02-15-94~ ~ ~~ A regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council Mae held on February 15, 1994 in the Council Chambers of Hopkins City Hall. Present Mara Mayor Redapenning, Councilaambers Anderson, Basch, 8ritalar and NaxMall. Also present Mara staff members lriislke, Genallie, Harmeninq, Gustafson, Gassele, icarrigam and City Attorney Jana 1[iller. I. CALL TO ORD~ Mayor Redapanninq called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. II. OPSN AG$NDA - PQBLIC CO1rII~$NTS/CON~-K~MS 1~. Mielka eXplainad the open agenda procedure to the public. Ed Hanlon appeared before Council and requested a moment of silence for Herb Johnson Mho passed allay. 1~. Hanlon cited the many Civic things that 1~. Johnson had accomplished and that he Mae a very good citisen of the City of Hoplcfns. III. CONSENT AGENDA _ 1. APPROVAL OF r ~~~~ ~~IRY 1, 1994 REGULi~R 1~SSTING A~ a isS a . APPROVAL OF DISBURSffi~EN'1'S, P'R~•TST 933 3. APPROVAL OF 1~I8~•T•#NSOUS LICENSE 4 . APP~+~vJS APPOINTlRffi~T OF h ~~ KY F~~CQR*iY TO C8AR7.'ER CO~IISSION 5. APP'~v~s ~[OZ'OAL AID AST -AUTOMATIC RESPONSE ST. LOUTS PARK 4 GOLDEN VALLS'Y -FIRS DEPARTltffi~T (Rpt. 94-34) 6 . Ss -~ ~~ ~uLS P'QSLIC HEARING FOR CDBG 1994 PROGRAM (Rpt. 94-3a) 7. APPRiOVE CDLVERT CROSSING AST NITS CP RAIL SYSTSl~I (Rpt. 94-35) 8. APP:t.~v8 ~Ai~•1•xACT NITS HONSSTR00 ie ASSOCIATES -DESIGN POBLIC N~~C~ ADDITION (Rpt. 94-38) 9. ADOPT RESOLUTION APPRc~v~rG CLASSIFICATION OF NON- CONSERVATIVS TAX FORFEITED I~lNDB - HOPICINS TECH Cffi~1TSR (Rpt. 94-37) Councilmembar Anderson moved and Councilmember Hasch --~~ndad the motion to approve the consent agenda. A poll of the vote Mae as follo:rs: Councilmembar Anderson, Aye; Councilmamber Basch, Aye; Councilmambar ~Crit$ler, Aye; Councilmembar l~axMall, Aye; lrlayor Redepanninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. i February 15, 1994 Page Z IV. P'QBLIC HEARING a. FOCVB GROUPS -ARTS ASS$S~T P8!OC$SS (memo) 8z. 8armaninq gent aver the public opinion process and a:cplained the purpose of the public ~+~~rinq. Barbara Davis made a presentation of her findings. She stated that there existed a need for a t~-meter Frith seating roooa for six hundred up to one thousand, plus s~ibition apace for artists, meeting and classrooms rooms and a lobby., Rate Rinnich, Kith the naNly formed Hopkins Art Board appeared before Council stating that she had met Mich area artists and they also stated the need for e~chibftion space, an art gallery, and studio space. She said they ware vary enthusiastic about a Cosstunity Canter for the Arts. Dr. Bill Norris, rith Decision Resources, presented the findings of the focus groups. Ha stated that all of the people selected granted something done to the Suburban Chevrolet site, saying that it `ras an eyesore in its present condition. Ha also stated that cost people agreed that a movie }ho~tar Mas at the top of the list. Some of the people Manted to see an arts develop~aent and so~ae of the people ranted to sea private develo~eent. After discussion Nayor Redepanninq opened the public ~+~Ting at 8:a0 p.m. Daffy Brea, 6Z6 Hest Park Valley Drive, asked Nhat percentage Mould the Childs Play Theater pay. He also asked if the Childs Play Theatre could b~~~~k even or cost the City additional moneys. Should the t~+~~ter qo ahead he demanded an election so the citiaans could vote on this project. ~ . Dui f'y also asked about the bond that ~-as the last f tem on the agenda. lam. Harmaninq e~cplained that it trould be a state bond to help various communities build projects such as the public arts facility. Nelson Berg, President for the Hopkins Art Association cited several reasons to qo forward on this project. i. Significant project is needed in the City a. Best location for a major project 3. ~~~llent opportunity for real develop®ent to generate t~°~~le income improving the quality of life and an aconom:ic base. 4. Bast opportunity for desirable development ff the City controls the ~~~arty. s a February 5, 1994 Page 3 He also stated that the City should be pro-active and aggressively qo after developers and should cosmit to an Arts Facility. Steve Barbario, Child Play, said that this year the *~~~ter would have 50,000 people in attendance to sea there productions. He said that the Childs Play Theatre will receive over $100,000 in ~~~iributions and can commit $350,000 to the Art Facility. Marcia Taubr, Hennepin County Parks Board Coem`issioner, hopes that the City does the project. It would be a great boon to the City. Don Roessner, 618 Nest Park valley Drive, stated that he supports art but suggested that school property which is als ~ ~ady tax a:ceept should ba used for this project. He stated that he vas a member of a focus group in which twelve people attended and all ware against using City funds for purchasing the Suburban Chevrolet site. They also felt that the asking price of $950,000 vas to high. mike ~[iller, iiZ ~Lapla Hill Road, President 8eighborhood Advisory Board, said that the Advisory Board strongly supports an Art Center and that the City should be involved. He also said that the group supports a multi-use facility. The question of paying for clean up should contamination be present on the property site vas asked. Nho could pay for the clean up? lb:. biller informed the public that the City had entered into an option agreement based on an appraised value of $i,a00,000. The option is for $950,000. The decision to e:cercisa the option rests with the City. The City is also ~•~i.ectinq itself by having additional environmental studies done to cake sure if contamination does exist, how a~ctensive it is and how such it would cost to remove said contamination. R~*rinq no more co®ments Councilaember l~itsler coved and Councilmember Anderson -~~+nded the motion to close the public ~+~ #Tinq at 9: a0 p.m. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Ays; Councilmember Hesch, Aye; Councilmember R~it$ler, Aye; Councilmember Naxvell, Aye; Mayor Redepennfnq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. February 15, 1994 Page 4 v. ozD BUSIN$ss a. CONSIDffit ACTION - SS~.Jr~ READING ORDINANCE NO. 94-736 CBANGING NOl~ffi,t OF ~~~ ON SHIN RIGSTS CO~ISSION Staff recommended that the Council nova to adopt Ord *v~*:ce No. 94-736 for second reading and order published. Councilmember Sesch saved and CQuncilmember Anderson seconded the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 94-736 for second reading and order published. A poll of the vote vas as follo~rs: Councilmea~ber Anderson, Aya; Councilm~ber Basch, Aye; Councilma'ber l~italer, Aye; Councilmember lZa~nrall, Aye; Mayor Radepsnninq, Aye. The notion carried unanimously. b. CONSID~ ACTION - AurN~»T8$ IIS$ OF 1~$LL SIT$ P~tO~-~K~~B (Rpt. 94-Z9) staff recommended adoption of the follo~ring motion: ~1ova to adopt Resolution No. 94-14 directing staff to use the proceeds from the sale of the Nell No. 3 property, located at lOZi Znd Street N. $. to construct improvements Nithin the l~aetaold Fisld site during the 1994 construction season. ~. Gustafson e~cplained the ne ed for the funds. After discussion Councilmamber KaxMall coved and Councilmember Anderson seconded the notion to adapt Resolution No. 94-14. A poll of the vote vas as follavs: Councilmamber Anderson, Aye; Council~~ Basch, Aye; Councilmsber Rritslar, Aye; Councilmember ~laxvall, Aye; Mayor Radepanninq, Aye. The notion carried unanimously. VII. NEN BUSINESS a. CONSID~ ACTION -STOP SIGNS ON 5TS AND i1TS Avsau~s SONS (Rpt. 94-33 ) Staff racosmanded adoption of the follaving motion: 1Kove that Council authorise an engineer's study concerning the installation of traffic signals at the intersection on of 11th Avenue and 5th Street South. lam. Gustafson e~cplainad the need for a study of the traffic signals, also citing a request from the public. February 15, 1994 Page 5 Duffy Bran addressed the Council stating his concern over this intersection. 8e said that a sign is necessary to ~~tact the citiaens and children using this street. After discussion Councilmember Anderson moved and Councilnamber ~citslar seconded the notion to a~~~.Ia a study by the engineering department. A poll of the vote eras as follows: Councilaianbar Anderson, Aye; Councilmambar Hasch, Aya; Councilaenber l~it$lar, Aye; Counciimamber Ka~nrall, Aye; Mayor RedapersniiuJ, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. b. CONSIDER ACTION: FEASIBILITY REPORT OAlOtIDGE S~uin (Rpt. 94-36) Staff rec adoption of the follo~ring oration: Rove to accept the feasibility report ~d~arad by Bolton and Kenk as ordered on November Z, 1993 and that Resolution No. 94-18 be adoptacl ordering a public he~rinq on March 15, 1994. Jon Rippka presented a report shoving the improvements _ planned for the streets. 1~. Gustafson vent over the proposed assessment rolls Kith the Council. After further discussion Co:usciimambar Kaxvall moved and Councilmanber Hesch seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 94-18. A poll of the vote Mss as follo~rs: Councilmenber Anderson, Aye; Councilmember der^h, Aye; Councilmenbar Rritsler, Aye; Councilmamber MaxNell, Aye; lrlayor Redepenning, Aye. The lotion carried unanimously. c. CONSIDER ACTION - ADTSORIS$ BIDS - FiRE HALL REL~iODELIN6 (Rpt. 94-30) \ Staff recoamended a~~,ro.-al of the folloMinq motion: Nova to authorise advertisement for bids for the Fira station remodeling project. Councilmembar Anderson moved and Councilmanber ~itsiar c~~~ndad the motion to authorise advertising for bids. A poll of the vote vas as follo~rs: Councilm~ember Anderson, Aye; Councilmambar R-~^t:, Aye; Councilmember ~citsler, Aye; Councilmember Maxarell, Aye; Mayor Redepenninq, Aya. The motion carried unanimously. i February 15, 1994 Page 6 d. COMSIDBS ACTION - R$SOLUTIOM - STAT$ BONDING AUTHORITY (Rpt. 94-31) Staff i,,^rysmendad adoption of the follotiinq motion: Move to adopt Resolution Ho. 94-15 which supports the allocation of funds through the States bonding authority for the construction of a publicly earned arts facility. Councilmembar Rritsler moved and Councilmember 8esch seconded the motion to adopt Resolution Mo. 94-15. A poll of the vote was as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember 8esch, Aye; Councilmamber 1Crit$ler, Aye; Councilm~e®ber Maxarell, Aye, Mayor Redepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. VII. R$PORTS - COflII~i1.1`r~SS/COMHISSIOM Councilme®ber 8esch said that a combined meeting vas held with the Chemical Health Commissioners and all of the School Counselors and it vas a very sum^-¢sful meeting. Councilmambar ID*itsler said that the Cable Commission had met and is planning programming on the q t channel. The Co®mission also passed a resolution urging action at the state and federal level to require new companies offering cable television services to be subject to the sage regulations as the current cable operators. Mr. Mielke said that the vaekly Coffee Break on Saturday mornings between the hours of 9:00 o•clock a.m. until 10:30 a.m. would begin on March 5th with the hosts being the Mayor and Councilmember Maxwell. 8e also stated that he would make sure that it was publicised. 4 ~ • February 15, 1994 Page 7 VIII . l~D~ uu'NT Councilmamber ~ia~nrell coved and Councilmeebar Hesch seconded the motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned by unanimous consent. Res*+ectfully submitted, c~% ,~ Pat Gisborne, Deputy City Clerk c.Vur~CII~!$MA~~: ,J /~ ~'i~~/ _ , _ / ~ ~~ i~drtal~ ST: _ ' `~ ~..~ Ch~i~les D. Redepenninc~ Mayor