing which is avaiZabZe; d. The ability of the applicant to acquire conventionaZ financing, and e. The ability of the applicant to acquire fr`nancing from other governmental programs; f. Total net assets. 3. The enabling legislation states that other governmental programs and private market financing must be considered when approving applzcations for loans and grants. Therefore, to be approved for financial assistance through thzs p�ogram, an applicant's total household monthly income sha.I1 be such that the agpli cant cannot afford within 25% of that income existing ho.using related expenses plus the cost of other government or private financing programs which would perrnit comparable amounts of code or incipient code items to be completed. Other finanring programs which must be considered are the Federal 3I2 program, the Minnesota Housinq Finance Agency rehabiZitation pxoqram and grivate industry programs at market interest rates. 4. Efforts sha1Z be rrtade to ensure that financing of rehabilitation through this program wi11 be available to: (a) . , Owners required to repair, improve, or rehabilitate housing because of an urban renewal or Code Enforcement program, or i f under court order; (b) . Owners unabZe to recei ve property insurance because of physical hazards; (c) . Owners unable to afford rehabilitation loans at a market rate of interest. 5. Any one property owner sha11 not use the financia� assistance to be provided through this program to rehabilitate more than four f4) dwelling units, except in fhe case of non-profit corporations which acquire, rehabilitate and selZ residential properties. ELIGIBLE PROPERTIES 1. The property must be a permitted use or have a condit�onal use permit under the Cit�'s Zoning Ordinance, and the use must be permitted under the UrBan Renewal Plan or Development Plan if located in such an area. 2. A property sha11 not be eligible if it has been identified for public ecquisition for which funding is presently available, unless that property is being formaZly re-examined for potentiaZ reten ti on, in which case waivers sha.11 be considered. Properties which are identified for conditional or possibZe acquzsition will be eligible. 3. As a generaZ rule, the financial assistance (1oan, grant, or combinatiqn} sha11 not be approved if the total of the existzng indebtedness in the progert� pZus the total va.Zue of the financial assistance be provided would exceed the after .�ehabilitat.ion Fair Market Va1ue of the property_ 4. After rehabilitation, the property must be insurable through an estabZished public or pri vate praperty insurance program. ' ELIGIBLE WORK .I. Rehabilitation loans shall be used to finance primarily City Code Compliance and incipient Code ztems. (See Appendix 2) 2. Rehabilitation loans may be used to finance construction of additions to existing structures or finishing of uncompleted rooms or additions if required by City Code. 3. Loans may be approved to finance general propert� impxovemen ts such as construct- ing of additions to existing structures or finishing of uncompleted roams or additions, if this work is to be pertormed on a propertg which is current.Iy zn compliance with City Codes or is currently safe and habitable or is heing braught into ful.Z compliance with City Codes or is otherwise becominq (durzng the course of the rehabilitation) safe and habitable. The cost of such general proper�y , improvements, however, sha11 not exceed 30� of the totaT cost of the work to be performed or �$5,000, whichever is greater. 4. Rehabilitation grants sha11 only be approved to finance corrections a.f Cade violations and incipient items. : 5. A1Z work performed must meet applicable City Codes. _ 6. As a condition for receiving financial assistance, ar. owner sha11 caZl upan the administrating body to provide a written evaluation outlining a1T items that are eZigible for assistance. This evaluation sha11 not be a mechanism which wi11 require the owner to bring the property into fu11 compliance with City Codes. -6- e ' REHABILITATION LOANS Z. Osvner-occupants and contxact-for deed purchasers sha11 be e.Zigible for loarts with gross annval househoZd income and net assets being the basis for deter- mining the interest rate of the app.Zicant's 1oan. (See Appendix Z) The ad- ministratzng body sha11 review these income Zirrrits from tirrte to ti� to determine potential ad�justtraent. 2. Absentee owners of residential units, regardless of where that owner resides, shaZ.Z be e1i gible for loans. Generally, absentee owners sha11 be e2igible only for loans at the hiqher interest rate. Absentee owners with Iower incomss, who own Zimited amounts of property, sha11 be considered for Iaans at a .Ivwer interest rate, based on administrati ve quzdelines. 3. Loans shall not be provided to rehabilitate structures containing rr�re than 4 dwelling units. 4, Non-profit corporations which acquire, rehabilitate and se11 residential praperties sha1.Z be eligible for rehabiZitation loans. The interest rate of the Ioan ta the non-profit sha11 be at the Iaaest interest rate available .through-this pro- gram. Whenever possible, the purchaser of the rehabilitated property shaZ1 be permitted to assume the Zoan at the time of purchase and repay the .toan at the interest rate appropriate for the purchaser's corrrbined household incorr�. 5. Non-profit corporations which provide housing on a conqregate or coogerative basis sha11 be eZigible for Ioans at the lower interest rate. 6. To be eligible for financial assistance, the non-prafit carpoxation must agree _ to rehabilitate the home, as a minimum, in full compliance with the City's _ Housing Code, as we1Z as to rc�et the objectives of mortgage guarantee through FHA. 7. Ths maximum term of a Zoan sha11 be twent� years. In cases where a property is being refinanced, the refinancing sha11 be calculated to reflect repayment of the rehabilitation Zoan for a twenty year period (maxirtzum) . Tl�e rrrortgage for the property, however, may be for a thirty year period (maxirrium) . In a1I cases propert� own�rs sha11 be encouraged to retire .ioans as xapi d.Zy as that appZicant's income wiZ1 permit. A minimum monthly payrnPnt on rehabilitatian 3oans of $5.00 � shalZ be used as a guideline. 8. There sha11 nat be any prepayment penalty in the event a loan zs repaid at a date earlier than scheduled in the initial loan agreement. 9. Rehabilitation Ioans may be approved to finance repairs to properties be.inq transferred through an urban homesteading program or similar hausing rehabili- tation program. 10. At the time of corrtpletion of any proposed rehabilztation work, each building being rehabzZitated with loan proceeds sha11 be insured against loss by fire and other perils with a loss paya8le clause naming the Community Developinent Fund as an additional insured. This insurance sha11, as a min2mum, be equal to the greater ofr (a) The total indebtedness relat.ing to the property; or (b) 80� of the after-rehabilitation vaZue of the structure. REHABILITATION GRANTS 1. To be eZigibZe for a rehabilitation grant, an applicant must be an owner-occupant or a contract-for-deed purchaser with limited assets available to pa� for repairs and a gross annual ineome (from table of income for Hopkins) . The admtnistrating body sha11 review this income limit from time to time to determine potential a d j us tirlen t. 2. Because of the need to maximize the utilizatzon of funds available for grants, grants wi1Z only be approved to finance corrections of code violations and incipient i tems. 3. In the even� the proposed rehabilitation for a property includes correetions of hazards which represent an immediate threat to health and safet�, but the appli- cant could afford a rehabilitation loan (within 25% of the applicant's combined household incozne) that would include the cost of a21 proposed rehabilitation, - then that apr�licant sha11 not receive a grant. 4. The maximum limit of a grant shaZ1 17e $7,000 per property. -8- � 5. Abs�ntee owners sha11 not be eligit�le. for _qrants. 6. If a property is sold withing three years from the date that a grant is provided, a11 or part of the grant sha11 be repaid to the administering body. The grant repayment sha21 be on a prorated basis: sale within first year, I00� repayment; sale within second year, 60% repayment; sale w�thin third year, 30� repayment. 7. Properties which are being repaired through grant assistance sha11 be used exclusively for residential purposes an d sha1l confiain no more than four dwelling units. TNC0INE CRITERIA FOR ,S7M MAXIMUM GRANT Family Members Vexy Low Income 1 $ 4,700 2 6,25� ; 3 7,050 4 7,&00 5 8.450 6 9,050 , 7 9,700 8 or more 10,300 SWEAT EQUITY ._ __. _. 1. Performance of rehabilitatzon work by an individual property owner ("sweat equity") shall be perrnitted. A11 contxacts must specify, in detail, a11 work items to be performed by the property owner and the tzme fo.r completion of urork to be done by the owner. 2. Property owners perforra.ing woxk through "sweat equity° shal.t be permitted to draw upon their escrow account in order to pay for required materials, ,but only after delivery, installation, and inspectzon by the City. - 3. The HRA controls a11 pa�ments. Pa�ments should be made to home awner and supplier unless a pazd receipt is presented. CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE 1. In order to pravide reasonable assurances of satisfactory contract executzan of a Bid Deposit in the amount of Si of the reha�ilitation contz�act shall be posted by a1Z cont.ractors being awarded any contract for rehabilitation uszng 1oca1 Re- habilitafiion Loan and Grant Program funds. The Bid I.�posit sha11 be used to � ' provide assurances that the contractor wi11 hono.r the bid which has been submi�ted. 2. A�Z contractors used through this program sha11 : (a) Carry a11 adequate insurances; (b) Possess a11 necessary Zicenses to perform contracted work. (c) Agree to post the Performance and Payrrcent Bond on any job that should be awarded to them. (d) Provide the property owner with a warranty on a11 workmanship and material for a period of one year commencing with the date of the last payrr�nt for completion of a1I the work. This warranty shall be provided thzrough a 100� performance and pa�ment bond in the fu11 amount of the contract. During the course of the work, this guarantee shall' be provided through the mechanism of the contract between the property owner and the contractar. Info.rrrtat�on regarding standard factory wa rranties on a11 materials must also be provi ded to the property owner. (e) HRA controls a11 pa�ments to and requires a lien wai ver from the contractar before payments are made. 3. The HRA sha11 rnaintain a Iisting of contractors for reference by prape�t� owners. Tt wi11 not be manda�k��y for a contractor to appear on this Iisting to be eligible to bid and perform work for property owners through this program. `To be main- tained on the HRA listing, a contractor sha11 be required to attend;an HRA-cort- ducted seminar to inform the contractors of the Ioca1 program, inclvding the following: (a) The quality and workmanship stanaards required_ (b) The business ethics required while under contract. (cl The proper �thod of biddi�ag contracts covered by the prcagram. (d) The arbitration policy fox the resolving of disgutes arising fz�rn the contract execution. 4. The Authority sha11 act as an advocate on behalf of property owners in the eventua- Zity of disputes with a contractor. � S. Contractors perform�ng work financed through this proqram must not be on the "unacceptable risk determination Iist" of the Depaxtment of Housing and Urban Development or the Farmer's Home Adminis�ration. � SECURITY OF LOANS I. To provide a guarantee of repayment of rehabi.iitation Ioans, ai2 Zoans in excess of $1,000 sha11 be secured by a mortgage on properties being rehabilitated. Any .Zoan of $Z,000 or more is to be secured by a mortgage on the interest of the borrower, and any Ioans in excess of $3,500 sha11 also include the interest of the borrower's spouse. 2. The aZternatives availahle ta provide security for Ioans to ,contract-for-deed purchasers are: - - (a) Secure the contract vendor`s signature on the mortgage with language in fihe mortgage to the effect that the vendor is agreeing to subordinate his int�rest in the propert� to that of the mortgagee. 3. Loans of less than $1,000 to contract-for-deed purchasers shall not be required to be secured. AFFIRMATIPE ACTION PROGRAMS Z. The HRA, as the administrator of the Iocal Rehabilitation Program, sha1l do what- ever necessary, to guarantee that minortiy contractors and sub-contractors are provided equal opportunzty to perform rehabilitation work. 2. A11 contractors performing work tlzrough financial assistance provided by thzs program wi12 be required to be equal opportunity employers. INCOME LIMIT CATEGORIE5 In the event the housing related expenses of an app3icant (the proper�y owTner) exceed 25i of that applicant's monthl� income, the interest rate of the Ioan for that applicant wi31 be reduced to the next Zowest interest rate category. Applicants whose income is in fhe upper interesf rate category, however, sha11 not be e.ZigibZe to have their loan reduced to lower interest rate or be e12 gible for a rehabilxfa- ti on gran t. : The tab2e of zncome for 1ow in�erest loans is based on the folZowing premises: I. Loans at the lower interest rate sha11 be available to applicants whose combined household income faZ1s at or below income Zevels which are primaril� based upon zncome Iimits used in the 221(d) (3) program. Phe 221(d) (3) program is a federally subsidized multi-family housing program for 1ow and moderate income fami�ies. The Department of Housing and Urban Development assumes the responsi- bility for setting the 221 (d) (3) income limits based on construction costs and fa:rtily incomes. 2. I,oans at the m.iddle interest rate sha1l De available to applzcants whose combined household income is above the Ievels used for the lawer interest rate loans, but Zess than the income Zimits established by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) for Ioan eligibility. The income Iimits of the 1�IHFA have been adopted as the upper limit for this interest rate Zoan because of the envisioned coordination of the local rehabilitation program with other elements of the comprehensive effort being made to resolve housing prolaZems wi thin the Ci ty, i,e., urbzn home- steading and the MHFA mortgage program. 3. Loans at the upper interest rate sha11 be availabZe to applicants whase combined household income exceeds the income limits established by the MHFA. Applications for Zoans from persons in this income category shal� be cZosely analyzed and approved only if it has been determined that, because of factors relevant to each applicant's case, the applicant is considered to be of Iow or moderate income. Appendix I, P.1. � ANNUAL AA7USTED GROSS HOUSEHOLD CATEGORIES Low Interest Middle Interest Upper Interest (Loan (%) Loan (%) Loan (�) Fami 1y Si ze (Law Income) (Low-Modera te Incorr�e ) Modera te Income) 1 Person up to $ 7,200 $ 7,201 to $Z3,65� S.Z3,651 to $14,500 2 Persons up to $ 8,750 $ 8,751 to $13,650 $13,65I to $15,000 3 Persons up to $10,000 $10,001 to $I3,950 $Z3,951 to $15,500 4 Persons up to $10,300 $10,30I to $Z4,250 $I4,25Z to $I6,000 5 Persons up to $11,850 $ZI,851 to $14,550 $Z4,551 to $16,SQ0 6 Persons up to $12,150 .$12,151 to $14,85� S'Z4,85Z to $17,000 7 Persons up to $12,500 $12,501 to $15,150 $15,15Z to $17,500 8 Persons up to $12,800 $12,801 to $15,450 $15,45I to �S18�OOp 9 Persons up to $13.100 $13.IO.Z to $15,750 $I5,75I to $18,500 10 Persons up to $13,400 $13,401 to $16,050 $16,051 to �19,OOQ (or more0 7. Income. Means for purposes of these guidelines the term "annua� adjusted gross, ; - household income" (see definition 6 above) and includes the gross annuaZ income from aZZ sources and before taxes or withholding of each'person or �ember of the farruly residing in the household except that there sha11 be excluded: a. The income of any farrtily znember (other than the head of the household or his or her spouse) wha is under eighteen years of age or is a fu11-tirne student; b. The first $300 of the income of secondar� wage earners other than those in- cluded in paragraph 7a above; c. An amount equal to $300 for each member of the family residing in the house- hold who is under eighteen years of age or who is eighteen years af age or o.Zder and is disabled or handicapped and is not a fu11-time wage earner, as determined b� the Authority, or a fu11-tirr� student; d. Non-recurrinq income, food stamps and other non-manetary income, as determined by the Authority, and payments to volunteers under the "Domestic Volunteers Service Act of 1973," Public Law 93-113, October Z, I973; e. Five per centum of the person or family's gross income' (ten per centum in the case of elderly persons or families) ; f. SUch extraordinary medical or other expenses as the Authority approves for - exclusion including, but not Zimited to, a11 expenses incurred by warking , parents or parent for child care in a Zicensed child care facilitr�; g. An arrrount equal to the sums received by the head of the household or his or her spouse from, or under the direction of, any public or private nonprofit child placing aqency, for the care and maintenance of one ar more persons who are tander eighteen years of age and were placed in the household by such agency. APPendix I. P. 2. REHA82LITATION WORK CAT.F,GORIES Code Items - A set of standards established by the City and State relating to decent, safe, and sanitary housing and requirer�nts to main- tain properties to such standards. Incipient Items - Those items or requirements as mentioned abave c�rhich have not : yet been identified as a Code violation but which, if uncorrected, would result in a Code violation within 24 months. General Propertz� - Replacement or addition of any item which currently is not a Impro vemn ts Code or Incipient deficiency or in an unmaintainable eandition. ' If a property ownez requests that Code or Incipient deficiencies be repaired or replaced to a higher degree than is standard, the resuZtinq cost differential shall be considered as a general � property im.proverrtent. APP en di x 2 , � � � } I"'.-: '�i 9�� 4 � _� � � -----� - �-� .rCi�d��.��. ��� +.LIlSL:�_._.i_. 0� t0'I';77 -- �'' ��. t� z � ' ■ � �� ������ '��- � —'- > _ '..'"."' " -- �— _. ,__.� �_� .. .. __ . � . � . . �--....����—.-�-,.,�,.c� .:,�". ...�---�_ . ' . . . � . � . �. � . . � . . � . . �__ � �— ;-.,,...:L..._._y� ....--� . 1 O'10 FIRST STREET SOUTH • HOPKINS, MINNESOTA 55343 • 61 2/935-8474 COT,�'��TJNITY DEV�I,OPi','I�'i�1T EI,IGTBILITY GUIDELIPJE FOR HOUSING REHABILITATTOIt CAT�GOPIES ( 1 ) Hazardous (Code} ( 2) Other code requirements (Incipient) C3) General Improvements ( 4) Incipient HAZARDOUS (PRIOPITY) __ �lec tric al : Plumbin� T7ec�a�?ical Structural Fire Sanitation _ OT�+�R CGDE p 1�:�T?IRT^`!�`?�TTS _ .. _.. __ �cc�J��,..nc?r ��c.^�� �imensions Ventilation �rr,�RA� TT�''PROV�r;�.tiTS : Insulation Cosrretic (�aint , cal'�c�n�) Cabin��s-CountarS �F.P.1�Z�C�?;1�Y?�l Refinishi,n�; (Cracked �^�alls, ceilin�s etc) INCIPI�'NT ITE���S (I,ife exti�ctancy-Be�inning to deteriorate} Roofin� Siding_ � '+�indo��rs (Sash �: Frarne) _ Rafter sua�orts Prechanical (Hea,ting s;�Tstem, hot c^�ater heater) Pl�umbin� (Restricted �Yater flova} Elertrical ( hntzcipated add on) : 6-5-7� FJO �� , , , T:;�j,r�:;?�;ilTATiC:( ST"�!��ARi j ��Ou��=:;G COrL '=?`:7:;�;'�'•iE`�`"S �iT'�'�j•`i;i Yc .`ia"t?I`Y F1'�Z�t.��;c� T'r:� folle:�ino e:iforczment stand�rds shall be use:l to descri'oe trP CiEy ci �Io;�kins - Crcinar.ce of Codes 3t�o:oo (L1G�.AJZLiJ Code) ior �inirnu,-� perrorranc� stan�arcis a£ e��i sting d;•rellinb uni�s. �n� follocaing are censiclered i�r!�diate Y13Z3Y'uS t0 t:�2��cz �l�d s�fr�cy far auria�. oc c upanc;�: ' l. N.eatin� SysteMs ' �a} Ev�ry di•relling unit ar.d gues�t roo:n_st�all �e pz•ovidscl t�rith 'r.eating �aeiliti.es - - ca�able of. maintaini�g a roo;r� te�pera�ure of ?0 degrses i, at a point �3 ft, -,-- abo��� the floor in all nabi�able rco:�s. (b) Deteriorated or fau2tt• vents, flues and r�eat e}:c��an�ers. (c) Under-sized veMts. (d) Steam an:l hot water systems must be pro�ected with pro�er ralief valve. (e} Ir��propsr �naterials ussd ior gas supa�ly tiipino (un-1�_sted iiex.ible tubes� cast iron fzttin�s, under-sizsd pipin� etc}. Izc:�: oi l��;er h�ndle �as cocks on appliances. Cas leaks. ' (f) Improaer dam�ers (oi� heater), faulty or deteriora�ed fire box�s a:�d bt:rners. (g) 1�efectiv� or det�riorated crirr„�.ey fi�.�2s or liner�. (h) I�proper CO'1�US�lOI1 3Z� �:7 f.urnace T'00'?. FuY'nace or' hOl�ei 82.y� C�18�c'3iZC@ irom camhusti'ol2 :�aterial. proper soace ailo�r�� for ^?in�eaancv. 2. `��ater Y:�aters that are un-safe d�ae to: (a) U�dsr-sized vents. (�I�nt car.��!ectors) . (b) !�eterzorat�d., in-'i�ective vents (pro,oer dra�r). (c) iIn-.Y�.^�t�d. _ . (d) Zmproper pitcn. (,e) Lack ci prep�r ter�peratur� anci pr•�ssur� relief Z�?'1V2S. ��' U21-11S'��Cl fle�ble ?a5 ;J1�8 connec�Or'S 't0 aJO�?�:I:C2S. ��:a�er �'.23t.ST'� rangnS `- ` , 2�C�� . 4•FOi1-C 0�.2 �;35 Dl�l.Ila c'�i1Cl I1�t�1.I1�S. C?5 1�3iCS. 3. Plunbin� Syster�s that are in-sanitary: (a) ?,ras�t�, tient and trap s�rs�et,zs--leakir,o, Patchzd, tarr�d, ta�ed etc. (b) jrtaste an�. ven� s,ste�:,s t'r.�� are altsred ��riti Sa:1Q�1PS1 clri?led holes,� ilTegal material, un-vented etc. (c} t 1 ur-ibin� fi:ctures that a�� 'areken, crae'.�ced, ieal:in� or Yri.en �he ganeral condi�ion of fix.�ures fi3ve d�tieriora�ed so as iike�y to �;i�re �ise ta in-sani�,ary c o�t�iticns, (,d) �nter-con_nection bet��ise;� �rivate trater suppiy �r.� city notable erater supply syst�m. (Cross-co:tinection) . . (e) Faucets L�rith Io�•r su'or�ersib�e spouts ('oe�o�r spiil-li�:e o`' fixtures, iavatories, ' bathtucs etc,). (f} z�,ater closet tan!�s �rithcu� anti-s�-p?:on hall cocks �nd faulty sea7s on stools. (�) La�nclry �ubs no� connec��d to draina�e sys�e�n. (n} tJn-�rPn�ed �?ulnbing fi::turs trasts l�ries that lead ta s��t�o�age o� traps ar.d ailo:�:s s�:•�?r gas to en1�r b�.�ildino. (i) Sa;�itarS* se:•;ar s;yrstsn connec�e� to fauity priva�e dzsnesa� s;steec. �Y:eul� be connectec� to puhlic cit�r s?;r�r iz a��ail?hie. tj) Can�u:^ir.at�c� private �•:�ils. (Request i-Tater tes�t}� �� ?�� El.z�t�ical Systvr�s tr:st ar� t;n.--saf� or haz�rdous due to: {�) Dangerous o:*er-lcading, over-fusing etcv (b) L�ariaged� dateriorated, s:cpos�d or un-�.n3ulated wirino ar:d �quiprr�nt. (c} I��:propbr.taPP�.ng, s�licing, 3u.nction boxes. (d) Distrihution sgst�r� i:.n-balanc�d. �e) Un-grou��.�d s�st�*�s� lau?��ry� sacilitie�� e�tc, (f) Extensicn cord� or cables u��d as subs�i�ut�s for f�'x�d w�i.ring of structur�. �. Structural Syst�ms, *�a1?s, chiu�n�y, roofs� founc�ations and floar systema and eeilings tl�.�t will no� safsly c�rry it:�posad loads. b, IaL�'estation of rats, ins�cts ar.d oth�r v�rmin. R�fusa, garbag�, human waste, d�c�aying d�ad animals, ani.�;al x�ste, bujs and other materials rendaring it in- sa�i.tary for human Qccupancy. 7. EXSTS--Easam�nts or cellar occupancie�: . (a) ?3as�men-� or c�llar 73ving �zzU.ts shall hav� t•.ro (2) dis�intiva, separata and r�mote exits. Each sle�ping raom, rooms us�d for sl�sping purpos�s ---- shall hav� a Windrn:� af nn� l�ss than 5 sq. ft. with na ds.m�nsion less th� 22 inch�s ar,�l �i.ndoK sill a�ight sha11 n�t ba less tH.an 1t8 inchas abrn�e the floor. �L is de=in�d as � coniinuou� and u.n-COSLTUCLCC me�ns vi �g*-�ss tio a puQac way, �nd shall incluc}� intarver.ing doors, doorw��s, corridflrs, �xts�ior exit ba�c�ni�3, ramp�, stairwa�s, s�o?�� proof enclosu;�s, horizontal e:�..ts etc� {;vindax is d�iin�� as no� b�ing an �xit bu� rat:�zr as a r�aa.~;s a� an �sc�ga in case of an ��:arg�nc�). _ (b} ���enPnt ar�d or cellar o�curan�i�s sha1Z M��t all oth�r requirsmeni-.s €�f th� Hou�ing ��d�, (Ligh�, vvnti��tion, c��ilir_� hzigh�s, fir4 t�.�.`oCf3.:1g of ro�� or roo:a� fr�m s�ructur:� heating plant� �,a��r �roofin;i suparficial x"loor ar�a ��,c.),