07-26-05 WSJuly 26, 2005 Page 1 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION -July 26, 2005 A work session of the Hopkins City Council was called to order by Mayor Gene Maxwell at 7:35 p.m. on July 26, 2005, at the City Hall. Council members Brausen, Johnson, Rowan and Thompson were present. City personnel present were City Manager Rick Getschow; Economic Development Director Jim Kerrigan; Parks and Recreation Director Dave Johnson; Public Works Director Steve Stadler; and Finance Director Chris Harkess. Also present was Jim Brimeyer PED Pre-budget Economic Development Director Kerrigan briefly listed the programs his department oversees. Mayor Maxwell asked if Hop-a-Ride would be affected the coming year by the Met Transit proposed adjustments that were to reduce service. Mr. Getschow stated that state dollars may have come in during the special session to avoid service reductions and route cuts. Mr. Kerrigan said there are several issues of importance for 2006. The 20`n Avenue town homes are in poor shape. Redevelopment of the area is the logical move, but the federal government regulations make this very difficult. Staff is working on a contract with a consultant who is an expert at working with HUD to get demolitions approved; this would happen after April 2006. If we cannot get government approval, they will have to be repaired. He will keep Council updated. Mayor Maxwell suggested staff contact Congressman Martin Sabo and explain the situation. Section 8 had only l90 units a few years ago; it now has about 430. One staff member works full-time on Section 8, plus another works 8-16 hours a week. This work is done under contract with the Met Council, and their money has been reduced, so staffing may become a problem. Staff is considering a B-4 zoning designation. This would be a "hybrid" B-3 which would be more restrictive commercially, not allowing businesses such as gas stations, hotel/motels, liquor stores, car repair shops, etc. It would apply more to redevelopment areas. Economic Development projects that will be of importance this coming year were briefly highlighted. Shady Oak redevelopment will become important in the future. The listing agent for North Annex gets about 1 call per day, usually from businesses wanting to use the current building. However, Joe DeWitt of SuperValu is hoping to convince corporate executives to accept an offer from Opus, which would be good for Hopkins. The southwest corner of County Road 73 and Highway 7 has not been sold to his knowledge. GPS plans to continue with Biock 64 either this year or next year. Cornerstone has some concerns about Marketplace Lofts, Phase 2, although they remain committed to the project. They are concerned about the larger shortfall due to the additional problems they discussed with Council earlier and about the absorption rate for condos. Kersten Elverum is becoming more involved in Marketing Committee activities. July 26, 2005 Page 2 Referring to budget issues, he said he plans to keep at the 3% expense increase. ~~ He hopes to purchase GIS software ($3200) and get staff trained for it ($2000), but feels he can spread it over his projected budget. Recreation Pre-budget Parks and Recreation Director Johnson said about 34,000 people are using the Joint Recreation program with Minnetonka, a 19% increase over last year. He feels the increase is due to teen programs, preschool programs and the reorganization that occurred six months ago. There are over 550 adult league teams and a scholarship program. Hopkins direct services involve playgrounds used by over 500 youth, field trips, daily activities, a playmobile, and six outdoor skating rinks. Playground camps are back to the normal number. He foresees no budget changes. However he does foresee several future issues: a department analysis with Minnetonka, and Shady Oak Beach water play revisions as it is now considered an outdoor swimming pool under new regulations. Staff is looking into the NRPA "Step Up to Health" program, which we may be able to get grants for. His department is working with the Depot for special events such as canoe trips to the Boundary Waters, paint ball events, etc. ERP Final Review Finance Director Harkess said public works, fire and police departments have made significant adjustments to the lives of their equipment in an effort to assist with the long-term feasibility of the ERP; as a result, maintenance costs increase so all equipment will be analyzed annually to see if adjustments need to be made. Replacement of finance software now will reduce costs for 2013 and 2020 significantly. Replacement of public safety radios was reviewed, and new information from Hennepin County allowed future replacement costs to be reduced. To answer previous Council questions, she spoke with fire department personnel and learned the fire admin vehicle for 2006 is a necessary purchase for the duty officer. Answering Mr. Rowan, she and Mayor Maxwell added it must be able to haul all the emergency equipment and have it easily assessable so a SUV is the logical choice. Some of the used police cars will now be sold instead of being transferred to the fire department. They are still reviewing possible uses for the hazmat truck. Mr. Rowan asked why two parks and forestry trucks were listed for 2009 and 2010. Mr. Stadler said they are 1982 and 1984 Fords. Mr. Rowan suggested one might be moved to 2008. Mr. Brausen asked why the brush chipper was being pushed back as he was concerned about safety issues. Mr. Stadler agreed both it and the logging truck are getting extensively used now and may have to be re-evaluated later. Final approval of the ERP by the Council will be next Wednesday. While work on the budget may change certain items in the plan, it gives guidance to the various departments as they work on their budgets. General Consensus was Ms. Harkess should give a brief presentation at the Council meeting under new business. Ms. Harkess said she has received final approval of the audit and asked if the Council would want a presentation by the auditor at the Council meeting. General Consensus was to have such a presentation. July 26, 2005 Page 3 Third Street North Vacation Request Public Works Director Stadler handed out a sketch he had received from Mr. Van Oort. He said staff received only two responses to the letter sent out to nearby residents explaining the vacation request. One opposed the vacation, the other had no objections. There is evidence the public is using this right of way to access Hilltop Park. Council has the choice to proceed by ordering a public hearing on the vacation at the August 3, 2005, Council meeting or to deny the request. Mr. Rowan noted in the past one could not redevelop land with a public path on it. Ms. Johnson said if this route is closed, people will find somewhere else to cut through, which could make further problems. Mayor Maxwell noted °that applied especially to children. Mr. Rowan noted it has a public purpose now. General Consensus was to deny the request as there is a public purpose in that it is currently being used. They would be open to reconsidering the question if a permanent easement for pedestrians could be incorporated. City Manager Six-month Review At 9:00 p.m. City Manager Rick Getschow left, and the Council met in closed session with Jim Brimeyer for the six-month review of the City Manager. Prior to leaving, Brimeyer provided Getschow and the Council with copies of the evaluation based on input received from the City Council and the City Manager. Getschow returned at 9:27 p.m. Brimeyer stated that he will meet with Getschow in the near future to discuss the evaluation with him and to obtain insights from him. • Council will meet with Getschow and Brimeyer once again to discuss the evaluation and a future work plan. Other Council member Brausen asked the City Manager to be sure to thank PED staff for all of their work on the Block 64 project to date. Council member Thompson requested further follow-up regarding the North Annex property as it relates to TIF dollars and demolition. Council member Johnson asked when the new Hopkins Honda would be opening. Getschow and Mayor Maxwell stated that it was their understanding that mid-September is the planned grand opening. Mayor Maxwell referenced materials received related to the cable transfer that is scheduled for the next Council meeting. Getschow stated that staff has a copy of the materials and will address it at the meeting. Getschow stated that the new Fire Chief Specken's first day is Friday, July 29. Getschow stated that he joint Minnetonka-Hopkins Shady Oak Road public hearing will • be Tuesday, August 23 at 7:00 p.m. in Minnetonka City Hall. July 26, 2005 Page 4 • Council members discussed plans for National Night Out which is scheduled for next Tuesday, August 2. Motion by Johnson, second by Thompson to adjourn at 9:50 p.m. Kasey Kester, Secretary ATTEST: Eu e e J. axwell, Ma or g Y •