12-19-95A regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council Mas bald on Dscea~ber 19, 1995 in the Council Chambers of Hopkins City Hall. Present Mere lRayor Redapanninq, Councilmembers Anderson, Hesch, l~itsler and Naxwall. Also present Msre staff members ![ielka, Genallie, Stadler, Gessale and City Attorney terra l~iillar. I. CALL TO ORDHS Nayor Redepanaiaq called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. II. PRESENTATION - RBTTeT~G wur~ClL ~~~ Mayor Redepenning thanked Councilmembers ~italer and Anderson for their years of service to the ca~runity. Cauncilma~aber Hesch presented a plaque and gift to Councflmember H'rit$ler and Counci~s~~r Naxwall presented a plaque and gift to Councilmeeber Anderson. Councilmembers Anderson and ~itsler thanked the citisans of Hopkins. III . OPEN AGENDA -PUBLIC C0~ffi1'1'S/CON~-~~MS John Strojan, 309 Alth~~ Lana, appeared and expressed his desire to have Council ~~Aress certain questions ha has. Council asked Nr. Strojan to ~rrite his questions doMn and sulmiit them to the Council. IV. CONSENT AG$NDA 1. APPROVAL OF DECE'L~ER 5, 1995 REGULAR l~lEETING l~uruits8 2. APPROVAL OF MIS~`~'r.T-#NBOUS LICffi~S$S 3. APPROVAL OF DISBURSffi~ENTS, PR~•TST 978 4. APPROVAL OF ACTION - APP~va 1995/1996 SERGEAI~T~S CONTRACT (CR95-228) 5. APPROVAL OF ACTION - APP"tava GANaT•TNG LICENSE APPLICATION BY THE HOPICINS V. F. ~P. (CR95-227) 6. APPROVAL OF ACTION -RESOLUTION FOR Hffi~NEPIN c~iuri•~ FEDERAL TRANSPORTATION GRAI~iT ArPPLICATION (CR95-234) 7. APPROVAL OF ACTION -APPROVAL OF i~ATHS ffi~ENCY AND CONSERVATION PLAN (CR95-232) 8. APPROVAL OF ACTION - 3.2 RJR LICENSE FOR ST. JOSEPH c:~uKCH (CR95-231) 9. APPROVAL OF ACTION -CHANGE ORDHS, ffi~GIr~s~KTNG S~cviCES 1996 STREET FEASIBILITY aiu~Y (CR95-2 3 5 ) 10. APPROVAL OF ACTION - 5~~~~~uLE PUBLIC HEARING ON CREATION OF TIF DISTRICT 2-8 (CR95-233) 11. APPROVAL OF ACTION -ANNUAL 3.2 BEER ON-SALE AND OFF-SALE LICENSES FOR 1~lINNSAPOLIS PARK AND REC BOARD dba KEADO~iiBROOK GOLF COURSE (CR95-238) . Mielke, City Manager, asked l~'r. Stadler to review items 7 and 9 for il. 1~. Stadler explained that state laM requires each public water supplier servicing 1000 people or more to submit the plan by January 1, December 19, 1995 CITY COUNCIL 1~STING PAG$ 2 _ 1996. Bob Brown of Bolter and lrienk presented the plan to Council. Stadler then explained that the change order , itea 9, is due to a change in the scope of the project. Councilmember l~itslar asked for clarification of iteo~ 10. 1~. Mialke replied that item 10 just schedules a public hearing. Councilmembar Maxwell moved and Councilme®ber Hasch seconded a motion to aw~a~e the Consent Agenda. A poll of the vote was as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmembar Hasch, Aye; Councilmember Rritaler, Aye; Councilmember Naxwall, Aye; Mayor Radapenning, Aye. The motion was carried unanimously. v. PosLIC HB1~lRING A. CONSIDffit ACTION - 1996 R$SID$NTT1T. STRHBT I1~ROVffi~TS (CR95-233) Mr. Stadler re~.~rtad that at the regular Council Meeting on November 2i, 1995, Council accepted a feasibility study concerning 1996 Residential Street Reconstruction and ordered a public h~~rinq for December 19, 1995. Stave Gatlin, MSA Consulting $ngineers, was theta to answer questions. A preliminary assessment report was given by Mr. Stadler. Mr. Mialka stated that the action tonight would continue the project and that an assessment ~~rrinq would ba bald at a later data. The Public Hearing was opened at 8:37 p.m. coements from the public. Donald Minnick, 337 Sweetbrier, questioned when a portion of the street had been done why the entire street was not done at that directed Mr. Mielka to check the records t that street was done in 1987. Mayor Redapenninq asked for the ratio of assessment of 70/30 in 1987 at 60/40. He also asked time. Mayor Radepanninq o determine why only a portion of Mary Lockwood, 714 Seventh Avenue South, stated that Seventh Avenue South is a main street to the park, that heavy vehicles use the street to access the park for aaintanance, and that the traffic is heavier because of the park. She stated that because of these factors, a lower assessment of homeawnars would ba appropriate. Harbert T ~~+~an, 621 $ighth Avenue South, e:~~s messed concern over the cost of the proposed subcut. Jim Spain, 738 Seventh Avenue South, asked what the maxiansn assessment would be. !~. Stadler said that 75 fast at $54.00 par foot or $4,050 would be the preliminary maximum assessment proposed. Halan Canning, 705 Sixth Avarua south, asked that costs be contained. Don R~-anar, 618 Mest Park Valley Drive, asked if surplus TIF funds could be used for the subcut, as this area had bean Hamad fn a redevelopment project fn April. ~vid Mhite, 726 Seventh Avenue South, said he was there at the request of his neighbor. She wanted to know if the big cottonwood tree on the corner Of bar property would have to ~`~!+~a down and, if sO, would she have tO pay December 19, 1995 CITY COUNCIL 1KEETING PAGE 3 _ for its recaoval. 1~. Stadler assured Rr. N'hita that it vauld be calculated into the cost of the project. Mayor Redapanninq directed lft. Stadler to ~~o~.k on the tree. ~tdy St. ~[ichael, 734 Eighth Avenue South, expressed concerns about hov the street along the park gill ba assessed, hoer drainage Nill ba ~AArassed, and cars speeding along their street. She also a:.~Qssad a concern that the work being dons gill disturb the area to the extant that the houses vfll settle more. 1~. Kialka suggested that pictures ba taken before the projects begin and after they era done. Craig 1Kidgley, 638 Sighth Avenue South said that a lot of the people on his street are on Social Security and questioned their ability to pay. 8e stated that he Boas not believe the improvement will add value to their homes. Robert Carroll, 739 Seventh Avenue South, vas concerned about the ditch along side the road and asked if it gill be improved. ~. Stadler stated that und~sy~ound drain pipes may ba installed. Thera being no additional response, Councilmamber Hesch moved and Councilmembar Anderson seconded a motion to close the public ~-~rinq. A poll of the vote vas as follo~rs: Councilm~~r Anderson, Aye; Councilmembar Hesch, Aye; Councflmember ~itslar, Aye; Councilmamber Maxvall, Aye; Mayor Redepenninq, Aye. The public ~+~~ring vas closed at 9:15 p.m. by unanimous consent. Staff recosssanded a motion to adopt Resolution 95-120, ordering 1996 Residential Street and Allay Improvements and authorise the City Manager to enter into an agreement with l~lSA Consulting Engineers for ~rr~~aration of plans and specifications. Councilmembar Hesch moved and Councilaembar x'ritsler seconded a motion to adapt Resolution 95-120, ordering 1996 Residential Street and Alley i~rovements and authorise the City ~[anagar to enter into an agrae~mant with 1~ISA Consulting Engineers for preparation of plans and specifications. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilmembar Anderson, Aye; Councilme®ber Hesch, Aye; Councilmembar i~itsler, Aye; Councilmember Kaxvall, Aye; Mayor Redapenninq, Aye. The motion vas carried unanimously. VI. NEH BUSINESS A. CONSIDER ACTION -ADOPT BUDGET AHD TAX LEVY (CR95-237) Stave Mielke explained that the final step in the badgat process is to aY~~o.re a resolution aY~t~vinq the levy and adopting the b4lyel.. Ha reported the counts that ware made at the budget ~p~ring and recommended the folloarinq changes: December 19, 1995 CITY COUNCIL STING PAG$ 4 Age Requests: BABA: leave at $1,000 and require a dollar for _ dollar match Department Budgets: Police: purchase mobile phones for sq»ac~~ - $3500 capital and $a5o0 operating 8a suggested operating ba folded into Patrol budget and compensated in other line items, and capital ba taken from municipal building capital for chairs. ~nicipal Building: Reduce capital item by $x500 to $7500 (furnishings for Raspberry Room) Para transit: Incxeasa subsidy by $15,000 to $ZZ,600 Special Projects: Use $15,000 of $x0,000 for pars transit subsidy Staff raco~ended a notion to adopt Resolution 95-118 a~~~.ri::g the 1995 tax levy and adopting the 1996 budget Frith the above ~ ~ ts. Councflmember Basch moved and Councilmembsr Anderson seconded a motion to adopt Resolution 95-118, a~~~vinq the 1995 tax levy and adopting the 1996 budget rich ama~ndments. A poll of the vote eras as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aya; Councilmamber Basch, Aye; Councilmembbr ~italer, Aye; Councilaiembsr Naxweli, Aya; Mayor Radapsnninq, Aye. The motion ~-as carried unanimously. 8. CONSIDffit ACTION - LIuuc~K AND criaaa LICBNS$S FOR 8113 (95-ZZ9) Staff recoeme~nded a motion aw~~.ring a liquor license, Sunday liquor license and other licenses for Stone Creek, Inc. dba 8113. Councilmeaeber Naxwell moved and Councilmember Anderson ~-c~nded a motion to ab~r~~a a liquor license, Sunday liquor license, and other licenses for Stone Creek, Inc., dba 513. A poll of the vote Nas as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmembar R--^.t:, Aye; Councilmembar ~itsler, Aye; Councilmamber Kaxwall, Aye; Mayor Radapanninq, Ays. The motion eras carried unanimously. C. CONSIDffit ACTION - 1996 11I11$ AND 3 . a BBBR LIC$NS$ RffilEiIAL, JACK Y88~S RESTAURANT (CR95-Z30) Staff recomamended a motion to approve the annual renewal of Jack Yeas vine and 3.Z beer licenses. Councilme®ber Basch moved and Councilmembar l~itsler seconded a motion to a~~vra the annual rena~ral of Jack Yee~s ~-ine and 3.a beer licenses. A poll of the vote Mas as follows: Councilmembar Anderson, Aya; Councilmambar Hesch, Aye; Councilmember I~itsler, Aye; Councilmembar Baxwell, Aye; Nayor Redepennfnq, Aye. The motion eras carried unanimously. Decam:ber 19, 1995 CITY COIINCIL 1~EETING PlilGE 5 .VIII. REPORTS - CO~eai`i-1•JSES/C0~lISSIOHS There ~rere none. IX. 1~D.i~u~l~NT Thera being no fDrther business, Council~~~r i~nderson moved and Councilmember Rritsler seconded a motion to adjourn. The meeting eras ad ~ by ux~~: ous consent at 9:50 p.m. Terry y•.rmaier, Deputy City Clerk ~Tr$sT; ~. ~ ~ Charles D. Redepenninq, Rayon II~~S _ !i~ f `-~~~ L