8-1-75 Joint Hopkins-Minnetonka Recreation Activity � ,;�,� ,+`� August 1, .Z975 To: Hopkins and Minnetonka City Councils From: Hopkins and Minnetonka Mayors and City Managers Subject: A Joint Hopkins-Minnetonka Recreation Activity Dear Colleagues: We would like to submit a combined .Zetter on the subject of the Hopkins- Minnetonka Recreation Department. This matter has been studied by the respective Park Boards and the combined Recreation Commissions of the two communities. They have done an excellent job. However, we feel that it is the Council's responsibi- lity to view this activity in perspective with aI.Z other activities, programs and commitzrrents of the two municipalities and that it is our task to point out certain areas of concern. We recognize that in an acti vity that crosses City lines and touches many people, a certain amount of tension and conflict is inevitable. We would first urge a11 concerned to cooperate and exercise a spirit of give and take. We would particuZarly urge that the Recreation Commission concern themselves with broad policy matters and that the City Managers address themselves to administrative responsibilities. However, even here we recognize that the line of demarcation between policy and administration is blurred and some alZowance must be made with the other person`s point of view. We would Zike to offer cormnents on the Hopkins-Minnetonka Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes of Tuesday, June 24, 1975. We will set forth the particular motion and below gi ve our comments and suggestions. A motion b� Mr. Justus, seconded by Mrs. Dineen, was made that the Board strongZy recommend to the respecti ve Cify Councils that the joint agreement between Hopkins and Minnetonka be confinued with the consi deration of certain amendments and/or recommendations indi viduall� set out and voted upon by this Board. A11 votes "Aye" on the motion. We concur that the agreement should be continued. � A motion by Mr. Doherty, seconded by Mr. Vassar that the Board recommend to the City Councils that the G.ien Lake Community Center be strongly considered as a location for the entire staff of the Recreation Department and that the maintenance of this structure be the financial responsibiZity of Minnetonka. The administrati ve responsibility wi11 rest with the Hopkins City Manager for aIZ employees of the Depart- ment, and the Director wi11 continue to report, in a super- visory way, to both City Managers. Dineen, Doherty, Hi guchi, Hise, Justvs, MacGibbon, Stang and Vassar voted "Aye" and Arimond voted "No". We recommend that the staff of the Recreation Department continue to remain housed directly with the respective City Ha11s. The physical cost in revarrtping the old Glen Lake School would cost a minimum of $5,000, and could run as hi gh as $15,000, if the building is brought up to code incZuding complying with a11 OSAH standards. PZus the cost of supporti ve services that are now being provided by the Hopkins and Minnetonka City staff would go up with the Recreation staff being housed in separate quarters. These additional costs wi1Z either detract from the quaZity of services being perfor�d by either the Recreation Department or if their budget is increased to cover these costs some other departments budget wi11 most Zikely have to be decreased. There is aZso one other issue that should be addressed concerning the location and that is supervision of the Recreation Director by the prospective City Managers. The farther away physicalZy a person is from his supervisor the more independent he becomes in his �thod of operation. We must remember that the Recreation De- partment is but one of several City services, and their services should be co- ordinated with the Police, Public Works, and Finance, just to zreention a few. We also understand that for some Minnetonka residents it is out of their way -2- to come to the Hopkins City Hall to register for recreati on programs. We wi11 Zook into the possibility of having sign-up booths in both City Ha1Zs for beach permits and recreation programs. We submit that the citizens of both communities would be better served if the department remains where it is and that a flexible cooperati ve administrative pro- gram be ini tiated and implemented. A rr�tion by Mr. Vassar, seconded by Mrs. MacGibbon, was made that the Board recommend to the City Councils a minimum of a f.ive year original term to the agreement and furthermore, that a study shouZd be conducted by the Hopkins-Minnetonka Recreation Board, or its desi gnated committee, as to a further continuance of the agreement. Such a study should be concluded I8 months prior to the conclusion of the original term. A rnotion by Mr. Doherty, seconded by Mr. Higauchi, was made to arnend the motion to read that the Board recommend to the City Councils that an agreement wi11 be made to provide for the five year origina.i term to begin January I, Z976, and at the end of the third year, a study is to be performed within a six month period commencing at the conclusion of the third year, to be concluded in six months. On the vote for this amendiraent a.Zl voted "Aye". On the vote for the amended motion all voted "Aye". We have no objections to the length of the contract. A motion by Mr. Doherty, seconded by Mrs. MacGibbon, was made that the Board recommend to the Cit� Councils that there be a 60-40 split, Minnetonka paying 60 percent, Hopkins paying 40 percent of the admi.nistrative costs. A motion by Mr. Vassar, seconded bz� Mr. Justus, was made to amend the motion to read that the Board recommend to the City Councils that the 60-40 spZit would relate to the budget year of Z976 and that prior to October Z, I976, the first biannuaZ -3- review of the cost alZocation should be made and become effec- tive for 1977. The study should be made by the joint Hopkins- Minnetonka Recreation Board. On the vote for the amendment a11 voted "Aye". On the vote of the amended motion, Dineen, Dohertr�, Higuchi, Hise, Justus, MacGibbon, Stang and Vassar voted "Aye" and Arimond voted "No". A 60-40 split of administrative costs between Hopkins and Minnetonka wouZd appear to be eminently fair. However, this is a rather arbitrary figure and we suggest that the respecti ve financial staffs anaZyze this more carefully. The fact that the Recreation Director administers the park maintenance program �un Hopkins but not in Minnetonka is one factor that shouZd be noted. Until this is done, we agree that a 60-40 spZit would be fair. We agree that the budget should be studied whenever the joint Recreation Commission deems it necessary. A motion by Mr. Higuchi, seconded by Mrs. MacGibbon, was made that the Board recomrr�nd to the C.ity Councils that the Minnetonka and Wayzata Schoo.Z District representati ves and/or alternates be encouraged to participate in the joint Board meetings. AI1 voted in favor of the motion. We should certainly encourage participation of other school districts. A motion by Mr. Vassar, seconded by Mr. Doherty, was made that the Board recomrr�nd to the City Councils that the re- creation staff be concerned with incorporating the needs of the Minnetonka and Wayzata School Districts in their program- ming. All voted in favor of motion. We must certainly cater to the needs of our residents who Ii ve in the Minnetonka and Wayzata School Districts. However, we may best satisfy the needs of these citizens by cooperating with the recreation agencies that are established and working in their districts. The citizens have the right to make full use of all public facilities regardless of who administers them. This point must be emphasi zed. -4- A motion by Mr. Doherty, and seconded by Mrs. Dineen, was made that the Board recommend to the City Councils that the necessary staffing of the Recreation Depart�nt be done by the Recreation Director subject to the personnel policies of the Cities of Hopkins and Minnetonka and subject to the approval of the respective City Managers. AZI voted in favor of the motion. This appears to be reasonable. It must, however, be stressed that the personnel administration in both cities is the responsibility of the respective City Managers. It must also be stressed that it is the responsibility of the Recreation Commission to recomrr�nd what programs the Recreation Department should be ad- ministering. It is then the responsibili ty of the respecti ve Councils to approve or disapprove the recomrr�nded programs and then the Managers and the Recreation Director are responsible for hiring the staff to carry out the programs of the CounciZs. In other words, the number of staff needed should be the result of the programs approved not the number of programs run be determined by the number of staff hired. A motion by Mrs. Arirraond, seconded by Mrs. Dineen, was made that the Board recommend to the City Councils that a11 peopZe that are funded by the joint recreation budget shouZd report to the Recreation Director. Arimond, Dineen, Doherty, Higuchi, Justus, MacGibbon, Stang and Vassar a1I voted "Aye", and Hise voted "Nay". It is the responsibility of the respective City Managers through personneZ rules and job descriptions and other administrative procedures to control and coordinate the City staffs. At the present time job descriptions are being re- vised for the Recreation Director and the Recreation PZanner showing their re- spective job duties and Zines of responsibilities. However, in a complex organi- zation Iike the City Government it is not always possible to structure an organi- -5- zation on a strictly hierarchical fashion. It is the respons�bility of the two City Managers working together to set forth the organization and other administra- ti ve procedures of this department. We agree that it must be a unified department maintaininq a close working relationship between Hopkins and Minnetonka. A motion by Mr. Vassar, seconded by Mr. Doherty was made that the Board recommend to the City Councils that the Recreation Director be authorized to fiZ1 the two present vacancies of Assistant Recreation Director and Recreation Supervisor and future vacancies as they occur that have been budgeted. Arimond, Dineen, Higuchi, Hise, MacGibbon and Stang voted "Aye", and Doherty, Justus and Vassar voted "Nay". However, we submit that the respecti ve staffs should display imagination and creativity in carrying out recreational acti vities. There are, for example, Federal and State programs that will furnish people at a1I levels. There may be promotions or transfers that may be made from within. A closer integration with existing staff may eZiminate the need for specific jobs. Sorr�e programs could perhaps be turned over to citizens' groups. This activity above a11 others �?houZd strive to get away from bureaucratic procedures and display innovations and creativity in their administration and programming. Jerry A. Miller Jack BaiZey Mayor of Hopkins Mayor of Minnetonka Peter G. Cotton Carsten Leikvold City Manager of Hopkins City Manager of Minnetonka cc: Carsten Leikvold, City Manager, City of Minnetonka Jack Bailey, Mayor, City of Minnetonka -6- _-- � ..... . _ .. . .. .,. 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