10-12-04 WSOctober 12, 2004 Page 1 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION -October 12, 2004 A work session of the Hopkins City Council was called to order by Mayor Gene Maxwell at 6:35 p.m. on October 12, 2004, at the City, Hall. Council members Brausen, Johnson, Rowan and Thompson were present. City personnel present were: Acting City Manager Jim Genellie; City Planner Nancy Anderson; Public Works Director Steve Stadler; Economic Development Director Jim Kerrigan; City Attorney Jeremy Steiner; and Finance Director Christine Harkess. Also present was Chris Meehan of Wenck Associates, Inc. Discussion of EAW, Parker Project Mr. Kerrigan said an EAW petition in regard to the proposed office development at 2°a Ave. S. had been discussed at the September 21 Council meeting. At that meeting a deadline of October 4 was set for information from interested parties. Wenck Associates were hired as consultants by Hopkins. He later added they are consultants for Minnehaha Watershed District so they are very familiar with such issues. Mr. Meehan said he had looked at all of the information submitted. The environmental issues raised by the EAW petition include the flood plain fill, wetland disturbance and storm water issues. He said that there are impacts but they're not to the point where they're significant impacts that would require an EAW. He felt an EAW was not necessary. The issues that have been raised will be addressed by the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. The normal process would be for the City Council to do their preliminary CUP approval contingent on approval by the Watershed District. Attorney Steiner agreed that nothing that had been submitted would require an EAW. Mr. Kerrigan noted that all issues in the Liesch Associates letter are Watershed issues. He later added that in one sense Hopkins already has done a "mini-EAW" as two consultants were used and two Watershed Districts will deal with the mitigation of the issues. Ms. Johnson asked about the Leisch reference to the 1990 declaration. Mr. Meehan said that different methods were used in 1987 and 1990 to determine fill; this would be addressed in the Watershed approval. Answering Mayor Maxwell's questions, Mr. Meehan said Valley Park did transfer fill credits, but the issue is to meet impact requirements now. The difference in flood plain elevation was apparently due to a miscalculation; the elevation is 878. Mayor Maxwell asked what other issues could be raised. Mr. Stadler said MNDOT won't let a sewer run down their right of way; he has not seen a proposal for the sewer line. General Consensus was for Attorney Wynn Curtiss to draft a resolution supporting Wenck Associates, Inc.'s findings for the next Council meeting. Council wants Mr. Meehan at the Council meeting. October 12, 2004 Page 2 Mr. Steiner said the only appeal process from either party would be through the District Court. When it will come before the Watershed would depend on Mr. Parker as he "has a lot of hoops to jump through." Mr. Kerrigan said an EAW would have put the process on hold; without the EAW a site plan review would be done by the Council on November 2. Then it would go to the Watershed District, assuming it was approved by the Council. Rainbow Food Site Mr. Kerrigan updated the Council on the Rainbow Food site. He talked to Brad Hoyt; they got a quote for the traffic study of $2600. He called about the drive-through; Mr. Kerrigan told him to put any proposal in writing. Later in the day an attorney called asking for staff reports, which were sent. He told him the CUP was required because of the drive through outside the building. Mr. Brausen said he was concerned because there was no plan how they were filling the 350,000 sq. ft. Mr. Kerrigan commented 25 % retail space is conforming; outside storage requires a CUP. Mayor Maxwell said there seems to be more building issues than land use; zoning is a land use issue. Ms. Anderson said she has seen nothing from Rainbow. Mr. Kerrigan said Rainbow cannot meet the Nov. 2 deadline as the traffic study could not be done by then; Mayor Maxwell said he could see traffic issues. Ms. Johnson asked when the Goodwill lease ends; Ms. Anderson said she thought at the end of the year. City Property Transfer to Blake School Attorney Steiner said on September 21 Council had approved a purchase agreement with Blake School that would transfer a strip of land to them. Blake School wants a change in that agreement so that if, in the future, they purchase additional property abutting the present purchase, they would have the present exception to the conservation easement apply to that property also. He added any expansion would still allow only the one permitted north-south access drive. Mr. Thompson asked if Blake School could ask for changes in use of future property. Mr. Steiner said there is nothing that would say they could get more. Mr. Genellie said his concern would be the expansion of the playing fields as they are allowed as present exceptions in the agreement. Mr. Rowan said his concern is protecting the trail in natural surroundings. Mr. Thompson agreed. Mr. Genellie suggested a compromise might be to agree to Blake School's request with the addition of a definition of the buffer area for the trail. Ms. Johnson agreed the buffer area would be key. General Consensus was to agree to the expansion if a buffer and trail area of 50 feet (10' trail and 20' each side) was included. 2005 Budget, Enterprise and Special Revenue Funds October 12, 2004 Page 3 The following fund budgets are basically unchanged: Para-Transit, Homes Rehabilitation, Section 8, Cable Fund, TIF 2-9, TIF 2-10, TIF 2-11. State Chemical Assessment may get a $50,000 grant. Word should be received in the next couple weeks. Then its budget will be done. She needs more information on the Livable Community Grant before finishing the Economic Development budget. Mr. Brausen mentioned Steve Stahmer's salary was partly assigned to that; Ms. Harkess will check. Answering Mr. Brausen, she said the $61,000 transfer to HCA would continue. The present loan services contractor for housing rehabilitation loans does not want to keep on. They do not think Hopkins is a bad customer but find there is too much work for the amounts. Ms. Harkess will check with Ms. Yager on TIF 1-1. Ms. Harkess recommended a $10 parking fee increase for the leased ramp spaces. Mr. Maxwell noted some lots also have parking fees. Ms. Harkess will do more research. She noted Connie in the Police Dept. wants to know the level of enforcement wanted; this would affect the budget. At present there are 2 part-time people at 25 hours per week each. She has seen no enforcement in the ramp. Mr. Genellie agreed that permit holders need to park on the correct level. Ms. Johnson noted she has not received complaints on enforcement. The Depot has big budget changes, but figures are not certain yet. She estimates staffing costs to drop almost 27%. Mr. Genellie said staff is discussing ideas, such as having the school take over Depot staff. TIF 2-7 and 2-8 have been decertified. There will be no more revenue coming in. There was discussion on how remaining funds could be used. Ms. Harkess said there are many technicalities involved; the funds must be used in their own TIF area or else returned to the County. It was suggested this might include the major sewer project planned in the future. Ms. Harkess will look into this further. The HCA salary increase was due to 75 % of Mr. Strachota's salary being allocated here. Ms. Harkess needs to do further checking on the CIP to finish the Equipment Replacement fund budget. She also may need to adjust allocation of charges. This will come back to Council. She noted Water and Sanitary Sewer budgets have operated at a loss the last couple years. She found figures indicated a 2005 increase for water fees to $1.40 (a 20C increase) was scheduled, this would be a $151,000 increase in revenue and more than cover the shortfall for that. She noted depreciation and interest on bonds makes the deficit. The last increase was lOC in 2001. Mr. Brausen noted this is a cost the individual can control by the amount of water he uses. He feels that at a future date possible future costs for equipment, infrastructure, etc. need to be assessed. General Consensus was the proposed increase should take effect. Any future increases should depend on how the new water meters affect income. October 12, 2004 Page 4 Regarding the Sanitary Sewer fund, Ms. Harkess noted there was a decrease of 25C in 2000. A SOC increase is proposed for 2006. Mr. Stadler said the lease payment for new facilities starts this year. Lift Station #7 will cost about $350,000. General Consensus was to leave the charge increase until 2006. For the Refuse fund, Mr. Stadler will look into what the least increase to cover costs would be. General Consensus was an increase is needed and staff should work on how much it needs to be. Ms. Harkess said the Storm Sewer fund is doing well. An increase is scheduled for 2006 but may be able to be put off for a year. Mr. Stadler says he needs to look at Excelsior Blvd. Phase II. Mr. Genellie said the increase was scheduled due to a large 2007 outlay; this is where he hopes the TIF excess funds might be used. Expenses for the Pavilion are about the same, but rental income is dramatically up. This is due to the School District program. Mayor Maxwell asked if locker room rent was included in that figure; Mr. Genellie will check. Ms. Harkess said the Skate Park needs a policy decision by the Council. Mr. Genellie noted the organization running it this summer was involved in skating and it went well. General Consensus was to leave this for now and have Mr. Strachota look into options before Council decides. Mayor Maxwell asked for a budget schedule. There is one more work session in October and three in November; at least three will deal with budget. Some major concerns are the general fund in more detail, capital acquisitions for 2005, use of reserves vs. debt levy. Mayor Maxwell asked about the single audit report. Ms. Harkess said there were no big problems. The main issue is that HRA agency has Taxer guidelines than the single audit does. She will be having a policy that adouble-check must be made that all HRA submissions are actually sent through. This year sometimes a submission did not go through; HRA did not call on it as their regulations were still met. But the single audit process found that a problem. She feels there will be no problems next year. Other Ms. Johnson asked that a thank you letter be sent to those who helped with the open house. Mayor Maxwell asked that RSVPs be done for the reserve banquet, the banquet on the 27'x, and the breakfast on the 21S`. He said that Blake Antiques had sent four checks for $1,000; two for the police department and two for the fire department. They wanted no public acknowledgment, but Captain Liddy will stop by and thank them for the police department, and someone from the fire department will also. October 12, 2004 Page 5 Mr. Genellie said Barb McIntosh wants reappointment to Chemical Health. General Consensus was to accept that unless it is against the policy. A purchase agreement for the Interlachen property has been received. Discussion followed. General Consensus was that the possibility of•selling this land needs to be made public; at least all neighbors should be notified so they can submit offers if they desire. The person submitting the purchase agreement should be notified of this. Ms. Johnson moved adjournment. Mr. Thompson seconded. On a 5-0 vote, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Kasey Kester, Secretary ATTEST: Eugene J. axwell, Mayor COUNCIL MEMBERS: