02-09-93 WSIYIINUTES HOPKINS CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION February 9,19903 7 P.M. A w~orksession was held by the Hoplirrs City Council on Fabruery 9,19®03. Pr~eserrt were Mayor Berg, Chuck Redepemir~, Chuck Kritzler, Jim Shirley and Bob Anderson. Also pr~eserrt were City staff Mielke, Harmeninp, and Gustafson; Manic Sarin of the Hopkins Business ~ Civic Associ- aatieon and Dick K~oppy, C~dc ~Pp~~ and .lohn Dietrich of RLK Mayor Berg celled the meeting do order at 7:00 p.m. The first ifiern of discussion was '11Aainstreet Days Celebration'". Mayor Berg, Tom HanY~ening and Mark Senn revie~w~ed the oorroep~t of having a'~esame Street Live' event. They indicated that tl~ey have planned an eMent but flrar~cing teas beoorne a problem. V11~h no m~gor sponsor in hand, a decision must be made whetk~rer or rat the City wants to underwritie the program. Approximately 58,000 remains in the pnomo~tions budget. An additional 520 - 25,000 would be needed to finance the project.. The Council discussed the event and asked for mono ir~ormation about financing options. The ifiem will be placed on the Februmy 1®th agenda.. The seoor~d item of discussion was a review of the proposed Mainstr~eet Project. Didc K~oppy of RLK Associates revieM~ed the pnojecrt with the Courxil. Discussed wane the final costs, work is- sues remaining for 19903, and miscellaneous contractor issues. The third item a-f discussion cor~oemed proposed improvements do the Nine Mile Creek Wa- tershed. Lee Gustafson nsview~ed a proposed request do the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Board ofi Dinecbors. ff the proposal is aooepbed by the Board, improvements could begin in 1994, which would lower the flood plain elevations north of Soo Line Railroad. Therrnotech, Ir~c. is con- templating e~nsion of their facility but are restricted by the a~ment flood elevations. The Coun- al will be asked fio act n this issue. The fowth and final item of discussion oonoerr~ed a matt sidewalkltrail system review. Lee Gus- tafson reviewed the plan as drafted by staff and Westwood Professional Services. The Counal discussed various aspects of the plan. The plan will be before the Council for action in March. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sb~ren C. , Cily Meneper ATTEST: Nelson W. Bero~ Mey~or w -~ . - _.- rte.'