09-06-94~ - i A regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council vas held on Septeaber 6, 1994 in the Council Chambers of Hopkins City Hall. Present were Nayor Redepenninq, Councilmembers Anderson, 8esch, Rritsler and l~a~cvell. Also present were staff members xielke, Gen®llie, Haraeninq, Gustafson, Gessels, Kerrigan, S--~+~lsr, N. Anderson and City Attorney Jerre Miller. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Radepenninq called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. II. OPEN AGENDA -PUBLIC CO~ElITS/CON~-~~wS There were no co~oments. III. CONSENT AGENDA 1. ~!-PPROVAL OF AUGUST 16, 1994 REGULAR METING ~ulrl4i•~s8 1. APPROVAL OF I~IS~~•T~lNEOUS LICENS$S 3. APPROVAL OF DISBURSffi~1TS, PR~•TST 946 4. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS TO CHSKICAL HEAIffH COI~II~lISSION 5. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENT TO SvriNG AND PLAar~i~v COl~IIKISSION 6. APPROVAL OF ACTION - CKANG$ ORDERS Z-5, OAKItIDGE SOUTH STREET S (Rpt. 94-16a) 7. APPROVAL OF ACTION - 1994 MIB~•T•ANEOUS SP$CIAL ASSESSMENTS (Rpt. 94-161) S . APPROVAL OF ACTION -ALLEY e'"- O'Ns-rxuc.-riON PROJECTS 94-06 AND 94-08 SPECIAL ASSESSMsnir~ (Rpt. 94-16a) 9. APPROVAL OF ACTION - ANARD OF ~•ix71CT FOR NAETZOLD FIELD PARK S (Rpt. 94-167) 10. APPROVAL OF ACTION -LIQUOR LICENSE VIOLATION EAST END BOT TLE HOUSE (Rpt. (94-170)) Councilmember Naxvell moved and Councilmembar Anderson seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agenda. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Hesch, Aye; Councilmember ~Critsler, Aye; Councilmember l~taxvell, Aye, 1Kayor Redepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. IV. PUBLIC HEARING A, 1995-1999 CAPITAL PLAN (Rpt. 94-157) Stsff recom~endad the City Council conduct the public hearing on the 1995-1999 C.i.P., and schedule further review of the C.I.P. at the City Councils 10/11/94 work session. • i Septesbsr 6, 1994 Page a Tom Harmeninq gave an overview of Capital Iaprovement Plan. RAarinq no comments from Council irlaayor Redepenninq opened the public h~~rinq at 7:50 p.m. Kerrill Burgstahler, 136 18th Avenue South appeared before Council concerned over the Loop Street option on County Road 3. Ha remarked that his house would bs taken should that occur. He stated that he needed some tine to sake plans 8e also asked that the he receive updates on the plans. RA~rinq no sore CO~nts COUncilmembel' KaxMell coved and Councilmsmbar Rp-^-~ seconded the notion to close the public hearing at 7:57 p.m. A poll of the vote Mss as folloa-s: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Hesch, Aye; Councilaember Kritalar, Aye; Councilmembar l~a~cvell, Aye; Mayor Redspsnning, Aye. The lotion carried unaniaously. v. oLD BUSINFSs 8. CONSIDKS ACTION - c~•imx STRIPING ON NAINSTRSST B8'1'N$EN FIFTH AND NASHINGTON Avsau:s (Rpt. 94-168 ) Staff reco®mended that the Council direct staff to eliminate the common center turn lane on l~ainstr•et Fifth and 1~ashington Avenues and instead establish center striping rich no turn lanes the entire length of this segsent. Lea Gustafson stated that the eYperisental center turn lane Nas not successful and should be eliminated. Councilmember NaxMell :Quad and Councilmesber Anderson seconded the lotion to eliminate the common center line turn lane bstNeen Fifth and liashington Avenues. A poll of the vote Nas as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilm~ber Hesch, Aye; Councilmember Kritalar, Aye; Councilmasber Naxvell, Aye; 1~layor Redepenninq, Aye. T'he motion carried unanimously. B. CONSIDffit ACTION - $STABLISH PARKING R$STRICTIONS ON NAINSTREST 8$'1'~i$ffi~ FIFTH AND i~ASHINc~iJ~i Avanu:s (Rpt. 94-169) September 7, 1994 Page 3 Staff recoae~ended approval of Resolution No. 94-84 establishing 3 hour parking betvaen 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. and "No Parking" bet~reen 9 p.m.. and 6 a.m. on the south side of l~ainstraet frooa Fifth Avenue to 387 feet east and "No Parking" on all other areas of Nainstraat bstwan Fifth and Nashington Avenues. After a brief discussion Councilmeaber Anderson coved and Councilmember iCritaler seconded the notion to a~~tow Resolution No. 94-84. A poll of the vote tree as follows: Cauncilmembar Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Hasch, Aye; Councilm~amber ~italar, Aye; Councilmembsr NaYwall, Aye; Mayor Redapanninq, Aya. The motion carried unanimously. VI. NSi~ SUSIN$SS A. C~SID$R ACTION - APP''..ava PROPOS$D 1994 LEVY, PRiOP08$D 1995 Gffi~$'RAL rur~ BUDGET AND S$T HEARING BUDGET HEARINGS (Rpt. 94-157) Staff racoa~misndad adoption of Resolution No. 94-78 a~sw.ring the proposed 1994 Ta~c Levy Collactibla in 1995, adopting the preliminary 1995 General Fund Budget and setting public ~-~*'ing dates. John Schedler wnt over the proposed Resolution Mich the Council. Cauncilma®ber Hasch moved and Councilawber Anderson seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 94-78. A poll of the vote eras as follow: Councilmamber Anderson, Ays; Councilma~eber Hesch, Aye; Councilaa~sber Rritaler, Aye; Councilmember ~tax:rell, Aye; Mayor Redepenninq, Ays. The motion carried unanimously. B. CONSIDRR ACTION -CONDITIONAL US$ PBRHIT - `r0"1'$CH (Rpt. 94-164 ) Staff racoamendad that Council move to ap~ow Resolution No. 94-79 approving an amendment for a conditional use permit to construct an addition to the existing building at 1330 5th Street South. Nancy Anderson gave a sel.~rt on the need for a CDP for Tharmotach. Septanbar 6, 1994 Page 4 Tom Lundgren, Thermotech, and Architect Alan 1Cimpell, a~~.: gyred before Council to shag the Council the plans for the addition to the building. Councilmamber Anderson moved and Councilmember Naxvell seconded the motion to approve Resolution No. 94-79. A poll of the vote vas as folloNS: Councilma:~bar Anderson, Aye; Councilsambar Hesch, Aye; Councilmembsr Nritslar, Aye; Councilmamber Ha~nrall, Aya; Nayor Redepenning, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. C. ©ONSID$R ACTION - SUBDIVISION/ SvirirG A~DN$N7.'S (RPT. 94-165) Staff recoemandad that the Council a~~~ve Resolution No. 94-80 approving Ordinance Ho. 94-74Z for first reading ~rhich makes various amendments to the Subdivision and Soninq Ordinance. Nancy Anderson gave a brief update on the proposed a ts. Councilmembar I~itsler moved and Councilme~mber Na~nrell r~c~ndad the motion to adopt Resolution No. 94-80. A poll of the vote eras as follo~rs: Councilmea~ber Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Hasch, Aya; Councilma~ober l~ritsler, Aya; Councilmamber Kaxarell, Ays; Nayor Radepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. D. CONSIDffit ACTION - CONDITIONAL US$ PSHKIT - HANUS BUS FACILITY (Rpt. 94-166) Staff reco~endad approval of Resolution No. 94-69 approving a conditional use permit for a bus facility. Nancy Anderson discussed the suggested routes and three additional coditions to the Resolution. Fred Hams, Hams Bus Company and Pater Orlins, Attorney for ~. Hanus appeared before Council to answer questions. ~. Hanus said that until tonight he had not seen the three additions to the Resolution. He stated that the bituminous surfaces for the bases may ba a problem, that he had concerns about his ability to obtain an easement for the deceleration lava, that he eras opposed to additional traffic studies and delays , and Named the aaximum number of buses to be 75 rather than 60. • September 6, 1994 _ Page 5 Councilmambar MaxMaii asked ~. Banos if any inoperable buses Mould bs stored on the grounds. lam. Manus stated that all of the buses Mould ba in Morkinq condition. Mayor Radepanninq said that ha Mas vary concerned over the additional traffic on County Road #3 and the proposed routs the buses would be taking. Hith the proposed right in and right out condition ha Mondered chat the iapact would be on 11th Avenue and 5th Street South Gary Rappaport, owner of venturian Corporation and the property in question, stated that he Mould give an easement to the City for a ~~~'leration lane under certain conditions related to his use of the access. Councilmembsr Basch asked if a traffic light had been suggested as an alternative on County Road #3. Councilmamber Hasch stated that she is opposed to an additional traffic study. Jon Rartjes, of Banshoof and Associates, Mho did the traffic study Mas present to ansMer questions. ~. Hams stated that the County had no problem Kith a left in and left out route and said they Mould allot it if the City mould ask for it. Rr. ~tielke suggested that staff v.~~,~.act the City of Kinnetonka and ask for there cammants about the traffic on 1Ctel and ~e~ly Oak Road. He also suggested staff look into Imo. Rappaports offer. • Councilmember l~a:cMell moved and Councilmambar lcritsler seconded the motion to continue this item Mhile additional traffic analysis is completed on the right in, right out option and on the feasibility of a traffic signal at the neM a~^--mss point, and that the staff investigate the Rappaport offer, look further into the gravel versus bituminous surface issue, and that notification of the iapactad area by the bus routs occur and Kinnetonka bs asked for comments. H'r. Kialka asked Mho Mas going to pay for the additional traffic study. l~'r. Hams stated that he Mould pay for the study. A poll of the vote Mas as folloMS: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilsember Hasch, Nay; Councilme~mbar ~Crftsier, Aya~ Councilmember 1~axMa11, Aye; Mayor Redepenninq, Aya. The notion carried. September 6, 1994 Page 6 $. CONSID$R ACTION - Aui•~RIS$ OTILITY 81~8ffi~gNT - HOPxI11S SCHOOL DISTRICT (Rpt. 94-158) Staff recaemendad the granting of a non-exclusive utility easement to independent School District Ho. Z70 across City property for purposes of an underground telecoaa®unications facility. Jim Gessele vent over the proposed recommendation with the Council. Discussion occurred about the possibility of the City of Hopkins sharing the trench with the School District and having piping placed in the trench for future use by the City. Mr. Gessele stated that to do this naw would save the City several thousand dollars. Mr. Genellie said that staff vas still investigating using the trench where the school district will be laying its conduit. He said staff Mill li]cely be aYP~~achinq the Council soon for authorisation to spend money for the conduit. Councilmember lacftsler moved and Councilmember Hesch seconded the motion to approve the easement. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Hesch, Aye; Councilaember i~italer, Aye; Councilmember Maxwell, Aye; Mayor Redepenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. F. COI~SIDSR ACTION - THEM LIMIT INITIATIVE PETITION (Rpt. 94-158) Staff recommended that the Council accept the initiative petition and refer the to matter to the City Attorney. M`r. Genellie discussed the initiative with the Council. After further discussion Councilmember 1Critsler :Quad and Councilmember Maxwell seconded the motion to refer the matter to the Cfty Attorney. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Hesch, Aye; Councilmember iCritsler, Aye; Councilmember Harwell, Aye; Mayor Redapenninq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. . - September 7, 1994 Page 7 G. CONSIDffit ACTION - DISPOSAL OF PERSONAL OR r~u~cr~IIS PROPERTY (Rpt. 94-159) ' Staff raco~endad that the Council adapt Ordinance No. 94- 743 for first reading. ~. Ganellie stated that currently the City Coda requires a public auction to dispose of personal or surplus property. Auctions occasionally cost more coney to conduct than is brought in by the sales. The City is also required to store property such as bicycles for up to tvo years in order to have enough to `Tarrant an auction. The proposed ordinance would allaM the City to dispose of personal or surplus property using the following methods: o Public Auction o Direct sale, i.e. place an advertisement in the paper offering the items for sale. o donation to a nonprofit or other government unit. o disposal as refuse. Councilme~ober 8esch moved and Council~~ Anderson seconded the motion to approve for first reading Ordinance No. 94-743. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilmembar Anderson, Aye; Councilmamber Hasch, Aye; Councilmamber Rrftsler, Aye; Councilmember Maxwell, Aye; Mayor Redapenninq, Aye. The motion passed by unanimous consent. vI. REPORTS - COI~[I•i-1•LisS/ Me. Harmeninq reminded the Council of a joint meeting with property owners at 6 p.m. until 7:15 p.m. on September ZOth. y September 6, 1994 Page 8 VII. ADrTOURl~llr[~T Councilmember Anderson moved and Councilmamber Raxrell seconded the motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned by unanimous consent. Res fully submitted, ~ ~~ Pat G sb~o e, Deputy City Cler~C ©otn~Clr~~B$RS: ~- _v / - r /r '~•~ `-~ - ATT$ST: -~ Charles ~. ~aapenniii~~ayo~~