07-05-94 i .~ A regular meeting of th® Hopkins City Council eras held on Jhly 5, 1994 in the Council Chasbers of Hopkins City Hall. Present ~rera Nayor Radapanninq, Councilsesbers Anderson, Basch, ICritsler and Na:nrell. Also present Hera staff semabers Rielke, Genellis, 8armening, Gessale, Kerrigan and City Attorney Jana ~tillsr. I. CALL TO ORD88 Mayor Radepenninq called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. II . OP$N AG$NDA - PQBLIC CO1G~ffi~'1'S/CON~-K~~S Tim Larson, No1r Sports, appeared before Council Mantinq more information about parking and the proposed reconstruction of Nainstreat. Mayor Redepenninq asked his to Mait until the public fiP~*•inq Mith his questions. III. CONS$NZ' AGENDA 1. APPROVAL OF ~ur~s 14, 1994 1~~s$SSION 1`ur~uia8 Z. APPROVAL OF ~urr:s Z1, 1994 RBGULi~R STING ~uHuiisS 3. APPROVAL OF NIS~•T•#NROIIS LICENSES 4. APPROVAL OF DIsssux8ffi~NTS, PR~•TST 94Z 5. APPROV$ $XTffi~SION OF TOGII~G CONTRACT (Rpt. 94-lei) 6. Aui•MOKTS$ PROF$SSIONAL S~viCFB FOR rite KIL$ CR8ffiC P8A8$ Z (Rpt. 94-118) 7. BID AWARD FOR NAETSOLD HALLFI$LD LIc~•iil~G (Rpt. 94-117) 8. BID AGARD 1~lLLSY R$CONaix1~CTION (Rpt. 94-1a0) Councilsember Anderson saved and Councilsesber Basch --~~ndad the lotion to a~~ ~.re the Consent Ay~~.~a . A poll of the vote `-as as follo~rs: Councilsesber Anderson, Aya; Counci~~~r Basch, Aya; Councilsesber Rritslar, Aye; Councilmember Naxarell, Aye; Nayor Redepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. IV. PQBLIC 8$ARIHG a. CONSIDffit ACTION AUTHORISING APPROVAL OF PLi~NB AND SP$CS FOR NAINSTREST R$CON~ixuvi•ION (Rpt. 94-119) Staff racammended adoption of the follorinq lotion: 1rlove that the City Council adopt Resolution No.94-60 ordering improvement after Public Hearing, Nainstreet reconstruction. Jim Gessele gave a brief overvier of the proposed i~~s~nstruction. He than asked Larry Bro~rn of RLR to shay the Council the plan. - fly 5, 199 Page a 1~. Brown gave a su'mary of the scheduled work and time frame involved in the project. Councila~amber Hasch asked if the Resolution included the removal of the barrier on TH 169. l~ discussion took place concerning the barrier removal. 8r. Kielka stated that the Resolution dealt with a~~~~ing the preparation of plans and specifications. The actual plans Mould be brought back to the Council at a later date. Mayor Redepanning opened the public hearing at 7:5Z p.m. Tim Larson, NoM Sports, repeated that ha vas vary concerned over the present on street parking situation Mich the new striping batMeen 5th and Nashfngton i~vanua on Nainstreet. 8a stated that hie Company had lost six parking spaces due to elimination of parking in front of Hopkins Honda. 8e asked for some solution to the problem. 8e Mas also concerned about the time table involved and how long it Mould take to reopen the street after reconstruction. Jim Nhmiller, President of the Park Ridge l~ssociation, felt very strongly that the proposed barrier removal Mould create more noise in the neighborhood and Mas opposed to removing any part of the barrier. Anna $nnanga, iZi ist Street North, also appeared stating that she Mas against taking down any part of the barrier because of the noise factor. J. D. Lindstrom, Hopkins Car Cara Center, appeared. Ha stated that his custo®ers are not able to enter and depart due to the stacking of cars trying to make the left hand turn into Burger Rinq during the lunch hours. Jack Batengar, Burger xinq se~rrasentative, Mas present and stated that his Co®pany has just taken over the Burger xing Drive-in. 8e said ha Mould ba glad to Mork Math l~r. Lindstrom in trying to find a solution. He also stated that to try and change the building entrance and exit Mould involve major expanses and that Mas not an option. fitly 5, 1994 Page 3 Hearing no more comants Councilnamber Ka~nrall Hound and Councilmenbar iCritsler seconded the motion to close the public ~~~rinq at 8:40 p.m. A poll of the vote eras as follars: Councilnember Anderson, Aye; Councilne~mbsr Basch, Aye; Councilmember Rritsler, Aye; Councilmembsr Kaxrall, Aye; Kayor Rsdapenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. After further discussion Councilmenbsr Anderson moved and Councilnenbsr Ka~nrall seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 94-60 ordering improvema~nts, Kainstreet reconstruction Kith the condition to delete the plans for wall removal, add some additional landscaping to the noise Nall and to revise cost estimates to reflect these changes. A poll of the vote vas as follo~rs: Councilnembsr Anderson, Aye; Counci~~ Hasch, Aye; Councilmecaber l~italer, Aye; Councilnembar llaxrell, Aye; Mayor Redepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. v. Nam BUSIN$Ss a. CONSID$R ACTION - AVi•NC~~TB$ NOIS$ IKPACT ST~JDY FOR KliIINSTR$ST PRO~T$C'1' (Rpt. 94-iZ9 ) Staff reco®e~nded adoption of the follo~rinq notion: Kove to authorise staff to perform a Noise Iapact Study on the T. 8. 169 call as it relates to the Kainatreat Iap~ t Project No. 93-18 at a cost not to °Y~'4ad $3,500. Councilnember Ma:caiall moved and Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion to deny. A poll of the vote vas as follo~rs: Councflnevober Anderson, Aya; Councilmembar Basch, Aya; Councilmenbar Rritsler, Aye; Councilmembsr Kaxvell, Aye; Mayor Redapenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. b. CONSIDffit ACTION - LIQIIOR LICffi~S$ NOI~ina~ TI$R, INC. (Rpt. 94-1a6) Staff racom~mandad adoption of the folloNinq motion: Kowa that the Hopkins City Council a~~~re the liquor license for Northern Tfer, Inc. dba Raspberries in the Hopkins Sousa Hotel. Mika Basrtsch and Leonard HRber of Raspberries, and Ri~~+~*•d Rasmussen of the Hotel, appeared before Council. Kayor Redepenninq on behalf of the `Thole Council ~relcamad them to Hopkins and risked them great success. i • Jti11y 5, 1994 Page 4 L'OUncilmembel' NaXl/all sowed and COUncilmembal~ Hasch "~''~+ndad the motion to a~~ ~.re the liquor license. A poll of the vote Nas as folloars: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmambar Hasch, Aye; Councilmember ~ritaler, Aye; Councilmamber Na~nrall, Aye; Mayor Radapenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. c. CONSIDER ACTION - C~~ITIONAL US$ PEi~IT FOR 1CA•i•N~~TNE c:~~KKaH ADDITION (Rpt. 94-iZ3) Staff recommended the folloNinq motion: Hove to aY~~.re Resolution No. 94-6a a~~~ovinq a conditional use parait to construct additions to 1Catharina Curran elementary ~^.h~~l. The school district is proposing to add ii,600 square feat in additions to the school. Jim 1Carrigan Kant over the project Kith the Council. Mayor Radepanninq asked if a hard surface on the playground would remain. John Hooter, the architect on the project, stated that the surface would remain hard. Ha also sho~rad plans and the proposed improvements to the Council. Councilsembar RaYVell stressed that the lighting in the parking lot Nas vary important. Ha also asked chat kind of repairs Mould bs made to the City parking lot after the construction. HF. Hooter replied that patching would be done and than the lot Mould be seal coated. Hearing no further comments Councilmember Hasch moved and Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion to a~r~ra Resolution No. 94-6Z. A poll of the vote Mas as folloars: Councilmember Anderson; Aye; Councilmember Hasch, Aye; Councilmember Krit$lar, Aye; Councilmamber Nax~rell, Aye; Mayor R~epenninq, Ay®. The motion carried unanimously. d. CONSIDER ACTION - 1ST RENDING STREET VACATION EDGffiKORE DRIVE (Rpt. 94-63) • ~ J~ily S, 1994 Page 5 Staff reco:ose~ndad the folloNinq motion: Kovs to aY~s~re Resolution No. 94-63 ap~~~vinq Ordinance No. 94-740 vacating a portion of $dgemora Drive abutting l05 Cottage Downs for first reading. After a brief discussion Councilmembsr Anderson sowed and Cauncilmember Naxrall seconded the lotion to a~~~.re Resolution No. 94-63 and ap~o.ra Ordinance No. 94-740 for first reading. A poll of the vote ras as folla~rs: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilaember Hesch, Aye; Councilmambsr 1Crit$lar, Aye; Councilmamber Naxrell, Aye; Mayor Radapenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. e. CONSIDffit ACTION - 8AYS8 VARIANC$ (Rpt. 94-iZ7) Staff recom~a~nded the follorinq motion: None to refer the request for a variance from the subdivision moratorium ordinance for a subdivision of 7 Nabster Place to the Honing and Planning Comsission for raviar and racasmandations. 8'r. Hayes appeared before Council ranting to know rhy his request had to qo back to Soninq and Planning. Mayor Radapanninq said that ras the normal procedure. Councilmambar Naxrall saved and Councilmesber ~itsler seconded the motion to refer the Hayes variance to Soninq and Planning for caviar and recosme~ndation. A poll of the vote ras as follors: Councilmembar Anderson, Aya; Council~embar 8esch, Aye; Councilmember lacitalar, Aya; Councilmembsr ~iaxrall, Aye; Mayor Redepanninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. f. CONSID$R ACTION -CARNIVAL Pffit'~IIT (Rpt. 94-1Z8) Staff racosmanded that the Council a~Yt~da the follo~ring motion: xova that the Hopkins City Council ar~•ova the carnival persit license application of the Hopkins Jaycees. Nr. Genallia rant over the license request rith the Council. Paul Ahlas, Hopkins Jaycees, and Dave Cavalero from the Carnival appeared before Council to ansrar any questions. July 5, 1994 Page 6, 1994 The Council ras concerned about security and liability to the City. Mr. Miller, City Attorney, assured them that the Carnival Mould be responsible for any liability that could arise. Councilmember ~Critsler moved and Councflmamber Hesch seconded the motion to a~~o.-e the license. A poll of the vote ras as follo~rs: Councilmamber Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Hesch, Aya; Councilma~mber Rritsler, Aye; Councilma~mber Maxrell, Aye; Mayor Rsdepenninq, Aye. The notion carried unanimously. q. ~7ONSIDER ACTION - ADTBORIS$ FT~TMG OF COMr~iax CONSOI~A~iT (Rpt. 94-lZZ ) Staff raco~ended that the Council approve the follotiinq motion: Move that the Hopkins City Council authorise the City Manager to enter into an agreeaent rich Giska Consulting Group to assist in the acquisition of a ner computer system. Mr. Genellia e~cplained that the Finance Department Computer system is ten years old and running out of storage space. In addition to the financial system softrare, staff is aiming at acquiring a system that can support inteY~s.nactinq other departments rith finance. Staff solicited quotes and the for bidder ras Giske Consulting Group rith of cost of $1x,000 - $15,000. Councilme~mber l~itsler and R4^^-~+ also stressed the need far a consultant. Councilmember lCritsler moved and Councilme®ber RA^^.~ seconded the motion to a~~ ~.re the agreaa~ent rith Giske Consulting Group. A poll of the vote ras as follo:rs: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Hesch, Aye; Councilmember Hzitsler, Aye; Councilmember Maxrell, Aye; Mayor Redepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. h. CONSIDffit ACTIOH - IMITATE UPDAT$ OF 8TRI~TEGIC PION (Rpt. 94-1x4) staff recommended adoption of the folloNinq motion: Move to approve the initiation of a process to review and update the Strategic Plan for Economic Development. 00 July 4, 1994 Pages 7 ~. Harmeninq gent over the suggested plan and report Nitta the Council. ]after further discussion Councilasnber i~lnderson coved and Council~ber I~itsler seconded the eotion to a~~~~b the review process. l~l poll of the vote Naa as folloars: Councilaenber l~nderson, i~ye; Council~eeber ~e~^.t', lye; Councila~aa~ber ~`ritsler, i~ye; Councilsenber l~a~nrell, i~ye; Mayor R~sdepsnninq, lye. The action carried unanimously. VI. R$PORTS - COLrIII~`1`rJ~B/CO~ISSIORB ~1~ayor Redepenning thanked all of the outgoing Co~issfon ae®bers for their service to the Co~ounity. 8e also encouraged everyone to get out and support and enjoy the Raspberry Festival. VII . 1~D~~u~Kffi~1T Councilaeaber Raavell coved and Councilaeaber 8esch seconded the action to adjourn. The casting adjourned by unaniaous consent. Res lly submitted, Pat i rne, ty City Clerk ~iurrCILI~SRS: /' ~ _ ~,J ~~ _ - o~~ow,.r~,.,~, Charles D. Retie ~T-~ ~ti,} ~ ~• _ ' f- ` c~