06-02-92"~'+~ ~ R . '' A regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council vas bald on June a, 1992 in the City Council Chambers of the Hopkins City Ball. Present t~sre Mayor Berg, Councilm~ambers Anderson, ~~+irlsy, ~Critsler and Redspenninq. Also present ~rsrs staff members Mialke, Genellie, Harmeninq, Gustafson, 1Carrigan, 6essele and City Attorney Jerre Killer. I. CALL TO ORDER l~iayor Barg call the meeting to order at 7:55 p.m II. CONSEpT AGENDA 1. APPROVAL OF TSE KAY 19, 1992 REGULAR wurCIL STING ~ur~ui•BS a. APPROVAL OF TSE JOINT ~b~CIL/CHEMICAL BEALTB COML~ISSION MEETING lair~iis8 -NAY 5, 199a 3. APPROVAL OF TSE NAY la 1~O~C~P NSBTING 4. APPROVAL OF DIs~sux~Sffi~!ffi1'PS, PQ~•TST 888 5. MIS~•T~lNEOUS LICENSES 6. AiIARD BID FOR ~OLLNOOD STREET RECONr~i•KUC.i•ION (Rpt. No. 9a-114) 7. APPROVE GRO~IffitS T ~-~T FOR lAYOR/NANAGffit SIGNATURE (Rpt. No. 9Z-la0) 8 . K ~N aarIN c~ur~•1•~t BEAIS!S DBPAR'1'lRBrl'r AGREffi~T (Rpt. No. 9a-iZ5) 9. ACCEPT PETITION TO ASSESS UTILITY c.OrraCTION CBARGES AT 11109 I~INNETONRA BOULEVARD (Rpt. 9~-117) 10. PEASE II INST1`rur1ONALcafin'litOLS - l~lETHANE RSKEDIATION (Rpt. 9Z-116) 11. 3.Z BEER LICENS$ FOR GROCERY 8OT lZ. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 9Z-43 TO REIl~UR~SE CERTAIN ExPEND1`1•uliES FROM TSE PR~O~-~K~~S OF BONDS TO BE ISriu~su BY TBE CITY Councilmember Anderson moved and Council~~~ Radapenning seconded the motion to apRr~ra the Consent Agenda. A poll of the vote ~raa as follova: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Counci~ ~*• iC'ritaler, Aye; Councilm~amber Redapenninq, Aye; Nayor Barg. Aye. The motion carried unanimously. III. PUBLIC BEARING (a) CONSIDER ACTION -VACATION OF EASEL~E1~'P 191 v~sr'~~xSON Av~u~s SOOTS (Rpt. 9a-115) • f ~ ~ f - nine a, 199a Page a Staff reco®mended adoption of the following motion: Dove to approve Resolution No. 9a-36 ap~~~inq for first reading Ordinance No. 9a-708 to vacate utility easement at 101 Jefferson Avenue South. litayor Hera opened the public ~+~~ring at 7:57 p.m. Hearing no co~maents Councilaember Redepanninq moved and Councflmember ~itsler seconded the lotion to close the public r~~Tinq a 7:58 p.m. A poll of the vote was as follows: Councilmembsr Anderson, Aya; Councilmembar Shirley, Aye; Councilmamber Rritsler, Ays; Councilmember Redepenninq, Aye; Nayor Hsrq, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. Councilmember ~ftsler moved and Cauncilmsmber Redepenning seconded the motion to aPp~ove Resolution No. 9a-36 for first reading of Ordinance No. 9a-708. A poll of the vote eras as follows: Councilaembsr Anderson, Aye; Councilmeaber Shirley, Aye; Cauncilmember ~Critsler, Aye; Councilmember Radepenninq, Aye; Mayor Herq, Aya. The motion carried unanimously. Iv. NHIP BUSIN$SS (a) CONSID$R ACTION - •~•,a~•~• DANC$ - JAYC$BS Staff recosm~snded adoption of the follawinq motion: Rav+a to allow the Jaycees to operate tent dances at Central Park on July 10 and 11th on the condition that beer sales conclude at 1x:00 a.m. and all music is concluded at 1x:30 p.m. Adoption of this motion would cause some change in the arrangements proposed by the Jaycees. ~. ~iielke s:cplained his proposal to the Council. After discussion Kith the Jaycees, Councilor ~ Anderson moved and Councflmember Radepenninq se~~~~dad the motion to approve the tent dances at Central Park Kith ticket sales to stop at 1x:00 p.m. and all music concluded at 1x:30 p.m. A poll of the vote was as follows: Counci~~r Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Ays; Councilmember l~italer, Ays; Councilmember Redepsnninq, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aye. The motion csrrisd unanimously. Jane Z, 1992 Page 3 (b) CONSIDffit ACTION - c.JI~~ITIONAL IISP Pffi~IT - AUTO SAL$S I~OT - 1714 N1~INSTR$8T (Rpt . 9 Z -iZ 1) Staff racamm:anda~d the f of losing action: Nave to a~~~ uve Resolution No. 9a-44 a~~~~inq a conditional use permit to operate an auto salsa lot at 1714 ~lainstreat. ~. Hanson appeared before Council to discuss his proposal for an auto sales lot. After discussion Councilsembar Anderson :Quad and Councilaacsber lcritsler seconded the notion to a~~~~a Resolution No. 9a-44. A poll of the vote ens as follo~rs: Councilmaaber Anderson, Ays; Councilmember Shirley, Aya; Councilaaaber l~itsler, Aye; Councilmambar Rsdapenninq, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDHS ACTION - PReT•T~a~Y PL~iT - COUpTY RQ~ID 3 AND BL~l1C$ ROAD (Rpt. 9Z-iZ3) Staff racoamanded the follosing action: Nova to a~~r~~-a Resolution No. 9a-46 reco~mm:andinq approval of a preliminary plat for the shopping center at the northeast corner of Blake Road and County Road 3. The applicant oens the shopping canter on the northeast corner of County Road 3 and Blake Road a=id is proposing to construct an addition to the east side of the southerly cost building abutting Pierce. In order for this building to ba constructed Pierce sill have to ba vacated. Along eith this vacation, the staff has recoaa~endad that the entire shopping center ba re-platted to eliminate several problems eith setbacks. ![arian Neeman, ONnar of the property appeared before Council and agreed to the re-platting. Ha stated that he could like to add a 30 foot extension to the building closest to Pierce Avenue, leaving 30 feet for travel. Councilmeaber Shirley moved and Councilmeaber Redapenninq seconded the motion to ap~r~ra Resolution No. 92-46. f one a, 199a Page 4 A poll of .the vote tree as follotrs: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmamber Shirley, Aye; Councila~amber Rritsler, Aye; Councilmamber Redepenninq, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aya. The lotion carried unanimously. Nayor Barg stepped daNn from the Council Table at this time. (d) CONSID$R ACTION -FIRST READING OF VACATION OF PI$RC$ STR$ST (Rpt. 9a-lea) Staff reco:omended the following motion: ~iova to approve Resolution No. 9a-45 a~~wvinq the first reading of Ordinance No. 9a-713. Art Edward, Bdco Products, also appeared and raised gt}estions regarding the suitability of the access arrangements if the vacation occurred. ~. Edward also requested that the street sign designating Pierce Avenue not be removed. Staff assured ~. $dward that no signs would be removed. Councilmember Anderson coved and Councilmemsbsr Radepanning seconded the motion to a~Y~~de Resolution No. 9a-45 approving the first reading of Ordinance No. 9a-713. A poll of the vote tray as follotrs: Councilmamber Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Councilmembar Icritslar, Aye; Councilmamber Redepenninq, Aye; The motion carried. Mayor Berg returned to the Council Table. (e) CONSIDffit ACTION - FEASIBILITY aiuuY R$CON~ i•~uCTION AND a~•ianSION OF t~~i•~e00R$ i~AY. (Rpt. 9a-118) Staff recotemen~ded adoption of the following motion: l~leove that Council authorise the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement frith the Nestbrooke Condominium Association to participate in the cost of a feasibility study for the reconstruction/extension of Nestbrooke Nay from 9th Avenue South to Smetana Road and to enter into an agreement frith RC~I Associates to conduct the feasibility study. After discussion Councilmember Shirley moved and Councilmember Redepenninq seconded the motion to participate in the feasibility study authorising the City Manager and Mayor to sign the agreements. • ^ " ~ s Suva Z, 199a Page 5 A poll of the vote Nas as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aya; Councilsembar shirlay, Aye; Councils~~r l~it$ler, Aye; Councilsember Redapanninq, Aye; Nayor Barg, Aya. The motion carried unanimously. (f) CoNSID~ ACTION -ASSESSING POLICIES (Rpt. 9a-iZ6) Staff reca~andad the following motion: Nove to direct staff to ~u~~.inue assessing all street isprovasant projects before awarding bids, and assess all other projects after cosplation. lac. Gustafson e~cplained the Head for direction on this canner. Ha said that the current assessing methods have ban working quite yell. Councilm~bar Redepanninq asked Hr. Gustafson if somebody is assessed up front and appeals within the 30 day period would the parson still ba able to gat a deferssnt? Nr. Gustafson said that on any project, the home owner has the right to appeal within the 3o day time Erase. Also that a public ~+~~rfnq is required on any project to fi~~r pros and cons on the proposed project. After further discussion Councilmasbsr Anderson moved and Councilsembar ~ftslar seconded the motion to continua with the present assessing policies. A poll of the vote Nas as follows: Councila~amber Anderson, Aye; Councilmambar Shfrlay, Aye; Councilsember Rritaler, Aye; Councilmamber Redepanninq, Aye; Mayor Barg, Aya. The notion carried unanimously. V. PQBLIC C0~1lLENTS/CON~;~~"MS There were no public co®ments. VI. REPORTS - CO1~IIrII•i-17SL8/CO1rIIrlISSIONS There ware no reports. . ~•. Suns Z, 1992 Page 6 VII . RG~ vux~l~l"P Councilsesber i~nderson coved and Councilsasber Redepenninq seconded the sotion to adjourn. The seating adjourned by unanisous consent. Res i`nily subsitted, ~~- ~ Pat Gisbdrne, D~•~~ City Clerk ~,c:C~ur~CIli~ L - - ~ - j -= Belson 1~. Berg, Mayor- - .. ~ .r.~ _ ~.1 _, _ _