02-09-99 WSCITY C'OUNC~ WORE B~SSION - FRBRUARY 9,1999 A work session of the Hopkins City Co~tmGil was held at 6:30 p.m. oa February 9, 1999, st the City Hall. Co~mGil members preeeat were Mayor R~odepe~~g and Council members Heed, Je~asea and Johnson. GtitY pelsouuel prese~ot w~a+e City Manager Mielloe, D~c.,b~r of Prsblic works Stadler, City Attorney Steiner sad Pig ~ Eeono®ic Development Directs K~errig'm. Also pr+~t were Jay Strachota, Rick Braoueea and Stye R~oberio of the Hopkins ~'~* for the Arts, and Pied Hoisi~tr!~ of Hni~~~~-~ Kocgler Croup, Inc.. The purpose of the sdrdy was to look at local ordinances and polrcies to eaatne the Council Las sufficient reviaw autbority on any activitxs that inNOlve the demolition of single family home8 is single f~unily distrk;ts. Tim Kerrigan said the oo~mcS had appr~o~od a ooonnct with Ho'~aingtion Koegler; he and Mr. Ho~~t-a~ wr.~-,d to pro~ride as update on whax has ban done and aid not aspect any council action. Mr. Hoi-=i.,~,.. said they studied >~cG~ai~, Wayzata, Bdiaa aad Aspen, and faind not msay silos address the issue, and dwee that do basicatlly do eo t~+ough conditional use pGrmite. He pceeeuted a wm~mery of the srvr~ pole methods that ooald be taben to address the issue, ranging from nQ clime to al1awiag m loss of single-Omm'ly homes at all. He tl~ea lied a disc~ssi~ do clarify whaot the sd~dy needs do further aeo ~ ' • City Attorney Jerry Stieiner was pr+eseot do address legal issues. Karen Jensen raised the isaoe that starches are tax-~e~t. If they replace lvo~uses, how is the boss of tax rev+mue made up? She la~eGr no~oed loss of eves one home tt~aot is not replsoal c~a be a big loss to the city. From Hesch raised the oo®oep~t of a~ti~ae~ion, saying the 199192 c plea said there we~ce m more plaoe8 fea~ble for aiggtie y homes in Hopliaa, mating loss a risk than is otlyer citi~ea. She and Karen Jeosea voted that Hoplius has a wide ran®e of "affiordable" eautry-level homes; rt is iaapoctaaot do m5i~~ that. Diane Jaimsoa raised the issue of demolta~~ homes vs. businesses. City Attorney noted that ordinaneea give the eauncil a lot of ~~ol and discretion. He added options 3 sad 6 would be most open do legal cballGOge, aad later noted option 5 di~ttie~ ~~ be arorloed art by ~~g siogLe ~Y hones in the exclusive ~t*~g districts so that inrf~~s coutid eonn-ert to homes.. Geoesal Conseaeus: Options 3 and 6 were not favo`~ed. Zbose most ~vored wets optious 4 and 5. The main eo®oesn was that while the ideal is "no loss," when that cannot be reacAed, the oounc;il needs ' 'ty and wool do deal with the issues. Art ['~n*r^• lasses, Jay S R~ ~aaoar aa~d lzoborlo, pverm~s All ~tw~-- Jar - ~ The HCA Board has an alcohol servers policy and wanted ~ pr+eseat it ~ the CouncS. Jay Straehota captained the various type8 of involved. He voted Big Ten was the Daly business who applied in re~eponse do the soti~*~g letters sent, so is au~~.dly the only HCA ~!~ignated liquor proviacr. They plan to keep the limit at two; if more than that apply s "biadigg process" woutid be set up. u was noted that pn~ Po'am an ~~ hY ~ 's inaurauoe. In response to Diane Johnson's 1 question, be noted that when gay liquor is served, tbme must be s.~ity. Mayor Raepr~~ng felt the Policy should g+et reviewed by the ~ e~ornay. Diane Johnson noted a slap time floc selling was not ioGhided; selling ~ ~S ~p ~ ~ not be the same. She felt it sho~uuld be reviewed by Hea18:. Ge~rai Co~aaeaaas: The poli:y shautd be reviewed by the clty eottocney and chemi~cai health oo®mieaon; Joc the layer, the policy cam be aed by S'~we Mielbe and ootnmiaaion members can call if they Lave concerns. It grill be pot on the March oo:a agGOda. ~~ ~i~~~ A*t A Chairman Rick Brausea said tl:e groups heel the merger w+anld inm+ease membaahip and help JocuB on »~ programs. A nab-oo....~.~.b.-bas beta focn~ed wig mamba=s from bath gt+o~ups. Ov~ec the na~t 6 weelca he wo~old liloe ~ meet with the various council members. Steve R~obario said the mission satiemeat and apemtig8 prinaples are largely wocloed tbroagh, and g~,r~~,~mee pcinciplea are beigg w~oclaed on. Stgl to be worloed art ace fm:mcxa, naffing rdeti~ons and ~ility manggeaaeat. Steve Midbe nabod that SOlc3 a~oUld mesa that a oo~nct wand be .,.~~dmobo with the city so the city would have a v~oe tbro~ugh the oootract. Jay St~Loa noted the de~u'ls of SOic3 are stilt bang wocl~a out. Rick Bransea asl~ed the eo~ancil to send him any qo and be will maloe sure they get ansarers. Geaecal Co®se:eas: Memos will be pr+o~vided do the oaund is their pacbea m m~ot+e ~ dreaded so that they get npdacoed. ' Jay St:acl:oa said m oo have been msde. He shoaa taro poaa~le budges. Rick Bsaoason said the idea bed not gee beJor+e the ~'e~rr's board. Mayor Rede~'""i"g asloed wLo w~oald bear the final reapooeilrility; Steve Midke said the waald• Mayor R+edepenning said be was oonoerned there was no set pr+o~cd~u~. far tmp~i~g ideas for Cveota. 17~ece was concern dinar the :x~ec salt aha:ld not Jed pt+esaura by oo~ond suggestlo~ gad pot tioo much time is as a reaalt; 3'teNe Robario . , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ `_ ~ be bad seen Gene Msaarell as as ara advocate, and the time was wall spent. G~ei Couemwro: Willie Nelson is not a ®ood risk ss the ~ is taco smell sad ti~cloea wouM be too a~naive. 17~ere needs do be a pr+occ~u~ pat in place Joc procxssigg ideas from anyone, Caimcil members oc general pablic, Joe . HCA l~m~drai~sing S~aaa R,epoit, S~ Mfdhe, pstis~r When the ~~ -~h - opened, there was a ooaatruction debt of X260,000. So far oo ' for X127,300 have been reoaved, leaving a debt balance of about X132,000. Task force ideas for raisin money include: foteed methods (flees, tiobet tam, special ~ far bo~sineases); flund raising (. appeals. naming r~hts), addigg ~ the mortgage. Rick Braousen sad Jay Strachota said they would be is fairoc of the ~'e~r* piing oa as " "went for the debt reduction. Fran Hesch acid she would lie fiirtb~er discussion at the np~~ March meeting on ways o~tbera could oontrib~ute money for retiring the c;spial debt. Diane aabed if there oanld be a way do charge X130o react and the reatia~g ' n could then donate ant of other fiords, each ss gambling proceeds. Rick Brannan said it be pole to have added ti~cbet Jess for apesal for retiring the debt. Jay Walled ticloet fees 2 woald need do be c;m+efu113r done as get a "art." General Co®seasus: Most members favored looking inoeo fee on special e~reoots ticloets, fund r~+~~, appals, special No one warmed do add do the mortgage. No one voieal support of business tapes ar fns. 17~ece wa ao eo~asus on "selling" ~ mime of the theao~r, bat tba+e was oonsensns tLat it woald need do be looloed at vary an+efully if it arose ap. Comrty ~d 3, Sept 3, and Jim B~~oof, peers Steve Stadler said appraisers hired by Hanaepin Coaaty are aow at work. "Notebook information" shoald be available by mid-11~ae+ch. This arSl d~,o~...d.ie the add~tiaaal ~ cost Hader the Coanty'8 post s1loCeoti~on proposal if a tadrigg is requested by the city. The dty would not be ~ ti0 lawwit dne ti0 lost bysiness if ~ city were do acquire the pr+oparty sad laise it back ti0 the w~a~l business as damages wacld have already ban addressed is the settlemenot or oond~on action sad the lase egac.,.aleat woatid be waitl~.a to prech~de aIIy action against the C1ty f~? addltioeal Two aCa- eltiern'natives ~ tbC load 1i0i0tiC have ~ devised. Jim BCnsh0of Of Be11~h00f ~ Associates, Inc. Said the fitst is a0t a $ood Option as tructis w0ald find it difficult, if apt haposs~le, do maloe the turn ~ the Jacl~son location. The savored design would taloe only one reaidcaoe. It woald also tabe a gsn~age bat that eoatid be relocatied into as access alley area. Korea Jensen salved how it woald affiect the north e~e~. 3~ve Mieltie said it wa~ul~d 8~Y the north apnea a~ooess sad vac~tiaig St. Loais co~old apes lend ~ redev~elOpmeat. He noted the coancil area not being aslaed do maloe say decisio®s, jolt to see if ~Y aroald want do look fi~rther ~ the ooneepte. The parpoee of the aew alterasatives is do get Ha~oepin Coanty ~ do a X11 taking, or at ooarmit ~ assisting the city in a final taking. The city staff fads a fall ~~ aro~uld be better. Kara Jeaeea sad Frsm Hesch fielt the haaae owner slcaukt be told shoat the ids. Geaeal Co'ts~s~cs: Prs11 taking is a better approach (note P1can Hesch ba~drs this Daly if the eoaaoty participates). The majority fielt option 2 is the better one ((~arles Redepeaning said he ar0uld snppozt only if the ae~ghborhOOd libel it better). The homeowner sh0ald be approached by Steve Mie1]ce. The Yard'm~d Brash Serol~as will be pTeseoted sot the March work session. Tiransit ~tady Rm-Itw, Steve Mi~dloe, peaea~ar The transit service stady began in the fall of 1998; the Sirst ;~fo~,~ation will be available to ~ dies in April. LSA Design, a snboontractor for Met 1Yansiit, did a phase I study. 17rere will be an open house by Met Travail and I.SA in April. Same that di0ea not a~uia~. equipment to be boaght will be st~c~d this fa11. General Ca~a~a: Ted Moadale of the Met Cocmcil aho~ul~d also be notified. Other teaser. A11-An cti~r ~ .. SSteve Miellae eaplsined the city meets the ~ia,~cia do apply; if the ' n is graabed by the National City Leagoe it would get the citl- good pahliaty. He noted the ' n is for one year. 3 General Coo~auue: Fa of X373 app~+o~ved. A~ S~~: A survey oaf Deed cac ]ara e~o~ar~ed they ~ nat oo~plyigg. Noti~oea aere sect aut. Doff has already been is aba~ot tl~e notice. Gra~eral Craoeeuwe: The iseoe eho~uld be actc~~~d do the planning oom®ie~si~. Eves Proc...~.«.: Mayor R~ed~peoning aeloed ficr more discoeei~oa as die ev+eote pr~occd~~. Aber general diecomion, Sieve Miell~e said l~ waatid tcy do beep the oo~a~ncil more fatty aw~n~e when anyt>dmg ie bring w~l~ed oa. Mo~oa to adjo~nra wan made by Diane Johnson and eeoo®ded by From Heech. It paesod nnanioso~uely. Meek adjaarned at 10:10 p.m. Kaeey Ke~er, recording s~ccts~~r couNGa,. v ~_ C~~«~~ ~~ ~~/Rr~ ~ ~..- -- ~' .- A ~.s• (~arles D. ,11~ay~ ~ 4