04-24-01 WSApril 24, 2001 Page 1 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION -APRIL 24, 2001 A work session of the Hopkins City Council was held at 6:30 p.m. on Apri124, 2001, at the City Hall. Council members present were Mayor Maxwell and Council members Brausen, Hesch, Jensen and Johnson. City personnel present were City Manager Mielke, Economic Director Kerrigan, Economic Development Coordinator Hartshorn, Public Works Director Stadler, Facilities Director Strachota, Susan Newville and Kersten Elverum. Also present were Medica President Rollinson, Medica Director Elison, Jim Vos of CRESA, Larry Bussey of Medica, and Sid Inman of Ehlers & Associates. Medica Project Update Mr. Kerrigan noted major changes in the site plan include moving the parking ramp to the northwest corner and changing it to 3 levels; reducing pond size; moving the main building west; a second parking area in northwest corner of site; curb cuts on Second Ave. reduced to one. President Rollinson introduced herself to the Council. A May 10 neighborhood meeting will be held to get feedback and input. Later Mr. Stadler suggested that the city talk about Excelsior Blvd. at that meeting; Medica personnel agreed. Director Ellison said they hope to sign the purchase agreement Thursday, with an effective date of May 1. They are ready to submit a preliminary TIF application May 15. Closing date is October l; demolition would start soon thereafter. Site access issues dictated most of the plan changes; buildings and parking ramp were moved further from the residential area and the ramp will be much less visible. The small pond connected to the larger pond will be used to stabilize the level for the larger pond. They hope to landscape from the pond up to the freeway to make it look more natural. Kraus-Anderson will be the general contractor. Abatement issues have been the major slowdown in negotiating with SuperValu, who have now agreed to do all contaminant removal -some before building demolition, then after the building is gone removal of tanks under the building. Medica hopes to "break ground" in 2002 and move in during 2004. Other information given during the question period included: the TIF figures are unlikely to change much as the square footage is staying the same (Mr. Inman noted that paid invoices need to be shown the Council); TIF will not apply to the area set aside for another builder as TIF money is for demolition, off-site work, etc. which will all be done by Medica; the 3-acre site for city snow storage is in the plan; Mr. Stadler said an engineer is needed now for the intersection and road going north (the intersection plan will need to be resolved by May 2002); elevation plans should be available in June; lighting around the pond has not been decided on, but there will be a path around it. General Consensus Council comments on the changes were positive. Ms. Johnson suggested they use images as they did at the December neighborhood meeting; Ms. Hesch suggested they explain all the work that is needed to get a clean site; Mr. Vos suggested using a time line for that. Ms. Jensen asked about winter skating on the pond; Mr. Vos said they like the idea but the chemicals used for ice on parking surfaces may keep good ice from forming. All agreed apedestrian/bike trail crossing on Excelsior Blvd. is a major issue. Apri124, 2001 Page 2 East End CBD Project Discussion Mr. Kerrigan said part of the project site has already been purchased. Two issues need to be decided: what type of project does the Council want and selection process for a developer. An assessment has been done for the Luther property; they seem willing to negotiate. Family issues need to be resolved before more can be done on the Locomen property. He feels there is enough money set aside to finish acquisition. He has told interested developers that the plan is for all the property. Mr. Inman noted that when a project generates as much competition as this one already has, the city doesn't need to "give" so much. The developer would do the marketing study as part of their presentation for financial backing. Mr. Mielke noted that the more specific the Council requirements, the more a marketing study is needed. During the discussion on "retail versus service businesses" Mr. Kerrigan noted in the past retail space was hard to rent in that area; Mr. Inman noted that if the land is sold for less, the landowners can charge less for space. There would be 60-100 housing units. Ms. Johnson asked about the historical issues. Ms Elverum said there is a May 15 deadline to apply for funding which could be used for demolition, design elements. She could put in a preliminary application by then. General Consensus: There should be mixed use. The housing portion should be "no children" and with at least one building designated for "upscale" seniors (50 and over). That on Seventh could be owner-occupied, with the other building being rental units. There is no interest in the commercial space being office space. The Council would prefer retail to service-oriented businesses. The project should be communicated to developers, with a June 1 deadline for submission of ideas; Mr. Kerrigan will inform them not all property is purchased yet. A formal RFQ is not needed; but the Council felt a public project needed publicity. Ms. Johnson felt Zoning and Planning Commission needs to become involved. The funding should be applied for. Hopkins Activity Center Budget Discussion Ms. Newville gave a slide presentation on the history, finances and usage of the Center, and trends for centers in other similar cities. She noted daytime usage emphasizes seniors, but evening and week-end programming is aimed at other age groups. It is not a senior center, but a center that is the home of senior activities. She said that Friday teen nights are used mostly by , junior high students and that no problems have occurred inside the center. Chief Reid has strengthened patrol coverage when they close. Mr. Mielke said he needed direction as to how Council wants budgeting done. Youth- oriented centers (Depot, Pavillion, Skate Park) are revenue-geared; the Activity Center is not. The philosophy of the Recreation Dept. is that programs need to pay for themselves (but sometimes one program "subsidizes" another, for example softball "carries" badminton), but the city subsidizes staff and maintenance. Ms. Newville said the Center has very low program cost; salaries/benefits account for most of the budget. Ms. Hesch suggested Activity Center programs users be asked to pay for what they use on a sliding scale, with an honor system being used; this approach has been successful in another April 24, 2001 Page 3 community. Ms. Newville said program charges brought in $40,000. Some groups, such as AA, that use the Center would go elsewhere if they had to pay. She thinks the seniors would help if approached, but they will want all users to pay. Ms. Jensen suggested a series of "facilities history" articles be done; Mr. Brausen said that would be good as a fund raising start; Mr. Strachota agreed. General Consensus: Susan Newville was asked to have a dialogue with Activity Center users on funding, programs, what users can do to help. More information is needed on costs at the Center and then put in context with other facilities; this should come back to the Council in June or July. Ms. Yager should be asked to experiment with a new way to do enterprise funds so funding for facilities is more equitable; is there a way to centralize some costs? Is an "all facilities division" possible? (Mr. Stadler noted some of this had been discussed when the new division was setup.) All agreed they do not want to cut services to seniors or any other group; the issue is how to make the allocation of monies equitable among all groups served. Other Resource Center for Fathers & Families Ms. Hesch said this group has no funding and no space in this area. Family Resource Center may give them a phone line and desk space as available. This may be a future issue. Park Nicollet Celebration of Life, Oct. 20 Council Member Hesch told the Council about the Park Nicollet Celebration and said that she hopes Hopkins will buy at least some seats. Others agreed this needs more discussion. Water Bills Ms. Jensen asked when water bills would become monthly. She noted she did not received a second notice. Art Center carpet Ms. Jensen said the lobby carpet is looking shabby. She also commented on recent vandalism. Hopkins Car Wash Ms. Johnson asked about the property. Mr. Mielke said it has been sold to Walser who will be dismantling it. No plans have been submitted but enlargement of service bays was mentioned. Mr. Mielke added that the neighboring property has been complained about by Town Terrace. Ms. Anderson investigated and was threatened by the owner. It appears the operation may now be illegal; further investigation continues. Snow Storage Lot Ms. Johnson asked that the SuperValu snow storage area be looked into. Trees have been destroyed (including new ones along the trail); the place is a mess. Mr. Mielke will send someone. U-Haul Mr. Mielke reported the county attorney does not want to use eminent domain. He is talking to the city attorney on what can be done. City Manager Assistant Mr. Mielke has hired an assistant who will start next week. Apri124, 2001 Page 4 Food & Beverage Tax Update Representative Betty Folliard suggested that the Council could pass a resolution supporting the tax. Consensus was to draft one, being sure the introductory section makes clear that such a tax will not be implemented without public input. Community Leaders Meeting Mr. Mielke asked for feedback. The Council does not see a need for small discussion groups. The approach should be "Here's the direction we are going. We need your feedback and support." Mr. Mielke asked for a new designation for the meeting. It was agreed to use "Let's talk." Mr. Mielke will send a letter out next Tuesday; Council can suggest further changes to the mailing list before then. Duluth June 20-22 Ms. Hesch, Mr. Mielke and Mr. Brausen said they plan to attend at least part of the convention. Ms Johnson moved adjournment; Ms. Jensen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m. Kasey Kester, Secretary ATTEST: Eugene J. ~ well, Mayor COUNCIL MEMBERS caw: