04-15-03 WSApril 15, 2003 Page 1 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AT CONCLUSION OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 15, 2003 Mayor Maxwell called the meeting to order at 9:28 pm at the conclusion of the regular City Council meeting at City Hall. Council members present were Mayor Maxwell acid Council members Brausen, Jensen, Johnson and Rowan. City persomlel present was City Manager Miellce. April $ City Council meeting minutes Council member Brausen informed the Colmcil that the minutes of the April 8 Cotmcil meeting referenced coirunents attributed to hiin on Arts Center staffing. He indicated that the City Manager had agreed to review the minutes and either delete the reference from the minutes or amend them to be more reflective of the intent of the comment. There was consensus that the manager should proceed. Commercial Water Meters Council member Brausen indicated that he had recently been in a conunercial building with what appeared to be a very old water meter. He asked for information on the policies relative to replacing water meters in commercial buildings. City Manager Miellce indicated that unlike residential water meters, commercial and high capacity residential water meters are owned by the individual business, and that there is ctu~-ently no monitoring or replacement policy unless it is suspected that the meter is misreading the amount of water. He also stated that the utility billing clerk has recommended that we institlrte a more formal review of commercial water meters. Shoestring Players Rehearsals Council member Jensen informed the Council that Shoestring Players had secured a location within the old Alliant Tech building to conduct its rehearsals. She expressed appreciation to Bill Beard for his generous donation of the space. City Employee Picnic City Manager Mielke indicated that questions were coining to him regarding the appropriation for the employee picnic. Upon leis question, it was the consensus of the Council that the Council wished to continue the picnic, but that the staff should attempt to hold down the cost in whatever reasonable means were available. Board and Commission Openings City Manager Mielke reviewed a schedule of Board and Commmission opeiungs that are to be filled in May with terms begimling in July. He also indicated that a request had been received from the Twin West Chamber of Commerce to allow for anon-resident business person to be appointed to the Zoning and Plainung Commission. He indicated that the by-laws would need to be changed in order to allow such an appointment. It was the consensus of the Coiulcil to draft apotential by-law change that would be reviewed by the Plam~ing Coininission prior to action by the City Council. Council member Jensen indicated her preference not to make the change in the by-laws. League of Minnesota Magazine Article re: Staff Changes Council member Rowan noted an article in the most recent League magazine regarding the potential staff changes that may be needed as a result of the state's budget problems. He recommended April 15, 2003 Page 2 Council members look at the article. Potential Food and Beverage Tax City Manager Steve Miellce informed the Council that he had recently testified before the S enate tax connnittee on the potential of a food and beverage tax for the City of Hopkins. He indicated that no hearings have been scheduled with the House. Reallocation of Funds From Metro Transit Bus System City Manager Miellce informed the Council of a recent piece of legislation entitled House File 1502, wherein many out-state House members had proposed a change in tax law that would take monies currently used to subsidize metro transit bus systems and to reallocate those fluids to the local govermnent aid pool. The result of this legislation would be significant to the City of Hopkins in that much of the proposed cuts in LGA would be restored, although metro area Homeowners would see ail increase in property taxes due to this reallocation. There being no further business, Council member Jensen moved to adjourn, seconded by Council member Joluison. Motion passed unanimously; the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 pm. Steve Miellce, Secretary ATTEST: ~~t/ Eugen . Ma ell, Mayar CITY COUNCIL