06-26-07 WSJune 26, 2007 Page 1 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION -June 26, 2007 A work session of the Hopkins City Council was called to order by Mayor Gene Maxwell at 6:30 p.m. on June 26, 2007, at the Hopkins City Hall. Council members Kristi Halverson, Bruce Rowan, Jay Thompson and Cheryl Youakim were present. City personnel present were City Manager Rick Getschow, Finance Director Christine Harkess, City Engineer John Bradford and Public Worlcs Director Steve Stadler. CIP Review Ms. Harkess noted that the $57,600 under the 2007 Pavilion projects was for lighting and tiling. Mr. Thompson asked if all park improvements came from this fund. Mr. Stadler said there had been bond issues in the 90's. He added that the Park Board is now doing a survey, which may result in changes to the capital improvements as planned. Mr. Getschow noted that there had been no park dedication fees until the past 20 years. Ms. Harkess added many cities let that fee be paid in either money or land. Mayor Maxwell noted Hopkins does not include land donations. Mr. Bradford added land donations, even if Hopkins allowed them, would be at the city's option, not the developer's. Mr. Getschow said he feel there will always be some redevelopment in progress in Hopkins, probably resulting in $20,000-$30,000 per year long- term. He added that once the Park Board gets its survey results, decisions can be made on the Pavilion and Art Center projects. Mr. Stadler added those results should be available in September. Municipal State Aid Fund Ms. Harkess noted that bonds to cover Excelsior Blvd. Streetscape expenses will go on sale next month. She believes we owe Hennepin County over $2 million for Excelsior Blvd., but she has been unable to get a firm figure from them. When the bill comes, Hopkins will need a bond issue for that. Answering Mayor Maxwell, she said the city has some of that money on hand, but not all of it due to the other projects. Ms. Harkess explained the city is allowed to issue bonds against the state aid fund and then the city makes the payments as they get the state funds. She added she wants to clear up the $61,270 presently against the Municipal State Aid Fund. There should be no problem meeting the current projects and the bond payments for the Hennepin County bill, once they submit it. Mayor Maxwell said fences along Excelsior Blvd. will be an issue for landowners if no work is to be done until 2011 or later. Mr. Bradford said all preliminary plans for that area were very fuzzy and not good enough for land acquisition. Mr. Stadler added there would need to be changes on the south side plans. Ms. Youal~im asked who would pay for the fences. Mr. Getschow said it would be the County's responsibility, with Hopkins having to also pay a share, as with the whole Boulevard project. Perhaps staff should check with the County. Ms. Youakim agreed, adding then the city should send a letter to landowners affected by the fence issue. Mr. Bradford noted the County would respond that the project is unfunded but still planned. Mayor Maxwell said residents need to know what they can and cannot do. Mr. Stadler agreed a letter to residents saying the city is unable to determine fences now is a good idea. Mr. Getschow added the letter should say it would be at least four years before the city would have that information. Mr. Rowan asked who is responsible for the fences, noting some of the present ones are in poor shape. Mr. Stadler said the city is. Mayor Maxwell asked about a past proposal to add more city streets to the state aid highways. Mr. Stadler said part of Washington Ave. had been added. Mr. Bradford added that June 26, 2007 Page 2 was done as a trade for part of the road by SuperValu. Hopkins stays as close to the maximum miles allowed as possible. Ms. Youakim asked if a bike lane could be striped on 2"d St. NE between 5th and the bridge. Mr. Stadler agreed something needed to be done near the park. Capital Improvement Fund Ms. Harkess noted Pavilion projects had been put in this fund for the next several years. Projects this year included city hall carpet and HVAC upgrading. The City Hall lobby upgrade was moved to 2008 as there was not enough money for it. 2008 projects also include City Hall boiler upgrade, Activity Center window replacement and gym floor refinishing and Art Center carpet. Ms. Youakim asked if park dedication fees could pay for some of the Art Center and Activity Center projects. Mr. Getschow said that might be possible. He added the Pavilion message sign will need to be discussed with the school district. PIR Fund Ms. Harkess noted that some of the special assessments are coming to an end so 2007 and 2008 figures are lower than previous years. Mayor Maxwell noted some residents had made comments about the city's infrastructure and asked if figures could be provided showing how much improvement has been done to it. Mr. Bradford said that could be done. Ms. Youakim suggested those figures be put on the city website, adding how many miles of sewer lines, etc. be included. Refuse Fund Ms. Harkess said no projects are scheduled for 2008. Under the current ERP a new refuse truck is scheduled for 2010. Recycling fees will increase in 2008. Mr. Rowan fees should not go up unless city costs do. Mr. Stadler said city costs increase every year. Mayor Maxwell asked about organic recycling. Mr. Stadler said Minnetonka has a pilot project of five containers. Mr. Getschow added the city is receiving grant funds for a pilot project at the Depot Coffee House. Mr. Stadler added organic recycling is done by the school district. Mr. Getschow said staff could do a flyer on how "green" Hopkins is. Mr. Stadler added he could put something together about organic recycling. Pavilion Fund Ms. Harkess noted the figures for this fund show why the Pavilion cannot pay for their capital improvements. Once the Interfund Loan is paid off in 2014 this fund should be okay. Mr. Getschow said in two weeks the Council would work on the utility information. If the Council wants to revisit any CIP issues, they could do so then. Mayor Maxwell asked about the school district's interest in the tennis courts. Mr. Stadler said they had expressed interest in a soccer area. They and staff are still considering proposed plans. Wellhead Protection Plan Mr. Stadler said the WPP is mandated by the Minnesota Department of Health. Goals are to protect source water aquifers used for public water supplies and to assure sustainable future supplies. Other goals include education. Hopkins has three wells that draw from the Jordan/Prairie Du Chien underground aquifers. We work with neighboring cities where management areas overlap. We need to make sure storage tanks are safe and the wells are not contaminated. Ms. Youakim asked why there were no wells numbered 2 and 3 on the map. Mr. Stadler said those wells were abandoned, but the numbering of other wells had to stay the same. Mr. Rowan asked why some parts of Hopkins were not in the water management area. Mr. Stadler said those parts do not affect Hopkins' water supply as water drainage is in a different direction. Mr. Getschow noted the problems in Woodbury and Oakdale have made the public more aware of water supply issues. Mayor Maxwell asked about the public hearing on July 23; Mr. Stadler said it would be like the stormwater meetings. Answering Mr. Rowan, he said June 26, 2007 Page 3 Hopkins has to rely on MPCA to do the actual monitoring of storage tanks, but staff knows the location of all wells and tanks. Other Mr. Rowan noted the resident concerned about alley lighting had contacted him. He thinks the resident will appear at the next Council meeting. He told him he feels the Council will find as many residents do not want alley lighting as those who do. Mr. Getschow noted Mr. Bradford is checking with Xcel to find out how many residents are lighting alleys on their own. Ms. Youakim added motion sensors on garages would do the same j ob. Mr. Thompson asked about the Oakridge project before Zoning and Planning. The previous approval was for 14-16 units, but the plans show 27. Mr. Getschow handed out copies of a couple letters relating to the project and said he would check on the number of units. Ms. Halverson asked about the Blake School electronic sign. Mr. Getschow said they had gotten a permit for it. Mayor Maxwell said other such signs have had to go through Planning and Zoning. Mr. Getschow will check with staff. Mr. Getschow reminded Council members the next meeting is on Monday. Congressman Keith Ellison will attend to update Council on federal matters. He also reminded them that the City picnic is in Burnes Park on August 9. On motion by Ms. Halverson and second by Ms. Youakim, the meeting adjourned at 8:1 S p.m. on a vote of 5-0. Kasey Kester, Secretary ATTE T: Euge xwell, Mayor COUNCIL MEMBERS