03-02-92.~ s r ~. A regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council ras held on March a, 199a in the city Council Chambers of the sopkins City Ball. Present rare Mayor Herq, Councilmambers ~*+~iPrson, Shirley, Rritsler and Redepenninq. Also present rare staff members Kielke, Genellie, sarmeninq, Gustafson, Gessele, Kerrigan and City Attorney J~is Killer. I. CALL TO ORD~ Mayor Herq call the meeting to order at 7:4a p.:n. II. SP$CIAL ORD~ OF BUSIN$SS (a) CHANG$ I~STING DAT$ OR TII~ OF APRIL 7, 199a cv'urCIL ~BTING. Councilmember Redepenning moved and Councilaembsr Anderson seconded the motion to change the meeting time to 8:15 p.m. on Tuesday April 7, 199x. A poll of the vote ras as follors: Counciimember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Cauncil~e'~r i~italer, Aye; Councilm~amber Redepenninq, Aye; Nayor Sorg, Aye. The sotion carried unanimously. III. CONSENT AGSNDA 1. APPROVAL OF TS$ ~KKK«~IRY 18, 199a REGULI~IR COUNCIL MS$TING !`iruta8 a. APPROVAL OF DISBURS~TS, PR~•TST 88a 3. APP'..ava 1~I8~•T-#ll~F0U8 LICBNS$ APPLICATIONS 4. APPROVE Tffi~PORARY INCENTIVES FOR CO~D~ffitCTfT• RESAB LOAI~i PR~OGRSN AND SIGN GRl~ll~'1' APPLICATION (Rpt. 9a-5a) 5. ANSN~ffi1T TO TIF PLi~N TO 1~lLIrO~ii GRAII'PS FOR CO~II~RCIAL REHAB LOAN PROGRBN AND SIGN GRANT APPLICATION (Rpt. 9a-53) 6. APPROVE 49ERS 11AGE CONTRI~CT F~ 199a (Rpt. 9a-56) 7. NAGS ~ri•KACT FOR NON-UNION ffi~LOYEES (Rpt. 9a-57) 8. ADOPT RESOLUTION NG 1991 c.Jb'i•INGENCY TRANSFERS (Rpt. 9a-63) 9. APPROVE l~iir~is8 OF TsE NOV~ER 14, 1991 1i!~~C~P l~urui•:s8 Councilmember Shirley moved and Councilme~mber Anderson seconded the motion to ap~o~-e the Consent Agenda. A poll of the vote ras as follors: Councilm®mber Anderson, Aye; Cauncilmember Shirley, Aye; Councilmembsr l~italer, Aye; Councilmember Redepsnning, Aye; Mayor Serq, Aye. The lotion carried unanimously. i March Z, 199a Page Z IV. POHLIC 8B1~RINGS (a) CONSIDH~t ACTION - 1992 CDBG ~u~c8 Staff raco®nended a~.prv.ral of the fol]~owinq motion: Adopt Resolution No. 9Z-ZO a~P-~~.ring the proposed programs for Year XVIIi Urban Hennepin County Coa~aaunity Development Block Grant Funds and authorising is subeittal based on the follotiing understanding: o Re-evaluate Greater I~innsapolis Day Car Associations (G!®C) need for and ability to spend 1992 CDBG funds after a six month period; o Request Hennepin County to amend budget up to a ma~ciaum of $1x,000 if need is demonstrated by G~IDC. 1Pith a~~ ~~al of this action the application would be submitted to Hennepin County for their review and a~~~.ral. Jim icerrigan gave a brief ovarvia~r of the Resolution. 8e also stated that the fund had been reduced by $2,000 from _ a~~~cimatsly $108, 00 to $106, 000. l+b*. 1~errigan stated that staff recaemsnded undertaking housing r~b~~ilitation activities pith the 1992 CDBG funds reserving $iZ,000 for the Day Care Association for a period of six months. 8ayor Berg opened the Public Hearing at 7:55 p.m. Grace Norris, Greater xinnaapolis Day Care Association, appeared before Council. She thanked the Council for the help the City had given them and agreed with the six month windo~r. Hearing no more co®ents Council ember Redepenninq moved and Councilmembsr xritsler seconded the motion to close the public ~+~ gyring at 8:00 p.m. A poll of the vote was as follows: Councilaeaber Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Councilmea~ber ~Critsler, Aye; Councilmember Redapenninq, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. After discussion Councilmember 1Critaler moved and Councilmember Redepenninq ~-~~nded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 9a-ZO with the understandings as noted. i 1 . s March a, 199a Page 3 A poll of the vote eras as follo~rs: Councilaember Anderson, Aye; Councilmembsr Shirley, Aya; Councilaebar laritsler, Ays; Councilmembar Redepenninq, Aya; Mayor Herq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDHS ACTION - GRi0C8RY ai.u~ P'ROrT$CT i. North Hopkins Co®munity Concerned Cftisens adoption of Resolution No. 9Z-19. • Staff recosmandsd the folloMinq motion: Rove to a~~r~d~s Resolution No. 9a-i9 outlining proposed actions to address concerns of the North Hopkins Comsunity of Concerned Citisens .regarding the future redewlopmsnt of property located bstmean 6th and 8th Avenue, north of Nainstraet. Nayor Hera gave a brief synopsis of the proposed Resolution. He thanked the NHCCC Citisens for their participation in the study. Tom Harmaninq Kant through the provisions (sw~ariaed balov) of the Resolution: i. Traffic Concerns z. Loitering Concerns 3. Herminq 4. Construction Impacts 5. Resoninq 6. LRT Lines 7. Tax increment Financing S. Site Preparation, IIsaga, 9. Acquisition of Property 10. Additional suggestions (TIF) Nanagemant Mayor Berg opened the Public Hearing at 8:15 p.m. R~~rinq no comments Councilmember Anderson moved and Councilmember ~itsler seconded the notion to close the public hearing at 8:16 p.m. A poll of the vote eras as folloMS: Councilmember Anderson, Ays; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Councilmember 1Critsler, Aye; Councilmembar Redepenninq, Ays; Mayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. Counci____~r Anderson coved and Councilor ~r Kritsler ^~~`Andad the motion to adopt Resolution No. 9Z-19. i i March z, 199a Page 4 A poll of the vote was as follows: Councilmamber Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Councilmember iC`ritaler, Aye; Councilmember Redepsnninq, Aye; Mayor Ssrq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. Z . HCRRA l~greement Staff racoamtendad that the Council cove to a~p~w~re the ground lease, aaseasent agreement and light rail transit agreement between the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority and the City of Hopkins and direct their suba~issfon to the HCRRA for adoption. Tom Harmeninq reviewed the HC1iRA Agreement. Steve Bubul, Attorney, Holmes ie Graven, gent over the terms of the agreement. Mayor Serq opened the Public ~ic~*•ing at 8:37 p. m.. $ugene Maxwell had tyro questions for the Council. (i) Haw was tho land evaluation datersinad? ~. Barmeninq informed Hr. Kaxwll that the land was appraisad~by Scott Renee, a qualified appraiser. (Z) Mould the Resolution still stand if nothi~ Mas dons in the near future? Yes, the Resolution would be i~ effect regardless. w~~*•inq no more ca~ents Councilmember Redepenninq :Quad and Councilmember Shirley seconded the notion to close the public hearing at 8:40 p.m. A poll of the vote was as follows: Councilmamber Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Ays; Councilmember ~italer, Aye; Councilmsmber Redepenninq, Aye; Mayor Sera, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. v. oLD SUSIN$ss (a) CONSIDBtt ACTION - s$c.Jrc READING •i•~~ iri IN HOUSING ORDINANC$ Staff recommender adoption of Ordinance No. 9a-705 for second reading and order published. • + Karch a, 199a Paq 5 Tom 8armaninq stated that a Resolution Mould be caminq back to the Council for• authorisation to set fees at a later data. 8a also stated that the Ordinance Mould not qo into effect until August 1, 199x. Councilmambar Anderson mo~vsd and Councila~amber R~itsler seconded the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 9a-705 for second reading and order published. A poll of the vote Mss as follars: Councilmembar Anderson, Aye; Councilmembar Shirley, Aye; Councilma~abar 1Critaler, Aye; Councilmember Redepenninq, Aye; Mayor Harq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. vI. N$N BUSINESS (A) CONSIDER ACTION - RRQU$ST FOR VACATION OF TYLER Staff reco~andad the folloMinq motion: l~ova to apps~.re Resolution No. 9a-a4 denying Ordinance No. 9a-704 to vacate part of Tyler Avenue. $dco fs proposing to construct an addition to their existing building at 845 Tyler Avenue. This area is coned I-i which requires a a0 foot set-back abutting Tyler Avenue. This addition is needed for additional office space. After reviaM staff advised the applicant that either a variance Mould have to be requested or that Tyler Avenue had to bs vacated to provide the necessary setback area. The applicant decided to request the vacation of Tyler Avenue. Steve 8anlon and Jerry Gustafson of Rdco appeared before Council to discuss the necessity of the vacation. They Mere asking for a small portion of Tyler Avenue for parking. The portion they requested is at the end of Tyler Avenue Mhich dead ends at the railroad track. That' also shoMad pictures of the proposed addition. James A. Henshoof, Henshoof i Associates, has revievad the traffic implications. lam. Benshoof stated that it Mas premature to vacate the street because the street is on® of tMO streets that could ba tied onto and Street South, in a north- south direction. At the present ties there are no access streets crossing the tracks. Councilmembar Anderson said that ha Mould hesitate ~o say that the road Mould not ba n~~4d fn the next five to tan years. 1 • s 'arch Z , 1992 Page 6 Councflmembsr Redapenninq said that he felt that if they v~era to ask for a variance it would be a possibilty bat that it eras too soon to consider vacating the street. Mayor Berg concurred that it is premature to a~~~.re a vacation. Lo~rell 8 ita lof f , Lo~r+sl1 ~ s Automotive Parts asked if van Buren Avenue might not be a viable option. Councilmambers Shirley and ~italar stated that they Moald prefer that Bdco Products request a vari ~*+c~e. Councilme~aber Redepenninq coved and Councilm~ber seconded the notion to adopt Resolution 80. 9Z-Z4 denying Ordinance loo. 9a-~o4. A poll of the vote Mas as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Councilmaber R'ritaler, Aye; Councilae~aber Redepanninq, Aye; Mayor Berg. Aye. Th motion carried unanimously. (b) RSVISII COBCEPT P~I~ - Yc~ur~~STB~l' AMOCO - COUp'1'Y ROAD #3 AID 11TH Avffi8~ Sc~u in A neN Holiday gas station `-ill be constructed on the south`rast ~tiaer of County Road #3 and 11th Avenue South, the present site of Youngstadt~s Amoco. The construction of the nw gas station rill leave Yoangstedt•s rithout a location. 8r. Youngstedt is proposing to mov+s his basiness to the east side of 11th Avenue. 8ayor Berg e~ccusad himself from the table stating that ha had a conflict of interest. He asked Councilmember Shirley to take over the meeting. !~. Youngstadt and lam. Constable •appeared before Council to reviar the plan Kith the Council. lam. Youngstadt stated that ha had a petition Kith eleven hundred names requesting that Youngstadt~s stay in Hopkins. Marty Leyden, 6041 14th Avenue South, customer of lam. Youngstedt~s appeared before council to offer three vary good reasons for the Service Canter to remain in Hopkins. 1. $nsuras employment for courteous trained staff. Z . That it is one of the feM full service stations left in the area. 3. Speedy service with respect for customers time. i ~ i Karch a, 199a Page 7 Ha said that ha had been a customer of years and continues to be even though City. Ha Mould hate to see them qo. Youngstadt•s for many ha has moved into the Bob Ruby, Sheryl Ruby, and Tom Tarsal appeared before Council, stating that the service is excellent and that handicapped service is available for all persons needing help. It Mould also keep employaent in the area. Lo~rall Sftaloff, Lovalls i~utamotiva Parts, stated that he has dealt Kith Youngstadt•s for several years and that it is one of the finest operations that ha services. 8a also said that having Youngstadt•s in the cosmunity is a great asset. Glen Gillen, also stated that Youngstedt•s does a fine job, Kith full service far automobf les. Scott Stalter, ea~loyae of Youngstadt•s, said that he is a mechanic and has been employed by other service centers but that Morkinq at Youngstedt•s has bean the bast place ha has Marked. The emphasis is alMays on customer service. Paul Youngstedt also appeared and stated that both he and his Lrcdhar Mould like to keep the business in Hopkins. lam. Youngstadt stated five losses should he not ba allowed to build a naM service canter. 1. Layoffs a. Loss of full service operation 3. Loss of automotive knowledge 4. Loss of tax revenue 5. Loss of healthy competitive business John Novak, 534 Fast Park Valley Drive, stated that the property is one of the feM areas left for development and Mould hate to see it used for a service center. 8a also stated that the tax revenue would bs lass that Mhat some other businesses might bring to the city. 8a would hate to have the City give up the right-of- May on the City owned property Mhich Mould be Headed to complete the project. Jack 1~IcClary, lab Jackson, also stated that ha Mould hate to sea Youngstedt•s move from the area. Councilmamber Redepanninq asked if the property Mould be landscaped and mould approval of the concept give the council an opportunity to a~~o.re the landscaping? Councilaembsr Radapenninq said the service station fs not his first choice for the a~pi~~ iota use of the property. • ~ March a, 199a Page 8 Councila~ea~ber Rritsler said that he also is not totally in favor of another service station but is not sure what would be a~to~ iate for the property. Councilssssber Anderson agreed Kith both Mr. Redepenninq and l~itsler on the project not being a first choice, but felt that a reasonable price for the land would be necessary. Councilae~bsr Shirley concurred Mith the other Councilssssbers. 8e would like to see the property look nice Mith a lot of trees and landscaping. 8e would also like to see the second part of the parcel developed. No action is necessary on a concept ravieM. bons taken. Mayor Herg returned to the Council Table. (c) CONSiDffit ACTION -COP - l~ur~rSTONNA !lOTORS Staff reca~n~ended the follovi~ action: Move to a~~s~.re Resolution No. 9a-a3 a~~~.ring the expansion of the auto sales lot at ~a0 Mainstreat. Minnetonka Motors existing operation utilises the fr~~~t of the building at 4a0 Mainstraat and the parking area to the east of the building. Saaple Service is aovinq to another location and Minnetonka Motors wants to expand their operation and utilise part of the area used by Saaple Service. Hiil Trailer and Don Soukup, oMners of the property, and Mark Melby over of Minnetonka Motors appeared before Council. They discussed the need for expansion and the plans for landscaping the area. Mr. Trailer asked if plantings could be used instead of a 5 foot fence. After discussion Councilae®ber Redepenninq coved and Councilaeaober i~it$ler seconded the notion to a~~~re Resolution No. 9a-a3 directing staff to ~rork rith the applicants concerning the possibility of providing landscaping on the south property line in an area 15~-a0~ east of 5th Avenue if acceptable Mith existing ordinance. A poll of the vote eras as follo~rs: Councilaeaber Anderson, Aye; Councilaeaber Shirley, Aye; Councilaaeber 1Critsler, Aye; Councilaeaber Redapenninq, Axe; Mayor Hera, Aye. The notion carried unaniaously. f Narch a, 199a Page 9 (d) CONSID$R ACTION - 1ST RB~IDING ORDINAN FENC$S IN 1~Il7ui'i1•xIAL 8~11HG DISTRICTS Staff reco~maa:endad the follo~rinq notion: l~ov+s to a~~n eve Resolution No. 9a-aa a~pi•~.ri~ for first reading Ordinance No. 9a-706 to require a setback for fences in the industrial districts abutting aright-of-gray. Councilme~bsr Anderson moved and Councilaembsr Shirley seconded the notion to a~~~.re Resolution No. 9a-aa a~~ ~.rinq for first reading Ordinance No. 9a-706. A poll of the vote eras as follo~rs: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmembar Shirley, Aye; Councilmambsr ~Critsler, Aye; Councilme~mber Redepsnninq, Aye; Mayor Herq, Aye. The notion carried unanimously. VII. POBLIC CO~i~TB/CONc-~~~18 There were no public comments. VIII . R$PORTS - OO~II~II•i i•~S/CD~II~IISSIONS There sere no reports. IX. ADrivu~Mffi~IT Councilmember Redepenninq moved and Councilnember Anderson seconded the notion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned by unanimous consent. Res fully s~}bmitted, ~' c-/~ Pat G~sb~rne, -Deputy City Clerk c,JLrCIL~$RS: ~~~~~~~~ ~w _~_ _ _ ~,~~ /~~. v .1~~ ~. _ ~ _ ~... ~ - i / .~. - - A ~' / i \~ ~ Ne on N. ,Mayor ~ L