75-2459 CITY OF HOPKINS . • ' ' Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 75-2459 A RESOLUTION RELATING TO P.ARTICIPATION IN THE SUBURBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY NURSING DISTRICT Mr. vassar introduced the following resolution and moved it� s adoption: WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 1�5.08 and 145. 12, provision has been made for a public health nursing district in that portion of Hennepin County outside the City of Minneapol3s, and WHEREAS, pursuant to such authority such a pu�lic health nursing district has been organized and has been in operation since 1952, and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to continue the operation of such nursing district and to provide it with adequate funds for its proper operation NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF City of Hopkins, Minnesota that th3s pol3tical subdivision continue to be included in the public health nursing district of Suburban Hennepin County, organized on January �, 19�2; that it participate in the benefits thereof; and that it agrees to support on an apportionment basis its pro rata share of the cost of the administration of such district provided, however, that for the period of January l, 19'�6 through December 31, 1976 this cost shall not exceed 50¢ per capita on the basis of 1975 population estimates as per � the Metropolitan Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be deemed an agreement to continue to participate in such nursing district on the basis here3nbefore specified with all other political subdivisions adopting s3milar resolutions. The motion for adoption af the following resolution was seconded by Dr- .�_1atC>� . Upon roll call there were 5 yeas and o nays: _..__._� Yeas Na rs 5 � I, H. E. Richar�on , Clerk of the city of ,g�n�,,,� hereby certify that the above is a true copy af a resolution adopted by the governing body of �-he citu Qf��yg�nG in an official meeting on October� 7 ia�s_ • (S i gn ed) _,��!�� '�A _ (Clerk�